
62 lines
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using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
namespace dotbot.Commands
public class Weather : ModuleBase<SocketCommandContext>
private IConfigurationRoot _config;
private string OwmApiUrl = "";
private string GeoNamesUrl = "";
public Weather(IConfigurationRoot config)
_config = config;
OwmApiUrl += $"?APPID={_config["tokens:owm"]}&units=metric";
GeoNamesUrl += $"?username={_config["tokens:geonames"]}";
[Summary("gets the weather for your location")]
public async Task GetWeather()
// TODO: check if user has saved location and do API lookup
await ReplyAsync("good weather");
[Summary("look up the weather at a mentioned user's saved location")]
public async Task LookupWeatherForUser([Summary("user to check time for")] IUser user)
// TODO: check if they're in DB
// TODO: convert to tz
await ReplyAsync($"it's __ weather for {user.Mention}");
[Summary("look up the weather at a specified location")]
public async Task LookupWeather([Remainder] [Summary("location")] string location)
// TODO: API lookup
await ReplyAsync($"the weather in {location} is crap");
[Summary("save a location for timezone and weather")]
public async Task SaveUserLocation([Remainder] [Summary("location")] string location)
// TODO: lookup location detail
// TODO: save to db
await ReplyAsync($"you location has been saved as {location}");