
91 lines
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using Discord.Commands;
using dotbot.Services;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace dotbot.Commands
public class Hangman : ModuleBase<SocketCommandContext>
static internal string[] Gallows = File.ReadAllText("gallows.txt").Split('=');
public Dictionary<ulong, HangmanSession> _games;
public Hangman(HangmanService hangman)
_games = hangman._activeGames;
[Summary("start a game of hangman!")]
public async Task StartGame([Remainder] string secret)
await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
var gameId = Context.Channel.Id;
_games.Add(gameId, new HangmanSession(secret));
await ReplyAsync($"{_games[gameId]}");
[Summary("ends a hangman session")]
public async Task StopGame()
var gameId = Context.Channel.Id;
if (_games.ContainsKey(gameId))
var game = _games[gameId];
await ReplyAsync($"game over. the secret word was {game.SecretWord}");
await ReplyAsync("no game running in this channel...");
public class HangmanSession
internal string SecretWord;
internal IEnumerable<char> SecretWordLetters
=> SecretWord.ToCharArray().Distinct().OrderBy(a => a);
public string ShowSecretWord
=> $"Word: {string.Join("", SecretWord.ToCharArray().Select(c => $"{(GuessedLetters.Contains(c) ? c : c == ' ' ? ' ' : '_')} "))}";
internal List<char> GuessedLetters;
private int Guesses;
public bool GameOver
=> SecretWordLetters.SequenceEqual(GuessedLetters.OrderBy(c => c))
|| Guesses >= Hangman.Gallows.Length;
public HangmanSession(string secretWord)
SecretWord = secretWord;
GuessedLetters = new List<char>();
Guesses = 0;
public bool Guess(char guess)
if (GuessedLetters.Contains(guess)) return false;
if (!SecretWordLetters.Contains(guess)) Guesses++;
return true;
public override string ToString()
=> $"```{Hangman.Gallows[Guesses]}\n{ShowSecretWord}\n\n"
+ $"Guessed Letters: {string.Join(' ', GuessedLetters)}\n"
+ $"Incorrect Letters: {string.Join(' ', GuessedLetters.Except(SecretWordLetters))}```";