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2021-11-08 19:06:11 +00:00
# Help
## Running the tests
You can run the tests by opening a command prompt in the exercise's directory, and then running the [`dotnet test` command](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-test)
Alternatively, most IDE's have built-in support for running tests, including [Visual Studio](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/test/run-unit-tests-with-test-explorer), [Rider](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Unit_Testing_in_Solution.html) and [Visual Studio code](https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/wiki/How-to-run-and-debug-unit-tests).
See the [tests page](https://exercism.io/tracks/csharp/tests) for more information.
## Skipped tests
Initially, only the first test will be enabled.
This is to encourage you to solve the exercise one step at a time.
Once you get the first test passing, remove the `Skip` property from the next test and work on getting that test passing.
## Submitting your solution
You can submit your solution using the `exercism submit WizardsAndWarriors.cs` command.
This command will upload your solution to the Exercism website and print the solution page's URL.
It's possible to submit an incomplete solution which allows you to:
- See how others have completed the exercise
- Request help from a mentor
## Need to get help?
If you'd like help solving the exercise, check the following pages:
- The [C# track's documentation](https://exercism.org/docs/tracks/csharp)
- [Exercism's support channel on gitter](https://gitter.im/exercism/support)
- The [Frequently Asked Questions](https://exercism.org/docs/using/faqs)
Should those resources not suffice, you could submit your (incomplete) solution to request mentoring.
To get help if you're having trouble, you can use one of the following resources:
- [Gitter](https://gitter.im/exercism/xcsharp) is Exercism C# track's Gitter room; go here to get support and ask questions related to the C# track.
- [/r/csharp](https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp) is the C# subreddit.
- [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/c%23) can be used to search for your problem and see if it has been answered already. You can also ask and answer questions.