defmodule Tournament do defmodule Stat do defstruct mp: 0, w: 0, d: 0, l: 0, p: 0 end @doc """ Given `input` lines representing two teams and whether the first of them won, lost, or reached a draw, separated by semicolons, calculate the statistics for each team's number of games played, won, drawn, lost, and total points for the season, and return a nicely-formatted string table. A win earns a team 3 points, a draw earns 1 point, and a loss earns nothing. Order the outcome by most total points for the season, and settle ties by listing the teams in alphabetical order. """ @spec tally(input :: list(String.t())) :: String.t() def tally(input) do import String, only: [pad_trailing: 2, pad_leading: 2] input |>, ";")) |> Enum.filter(&(length(&1) == 3 &&, 2) in ["win", "loss", "draw"])) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn [team1, team2, outcome], acc -> acc |> Map.put(team1, stats(Map.get(acc, team1, %Stat{}), outcome)) |> Map.put(team2, stats(Map.get(acc, team2, %Stat{}), opposite_outcome(outcome))) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn {name, hist} -> {-hist.p, name} end) |> Enum.reduce("Team | MP | W | D | L | P", fn {name, hist}, acc -> acc <> "\n" <> Enum.join( [ pad_trailing(name, 30), pad_leading(to_string(, 2), pad_leading(to_string(hist.w), 2), pad_leading(to_string(hist.d), 2), pad_leading(to_string(hist.l), 2), pad_leading(to_string(hist.p), 2) ], " | " ) end) end defp stats(team, "win"), do: %{team | mp: + 1, w: team.w + 1, p: team.p + 3} defp stats(team, "loss"), do: %{team | mp: + 1, l: team.l + 1} defp stats(team, "draw"), do: %{team | mp: + 1, d: team.d + 1, p: team.p + 1} defp opposite_outcome(outcome) do case outcome do "win" -> "loss" "loss" -> "win" "draw" -> "draw" end end end