require 'minitest/autorun' require_relative 'grains' # Common test data version: 1.0.0 2e0e77e class GrainsTest < Minitest::Test def test_1 assert_equal 1, Grains.square(1) end def test_2 assert_equal 2, Grains.square(2) end def test_3 assert_equal 4, Grains.square(3) end def test_4 assert_equal 8, Grains.square(4) end def test_16 assert_equal 32_768, Grains.square(16) end def test_32 assert_equal 2_147_483_648, Grains.square(32) end def test_64 assert_equal 9_223_372_036_854_775_808, Grains.square(64) end def test_square_0_raises_an_exception assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Grains.square(0) } end def test_negative_square_raises_an_exception assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Grains.square(-1) } end def test_square_greater_than_64_raises_an_exception assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Grains.square(65) } end def test_returns_the_total_number_of_grains_on_the_board assert_equal 18_446_744_073_709_551_615, end # Problems in exercism evolve over time, as we find better ways to ask # questions. # The version number refers to the version of the problem you solved, # not your solution. # # Define a constant named VERSION inside of the top level BookKeeping # module, which may be placed near the end of your file. # # In your file, it will look like this: # # module BookKeeping # VERSION = 1 # Where the version number matches the one in the test. # end # # If you are curious, read more about constants on RubyDoc: # def test_bookkeeping assert_equal 1, BookKeeping::VERSION end end