require 'minitest/autorun' require_relative 'leap' # Common test data version: 1.1.0 7f4d0d8 class Date def leap? raise RuntimeError, "Implement this yourself instead of using Ruby's implementation." end alias gregorian_leap? leap? alias julian_leap? leap? end class YearTest < Minitest::Test def test_year_not_divisible_by_4_common_year refute Year.leap?(2015), "Expected 'false', 2015 is not a leap year." end def test_year_divisible_by_4_not_divisible_by_100_leap_year assert Year.leap?(2020), "Expected 'true', 2020 is a leap year." end def test_year_divisible_by_100_not_divisible_by_400_common_year refute Year.leap?(2100), "Expected 'false', 2100 is not a leap year." end def test_year_divisible_by_400_leap_year assert Year.leap?(2000), "Expected 'true', 2000 is a leap year." end # Problems in exercism evolve over time, as we find better ways to ask # questions. # The version number refers to the version of the problem you solved, # not your solution. # # Define a constant named VERSION inside of the top level BookKeeping # module, which may be placed near the end of your file. # # In your file, it will look like this: # # module BookKeeping # VERSION = 1 # Where the version number matches the one in the test. # end # # If you are curious, read more about constants on RubyDoc: # def test_bookkeeping assert_equal 3, BookKeeping::VERSION end end