if !System.get_env("EXERCISM_TEST_EXAMPLES") do Code.load_file("scrabble.exs", __DIR__) end ExUnit.start() ExUnit.configure(trace: true) defmodule ScrabbleScoreTest do use ExUnit.Case # @tag :pending test "empty word scores zero" do assert Scrabble.score("") == 0 end @tag :pending test "whitespace scores zero" do assert Scrabble.score(" \t\n") == 0 end @tag :pending test "scores very short word" do assert Scrabble.score("a") == 1 end @tag :pending test "scores other very short word" do assert Scrabble.score("f") == 4 end @tag :pending test "simple word scores the number of letters" do assert Scrabble.score("street") == 6 end @tag :pending test "complicated word scores more" do assert Scrabble.score("quirky") == 22 end @tag :pending test "scores are case insensitive" do assert Scrabble.score("OXYPHENBUTAZONE") == 41 end @tag :pending test "convenient scoring" do assert Scrabble.score("alacrity") == 13 end end