defmodule Garden do @doc """ Accepts a string representing the arrangement of cups on a windowsill and a list with names of students in the class. The student names list does not have to be in alphabetical order. It decodes that string into the various gardens for each student and returns that information in a map. """ @names ~w(alice bob charlie david eve fred ginny harriet ileana joseph kincaid larry)a @flowers %{C: :clover, G: :grass, R: :radishes, V: :violets} @spec info(String.t(), list) :: map def info(info_string, student_names \\ @names) do [row1, row2] = String.split(info_string, "\n") student_names |> Enum.sort() |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.into(%{}, fn {name, indx} -> {name, (indx * 2)..(indx * 2 + 1)} end) |> Enum.into(%{}, fn {name, range} -> {name, (String.slice(row1, range) <> String.slice(row2, range)) |> String.codepoints() |> plant -> @flowers[String.to_existing_atom(plant)] end) |> List.to_tuple()} end) end end