Ben Harris 1073342e2f start bash track 2021-11-09 22:38:55 -05:00
.exercism start bash track 2021-11-09 22:38:55 -05:00
HELP.md start bash track 2021-11-09 22:38:55 -05:00
README.md start bash track 2021-11-09 22:38:55 -05:00
bats-extra.bash start bash track 2021-11-09 22:38:55 -05:00
two_fer.bats start bash track 2021-11-09 22:38:55 -05:00
two_fer.sh start bash track 2021-11-09 22:38:55 -05:00


Two Fer

Welcome to Two Fer on Exercism's Bash Track. If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out HELP.md.


Two-fer or 2-fer is short for two for one. One for you and one for me.

Given a name, return a string with the message:

One for name, one for me.

Where "name" is the given name.

However, if the name is missing, return the string:

One for you, one for me.

Here are some examples:

Name String to return
Alice One for Alice, one for me.
Bob One for Bob, one for me.
One for you, one for me.
Zaphod One for Zaphod, one for me.


Created by

  • @Smarticles101

Contributed to by

  • @alirezaghey
  • @bkhl
  • @budmc29
  • @glennj
  • @guygastineau
  • @IsaacG
  • @kotp
  • @kytrinyx
  • @sjwarner-bp
  • @ZapAnton

Based on
