[dev] # Change this to the actual location of your site # You can include a path in the domain if it's a subdirectory # i.e. domain=drewdevault.com/donate # omit the trailing slash protocol=http domain=localhost:5000 # Change this value to something random and secret secret-key=hello world # On the debug server, this lets you choose what to bind to debug-host= debug-port=5000 # Fill out these details with your mail server smtp-host=mail.you.com smtp-port=587 smtp-user=you smtp-password=password smtp-from=donate@you.com # Your information your-name=Joe Bloe your-email=joe@bloe.com # ^ you should have a gravatar that works with this email # SQL connection string connection-string=postgresql://postgres@localhost/fosspay # Stripe API info: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys stripe-secret= stripe-publish= # Currency to use # "usd" for dollar, "eur" for euro # refer to stripe documentation for details : https://stripe.com/docs/currencies currency=usd # Separate with spaces default-amounts=3 5 10 20 # Which one to pick when they arrive? default-amount=5 # Pick between "monthly" and "once" default-type=monthly # Display monthly donations publically public-income=yes # How much are you hoping to earn monthly, in cents goal=500 # Optional Patreon integration # Register a client here: https://www.patreon.com/portal/registration/register-clients # And put in the "Creator's Access Token" here: patreon-access-token= # And the "Creator's Refresh Token" here: patreon-refresh-token= # Client ID patreon-client-id= # Client secret patreon-client-secret= # And the Patreon campaign you want to connect with: patreon-campaign= # Optional LiberaPay integration, fill in your username here liberapay-campaign= # Command to reload fosspay (send it a SIGHUP) reload-command=kill -HUP $(pgrep -xf '/usr/bin/python3.*app.py' | tail -n 1)