{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %} Gestion des dons {% endblock %} {% block body %}

Obtenir un bouton de donation Se déconnecter

Gestion des dons

Utilisez cette page en plus du panneau de contrôle Stripe pour davantage d'informations.

{% if first %}

You're set up and ready to go! This is your admin panel. Next steps:

  1. Set up a cron job to handle monthly donations. Relevant documentation .
  2. Add some projects. Donors can tell you which project they want to support when they donate.
  3. Customize the look & feel. Look at the contents of the templates directory - you can copy and paste any of these templates into the overrides directory and change it to suit your needs.
  4. Donate to fosspay upstream?
  5. Contribute code to fosspay upstream?
{% endif %}


{% for project in projects %} {% endfor %}
Projets Uniques Récurrents (actifs) Récurrents (somme totale)
{{ project.name }} {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(one_times(project) / 100)) }} {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(recurring(project) / 100)) }} {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(recurring_ever(project) / 100)) }}
(non précisé) {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(unspecified_one_times / 100)) }} {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(unspecified_recurring / 100)) }} {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(unspecified_recurring_ever / 100)) }}
Total {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(total_one_time / 100)) }} {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(total_recurring / 100)) }} {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(total_recurring_ever / 100)) }}

Ajouter un projet

Les donateurices ne pourront pas choisir de projet avant que vous en ayez ajouté au moins deux.

Dons récents (50 derniers)

{% for donation in donations %} {% endfor %}
Date Email Projet Commentaire Montant Type Payments
{{ donation.created.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") }} {{ donation.user.email }} {{ donation.project.name if donation.project else "" }} {{ donation.comment if donation.comment else "" }} {{ currency.amount("{:.2f}".format(donation.amount / 100)) }} {{ "Unique" if str(donation.type) == "DonationType.one_time" else "Mensuel" }} {{ "(cancelled)" if not donation.active else "" }} {{donation.payments}}
{% endblock %}