import smtplib import pystache import os import html.parser from email.mime.text import MIMEText from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from flask import url_for from fosspay.database import db from fosspay.objects import User from fosspay.config import _cfg, _cfgi def send_thank_you(user, amount, monthly): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.ehlo() smtp.starttls() smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/thank-you") as f: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(\ pystache.render(, { "user": user, "root": _cfg("protocol") + "://" + _cfg("domain"), "your_name": _cfg("your-name"), "amount": "{:.2f}".format(amount / 100), "monthly": monthly, "your_email": _cfg("your-email") }))) message['Subject'] = "Thank you for your donation!" message['From'] = _cfg("smtp-from") message['To'] = smtp.sendmail(_cfg("smtp-from"), [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit() def send_password_reset(user): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.ehlo() smtp.starttls() smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/reset-password") as f: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(\ pystache.render(, { "user": user, "root": _cfg("protocol") + "://" + _cfg("domain"), "your_name": _cfg("your-name"), "your_email": _cfg("your-email") }))) message['Subject'] = "Reset your donor password" message['From'] = _cfg("smtp-from") message['To'] = smtp.sendmail(_cfg("smtp-from"), [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit() def send_declined(user, amount): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.ehlo() smtp.starttls() smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/declined") as f: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(\ pystache.render(, { "user": user, "root": _cfg("protocol") + "://" + _cfg("domain"), "your_name": _cfg("your-name"), "amount": "{:.2f}".format(amount / 100) }))) message['Subject'] = "Your monthly donation was declined." message['From'] = _cfg("smtp-from") message['To'] = smtp.sendmail(_cfg("smtp-from"), [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()