# ShareX-Custom-Upload A little PHP script created for uploading custom sharex files to your own webserver # Setup First we start by uploading the contents of the 'src' directory to the root of our website Next is the configuration file, found in /u/config.php here there are a few key settings ``` /* This is a secure key that only you should know, an added layer of security for the image upload */ 'secure_key' => 'somerandomlongstringoftextforkey', /* This is the url your output will be, usually http://www.domain.com/u/, also going to this url will be the gallery page */ 'output_url' => 'http://example.com/u/', /* This is a redirect url if the script is accessed directly */ 'redirect_url' => 'http://example.com/', /* This is a list of IPs that can access the gallery page (Leave empty for universal access) */ 'allowed_ips' => array('', ''), /* Page title of the gallery page */ 'page_title' => 'My Upload Site', /* Heading text at the top of the gallery page */ 'heading_text' => 'Uploading Site', ``` # ShareX Configuration Next we need to setup our ShareX to use the custom uploader ``` 1. From the ShareX main application we go to Destinations > Destination Settings 2. Scroll down to 'custom uploaders' add a new profile 3. Request type POST, the url should be http://www.example.com/upload.php 4. File from name `d' 5. Arguments are: - key, this should be set to the 'secure key' you set in your config.php - name, this is how the files will be named, for mine, i use '%h.%mi.%s-%d.%mo.%yy' 6. The setup is now complete, test your uploader and it 'should' work! ``` # Preview of the gallery page ![Preview of gallery](http://jiy.io/22.40.35-07.03.17.png) # Planned Features 1. Create an option to backup your files as a zip archive (optional through config) 2. Add a way to display images on hover, so you can quickly scan through (optional through config) 3. Password login for the page as an option in the config