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""?> - benharr.is - - - - -
- profile pic -

hello, i'm ben harris

- - -
- -
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5239213 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ + + + + + + + Ben Harris + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ benharr.is +

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

i'm a software developer


i write code and do stuff on the internet

+ +

about me


+ i grew up in the upper peninsula of michigan, received a + bachelor's in computer science from northern michigan university, + and now work professionally as a software developer in traverse + city, michigan. +


+ i like building software and community through code and sysadmin + tools. my current day job involves writing c# for desktop + applications. my primary hobby project is + tilde.team, a non-commercial public access unix system focused + on teaching, learning, and building community. +


+ some fun facts about me: +

  • i'm left handed
  • +
  • i love to travel and have lived in ecuador and switzerland
  • +
  • i tend to avoid uppercase letters if i can help it
  • +
+ +
+ +

what i've been up to

+ +
  • living in traverse city, mi
  • +
  • working at hagerty as a software developer
  • +
  • honing my c# skills
  • +
  • thinking of cool ideas for tilde.team
  • +
  • probably definitely spending too much time on irc??? tilde-irc
  • +
  • running stuff for the tildeverse
  • +
  • learning about and using xmpp and hosting some xmpp servers.
  • +
  • doing my best to stay safe and sane during a pandemic
  • +

updated december 14, 2020

+ +
+ +


+ +

besides tilde.team, i'm also involved in several other projects, including:

+ + +
+ +


+ +

+ feel free to get in touch via any of the links at the top, or preferably, drop + me a line on irc (if i'm not around, i'll see it soon™). i'm benharri + on freenode and ben on + tilde.chat +


note that the pubkey linked in the header is for my tilde email: ben@tilde.team, so be sure to use that address if you need to gpg some mail to me.

+ +

i'm also on xmpp as ben@hmm.st. feel free to drop me a line there if irc is too tricky!


if you don't have an xmpp account, you can register one on my server. there's even a web chat!

+ +
+ + diff --git a/index.php b/index.php deleted file mode 100644 index 67ed456..0000000 --- a/index.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ - - -

i'm a software developer


i write code and do stuff on the internet

- -

about me


- i grew up in the upper peninsula of michigan, received a - bachelor's in computer science from northern michigan university, - and now work professionally as a software developer in traverse - city, michigan. -


- i like building software and community through code and sysadmin - tools. my current day job involves writing c# for desktop - applications. my primary hobby project is - tilde.team, a non-commercial public access unix system focused - on teaching, learning, and building community. -


- some fun facts about me: -

  • i'm left handed
  • -
  • i love to travel and have lived in ecuador and switzerland
  • -
  • i tend to avoid uppercase letters if i can help it
  • -
- -


- -

besides tilde.team, i'm also involved in several other projects, including:

- - -



- feel free to get in touch via any of the links at the top, or preferably, drop - me a line on irc (if i'm not around, i'll see it soon™). i'm benharri - on freenode and ben on - tilde.chat -

- -