2018-06-09 02:43:04 -04:00

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<channel><title>dreamlog // ~ben</title><link>https://tilde.team/~ben/dreamlog/index.html</link>
<description>my dreamlog</description><language>en</language>
<lastBuildDate>Sat, 09 Jun 2018 01:58:23 -0400</lastBuildDate>
<pubDate>Sat, 09 Jun 2018 01:58:23 -0400</pubDate>
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<p>I was somewhere on the shore near an ocean, looked kind of like some level from halo reach and then there was some raised sidewalk and I climbed up it and I had a tail with extendable claws like wolverine. I could crumble some of the bricks and iwas able to crush the bricks that covered some steps and it turned out they were made of smarties. </p>
<p>War started happening around me and then there was talk of different kinds of bombs and sicknesses, and john was there and we were trying to get on a flight out of there. We got into the airport and then I switched characters in the dream.</p>
<p>Now I was the daughter of some rich peoples, so we headed off to the middle of nowhere to get away from war. We found this house that was hanging under some cliff(I had seen it before in internet,). It was cool and we climbed down into it and was kinda cool then one of the stairwells was blocked. It turned into fallout 3 style graphics and I had to pick stuff up and move it out of the way. </p>
<p>Tags: <a href='tag_dreams.html'>dreams</a></p>
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<pubDate>Sat, 09 Jun 2018 01:57:59 -0400</pubDate></item>
<p>I was on a large flying cruise ship. It flew in to NYC and we could see all the people on the tops of the buildings. Then we transferred to a type of train car and rode down the train track, where we avoided a bunch of obstacles and made it to the end. We all got in a bus and then we were in Ecuador and we were in the mountains. We drove around for a while until we got to this garage. I could hear some creaking noises and there were bulls pushing a spinny thing to generate power. The bulls couldn't get it started because one of them had hit its head earlier that day. They finally got it moving so the spinners could mash the fruit that was on the ground. I turned around to look at something else and suddenly they asked me if I mind getting dirty. The spiny generator had turned into a fenced off arena type thing. They rubbed mineral spirits on my shoulders and gave me some winter gloves, then put me in the arena. Next a bull was led in to the arena with me. I was terrified at first. Then I realized that it didn't hurt if he ran into me. I was slow as molasses and could never seem to get out of his way. He wasn't all that big so I was able to grab his nose and jostle him around. He seemed to be more like a big puppy than anything else. He seemed ready to be done but he whimpered at me and pawed at the game almost like he wanted me to chase him, so I did. </p>
<p>Then I woke up. </p>
<p>Tags: <a href='tag_dreams.html'>dreams</a></p>
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<pubDate>Sat, 09 Jun 2018 01:57:24 -0400</pubDate></item>
<p>I was in the mountains and I had some kind of boxes that I would open each day and they contained my orders for that day. I was engineering some kind of ice stuff. The next day in the dream we are at the top of the mountain and we are using some of the stuff I developed on the ice. It was supposed to stabilize it or something. It didn't. The path below slowly shattered. The man standing down there slid down as it sort of avalanched but slowly and more spiky. </p>
<p>Then I somehow slid down to the bottom and tried to help stop the avalanche. I was running around the base of the mountain, passing under chairlifts along the way. Eventually I found one that was running perpendicular to the mountain and there were a few chairs on it. When I closer to the end of it, it turned into beach and seemed somewhat like Ecuador. When I reached the end of the line, another man attached an Australian flag to the lift cable. As the lift sped up I headed back with it. Then the dog that had accompanied me thusfar started barking shrilly. We re-entered the mountain peak that stood opposite the ski hill and went up the escalators. The dog fought off some people and then continued to bark annoyingly. </p>
<p>Tags: <a href='tag_dreams.html'>dreams</a></p>
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<pubDate>Sat, 09 Jun 2018 01:56:36 -0400</pubDate></item>
<p>I went on exchange again to China. I didn't know any Chinese and arrived at the airport around midday. My host family found me quickly: they were Americans and spoke English. </p>
<p>We went to their house and it was quite nice. I don't remember seeing much of it, not even my room. I got the address of the house and then we left to go to a convenience store. We drove on the highway for a while. The car was red and I remember seeing it in third person just as you would see it in GTA. We pulled over and parked some ways down the road and then started walking. We walked close to a mile down the road where I kept seeing familiar faces. It seemed there were lots of gringos there. </p>
<p>At the entrance to the gas station convenience store I saw the guillens, all five of them. I hugged them all and asked them what they were doing there, which they didn't satisfactorily answer. </p>
<p>I went inside and looked around for something to get. I didn't have any Chinese money but I looked through the whole store anyways. They had a lot of typical snacks like we would have here. They also had packaged meals in plastic bags: a lot of them were tomato based for some reason. </p>
<p>I don't remember getting anything and then I woke up. </p>
<p>Tags: <a href='tag_dreams.html'>dreams</a></p>
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<pubDate>Sat, 09 Jun 2018 01:54:07 -0400</pubDate></item>