#!/usr/bin/env python3 from random import randint, choice from tracery.modifiers import base_english import configparser import glob import json import os import random import re import socket import subprocess import sys import time import traceback import tracery DB = {} config = configparser.ConfigParser( converters={"list": lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(",")]} ) config.read("config.ini") bot = config["irc"] def grammar(rules): try: res = tracery.Grammar(rules) res.add_modifiers(base_english) return res except Exception as e: print(e) def load_rules(path): try: with open(path) as f: return json.loads(f.read()) except Exception as e: print(e) def populate(): global DB DB = {} for p in glob.glob("/home/*/.tracery/*"): name, ext = os.path.splitext(p) if name.startswith(".") or ext not in (".json", ""): continue if p in DB: DB[name].append(grammar(load_rules(p))) else: DB[name] = [grammar(load_rules(p))] populate() def generate(rule): populate() if rule in DB: g = random.choice(DB[rule]) return g.flatten("#origin#") def listify(col): if type(col) == type([]): return col else: return [col] def shuffle(col): a = random.choice(list(col)) b = random.choice(list(col)) if "origin" in [a, b]: return col col[a], col[b] = col[b], col[a] return col def fuse(argv): populate() raw = {} for gk in argv: if gk in DB: g = random.choice(DB[gk]).raw for k in g: if k in raw: raw[k] = listify(raw[k]) + listify(g[k]) else: raw[k] = g[k] for i in range(20): raw = shuffle(raw) return grammar(raw).flatten("#origin#") def rawsend(msg): print(msg) ircsock.send(f"{msg}\r\n".encode()) def send(chan, msg): rawsend(f"PRIVMSG #{chan} :{msg}") def think(chan, nick, msg): words = re.split("[ \t\s]+", msg) if len(words) > 0 and nick != bot["nick"]: if words[0] == "!!list": res = "" for k in DB: res += k + " " send(chan, res[:475]) elif words[0] == "!!fuse": if "|" in words: res = fuse(words[1 : words.index("|")]) if res: send(chan, " ".join(words[words.index("|") + 1 :]) + " " + res) else: res = fuse(words[1:]) if res: send(chan, res[0:475]) elif words[0] == "!!source": send(chan, "https://tildegit.org/ben/tracer") elif words[0] == "!botlist" or words[0] == "!!help": send( chan, "helo i'm a tracery bot that makes cool things from tracery grammars in your ~/.tracery. see http://tracery.io for more info", ) elif words[0][0:2] == "!!": print(words) res = generate(words[0][2:]) if res: if len(words) >= 3: if words[1] == "|": send(chan, " ".join(words[2:]) + " " + res) else: send(chan, res) else: send(chan, res) if __name__ == "__main__": ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ircsock.connect((bot["server"], int(bot["port"]))) rawsend("NICK %s" % bot["nick"]) rawsend("USER %s 0 * :tracery bot" % bot["nick"]) while 1: for msg in ircsock.recv(2048).decode().split("\r\n"): print(msg) if "PING" in msg: rawsend(msg.replace("I", "O", 1)) if "INVITE" in msg: chan = msg.split(":")[-1] rawsend(f"JOIN {chan}") if "001" in msg: for c in bot.getlist("channels"): rawsend(f"JOIN {c}") rawsend("MODE %s +B" % bot["nick"]) m = re.match( ":(?P[^ ]+)!.*PRIVMSG #(?P\w+) :(?P.*)", msg ) if m and m.groupdict(): m = m.groupdict() try: think(m["chan"], m["nick"], m["msg"]) except Exception as e: print("ERROR" + str(m)) print(e) traceback.print_exc()