Makefile to replace both shell scripts

This commit is contained in:
terris Station 2019-12-09 18:21:59 -05:00
parent aa411d01dd
commit 61b7e23dab

ebook-storybook/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
SHELL := /bin/bash
# Inspired by:
# gist by Lincoln Mullen | |
# and
# Main latex document name
FILE ?= ebook
# markdown sources in subdirectory
SUBDIRS = inputs
MDS := ./$(SUBDIRS:%=%/*.md)
#MDS := $(filter %/, $(wildcard ./$(SUBDIRS)/*.md)) # I don't think this works
# List files to be made by finding all *.md files and appending .tex
#TEXS := $(patsubst,,$(wildcard ./$(SUBDIRS)/*.md.tex)) # I don't think this works
# List files to be made by finding all *.tex files and appending .pdf
#TEXS := ./$(SUBDIRS:%=%/*.md.tex) # This doesn't work
TEXS := $(patsubst,,$(wildcard $(MDS)))
PDFS := $(wildcard *.pdf)
# differences in specification between MDS and TEXS. not sure which is best.
# previous attempts at specifying TEXS and MDS left in place.
LATEX = latexmk
PANDOC = pandoc
# compilation options
# panopts - pandoc options, latopts - latexmk options
PANOPTS = --biblatex
LATOPTS = -pdf -e '$$pdflatex=q/xelatex %O %S/'
.PHONY: clean default
# The all rule makes the PDF file
all : ebook # $(TEXS) ebook
# default rule
default : clean all
# This rule accepts ebook.tex target with corresponding latex include
# sources and makes it using latexmk
ebook : $(LATEXFILE) $(TEXS)
$(LATEX) -c
# This rule accepts TEX targets with corresponding Markdown
# source, and makes them using pandoc
$(TEXS) : $(MDS)
$(PANDOC) $(PANOPTS) $< -o $@
# Remove all PDF outputs and pandoc's .md.tex outputs
clean :
@rm -f *.aux *.log *.out *.pdfsync *.tdo *.end\
*.table *.gnuplot *.gz *.bbl *.dvi *.fls \
*.fdb_latexmk *Notes.bib *.blg \
*.toc ./inputs/*.aux
@rm $(PDFS)
@rm $(TEXS)
# Remove all PDF and intermediate outputs then build them again
rebuild : clean all
test : $(TEXS)
echo $(MDS)
echo $(TEXS)