%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % eBook % LaTeX Template % Version 1.0 (29/12/14) % % This template has been downloaded from: % http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com % % Original author: % Luis Cobo (luiscobogutierrez@gmail.com) with extensive modifications by: % Vel (vel@latextemplates.com) % % Adapted for use and inclusion in https://tildegit.org/biglysmalls/TildePublishingUnlimited by: % biglysmalls (@ a tilde near you!) % % License: % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS AND INFORMATION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[oneside,11pt]{memoir} % Font size \input{structure} % Include the file that specifies the document structure and layout \usepackage{lipsum} % for use of the \lipsum macro command to generate dummy text in the chapters. \title{Compelling Title} % Book title \author{Ghost Writer, Esq.} % Author \newcommand{\edition}{Second Edition} % Book edition %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TITLE PAGE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \thispagestyle{empty} % Suppress page numbering %\ThisCenterWallPaper{1.05}{cover/doodoobutt.jpg} % Add the background image, the first argument is the scaling - adjust this as necessary so the image fits the entire page \ThisCenterWallPaper{1.12}{cover/littlered.jpg} % Add the background image, the first argument is the scaling - adjust this as necessary so the image fits the entire page % You can supply your own .jpg by putting it in the 'cover' directory and change the filename above to reflect your cover image. % Or you can remove it by deleting or commenting out the command above (insert % at the begining of the line) % This tikzpicture code creates the overlay box on the cover page and populates it with author/title/edition info from the document information section above. \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \node [rectangle, rounded corners, fill=white, opacity=0.75, anchor=south west, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=6cm] (box) at (-0.5,-10) (box){}; % White rectangle - "minimum width/height" adjust the width and height of the box; "(-0.5,-10)" adjusts the position on the page \node[anchor=west, color01, xshift=-1.5cm, yshift=-0.4cm, text width=2.9cm, font=\sffamily\scriptsize] at (box.north){\edition}; % "Text width" adjusts the wrapping width, "xshift/yshift" adjust the position relative to the white rectangle \node[anchor=west, color01, xshift=-1.5cm, yshift=-2cm, text width=2.9cm, font=\sffamily\bfseries\scshape\Large] at (box.north){\thetitle}; % "Text width" adjusts the wrapping width, "xshift/yshift" adjust the position relative to the white rectangle \node[anchor=west, color01, xshift=-1.5cm, yshift=-5cm, text width=2.9cm, font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (box.north){\theauthor}; % "Text width" adjusts the wrapping width, "xshift/yshift" adjust the position relative to the white rectangle \end{tikzpicture} \newpage % Make sure the following content is on a new page %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % COPYRIGHT PAGE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \newpage ~\vfill \thispagestyle{empty} \noindent Copyright \copyright\ 2019 John Smith\\ % Copyright notice \noindent \textsc{Published by Tilde Publishing Unlimited}\\ % Publisher \noindent \textsc{http://tilde.town}\\ % URL \begin{tiny} \noindent Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (the ``License''). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at \url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0}. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an \textsc{``as is'' basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind}, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.\\ % License information, replace this with your own license (if any) \end{tiny} \noindent \textit{First printing, March 2019} % Printing/edition date %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TABLE OF CONTENTS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \tableofcontents % Prints the table of contents %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % INTRODUCTION SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \chapter*{Introduction/Prologue} % Introduction chapter suppressed from the table of contents % begin prologue \begin{quote} This is one of my finer quotations.\\ --John Smith \end{quote} This is a great place to write an introduction or prologue\footnote{You can even use a footnote to seem smarter}. % end prologue %You can move the intro/prologue to a separate file like with the subsequent chapters. To try it, comment out % everything between the lines % begin prologue .. % end prologue and uncomment the following line: %\include{inputs/prologue.md} % The prologue.md file just contains those same six lines from above. % test of being able to insert a chapter and book part before the main body of the work: % we can do so by defining a new part, defining a new chapter, and including a body of text % the compilation process will take care of the rest. Uncomment the following 3 lines to test it out. %\part{The Interruption} %\chapter{An Interruption in Parts and Chapters} %\include{inputs/firstchap.md} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % BOOK PART %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \part{The Word Salads} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CHAPTER ONE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \chapter{Little Red Riding Hood} \include{inputs/lrrh.md} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CHAPTER TWO %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \chapter{Hansel and Gretel} \include{inputs/hng.md} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CHAPTER THREE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \chapter{More Lipsum} \include{inputs/thirdchap.md} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % BOOK PART %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \part{The Verses} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SONG ONE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Test to demonstrate how to include poetry or lyrics into this kind of ebook % Here it is just inserted before the first chapter % Song and lyrics generated by www.song-lyrics-generator.org.uk % using random inputs, in the style of Taylor Swift % linebreaks in inputs/song.md produced with manual doublespacing. % Some more options for working with poems and verses here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1236580/latex-memoir-the-verse-environment-and-poemtitle#1236727 \chapter{A song} \begin{quote} % Using a quote block to insert a by-line for the verse. Remove/comment out if unnecessary (like in the next set of verses) This Love is Super But It's Poor\\ % the \\ at the end of the line forces a linebreak before the by line: by: skynet \end{quote} \settowidth{\versewidth}{This Love is Super But It's Poor} % The width of the verse lines is set by the text within the braces. Note the different width in the next song. \begin{verse}[\versewidth] \ldots \\* \include{inputs/song.md} \end{verse} \chapter{This Love is Super But It's Poor} %Within the braces as this chapter name is the title of the poem/song/piece. \settowidth{\versewidth}{A song, a song!} \begin{verse}[\versewidth] \ldots \\* \include{inputs/song.md} \end{verse} \end{document}