from pinhook import plugin from pathlib import Path import logging import re import random logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) data_path = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent / 'data' count_file = data_path / 'breadcount.txt' messages_file = data_path / 'bread_messages.txt' word_regex = re.compile(r'\W') try: bread_messages = messages_file.read_text().strip().splitlines() assert bread_messages except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): if not messages_file.exists(): messages_file.write_text('bread\n') logger.warning(f'Bread messages file at {messages_file} not found ' 'or corrupted, using ["bread"]') bread_messages = ['bread'] def increment_bread(): try: count = int(count_file.read_text().strip()) except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError): logger.warning(f'Breadcount file at {count_file} not found ' 'or corrupted, restarting from zero') count = 0 count += 1 count_file.write_text(str(count)) @plugin.listener('bread') def bread(ctx): words = set(word_regex.split(ctx.text.lower())) if 'bread' in words: increment_bread() if words == {'bread'}: return plugin.message(random.choice(bread_messages)) @plugin.command( '!nukethebread', help_text='Reset the breadcount.', ops=True, ops_msg='This command is restricted to breadpunk admins.' ) def nukethebread(ctx): count_file.write_text('0') return plugin.message('Bread count has been reset.') @plugin.command( '!breadcount', help_text='How many times did bakers say bread here?', ) def breadcount(ctx): try: count = int(count_file.read_text().strip()) except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError): return plugin.message( 'something is wrong with the breadcount! ' 'quick, scream at lucitoast' ) else: return plugin.message( f'{count} bread{"s" if count != 1 else ""} so far' )