#!/bin/bash # SYSTEM: KILL STREAM PROCESSES # Kill all processes with name of liquidsoap # Includes and Declarations (global variables, formatting, and functions) source "${APPLICATION_ROOT}/scripts/system/system-functions" source "${APPLICATION_ROOT}/scripts/system/system-declarations" # Kill Show sudo pkill "liquidsoap"; # Wait and restart liquidsoap sleep 2 # Attempt to restart liquidsoap as a service (if possible) if RESULT=$(sudo systemctl restart liquidsoap 2>&1) then STDOUT="$RESULT" confirmation_message "[K] Killall and Restart liquidsoap: executed"; echo ""; else # Error code (not used) RC=$? # echo "code $RC" # Error message (not used) STDERR=$RESULT # echo "THIS: $STDERR ok?" echo "Liquidsoap killed, not restarted as a service (liquidsoap not a service)." confirmation_message "[K] Killall and Restart liquidsoap: Liquidsoap killed."; echo ""; fi # Echo result