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Cass 2023-08-25 22:04:56 +01:00
commit 8354d5e642
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@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
Session Start: Wed Jun 10 17:06:23 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
10P5:06:23 * Now talking in #minecraft
10P5:06:23 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | New client, new server. Check blog for changelist. | All doom levels! http://www.minecraft.net/doomlevels.zip Rename to server_level.dat'
10P5:06:23 * Set by Notch!Notch@h-77-240.A165.priv.bahnhof.se on Wed Jun 10 16:31:09
10P5:06:35 * Nobody is now known as DBN
P5:06:36 <Riobe1> I've been playing it in Google Chrome just fine.
P5:06:46 <Thi3f> KEROLiUKAS, well, does other applets work?
P5:06:53 <KEROLiUKAS> ohai dibbin, you here too?
11P5:07:03 <DBN> hey, in this latest server update I can't connect to my own server
P5:07:04 <KEROLiUKAS> ergh, havent used java in like ever... links for any?
P5:07:16 <Thi3f> http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml
P5:07:22 <Zolyx> nn, Minecrafters - have fun
P5:07:24 <Riobe1> DBN: Did you get the latest zip frile?
11P5:07:27 <DBN> yes
P5:07:28 <Riobe1> file*
P5:07:29 <Thi3f> Underneath "Test your JVM" there's an applet
12P5:07:34 * Zolyx (Zolyx@82-32-226-59.cable.ubr09.newt.blueyonder.co.uk) Quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- In tests, 0x09 out of 0x0A l33t h4x0rz prefer it :))
P5:07:39 <Riobe1> You've set up port forwarding?
11P5:07:49 <DBN> the central server is sending me my external ip
11P5:07:59 <DBN> which i can't connect to from inside my own network
P5:08:03 <Riobe1> You have more than one servers?
P5:08:08 <Thi3f> Have you tried using
11P5:08:15 <DBN> i can't specify an ip
P5:08:17 <KEROLiUKAS> it's not localhost for him
P5:08:22 <Thi3f> Oh
12P5:08:25 * Mode (GrabPEELS@bas1-windsor12-1088733962.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P5:08:44 * Cyanide (nds@71-11-143-57.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) Quit (Quit: "Everyone knows, no one talks, repression and fear rules where no one dares to ask.")
P5:08:44 <Thi3f> Then use the LAN IP?
P5:08:58 <KEROLiUKAS> anyways, http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml works perfectly.
11P5:09:04 <DBN> the new connection urls are just an ID
11P5:09:07 <DBN> no ip/port
P5:09:12 <KEROLiUKAS> ^
P5:09:15 <Riobe1> Hmm..
P5:09:24 <Riobe1> I'm not sure.
10P5:09:24 * Mode (GrabPEELS@bas1-windsor12-1088733962.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
P5:09:25 <Thi3f> KEROLiUKAS, and what version is your java?
P5:09:30 <KEROLiUKAS> just updated it..
P5:09:40 <Thi3f> Alright
P5:09:48 <KEROLiUKAS>
P5:09:50 <Thi3f> Running windows?
10P5:09:53 * Riobe1 (Admin@c-24-13-88-153.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has left #minecraft
P5:09:59 <KEROLiUKAS> yea, vista x64
P5:10:05 <KEROLiUKAS> I guess you just found my problem
P5:10:05 <KEROLiUKAS> xD
P5:10:12 <KEROLiUKAS> Windows :D
P5:10:23 <Thi3f> Haha, naw, I just wanted to make sure before I told you to visit the control panel :P
P5:10:39 <Thi3f> In the control panel there's a panel for Java
P5:10:41 <Tim> i'm running it on vista 64 it works perfect
10P5:10:52 * Furkle (furkle@bas4-stcatharines10-1279604388.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
P5:11:01 <Thi3f> Under the advanced tab and Troubleshooting or Debug or something, there's a box to enable logging
11P5:11:01 <DBN> is the dev here?
P5:11:12 <Tim> notch?
P5:11:13 <Thi3f> DBN, don't think so
P5:11:13 <KEROLiUKAS> yea just found that.
P5:11:16 <Tim> no
P5:11:17 <Furkle> anyone else tried to run the server off windows 7?
P5:11:42 <Thi3f> Now uh, I've forgotten where the log normally goes though
P5:12:54 <Thi3f> Perhaps somewhere in the Program Files\Java\Something\Somethingelse
P5:13:11 <Thi3f> Anyhow, check the log if it says something unusual after freezing your browser
10P5:14:09 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
P5:15:15 <KEROLiUKAS> damn u java
P5:15:45 <KEROLiUKAS> it freezes at a weird point.
P5:16:04 <Thi3f> I suppose you can't reach the java console before it freezes?
P5:16:31 <KEROLiUKAS> no I can reach it, but that froze too now and I am unable to see it, hold on, maybe I can take a screenshot
P5:16:43 <KEROLiUKAS> it said smthg about Warning, unknown version of windows, windows vista
P5:16:46 <KEROLiUKAS> using default windows plugin
P5:17:34 <Thi3f> Hmm, I don't suppose you're running 64-bit java in x86 IE though, right?
10P5:17:49 * TrueWolves (masterofth@69-176-226-109.static.izoom.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:17:52 <Syniphas> hey giver
P5:18:00 <KEROLiUKAS> I am testing in firefox and chrome
P5:18:10 <Syniphas> can you tell me how the level structure is formed?
P5:18:11 <KEROLiUKAS> did not try IE after updating java.
P5:18:15 <Syniphas> I wanna give it a shot
P5:18:26 <Thi3f> Yeah, but either way, running 64 bit java in x86 browser can yield some weird results
P5:18:30 <Thi3f> Or no results at all
P5:18:44 <KEROLiUKAS> I think my java is x86
P5:18:58 <KEROLiUKAS> crap it doesn't say
P5:19:19 <Thi3f> And there's another thing you can try
P5:19:22 <Thi3f> If the java control panel
P5:19:46 <Thi3f> Under Advanced tab, and then Java Plug-in -> Activate next generation something something, uncheck that and see if it helps
P5:20:25 <KEROLiUKAS> tried it
P5:20:28 <KEROLiUKAS> no good
P5:21:53 <Thi3f> Well, I'm out of ideas
P5:21:54 <Thi3f> ¯\(°_o)/¯
10P5:22:20 * timewarp (timewarp@24-183-190-25.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) has left #minecraft
10P5:25:34 * Looking up Drakkar user info...
10P5:25:41 * Looking up pyl user info...
10P5:25:45 * Looking up vdgmprgrmr user info...
10P5:25:52 * Looking up DBN user info...
10P5:27:47 * Kitoari (NayumakKi@75-13-91-81.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12P5:30:51 * Kitoari (NayumakKi@75-13-91-81.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P5:31:33 * vdgmprgrmr is now known as vdg_is_away
10P5:33:47 * r121 (r121@CPE00018058f4bf-CM001371b7085e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
12P5:34:56 * Furkle (furkle@bas4-stcatharines10-1279604388.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
P5:35:48 <r121> I'm having trouble running the server. It's complaining that http://www.minecraft.net/heartbeat.jsp is returning a 500 error, and I can't connect to the server using http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=<YOUR IP>&port=<SERVER PORT> like the docs say
P5:37:44 <Syniphas> giver, you here?
11P5:38:07 <DBN> you need to update, r121
P5:38:11 <KEROLiUKAS> I guess i'll boot into linux in a few minutes
11P5:38:11 <DBN> get new server
P5:38:37 <r121> I just downloaded it yesterday :S was it changed since then?
11P5:38:41 <DBN> yea
P5:38:46 <r121> oh. ok then :)
12P5:46:11 * CheeToS (na@c-69-143-253-69.hsd1.md.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P5:51:17 * CheeToS (na@c-69-143-253-69.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P5:51:17 * kingnerd (kingnerd@pool-71-125-32-74.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:51:38 <kingnerd> Hey guys... Can we maybe get this game working on Linux? I tried on Debian and Ubuntu, both no-gos.
P5:52:22 <KEROLiUKAS> it's java I dont see why not
P5:52:45 <kingnerd> neither do I... The loading / downloading work fine, but when they are done, I get a black screen, which upon clicking becomes a white screen.
P5:52:57 <kingnerd> This is both in Epiphany and Firefox (admittedly both Gecko browsers)
P5:53:04 <kingnerd> Shouldn't make a difference though
P5:54:25 <kingnerd> about to try it in Opera under VirtualBox
P5:55:30 <paul|not> don't use opera
P5:55:39 <paul|not> or at least don't switch tabs
P5:55:40 <paul|not> if you do
P5:56:09 <kingnerd> it's in a virtualbox.. Testing is the only reason I'm using it, so I don't have more than 1 tab
10P5:56:39 * unknownczar (chatzilla@76-219-107-227.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12P5:56:59 * Evil-Ville (hurfdurf@cs78249077.pp.htv.fi) Quit (Quit: yare yare daze)
10P5:58:18 * dropshock0 (squirrelbo@c-67-160-180-88.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:58:34 <dropshock0> Hey guys
P5:58:41 <dropshock0> can i get some more help? :/
P5:59:06 <kingnerd> odd.... It doesn't work in Windows either for me... something about Pixel Format not Accelerated
P5:59:26 <dropshock0> Anyone?
P5:59:43 <Thi3f> dropshock0, with what?
P5:59:51 <dropshock0> With my server
P5:59:59 <dropshock0> see i had a server before the update (i think 1.2)
P6:00:08 <dropshock0> and now when i try to connect to my server adter updating
P6:00:19 <dropshock0> i get "illegal name" and get kicked
P6:00:30 <notjotham> fuck yeah, central illumination from magma flowing through treeleaves
P6:00:32 <Thi3f> Hmm
P6:00:39 <notjotham> in this underground/undersea palace
P6:00:41 <Thi3f> What's your username? Same as on IRC?
P6:00:47 <notjotham> and lots of water elevators
P6:00:49 <dropshock0> no just dropshock
P6:00:54 <Thi3f> Oh, weird
P6:01:05 <dropshock0> i tried using that while connecting to irc but it said it was already in use
P6:01:30 <Thi3f> Hmm, haven't tried the new server though, I'm gonna check it out and see if I come up with anything :(
P6:01:36 <dropshock0> Ok thanks
P6:03:23 <notjotham> http://zip.4chan.org/v/src/1244665772426.jpg
P6:03:43 <Thi3f> dropshock0, if you set verify-names to false in server.properties, does that help?
P6:03:50 <dropshock0> ill try
P6:03:57 <notjotham> my friend plays it fine in gentoo
10P6:04:38 * Kovar (Statistic@ has joined #minecraft
P6:04:43 <dropshock0> ah that worked
P6:04:45 <dropshock0> thanks
P6:05:05 <Thi3f> Np
12P6:05:39 * unknownczar (chatzilla@76-219-107-227.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P6:05:55 * PrinceOfFire59 (PrinceOfFi@ool-435401ff.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:06:02 <PrinceOfFire59> Hai all
P6:06:18 <Thi3f> Ahoy
12P6:08:51 * Drakkar (Drakkar@ip68-106-63-111.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P6:09:33 * Simsarmy (chatzilla@host86-170-172-89.range86-170.btcentralplus.com) has joined #minecraft
12P6:11:15 * dropshock0 (squirrelbo@c-67-160-180-88.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P6:11:33 * Drakkar (Drakkar@ip68-106-63-111.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
04P6:11:33 Drakkar has the same ISP district as bomb.
10P6:11:34 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Drakkar
10P6:15:57 * Maulrus (Mibbit@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:18:00 <kingnerd> Okay, I got more info..> under Linux, the game always crashes when it tries to switch the applet.. is there any way to access the game applet directly (assuming I already downloaded the files into /tmp, which it did)
12P6:20:39 * Maulrus (Mibbit@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P6:21:10 * paul|not (grif392@ has left #minecraft
10P6:22:17 * Maulrus (Mibbit@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
12P6:24:55 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P6:25:51 * KEROLiUKAS (kp@c-24-7-220-190.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: bai)
10P6:28:23 * Owner (Owner@ has joined #minecraft
10P6:28:44 * paul|not (grif392@ has joined #minecraft
10P6:31:12 * Scope (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
12P6:31:38 * Scope (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P6:31:40 <pyl> poof
12P6:31:47 * Mode (GrabPEELS@bas1-windsor12-1088733962.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P6:32:18 * Mode (GrabPEELS@bas1-windsor12-1088733962.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
12P6:38:02 * kingnerd (kingnerd@pool-71-125-32-74.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P6:40:36 * Kovar (Statistic@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P6:43:10 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
10P6:47:00 * Kovar (Statistic@ has joined #minecraft
10P6:47:49 * Mawkingbird (dragonmaw@c-98-247-110-202.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
12P6:50:51 * Dragonmaw (dragonmaw@c-98-247-110-202.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P6:51:16 * Kovar (Statistic@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
10P6:54:03 * Markov (chatzilla@cpe-66-66-194-14.rochester.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
12P6:55:01 * Markov (chatzilla@cpe-66-66-194-14.rochester.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P6:55:55 * peerkoel (peerkoel@cp541388-b.tilbu1.nb.home.nl) has joined #minecraft
10P6:57:02 * Furkle (furkle@bas4-stcatharines10-1279604388.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
10P6:58:03 * Kovar (Statistic@ has joined #minecraft
12P7:01:06 * Kovar (Statistic@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P7:04:04 * Furkle (furkle@bas4-stcatharines10-1279604388.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10P7:06:32 * Kovar (Statistic@ has joined #minecraft
10P7:09:08 * Kovar (Statistic@ has left #minecraft
12P7:11:52 * Ush (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P7:13:56 * kingnerd (kingnerd@pool-71-125-32-74.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:14:07 <kingnerd> Hey guys.. My server is infinitely stuck on connecting... could this be a port issue?
P7:15:08 <pyl> yes
12P7:15:10 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P7:18:10 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-202-78-207.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10P7:19:22 * Garctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-241-80.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
12P7:20:25 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-241-80.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P7:22:16 * Garctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-241-80.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P7:39:27 * Testvan (testvan@97-123-22-90.albq.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:40:12 <Testvan> who wants my services
P7:40:24 <TrueWolves> How goes the empty map?
P7:40:25 <Tim> for what?
P7:40:40 <Testvan> im not making it
P7:40:47 <Testvan> for whatever
P7:42:14 <TrueWolves> ahh. who is working on that right now?
12P7:43:01 * Scamper (scamper@p5B26CDB0.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P7:51:07 * Tim (chatzilla@alr-bw-2f22b.mxs.adsl.euronet.nl) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
P7:53:28 <Owner> I was building the Cradle level of Goldeneye, but the sky level isn't high enough off the ground.
10P7:54:20 * Owner is now known as Yurka
P7:54:27 <mezo> lower the ground level
10P7:54:27 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:55:00 <Yurka> How can I do that? Is there a map editor or do I need to do it manually?
P7:55:08 <mezo> manually
P7:55:24 <mezo> i think map parameters are coming at some point
P7:55:27 <mezo> though i dont know how soon
P7:55:56 <mezo> and they may include a sea level option
10P7:56:16 * Sparr (Sparr@ip24-254-241-46.hr.hr.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
12P7:57:26 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-202-78-207.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Super-Dot)
P7:58:47 <Sparr> How do you host a server
10P7:58:58 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-202-78-207.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:59:06 <pyl> pres butan
P8:06:07 <ItzMattu> Sparr: lol
12P8:06:13 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
P8:12:48 <notjotham> asl
12P8:13:02 * Rosetta (Rosetta@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P8:13:58 <pyl> no, sorry
P8:14:05 <pyl> how does sign language work on irc anyway
P8:14:13 <notjotham> you really are like zharf
P8:14:23 <notjotham> i should get you two together
P8:14:47 <pyl> what is a zharf
P8:15:02 <notjotham> one of your countrymen
P8:15:32 <pyl> a fellow nigerian?
P8:15:36 <paul|not> levels better not ever not be backwards compatible
P8:15:43 <paul|not> 'cause shit I just spent too damn long on that castly
P8:15:45 <paul|not> castle
10P8:27:12 * paul|not (grif392@ has left #minecraft
10P8:41:23 * Cyanide (nds@71-11-143-57.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:49:57 <notjotham> is there a writeup of what exactly survival mode is
12P8:53:36 * Cyanide (nds@71-11-143-57.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) Quit (Quit: "Everyone knows, no one talks, repression and fear rules where no one dares to ask.")
12P9:01:40 * PrinceOfFire59 (PrinceOfFi@ool-435401ff.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P9:07:23 * Sirrah (thesage101@ has joined #minecraft
P9:07:26 <Sirrah> http://sockclap.selfip.com/sites/default/files/epic.jpg
P9:07:34 <Sirrah> I just took this on my server
P9:07:42 <Sirrah> it looks EPIC! :D
P9:10:55 <pyl> i don't get it
12P9:12:27 * Simsarmy (chatzilla@host86-170-172-89.range86-170.btcentralplus.com) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
P9:19:47 <TrueWolves> hmmmm...
P9:20:07 <TrueWolves> Has anyone cleared a whole small map yet? if not only 2 more days tell i try...
10P9:20:10 * Cyanide (nds@71-11-143-57.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P9:22:02 <pyl> let's ask our dear friends, the russian chantards
P9:22:26 <Deiz> pyl: Do you have a new UID URL for your server?
P9:24:00 <pyl> the webpage updates automatically
P9:24:04 <pyl> http://minecraft.atei.st
12P9:33:14 * Cyanide (nds@71-11-143-57.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) Quit (Quit: "Everyone knows, no one talks, repression and fear rules where no one dares to ask.")
12P9:36:33 * Maulrus (Mibbit@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P9:39:16 <Testvan> who is doing cool shit on a MP server
P9:39:32 <kingnerd> the reddit public server is awesome right now
P9:39:41 <kingnerd> full though :(
P9:40:13 <Testvan> i want to help build something epic
P9:41:01 <mezo> lets do something epic together testvan
P9:41:10 <mezo> i'll design it since you just make giant boring fuckoff walls
P9:41:24 <Testvan> ya
P9:41:26 <Testvan> i agree
P9:41:46 <Testvan> i have the ability but no imagination
P9:41:59 <mezo> you have the poopstocks
P9:42:02 <mezo> socks****
10P9:42:06 * Warf (chatzilla@oh-71-49-157-219.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:42:07 <TrueWolves> Testvan, want to help me make a spaceship thing once I have a flooded level?
P9:42:42 <Testvan> maybe
P9:43:20 <Warf> did minecraft change? i cant join any servers.
P9:45:54 <TrueWolves> check to make sure your logged in
P9:46:01 <TrueWolves> I forget to do that sometimes
P9:46:32 <Warf> i am
P9:47:23 <Testvan> i cant seem to host servers after the recent patch
P9:49:03 <Sparr> how do you flood a level
P9:49:24 <pyl> with water
P9:49:36 <pyl> *helpful*
P9:50:11 <mezo> can only flood up to sea level
P9:50:20 <TrueWolves> dig out a whole level, then allow options to flood with water or lava
P9:50:36 <Sparr> how do you host a server
P9:50:40 <pyl> i told you
P9:50:42 <pyl> you pres butan
P9:50:46 <Sparr> which one
P9:51:00 <Eagle> the one that you pres
P9:51:05 <pyl> the return
P9:51:18 <Deiz> You mean Bhutan
P9:51:26 <Deiz> And you can press Bhutan by contacting your local embassy
P9:51:43 <pyl> botton?
10P9:54:43 * vdg_is_away is now known as vdgmprgrmr
P9:54:57 <ItzMattu> Man this is crazy. I put up a server and within 30 minutes is is packed
P9:55:05 <ItzMattu> No other servers are as full as mine as consistently.
P9:55:12 <ItzMattu> I don't understand why mine do so well.
P9:55:36 <ItzMattu> I now have The Giant Pyramid, The Giant Castle, and the newly founded The Giant Tree!
P9:55:37 <ItzMattu> XD
10P9:55:51 * Digmaster_ (Digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12P9:55:56 * Digmaster (Digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P9:55:57 <vdgmprgrmr> Pyl's Server is way cooler.
P9:56:34 <vdgmprgrmr> He has a web page with a chat log, a userlist, an admin-list, and a banned-list.
P9:56:40 <mezo> your mouth is leaking
P9:56:50 <vdgmprgrmr> My mouth is fine.
P9:56:58 <vdgmprgrmr> I didn't link to it...
P9:57:13 <vdgmprgrmr> If my mouth were leaking I would have typed this:
P9:57:22 <vdgmprgrmr> http://mi... er...
P9:57:27 <vdgmprgrmr> No, nevermind.
P9:57:48 <Syniphas> lol
P9:57:52 <Syniphas> can I has link?
P9:57:59 <Testvan> this is a THE GREAT CASTLE http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?user=testvan&id=4
P9:58:07 <Deiz> Yeah here's a link http://foo.bar.net
12P9:59:54 * Warf (chatzilla@oh-71-49-157-219.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
P10:00:11 <Eagle> Testvan holy FFFFF---
13P10:00:17 * Eagle dead
P10:01:15 <Testvan> not even servers of 24 peeps have anything on that castle
P10:01:56 <Eagle> Minecraft is /lagging/ because of this castle
10P10:01:57 * Warf (chatzilla@oh-71-49-157-219.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:02:28 <Testvan> i keep joining MP servers to find something epic i am always disapointed
P10:03:07 <TrueWolves> I saw something epic once, but it was greifed, it did give the whole place a distorted ruins look, if it was sad how much was distroyed
P10:03:18 <vdgmprgrmr> Testvan, make your own server.
P10:03:48 <vdgmprgrmr> Then you can organize a team of epic-construction-builders.
P10:04:34 <vdgmprgrmr> Also, that castle is making me cry.
P10:05:01 <Deiz> It would be better as a wholly underground cave
P10:05:07 <Deiz> Because then it wouldn't MURDER your FPS
P10:06:17 <Syniphas> Okay wtf
P10:06:20 <Syniphas> Even as an mp3
P10:06:32 <Syniphas> On audacity it plays fine
P10:06:40 <Testvan> i dont catter to crap copmuters
P10:07:00 <Deiz> Testvan: MURDER is relative. I get 600-700 FPS normally
P10:07:01 <vdgmprgrmr> Whoa never thought of trying to play Hide-and-seek in MC.
P10:07:06 <Deiz> With your castle, I'm down to ~100
P10:07:19 <Testvan> i limit my FPS to 60 to not waste power
P10:07:27 <vdgmprgrmr> With your castle, it stays about normal in maps of that size...
P10:07:29 <vdgmprgrmr> 0.
P10:07:42 <vdgmprgrmr> Less than one frame per second.
P10:07:48 <Testvan> well go in the castle, will increase your FPS
P10:07:56 <TrueWolves> I turn on f
P10:11:05 <vdgmprgrmr> I press F twice and everything runs fine usually, but it sucks not being able to see everything.
P10:12:17 <TrueWolves> About the same thing I got to do
P10:12:40 <mezo> wanna make a deathstar testvan
P10:12:56 <Testvan> i know not how to make round things with square things
P10:12:56 <mezo> or a giant dome
P10:13:04 <mezo> dont worry i got you
P10:13:44 <Testvan> ok but i dont want to start tonight
12P10:13:59 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE626B.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org)
10P10:15:40 * Maulrus (Mibbit@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
12P10:18:00 * Digmaster_ (Digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P10:18:27 * Digmaster (Digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:18:33 <pyl> Testvan: hate to break it to you, but pretty much every round thing that is computer related is made with square things :]
P10:19:02 <Testvan> so
P10:19:18 <Testvan> i know not how to make them, i know other people do
P10:19:28 <pyl> oh
P10:19:31 <pyl> right
P10:19:46 <ItzMattu> vdgmprgrmr: I am going to work on some scripts and website stuff too eventually probably
P10:19:56 <ItzMattu> I am just too busy working on a game right now
P10:20:08 <vdgmprgrmr> The effect can easily be achieved if you know how to calculate the distance from a point in 3d space.
P10:20:10 <ItzMattu> And other things I was occupied with prior to setting up Minecraft servers
P10:20:21 <vdgmprgrmr> After that it's just work.
P10:20:27 <ItzMattu> pyl: Would you consider sharing your scripts that you are using for a website?
P10:20:55 <ItzMattu> If you do, and if I end up making some PHP stuff to edit admin/banned lists via a website, i will gladly pass those along.
P10:21:14 <ItzMattu> I am considering doing a whole appeals system and whatnot as well in time.
P10:21:34 <ItzMattu> I would work with you on them too if you know PHP
P10:22:52 <pyl> ItzMattu: maybe when they're actually worth something, sure. what you're doing is a lot more elaborate than what i'm planning though
P10:23:13 <ItzMattu> Well I would like a list of admin/banned/chat log thing for a site too
P10:23:19 <ItzMattu> And if I can skip the work that would be awesome
P10:23:23 <ItzMattu> What did you write them in?
P10:23:30 <pyl> my stuff is all cgi-scripts and bash :]
P10:23:33 <ItzMattu> And mostly... how did you get a chatlog onto a website?
P10:23:53 <ItzMattu> I wouldn't know how to get the chatlog from the server since it just spams it on the screen while the java is running.
P10:24:05 <ItzMattu> And there is no output of the log as far as I can tell...
P10:24:16 <pyl> of course it outputs
P10:24:19 <pyl> you said it yourself
P10:24:21 <pyl> it spams the screen
P10:24:25 <ItzMattu> Well yeah
P10:24:39 <ItzMattu> But how did you grab that? You can't do anything in that console while it is runing the server
P10:24:43 <ItzMattu> running*
P10:25:03 <pyl> i can't?
P10:25:12 <pyl> it's stderr
P10:25:14 <pyl> i just redirect it
P10:25:16 <ItzMattu> Yeah
P10:25:21 <ItzMattu> Is that << or something?
P10:25:27 <pyl> &>
P10:25:42 <ItzMattu> So you jsut do the normal java comand line and then at the end do &> log.txt
P10:25:43 <ItzMattu> ?
P10:25:52 <pyl> that's the gist of it
P10:25:55 <ItzMattu> Huh
P10:25:57 <ItzMattu> Not too shabby
P10:26:02 <ItzMattu> Then i could write a PHP script to parse the chat out
P10:26:10 <ItzMattu> You do it with Perl?
P10:28:40 <Testvan> plearl
P10:29:14 <ItzMattu> pyl: does &> append to the end of a file?
P10:31:42 <Syniphas> Anyone here cracked minecraft's level file structure already?
P10:32:04 <pyl> no, that would be &>>
P10:32:11 <ItzMattu> Ah okay
P10:32:13 <pyl> and no, i do it with bash
P10:32:17 <pyl> Syniphas: cracked? ;)
P10:32:17 <ItzMattu> I'd probably prefer that instead
P10:32:28 <ItzMattu> I don't want to overwrite the log everytime I restart the server
P10:32:28 <Syniphas> pyl yeah
P10:32:30 <ItzMattu> Which is often
P10:33:12 <pyl> or wait
P10:33:15 <pyl> that didn't work for me
P10:33:30 <ItzMattu> root@linux:/home/matt/minecraft_server4# java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp minecraft-server.jar com.mojang.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer &>> log.txt
P10:33:30 <ItzMattu> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>'
P10:33:31 <ItzMattu> O_o
P10:33:37 <pyl> >> log.txt 2>&1
P10:33:55 <ItzMattu> 2>&1?
P10:33:59 <ItzMattu> So cryptic XD
P10:34:14 <pyl> not really
P10:34:19 <pyl> it redirects stderr to stdout
P10:34:28 <ItzMattu> right
P10:34:33 <ItzMattu> Which is directed at log.txt
12P10:34:37 * kingnerd (kingnerd@pool-71-125-32-74.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
P10:34:39 <ItzMattu> But then what is 2&>1?
P10:34:51 <pyl> ..
P10:34:57 <pyl> that is what redirects stderr to stdout
P10:34:57 <pyl> :p
P10:35:03 <ItzMattu> I thought that was >> log.txt
P10:35:05 <ItzMattu> *shrug*
P10:35:09 <ItzMattu> I don't know bash well at all
P10:35:10 <pyl> no, that redirects stdout.
P10:35:15 <ItzMattu> I have done minimal bash scripts
P10:35:36 <Syniphas> so
P10:35:42 <Syniphas> did anyonehere do it?
P10:35:51 <ItzMattu> Why would anyone bother?
P10:35:59 <ItzMattu> What would you want the map data for?
P10:36:09 <Syniphas> External level editors/converters
P10:36:14 <Syniphas> like what giver did
P10:36:20 <Syniphas> and notch's Doom levels
P10:36:27 <ItzMattu> I have no idea what giver did
P10:36:33 <Syniphas> a level editor
P10:36:34 <ItzMattu> But if he did anything obviously he's cracked it
P10:36:38 <ItzMattu> So ask him
P10:36:42 <Syniphas> but he didn't release it
P10:36:47 <ItzMattu> Well, ask nicely?
P10:36:50 <Syniphas> He's been sleeping for the past hours now
P10:36:54 <Syniphas> I would ask
P10:40:09 <ItzMattu> pyl: >> log.txt 2&>1 creates both log.txt and a file named 1. 1 has all the stuff that intially happens when I start the server, but stops logging after that.
P10:40:19 <ItzMattu> Nevermind
P10:40:21 <ItzMattu> I am a silly goose
P10:40:24 <ItzMattu> But it is saving in 1
P10:40:26 <ItzMattu> Not log.txt
P10:40:26 <pyl> you are indeed
P10:40:45 <ItzMattu> So can i just do: >> 2&> log.txt
P10:40:46 <pyl> what kinda cooky shell do you have?
P10:40:59 <ItzMattu> I'm using ssh through putty, but my server uses bash
P10:41:06 <ItzMattu> AFAIK
P10:41:13 <ItzMattu> It's pretty much the linux standard
P10:42:19 <pyl> i'm thinking you're doing something wrong, but i don't know what
P10:43:54 <ItzMattu> From what I just read the ONLY thing I need is 2&>1 log.txt
P10:43:58 <ItzMattu> I don't even need the >>
P10:44:14 <ItzMattu> 2>&1 rather
P10:44:15 <ItzMattu> But yeah
12P11:04:37 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Quit: Eagle has quit (Eagle has quit (Eagle has quit (Eagle has quit :O)))))
12P11:04:53 * Sirrah (thesage101@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P11:05:13 <Maulrus> oh look its matt
P11:05:22 <Maulrus> sorry about the threatening to ban people thing
P11:05:23 <Maulrus> >_>
P11:06:55 <Maulrus> k goodnight #mincraft
P11:07:00 <Maulrus> #minecraft even
P11:10:43 <Super-Dot> "x Various server fill exploit preventions. No more lava floods!"
12P11:10:43 * vatsa (nnscript@a151.ip15.netikka.fi) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P11:10:48 <Super-Dot> How does that work?
P11:13:04 <Warf> LeonTalon keeps crashing this server
P11:16:15 <ItzMattu> pyl: All I needed to do was 2> log.txt
P11:16:17 <ItzMattu> Works perfectly
P11:16:26 <ItzMattu> I just need stderr output, I guess that's what the server puts out
10P11:20:06 * Lukeybatman (Lukey_batm@125-239-68-118.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) has joined #minecraft
12P11:28:03 * Warf (chatzilla@oh-71-49-157-219.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
10P11:38:26 * KEROLiUKAS (kp@c-24-7-220-190.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:38:29 <KEROLiUKAS> ohai again
P11:39:20 <KEROLiUKAS> any idea why the game could freeze @ this point?
P11:39:20 <KEROLiUKAS> WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows Vista
P11:39:20 <KEROLiUKAS> Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
P11:39:29 <KEROLiUKAS> that's before even loading :(
10P11:49:38 * Roras (chatzilla@weston- has joined #minecraft
P11:49:57 <Roras> hello guys
P11:50:14 <Roras> ..
P11:50:25 <Roras> hmm
P11:50:32 <Roras> noones has wanted to talk
P11:50:47 <Roras> for the past 3days
P11:50:49 <Roras> for me
P11:50:52 <Roras> to me*
P11:50:54 <KEROLiUKAS> i'm here
P11:51:00 <KEROLiUKAS> but I can't get this game to load...goddamn it
P11:51:10 <KEROLiUKAS> java bein' homo, etc.
P11:55:02 <Roras> hm ;9
P11:55:14 <Roras> where are my buddies xD
P11:55:26 <Roras> i mean
P11:55:29 <Roras> now u are my buddy
P11:55:38 <KEROLiUKAS> ugh sure
P11:55:38 <Roras> but where are the others?
P11:55:48 <KEROLiUKAS> takin' a dookie or smthg
P11:55:54 <Roras> ah ok
P11:58:29 <Super-Dot> Holy :O
P11:58:36 <Super-Dot> I can connect to multiplayer now!
P11:58:45 <KEROLiUKAS> well I cant even play sp
P11:58:49 <KEROLiUKAS> :(
P11:59:05 <Roras> hm
P11:59:08 <Roras> super dot
P11:59:15 <Roras> where are the others?
P11:59:25 <Super-Dot> Which others?
P11:59:41 <Roras> vdgmprgmrs
P11:59:49 <Lukeybatman> damn
P11:59:50 <Lukeybatman> .
P11:59:58 <Super-Dot> Not sure
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@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
Session Start: Mon Jun 15 00:00:00 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
A12:00:51 <Daidoji> what if I'm gay
12A12:02:06 * Krynvelhat (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215])
A12:07:59 <Parthon> Daidoji: easy test: Do you suck cock?
12A12:08:02 * AnnihilatorBeta (OverwatchF@bas1-toronto48-1279276096.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Good night!)
A12:09:18 <VitaEdo> just because I have 20GB of yaoi on my computer doesn't mean I'm gay
A12:09:20 <Daidoji> that's not a foolproof test
A12:09:21 <VitaEdo> -_-
A12:09:37 <Daidoji> for example what if I'm a girl. what if it's my own cock.
A12:10:28 <notjotham> also
A12:10:29 <Parthon> well yeah, that's question two
A12:10:35 <notjotham> what if you only want your cock sucked by a dude
A12:10:38 <notjotham> rather than sucking a dudes cock
A12:10:55 <VitaEdo> what if I have 20GB of gay porn on my computer
A12:11:07 <VitaEdo> (which I don't, it's 30GB not 20)
A12:14:05 <Parthon> what if you suck cock for money but are only attracted to girls?
A12:14:19 <Eagle> It's still gay.
A12:17:04 <paul|not> http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/7076/circle64s1.png
A12:17:09 <paul|not> this thing is going to be the death of me
A12:17:12 <paul|not> BUT I WILL FINISH IT
A12:17:41 <Eagle> What is it
A12:17:50 <paul|not> 64 tile wide sphere
A12:18:04 <Eagle> :O
A12:18:09 <Jeramy> Make it hollow
A12:18:14 <paul|not> it is going to be
A12:18:39 <bgilb> need some help
A12:18:55 <paul|not> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=a487c9f4108573241fb7e2da4a2a2a6d
A12:19:23 <bgilb> didnt work
A12:19:29 <paul|not> ?
A12:19:39 <bgilb> just generated a landscape
A12:19:48 <paul|not> woops
A12:19:50 <paul|not> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=2539ff752f886ff8758b6d3526624792
A12:20:22 <Parthon> oops?!?
10A12:42:36 * Haruhi2 (Haruhi@ has joined #minecraft
12A12:42:36 * Rydia (Haruhi@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A12:47:10 <Haruhi2> anything new wrt minecraft
A12:48:15 <Super-Dot> http://notch.tumblr.com/post/123343045/my-vision-for-survival
A12:48:55 <Haruhi2> i mean since this morning
A12:49:04 <Super-Dot> Nope
A12:49:06 <Haruhi2> do we have sound yet
A12:49:13 <Super-Dot> Nope
A12:59:16 <m0bus> hey guys, do you know if its possible to load a single player map into multi-player?
A1:00:28 <Super-Dot> It's not possible yet, unfortunately
A1:00:41 <m0bus> you say yet as if it may be possible
A1:00:45 <m0bus> :P
A1:01:07 <Super-Dot> I don't know if it will, but it seems like a reasonable feature
A1:01:18 <Super-Dot> And several people have requested it
10A1:03:05 * Karasu (chatzilla@c-67-191-64-186.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04A1:03:05 Karasu has the same ISP district as chewy.
12A1:05:42 * hey5000 (Mibbit@71-218-156-154.hlrn.qwest.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12A1:05:42 * david21 (Mibbit@67-60-185-238.cpe.cableone.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
A1:33:16 <paul|not> man
A1:33:21 <paul|not> spherebuild64 :awesome:
12A1:36:38 * elanc (cnale@elanc.static.corbina.ru) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A1:38:50 <mezo> paul|not your puny sphere is late to the party
A1:40:23 <mezo> http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/aBITUF1m8oo8ak5c1AzJ2Wwco1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1245134468&Signature=22XaCrhZ2G%2Fl1ElSvLuyyDCeH2I%3D
12A1:41:11 * aeiowu (aeiowu@ics187-236.icsincorporated.com) Quit (Quit: aeiowu)
A1:45:30 <paul|not> ha
A1:45:31 <paul|not> hahahaha
A1:45:32 <paul|not> HAHAHAAHAHA
A1:45:46 <paul|not> YOU CALL THAT A SPHERE
A1:45:50 <paul|not> http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/3510/circle64s5.png
A1:46:06 <paul|not> THAT'S A SPHERE (actually it's an uncompleted dome but THAT'S GONNA BE A SPHERE)
A1:46:49 <mezo> garbage
A1:47:11 <paul|not> ^ jealous
A1:47:38 <mezo> Lol plz
A1:47:46 <mezo> thankful that's not my hideous creation
A1:47:53 <paul|not> hah
A1:48:01 <paul|not> you will be jealous of death star scale epic creation
A1:48:18 <mezo> a death star with no room to float above lava, Lol.
A1:48:23 <mezo> a shameful deathstar
A1:48:29 <paul|not> no lava
A1:48:31 <paul|not> Lol!
A1:48:36 <mezo> shame
A1:48:49 <mezo> a death star on a hacked flatmap with no lava and no room to float
A1:48:51 <mezo> a shameful death star
A1:49:11 <paul|not> still jealous
A1:49:44 <mezo> link me to server
A1:49:52 <mezo> in pm if you dont want it getting stormed
12A1:52:22 * bgilb (bgilb@c-76-31-170-70.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12A1:52:53 * Karasu (chatzilla@c-67-191-64-186.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215])
A1:54:10 <Parthon> screw .. you .. hippies
10A1:55:21 * Saladan0 (Saladan0@ has joined #minecraft
A1:55:54 <Saladan0> hallu
A1:57:23 <Parthon> hallo!
12A2:02:00 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Quit: Eagle has quit (Eagle has quit (Eagle has quit (Eagle has quit :O)))))
A2:04:59 <Parthon> hahahahahaha .. it's aliiiiiiiive
12A2:05:32 * m0bus (kyle.oconn@CPE002129d8a9eb-CM00080d6c1c4c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A2:07:17 * Jeramy (IceChat7@c-68-32-103-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A2:09:23 * chez (chez@ has joined #minecraft
A2:10:07 <chez> hi
A2:11:09 <Parthon> I'm a freaking genius :D
A2:11:36 <chez> multiplayer bug on mac is fixed!! )
A2:14:05 <Parthon> genius is stupid :P
12A2:14:15 * chez (chez@ Quit (Quit: chez)
10A2:14:20 * chez (chez@ has joined #minecraft
A2:15:10 <Parthon> but big sphere is big
A2:15:31 <paul|not> s64 closed up for the night
A2:15:34 <paul|not> mos def
A2:17:20 <Parthon> hmm?
A2:17:29 <Parthon> paul|not: are you grif?
A2:17:51 <Parthon> can you try and long into: http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=83c11dfce7618c8e96ce4aa95f5df0f7
12A2:18:06 * Lmaoboat (Lmaoboat@pool-71-126-132-201.washdc.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A2:20:03 <paul|not> yes parthon
A2:30:40 <mezo> looks awesome
A2:30:48 <mezo> if you make a fresh one could i have the level file?
A2:31:04 <mezo> the inside of a perfect sphere is just cool to mess around in
A2:31:06 <paul|not> so how do you edit it parthon
A2:32:04 <Parthon> the map?
A2:32:15 <paul|not> map files
A2:32:17 <Parthon> by loading it into a c++ program and writing directly to the data with code
A2:35:54 <Parthon> crazy sphere is crazy
A2:36:52 <paul|not> http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/1426/ummm.png
A2:36:56 <paul|not> am I missing something here
A2:37:08 <Parthon> hahaha
A2:44:02 <Parthon> GRRRRRRR
12A2:44:04 * Zaratustra (Zaratustra@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:48:52 <Parthon> sorry super .. there's a massive bug in miecraft :P
A2:49:26 <Parthon> or in my code :S
A2:50:33 <Parthon> okay, it's up
10A3:00:06 * smn`offline is now known as smn
12A3:02:04 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-231-46-126.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Super-Dot)
A3:02:21 <smn> let's see if my server's still alive
A3:03:50 <smn> oh wow
A3:03:56 <smn> no sign of griefing AT ALL
A3:05:33 <Parthon> dang
12A3:05:52 * chez (chez@ Quit (Quit: chez)
A3:06:29 <paul|not> Parthon: ?
A3:07:24 <Parthon> not working now
A3:07:37 <paul|not> did you raise it to 19
A3:08:49 <Parthon> k .. it's up
A3:13:35 <Parthon> super: crazy sphere is crazy :P
12A3:14:23 * Kapow (kapox@c-68-37-80-138.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A3:20:15 * Kapow (kapox@c-68-37-80-138.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:27:08 <Parthon> fail :(
A3:28:52 <Parthon> okay, it's back up
A3:38:49 <Parthon> maths fail
A3:39:38 <paul|not> >
12A3:39:42 * Lukeybatman (Lukey_batm@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A3:41:53 * paul|not (grif392@ has left #minecraft
A3:46:08 <Parthon> hahaha .. awesome
A3:46:12 <Parthon> perfect pyramid
A3:48:44 <Parthon> perfect golden pyramid
A3:48:47 <mezo> link
A3:49:18 <Parthon> just a tick
13A3:50:07 * smn reads his server's chatlog to spy on ppl
A3:50:20 <smn> well, actually just to determine whether there has been any griefing going on
A3:51:43 <smn> [03:03:07] <neoexelor> I'm next to your castle
A3:51:43 <smn> [03:03:12] <neoexelor> STEALIN UR STYLES!!!!!!
A3:51:44 <smn> :D
A3:52:35 <Parthon> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=83c11dfce7618c8e96ce4aa95f5df0f7
A3:52:42 <Parthon> I found the lost pyramid of gold
A3:53:10 <smn> lookathis!
A3:53:11 <smn> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuflplrReQc
A3:53:12 <smn> :B
10A3:54:22 * Kurzon (kurzonmorr@94-168-8-71.cable.ubr19.live.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
A3:54:30 <Kurzon> damn lots of people here lol
A3:56:38 <vdgmprgrmr> But oh so few that are actually HERE.
A3:56:54 <Kurzon> lol yer i can imagine
A3:57:16 <Parthon> smn: cool :D
A3:57:51 <Kurzon> damn the forum, trying to register and the confirmation code is not showing me a code hehe
A3:58:22 <vdgmprgrmr> smn: I like the video is actually called "theSYKnetbridge".
A3:59:34 <smn> oh neat
A3:59:37 <smn> well
A3:59:40 <Kurzon> anyone else have problems with the confirmation code?
A3:59:56 <vdgmprgrmr> Someone else did earlier.
A4:00:19 <Kurzon> damn i'll email the admin later lol
10A4:02:10 * Edur (Mister@wrzb-5f75ba24.pool.einsundeins.de) has joined #minecraft
A4:03:15 <Parthon> sorry mezo, I restarted it
A4:03:31 <mezo> np
12A4:09:56 * Edur (Mister@wrzb-5f75ba24.pool.einsundeins.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A4:11:27 * Edur (Mister@wrzb-5f75ba24.pool.einsundeins.de) has joined #minecraft
A4:11:41 <Edur> uhh, re, disconnected, my question again :)
A4:11:45 <Edur> [11:10:13] <Edur> Hi, i think "my" minecraft client is buggy (maybe my java) ic an connect to servers, to my own server, too. But i cant build or destroy 'blocks', and there are no marked blocks in front of me, only a white HUD, i install yesterday the newest java plugin, but nothing happens, anyone an idea?
A4:11:45 <Edur> [11:10:38] <Edur> i tryed with firefox, google chrome/swsoft iron ...
A4:15:36 <mezo> never had that happen
A4:15:39 <mezo> should email notch
A4:15:48 <Parthon> that would be why, someone flooded it with water
A4:17:22 <Edur> hm no, i play with friends, and this people see that i do nothing ... (or my destroys works with some many hours delay)
A4:19:25 <Parthon> that sounds like severe lag on the upstream
A4:19:55 <Edur> oh no, no lag "(or my destroys works with some many hours delay)" was just an idea for => <Parthon> that would be why, someone flooded it with water
A4:20:10 <Parthon> aaah
A4:20:24 <Edur> just a maybe ;)
A4:21:34 <Edur> tonight was a destroyer on your server, but destroys things where i never was, so i wasnt it i think
A4:21:52 <Parthon> no, definately not you .. it was smegma :P
A4:22:06 <smn> what a tasty nickname
A4:22:47 <Edur> ok, i try to write notch an email
A4:26:43 <Edur> hm have some his email address?
10A4:30:31 * Skeep (chatzilla@c211-30-120-238.rivrw2.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A4:33:25 <Parthon> haha
A4:35:12 <Edur> nobody?
A4:37:29 <Parthon> it'll be on his blog if anywhere
10A4:38:24 * Zandracon (chatzilla@ip68-104-89-57.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
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A4:41:42 <Edur> support@mojang.com is this correct? thats the paypal adress
A4:43:01 <Parthon> that's it
A4:43:16 <Parthon> that's notch's help address in general I think
A4:43:21 <Parthon> he comes in here often too though
10A4:54:43 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-78-143.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
10A4:55:16 * Dred_furst (Dred@user-5440cf99.wfd78a.dsl.pol.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
A4:58:30 <Parthon> LAVA WAVE! :D
A4:58:48 <vdgmprgrmr> Lava wave?
A4:58:54 <Parthon> yeah, laval wave
A4:58:59 <Parthon> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=83c11dfce7618c8e96ce4aa95f5df0f7
A4:59:11 <vdgmprgrmr> A lavalavalaval wave?
A4:59:30 <Parthon> it's half done
A4:59:41 <Saladan0> DAMNIT
A4:59:48 <Saladan0> I hate how buggy this game is with FF
A4:59:51 <Parthon> shit .. crashed
A4:59:57 <Parthon> nopes, that was my fault saladan
A5:00:00 <Parthon> server broke
A5:01:23 <citricsquid> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=1a353c8a5049742598f7b9706c14445a
A5:01:28 <citricsquid> Look for the AWSM Face
A5:02:16 <Parthon> it finished
A5:04:38 <Saladan0> Parthon
A5:04:41 <Saladan0> can we flood the map?
A5:04:43 <Parthon> tI'm just resetting
A5:04:46 <Parthon> sure
A5:04:46 <Saladan0> If you are going to rest?
A5:06:41 <smn> [11:38:42] <orborborb> nice to see a server that's not swastikas and penises
A5:06:41 <smn> =D
A5:07:23 <Saladan0> Parthon
A5:07:26 <Saladan0> You should ave a flat map
A5:07:29 <citricsquid> not a single penis on any of my servers
A5:07:31 <citricsquid> :D
A5:07:31 <Saladan0> with a square of water at one end
A5:07:36 <Saladan0> and a swuare of lava at the other
A5:07:44 <Saladan0> and see what happens when the waves combine
A5:07:55 <mezo> stone bridge
A5:07:58 <Parthon> it's up
A5:09:45 <Parthon> I'm about to set off a massive lava wave :D
10A5:10:10 * Skeep (chatzilla@c211-30-120-238.rivrw2.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A5:10:37 <citricsquid> getting inside sand is fun
A5:11:42 <Parthon> and it's off! :D
A5:19:48 <Saladan0> Oh wow
A5:19:53 <mezo> pooped
A5:19:54 <Parthon> crashed :P
A5:20:18 <vdgmprgrmr> That was awesome.
A5:21:22 <Saladan0> I still want to see the Water/lava collision :O
A5:21:38 <vdgmprgrmr> A battle of epic proportions, it would be.
A5:22:02 <Parthon> in that case, water at one end, lava at the other
A5:22:27 <vdgmprgrmr> Hey Parthon you wouldn't mind sharing the program you've made wouldja?
A5:22:40 <Saladan0> yea
A5:22:42 <Parthon> not at all
A5:22:46 <Parthon> but I'm still working on it
A5:24:09 <Saladan0> Tell us when the water lava war server is up
A5:24:10 <Saladan0> :D
A5:25:06 <Parthon> yup
A5:26:00 <Parthon> now
A5:27:03 <Parthon> at the moment it's just a static program that just embeds what I program into a level structure
A5:27:17 <Parthon> right now, it takes any level and writes the trench/lava/water into it
A5:27:55 <Parthon> and I'm about to set off a water/lava flood :D
A5:29:39 <Parthon> up now
A5:30:38 <vdgmprgrmr> Wait for me! Also, that's enough for me!
A5:30:59 <Parthon> mezo? :D
A5:34:21 <Saladan0> I crashed
A5:34:26 <Parthon> crash
A5:35:05 <Parthon> haha @ server logs
A5:35:21 <Parthon> want me to reset it again?
A5:35:39 <vdgmprgrmr> wewt
12A5:37:29 * d (chatzilla@124-170-33-29.dyn.iinet.net.au) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060308])
A5:37:37 <Parthon> server is drowned :P
A5:39:07 <citricsquid> I made a huge swimming pool :D
A5:39:12 <Parthon> backup
A5:39:17 <Parthon> it's back up I should say
A5:39:37 <vdgmprgrmr> Imma sit out this time.
A5:39:56 <Parthon> okies :D
A5:40:05 <Parthon> that lava wave was fun
A5:43:11 <smn> notch should definitely fix the serverlog update issue
A5:43:27 <smn> also: add more log outputs
A5:43:29 <smn> :D
A5:44:04 <citricsquid> It'd be cool if the log contained whe someone puts a brick down :D
A5:44:12 <citricsquid> like, "citricsquid put down rock"
A5:44:16 <smn> also... split the log or remove old lines? i mean, my log contains like 14k rows
A5:44:19 <citricsquid> it'd be hude log tho
A5:46:30 <Parthon> my server log is always empty :P
A5:47:55 <citricsquid> all 5 of mine aren;t :D
A5:48:07 <smn> gotta refine my backup script
A5:48:25 <smn> should keep backups every 5 minutes for 1 hour, afterwards, one per 30 minutes
A5:48:33 <smn> after 3 days, 3 per day
A5:48:42 <smn> after 7 days, 1 per day.
A5:48:43 <smn> :D
A5:48:50 <Deiz> Duplication of effort
A5:48:53 <Deiz> rsnapshot can do that
A5:49:30 <smn> well well
A5:49:51 <Deiz> Admittedly I haven't used it
A5:49:59 <Parthon> should I show notch that level?
A5:50:12 <smn> but rnsapshot doesn't stop the server, then copy the backup, then start the server again with 1 click, does it! :D
A5:50:29 <citricsquid> notch won't care he's only in it for the money *giggle*
A5:50:32 <smn> !
A5:50:38 <Deiz> Why stop the server, to avoid the data when it's being written?
A5:51:16 <smn> nah, it's required to stop the server in order to replace server_level.dat, isn'tit
A5:51:38 <Parthon> smn: it does that?
A5:51:50 <Deiz> Oh, I thought you meant you stopped it every time you backed up the data
A5:51:59 <Deiz> Yeah, loading data necessitates restart
A5:52:30 <Deiz> Minecraft needs a lot of admin features.
A5:52:41 <Deiz> Loading without restarting is pretty important
A5:52:45 <smn> rightyy
A5:53:02 <citricsquid> Wouldn't load without restart cause problems on clientside?
A5:53:19 <Parthon> yes
A5:53:28 <Deiz> Potentially, anyhow
A5:53:47 <Deiz> Level data isn't propagated fully except on join
A5:54:04 <Deiz> So you might have people with different versions of the level, and the server would only propagate changes
A5:54:09 <Deiz> And you'd end up with a mess.
A5:54:40 <Deiz> Still, making it work shouldn't be hard
A5:54:51 <Deiz> Load level, tell clients to pull a full new copy, done
A5:54:53 <smn> <citricsquid> Wouldn't load without restart cause problems on clientside? <-- nah, i guess the level is in the ram, server_level.dat is only read on server startup
A5:55:04 <smn> afterwards its write-only
A5:55:20 <Deiz> That's a possibility, too
A5:55:25 <smn> that
A5:55:27 <smn> 's why
A5:55:34 <Deiz> The server doesn't necessarily need the level in RAM at present
A5:55:37 <smn> your level is overwritten as soon as you replace the current server_level.dat
A5:55:39 <Deiz> Since everything is clientside
A5:55:49 <Parthon> vdgmprgrmr: are you familiar with the server_level file?
A5:56:00 <vdgmprgrmr> Sort of.
10A5:56:32 * Edur_ (Mister@wrzb-5f75ba24.pool.einsundeins.de) has joined #minecraft
A5:56:33 <vdgmprgrmr> 64x255x255 characters ranging from ASCII 0-18 or somewhere.
A5:56:44 <Parthon> yah
A5:56:55 <Parthon> but how to get it out of and put it back into the .dat file?
A5:57:05 <vdgmprgrmr> No idea.
A5:57:12 <smn> well first unzip it, then edit it, then save it, then gzip it
A5:57:14 <smn> or sth.
A5:57:18 <smn> ^^
A5:57:31 <vdgmprgrmr> I just extracted it with 7-zip and opened the file in the resulting folder with notepad.
12A5:57:35 * Edur (Mister@wrzb-5f75ba24.pool.einsundeins.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A5:57:44 <Parthon> that's not a good idea :P
A5:57:48 <smn> nah, don't use notepad, you need a hexeditor
A5:58:02 <smn> :>
A5:58:03 <vdgmprgrmr> Well, it had all the proper characters in it.
A5:58:14 <vdgmprgrmr> And even then, I probably wouldn't edit it manually anyway.
A5:59:34 <vdgmprgrmr> And I don't have a hexeditor that I know of.

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@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
Session Start: Mon Jun 22 00:00:01 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
A12:03:58 <Maulrus> NIGHT ALL
A12:05:19 <C418s> GO TO BED
12A12:06:49 * laazala (honka@202-21-136-59.cable4.acsdata.co.nz) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A12:06:51 * laazala (honka@202-21-136-59.cable4.acsdata.co.nz) has joined #minecraft
A12:07:56 <LazyWaffle> Maul, can you tell me when the server's back up?
12A12:09:39 * xetam (zzzz@177-goc-17.acn.waw.pl) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10A12:10:33 * ShadowAddict (Mibbit@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:11:12 <ShadowAddict> fyi to anybody who was on it: maulrus' server isn't going back up again tonight
A12:11:13 <ShadowAddict> :c
A12:11:15 <ShadowAddict> sorry
A12:11:29 <ShadowAddict> to the two or three people not in this channel that were on it
A12:11:38 <ShadowAddict> >_>
A12:12:15 <ShadowAddict> also it probably won't be up again til tomorrow afternoon
A12:12:23 <ShadowAddict> cause my schedule sucks
A12:12:29 <ShadowAddict> anyway bye again #minecraft
12A12:13:03 * ShadowAddict (Mibbit@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A12:14:08 <Maulrus> LazyWaffle: I will but it won't be until tomorrow afternoon, as that dashing gentleman above mentioned
A12:14:11 <Maulrus> >_>
A12:14:33 <Maulrus> I could potentially leave it up til, say, 7 in the morning
A12:14:43 <Maulrus> but I don't really want to
A12:15:06 <Maulrus> eventually I'll get it into a setup where it's more or less on all the time
A12:15:36 <Maulrus> I am forced to jump to and from a variety of computers, so it won't be up constantly ever
A12:15:54 <Maulrus> and i am babbling
A12:15:58 <Maulrus> goodnight #minecraft
A12:16:23 <vdgmprgrmr> Goodnight you crazy babbling man.
12A12:16:49 * Maulrus (Mibbit@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A12:20:18 <Redshift> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=23d84c17a3f31fef4c69a960aa6ad575
10A12:21:25 * Cameron (chatzilla@ip72-219-179-60.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:21:34 <Cameron> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=8ddcd3905567acb4cda924f2ccc8f926 Map with 8 times normal building space. :D
A12:21:48 <Inschato> That's.. excessive
A12:22:08 <Cameron> Very.
A12:23:57 <C418s> haha, these school pcs have java
A12:24:02 <C418s> but I can't connect to servers
A12:24:08 <C418s> also these computers are slow like shit
10A12:28:14 * andyy (chatzilla@ppp-69-148-16-250.dsl.austtx.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:28:39 <andyy> Got a question about ports, is there a way to tell if they are opened or closed effectively?
A12:28:50 <andyy> I have tried a program from portforward.com
A12:29:02 <andyy> but dont think it works to well
A12:33:32 <Redshift> google "open port"
A12:33:35 <Redshift> first link
A12:33:55 <Redshift> although, the port not actually be open unless the server is running
A12:34:00 <Redshift> might not*
A12:37:20 <Hunter712> http://minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=345
A12:40:46 <Inschato> Cheat detected? Too much lag? That's hardly a cheat. It's certainly undesirable though. >_>
12A12:45:59 * Rydia (Haruhi@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12A12:46:00 * Kapow (kapox@c-68-37-80-138.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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10A12:49:24 * andyy_ (chatzilla@ppp-69-148-16-250.dsl.austtx.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
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12A12:51:02 * Inschato (Doom@S0106001346a26f81.gv.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
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12A12:58:47 * PuyoDead (Joe@cpe-24-210-151-151.woh.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
12A1:03:07 * Saladan0 (Saladan0@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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10A1:19:58 * Jarod (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:20:03 <Jarod> hey
A1:20:09 <Xerux> hey
A1:20:20 <Evil-Ville> hey
A1:20:21 <Jarod> I have windows vista and my server can not be hosted
A1:20:24 <Jarod> any ideas?
A1:20:31 <Jarod> it says failed to host
A1:20:36 <Jarod> or something along those lines
10A1:21:03 * Jarod is now known as Turtleboats
A1:21:12 <Turtleboats> Does anyone know?
A1:23:18 <Turtleboats> ...anyone?
A1:30:46 <vdgmprgrmr> Jarodboats: Get a better OS. Tends to fix a lot of things.
10A1:31:24 * Cue (cueball61@cpc2-alde2-0-0-cust719.glfd.cable.ntl.com) has joined #minecraft
A1:32:44 <Turtleboats> igght man
A1:32:46 <Turtleboats> thanks
10A1:33:50 * Ebonblade (jason.ebon@CPE-2-52.dsl.OntheNet.net) has left #minecraft
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A1:46:04 <Turtleboats> Hey
10A1:50:45 * C418s (C418s@ has joined #minecraft
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10A1:58:04 * hey5000 (Mibbit@71-218-139-142.hlrn.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
A2:03:20 <Turtleboats> anyone on?
A2:03:35 <Turtleboats> anyone know how to run a server on Vista?
12A2:10:24 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215])
A2:11:37 <paul|2> huh?
A2:11:42 <paul|2> I'm running one on W7 just fine
10A2:18:23 * Redshift_ (chatzilla@c-98-232-237-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
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10A2:25:01 * Redshift (chatzilla@c-98-232-237-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
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12A2:41:20 * C418s (C418s@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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12A2:53:59 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:57:38 <Redshift> i finally reset my ocean build server
A2:57:40 <Redshift> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=9653619086c67543877d610be3493a01
A2:57:42 <Redshift> fresh map
A3:03:20 <Bobobo> why can't greifers be funny
A3:03:35 <Bobobo> i'd get a laugh if i came into my world and my flower had a giant penis
A3:03:50 <Bobobo> but if the greifer isnt even there when i am to see what they've done
A3:03:52 <Bobobo> whats the point?
A3:05:11 <Bobobo> lol
A3:05:13 <Bobobo> loaded a backup
A3:05:15 <Bobobo> and sure enough
A3:05:20 <Bobobo> a man someone built has a penis
A3:05:28 <Bobobo> and its jizzing all over the spawn
A3:05:29 <Bobobo> :P
A3:11:34 <JTE> Uh..?
A3:11:58 <JTE> Yay for colorful blocks.
10A3:21:06 * doohan (doohan@cpc2-oxfd7-0-0-cust777.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) has joined #minecraft
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A3:40:39 <Bobobo> i still think that everyone should have ownership of their own blocks
A3:40:46 <Bobobo> and admins can delete anything
A3:41:01 <Bobobo> but only the owners can edit their own stuff
A3:41:07 <Bobobo> the owner and admin
10A3:41:48 * C418s (C418s@ has joined #minecraft
10A3:42:02 * NiGMA (jordan.wk@CPE-124-186-114-123.qld.bigpond.net.au) has joined #minecraft
A3:42:38 <NiGMA> Damn! rosetta isn't here!
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10A3:50:45 * Trashman (chatzilla@cpe-70-113-55-136.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A3:53:18 <Trashman> yarg
10A3:56:29 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-241-80.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
10A4:02:34 * Randati (Randati@a88-112-205-124.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A4:02:57 <Trashman> anyone know how to run the server on vista
A4:05:58 <m0bus> you know whats really gay?
A4:06:08 <m0bus> powertripping admins
A4:06:29 <m0bus> trashman, you have to add java to the enviroment table
A4:06:47 <Trashman> i can play the game, just not hose a server
A4:06:51 <m0bus> yep
A4:06:53 <Trashman> host
A4:07:02 <m0bus> you have to add java to the enviroment tables to run the server
A4:07:12 <Trashman> explain please
A4:07:17 <m0bus> :P ok
A4:07:42 <m0bus> go to the control panel, go to system
A4:08:01 <m0bus> on the left go to advanced system settings
A4:08:14 <m0bus> on the bottom there will be a button for env tables
10A4:08:31 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ has joined #minecraft
A4:08:34 <m0bus> in the bottom box, look for something called path
A4:08:42 <Quatroking> Hay there
A4:09:09 <m0bus> click edit and paste the location of java's bin folder
A4:09:11 <m0bus> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.6.0_07\bin
A4:09:16 <m0bus> or wherever yours is
A4:09:20 <m0bus> sup quak
A4:10:58 <Quatroking> quack quack
A4:11:03 <Quatroking> >:C
A4:12:13 <m0bus> quat**
A4:12:17 <m0bus> sorry :\
A4:12:43 <Quatroking> I'
A4:12:51 <Quatroking> I'll never forgive you
10A4:13:55 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
A4:14:48 <Ylle> http://www.minecraft.net/skin/skin.jsp?user=ylle so hey here's my first skin lol
A4:15:27 <Ylle> its terrible qq and i pretty much just made it because my sister wanted me to
A4:16:02 <Quatroking> ._.
A4:16:11 <Quatroking> isn't that a goddamn cartoon character
A4:16:25 <Quatroking> wait a secpmd
A4:16:27 <Quatroking> second
12A4:16:33 * C418s (C418s@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A4:16:34 <Quatroking> is that motherfucking sandy from spongebob
A4:16:37 <Ylle> yes
A4:16:42 <Quatroking> holy fuck
A4:18:11 <m0bus> :S
12A4:18:34 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A4:19:01 <Ylle> eeeh practice makes perfect
12A4:21:30 * Ylle (Ylle@81-234-87-221-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A4:22:13 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
A4:26:35 <Quatroking> guys, how does the cobblestone schematic look? http://minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Cobblestone
A4:26:39 <Quatroking> nice?
A4:29:47 <JTE> Pretty. ^^ What's a cobble stone?
A4:30:02 <Quatroking> uh
A4:30:06 <Quatroking> ._.
A4:30:15 <Quatroking> read the damn article you lazy freak
A4:30:22 <Quatroking> lol
A4:31:16 <Quatroking> otherwise just do a quick google search
10A4:32:53 * Lily_Jewelspit (Ylle@81-234-87-221-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
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A4:37:56 <Quatroking> wait what
A4:38:08 <m0bus> admins, abusing their power
A4:38:19 <Quatroking> premmies or not
A4:38:21 <m0bus> powerhungry as it were
A4:38:25 <m0bus> premmies?
A4:38:33 <Quatroking> premium members
A4:38:38 <m0bus> i have no idea
A4:38:39 <Quatroking> premmy
A4:38:44 <Ylle> prinny
A4:38:53 <m0bus> i dont know if they're 'premmys' or not
A4:38:59 <m0bus> just...goofy with power
A4:39:04 <m0bus> like, get over it
A4:39:18 <m0bus> you dont need to accuse every next person of griefing
A4:39:35 <Quatroking> Makes me happy how I have a gang of reasonable friendly admins on my server
A4:39:41 <m0bus> i was kicked because some admin thought i was destroying something
A4:39:49 <m0bus> and i was repairing a flag
A4:39:59 <m0bus> :\
A4:40:52 <Quatroking> Well
A4:40:57 <Quatroking> if you want fun, http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=a178f4773b18c9651ae1d2e0a7730cb4
A4:41:08 <m0bus> consider it bookmarked ;)
A4:41:15 <Quatroking> our pixelart gallery is goddamn big
12A4:42:36 * Panza (chatzilla@124-168-252-78.dyn.iinet.net.au) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10A4:43:41 * mib_7ihq9l (Mibbit@c-24-4-205-81.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A4:44:01 <mib_7ihq9l> could somebody please tell me WTF is up with the swastiaks? why are they on every server, and sometimes protected?
A4:44:57 <m0bus> laterz
A4:45:10 <m0bus> people love the white powers
A4:45:27 <m0bus> i think everyone in the world should be pretty desensitized to them by NOW
A4:45:30 <Quatroking> What's wrong with swastika's?
A4:45:37 <mib_7ihq9l> has the internet gotten +20 stupid without me noticing?!
A4:45:46 <mib_7ihq9l> is it just 12 year old kids running around these servers?
A4:45:51 <m0bus> they were pretty offensive like...60 years ago
A4:45:58 <m0bus> its MOSTLY 12 year olds
A4:45:58 <Quatroking> There's nothing wrong with a swastika, honestly.
A4:46:00 <mib_7ihq9l> what's the point, unless you're trying to piss people off?
A4:46:07 <m0bus> it works right?
A4:46:13 <mib_7ihq9l> yes, and that makes you a dick.
A4:46:17 <m0bus> :P
A4:46:20 <m0bus> i dont make them
A4:46:24 <Quatroking> Well it certainly pisses you off
A4:46:33 <m0bus> i just say that people will always find ways to piss off other people
A4:46:40 <m0bus> and it works
A4:46:51 <mib_7ihq9l> i understand griefing, but EVERY server? is it some meme I'm not aware of?
A4:47:05 <m0bus> i said it earlier
A4:47:09 <Ylle> Lots of people are jerks, they're just afraid irl.
A4:47:09 <m0bus> no matter what you do
A4:47:14 <m0bus> no matter who you are
A4:47:19 <m0bus> no matter where you live
A4:47:26 <Ylle> And hell, if you're going to see something written on the wall on a bathroom stall
A4:47:27 <m0bus> you will run into griefers in all walks of life
A4:47:31 <Ylle> its gon' be a swastika
A4:47:35 <m0bus> it could be a mailman or your boss
A4:47:36 <Ylle> or a failed swastika
A4:47:46 <Quatroking> I've even seen goddamn hammer and sickles :P
A4:47:47 <m0bus> you will always find griefers in this world
A4:47:52 <m0bus> just get used to it man
A4:48:03 <mib_7ihq9l> these aren't griefers. they're systematic griefers.
A4:48:03 <m0bus> dont let things irk you so much
A4:48:09 <m0bus> :P
A4:48:11 <m0bus> lol
A4:48:15 <mib_7ihq9l> the swastikas don't irk me, just the people whose sole purpose is to piss people off.
A4:48:23 <mib_7ihq9l> they can GTFO my internets, plz.
A4:48:33 <m0bus> well they might not get far in life, who knows
A4:48:46 <Quatroking> I like to troll around once in a while on Newgrounds, and that's just to piss people off and get hilarious comments back
A4:48:49 <m0bus> the internet was designed for griefers
A4:49:07 <m0bus> by a griefer
A4:49:18 <Quatroking> Once people understand I'm doing it for the comments, they mostly see the fun in the comments too
A4:49:49 <m0bus> :P
A4:50:04 <m0bus> the trolling griefer...classic
A4:50:10 <m0bus> bothers some people
A4:50:13 <m0bus> no big deal
A4:50:26 <Quatroking> remembers me of a Hanky guy a few days ago
A4:50:26 <m0bus> i get a kick out of seeing someone grief
A4:50:29 <Quatroking> he came on the IRC
A4:50:44 <m0bus> griefer?
A4:50:47 <Quatroking> and he started thanking Notch because minecraft cured his braincancer
A4:50:52 <Quatroking> fucking hilarious
A4:50:54 <m0bus> :P
10A4:51:12 * akuryo (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A4:51:21 <akuryo> I NEED TEH NOTCH
A4:51:28 <m0bus> he is teh sleeping
A4:51:32 <akuryo> =D
A4:51:33 <Quatroking> it also exterminated all the foreign people in his neighbourhood and prevented hawaii from being nuked
A4:51:35 <akuryo> ok
A4:51:43 <akuryo> ha kewl meh see
10A4:51:48 * Kira (Kira@c-98-247-65-31.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A4:51:49 <Quatroking> and his balls grew a lot
A4:51:53 <akuryo> =D
A4:51:53 <Quatroking> apparantly
A4:51:56 <m0bus> he usually is on in about 4 hours
12A4:52:01 * mib_7ihq9l (Mibbit@c-24-4-205-81.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A4:52:02 <akuryo> do you knoz if he can swap accounts?
A4:52:05 <m0bus> :S
A4:52:07 <akuryo> ok thank you
A4:52:09 <akuryo> i mean
A4:52:13 <akuryo> i have a bought account
A4:52:16 <akuryo> the account "crafter"
A4:52:18 <m0bus> :\
A4:52:21 <akuryo> i want to put it bough to akuryo
A4:52:29 <Quatroking> I've got a song in my playlist and the lyrics sound like "prostates loose control"
A4:52:32 <Quatroking> :/
A4:52:33 <m0bus> i'm sure he could do something like that
A4:52:45 <m0bus> i HATE IT when my prostate loses control
A4:52:50 <m0bus> i'm off to bed
A4:52:56 <m0bus> tt yall later
A4:52:59 <Quatroking> kbay
A4:53:08 <m0bus> kthxbai
12A4:53:13 * m0bus (kyle.oconn@CPE002129d8a9eb-CM00080d6c1c4c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
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A5:04:27 <Quatroking> ah citricsquid
A5:04:35 <Quatroking> I've got something for you to do
A5:05:02 <Quatroking> hold on
12A5:05:30 * _spondy (spondy@203-206-88-62.dyn.iinet.net.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A5:06:39 <Quatroking> citricsquid, you there
10A5:06:47 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:06:51 <citricsquid> yo
A5:07:02 <Quatroking> could you install this extension on the wiki: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AddHTML
A5:07:04 <Turtleboats> yo
A5:07:46 <Turtleboats> how do i run a server on windows vista?
A5:07:46 <Quatroking> Then we can easily embed the mibbit IRC client in a wiki page, to get rid of that problem where stupid people can't learn how to use irc properly
A5:07:53 <Turtleboats> how do i run a server on windows vista?
10A5:07:54 * marach (Mibbit@ip-92-42-118-11.uznam.net.pl) has joined #minecraft
A5:08:01 <Quatroking> which version of vista?
A5:08:07 <Turtleboats> home i believe
A5:08:13 <Quatroking> 32 or 64bit
A5:08:16 <Turtleboats> umm
A5:08:42 <Quatroking> my computer>right-click>properties
A5:08:49 <Turtleboats> yeah
A5:08:51 <Turtleboats> i know
A5:08:52 <Turtleboats> 32
A5:09:03 <Turtleboats> like
A5:09:03 <Quatroking> have you forwarded your ports yet?
A5:09:09 <Turtleboats> how do i do that?
A5:09:15 <Turtleboats> do you only have to do that on vista?
A5:09:16 <Quatroking> well first of all
A5:09:26 <Quatroking> well you have to do that on all platforms
A5:09:36 <marach> http://minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=378 if Notch is here, check this please, it's very important because I currently can't use internet at home...
A5:10:00 <Quatroking> start>search bar>cmd.exe
A5:10:01 <Turtleboats> oh
A5:10:11 <Turtleboats> well
A5:10:19 <Turtleboats> my buddy did it without doing anything
A5:10:31 <Quatroking> are you on a network with more than one PC?
10A5:10:31 * _spondy (spondy@124-169-123-149.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #minecraft
A5:10:39 <Turtleboats> he clicked thestart server and it worked
A5:10:46 <Turtleboats> yes
A5:10:51 <Quatroking> and your buddy?
A5:10:54 <Turtleboats> ahh
A5:10:57 <Turtleboats> one
A5:10:59 <Turtleboats> yesh
A5:11:00 <Turtleboats> yeah
A5:11:05 <Turtleboats> thats why?
A5:11:08 <Quatroking> Yeah
A5:11:13 <Turtleboats> ah okay
A5:11:20 <Quatroking> the master list doesn't know which of the comptuers is sending the server signal you see
A5:11:30 <Quatroking> that's why we got port forwarding
A5:11:41 <Quatroking> so anyways, launch up that cmd.exe
A5:12:04 <Quatroking> got that open?
A5:12:10 <Turtleboats> yep
A5:12:25 <Quatroking> type this and hit enter:
A5:12:30 <Quatroking> ipconfig
A5:12:40 <Turtleboats> kk
A5:12:45 <Quatroking> it should throw out a bunch of stuff
A5:12:51 <Turtleboats> yepp
A5:13:06 <Quatroking> you see the ip adresses?
A5:13:18 <Turtleboats> yeah think so
A5:13:24 <Turtleboats> at the top of the list thing right?
A5:13:27 <Quatroking> the ones we need are your ipv4 adres/local ip and your gateway adress
A5:13:29 <Turtleboats> there are like 3
A5:13:30 <Quatroking> Yeah
A5:13:54 <Turtleboats> yeah gotem
A5:14:06 <Quatroking> alright, now go to firefox or IE or whatever you use
A5:14:10 <Turtleboats> kk
A5:14:12 <Turtleboats> there
A5:14:16 <Quatroking> and type the gateway adress in the adress bar
A5:14:34 <Quatroking> does your modem/router/hub pop up?
A5:15:04 <Turtleboats> yes
A5:15:20 <Quatroking> does it ask for a password?
A5:15:35 <Turtleboats> umm
A5:15:36 <Turtleboats> i guess not
A5:15:40 <Quatroking> Oh.
A5:15:45 <Turtleboats> it says password set
A5:15:45 <Quatroking> Well that's rather unsafe
A5:15:49 <Turtleboats> well
A5:15:53 <Quatroking> oh well
10A5:15:53 * citricsquidtimeoutplx (sam@client-81-97-76-225.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:15:56 <Turtleboats> i know it is pw protected
A5:16:06 <Turtleboats> if thats what you mean
A5:16:08 <Quatroking> anyways, search around for port forward
A5:16:11 <Quatroking> Yeah
12A5:16:13 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-79-191.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A5:16:27 <Turtleboats> where would that be?
A5:16:36 <Quatroking> um
A5:16:51 <Quatroking> what model is your hub/router/modem?
A5:17:04 <Turtleboats> at&t
10A5:17:08 * citricsquidtimeoutplx is now known as citricsquid
A5:17:12 <Quatroking> eh
10A5:17:18 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
A5:17:26 <citricsquid> quat: I'll have a go with that extension later, got loads of work to do atm =D
A5:17:47 <Quatroking> No that's your provider, turtleboats, I mean your modem itself
A5:17:56 <Turtleboats> oh
A5:17:57 <Quatroking> for example I've got a Siemens Gigaset 550
A5:18:00 <Turtleboats> umm
A5:18:10 <Quatroking> and a friend of mine got a Belkins
A5:18:18 <Turtleboats> d link
A5:18:24 <Quatroking> and the model?
A5:18:49 <Turtleboats> d link dwa-140
A5:19:13 <Quatroking> alright hold on
A5:19:16 <Turtleboats> kk
A5:19:31 <Quatroking> wireless router right
A5:19:36 <Turtleboats> yes sir
10A5:19:55 * ZomBuster (zombuster@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A5:20:06 <Quatroking> Alrighty, hold on
A5:20:09 <Turtleboats> kk
A5:20:17 <marach> can someone help in http://minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=378, it's really urgent...
A5:20:55 <Quatroking> marach, just wait a few days until the exchange goes up
A5:21:09 <Quatroking> it happens to me all the time, but with larger amounts like 50 euro's at a time :P
A5:21:27 <Quatroking> Turtleboats, did you got the router and usb adapter as a Wireless N Starter Kit?
A5:21:40 <Turtleboats> possibly
A5:21:45 <Turtleboats> i really don't know that one
A5:21:53 <Quatroking> Well Let's assume that then
A5:21:56 <Turtleboats> kk
A5:21:59 <Turtleboats> sounds like a plan
A5:22:09 <Quatroking> considering its the only way a DWA-140 can be acquired
A5:22:17 <Turtleboats> haha
A5:22:19 <Quatroking> which would mean your router is.... a DIR-635
A5:22:31 <Quatroking> found it.
A5:22:56 <citricsquid> marach: I replied :)
A5:23:05 <Turtleboats> k
A5:23:19 <Quatroking> Turtleboats, take a look at this
A5:23:20 <Quatroking> http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Dlink/DIR-635/default.htm
A5:23:55 <Quatroking> That interface looks horrible compared to my router by the way, dear god
A5:24:22 <citricsquid> my router is hilarious, if you plug anything into the wall sockets in our house it goes offline =(
A5:24:28 <Turtleboats> which one is my router ip?
A5:24:38 <Quatroking> your gateway
A5:24:40 <Turtleboats> kk
A5:24:58 <Turtleboats> hold up
A5:25:10 <Turtleboats> it didn't take me to a dlink site
A5:25:14 <Turtleboats> it took me to at&t
A5:25:30 <Quatroking> but at&t is your internet provider..
A5:25:36 <Turtleboats> yeah
A5:25:50 <Turtleboats> the tutorial thing shows a dlink site coming up
A5:25:57 <Turtleboats> i never got to that site
A5:26:01 <Quatroking> It's possible they've thrown in a custom version in your router
A5:26:17 <Quatroking> you don't get any setup options either?
A5:26:48 <Turtleboats> dont think so
A5:27:21 <Quatroking> Well then I'm out of idea's, I've never seen the gateway Ip leading to your provider's website before
A5:27:22 <marach> i know a sitewhere you can get 0.10 $ for free in exchange of big amount of spam...
A5:27:35 <Quatroking> give it to me, marach
A5:27:37 <citricsquid> marach: Read the topic =D I'll send you the money you need :P
A5:27:57 <marach> ok big thx
A5:28:22 <marach> couldnt exchangerate go up insteadof down...
A5:28:41 <marach> failing spacebar
A5:28:42 <citricsquid> yep, but might take a while
A5:28:45 <Quatroking> it's idfferent all the time
A5:28:49 <citricsquid> it could potentially keep going down and down for a while
A5:28:55 <citricsquid> or it could go up for ages, it's magic!
A5:29:09 <Quatroking> When I bought my PC my money gone up and down by amounts like 50 euro's or something
A5:29:17 <Quatroking> because I had so much :P
A5:30:07 <marach> just a silly question, who here is NOT using mibbit? :)
A5:30:17 <citricsquid> mIRC =D
A5:30:36 <Bobobo> i'm using mIRC also
A5:30:37 <ZomBuster> real men use mIRC
A5:31:00 <marach> paypal email posted :)
A5:32:12 <marach> i havemirc on my home pc
A5:32:19 <citricsquid> enjoy =D
A5:32:52 <marach> thanks again
A5:33:14 <Turtleboats> this doesn't make any sense
A5:33:18 <marach> i have no idea for my multiplayerskin skin
A5:33:24 <marach> oops
A5:35:28 <marach> why so much? 0.01 eur would be enough ;)
A5:35:41 <citricsquid> It's easier to type 1 ;)
A5:36:00 <marach> itseasierto type 100!
A5:37:11 <citricsquid> Who won the reddit build contest? =o
A5:37:45 <marach> done, will purchasebutton disappear when i getpremium?
A5:37:50 <citricsquid> yep
A5:38:10 <marach> it did
A5:38:13 <marach> really fast
A5:38:57 <Turtleboats> anyone know how to run a server on windows vista?
10A5:39:35 * ramdance- (kvirc@ip68-4-113-234.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:39:40 <ramdance-> :O
A5:39:43 <ramdance-> minecraft
A5:39:45 <marach> using a virtual machine withwindows xp
A5:39:54 <ramdance-> I love minecraft
A5:40:01 <citricsquid> If you're going to virtual machine, use linux ;)
A5:40:16 <ramdance-> hot damn
A5:40:16 <Quatroking> Don't use a microsoft virtual machine to
A5:40:18 <marach> is there a serverfor linux?
A5:40:19 <Quatroking> tho*
A5:40:27 <citricsquid> Yeah, there is
A5:40:33 <citricsquid> it's the same file, just different run command
A5:40:44 <ramdance-> anyone know some cool servers to build stuff on?
A5:40:45 <marach> so its probably in java
A5:40:54 <ramdance-> I want to build cool stuff
A5:40:57 <Quatroking> ramdance-: http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=a178f4773b18c9651ae1d2e0a7730cb4
A5:41:04 <ramdance-> cool
A5:41:08 <ramdance-> will check iy out
A5:41:16 <Quatroking> It's mine
A5:41:18 <ramdance-> t*
A5:41:25 <Quatroking> I've got loads of pixelart and buildings :P
A5:42:29 <marach> withcoloredblocks i finally can build all minecraft textures as murals
A5:42:30 <Quatroking> citricsquid, when are you going to install the extension?
A5:42:48 <Quatroking> It'll help a whole load of people
A5:43:16 <citricsquid> I'm working, later =D
A5:43:32 <citricsquid> I need to build an entire social networking website in about 6 hours :|
A5:43:33 <Quatroking> >:C
10A5:44:31 * Redshift_ (chatzilla@c-98-232-237-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
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10A5:46:43 * Redshift_ is now known as Redshift
A5:49:05 <marach> i try to usemiddle mousebutton to pick a color in paint xDDD
A5:49:36 <Quatroking> citricsquid how hard is it to install an extension
A5:49:43 <Quatroking> that's all you need to do, I'll do the rest
A5:50:09 <ramdance-> blow it out your ugly ass
10A5:50:11 * ramdance- (kvirc@ip68-4-113-234.oc.oc.cox.net) has left #minecraft
12A5:50:20 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A5:50:21 <Quatroking> o_o
A5:50:36 <marach> ^^ exactly
A5:50:49 <Quatroking> but my butt isn't ugly
A5:50:59 <Quatroking> its fabolous
10A5:51:01 * Turtleboats_ (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10A5:51:02 * Turtleboats_ is now known as Turtleboats
A5:52:02 <Quatroking> Found the sticker, Turtleboats?
12A5:53:32 * Kapow (kapox@c-68-37-80-138.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A5:54:38 <Bobobo> can i use a map generator to make a map of solid stone?
10A5:54:41 * xetam (zzzz@177-goc-17.acn.waw.pl) has joined #minecraft
10A5:55:21 * Turtleboats_ (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12A5:55:23 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A5:56:29 * QuatroTest (Mibbit@ip565a9ffc.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #minecraft
A5:56:34 <Quatroking> Hurray
A5:56:37 <Quatroking> the widget is working
12A5:56:39 * marach (Mibbit@ip-92-42-118-11.uznam.net.pl) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12A5:56:45 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A5:56:51 * Turtleboats_ is now known as Turtleboats
12A5:56:57 * QuatroTest (Mibbit@ip565a9ffc.direct-adsl.nl) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:59:33 <Bobobo> citricsquid
A5:59:45 <Bobobo> hows that admin script thing going?
A5:59:48 <Bobobo> sounds cool
A6:03:25 <Bobobo> wonder if i can host two servers...
10A6:04:19 * Alwayswatching (Alwayswatc@089-101-031125.ntlworld.ie) has joined #minecraft
A6:04:29 <Alwayswatching> 'ello
A6:04:34 <Bobobo> hi
10A6:05:17 * marach (Mibbit@ip-92-42-118-11.uznam.net.pl) has joined #minecraft
A6:05:26 <Quatroking> citricsquid install the damn extension, I already got the widget ready to be used
A6:05:56 <Alwayswatching> Guys
A6:06:02 <Quatroking> Dudes
A6:06:11 <Alwayswatching> Does anyone know who won the reddit thing
A6:06:20 <Quatroking> I did
A6:06:34 <Alwayswatching> What was the building
A6:06:47 <Quatroking> a large penis
A6:07:03 <Alwayswatching> ...Does anyone know??
A6:07:12 <Bobobo> i'm about to start a recreation of E1M1
A6:07:12 <Bobobo> :)
A6:07:27 <Quatroking> :D
A6:07:38 <Alwayswatching> Gah
A6:07:47 <Alwayswatching> Ill kill you all!
A6:07:55 <Quatroking> not so!
A6:07:56 <Bobobo> i have no idea Alwayswatching
A6:07:58 <Bobobo> check the forums
13A6:07:59 * Alwayswatching goes on a rampage
A6:08:03 <Quatroking> Thundercatz, OOOOH
A6:08:07 <Alwayswatching> They didnt say
A6:08:25 <Alwayswatching> Le stab!
A6:08:35 <marach> whats this extension anyway?
A6:08:55 <Quatroking> it makes it possible to add raw HTMl to protected pages on the wiki
A6:09:05 <Alwayswatching> So what does everyone think the next update will be
A6:09:29 <Quatroking> which makes it possible to embed the Mibbit IRC client so that all the stupid people won't have to spam around on the forums about how they can't use IRC because they got brain tumors
A6:09:30 <marach> i have no ideahow this game can bebetter
A6:09:44 <marach> hmm
A6:09:50 <marach> maybei have
A6:09:58 <Alwayswatching> Finite water?
A6:09:59 <Quatroking> ice
A6:10:04 <citricsquid> quatro: Why don't I just add the client on the forum? Surely that's easier than using a buggy out of date extension?
A6:10:07 <Quatroking> slippy ice and bouncy rubber
A6:10:11 <marach> maybe a mode like in infiniminer?
A6:10:20 <Quatroking> citricsquid you can do that too
A6:10:24 <Quatroking> after all it's just an iframe
A6:10:35 <Alwayswatching> I wonder, when the game is out
A6:10:37 <Quatroking> I suggest using a seperate page tho
A6:10:41 <Alwayswatching> And done
A6:10:45 <marach> teamed ore collecting
A6:10:48 <citricsquid> quatro: That's what I meant =D
A6:10:49 <Alwayswatching> Will he keep updating
A6:10:50 <Quatroking> widget link: http://widget.mibbit.com/?settings=1c3f12e8e1ea8dc8ebe624ca48582596&server=irc.esper.net&channel=%23minecraft
A6:11:06 <Quatroking> I've already prepared the entire thing
A6:11:19 <Quatroking> throw it in an iframe and we're done
A6:11:53 <Alwayswatching> Omfg
A6:12:05 <Alwayswatching> I want a minecraft iphone app
A6:12:11 <Quatroking> rofl
10A6:12:12 * Kapow (kapox@c-68-37-80-138.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A6:12:24 <Alwayswatching> That will never happen i know
A6:12:27 <Quatroking> does java run on an iphone?
A6:12:38 <ZomBuster> it should
A6:12:43 <Alwayswatching> No i dont think so :P
A6:12:50 <Alwayswatching> Objective C
A6:12:55 <ZomBuster> java runs on other smarthpones
A6:13:06 <Alwayswatching> Maybe it does
A6:13:13 <Alwayswatching> Anyway
A6:13:21 <Alwayswatching> I would be sooo happy
A6:13:42 <Alwayswatching> Im on IRC on my ipod touch btw
A6:13:46 <Alwayswatching> :P
A6:14:37 <Alwayswatching> Buh bye
12A6:14:40 * Alwayswatching (Alwayswatc@089-101-031125.ntlworld.ie) Quit (Quit: Rooms • iPhone IRC Client • http://rooms.derflash.de)
10A6:18:53 * Flyboy (nicholas.j@121-73-114-37.cable.telstraclear.net) has joined #minecraft
A6:19:06 <Flyboy> Hello
A6:19:59 <Quatroking> Hay
A6:20:13 <Flyboy> What's going on round here?
12A6:20:43 * liq3 (liquidman3@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:21:08 <Turtleboats> Anyone know why I can't get on my server from Windows Vista?
A6:21:50 <marach> something strangeis happening
A6:22:03 <Turtleboats> ?
A6:22:19 <marach> afterstarting singleplayer, game screen just disappearsafter5 minutes
A6:22:33 <marach> im not running vista
A6:23:00 <marach> and my question: WTF?
A6:23:28 <marach> and im not saying about a game "Work Time Fun" for Sony PSP
A6:24:09 <marach> and i cant look into javaconsole
A6:24:36 <marach> javajustcrashes and disappears from icon panel or whatever itsnames
A6:24:41 <marach> named
12A6:24:48 * Flyboy (nicholas.j@121-73-114-37.cable.telstraclear.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:26:21 <akuryo> I WANT A NOTCH
12A6:26:35 * Kira (Kira@c-98-247-65-31.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A6:26:36 <Quatroking> the NOTCHBOTCH
A6:27:13 <marach> lol
A6:27:30 <marach> any idea whatshappening to my game?
A6:27:47 <Quatroking> NOTCH'S BUTTERSCOTCH
A6:28:23 <Quatroking> wait what
A6:28:26 <Quatroking> o_o
A6:28:46 <marach> omg i havejavaversion 1.(whatever)
A6:29:00 <marach> 1.6.0_11
A6:29:23 <marach> its kinda old, itsnt it?
A6:29:48 <marach> closing firefox to install newest, bb
12A6:29:54 * marach (Mibbit@ip-92-42-118-11.uznam.net.pl) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A6:30:02 * C418s (C418s@ has joined #minecraft
12A6:33:05 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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A6:43:54 <Quatroking> ROW ROW, FIGHT THE POWER!
12A6:45:17 * Redshift (chatzilla@c-98-232-237-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215])
10A6:47:48 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10A6:48:50 * C418s (C418s@ has joined #minecraft
10A6:55:47 * flak (1@ has joined #minecraft
A6:55:51 <flak> SUP DAWGS
10A6:56:48 * smn`offline is now known as smn
A6:56:50 <Quatroking> WAZAAA
A6:57:12 <smn> WAT.
A6:58:19 <C418s> WER.
A6:58:23 <Quatroking> WO
A6:58:27 <Quatroking> WEN
A6:58:29 <Quatroking> WY
A7:00:36 <smn> WIESO.
10A7:05:07 * [AM]-Kasp (plinka@ has joined #minecraft
A7:05:08 <[AM]-Kasp> New web browser based game, intresting and fun peoples, nice admins and more, enjoy - http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?1139730844
10A7:05:10 * [AM]-Kasp (plinka@ has left #minecraft
A7:06:20 <JTE> Lame...
A7:11:26 <ZomBuster> stupid adbots
10A7:17:50 * Angrybanana (Wat@c-5f1670d5.010-206-626f6410.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has joined #minecraft
13A7:25:03 * citricsquid slaps ZomBuster around a bit with a large trout
A7:26:56 <Quatroking> yay
10A7:27:22 * Syndlig (synd@cpe-66-68-16-104.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
12A7:27:52 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ Quit (Quit: I'm off, kthxbai)
12A7:29:07 * C418s (C418s@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13A7:29:09 * ZomBuster slaps citricsquid around with a large shark
10A7:29:29 * C418s (C418s@ has joined #minecraft
13A7:30:48 * citricsquid nom nom nom nom noms
10A7:32:23 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
A7:34:16 <Turtleboats> anyone know why i can't connect to my own server?
A7:34:31 <flak> http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/fail-owned-buy-baby-fail.jpg?w=467&h=700
A7:34:33 <citricsquid> it's the way the server side client runs afaik
A7:34:39 <citricsquid> you need to use the local IP of your machine
A7:35:00 <Turtleboats> well how come nobody else can join either?
A7:35:04 <Turtleboats> and also
A7:35:13 <citricsquid> What's the server name?
A7:35:18 <Turtleboats> i click on my server to join it and i can't
A7:35:19 <Turtleboats> hold up
A7:36:38 <citricsquid> what does the server command line show you
A7:36:41 <citricsquid> is it sending heartbeats?
A7:37:08 <Turtleboats> it says level saved!
A7:37:18 <Turtleboats> load 0/16
A7:37:24 <Turtleboats> what are heartbeats?
A7:37:28 <citricsquid> okay, the problem is most likely your ports then.
A7:38:03 <Turtleboats> i already port forwarded
A7:38:42 <ZomBuster> anyone know fueuer
A7:38:45 <Turtleboats> Like the only way i can get on is by putting in the info manually. and Nobody else can get on from the link
A7:38:48 <Turtleboats> no
A7:39:44 <ZomBuster> feuerrr
A7:39:50 <Turtleboats> citric
A7:39:53 <Turtleboats> any ideas?
A7:40:06 <citricsquid> not a clue :(
A7:40:14 <Turtleboats> crap
A7:40:16 <Turtleboats> alright
10A7:41:39 * Flyboy (chatzilla@121-73-114-37.cable.telstraclear.net) has joined #minecraft
A7:42:00 <Flyboy> Damn, no Notch.
A7:42:33 <citricsquid> =D
A7:42:39 <citricsquid> problem flyboy? :(
A7:42:51 <Flyboy> No NOTCH!!!!
A7:43:10 <Flyboy> When was he last here?
A7:43:50 <citricsquid> Not sure, I haven't seen him for over a day, I think he had yesterday off from minecraft =D
A7:43:57 <Flyboy> Ok.
A7:43:57 <smn> indeed
A7:44:32 <Flyboy> I'm considering starting to stalk him. What country is he in again?
A7:44:39 <citricsquid> sweden
A7:44:45 <smn> but why!
A7:44:51 <Flyboy> Is that close to new zealand?
A7:44:57 <citricsquid> lmao, yes!
A7:44:58 <ZomBuster> ...
A7:44:59 <citricsquid> just next door
A7:45:03 <Flyboy> Sweet
A7:45:05 <smn> i don't think you'd make a good stalker
A7:45:06 <smn> :D
A7:46:29 <Flyboy> Look, I'm not taking any geology classes ok. XD
A7:46:29 <Flyboy> I don't think my school has them.
A7:46:29 <Flyboy> http://www.unlimited.school.nz/
A7:46:29 <Flyboy> YAY!
A7:48:12 <Turtleboats> Can you join your own server from the Multiplayer list of servers?
A7:48:21 <Turtleboats> like if you see your server on there
A7:48:29 <Turtleboats> or is that not possible?
A7:48:48 <Flyboy> There is a tutorial on that gimme a minute
A7:48:56 <citricsquid> No, you have to join with your IP
A7:49:04 <Turtleboats> ip and port?
A7:49:14 <citricsquid> yes
A7:49:16 <Flyboy> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=44
A7:49:19 <citricsquid> it's in the readme
A7:49:26 <Turtleboats> so each time you wanna get on your server you have to manually put that in?
A7:49:30 <citricsquid> Yes
A7:49:33 <citricsquid> if you run from your PC
A7:49:56 <Turtleboats> okay
A7:51:20 <ZomBuster> just bookmark it lol
A7:52:45 <Flyboy> Hey, how old is everyone here? Just for reference.
A7:52:56 <Turtleboats> right above the game it keeps saying "you can't connect to the server via this url any more!"
A7:53:06 <Turtleboats> why is it saying that?
A7:53:23 <Flyboy> Are you running a mac?
A7:53:27 <Turtleboats> no sire
A7:53:28 <Turtleboats> sir**
A7:53:41 <Flyboy> I liked sire better
10A7:53:53 * hexpunK (hexpunK@host81-155-22-211.range81-155.btcentralplus.com) has joined #minecraft
A7:53:54 <Turtleboats> haha alright your royal sire
A7:54:01 <Turtleboats> but really
A7:54:05 <Turtleboats> why is it saying that?
A7:54:18 <Flyboy> Bucketoffino.
10A7:54:23 * kingnerd (kingnerd@pool-71-125-32-74.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
A7:54:50 <Flyboy> Sorry.
A7:54:54 <citricsquid> who won allnatural? =D
A7:55:02 <Turtleboats> alright
A7:55:04 <kingnerd> citricsquid, Wingboy
12A7:55:10 * hexpunK (hexpunK@host81-155-22-211.range81-155.btcentralplus.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A7:55:10 <citricsquid> what did he make?
A7:55:14 <kingnerd> cruise ship
A7:55:17 <citricsquid> hot
10A7:55:25 * kingnerd is now known as AlLnAtuRalX
A7:55:39 <Flyboy> Wingboy is me right?
A7:55:44 <AlLnAtuRalX> Full results, screenshots, vids will be on my blog later today and I'll also publish the .dats
12A7:55:47 * Syndlig (synd@cpe-66-68-16-104.austin.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A7:55:51 <AlLnAtuRalX> Flyboy, did you make the cruise ship?
A7:55:57 <Flyboy> Nope.
A7:56:00 <AlLnAtuRalX> :D
A7:56:14 <Flyboy> I'm so confused.
A7:56:28 <Flyboy> Is wingboy me?
A7:56:41 <citricsquid> no...? Wingboy is wingboy.
A7:57:11 <Flyboy> Ok then. Ppl call me crazy things sometimes.
A7:57:22 <AlLnAtuRalX> His name ingame was WingBoy
A7:57:27 <Flyboy> Ah.
A7:58:04 <Flyboy> Is it just me or are a lot of ppl's names on this irc random compound words.
A7:58:10 <AlLnAtuRalX> I actually thought someone else deserved to win, but hey, it was fair
A7:58:11 <Flyboy> Citricsquid
A7:58:17 <Flyboy> turtleboat
A7:58:23 <Flyboy> greenslimy
A7:58:33 <Flyboy> angrybanana
A7:58:42 <Flyboy> monopolyman
A7:59:49 <ZomBuster> Flyboy
A8:00:09 <Flyboy> HOLY CRAP.
A8:00:21 <ZomBuster> peerkoel
A8:00:49 <Flyboy> I never thought about it like that.
A8:00:49 <Flyboy> Also why do men have nipples?
A8:00:49 <Flyboy> Think about it>
A8:00:58 <citricsquid> we all start out as women
A8:01:11 <flak> we all start out as cell
A8:01:11 <citricsquid> and the best become men
A8:01:12 <citricsquid> ;)
A8:01:27 <flak> and then cell grows nipples
A8:01:31 <AlLnAtuRalX> No, we actually start out as two cells
A8:01:31 <citricsquid> "All humans begin life in the womb as females. If no Y chromosome is present in the foetus, then the embryo will continue to develop as and be born as a female. If there is a Y chromosome present in the embryo, the male sex hormone testosterone restricts the full development of breasts to just nipples,"
A8:01:49 <citricsquid> LOL
A8:01:54 <citricsquid> "So we know when it's time to put on a jumper. "
A8:01:55 <Flyboy> Yeah. When you think about it we were the fastest sperm out of 250,000,000
A8:02:15 <flak> or the strongest
A8:02:21 <Flyboy> Bit amazing isn't it.
A8:02:22 <flak> maybe they kill each other
A8:02:25 <citricsquid> I posted that on a forum, "When your parents hate you, remember that you beat millions of other sperm so it could have been worse"
A8:02:31 <Flyboy> That would be epic.
A8:02:46 <citricsquid> I wish we could remember being sperms, that'd be awesome.
A8:02:49 <Flyboy> SPERM COLLISEUM!!!!
A8:03:09 <flak> or maybe one sperm that lives is the smallest, so it can squeeze through when nobody can see it
A8:03:23 <Flyboy> That would explain a lot.
A8:03:56 <Flyboy> Anyone live in NZ?
A8:06:09 <smn> nazi zone?
A8:06:16 <smn> ooh
A8:06:20 <smn> i see now
A8:06:27 <smn> new zealand huh
A8:06:30 <citricsquid> naked nebras
A8:07:23 <Flyboy> yeo
A8:07:23 <Flyboy> Yep.*
A8:08:04 <Flyboy> I was talking to someone on Omegle who had never heard of New Zealand.
A8:08:25 <AlLnAtuRalX> That's because most people on omegle are 4channers
A8:08:57 <Flyboy> They seemed preeeeeeeeeeety sincere.
A8:09:09 <Flyboy> But mebbe not.
A8:09:31 <Flyboy> Anyone had a look at cleverbot.
A8:09:38 <Flyboy> www.cleverbot.com
A8:11:52 <peerkoel> anyone know if Parthon's city map is up and what the server url is?
12A8:11:55 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-213-79.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A8:14:56 <smn> Cleverbot: Do you speak in spanish?
A8:14:57 <smn> User: Nein, aber auf deutsch!
A8:14:57 <smn> Cleverbot: What does that mean?
A8:14:57 <smn> User: It means I'm german!
A8:14:57 <smn> Cleverbot: But where?
A8:14:58 <smn> User: GERMANY, YOU PRICK.
A8:15:30 <Flyboy> I know. Try binary.
A8:15:48 <Flyboy> It also speaks french.
A8:15:53 <smn> :D
A8:16:03 <ZomBuster> dunno
A8:16:06 <ZomBuster> peerkoel
A8:16:29 <peerkoel> hmkay, thought maybe he updated to buildings with glass
A8:16:34 <peerkoel> should be a good sight
A8:16:39 <ZomBuster> yeh I hope so too
12A8:16:47 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A8:16:49 <ZomBuster> but havent heard of him lately
A8:17:12 <flak> cleverbot doesn't want to speak with me
10A8:17:21 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A8:18:07 <Flyboy> Shockhorror, normally he never shuts up.
12A8:18:34 * Turtleboats (chatzilla@75-43-16-189.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A8:20:52 <Flyboy> User: Hello.
A8:20:54 <Flyboy> Cleverbot: Hello.
A8:20:56 <Flyboy> User: Why do men have nipples?
A8:20:58 <Flyboy> Cleverbot: You are a computer.
A8:21:00 <Flyboy> User: Aha.
A8:21:31 <Flyboy> Cleverbot: Do you read comic books?
A8:21:31 <Flyboy> User: Only if they contain male nipple exposure.
A8:21:31 <Flyboy> Cleverbot: What is your favorite horror movie?
A8:21:31 <Flyboy> User: Jaws.
A8:21:31 <Flyboy> Cleverbot: I didn't like that movie. Sharks scare me.
A8:21:31 <Flyboy> User: Isn't that the point of a horror movie?
A8:21:31 <Flyboy> Cleverbot: Where are you?
A8:21:33 <Flyboy> User: New Zealand.
A8:21:33 <Flyboy> Cleverbot: Why do you live there?
A8:21:36 <Flyboy> User: Because I can't find Sweden.
A8:21:36 <Flyboy> Cleverbot: Isn't that normal?
A8:21:37 <Flyboy> User: I suppose.
A8:21:47 <citricsquid> lmao
A8:22:57 <AlLnAtuRalX> User : Hello
A8:22:58 <AlLnAtuRalX> Hello. User : Are you gay?
A8:22:58 <AlLnAtuRalX> I am a Necromancer.
A8:23:20 <smn> User: Binary?
A8:23:20 <smn> Cleverbot: Binary.
A8:23:21 <smn> :D:D

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Session Start: Mon Jul 06 18:23:55 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
10P6:23:57 * Now talking in #minecraft
10P6:23:57 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | The human body has no firewall. :-('
10P6:23:57 * Set by Notch!Notch@h-77-240.A165.priv.bahnhof.se on Mon Jul 06 15:27:48
10P6:25:57 * piecat (Mibbit@adsl-76-199-164-187.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:26:44 <piecat> hey
P6:26:51 <piecat> anyone here?
P6:27:04 <Ylle> Paging anyone.
P6:27:08 <piecat> hi
P6:27:12 <Ylle> Hello
P6:27:18 <Ylle> What are you in need of?
P6:27:22 <piecat> idk
P6:27:29 <Animator> Roar.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Session Start: Mon Jul 06 23:47:06 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
10P11:47:08 * Now talking in #minecraft
10P11:47:08 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | The human body has no firewall. :-('
10P11:47:08 * Set by Notch!Notch@h-77-240.A165.priv.bahnhof.se on Mon Jul 06 15:27:48
12P11:57:19 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Session Close: Tue Jul 07 00:00:01 2009

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@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
Session Start: Sat Jul 11 13:30:12 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
15P1:30:12 * Disconnected
10P1:31:07 * Rejoined channel #minecraft
10P1:31:07 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net | Client 0.0.23a is out with new options and the ability to remap keys'
10P1:31:07 * Set by Notch!Notch@h-77-240.A165.priv.bahnhof.se on Sat Jul 11 09:17:15
P1:31:10 <citricsquidtimeoutplx> also, they seem to crash on full so I had to restart them every few days
12P1:31:19 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-76-143.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P1:31:23 <citricsquidtimeoutplx> 16 servers crashing every 48 hours = annoying
10P1:31:26 * citricsquidtimeoutplx is now known as citricsquid
12P1:31:30 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10P1:31:33 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
P1:31:56 <autoswim> pfft just use a batch file to kill/restart
P1:31:58 <autoswim> on a timer :P
P1:32:11 <citricsquid> too lazy to do that.
P1:33:02 <autoswim> sure
P1:34:08 <Akai> ...so... when is a command coming in for ops so they can temporarily not be able to break unbreakable?
P1:35:17 <Akai> <.<
10P1:35:17 * Rydia (Haruhi@ has joined #minecraft
P1:35:36 <JTE> Figuring out why it kicks everyone...
P1:35:52 <JTE> Akai: When Notch steals my ideas? lol.
12P1:35:54 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE7B67.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P1:36:24 <Rydia> http://i27.tinypic.com/o7rqdf.png
P1:36:29 <Rydia> isometric map rendering
P1:36:39 <autoswim> it is saucy stuff
P1:36:52 <Akai> I also want to see ops able to make any block unbreakable
P1:37:00 <Akai> so they can make some unbreakable pretty stuff
P1:37:07 <Akai> instead of having to use black boxes all the time
P1:37:13 <Rydia> C418 is there anywhere i can download the music for minecraft
P1:37:18 <Rydia> it's very pretty
12P1:37:49 * Dilt (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P1:37:51 <autoswim> i think he posted the name of it
P1:37:54 <autoswim> when he added it
P1:37:57 <iPope> Rydia, that is sexy
P1:38:09 <citricsquid> The music is called I cum blood by canibal corpse.
P1:39:02 <JTE> Okay, so it was one of my new anti-hacks that was acting up ... I think.
10P1:39:03 * BlockOfC4 (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
12P1:39:07 * Taneru (chatzilla@d24-57-18-245.home.cgocable.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P1:39:12 <JTE> Because the map was smaller than the last one ...
10P1:40:31 * citricsquidtimeoutplx (sam@client-86-25-242-108.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:40:40 <cryzed> Rydia:
P1:40:50 <cryzed> I have it uploaded somewhere
P1:40:58 <cryzed> http://files.getdropbox.com/u/835469/resources.zip
P1:41:02 <cryzed> Have fun
12P1:41:12 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-76-143.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P1:42:01 * cryzed (cryzed@i59F5CD1A.versanet.de) has left #minecraft (Verlassend)
10P1:42:08 * Taneru (chatzilla@d24-57-229-111.home.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:42:10 <autoswim> hurf
10P1:42:16 * citricsquidtimeoutplx is now known as citricsquid
10P1:42:18 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
10P1:42:20 * cryzed (cryzed@i59F5CD1A.versanet.de) has joined #minecraft
P1:43:57 <JTE> Okay, server back up ... I think it should be good now.
P1:44:19 <JTE> I'm just never generating a map with this again. @.@;
P1:45:07 <iPope> joining
12P1:45:19 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-242-108.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P1:45:56 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-76-116.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
10P1:46:11 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
P1:46:12 <iPope> uh server is gone wierd
P1:46:14 <cryzed> JTE: you just did
10P1:46:28 * LucasAnderson (pikachushi@c-98-212-178-70.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:46:36 <LucasAnderson> aww
P1:46:40 <LucasAnderson> Notch isn't on
P1:46:54 <JTE> Be patient.
P1:46:59 <LucasAnderson> I knoe
P1:47:00 <iPope> thats cause notch is here programming while I hit him with a large stick
P1:47:13 <LucasAnderson> You know notch?
P1:47:15 <LucasAnderson> o.
P1:47:16 <iPope> suprisingly with this gun to his head he hasnt made on syntax error
P1:47:25 <LucasAnderson> oh... your faking.
P1:47:33 <iPope> haha
P1:47:39 <cryzed> XD
P1:47:48 <LucasAnderson> o.-'
P1:47:53 <cryzed> try spouting some VBS in there
P1:47:54 <JTE> Well you haven't disconnected yet
P1:47:57 <cryzed> he's bound to make errors
P1:48:00 <LucasAnderson> I like the new minecraft
10P1:48:06 * Minerman (mechana241@c-71-207-77-211.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:48:07 <iPope> no but i cant speak JTE
P1:48:09 <Minerman> Citric
P1:48:09 <JTE> So okay, a 512x512 map is ridiculously large and hoses my CPU for a full 15 seconds.
P1:48:11 <LucasAnderson> although, I can here music, I can't here sign
P1:48:15 <Minerman> Apparently we have another forum spammer
P1:48:16 <LucasAnderson> 'hear sounds
P1:48:26 <LucasAnderson> ?
P1:48:47 <iPope> right, i disocnnected now
13P1:48:48 * JTE sighs...
P1:48:50 <citricsquid> Done :)
P1:48:53 <JTE> Yeah, I killed the server.
13P1:48:54 * LucasAnderson Hi
P1:48:56 <LucasAnderson> k
P1:48:59 <LucasAnderson> figured it out
13P1:49:11 * iPope rips you testicals from your trousers
P1:49:15 <cryzed> JTE: when is it going to be online again? I don't mean to be annoying, I'm just interested in Echidna
P1:49:17 <JTE> Map generation iz hard.
13P1:49:17 * LucasAnderson says ow
P1:49:49 <LucasAnderson> I love the new minecraft
P1:49:51 <iPope> i was considering map generation for a game i was making, then I was like fuck it leave it to the community
P1:49:59 <JTE> Okay server back up ...
P1:50:14 <LucasAnderson> test
P1:50:28 <JTE> iPope: The generation itself isn't hard
13P1:50:46 * LucasAnderson says Mirc is confusing, as he has had it for only 3days
10P1:51:04 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE7B67.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:51:08 <JTE> It's doing it effeciently while still making it interesting and fast enough to make the clients which you have no control over whatsoever happy.
P1:51:18 <LucasAnderson> Greatttt... VALL3 just griefed my server
P1:51:23 <LucasAnderson> hes banip'd now
P1:52:00 <cryzed> honestly someone add /rape
P1:52:29 <LucasAnderson> k
10P1:52:40 * yoshibot (kit@ip68-0-175-73.tc.ph.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:53:29 <LucasAnderson> uh... anyone know how to add sound?
P1:53:35 <LucasAnderson> I got music
P1:53:37 <LucasAnderson> but no sound
P1:54:13 <cryzed> esc options
P1:55:02 <LucasAnderson> tried
P1:55:07 <LucasAnderson> tI couldn't get sound
P1:55:11 <LucasAnderson> even before it came out
P1:55:31 <LucasAnderson> besides, how do you download the client?
12P1:58:06 * Piecat (chatzilla@adsl-76-199-164-204.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215])
P1:58:55 <autoswim> whoops
P1:59:08 <autoswim> i went outside the map :x
12P1:59:13 * iPope (i_the_king@5ac60ec2.bb.sky.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P2:02:55 * Minerman (mechana241@c-71-207-77-211.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P2:03:41 <JTE> Back up (again) and bugs fixed (again)
P2:03:43 <JTE> t
13P2:03:45 * JTE sighs.
P2:06:48 <potato> link?
P2:07:23 <potato> to the server?
12P2:09:58 * Spadge (Spadge@CPE-124-182-60-190.sa.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10P2:13:14 * yako (fsdzh@c-98-223-128-28.hsd1.in.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:13:37 <yako> whats the command to unban an ip ban?
P2:13:52 <citricsquid> has to be done in ipbans.txt
P2:18:02 <Akai> so...
P2:18:27 <JTE> I think it died again ... /mute doesn't work.
P2:18:34 <PuyoDead> poo
P2:18:42 <Akai> what do you guys think are the odds of me getting banned for accidentally superflooding a server, when I'm an op?
P2:18:57 <Akai> considering the host has OME...
P2:19:08 <potato> if you deop all the other ops first
P2:19:11 <potato> none
10P2:19:28 * Redshift (chatzilla@c-98-232-237-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
12P2:20:41 * Redshift (chatzilla@c-98-232-237-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P2:20:56 <autoswim> or explain it was a mistake
12P2:21:15 * yako (fsdzh@c-98-223-128-28.hsd1.in.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P2:21:28 <Akai> I intend to.
P2:21:38 <Akai> I've even deopped myself to keep it from happening again
P2:22:04 <citricsquid> I de-op myself normally, keep my alt opped so I can re-op if needed :P
P2:22:40 <cryzed> citricsquid:
P2:22:44 <cryzed> I just found a squid in my map
P2:22:52 <cryzed> http://img3.imagebanana.com/img/nea8btvk/Unbenannt.png looked like this
P2:22:58 <citricsquid> lmfao
P2:23:20 <cryzed> xD
P2:23:34 <cryzed> this looks really strange once you see it moving
P2:24:22 <Akai> anybody know Seraph?
P2:25:04 <cryzed> I do
P2:25:06 <cryzed> why?
P2:25:12 <Akai> it was his map
P2:25:18 <cryzed> He's op on my Serveer
P2:25:22 <peerkoel> eh, fullscreen, is that an option?
P2:25:22 <cryzed> Oh I can talk to him
P2:25:34 <cryzed> peerkoel: userscripts.org -> minecraft
10P2:25:38 * Animator (Ohnoaspy@adsl-144-246-234.mia.bellsouth.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:25:40 <peerkoel> hm
P2:25:57 <Animator> Ooooh, new options?
P2:26:15 <Akai> think you can get him to come see if it needs a rollback or an edit?
P2:28:28 <Animator> Ohhhh yeah. Download those packages, Minecraft. OH YESSSS.
P2:28:39 <Animator> Er.
P2:28:44 <Animator> You didn't see that.
P2:29:14 <PuyoDead> we all do that, secretly
P2:29:55 <Animator> Aw, what? No more arrow key moving?
P2:29:57 <Animator> That sucks.
P2:30:10 <Animator> Oh wait.
P2:30:13 <SteGriff> I need some help for the wiki
P2:30:23 <SteGriff> I need someone to let me on their server
P2:30:27 <SteGriff> and op me
P2:30:36 <SteGriff> So I can document /solid stone
P2:30:58 <SteGriff> ...any takers?
P2:31:16 <SteGriff> citricsquid, perhaps?
P2:31:24 <Animator> Citricsquid has a server.
P2:31:35 <Animator> You could also document the board games I made.
P2:31:42 <SteGriff> what is it?
P2:32:01 <Animator> It's a board I made that can be used for checkers and chess.
P2:32:01 <SteGriff> I've finished doing all the "wanted pages"
P2:32:07 <SteGriff> oh ok
P2:32:09 <Animator> Checkers is fun.
P2:32:31 <Animator> Woah, wait a minute.
P2:32:55 <Animator> My board. Citricsquid!
P2:33:20 <SteGriff> actually, I'm auto op on facepunch
P2:33:24 <SteGriff> might try there
P2:33:28 <citricsquid> I flooded the map so I deleted it, I have a back up though animator :)
P2:33:41 <SteGriff> hm, their old servers are gone
P2:33:46 <SteGriff> citric, read above
P2:33:54 <Animator> Ah, good.
P2:34:15 <Animator> Can you load the back-up?
P2:34:26 <citricsquid> animator: I'll make you a server with it :)
P2:34:51 <Animator> Oh, okay.
P2:34:53 <SteGriff> can I come on your server and go op, please?
P2:34:59 <SteGriff> to document /solid stone
P2:35:08 <Animator> Don't make it public, though.
P2:35:31 <Animator> I'm going to keep it private until it's gone through enough testing and documentation.
P2:35:32 <citricsquid> ste: didn't see what you were saying, do you need a server?
P2:35:43 <citricsquid> animator: mmmkay :) I'll do it now
P2:36:00 <SteGriff> I need one where I can quickly go op, take some pictures of /solid stone, and then make like a tree
P2:36:11 <SteGriff> i.e. yours
P2:36:21 <citricsquid> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=fddfd4f36d9ca6276a2a6a7f50e4dece
P2:36:24 <SteGriff> Sorry to be such a drain today.
12P2:36:27 * SteGriff (chatzilla@5ad87e77.bb.sky.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P2:37:08 * SteGriff (chatzilla@5ad87e77.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
P2:37:14 <SteGriff> Firefox spazzed out on me again
P2:37:22 <SteGriff> can you repeat that? XD
P2:37:38 <citricsquid> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=fddfd4f36d9ca6276a2a6a7f50e4dece
P2:37:42 <citricsquid> Don't use chatzilla :D
P2:38:07 <SteGriff> but its convenient and isn't nagware
P2:38:41 <Animator> I like my nagware.
P2:39:00 <Animator> It lets me know that mIRC cares about me. ;_;
P2:39:19 <Rock_D> I'm content with mibbit except for the fact that you can't use it on freenode
P2:41:15 <Animator> The music is gone, all celebrate.
13P2:41:21 * Animator puts on iTunes.
12P2:41:29 * Syndlig (synd@cpe-66-68-16-104.austin.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P2:42:24 * Benjaman (hammertime@va-76-5-72-142.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:42:38 <citricsquid> sent it in PM, animator
P2:45:18 <Benjaman> hmm
P2:45:35 <Benjaman> i keep getting a failure to connect message everytime i try to start a server
10P2:45:57 * Syndlig (synd@cpe-66-68-16-104.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
10P2:52:17 * Lmaoboat_ (chatzilla@pool-71-126-132-107.washdc.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
12P2:56:23 * Randati (Randati@a88-112-205-124.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12P2:56:56 * Syndlig (synd@cpe-66-68-16-104.austin.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P2:58:08 * Wolfram (Mibbit@host-208-82-42-143.energize.net) has joined #minecraft
12P3:00:48 * Wolfram (Mibbit@host-208-82-42-143.energize.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P3:11:11 * citricsquidtimeoutplx (sam@client-81-97-76-28.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
12P3:12:36 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-76-116.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P3:12:39 * citricsquidtimeoutplx is now known as citricsquid
10P3:12:42 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
12P3:18:33 * Spazzo (spazzo@CPE0022b0ca43d8-CM0011ae04842a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P3:30:46 <Akai> interesting glitch I found out about...
P3:31:20 <Akai> when you're opped, you have to reconnect to destroy unbreakables... which I'm sure is known... but apparently, the opposite is true for deop. They can still destroy unbreakables
P3:31:41 <citricsquid> yeah, it's annoying

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@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
Session Start: Tue Jul 21 16:43:30 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
10P4:43:30 * Now talking in #minecraft
10P4:43:30 * Topic is 'http://minecraft.net | ]Party mode! | We don't want any free willies in the jacuzzi, wear speedos!'
10P4:43:30 * Set by citricsquid!sam@client-81-97-79-117.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net on Mon Jul 20 17:47:53
12P4:43:45 * Awol10 (Awol@ Quit (Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)
P4:44:16 <Azjherben> Back
P4:45:07 <Azjherben> Worked
P4:45:18 <citricsquidSLEEP> I'm not asleep
10P4:45:20 * citricsquidSLEEP is now known as citricsquid
P4:45:24 <citricsquid> @zuriki
P4:45:27 <LKA> citric you lied to us
P4:45:30 <LKA> or something like that
P4:45:37 <Zuriki> D:
P4:45:38 <citricsquid> irc keeps changing my name >:(
10P4:45:54 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
P4:47:41 <Azjherben> Hi citricsquid
P4:48:17 <citricsquid> yo
P4:48:32 <Azjherben> I think I added the security you suggested.
P4:48:42 <citricsquid> How do you check file type?
P4:48:52 <Azjherben> It
P4:49:02 <Azjherben> 's already in PHP
P4:49:08 <Azjherben> All you have to do is
10P4:49:09 * Themage (richyates1@ has joined #minecraft
P4:49:22 <Azjherben> $type = $_FILES["name"]["type"]
P4:49:25 <citricsquid> ugh
P4:49:25 <citricsquid> no
P4:49:27 <Azjherben> ?
P4:49:27 <citricsquid> that's mimetype
P4:49:29 <Themage> CAn someone help me with my problem luanching a server?
P4:49:32 <citricsquid> the mimetype is given by the browser
P4:49:33 <Azjherben> Oh?
P4:49:37 <Azjherben> Okay
P4:49:37 <citricsquid> so I can "give" the mimetype for .dat
P4:49:40 <citricsquid> when uploading php
P4:49:51 <citricsquid> and then destroy the site.
P4:49:57 <Azjherben> I'll keep looking for the best way
P4:50:15 <Azjherben> For now it rejects anything with a minetype of .dat and that dosn't have ".dat" in it.
P4:50:27 <citricsquid> Open the file and read the first 64 characters (I think that's it?) with PHP and check what it gives there
P4:50:28 <Azjherben> Do you know? Before I start looking?
P4:50:35 <Azjherben> Okay
P4:50:42 <Azjherben> Sounds good
P4:50:47 <Azjherben> Or
P4:50:52 <Azjherben> Scan the whole file for "php"
P4:50:58 <Azjherben> if it's anywhere in there
P4:51:02 <Azjherben> Reject it
P4:51:04 <citricsquid> no
P4:51:11 <Azjherben> Why not?
P4:51:12 <Adura> Minetype, hah.
P4:51:17 <citricsquid> you check if it is dat, if it isn't then refuse.
P4:51:20 <citricsquid> Not the other way around
P4:51:29 <citricsquid> .php, .php5 etc
P4:51:30 <ZomBuster> aagh more overflow
P4:51:35 <ZomBuster> I don't get it :(
P4:51:45 <Adura> You can confirm if it's a good map if you know what makes a good map.
P4:52:07 <Azjherben> Right now we are just making they olny upload maps
P4:52:09 <ZomBuster> what makes me a good map
P4:52:15 <Azjherben> We aren't even talking about quality control yet
P4:52:31 <Adura> I mean legit map, hah.
P4:52:40 <Themage> Can someone help me?
P4:52:45 <Azjherben> I guess
P4:52:59 <Themage> when I try to execute the jar file it comes up with "Failed to load Main-Class Manifest attribute
P4:53:00 <Azjherben> Anyway
P4:53:03 <Azjherben> Yup
10P4:53:04 * Themage (richyates1@ has left #minecraft
P4:53:07 <Azjherben> Get the latest java
P4:53:10 <Azjherben> Instal in C:\
P4:53:16 <Azjherben> then go into start menu
P4:53:20 <Azjherben> click "run"
P4:53:23 <Azjherben> type in "cmd"
P4:53:26 <Azjherben> and type this
P4:53:43 <Azjherben> (Saying you have your minecraft folder on the desktop)
P4:53:51 <Azjherben> cd Desktop/minecraftstuff
P4:54:06 <Azjherben> c:\javafolderhere\bin\java -jar OME.jar
P4:54:19 <Azjherben> I renamed my minecraft folder with OME a
P4:54:23 <Azjherben> and my java folder j
P4:54:29 <Azjherben> So I can do it quickly.
P4:54:57 <Azjherben> C:\j\bin\java -jar Desktop\a\OME.jar
P4:55:03 <Azjherben> In the command prompt.
P4:55:22 <Azjherben> Back to my maps site thing
P4:55:31 <Azjherben> So I have to read the first 64 bits
P4:57:25 <Azjherben> And what am I checking for exactly?
P4:57:28 <ZomBuster> damnit
P4:57:31 <Azjherben> ?
P4:57:35 <ZomBuster> I managed to create a map
P4:57:37 <ZomBuster> so complex
P4:57:43 <Azjherben> ya?
P4:57:47 <ZomBuster> it creates overflow
P4:57:52 <citricsquid> I made 64 bits up, but it's a certain part of the file header that includes the real file type.
P4:58:06 <Azjherben> Okay
P4:58:17 <Azjherben> BRB
P4:58:45 <citricsquid> http://pastebin.ca/1502511
P4:58:55 <citricsquid> That's part of a .png, as you can see at the top it conaints the filetype
P4:58:57 <citricsquid> contains*
12P4:59:12 * doohan (doohan@client-81-109-247-87.winn.adsl.virgin.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P4:59:57 <Azjherben> So what makes a .dat file uniqute, that I could search for?
P5:00:03 <Azjherben> I know it dosn't have %dat
P5:00:11 <Azjherben> Wait
P5:00:18 <Azjherben> Isn't there a wiki page on that
P5:00:44 <ZomBuster> try to connect http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=cfe8b64d8aeca7fb61c20060840bb0b5
P5:00:53 <Azjherben> 0x271bb788
10P5:00:57 * citricsquidSLEEP (sam@client-86-25-241-186.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:01:36 <Azjherben> How do I check for four hex bytes in a file?
12P5:01:57 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-76-212.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:03:43 <Adura> Some sort of PHP beginner?
P5:03:52 <Azjherben> Not really
P5:04:02 <Azjherben> I just never needed to read that kind of stuff
P5:04:34 <Azjherben> In fact
P5:04:42 <Azjherben> My question is more with the .dat format
P5:05:24 <citricsquidSLEEP> aren't minecraft maps zipped or something but with .dat filetype?
10P5:05:30 * citricsquidSLEEP is now known as citricsquid
P5:05:38 <cryzed> they are gzipped
P5:05:50 <citricsquid> so not actually .dat?
12P5:06:04 * cryzed (cryzed@i59F5E49C.versanet.de) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
P5:06:30 <Azjherben> Ya
P5:06:37 <Azjherben> I just read about it
P5:06:41 <Azjherben> They are gzipped
P5:10:46 <Azjherben> Hmm
P5:11:10 <Azjherben> I don't see how checking bytes can be possible with out requiring people to decompress files first
P5:11:45 <Adura> You extract it on your end.
P5:11:51 <ZomBuster> I dont get it.. the level loads fine in any 3rd party level editor, there is no water/lava or even sand/gravel.
P5:12:19 <ZomBuster> and still it doesnt work
P5:13:09 <Azjherben> Hmm
P5:13:33 <Azjherben> Even compressed they still have the same first few bytes
P5:13:44 <Azjherben> So, I just check for those bytes.
P5:15:16 <Azjherben> I GTG do something
P5:15:23 <Azjherben> But I think I figured out a way.
P5:18:22 <JTE> o.o
P5:18:37 <JTE> Silly...
P5:18:44 <Rroff> you can use zlib to read/write gzip on the fly
P5:19:08 <JTE> Any awesome application ever uses zlib.
P5:19:17 <Rroff> ?
P5:20:16 <JTE> It's true. Name one application which is awesome and doesn't use zlib.
P5:20:34 <Rroff> wasn't quite sure what you were saying
P5:20:55 <Rroff> I started work on a grief repair tool but got bored of parsing the java serialisation into a struct long before I got anywhere much :(
10P5:21:17 * Ush (Mibbit@filter4.filter.imagine.ie) has joined #minecraft
P5:21:31 <Ush> hmm. quiet
P5:21:37 <Rroff> sssh
P5:21:48 <Ush> ah, sorry
P5:21:50 <Rroff> :P
P5:21:55 <Ush> actually
P5:21:55 <JTE> Heh.
P5:22:18 <Ush> dont you just hate it when an op on a server goes nuts and bans all other ops?
P5:22:41 <Rroff> :O
P5:22:52 <Rroff> my trusted OPs have web control panel access too
P5:22:56 <Rroff> so they could over-ride
P5:23:15 <Ush> oof
P5:23:19 <Ush> so much trust
P5:23:20 <Darkebrz> Ush
P5:23:26 <Ush> ?
P5:23:31 <Darkebrz> Just make sure you trust all your ops
P5:23:38 <Ush> it wasnt my server
P5:23:43 <Ush> i was just made op
10P5:23:47 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P5:23:53 <Ush> dont know who did the banning
P5:24:06 <Darkebrz> Oh
P5:24:27 <Rroff> http://aten-hosted.com/images/mcadmin.jpg
P5:24:28 <Ush> the map owner had just left, so they were obviously biding their time
P5:24:37 <Rroff> old version as I've now moved everything into catagories
P5:25:00 <Ush> so they have access to that?
P5:25:07 <Darkebrz> What should I make a skin of?
P5:25:10 <Rroff> yeah
P5:25:21 <Ush> phooo
P5:26:05 <Darkebrz> What should I make a skin of?
12P5:26:25 * Darkebrz (IceChat7@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS!)
P5:26:26 <Ush> errr
P5:26:34 <Ush> question
P5:27:03 <Ush> when one is ip banned, is it possible to log on to map from another computer?
P5:27:10 <Ush> *a map
P5:27:29 <UnknownX> only if the computer ip's differ
P5:27:31 <Rroff> aslong as your not username banned and the other PC has a different external IP
P5:27:41 <Rroff> *WAN IP
10P5:27:51 * bodenhamer (adam_boden@c-76-28-185-127.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P5:27:56 * Darkebrz (IceChat7@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:28:07 <Darkebrz> So
P5:28:11 <Darkebrz> What should I make a skin of?
P5:28:24 <Ush> hmm would it say "You've been ip banned!" or just a general "You've been banned!"?
P5:28:34 <Darkebrz> You've been banned!
12P5:28:53 * tripel (adam_boden@c-76-28-185-127.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:29:47 <Ush> so there is still hope... There were some good times on that map
P5:30:06 <Darkebrz> What map?
P5:30:26 <Ush> Darkebrz, take a Hubble image and turn it into a skin
P5:30:47 <Darkebrz> Erm
P5:30:48 <Ush> map is "LOOONG 1024x256 Natural Map by M"
P5:31:31 <Ush> find one with lots of stars, pixelise it and... errr well i dont know what the next step would be
P5:31:38 <Darkebrz> Only person on there is someone name eddeddy
P5:31:45 <Ush> hmm
P5:31:47 <Darkebrz> And hes AFK
P5:31:55 <Darkebrz> So the rogue op is gone i guess :/
P5:32:01 <Ush> probably
P5:32:16 <Ush> thanks for checking it, Derkebrz
P5:32:40 <Ush> if you're there for long, look for my bar at the end of the map and have a drink on me...
P5:33:01 <Darkebrz> Heh
12P5:33:05 * Kevooi (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P5:33:22 <Ush> its got a big red "bar" sign out front
P5:33:25 <Ush> and a squad car
P5:33:26 <Darkebrz> K
P5:33:26 <Darkebrz> WEll
P5:33:28 <Darkebrz> Hm
P5:33:35 <Darkebrz> What do I do a skin of ;_;
P5:33:39 <Ush> oh and an irish flag
P5:33:57 <Ush> i still think a Hubble image skin would be good
P5:34:04 <Darkebrz> Maybeh
P5:34:11 <Ush> certainly unique
10P5:34:31 * Niko` (aaronarrie@221.Red-81-34-168.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:35:20 <ZomBuster> it would be just some noise
P5:35:46 <Ush> ZomBuster!
P5:35:51 <Ush> interesting test maps
P5:35:59 <ZomBuster> who what where
P5:36:24 <Ush> ... your test naps...
P5:36:29 <ZomBuster> yeh that
P5:36:31 <Darkebrz> I have no idea what this is gonna look like...
P5:36:31 <Ush> *maps
P5:36:32 <ZomBuster> small problem
P5:36:35 <ZomBuster> they are too complex
P5:36:51 <Ush> hace you seen shadows server?
P5:36:59 <ZomBuster> been there yeh
P5:37:01 <ZomBuster> canyon
P5:37:15 <Ush> for a while he had a lava map
P5:37:28 <Ush> big big mountains
P5:37:49 <Darkebrz> This actually looks pretty cool http://minecraft.net/skin/skin.jsp?user=Darkebrz
P5:38:12 <Ush> Ooo not too shabby
P5:38:27 <Darkebrz> I just pasted the picture on it
P5:38:30 <ZomBuster> eh interesting
P5:38:39 <Darkebrz> Ill try using a different secton
P5:38:43 <Darkebrz> *section
P5:38:53 <Ush> More stars and contrast?
P5:39:11 <Darkebrz> Well
P5:39:13 <Darkebrz> Kinda
P5:39:52 <Darkebrz> Everything is going to be really blurry no matter what
12P5:39:53 * Dilt (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P5:42:52 * bodenhamer (adam_boden@c-76-28-185-127.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P5:42:56 * Malcovent (Mibbit@host86-140-80-3.range86-140.btcentralplus.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:43:08 <Malcovent> RAWR hey.
10P5:43:21 * tripel (adam_boden@c-76-28-185-127.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:44:33 <Ush> Greetings
P5:44:52 <Ush> Today I have had three cups of coffee and a coke.
P5:44:56 <Ush> hellohellohello
P5:45:45 <Ush> Idea for minecraft skin.
P5:46:44 <JTE> Heh.
P5:47:00 <Darkebrz> what
P5:47:24 <Malcovent> i've been banned from the server i op x_x
P5:47:28 <Malcovent> it appears we have a rogue!
P5:47:42 <Ush> Oh crap happened to me half an hour ago
P5:47:46 <Malcovent> really?
P5:47:50 <Ush> Yes
P5:47:57 <Malcovent> x_x
P5:47:58 <Malcovent> rogue op or bug?
P5:48:00 <Snowman> What server?
P5:48:04 <Ush> rogue
P5:48:09 <Malcovent> desk-rabbits
P5:48:11 <Malcovent> ---'
P5:48:34 <Ush> "LOOONG 1024x256 Natural Map by M"
P5:48:41 <Ush> It is a nice map...
P5:48:49 <Snowman> make a 16x1024 one :p
P5:48:58 <Ush> hah
P5:49:26 <Ush> Oh! the skin idea: go to shorpy.com
P5:49:35 <Ush> find a random image
P5:49:43 <Darkebrz> Ush, whats your skin idea?
P5:49:46 <Ush> rotate by random amount
P5:49:51 <Ush> then paste it on
P5:49:59 <Ush> its not a great idea
10P5:50:23 * Malcovent1 (Mibbit@host86-140-80-3.range86-140.btcentralplus.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:50:39 <Malcovent1> tonight is not my night..
12P5:50:52 * Malcovent (Mibbit@host86-140-80-3.range86-140.btcentralplus.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P5:50:57 <Niko`> i need some help
P5:51:05 <Ush> Yes?
P5:51:08 <Malcovent1> i need a shotgun and a adress.
P5:51:09 <Niko`> I just downloaded the server, and I want to run a flatgrass map, huge
P5:51:12 <Malcovent1> but yeh, help with what x_x
12P5:51:21 * ZomBuster (zombuster@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P5:51:26 <Niko`> could it be 'bout 1024x1024x1024?
P5:51:34 <Ush> Major lag there
12P5:51:36 * Genisi (what@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:51:43 <Niko`> well, a bit smaller then
P5:51:54 <Ush> 1024x256
P5:52:11 <Ush> v long, will remain unexplored for a while
10P5:52:48 * Dilt (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:52:49 <Azjherben> I'm back
P5:53:03 <Ush> Hello
P5:53:22 <Niko`> yep
P5:53:27 <Azjherben> So, I'm going to add that thing to my site.
P5:53:31 <Azjherben> To make it secure
P5:53:34 <Azjherben> Yeah.....
P5:54:35 <Niko`> im using a 512x512xidk map
P5:54:44 <Ush> How is it running?
P5:58:43 <Ush> I may as well ask this: if anyone is on the map I mentioned, and a player with meteo in his name is there, would you mind asking him to unban Ush and BallinStalin (rogue op banned us)? You would be making a stranger on the internet happy...
10P5:58:50 * Genisi (what@ has joined #minecraft
12P5:59:18 * Malcovent1 (Mibbit@host86-140-80-3.range86-140.btcentralplus.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P6:05:50 <Niko`> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=a0760b44cfeccc877676052b89337a9e
P6:07:17 <Testvan> http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/4817/99468875.png
10P6:08:21 * Arf|Homewerk is now known as Arf
P6:08:59 <Ush> Wurm
P6:09:04 <Ush> Hmm
P6:09:16 <Testvan> they have a pro advertising dept.
P6:12:18 <Darkebrz> I know Meteo
P6:12:22 <Darkebrz> He isnt on right now
P6:12:49 <Azjherben> Ha
P6:12:58 <Azjherben> Emo
P6:13:06 <Azjherben> But why is it called "wurm"
P6:13:06 <Darkebrz> ...??
P6:15:12 <Ush> Wurm translates roughly to "dragon"
P6:15:20 <Darkebrz> Oh
P6:15:21 <Darkebrz> Wurm
P6:15:37 <Ush> wurm pronounced more like "vurm"
P6:18:22 <Azjherben> Oh
P6:18:38 <Testvan> are you a emo fag?
P6:18:42 <Azjherben> No
P6:18:44 <Testvan> want to chill in a virtual forest?
P6:18:50 <Testvan> with shit graphics?
P6:18:57 <Testvan> WURM IS WAITING
P6:19:04 <Azjherben> Lol
P6:19:08 <Azjherben> gtg
12P6:19:16 * Azjherben (Mibbit@cpe-74-76-143-181.nycap.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P6:19:59 * Ush (Mibbit@filter4.filter.imagine.ie) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P6:43:27 * Arf is now known as Arf|OutWithFfffffrends
12P6:44:20 * Dred_furst (Dred@user-514c420a.l3.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
12P6:44:27 * yoshibot (kit@pool-71-123-232-81.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
P6:53:35 <Niko`> dam.n
12P6:56:10 * Fragmer (Fragmer@c-98-248-163-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10P6:57:32 * JTE (JTE@ool-457f154d.dyn.optonline.net) has left #minecraft
P7:06:25 <Niko`> ush
10P7:09:32 * Not_You (chatzilla@pool-72-64-50-176.nrflva.east.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
10P7:09:37 * Not_You is now known as lerp
P7:10:30 <lerp> citricsquid
P7:10:44 <lerp> is the standard map server yours
10P7:14:43 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
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P7:52:43 <Snowman> guys im off
P7:52:47 <Snowman> cyall
12P7:52:57 * Snowman (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) Quit (Quit: Tata)
Session Close: Tue Jul 21 20:08:23 2009
Session Start: Tue Jul 21 20:08:23 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
15P8:08:23 * Disconnected
10P8:09:26 * Rejoined channel #minecraft
10P8:09:26 * Topic is 'http://minecraft.net | ]Party mode! | We don't want any free willies in the jacuzzi, wear speedos!'
10P8:09:26 * Set by citricsquid!sam@client-81-97-79-117.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net on Mon Jul 20 17:47:53
10P8:10:24 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ip54534322.speed.planet.nl) has joined #minecraft
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P8:53:30 <fleshBasedProcessor> Heool
P8:53:32 <fleshBasedProcessor> hello
P8:53:50 <citricsquid> yo
P8:53:58 <fleshBasedProcessor> hey citric
P8:55:10 <fleshBasedProcessor> damn, I want to start a conversation but I honestly can't think of anything to say
P8:55:24 <citricsquid> how about, "Personally I prefer my waffles toasted"
P8:55:56 <fleshBasedProcessor> I prefer my waffles right before sleeping
P8:57:05 <fleshBasedProcessor> Are you going to learn Lua scripting for when it is released?
12P8:57:32 * potato (samthrashe@CPE000393e704cd-CM001bd71cdc30.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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P8:58:29 <fleshBasedProcessor> Hi potato, I like your hell map. And thank you citric for hosting it.
P9:00:41 <citricsquid> :3
P9:01:35 <fleshBasedProcessor> I made a big stalactite and a long twisting path along a wall leading up to it. Then a guy named sqwigly made a shitty looking one right next to it
P9:01:58 <citricsquid> what's your ingame name?
P9:02:03 <fleshBasedProcessor> And I just found out firefox has the word "shitty" in its dictionary :)
P9:02:07 <fleshBasedProcessor> alexRatcliff
P9:02:16 <fleshBasedProcessor> I forget which it is on the forums
P9:03:08 <citricsquid> might reset, someone flooded :(
P9:03:15 <citricsquid> also, oped you on hell server :)
P9:03:24 <Niko`> citric
P9:03:25 <fleshBasedProcessor> Cool!
P9:03:50 <Niko`> your flatgrass server is being attacked with griefers quite often
P9:03:57 <Niko`> can't u do anything 'bout it?
P9:04:14 <citricsquid> not really, i can make you an op though so you can kick them if you want :D
P9:04:22 <fleshBasedProcessor> Did anyone grief my rebuilt Satan yet?
P9:04:23 <Niko`> i already am
P9:04:28 <Niko`> im najkankenko
P9:04:29 <citricsquid> oh, silly me :D
P9:04:36 <Niko`> I closed the prision
P9:04:42 <Niko`> its pretty much all I can do lol
P9:04:43 <fleshBasedProcessor> Wait, I can just go look instead of yelling about it on IRC.
10P9:07:23 * Compo (Mibbit@cpc3-oldh9-2-0-cust971.10-1.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
12P9:07:42 * Compo (Mibbit@cpc3-oldh9-2-0-cust971.10-1.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P9:08:32 <fleshBasedProcessor> Hey citric, were you planing on doing a full reset or restror a backup?
P9:09:12 <citricsquid> To the default hell map, as usual :)
12P9:09:56 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-253-150.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P9:12:14 * lerp (chatzilla@pool-72-64-50-176.nrflva.east.verizon.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P9:15:55 <fleshBasedProcessor> there seem to be a couple people on who want to play the hell map, think you could do the reset now?
10P9:17:49 * potato_ (samthrashe@CPE000393e704cd-CM001bd71cdc30.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
12P9:17:49 * potato (samthrashe@CPE000393e704cd-CM001bd71cdc30.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P9:18:54 * vdgmprgrmr2 (vdgmprgrmr@ Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
P9:25:53 <fleshBasedProcessor> Citricsquid, are you still there?
P9:26:33 <fleshBasedProcessor> there are 4 people on the hell map that are hopeful you reset it soon.
P9:27:05 <citricsquid> I'll do it now
10P9:27:37 * iM (notonyourl@cpc1-swin5-0-0-cust21.sol2.cable.ntl.com) has joined #minecraft
P9:29:03 <fleshBasedProcessor> thank you!
10P9:30:19 * yoshibot (kit@pool-71-123-232-81.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:30:46 <Darkebrz> AACH
P9:30:48 <Darkebrz> FUCK
P9:30:53 <Darkebrz> Ugh
P9:30:54 <Darkebrz> Well
12P9:31:17 * Genisi (what@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P9:31:41 <Darkebrz> I bit off the cap of my SunnyD
P9:31:48 <Darkebrz> And theres a little tiny piece in it
P9:31:54 <Darkebrz> And I freaking swallowed it
P9:32:09 <Zuriki> Ring sting to follow
P9:32:20 <Darkebrz> ...What?
P9:32:32 <Zuriki> Well it's gotta go somewhere
P9:32:36 <Darkebrz> WHAT
10P9:32:45 * Genisi (what@ has joined #minecraft
P9:32:49 <Zuriki> Plop.
12P9:35:38 * Zuriki (Zuriki@5ada9d9a.bb.sky.com) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215])
12P9:39:38 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-243-34.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P9:42:50 * TrueWolves (DontGiveUp@69-176-226-109.static.izoom.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P9:47:38 * sa2fan (Mibbit@bas3-montreal28-1242529997.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
P9:47:58 <sa2fan> hello
P9:48:00 <sa2fan> ?
12P9:48:14 * sa2fan (Mibbit@bas3-montreal28-1242529997.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P9:48:54 * TrueWolves (DontGiveUp@69-176-226-109.static.izoom.net) has joined #minecraft
12P9:51:45 * tripel (adam_boden@c-76-28-185-127.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P9:52:50 * iM (notonyourl@cpc1-swin5-0-0-cust21.sol2.cable.ntl.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P9:53:28 * Arcshot (Arcshot@cpe-76-93-174-11.san.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P9:53:41 <Arcshot> yo guys
12P9:53:45 * Arcshot (Arcshot@cpe-76-93-174-11.san.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P9:54:02 <AnnihilatorBeta> classic
10P10:01:12 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
12P10:03:55 * mariopro766 (brettman@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P10:09:17 * mariopro766 (brettman@ has joined #minecraft
12P10:10:19 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1279276304.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: go go cosplay fffff)
10P10:13:11 * vdgmprgrmr (vdgmprgrmr@ has joined #minecraft
10P10:18:05 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
12P10:39:45 * Niko` (aaronarrie@221.Red-81-34-168.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P10:42:30 * Arg (chatzilla@d58-104-81-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
10P10:43:20 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-76-202-76-180.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:47:17 <Meizlizard> The custom screen size greasemonkey script is so cool.
10P10:57:15 * Pl0x (Mibbit@124-197-8-206.callplus.net.nz) has joined #minecraft
12P10:57:30 * Pl0x (Mibbit@124-197-8-206.callplus.net.nz) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P10:58:09 * Pl0x (Mibbit@124-197-8-206.callplus.net.nz) has joined #minecraft
P10:58:42 <fleshBasedProcessor> If citric is still around, I would like to let him know that the hell map is being rebuilt nicely and thanks for making me an op
P10:58:52 <fleshBasedProcessor> I built a new spawn cage too
P10:58:56 <Pl0x> K
12P11:00:34 * Genisi (what@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P11:01:49 * Genisi (what@ has joined #minecraft
10P11:03:40 * venn177 (savethefis@cpe-173-171-176-80.tampabay.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P11:03:47 <venn177> Hey guys
P11:03:51 <venn177> Queeeeeeeeeestion
P11:04:07 <venn177> Anyone here?
P11:04:53 <venn177> D:
P11:04:56 <venn177> Someone, pleeedz?
P11:05:16 <Kinhoshi> ?
P11:05:33 <venn177> Would you happen to be at all good at adminning a server?
P11:05:43 <Kinhoshi> Nope, I've never done it sorry
P11:05:47 <venn177> Damn
P11:05:58 <venn177> I'm trying to set up the external HTML-based console
P11:06:10 <venn177> I had a rogue OP IP ban half my server while I was asleep >.>
10P11:30:49 * Perogi (Perogi@S0106001cf0fcecf9.ok.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:31:20 <Perogi> any body else getting a massive influx of hackers on steriods?
12P11:55:20 * fleshBasedProcessor (chatzilla@75-121-96-249.dyn.centurytel.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10P11:57:23 * Ken (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P11:57:41 <Ken> Perog: you're a douche
10P11:57:46 * Ken is now known as triddin
P11:58:05 <triddin> why you ban me, i only ever did building stuff
P11:58:23 <triddin> you get op and go crazy
P11:58:37 <triddin> *perogi
P11:58:46 <Perogi> I didn't ban you
P11:58:56 <triddin> someone ip banned me
P11:58:57 <Perogi> and another op said you were flooding things
P11:59:11 <triddin> no way, someone flooded my pyramid
12P11:59:14 * Pl0x (Mibbit@124-197-8-206.callplus.net.nz) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P11:59:22 <triddin> then i get banned for i
P11:59:33 <triddin> son of a bitch
P11:59:53 <triddin> well, you can keep your server. never going back ever
Session Close: Wed Jul 22 00:00:01 2009

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@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
Session Start: Thu Jul 23 20:04:59 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
10P8:04:59 * Now talking in #minecraft
10P8:04:59 * Topic is 'http://minecraft.net | ]Party mode! | We don't want any free willies in the jacuzzi, wear speedos!'
10P8:04:59 * Set by citricsquid!sam@client-81-97-79-117.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net on Mon Jul 20 17:47:53
P8:05:39 <Meizlizard> Can someone test my server for me?
P8:06:10 <PuyoDead> possibly
P8:06:17 <Meizlizard> I want to see if people can connect.
P8:06:18 <Meizlizard> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=96779a7c1388e52d2932174366565cef
P8:06:55 <PuyoDead> failed to connect
P8:07:06 <Meizlizard> That's what I though.
P8:07:10 <Meizlizard> *though
P8:07:15 <Meizlizard> *thought
P8:07:32 <Meizlizard> Thanks
12P8:10:20 * _spondy (spondy@203-206-54-230.dyn.iinet.net.au) Quit (Quit: just relax aye)
12P8:13:22 * Snowman (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P8:27:03 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P8:27:53 <AnnihilatorBeta> anyone who finds ilump, ban him
10P8:31:27 * mangobango84 (mangobango@adsl-160-225-58.asm.bellsouth.net) has left #minecraft
P8:37:25 <sorryamerica> So is anyone hosting lava survival tonight?
12P8:40:37 * Perogi (Perogi@S0106001cf0fcecf9.ok.shawcable.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P8:42:42 * Rroff (msrp24@host86-177-102-250.range86-177.btcentralplus.com) Quit (Quit: Don't drink and drive, smoke dope and fly home)
10P8:44:55 * liq3 (liquidman3@ has joined #minecraft
12P8:50:20 * Darkebrz (IceChat7@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P8:58:15 * Perogi (Perogi@S0106001cf0fcecf9.ok.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
10P9:08:29 * TrueWolves|BBL is now known as TrueWolves
P9:08:44 <TrueWolves> I hope I get to show notch the tree
P9:19:07 <liq3> The tree?
P9:19:33 <AnnihilatorBeta> notch the tree
P9:19:40 <AnnihilatorBeta> pff i know what you mean silly
12P9:20:07 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-76-202-76-180.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Meizlizard)
P9:29:16 <TrueWolves> Yggdrasil
10P9:29:21 * charrr (Mibbit@adsl-75-23-118-156.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:29:22 <TrueWolves> on the server citric host's for me
P9:29:29 <TrueWolves> TrueWolves' Huge Tree Biuld
10P9:29:34 * Azjherben (Mibbit@cpe-74-76-143-181.nycap.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P9:29:46 <Azjherben> Hi
P9:29:54 <charrr> hello
P9:30:17 <Azjherben> Who's here?
P9:30:29 <charrr> Just us chickens
P9:33:04 <AnnihilatorBeta> i
12P9:33:06 * Redshift (chatzilla@c-98-232-237-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.12/2009070611])
P9:33:08 <AnnihilatorBeta> eat chickens
P9:33:57 <charrr> Is there a ETA to when Zombie Siege and/or Surivial will be out?
P9:34:55 <AnnihilatorBeta> yes
P9:35:05 <charrr> when?
P9:35:06 <Azjherben> http://widget.mibbit.com/pb/9DoBD9
P9:35:10 <AnnihilatorBeta> in fact, zombie seige is already finished, and a sequel is in the works
P9:35:16 <Azjherben> ?
P9:35:35 <Azjherben> Never saw it
P9:35:47 <AnnihilatorBeta> expect to see a preview for minecraft: 2nd edition within the coming months
P9:36:05 <Azjherben> Can anyone tell me what's wrong with a map?
P9:36:27 <AnnihilatorBeta> there's nothing wrong with a map
P9:36:51 <AnnihilatorBeta> unless it's missing certain locations or addresses
P9:36:59 <Azjherben> I ment
P9:37:01 <Azjherben> This map
P9:37:27 <Azjherben> http://up.widget.mibbit.com/up/HrCFKY2x.dat
P9:37:31 <Azjherben> From this code:
P9:37:35 <Azjherben> http://widget.mibbit.com/pb/9DoBD9
P9:38:53 <charrr> So, Zombie Siege is in already.
P9:40:02 <AnnihilatorBeta> no not really
P9:40:14 <AnnihilatorBeta> i said that to get your hopes up but looks like it didn't work
P9:40:31 <Azjherben> Lol
P9:40:38 <Azjherben> Not really lol
P9:40:46 <Azjherben> I mean, it wasn't a lol
P9:41:01 <AnnihilatorBeta> i'm so sorry
P9:41:15 <AnnihilatorBeta> i mean i'm not sorry
P9:41:18 <AnnihilatorBeta> hahahAHA
12P9:41:55 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE5E35.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org)
P9:42:57 <AnnihilatorBeta> shameless advertising
10P9:43:54 * Saer (Saer@c-68-60-135-121.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
12P9:43:59 * charrr (Mibbit@adsl-75-23-118-156.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P9:46:02 * JimRaynor[IAA] (JProffitt7@c-75-71-34-244.hsd1.co.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P9:46:20 * Charrr (Charrr@adsl-75-23-118-156.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:46:29 <Charrr> hello
10P9:49:58 * Darkebrz (IceChat7@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P9:49:59 <Azjherben> bye
12P9:50:00 * Azjherben (Mibbit@cpe-74-76-143-181.nycap.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P9:50:48 <Charrr> Azjherben needs a real IRC client
10P9:51:26 * Charrr is now known as charrr
12P9:53:02 * Darkebrz (IceChat7@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P10:00:48 * Darkebrz (IceChat7@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
12P10:03:28 * kappaOne (kappa@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10P10:04:28 * LG_Legacy (LGLegacy@71-82-103-142.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P10:04:56 <Darkebrz> I hate my shitty router
P10:05:57 <Darkebrz> FUCKING
P10:05:58 <Darkebrz> SHIT
12P10:06:02 * scanlonman_ (taylor@66-227-211-200.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: scanlonman_)
12P10:06:09 * Darkebrz (IceChat7@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: Copywight 2007 Elmer Fudd. All wights wesewved.)
12P10:08:09 * testvan (testvan@97-123-30-69.albq.qwest.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:08:29 <AnnihilatorBeta> .
10P10:13:47 * Darkebrz (IceChat7@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
10P10:14:48 * testvan (testvan@97-123-31-47.albq.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:16:05 <Saer> Doctor?
P10:16:15 <Saer> Doctor Pepper, that is.
P10:16:24 <Saer> You can trust me... I'm a DOCTOR
12P10:17:13 * Ausfriend (B04175@220-244-127-48.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Ausfriend)
P10:17:47 <Saer> since... I'm a Doctor...
12P10:17:51 * testvan (testvan@97-123-31-47.albq.qwest.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:17:57 <Saer> Yeah, you too
P10:18:09 <AnnihilatorBeta> you too
P10:18:16 <Saer> Oh
P10:18:20 <Saer> Are you a DOCTOR
P10:18:37 <AnnihilatorBeta> you're not a doctor
P10:19:15 <AnnihilatorBeta> exactly
10P10:19:36 * aeiowu (aeiowu@ics187-236.icsincorporated.com) has joined #minecraft
P10:19:39 <AnnihilatorBeta> good night
P10:19:54 <aeiowu> night
P10:20:12 <AnnihilatorBeta> wear some pants. sicko.
12P10:20:25 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1279276304.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: yeah YOU TOO doc)
10P10:21:44 * Ausfriend (B04175@220-244-127-48.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
12P10:22:16 * charrr (Charrr@adsl-75-23-118-156.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.1/20090715094852])
10P10:25:29 * testvan (testvan@97-123-20-130.albq.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
10P10:25:34 * JimRaynor[IAA] (JProffitt7@c-75-71-34-244.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P10:31:19 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
P10:31:20 <Darkebrz> Hahaha
P10:31:28 <Darkebrz> Perogi, just unignoring you to say this
P10:31:29 <Darkebrz> Hahahaha
P10:31:44 <Perogi> did you ip ban me THAT time?
P10:32:10 <TrueWolves> ???
P10:32:16 <Darkebrz> Perogi
P10:32:24 <Perogi> Dark banned me on NewFrontier server because he hates me
P10:32:24 <Darkebrz> Got IP-banned on my server
P10:33:05 <TrueWolves> your welcome on Yggdrasil if you follow rules and don't make potholes
P10:33:24 <Perogi> I like that rp/economy server :(
P10:33:31 <Darkebrz> Eh
P10:33:32 <Darkebrz> Wtf
P10:33:35 <TrueWolves> yeah, I ran the first rp server...
P10:33:39 <TrueWolves> it lasted... 2 days
P10:33:39 <Darkebrz> Perogi didnt get added again
P10:33:42 <TrueWolves> but it was private
P10:33:49 <Darkebrz> Perogi, karma is a bitch
P10:34:00 <Perogi> karma? did I make you feel sad?
P10:34:08 <Darkebrz> Hm?
P10:34:16 <Darkebrz> Why would I be sad?
P10:34:17 <TrueWolves> I ran one accualy back when servers were 3 days old, but I think it being private made it hard to keep it going
P10:34:27 <Darkebrz> You grief a server and it follows you
P10:34:31 <Perogi> well you said karma, implying that I did something wrong to you and you are returning the favor
P10:34:40 <Perogi> lol wtf I griefed a server and Eagle forgave me
P10:34:45 <Darkebrz> Thats called revenge
P10:34:56 <Perogi> you're not god
P10:35:05 <Darkebrz> I am not implying that I am god
P10:35:07 <Perogi> you don't get to dish out revenge because you're always right
P10:35:15 <Darkebrz> Sure
P10:35:18 <Perogi> you do when you say you are dealing revenge for wrongs that were not commited against you
P10:35:22 <Darkebrz> But it was my opinion that you should be banned
P10:35:33 <Perogi> no shit
P10:35:56 <Darkebrz> Meh
P10:36:01 <Darkebrz> Ignored
P10:36:11 <Darkebrz> [23:36] ->> Re-enabled perogi in Ignore list
P10:36:38 <Darkebrz> Hehehehe
P10:36:41 <Darkebrz> Family Guy
12P10:39:34 * Foobu (Mibbit@c-67-169-11-98.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P10:42:17 * FSlSlayer (chatzilla@c-98-196-117-120.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:42:31 <FSlSlayer> So hmmm... can i ask question on how servers work for minecraft?
P10:42:44 <Darkebrz> Sure
P10:43:06 <FSlSlayer> Apparently my private one i made was single player
P10:43:16 <FSlSlayer> is it always single player or is it possible to make it multi?
P10:43:27 <liq3> Private is ONLY multi.
P10:43:33 <FSlSlayer> actually
P10:43:35 <FSlSlayer> i made my own
P10:43:37 <FSlSlayer> and it's single.
P10:43:44 <liq3> Then it's not a private server.
P10:43:53 <FSlSlayer> public=false
P10:43:56 <Darkebrz> Slayer, what do you mean?
P10:44:04 <Darkebrz> Nobody else can join?
P10:44:07 <FSlSlayer> no
P10:44:10 <FSlSlayer> my friends joined
P10:44:12 <FSlSlayer> we dont seeeach other
P10:44:16 <Darkebrz> Hm
P10:44:17 <FSlSlayer> but we can modifty the world.
P10:44:25 <Darkebrz> I have no idea
P10:44:41 <Darkebrz> Nobody who knows anything about this is online right now
P10:44:43 <FSlSlayer> Tab doesnt work and t doestn work
P10:44:47 <FSlSlayer> O.o :(
P10:44:50 <FSlSlayer> ahh thanks for the help anyhow
P10:44:50 <Darkebrz> Oh
P10:44:51 <Darkebrz> Hehe
P10:44:53 <Darkebrz> Slayer
P10:44:57 <Darkebrz> Your server just doesnt work
P10:45:01 <Perogi> fsi that means your server isn't connected
P10:45:09 <Darkebrz> If the server url is wrong, or if the server is down
P10:45:13 <Perogi> if minecraft can't find a server at the url it just sets up a single player game
P10:45:13 <Darkebrz> It directs it to singleplayer
P10:45:14 <FSlSlayer> no the server works
P10:45:16 <FSlSlayer> ohh
P10:45:18 <Darkebrz> No it doesnt
P10:45:24 <FSlSlayer> How do i fix my server?
P10:45:26 <Perogi> you should check your ports
P10:45:31 <Perogi> or double check the url for your server
P10:45:35 <FSlSlayer> already forwarded.
P10:45:38 <Perogi> hm
P10:45:56 <Darkebrz> I really dont know
P10:46:02 <Darkebrz> Can I have the link?
10P10:46:56 * Pl0x (Mibbit@124-197-8-206.callplus.net.nz) has joined #minecraft
P10:47:10 <Pl0x> ffs crazyed
P10:47:17 <Pl0x> he's never here
P10:47:21 <Darkebrz> Lol
P10:47:24 <FSlSlayer> qhttp://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=8acd477b20fa9e60e670d4f89601a3bf
P10:47:31 <Pl0x> no
P10:47:33 <Pl0x> just no.
P10:47:38 <Darkebrz> ?
P10:47:45 <Pl0x> exactly
P10:47:53 <Pl0x> Now play on my server or die :p
P10:48:07 <Darkebrz> Erm
P10:48:13 <Darkebrz> Plox, who is talking?
P10:48:18 <Pl0x> me.
P10:48:26 <Darkebrz> Nobody else?
P10:48:31 <Darkebrz> You were talking to yourself?
P10:48:32 <Pl0x> and you.
P10:48:38 <Pl0x> you're talking
P10:48:39 <Darkebrz> I dont know what your server is
P10:48:50 <Pl0x> you visited it yesterday :)
P10:48:53 <Darkebrz> I did
P10:48:54 <FSlSlayer> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=8acd477b20fa9e60e670d4f89601a3bf
P10:48:54 <Darkebrz> ?
P10:48:56 <FSlSlayer> so hmm
P10:49:07 <FSlSlayer> i think it may be a firewall issue
P10:49:13 <Darkebrz> Slayer, are you _sure_ that thats the right link?
P10:49:20 <liq3> Slayer, it's either filewall or your ports aren't forwarded.
P10:49:26 <Saer> Oh hello Darkebrz
P10:49:30 <liq3> Or the link is wrong. :p
P10:49:30 <Pl0x> has slayer checked the forums?
P10:49:32 <Darkebrz> Hi Saer
P10:49:39 <Darkebrz> Is New Atluria up yet?
P10:49:49 <Saer> No, I have the server, no one can host it.
P10:49:54 <Saer> I tried, it worked, but now it doesnt.
P10:50:25 <Darkebrz> :(
P10:50:53 <Saer> So, I am handing it over to someone else to take a shot
P10:51:21 <Pl0x> Me :D
P10:51:33 <Pl0x> Can i haz it?
P10:51:56 <Darkebrz> Pl0x, it is a roleplay server
P10:52:09 <Pl0x> So.... I had my own roleplay once
P10:52:31 <TrueWolves> O.o
P10:52:42 <Pl0x> And speaking of which i have two Servers, one for freebuild and for rp
P10:52:46 <Darkebrz> Okay
P10:52:54 <Darkebrz> Saer, you should give it to Pl0x :p
P10:53:00 <Pl0x> yes he should.
P10:54:05 <Pl0x> Please?
P10:54:09 <TrueWolves> pl0x, have you seen Yggdrasil?
P10:54:23 <Pl0x> nope.
P10:54:29 <Perogi> yggdrasil is epic
P10:54:32 <Darkebrz> Pl0x, what is your RP server?
P10:54:49 <Perogi> true has someone built a dragon nibling at the roots at the bottom yet?
P10:54:52 <Perogi> or a raven at the top?
10P10:54:53 * ctburley (Calin_Burl@c-76-31-27-58.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:54:54 <TrueWolves> Nope
P10:54:57 <TrueWolves> Not yet
P10:54:57 <Pl0x> Pl0x Roleplay server.
P10:54:59 <Perogi> damn it I should get on that
P10:55:08 <Pl0x> I used to have my own roleplay guidelines
P10:55:13 <TrueWolves> TrueWolves' (OMFG) Huge Tree Biuld
P10:55:13 <Pl0x> but i gave up
P10:55:17 <Darkebrz> Ah
P10:55:18 <Darkebrz> :/
P10:55:21 <TrueWolves> the () is not part of the title, but it should be
P10:55:25 <Perogi> lol
P10:55:54 <Pl0x> I don't think saer is here atm
12P10:55:57 * FSlSlayer (chatzilla@c-98-196-117-120.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P10:56:26 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P10:57:03 <Saer> I am sleeping
P10:57:10 <Pl0x> sif
P10:57:35 <Pl0x> I feel like putting up a griefers server
P10:57:41 <Pl0x> so i can watch people grief
P10:57:44 <Pl0x> for the lolz
P10:57:56 <Darkebrz> I doubt it would work
P10:57:59 <Pl0x> because im bored with no-one visiting my server
12P10:58:09 * Moujave (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.1/20090715094852])
P10:58:20 <Darkebrz> Does your server have some sort of gimick?
P10:58:26 <Darkebrz> Theres way to many general servers now
P10:58:31 <Pl0x> probably no.
P10:58:35 <Darkebrz> Heres an idea: Lava escape server
P10:58:51 <Darkebrz> That sounds like so much fun :D
10P10:59:14 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:59:30 <Bob_The_Builder> also sounds like you just read the minecraft wiki
P10:59:51 <Darkebrz> Agh
P10:59:54 <TrueWolves> Yggdrasil is the only server of it's kind! =D
P11:00:06 <Darkebrz> Wolves, whats so special about it?
P11:00:21 <TrueWolves> It's a Giant f****** Tree
P11:00:23 <Bob_The_Builder> dark fails at ripping off ideas
P11:00:28 <Perogi> I think dark still has us on ignore bob
P11:00:36 <Bob_The_Builder> haha what a noob
P11:00:38 <Perogi> also he ip banned me from a server I was legitametly playing on
P11:00:47 <Perogi> for no reason
P11:00:48 <Darkebrz> Wolves, oh yeah :p
P11:00:51 <Pl0x> It seems bob has nothing better to do than troll the IRC
P11:00:56 <Darkebrz> That server lags me so much
P11:01:00 <TrueWolves> sorry dark
P11:01:01 <Perogi> pl0x we are not trolling be quiet
P11:01:01 <Bob_The_Builder> says plox who has been on here all day
P11:01:02 <TrueWolves> ot
P11:01:18 <TrueWolves> s as big as a 256/256/256 map
P11:01:39 <Pl0x> Umm
P11:01:43 <Pl0x> no bob i just arrived
P11:01:53 <Bob_The_Builder> perogi, i gotta get a new isp
P11:02:00 <Perogi> why?
P11:02:06 <Bob_The_Builder> coz plox called my isp and now they have banned me from minecraft
P11:02:11 <Perogi> lol
P11:02:13 <Bob_The_Builder> <insert megalulz here>
P11:02:22 <JTE> My spleef server had a better uptime than citricsquid's servers at some point.
P11:02:24 <JTE> Weird.
P11:02:37 <Darkebrz> JTE, your server is so much fun ^_^
10P11:02:41 * mib_dpy9n4 (Mibbit@pool-71-162-248-94.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:02:50 <Saer> So...
P11:02:51 <Perogi> whats your spleef server JTE?
P11:02:51 <Pl0x> rofl you thought i would do that
P11:02:54 <Pl0x> hahaha
12P11:02:57 * mib_dpy9n4 (Mibbit@pool-71-162-248-94.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P11:02:58 <Darkebrz> Saer
P11:03:03 <Saer> ... Yeah...
P11:03:04 <Pl0x> omg
P11:03:04 <Darkebrz> Pl0x said he would be happy to host it
P11:03:07 <Saer> I know
P11:03:09 <Pl0x> yea
P11:03:13 <Saer> He and I had a conversation
P11:03:14 <Bob_The_Builder> wouldnt matter if you did plox, they would laugh at you
P11:03:17 <Pl0x> but saer doesn't want me to.
P11:03:22 <Saer> to be honest, I don't think he will enforce the rules.
P11:03:22 <Darkebrz> :0
P11:03:27 <Saer> Since it isn't his own rules.
P11:03:29 <Darkebrz> Saer
P11:03:32 <Pl0x> not if i sewed you on the grounds of hacking.
P11:03:34 <Saer> It is the rules of the former administrator.
P11:03:35 <Darkebrz> Thats why you have dedicated admins
P11:03:50 <Darkebrz> That enforce the rules
P11:03:58 <Pl0x> but it wouldn't be up 24/7
P11:04:01 <Saer> Meh, if the guy doesn't respond by tomorrow.
P11:04:07 <Saer> I will let you host it, pl0x
P11:04:15 <Pl0x> lol tommorrow
P11:04:15 <liq3> Saer: Host what?
P11:04:16 <Pl0x> k
P11:04:24 <Darkebrz> New Atluria
P11:04:25 <Saer> lolwut
P11:04:33 <Saer> Yus
P11:04:38 <liq3> Saer: Ask citricsquid for a server. :/
P11:04:42 <Darkebrz> AUCH
P11:04:44 <Darkebrz> Fucking moth
P11:04:46 <Saer> Yeah, I was thinking abot that
P11:04:58 <Saer> You know what, I will take a shot at it.
P11:05:14 <Bob_The_Builder> lol first its getting cut by a miscuit box, now its a moth attacking dark
P11:05:17 <Bob_The_Builder> poor kid
P11:05:22 <Bob_The_Builder> biscuit*
P11:05:27 <Perogi> hehe
P11:06:22 <Bob_The_Builder> brb
12P11:06:27 * Bob_The_Builder (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5/20090624025744])
10P11:06:29 * ryft (ryft@c-98-214-250-153.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:06:59 <Darkebrz> Yay hes gone
P11:07:08 <Saer> So...
P11:07:13 <ryft> bleh we have someone hacking accounts
P11:07:13 <Saer> Darkebrz...
P11:07:18 <Darkebrz> Wut
P11:07:19 <Saer> Although I hesitate to ask...
P11:07:30 <Saer> About my topic.
P11:07:35 <Saer> Why did you say that?
P11:07:47 <Saer> And, did you have anything to actually add onto what I posted?
P11:07:48 <triddin> Darkebrz: the moth, or bob you mean?
10P11:07:48 * Bob_The_Builder (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P11:07:55 <Darkebrz> Bob
P11:07:57 <Saer> OMFG HE IS ALIVE
P11:08:16 <Darkebrz> No hes back
P11:08:48 <Saer> anyway, you didnt answer my question, good sir.
P11:09:11 <Darkebrz> No you cant
P11:09:33 <Saer> (12:07:34 AM) Me: About my topic.
P11:09:33 <Saer> (12:07:39 AM) Me: Why did you say that?
P11:09:33 <Saer> (12:07:51 AM) Me: And, did you have anything to actually add onto what I posted?
P11:09:41 <Saer> that is what I said, good sir.
P11:09:55 <Darkebrz> No you cant
P11:10:17 <Saer> ... no you cant doesn't answer anything
P11:10:19 <Saer> oh
P11:10:22 <Saer> you cant add
P11:10:28 <Saer> LOL you cant add
P11:10:41 <Saer> You act as if I did something wrong in that topic
P11:10:51 <triddin> is this place getting surreal?
P11:11:07 <Saer> Anyway, and why did you post it?
P11:11:13 <Saer> in the first place?
P11:11:14 <Saer> And no
P11:11:17 <Darkebrz> No you cant
P11:11:21 <Saer> it is getting Cereal
P11:11:31 <Saer> ... Ok, darkebrz, you are insane.
P11:11:36 <triddin> OMG it's happening again! o_O
P11:11:48 <Darkebrz> triddin: What is?
P11:12:03 <triddin> surrealism, Darkebrz.
12P11:12:08 * Pl0x (Mibbit@124-197-8-206.callplus.net.nz) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P11:12:08 <Darkebrz> What?
P11:15:05 <Darkebrz> So
P11:15:07 <PuyoDead> madness.
P11:15:15 <Darkebrz> What do you guys think of a Theme of the Week server?
P11:16:29 <PuyoDead> not bad, the problem is that any theme will already be on another server any given week
P11:16:39 <TrueWolves> not my theam =P
P11:16:42 <Darkebrz> ??
P11:16:46 <Darkebrz> PuyoDead, what?
P11:16:58 <TrueWolves> theres a lot of theams not used yet
12P11:17:48 * ryft (ryft@c-98-214-250-153.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://irc2go.com/)
P11:19:49 <TrueWolves> A war zone theem (with airplanes and ships and submarines of all ages)
P11:28:03 <LG_Legacy> Huh..
P11:28:06 <LG_Legacy> Now theres an idea
P11:28:10 <LG_Legacy> Minecraft: Omaha beach
P11:31:33 <Darkebrz> Hehe
P11:31:59 <Darkebrz> Apocalyptic theme
P11:37:15 <Saer> I just thought of something awesome
P11:37:22 <Saer> Odds are someone already wantedto do it
P11:37:27 <Saer> but I think I can pull it off
P11:37:52 <Perogi> whats is it Saer?
P11:37:54 <Saer> it is called "Anti-greifing"
P11:37:54 <Saer> You spam blocks all over
P11:38:03 <Saer> It is like, awesome.
P11:38:09 <Darkebrz> Erm
P11:38:12 <Darkebrz> That is griefing
P11:38:16 <Perogi> lol ya
P11:38:18 <Saer> ... it is/
P11:38:19 <Saer> ?
P11:38:23 <Perogi> its a method of griefing
P11:38:29 <Perogi> you spam ugly pink blocks all over the place
P11:38:34 <Darkebrz> Griefing is the act of intentionally causing someone else grief
P11:38:35 <Saer> I thought griefing is when you just destroy everyone elses stuff
P11:38:39 <Darkebrz> no
P11:38:41 <Saer> Oh....
P11:38:50 <Saer> That makes sense now...
P11:38:52 <Perogi> destroying or just generally making stuff look ugly
P11:38:54 <Saer> I get it...
P11:39:02 <Darkebrz> Why
P11:39:04 <Saer> Thanks
P11:39:06 <Perogi> really greifing is just fucking up other peoples stuff in a way the do not want
P11:39:10 <Darkebrz> Did you anti-grief everywhere?
P11:39:20 <Saer> Oh, well, my idea was to just randomly build blocks all over
P11:39:21 <Saer> no
P11:39:25 <Perogi> lol
P11:39:28 <Saer> lol
P11:39:34 <PuyoDead> like when someone runs all over placing blocks everywhere for no particular reason
P11:39:39 <Perogi> that doesn't solve anything! :P
P11:39:39 <PuyoDead> there ya go
P11:39:52 <Saer> replace anti-grief with ejaculate in Darkebrz last
P11:39:54 <Saer> thing
P11:39:57 <Saer> message
P11:40:10 <Darkebrz> ;_;
P11:41:43 <TrueWolves> XD
P11:41:59 <Darkebrz> I really want some sort of hosting
P11:42:04 <Saer> I need ot
P11:42:05 <Saer> it
P11:42:09 <Saer> you duzent
P11:42:16 <Bob_The_Builder> id give you hosting dark
P11:42:19 <Bob_The_Builder> but your a douche
P11:42:24 <Darkebrz> Augh
P11:42:28 <Saer> Can I have the gift of hosting?
P11:42:28 <vdgmprgrmr> Oh god pancakeburger with lettuce, tomatoe, and maple syrup.
P11:42:31 <Darkebrz> Why is bob _still_ not ignored?
P11:42:41 <Bob_The_Builder> coz i am teh awsomes
P11:42:43 <Darkebrz> Saer
P11:42:50 <Darkebrz> Bob doesnt look kindly on RP servers
P11:43:01 <Bob_The_Builder> lies
P11:43:09 <Bob_The_Builder> i dont go to RP servers, no care
P11:43:12 <Darkebrz> I believe he specifically said something about you
P11:43:15 <Darkebrz> Oh
P11:43:19 <Darkebrz> That was undeadsteak
P11:43:22 <Darkebrz> Nevermind
P11:43:45 <PuyoDead> pancakeburger? that souns... ehhm I dunno
P11:43:45 <vdgmprgrmr> I just woke up, from my 6pm to midnight sleep (dammit), from a dream about waking up, and having a fucking pancakeburger with all the amenities for breakfast.
P11:44:03 <Saer> well, have a nice day everyone
P11:44:09 <Saer> take care
P11:44:11 <Saer> dont die on me!
10P11:44:12 * Bbzx (Bbzx@adsl-75-37-237-197.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:44:24 <Saer> I wouldn't want you dead, if I did you would be dead by now
P11:44:25 <vdgmprgrmr> Three pancakes, a tomato-slice, some lettuce, another pancake, syrop on top.
P11:44:34 <Saer> Oooh, sounds lovely
P11:44:38 <Bbzx> can anyone tell me how i download my server_level.dat file?
P11:44:40 <Bbzx> from my account
P11:44:47 <Saer> Press the "Go" Button
P11:44:48 <vdgmprgrmr> What?
P11:44:57 <Saer> If not, press the "God" button
P11:44:59 <Darkebrz> A saved singleplayer map?
P11:45:01 <Bbzx> yep
P11:45:01 <Saer> then everything should be easy
P11:45:04 <Darkebrz> Cant be downloaded
P11:45:06 <Bbzx> :<
P11:45:09 <Bbzx> damn
P11:45:13 <Bbzx> alright, thanks anyways
P11:45:18 <vdgmprgrmr> Single player levels are forever not yours.
P11:45:25 <Saer> Remember, you can do anything if you put your mind to it!
P11:45:30 <Bbzx> wait what?
P11:45:32 <Bbzx> theyre not mine?
P11:45:39 <vdgmprgrmr> Nope, they're Notch's.
12P11:45:39 * Saer (Saer@c-68-60-135-121.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
P11:45:46 <vdgmprgrmr> They reside on his server.
P11:45:58 <vdgmprgrmr> Somewhere in Sveden.
P11:46:00 <Bbzx> :< can i ask him nicely to give it to me?
P11:46:01 <Bbzx> :D
P11:46:13 <vdgmprgrmr> You might be able to.
P11:46:26 <Bbzx> is he on IRC often or no?
P11:46:28 <vdgmprgrmr> It'd be pretty cool if he set up a way to download files from SP.
P11:46:34 <Darkebrz> He is not
P11:46:36 <vdgmprgrmr> Recently, he hasn't been here often.
P11:46:47 <Bbzx> :\ how would I get in contact with him?
P11:46:54 <vdgmprgrmr> Email.
P11:47:04 <PuyoDead> email, or idle in here very often
P11:47:09 <vdgmprgrmr> Yeah.
P11:47:11 <PuyoDead> kind of like stalking wild prey
P11:47:44 <vdgmprgrmr> Waiting for the immensely awesome Notch creature to come into your sights, so you can quickly make requests before it vanishes back into the depths of the internet.
P11:47:46 <Bbzx> alright
12P11:47:46 * yoshibot (kit@pool-71-123-232-81.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P11:48:13 * Bbzx (Bbzx@adsl-75-37-237-197.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P11:48:14 * Bbzx (Bbzx@adsl-75-37-237-197.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:48:15 <Darkebrz> Well
P11:48:26 <Darkebrz> Notch said he will be dedicating 3 days a week to minecraft
P11:48:33 <Darkebrz> So he will likely be on during these days
P11:48:34 <vdgmprgrmr> Yeah...
P11:48:45 <vdgmprgrmr> But those days have come and gone.
P11:48:59 <vdgmprgrmr> (Well, one is still coming, but...)
P11:49:06 <Bbzx> what happened to the brick pattern blocks?
P11:49:17 <PuyoDead> eh?
P11:49:18 <Bbzx> (just a random question, lol)
P11:49:20 <Darkebrz> What days are they?
P11:49:30 <PuyoDead> which ones? no blocks are gone
P11:49:32 <Perogi> not today
P11:49:33 <Perogi> and not tomorrow
P11:49:37 <Perogi> probably not the day after that either
P11:49:43 <vdgmprgrmr> The "brick pattern blocks" were wood, and they were changed to look more like wood.
P11:49:56 <PuyoDead> oh, I see what you mean
P11:50:01 <Bbzx> oh
P11:50:07 <vdgmprgrmr> The days he designated were Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
P11:50:15 <Bbzx> tomorrow is friday =D
P11:50:19 <Bbzx> actually today is friday
P11:50:21 <Perogi> o right dark has me ignored
P11:50:35 <Darkebrz> I liked the brick blocks
10P11:50:37 * Colain (Lukey_batm@125-239-73-161.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) has joined #minecraft
P11:50:51 <vdgmprgrmr> I always knew they were wood.
P11:50:51 <Perogi> its not friday silly, at least not here
P11:50:52 <PuyoDead> back to ye ol' wii for me
P11:50:54 <Colain> Anyone wanna go on JTE's server?
P11:51:04 <Bbzx> its 1 am friday
P11:51:18 <Darkebrz> Colain, I will
P11:51:20 <Perogi> I see well maybe we can expect notch later today then
P11:51:21 <vdgmprgrmr> You're silly, it's 11:51pm Thursday.
P11:51:31 <Darkebrz> All of you are incorrect
P11:51:33 <Perogi> actually its 9:51 pm thursday
P11:51:34 <vdgmprgrmr> Your clock's screwed up or something, methinks.
P11:51:39 <Darkebrz> It is 12:51 AM Friday
P11:51:52 <Darkebrz> But I need the link
P11:51:53 <vdgmprgrmr> That's wrong.
P11:52:08 <vdgmprgrmr> There's only one timezone, and it's mine.
P11:52:15 <Perogi> ^
P11:52:30 <vdgmprgrmr> And it's 11:52 PM Thursday.
P11:52:34 <Ausfriend> You guys are all fucking retarded
P11:52:39 <Ausfriend> its 2:52 PM Friday
P11:52:47 <Perogi> what
P11:52:47 <Darkebrz> What the-
P11:52:49 <Perogi> PM?
P11:52:49 <vdgmprgrmr> Now that's WAY off.
P11:52:58 <Perogi> and you called us retarded?
P11:52:59 <Perogi> gtfo irc
P11:53:09 <Ausfriend> You guys are all fucking retarded
P11:53:10 <Ausfriend> [2:52pm] Ausfriend:
P11:53:10 <Ausfriend> its 2:52 PM Friday
P11:53:11 <vdgmprgrmr> Austalia is in my timezone as well, Ausfriend.
P11:53:25 <Perogi> ...
P11:53:25 <Bbzx> what about the swedish timezone
P11:53:30 <Bbzx> is it like +3?
P11:53:34 <Perogi> now THAT is a good questions bbzx
P11:53:48 <vdgmprgrmr> Sweden is legally GMT +1.
P11:53:53 <Bbzx> alright
P11:53:58 <Bbzx> so then its 7 am
P11:53:59 <Perogi> what time is it in sweden?
P11:53:59 <Bbzx> friday
P11:54:03 <Perogi> o I see
P11:54:04 <Bbzx> (i think)
P11:54:05 <vdgmprgrmr> But in reality, it's GMT -6 like me, and like every other timezone in the world.
P11:54:17 <Perogi> mhmmmm
P11:54:53 <PuyoDead> so, think this is out of date? http://www.cepis.org.pe/comun/time/convert/conveng.html
P11:54:59 <PuyoDead> check out the drop down menu for year
P11:55:14 <Colain> Message me if you want to go on JTE's server/
P11:55:32 <Perogi> thats the spleef server right?
P11:55:46 <PuyoDead> also, the answer is, the time is @246
P11:56:08 <Colain> No, theres a different one up.
12P11:57:10 * sorryamerica (sorryameri@ip24-255-255-254.ks.ks.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P11:59:25 * Bbzx (Bbzx@adsl-75-37-237-197.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: spamfest ._.)
Session Close: Fri Jul 24 00:00:00 2009

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@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
Session Start: Sat Aug 01 00:00:01 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
10A12:00:15 * theone (chatzilla@ks-138-210-216-157.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has left #minecraft
A12:00:55 <mail2345> floodign once again: http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=3dcbd0a96af3d6af96fb76f7dad40396
12A12:01:56 * Deiz (swh@206-248-134-41.dsl.teksavvy.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A12:02:06 <PuyoDead> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHbk11e4YYQ
A12:05:39 <mail2345> I find that a flood is more interesting
A12:05:55 <mail2345> jk.
12A12:07:51 * Ausfriend (B04175@220-244-127-48.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Ausfriend)
12A12:07:51 * Ausfriend_ (B04175@220-244-127-48.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Ausfriend_)
12A12:16:08 * Saer (Saer@c-68-60-135-121.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A12:16:25 * Deiz (swh@206-248-134-87.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #minecraft
A12:17:46 <AnnihilatorBeta> g'night y'all
12A12:17:56 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1279276914.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: bye)
12A12:19:14 * Stargoat (Stuie@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A12:19:14 * Saer (Saer@c-68-60-135-121.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:20:55 <mail2345> I'm getting bored.
A12:21:05 <mail2345> pertual floods on my server for the rest of the day
A12:22:57 <mail2345> nvm
A12:23:01 <mail2345> my users disagreed
A12:34:12 <Darkebrz> Wow
A12:34:15 <Darkebrz> I look through the forums
A12:34:24 <Darkebrz> And I think: Jeez so many like, 12 year olds
A12:34:28 <Darkebrz> Then I look at myself
A12:34:30 <Darkebrz> Oh yeah
10A12:34:43 * Stargoat (Stuie@ has joined #minecraft
A12:35:12 <Darkebrz> And I am so tired
10A12:35:17 * Nalok (gdhammerbo@pool-71-176-136-22.hag.east.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:35:28 <Super-Dot> Hoo boy
A12:35:40 <Nalok> Hullo, everyone! My comp works again! :D
A12:35:55 <Darkebrz> Hello Nalok
A12:35:59 <Super-Dot> My dad the system administrator doesn't want to port forward until he knows that it won't endanger our datas.
A12:36:13 <Super-Dot> Where can I find information on the potential dangers?
A12:36:39 <citricsquidatlan> opening ports is like putting a naked child in a cage with a convicted sex offender, bad things will happen!
A12:36:44 <citricsquidatlan> trust me, I'm at a lan.
A12:36:57 <Nalok> Is the NG server up Citric?
A12:37:03 <citricsquidatlan> should be
A12:37:06 <Darkebrz> I like to do nice things for people just so I can think of myself as a nice person then tell other people I'm a nice person making me feel like a nice person
A12:37:24 <mail2345> oh, come on, there are bigger targets than MC.
A12:37:33 <mail2345> anyway, just ask you dad to isolate your comp
A12:37:40 <mail2345> from the rest of the network :P
A12:37:42 <Darkebrz> Hm
A12:38:00 <Darkebrz> I also notice that I am often ignored by people that are being productive
A12:38:50 <Darkebrz> Or simply that most people do not constantly check IRC like I do
A12:39:02 <Darkebrz> Or they do and just tune me out because I am an annoying 12 year old
10A12:39:04 * citricsquidatlan is now known as citricaquid
10A12:39:08 * citricaquid is now known as citricsquid
A12:39:13 <LG_Legacy> >_>
10A12:39:16 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
A12:39:19 <citricsquid> can't type >=\
A12:39:24 <Darkebrz> *13
A12:39:28 <citricsquid> also 6:40am lol.
A12:39:35 <asianRanger> lol
A12:39:41 <asianRanger> no life 8)
A12:39:42 <asianRanger> jk
A12:39:46 <mail2345> btw, anybody know what "ls 'yes'" does?
A12:39:54 <Darkebrz> Everyone in here must fit into at least one of the above categories
A12:39:56 <Nalok> Can't find the topic :|
A12:40:05 <LG_Legacy> Or you know
A12:40:07 <mail2345> what cata gories.
A12:40:11 <LG_Legacy> Some just don't bother to type
A12:40:28 <LG_Legacy> Also
A12:40:31 <LG_Legacy> Is msn down for anyone?
A12:40:33 <asianRanger> mail.. thanks for hosting my server. the server banned like 4 griefers already and i got 2 trustful OP's
A12:40:37 <Darkebrz> Adding a category: Fat people that are to lazy to type
A12:40:43 <asianRanger> im off to bed
A12:40:57 <LG_Legacy> >_> I happen to be skinny thank you
A12:40:59 <Nalok> Found eet
A12:41:02 <Darkebrz> Grammar and spelling nazis are another category because I simply ignore them
A12:41:14 <Darkebrz> But LG you aren't ignoring me
A12:41:18 <LG_Legacy> :P
A12:41:34 <LG_Legacy> Now please hold still as this cheeteo gets forced up your hole for being an ass.
A12:41:37 <Darkebrz> I will go check facebook....
A12:41:43 <Darkebrz> Hm
A12:41:44 <LG_Legacy> And my FF Appears to be acting funny
A12:41:45 <Darkebrz> Surprise
A12:41:56 <Darkebrz> Nobody has said anything for quite a while
A12:42:05 <Darkebrz> Perhaps because they are sleep-
A12:42:07 <Darkebrz> Wait
A12:42:22 <Darkebrz> I have a friend request conformation!
A12:42:23 <Darkebrz> Yay!
A12:42:28 <LG_Legacy> Thus
A12:42:32 <LG_Legacy> Why i hate facebook
A12:42:42 <Darkebrz> Another person to add to me ever expanding friendslist that I will doubtlessly never even talk to
12A12:43:04 * LG_Legacy (LGLegacy@71-82-103-142.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A12:43:06 <Darkebrz> Seeing as they are most like a girl that I do not know well
A12:43:10 <Darkebrz> *likely
A12:43:19 <Darkebrz> Or they are offline
A12:43:24 <Darkebrz> But that wouldn't matter
A12:45:59 <Darkebrz> LG COME BACK ;_;
A12:46:18 <mail2345> flooding : http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=3dcbd0a96af3d6af96fb76f7dad40396
A12:46:49 <Darkebrz> nah
10A12:49:54 * LG_Legacy (LGLegacy@71-82-103-142.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A12:49:58 <LG_Legacy> Weird..
A12:50:03 <LG_Legacy> Is anyone else getting msn problems?
A12:50:05 <Darkebrz> YOUR BACK!
A12:50:10 <Darkebrz> I was so lonely...
A12:50:19 <LG_Legacy> Let's stick to the question
A12:50:19 <Darkebrz> MSN is working fine
A12:50:28 <LG_Legacy> Then what the f..
A12:50:58 <Darkebrz> I am so bored
A12:51:05 <LG_Legacy> Snag a game
A12:51:08 <Darkebrz> More people need to be on when it is in the middle of the night
A12:51:15 <Darkebrz> Snag a game?
A12:51:16 <LG_Legacy> I use to have that problem
A12:51:52 <Darkebrz> What are you babbling on about
A12:52:46 <Darkebrz> And what are you implying when you say snag a game
A12:54:14 <Darkebrz> LG_Legacy: What are you talking about? ;_;
A12:54:20 <LG_Legacy> Not yet
A12:54:24 <LG_Legacy> Busy give me a minute
A12:55:11 <Darkebrz> Okay
A12:55:11 <vede> Arg you guys, I need help.
A12:55:13 <Darkebrz> I will wait
A12:55:16 <Darkebrz> vede: with what
A12:55:25 <gear1> hello ladies
A12:55:27 <vede> There's this word in my head, and I can't figure it out.
A12:55:31 <vede> Google didn't help.
A12:55:47 <gear1> ill help
A12:55:53 <vede> It's like, con-----tion or com-----tion.
A12:56:03 <Darkebrz> comotion?
A12:56:03 <gear1> meaning?
A12:56:04 <vede> And it has something to do with education and jobs and such.
A12:56:08 <Darkebrz> Hm
A12:56:11 <Darkebrz> Gear has a job
A12:56:14 <Darkebrz> He can help you
A12:56:21 <Darkebrz> commission
A12:56:21 <fydo> convocation?
A12:56:25 <vede> No.
A12:56:28 <gear1> compensation?
A12:56:45 <gear1> contribution
A12:56:48 <gear1> contrition
A12:56:49 <vede> It's like, "Yes, you seem to have great X, we think you could be a good asset to our company."
A12:56:53 <gear1> comission
A12:56:58 <LG_Legacy> Connection
12A12:57:00 * Shoozza (Mibbit@p5DDDDB01.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A12:57:02 <vede> (As would be heard in a job interview.)
A12:57:15 <vede> And it's something you would earn by going to college.
A12:57:22 <gear1> wat
A12:57:28 <LG_Legacy> It's on the tip of my tongue
A12:57:48 <Darkebrz> http://www.morewords.com/ends-with/ion/
A12:57:53 <vede> Like, you earn them by education, they'll help you get a job.
A12:57:56 <Darkebrz> That may help
A12:58:04 <vede> And it ends with "tion"
A12:58:16 <gear1> qualifications?
A12:58:20 <vede> OMG YES
A12:58:29 <gear1> :|
A12:58:34 <vede> Qualifications.
A12:58:36 <Darkebrz> qualifications is nothing like chat you suggested
A12:58:39 <vede> Okay.
A12:58:48 <vede> Yeah, I know.
A12:58:56 <gear1> WORD
A12:59:12 <LG_Legacy> Wisdom
A12:59:17 <Darkebrz> GEAR1 HAS RECIEVED 5 INTERNETS!
A12:59:22 <vede> Okay, now I can go to sleep. Thanks.
A12:59:24 <Darkebrz> So
A12:59:28 <Darkebrz> LG_Legacy: what are you doing?
A12:59:33 <LG_Legacy> Gear1 has been beat to a pulp by LG_Legacy
A12:59:34 <LG_Legacy> And uh
A12:59:35 <Nalok> :/
A12:59:36 <LG_Legacy> Fixing msn
A12:59:39 <Darkebrz> That prevents you from explaining what you meant?
A12:59:45 <LG_Legacy> Yes
A12:59:48 <Darkebrz> snag a game?
A12:59:49 <LG_Legacy> Msn is top priority
A12:59:53 <LG_Legacy> Snatch/get
A1:00:24 <Darkebrz> I have no games to snatch/get
A1:00:30 <LG_Legacy> Hm
A1:00:43 <LG_Legacy> IF you're into those basic rpg games, look into Angband
A1:01:04 <vede> If you're into BASIC BASIC BASIC RPG games, look into Rogue.
A1:01:15 <LG_Legacy> I use to play angband all the time at school.
A1:01:26 <LG_Legacy> Same with super smash bros
A1:01:28 <LG_Legacy> And skulltag
A1:01:33 <vede> Okay. Must sleep now. Good night peoples.
A1:01:33 <Darkebrz> Hm
A1:01:34 <Nalok> Holy shit I'm bored
A1:01:37 <Darkebrz> I should probably sleep
A1:01:43 <Darkebrz> It is 2:00 AM
A1:01:43 <LG_Legacy> You know whats ironic?
A1:01:48 <Darkebrz> What?
A1:01:51 <LG_Legacy> People are in a chatroom for a game, yet they're bored.
A1:02:02 <Darkebrz> That is not ironic
A1:02:20 <LG_Legacy> Vote: Ironic?
12A1:02:22 * Saer (Saer@c-68-60-135-121.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
A1:02:22 <LG_Legacy> Anyone?
A1:02:43 <Darkebrz> What if they do not enjoy the game, yet are here for the community?
A1:02:47 <Darkebrz> That is not ironic
A1:02:57 <LG_Legacy> Hm..
A1:02:57 <Darkebrz> And thus your ironicization is not ironic
A1:03:01 <LG_Legacy> That would be my situation
A1:03:06 <Darkebrz> Yes
A1:03:10 <Darkebrz> It is not ironic
A1:03:12 <LG_Legacy> Though
A1:03:15 <LG_Legacy> If you want a game
A1:03:21 <LG_Legacy> I highly suggest getting an emulator
A1:03:29 <LG_Legacy> Countless hours can be wasted playing old-school games
A1:03:35 <Darkebrz> I do have an emulator
A1:03:41 <LG_Legacy> Get another
A1:03:44 <LG_Legacy> Or
A1:03:49 <LG_Legacy> IF you got some good mame roms..
A1:03:53 <Darkebrz> Meh
A1:03:54 <LG_Legacy> One sec let me find the site
A1:03:58 <Darkebrz> I have a lot of things to do
A1:04:07 <Darkebrz> But I am extremelly tired
A1:04:14 <Darkebrz> And have a short attention span
A1:04:49 <LG_Legacy> If you are a Metal Slug fan, or Street Fighter fan, and sick of people lagging out or what not
A1:04:57 <LG_Legacy> I HIGHLY suggest going to 2dfighter.com
A1:05:00 <Darkebrz> Okay
A1:05:06 <Darkebrz> Downloading @ngband
A1:05:08 <Darkebrz> ack
A1:05:09 <Darkebrz> brb
A1:05:09 <LG_Legacy> Lol
12A1:05:38 * Leight0n (leightonpo@173-24-143-156.client.mchsi.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A1:06:27 <Darkebrz> ?
A1:08:04 <Darkebrz> Wow
A1:08:08 <Darkebrz> That was depressing...
12A1:08:43 * Akai (Explorer@c-71-62-107-62.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Love to explore!)
A1:09:08 <Darkebrz> Lets startup this shitstorm
A1:09:39 <Darkebrz> Wow
A1:09:52 <Darkebrz> For some reason I feel like learning how to play dwarf fortress...
A1:11:50 <Darkebrz> LG_Legacy why have you stopped talking?
10A1:12:02 * Dilt|Eee (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:12:44 <Nalok> Can we start up some private flatgrass map? Cause I'm bored to tears :|
A1:12:59 <Darkebrz> Play Angband!
A1:13:11 <Nalok> Sounds painful
A1:13:21 <Darkebrz> No
A1:13:26 <Darkebrz> It actually looks pretty fun
A1:14:09 <LG_Legacy> Heh
A1:14:17 <LG_Legacy> Thanks for reminding me nalok
A1:14:23 <Darkebrz> What?
A1:14:26 <Darkebrz> Whats painful?
A1:14:35 <LG_Legacy> I need to launch the server
A1:14:38 <Nalok> Talkin bout angband
A1:15:06 <Nalok> DO EET
A1:15:12 <Nalok> I'm fucking board
A1:15:55 <LG_Legacy> What? It's been up
A1:16:02 <LG_Legacy> It's public though
12A1:16:11 * asianRanger (aaronyim95@c-67-174-201-162.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A1:16:21 <mail2345> I need some ops.
A1:16:44 <LG_Legacy> I'm an op in too many servers
A1:16:56 <mail2345> temporary is okay
A1:17:24 <LG_Legacy> And why do you need such ops?
A1:18:03 <mail2345> wait, nvm
A1:18:30 <Darkebrz> LG_Legacy: Where do I find the controls?
A1:18:49 <LG_Legacy> Dude
A1:18:54 <LG_Legacy> a dog is on me hold on
A1:19:03 <LG_Legacy> Alright.
A1:19:05 <LG_Legacy> Anyways
A1:19:08 <LG_Legacy> As i have said before
A1:19:13 <LG_Legacy> I played this back when i was in school
A1:19:16 <LG_Legacy> So the controls = off to me
A1:19:22 <LG_Legacy> Guess/play around
A1:20:22 <Darkebrz> What
A1:20:25 <Darkebrz> What the fuck?
A1:20:32 <Darkebrz> It just stole my weapon and insulted me?
A1:20:42 <LG_Legacy> Wtf? Rofl
A1:21:03 <Darkebrz> Actually it insulted my mother
A1:22:02 <Darkebrz> citricsquid: http://minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=1785
A1:22:11 <Darkebrz> Easier than report imo :/
13A1:22:48 * LG_Legacy reports anyways
A1:24:02 <Darkebrz> So yeah
A1:24:17 <Darkebrz> My friend somehow found that he has a microphone somewhere in his comp
A1:25:06 <LG_Legacy> Lolful
A1:25:12 <LG_Legacy> Alright new project
A1:25:42 <Darkebrz> OKay
A1:25:45 <Darkebrz> Lets try skulltag...
A1:25:49 <LG_Legacy> Lol
A1:25:53 <LG_Legacy> You need doom/doom2
A1:25:55 <Darkebrz> Ah
A1:25:57 <Darkebrz> Well
A1:26:05 <Darkebrz> Why would I have those?
A1:26:13 <LG_Legacy> Because it's a doom engine
A1:26:16 <LG_Legacy> IT runs off of it
A1:26:31 <Darkebrz> No
A1:26:39 <Darkebrz> Why would I have Doom/Doom2
A1:26:54 <LG_Legacy> Because you need it
A1:27:17 <Darkebrz> Okay
A1:27:23 <LG_Legacy> Heres how it works
A1:27:27 <Darkebrz> I understand
A1:27:39 <Darkebrz> I am not questioning why I need those
A1:27:47 <Darkebrz> But rather why I would already have them
10A1:27:55 * Cueball (Cueball@d220-236-131-196.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A1:28:00 <LG_Legacy> Skulltag is an engine, it runs off of a main Iwad (An secondary core. Skulltag is the main core.) Doom, doom2, tnt, plutonia, and i think doom1 are Iwads
A1:28:01 <LG_Legacy> And uh
10A1:28:02 * Parthon (cheeeese@203-206-101-206.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #minecraft
A1:28:02 <LG_Legacy> Not sure
A1:28:36 <LG_Legacy> But if you REALLY need something. callsign me. I'm working on something.
A1:29:12 <Darkebrz> I guess DOOM has been made available for free
A1:29:48 <LG_Legacy> Not really
A1:30:10 <Darkebrz> It has not?
A1:30:12 <Darkebrz> Hm
A1:30:23 <Darkebrz> Definitely not much effort to prevent its distribution then
A1:30:57 <LG_Legacy> Meh
A1:31:02 <LG_Legacy> Gotta love piracy eh?
A1:31:42 <Darkebrz> No
A1:31:49 <Darkebrz> It said it is free
A1:31:56 <Darkebrz> But still, no sound
12A1:32:03 * TrueWolves (DontGiveUp@69-176-226-109.static.izoom.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A1:32:08 * Jnx (Mibbit@ip72-196-10-5.om.om.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:32:12 <LG_Legacy> Weird
A1:32:15 <Jnx> Hey guys
A1:32:20 <Jnx> I have a problem with my server
A1:32:20 <LG_Legacy> You probably found the Shareware doom
A1:32:23 <LG_Legacy> ?
A1:32:41 <Jnx> Solids arn't working, I type /solid and it says I'm placing unbreakable stone but people can still destroy it
A1:32:49 <LG_Legacy> Ver yfirst block
A1:32:57 <LG_Legacy> Use the Stone block, the very first
A1:32:59 <LG_Legacy> It will turn black
A1:33:10 <LG_Legacy> Thats the only unbreakable block
A1:33:13 <Jnx> Wow
A1:33:14 <Jnx> you are amazing
A1:33:15 <LG_Legacy> Unless you're on the JTE Server
A1:33:15 <Jnx> ;)
A1:33:26 <LG_Legacy> No not really, i just know my way around.
A1:33:32 <LG_Legacy> Back to what i was doing.
A1:33:40 <Jnx> ty ty
A1:34:38 <Darkebrz> It isnt shareware
A1:34:41 <Darkebrz> Just provided free
A1:34:46 <LG_Legacy> Weird
A1:34:50 <Darkebrz> Lack of sound is because it is old software
A1:35:18 <Darkebrz> Try running in Windows 95 mode?
A1:36:17 <Darkebrz> Nope
A1:36:52 <Darkebrz> I was right
A1:37:02 <Darkebrz> Almost no support for MS-DOS
A1:37:23 <LG_Legacy> What?..
A1:37:29 <LG_Legacy> What in the blue F?
A1:37:33 <Darkebrz> Erm
A1:37:37 <LG_Legacy> Skulltag is a standalone executable
A1:37:41 <Darkebrz> Ah
A1:37:43 <Darkebrz> Okay
A1:37:46 <LG_Legacy> You need to copy doom2.wad or doom.wad into the skulltag folder
A1:38:05 <Darkebrz> Ah
A1:38:16 <Darkebrz> Okay
A1:38:17 <Darkebrz> Well
A1:38:24 <Darkebrz> I was right though
A1:38:31 <Darkebrz> DOS just doesnt work :(
A1:39:29 <Darkebrz> Yep
A1:39:32 <Darkebrz> Shareware
A1:39:33 <Darkebrz> PIRATE TIME!
A1:43:19 <Darkebrz> WHY DOES IT HATE ME
10A1:43:27 * Ausfriend (B04175@220-244-127-48.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
10A1:43:28 * Ausfriend_ (B04175@220-244-127-48.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A1:43:32 <mail2345> flood in 5 mins
A1:43:40 <mail2345> 8 mins , osrry
12A1:44:07 * _spondy (spondy@124-169-235-127.dyn.iinet.net.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A1:44:50 <Darkebrz> WHY IS IT DOING THIS TO ME
A1:45:36 <Darkebrz> Anyone help with a simple uTorrent problem?
A1:46:25 <mail2345> yep
A1:46:29 <Darkebrz> Okay
A1:46:51 <Darkebrz> When I start a torrent, I remember there being a window that pops up that lets me choose what files to download
A1:47:01 <Darkebrz> This no longer appears
A1:47:06 <Darkebrz> And angers me dearly
A1:48:03 <Darkebrz> mail2345: Help?
A1:48:31 <Parthon> O_o
A1:48:46 <Parthon> which client are you using?
A1:48:53 <Parthon> uTorrent?
A1:48:54 <Darkebrz> uTorrent
A1:48:55 <Darkebrz> Yes
A1:49:00 <Parthon> aah
A1:49:11 <Darkebrz> A setting to show window upon the start of a torrent is checked
A1:49:11 <Parthon> check if there's a properties of the torrent, and a files tab or something
10A1:49:17 * _spondy (spondy@124-169-173-32.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #minecraft
A1:49:40 <Parthon> you should be able to change the files downloaded from the properties of the torrent
A1:50:03 <Darkebrz> ...nope
A1:51:13 <Parthon> ummm
A1:51:23 <Parthon> O_o
A1:51:39 <Parthon> okay, if you can't find *that* .. I can't help you .. I clicked on the torrent and bam, the list of files came up for it
A1:52:21 <Forch> Utorrent?
A1:53:02 <Forch> Click the torrent, click files at the bottom, right click a particular file, select priority>do not download
A1:53:08 <Forch> or skip or something
A1:53:18 <Darkebrz> Yes
A1:53:21 <Darkebrz> Lets do that
A1:53:24 <Darkebrz> Individually
A1:53:28 <Darkebrz> For 2999 files
A1:53:32 <Darkebrz> Nah
A1:53:35 <Darkebrz> It doesnt even show up
10A1:54:23 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-253-150.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A1:54:59 <Parthon> you can soelect multiple with shift/control
A1:55:08 <Parthon> and you can right click to change priority
A1:55:24 <LG_Legacy> Utorrent
A1:55:57 <Darkebrz> No
A1:55:57 <Darkebrz> WOW
A1:55:58 <Darkebrz> WOW
A1:56:02 <Darkebrz> You see
A1:56:11 <Darkebrz> When I saw this massive package of 8000 games
A1:56:18 <LG_Legacy> Lol
A1:56:23 <Darkebrz> I thought he would have at least thought NOT to put them in a single Rar
A1:56:33 <LG_Legacy> Weird
A1:56:34 <Darkebrz> But yeah
A1:56:35 <Darkebrz> He did
A1:56:37 <LG_Legacy> Just find a DOS Version
A1:57:00 <Darkebrz> What do you think I am looking for?
A1:57:14 <LG_Legacy> Anything labeled Doom 2
A1:57:34 <Parthon> oh .. ouch, feck
A1:57:36 <Parthon> that sucks :P
A1:58:48 <Darkebrz> Found a torrent
A2:00:43 <Darkebrz> Yay doom2.wad!
A2:01:03 <mail2345> Flood time : http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=3dcbd0a96af3d6af96fb76f7dad40396
A2:06:36 <Darkebrz> Oh
A2:06:37 <Darkebrz> My
A2:06:39 <Darkebrz> God
A2:06:46 <Darkebrz> Doom 2 is so awesoome...
10A2:06:58 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A2:07:12 <LG_Legacy> It gets even more awesome in skulltag
A2:07:20 <LG_Legacy> Skulltag features a 3D OpenGL Mode
A2:07:22 <LG_Legacy> In which
A2:07:32 <LG_Legacy> Some lucky bastard is abusing the hell out of it and creating a HDR Mod out of it
A2:08:16 <LG_Legacy> If you want a look at the HDR Mod, check it out: http://skulltag.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=156704#p156704
A2:08:23 <LG_Legacy> It pushes the engine to it's core limits
A2:08:46 <Darkebrz> Well
A2:08:50 <Darkebrz> I will
A2:08:54 <Darkebrz> AFTER I beat Doom
A2:08:56 <Darkebrz> 2
A2:09:56 <UnknownX> I cant wait for Z-day
A2:10:39 <UnknownX> Its going to be so much fun
A2:11:19 <Darkebrz> Z-day?
A2:11:21 <Darkebrz> And
A2:11:29 <Darkebrz> SUPERSHOTGUN!
A2:11:38 <LG_Legacy> Lol
A2:14:31 <Darkebrz> Damn
A2:14:32 <Darkebrz> Died again
A2:14:37 <Darkebrz> But this is so much fun
A2:15:58 <UnknownX> PuyoDead: Hurry be a mod! The forums require assistance.
A2:19:52 <LG_Legacy> Is PuyoDead evenb there?
A2:20:01 <LG_Legacy> Or CitricSquid?
A2:21:26 <citricsquid> yo
A2:21:27 <citricsquid> whats up?
A2:21:37 <LG_Legacy> Do me a favor, sticky my FAQ.
A2:21:48 <LG_Legacy> If you want, add some to it if you want.
A2:24:01 <maver> Is the game eventually going to be pay2play only?
A2:26:17 <LG_Legacy> What?
A2:26:19 <LG_Legacy> Doubtful
A2:26:38 <LG_Legacy> I believe notch will leave it free except for some things being Pay-for only
12A2:27:12 * Darkebrz (darkebrz@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:28:00 <maver> phew
A2:28:24 <maver> Think I read somewhere he's gonna release the source when the game gets a bit quieter
A2:29:26 <UnknownX> I think he means like a year after the final release
A2:31:18 <maver> still, it'll be a day to look forward to
A2:38:44 <UnknownX> lol at citricsquid and me
10A2:39:03 * citricaquid (sam@client-81-97-79-192.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
A2:39:18 <UnknownX> citric did you rejoin?
A2:39:55 <UnknownX> citricaquid
12A2:40:22 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-242-170.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:40:57 <citricaquid> man, biggest idiots ever
10A2:41:00 * citricaquid is now known as citricsquid
A2:41:11 <UnknownX> lol
A2:42:01 <citricsquid> http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/orig/8/21208414895-orig.jpg
A2:42:06 <citricsquid> couldn't even ban me.
A2:42:15 <UnknownX> They only prepared for people who used the spawn to get out
A2:42:42 <UnknownX> they banned you?
A2:42:48 <citricsquid> ip ban :P
A2:42:59 <UnknownX> ...
A2:43:17 <citricsquid> ?
12A2:43:39 * mail2345 (gerard.mai@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:45:29 <maver> I need to think of some ways to make my server more popular
A2:48:06 <LG_Legacy> Make it a flatgrass
A2:48:45 <maver> It is atm
A2:48:57 <maver> It's good, getting a lot of repeat visitors
A2:49:04 <LG_Legacy> Ah
A2:49:09 <LG_Legacy> Earlier today we had prob about
A2:49:13 <LG_Legacy> 13 or more people on mine
A2:49:29 <LG_Legacy> >_>
10A2:50:29 * Arg (chatzilla@d58-104-81-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A2:53:05 <maver> Mine picks up about 11+PM Aus time
A2:54:30 <maver> citricsquid: lol. An eye for an eye causes the world to go blind :P
A2:55:38 <citricsquid> i don't even know where heard that

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@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
Session Start: Sat Aug 15 03:40:00 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
15A3:40:00 * Disconnected
10A3:41:05 * Rejoined channel #minecraft
10A3:41:05 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | Keep it clean, keep it nice. Spamming nonsense can go in another channel. | Forums are down; we don't know when they'll be up yet.'
10A3:41:05 * Set by Super-Dot!Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-95-195.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net on Fri Aug 14 18:12:29
10A3:42:04 * Tich (richondriu@78-22-224-209.access.telenet.be) has joined #minecraft
A3:42:15 <LazyMan> hello
A3:42:19 <Tich> Hi
A3:42:24 <r4dio> hi
A3:42:49 <LazyMan> I am a clone of roadcrosser who recently died from looking at a wet noodle
A3:42:59 <r4dio> wot
A3:43:18 <offset> Secret Service spy was cooler :(
A3:43:39 <Tich> I accidently stepped on a bug and ended a universe, this universe is just a cheap copy from Target
A3:43:59 <LazyMan> I will now go bac to the cloning room
10A3:44:05 * mib_z1y79bxk (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
12A3:44:07 * LazyMan (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A3:44:27 * mib_z1y79bxk is now known as SecretSpyOfTheSecretService
A3:44:32 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> hi again
A3:44:40 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> got back from the base
A3:44:47 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> do i smell raisins?
A3:44:59 <offset> ^
A3:45:24 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> ...
A3:45:36 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> hey i smell chicken now
A3:46:02 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> now its pork chops
A3:46:06 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> yuummy!
A3:47:05 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> got any food around 'ere?
A3:47:50 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> no?
A3:47:55 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> ok then
10A3:48:05 * mail2345|semi-afk is now known as mail235|adk
10A3:48:08 * mail235|adk is now known as mail235|afk
12A3:48:21 * Arg (chatzilla@d58-104-81-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A3:48:27 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> I smell mail!
A3:48:34 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> Yummmmmmy!
13A3:48:48 * SecretSpyOfTheSecretService eats mail2345|afk
10A3:53:27 * gamerman (chatzilla@cblmdm24-53-171-190.buckeyecom.net) has joined #minecraft
10A3:53:28 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-252-184.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A3:55:28 <r4dio> ._.
13A3:55:54 * citricsquid beats up client
12A3:59:03 * gamerman (chatzilla@cblmdm24-53-171-190.buckeyecom.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
A3:59:16 <Tich> Can you steal all his money while you are at it
A4:00:26 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> Who's monet?
A4:00:34 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> *money?
A4:01:12 <Tich> the client that will make the forum server run again
10A4:01:40 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A4:02:00 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> oh
A4:02:09 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> then i shall stop you!
A4:02:27 <Tich> But how can you stop me, I'm just a mirage
A4:02:27 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> as a spy from the SS
A4:02:33 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> ?
13A4:03:01 * Tich fades away
13A4:03:04 * SecretSpyOfTheSecretService picks tich up, proving hes not a mirage
A4:03:35 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> hmm
A4:03:41 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> that didnt work
13A4:04:00 * SecretSpyOfTheSecretService pulls out a transformer transforming tich into a human
A4:04:17 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> ok
A4:04:21 <SecretSpyOfTheSecretService> i got you
12A4:04:25 * SecretSpyOfTheSecretService (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A4:05:38 <citricsquid> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8196242.stm
A4:05:45 <citricsquid> hey microsoft, fuck you :(
A4:06:40 <Super-Dot> Hmmm
12A4:06:50 * spadge (spadge@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
A4:07:06 <mail235|afk> hmm
10A4:07:14 * Super-Dot changes topic to 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | Keep it clean, keep it nice. Spamming nonsense can go in another channel. | Forums are down; they'll be up as soon as you give citricsquid all your money.'
A4:07:21 <Super-Dot> Much better
A4:07:23 <mail235|afk> go add some code when the fourms are up to whine at all the IE6 users
A4:07:50 <citricsquid> one of my sites messed up in IE, so I had a massive red "FUCK YOU" fill the screen if you used it :)
A4:08:16 <Super-Dot> Nice
A4:08:42 <citricsquid> I really hate IE, it sucks balls. IE8 not so much, but it's still crap :(
12A4:09:17 * LG_Legacy (LGLegacy@71-82-103-142.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A4:11:10 <Super-Dot> Two of the images for that article make no sense
12A4:17:57 * AgentKaypar (AgentKaypa@host-72-174-158-25.vrn-ut.client.bresnan.net) Quit (Quit: OH NO WATCH OUT PEW PEW PEWPEW PEW OH GOD MY LEG PEW PEW)
A4:21:31 <offset> citric, any idea when doohan gets on?
12A4:25:56 * mail235|afk (gerard.mai@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A4:28:12 <citricsquid> nope :(
A4:29:44 <r4dio> crystal castles !
A4:30:09 <offset> More images for his "isonline" :D
A4:30:57 <Super-Dot> I'm headed to bed
A4:31:07 <Super-Dot> citricsquid, be sure to spawn prison the channel when you leave
A4:31:13 <Super-Dot> Good night
13A4:31:25 * citricsquid erects a prison
A4:31:27 <citricsquid> |
A4:31:28 <citricsquid> |
A4:31:28 <citricsquid> |
A4:31:42 <citricsquid> don't go through the gaps >:(
12A4:32:03 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-95-195.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Super-Dot)
A4:32:28 <r4dio> \
10A4:35:42 * mail235|afk (gerard.mai@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
10A4:35:51 * mail235|afk is now known as mail2345|afk
10A4:36:05 * mail2345|afk is now known as mail2345|semi-afk
A4:36:35 <mail2345|semi-afk> anyone on?
12A4:38:12 * mail2345|semi-afk (gerard.mai@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A4:38:14 * War (lazorpwnag@bc185212.bendcable.com) has joined #minecraft
A4:38:45 <r4dio> nope
10A4:39:23 * war[sinking] (lazorpwnag@bc185212.bendcable.com) has joined #minecraft
12A4:39:59 * War (lazorpwnag@bc185212.bendcable.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A4:40:14 * War (lazorpwnag@bc185212.bendcable.com) has joined #minecraft
A4:40:18 <War> Hi
12A4:40:28 * war[sinking] (lazorpwnag@bc185212.bendcable.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A4:40:29 <War> I just bought the premium thing \o/
A4:40:33 <venn177> Damn
A4:40:36 <venn177> Have I missed anything?
A4:41:07 <venn177> War: You did the right thing. You will be spared.
A4:41:17 <War> Thanks
A4:41:24 <citricsquid> :D
A4:41:27 <citricsquid> war: well done!
A4:41:28 <offset> http://filesmelt.com/downloader/scene1.PNG
A4:41:29 <offset> :D
A4:41:35 <citricsquid> You've funding Nochs' cigar business.
A4:41:38 <citricsquid> notchs'*
A4:41:43 <War> lol
A4:41:44 <venn177> Don't you know? Notch works for the world government of antipiracy (WGAP) and anyone who owns a PC and doesn't buy Minecraft will be killed.
A4:41:56 <War> :x
A4:42:02 <War> I just wanted a skin
A4:42:14 <venn177> You got so much more, though.
A4:42:21 <War> a whole life
A4:42:25 <venn177> And how awesome is it that your life is only worth $15?
A4:43:04 <War> Pretty sad actually
A4:43:22 <liq3> lol... This channel has the best chat ever.
A4:44:00 <venn177> War: If your life were worth more, you'd probably be dead about now.
A4:44:04 <venn177> Did you just not consider that?
A4:44:15 <War> Yea, I only had $15 usd in my paypal
A4:44:33 <venn177> See? Your life being worth less than I can find on the ground saved you.
A4:45:06 <War> woot
A4:45:22 <venn177> So who else here thinks Harley Quinn is hot?
A4:45:25 <Siiseli> I've 0 used in my paypal
A4:46:22 <venn177> I have 0 USD, and .01 EU
A4:46:40 <venn177> just so I have a balance so paypal doesn't rape me for conversion charges next time someone from the UK sends me money
A4:47:35 <r4dio> i want weapons in minecraft now :(
A4:47:41 <venn177> I want survival mode
A4:47:47 <venn177> the last few videos Notch posted were amazing
A4:47:59 <venn177> multiplayer survival mode will be badaaaaaass
A4:48:21 <citricsquid> is ipope here?
A4:48:23 <citricsquid> no? Good.
A4:48:27 <citricsquid> he's a twat.
A4:48:30 <venn177> Haha
A4:48:39 <venn177> He's on my server a lot. He's more of an idiot who doesn't know he's a twat.
A4:49:12 <venn177> Facepunch members outside of facepunch mostly fall under that category because they don't know what it's like to interact with internet goers not from facepunch.
A4:49:27 <offset> He got embarrassed when Citric found his silly posts :p
A4:49:57 <venn177> Heh
A4:50:53 <War> can someone link me the vids? Im a newfag
A4:51:05 <venn177> Just a sec
A4:51:08 <citricsquid> http://www.youtube.com/user/nizzotch
A4:51:14 <citricsquid> more specifically: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdiN-SatPa8
A4:51:14 <venn177> haha
A4:51:17 <venn177> nizzotch? Shit
10A4:51:20 * Cue (cueball61@bl10-127-1.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined #minecraft
A4:52:06 <citricsquid> also ninja'd :D
A4:52:28 <venn177> QUICK
A4:52:39 <venn177> and spam his links so he gets millions of views
A4:52:44 <venn177> and he thinks he's popular
A4:53:05 <Siiseli> there's only one problem
A4:53:13 <Siiseli> he already is popular
A4:53:36 <venn177> :<
A4:53:41 <venn177> shit, I need to think my plans through.
A4:53:48 <venn177> Can someone find me Devil May Cry furry porn?
A4:53:53 <venn177> None of the usual sites I go to have it.
A4:54:20 <War> so when updates happen, we can still pick to play the way it is now, and build shit without having to resource gather, right?
A4:54:26 <venn177> yeah
A4:54:35 <venn177> What we do now is called "sandbox" mode
A4:54:45 <venn177> he's also adding "survival" and most likely "zombie survival"
A4:55:04 <War> awesome
A4:55:56 <r4dio> and then
A4:56:01 <r4dio> seagull survival
A4:56:34 <venn177> then
A4:56:37 <venn177> runescape survival
A4:56:37 <Siiseli> venn177, why the fuck would you want that
A4:56:54 <r4dio> seagull survival is better than zombie survival
A4:57:10 <venn177> Siiseli: To prove that I can survive.
A4:58:38 <venn177> So, how 'bout we throw a party?
A4:58:56 <War> oh wow, so minecraft multiplayer only got going a few months ago
A4:59:10 <venn177> Minecraft only got going a few months ago
10A4:59:12 * TheOne2 (TheOne@ has joined #minecraft
12A4:59:23 * TheOne (TheOne@ Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by TheOne2)))
A4:59:27 <venn177> It was hell before the sponge
10A4:59:29 * TheOne2 is now known as TheOne
A4:59:33 <War> lol
A4:59:38 <venn177> Although, when something gets lavaflooded, I love the nostalgia it brings
A4:59:49 <venn177> I remember when there were 4 blocks
A4:59:57 <venn177> and the flower...plant...thing was an easter egg.
A5:00:03 <War> lol
A5:00:14 <venn177> \nostalgia
A5:00:24 <War> I made lava flood a whole level once
A5:00:44 <War> It was like dante's peak
A5:02:27 <War> <3 indie games
A5:07:12 <liq3> man
A5:07:24 <liq3> it's gonna be so awesome building these castles out of stone or ore that take ages to break into <3
A5:07:40 <venn177> Notch should make admin block breakable
A5:07:43 <venn177> but it takes 5 hours
A5:07:48 <liq3> lol...
A5:07:48 <venn177> of holding down click, without moving
A5:07:58 <venn177> if someone has that kind of patience, they deserve it.
A5:08:08 <liq3> i can see stuff like
A5:08:10 <liq3> having 3 layers of stone
A5:08:12 <liq3> as the floor.
A5:08:18 <liq3> because it'd take so fucking long to break through. xD
A5:09:25 <liq3> man.
A5:09:34 <liq3> i could see ore being useful just as a walling device, because it's so hard to break atm.
A5:10:47 <venn177> once we have weapons
A5:10:50 <venn177> real medieval wars
A5:10:53 <venn177> we already have the body armor, etc
A5:11:08 <liq3> yey.p
A5:11:09 <liq3> yep*
A5:11:15 <liq3> i'm gonna love ctf.
A5:11:24 <liq3> although, now that i know how hard ore is to break.
A5:11:32 <liq3> i'm going to have to revise my lava traps a bit. >.>
A5:11:52 <venn177> cannot wait 'til pressure plates
A5:11:56 <liq3> haha
10A5:12:00 * Ket (chatzilla@ti0056a380-2566.bb.online.no) has joined #minecraft
A5:12:03 <venn177> step on pressure plate, get covered in sand
A5:12:04 <liq3> that'd be awesome.
12A5:12:09 * Ket (chatzilla@ti0056a380-2566.bb.online.no) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:12:11 <liq3> having blocks break when someone stands on a pressure plate. <3
A5:12:21 <liq3> having lava under the sand.
A5:12:23 <venn177> I'd also like heavier blocks that have gravity
A5:12:32 <venn177> like, a boulder
A5:12:41 <liq3> that crushes people?
A5:12:48 <venn177> that crushes people.
A5:13:15 <liq3> i hope we can drown.
A5:13:21 <liq3> it'd be nicee. <3
A5:13:29 <venn177> I hope lava and water will be finite
A5:13:34 <liq3> oh they will.
A5:13:36 <liq3> eventually...
A5:13:41 <venn177> until then I can't make lava traps
A5:13:49 <liq3> eh?
10A5:14:01 * Tattimatonen (Mibbit@85-131-72-6.bb.dnainternet.fi) has joined #minecraft
A5:14:11 <venn177> make a castle out of OPcrete
A5:14:21 <venn177> make a single entrance out of something not opcrete
A5:14:24 <venn177> above that, have lava
A5:14:32 <liq3> uh
A5:14:34 <liq3> there's another way.
A5:14:47 <liq3> make like a hallway.
A5:14:51 <liq3> 1x2
A5:15:02 <liq3> have lava completely surrounding it (yes, lots of digging).
A5:15:10 <liq3> then as your running thru.
A5:15:20 <liq3> make the room uh...leaves (assuming they don't burn).
A5:15:23 <liq3> or the easiest to delete.
A5:15:26 <liq3> then you delete them as you run past.
A5:15:33 <liq3> hall fills with lava, enemies can't chase you. :P
A5:15:36 <venn177> the point is
A5:15:41 <venn177> I'm talking about something that can be made now
A5:15:44 <venn177> that I don't have to trigger myself
A5:15:53 <liq3> doesn't exist.
A5:15:54 <liq3> :/
12A5:16:05 * Tattimatonen (Mibbit@85-131-72-6.bb.dnainternet.fi) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:16:06 <venn177> I just described one
A5:16:13 <venn177> only right now you have to do it with sand/that other thing
A5:16:33 <liq3> oh
A5:16:37 <liq3> you mean a trap that stops them getting i.n
A5:16:43 <liq3> yeh.
A5:16:47 <liq3> you can do that now already.
A5:17:33 <liq3> what's a really fun self-triggered trap.
A5:17:37 <liq3> is like.
A5:17:45 <liq3> hrm.
A5:18:31 <liq3> ohhhh that'd work.
12A5:18:36 * Evil-Ville (hurfdurf@cs78249077.pp.htv.fi) Quit (Quit: yare yare daze)
12A5:21:31 * TheOne (TheOne@ Quit (Quit: Insomina's a bitch...)
12A5:27:05 * r4dio (radioactiv@host178-3-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:34:13 <venn177> Where'd everyone go?
A5:34:39 <citricsquid> fdf45
10A5:38:02 * clone1018 (clone1018@pool-71-96-124-253.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:38:26 <clone1018> yo
A5:42:21 <Akai> hey citricsquid?
A5:42:27 <citricsquid> hey akai!
A5:42:37 <Akai> you still got the logs from flatgrass 2?
A5:43:20 <citricsquid> uh
A5:43:23 <citricsquid> doubtful, why?
A5:43:33 <Akai> was hoping to grab Ntm's IP
A5:43:46 <Akai> he was the one that fucked it up to high hell before the rogue op issue
10A5:44:26 * Underd0g (Yoritech@90-227-214-217-no53.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
A5:44:48 <Underd0g> Is there a way to replace all blocks of one type with another type of block? In Omen, that is
A5:44:52 <Akai> if not, it's no big deal. I plan to IP ban him on sight whenever I see him
10A5:45:00 * osici (osici@stav225.univ.ox.ac.uk) has joined #minecraft
A5:45:06 <Akai> regardless of the server I'm on at the time
A5:45:47 <citricsquid> Akai: :(
A5:45:52 <Akai> ?
A5:45:53 <citricsquid> Underd0g: uh, I think so, someone mentioned it.
A5:45:56 <citricsquid> not sure how though
A5:46:10 <Underd0g> Yeah, I heard it too but I have no idea how. Would be really helpful right now
A5:46:23 <Akai> if it's still the same interface, there should be a Replace All button somewhere
12A5:57:00 * Akai (Explorer@c-71-206-139-220.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Love to explore!)
10A5:57:41 * softnux (softnux@81-226-208-157-no24.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
A5:58:17 <postlogic> Hangover! Woo.
A5:58:28 <clone1018> WooooOOOOOooooOOO
A5:58:32 <clone1018> More like it
A5:58:33 <clone1018> :D
A5:58:40 <clone1018> http://rhost.us/i/images/rbeta.png
A5:58:44 <postlogic> Atleast I'm picking up my new cell today
A5:59:01 <postlogic> What's that?
A5:59:07 <clone1018> My new site design
A5:59:25 <postlogic> Looks good, except for the logo..
A5:59:29 <postlogic> Quite good, in fact.
A5:59:30 <clone1018> Its no where near done
A5:59:33 <postlogic> Hehe.
A5:59:38 <clone1018> And the logo is just temp
A5:59:48 <postlogic> Thought so ;)
10A5:59:50 * smn`offline is now known as smn
A6:02:24 <postlogic> Oh my, this Anaal Nathrakh-album is awesome
A6:05:12 <clone1018> Well the article interfac is done
A6:05:13 <clone1018> http://rhost.us/i/
A6:05:15 <clone1018> ooops
A6:05:18 <clone1018> Wrong link
A6:05:22 <clone1018> http://rhost.us/i/images/article.png
10A6:05:48 * f00thePirate (chatzilla@vpn.itshidden.com) has joined #minecraft
A6:05:53 <f00thePirate> sup guise
A6:06:01 <clone1018> Working on site
A6:06:05 <clone1018> You?
12A6:06:14 * f00thePirate (chatzilla@vpn.itshidden.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A6:06:22 <clone1018> Oh
A6:06:24 <clone1018> Well
A6:06:26 <citricsquid> looks like joomla :D
10A6:06:29 * f00thePirate (chatzilla@vpn.itshidden.com) has joined #minecraft
A6:06:31 <clone1018> Its not
A6:06:33 <clone1018> Oh god
A6:06:34 <f00thePirate> what the hell
A6:06:35 <clone1018> Its not
A6:06:37 <f00thePirate> it keeps d/cing me
A6:06:47 <clone1018> I hate Joomla
A6:06:52 <citricsquid> clone1018: also, why are you using some script for image site? lame :'(
A6:07:01 <clone1018> What do you mean?
A6:07:05 <citricsquid> http://rhost.us/i/
A6:07:08 <f00thePirate> wat site are you working on?
A6:07:12 <citricsquid> I'm sure I've seen that in a million other places.
A6:07:14 <clone1018> What am I supposta use?
A6:07:16 <clone1018> Ya i know
A6:07:19 <citricsquid> program your own!!
10A6:07:27 * Randati (nn@a88-112-205-124.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A6:07:28 <clone1018> Maybe later
A6:07:31 <citricsquid> :D
A6:07:31 <clone1018> I am too busy
A6:08:22 <clone1018> f00thePirate: This site http://rhost.us/i/images/rbeta.png
A6:08:24 <clone1018> Or
A6:08:32 <clone1018> The site that is in the picture
A6:08:52 <f00thePirate> do they need a banner?
A6:08:55 <f00thePirate> :3
A6:08:58 <clone1018> No
A6:09:01 <f00thePirate> damn
A6:09:01 <clone1018> Just a logo
A6:09:05 <clone1018> Not the whole banner
A6:09:14 <f00thePirate> i might be able to help
A6:09:17 <clone1018> :O
A6:09:19 <f00thePirate> what is the site?
A6:09:29 <clone1018> www.rodcats.com
A6:09:50 <clone1018> Only I can see it right now
A6:09:57 <f00thePirate> do they have a catch phrase or something lol :O
A6:10:05 <clone1018> not yet
A6:10:08 <clone1018> Just Beta
A6:10:10 <f00thePirate> mmk

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Session Start: Mon Aug 17 15:52:46 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
15P3:52:46 * Disconnected
10P3:52:54 * Rejoined channel #minecraft
10P3:52:54 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | Keep it clean, keep it nice. Spamming nonsense can go in another channel. | Forums are down; back soon.'
10P3:52:54 * Set by citricsquid!sam@client-86-25-243-61.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net on Sun Aug 16 16:02:58
12P3:52:58 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-240-237.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P3:54:35 * betasword_ (chatzilla@c-67-175-203-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:55:08 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
12P3:55:54 * betasword (chatzilla@c-67-175-203-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P3:56:03 * betasword_ is now known as betasword
12P3:56:59 * PrinceOfFire59 (chatzilla@ool-435401ff.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
P3:58:15 <Darkebrz> See
P3:58:21 <Darkebrz> This is why I have fun with names
P3:58:29 <Darkebrz> Its dead otherwise
P3:59:13 <UnknownX> Whats dead?
10P3:59:31 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-240-20.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:59:32 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
P4:01:01 <Darkebrz> This IRC
P4:01:04 <Darkebrz> Its not _dead_
P4:01:07 <Darkebrz> But its inactive
P4:01:15 <UnknownX> So..
P4:01:45 <vede> It's still in the murmuring fade to black stage right now.
P4:01:47 <UnknownX> You change your name so nobody notices and you get to say: Oh yay i gotz notch name!
P4:02:40 <Darkebrz> No
P4:02:45 <UnknownX> Yes
P4:02:46 <Darkebrz> I was testing Notch's nick protection
P4:03:05 <UnknownX> Why? Is the real question
P4:03:10 <Darkebrz> I am curious
P4:03:29 <Quatroking> god
P4:03:31 <Quatroking> DAMNIT
10P4:05:01 * Dragan (Mibbit@163-231.mc.ccapcable.com) has joined #minecraft
10P4:05:43 * Visiiri`aFK is now known as VIsiiri
10P4:05:48 * VIsiiri is now known as Visiiri
P4:05:48 <Visiiri> UGH
10P4:07:36 * Eagle is now known as EAgle
10P4:07:36 * EAgle is now known as Eagle
12P4:08:27 * Dragan (Mibbit@163-231.mc.ccapcable.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P4:08:43 <Quatroking> any hackers here interested in taking down a site
P4:08:59 <Quatroking> on craigslist is an ad for a guy who wants a site hacked and he's paying 1000 bucks
P4:09:03 <Quatroking> euro buck, that is
P4:09:33 <Eagle> 1000 Eurobucks means more Americanbucks.
P4:09:33 <Eagle> :O
P4:09:52 <Darkebrz> Quatroking: Link
P4:10:04 <Quatroking> http://amsterdam.craigslist.org/cpg/1327629062.html
P4:10:08 <Quatroking> its in dutch, tho
P4:10:14 <Darkebrz> >_>
P4:10:24 <Eagle> :OOO
P4:10:30 <Quatroking> lol
P4:10:44 <Quatroking> oh dear
P4:10:47 <Quatroking> so like
P4:10:50 <Quatroking> they just removed it?
P4:10:54 <Darkebrz> Yep
P4:10:56 <Eagle> Yup.
P4:10:58 <Darkebrz> It wouldn't load
P4:11:00 <Quatroking> damn
13P4:11:20 * Darkebrz is looking for hookers in his area
10P4:11:39 * osici (osici@stav225.univ.ox.ac.uk) has joined #minecraft
12P4:14:00 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P4:19:50 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
12P4:22:09 * killer2329 (Mibbit@c-68-43-123-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P4:24:47 * Zeal (Mito@pool-173-78-80-34.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
10P4:25:04 * Zeal is now known as Glacial
12P4:25:48 * Isak (smilenerd@cpe-70-122-64-144.hot.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P4:26:25 <citricsquid> http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/507259
P4:26:26 <citricsquid> heh

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@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
Session Start: Fri Aug 21 17:32:09 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
10P5:32:09 * Now talking in #minecraft
10P5:32:09 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | Keep it clean, keep it nice. Spamming nonsense can go in another channel. | Forums are down; back soon. | Survival beta sept 1st. http://tr.im/survivalbeta | 50,000 registred players, yay!'
10P5:32:09 * Set by citricsquid!sam@client-81-97-78-10.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net on Fri Aug 21 05:07:37
P5:32:12 <Griskard> You know how when you destroy items you get stuff to build more blocks. Would it be possible to make a non mineable one? For say, money?
P5:32:16 <citricsquid> before I spoke to Notch, I was a nice person, now I beat up women and punch kids.
P5:32:21 <08Notch> vede: I forgot about that, so I've only got like two archived versions
P5:32:27 <ChJees> lol citric
P5:32:30 <08Notch> dunno which version numbers, but around that time
12P5:32:32 * Snowman (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:32:33 <Snowman2> Citricsquid, there's nothing wrong with that
P5:32:33 <Eagle> Before I spoke to Notch, I was a cockroach
P5:32:37 <Miclee> Notch: Will we get viking helmets and be able to raid towns and rape women?
P5:32:38 <vede> The island-in-the-sky thing was cool, and the level generator was way better than it is now.
10P5:32:39 * Snowman2 is now known as Snowman
P5:32:39 <Quatroking> hey Notch, how about meeting up in Rotterdam tomorrow and drink a beer, maybe watch a movie over at my place
P5:32:41 <fydo> now you are a NotchRoach?
P5:32:45 <08Notch> Miclee: No. =D
P5:32:49 <Miclee> Awwwww. :P
P5:32:51 <Eagle> Now I'm a human.
P5:32:52 <Quatroking> I've got 7.1 audio! **winks**
P5:33:00 <Snowman> I've got... a headset
P5:33:00 <Eagle> I kinda liked being a cockroach better though...
P5:33:01 <Eagle> :/
P5:33:02 <Griskard> Before I spoke to Notch, I was awesome, now I have gone up a level
P5:33:04 <Griskard> Now Im German
P5:33:05 <08Notch> Quatroking: Sounds expensive.
P5:33:09 <08Notch> lol
P5:33:12 <Quatroking> literally
P5:33:12 <fydo> 7.1 Surround Sound support!
P5:33:15 <Quatroking> and figurally
P5:33:18 <darkparadox> why are you all harassing Notch D:
P5:33:25 <Snowman> Cause we like it :D
P5:33:27 <fleshBasedProcessor> Notch! Watch the movie "The Man from Earth" You will like it!
P5:33:30 <Eagle> Why not?
P5:33:33 <Griskard> Notch: You know how when you destroy items you get stuff to build more blocks. Would it be possible to make a non mineable one? For say, money?
P5:33:35 <Miclee> Since we already asked all the serious questions.
P5:33:49 <Evil-Ville> Why is this channel filled with sycophantic creeps? Serious question
P5:33:59 <Snowman> Notch, what is your opinion on Obama's healthcare plans?
P5:34:01 <Eagle> Notch: If food restores HP, how much? 20 HP sounds like a lot of health.
P5:34:03 <Miclee> Notch, in survival multiplayer, will we be able to trade with other "tribes"?
P5:34:10 <08Notch> fleshBasedProcessor: I will try. You should watch The Wrestler.
12P5:34:20 * Bossman (Bossman-DJ@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P5:34:21 <Quatroking> Ch ch ch chip and Dales Rescue rangers
10P5:34:27 * Bossman (Bossman-DJ@ has joined #minecraft
P5:34:27 <08Notch> Griskard: Non-minable blocks? or items?
P5:34:35 <08Notch> Snowman: I don't know what they are.
P5:34:35 <fleshBasedProcessor> Notch, if netflix has it on demand I will!
P5:34:42 <Snowman> ...
P5:34:46 <Griskard> The items. You know those little things on the ground you pick up?
P5:34:56 <08Notch> Eagle: Probably quite a lot. You won't be able to stack food in the inventory, so each food item takes up an entire slot
P5:34:56 <Griskard> And go in your inventory to allow you to build them again?
P5:34:58 <Eagle> Snowman he isn't American. Just to let you know in case you forgot.
P5:35:13 <08Notch> Miclee: No, not planned.
P5:35:13 <Eagle> 20 HP is still a lot
P5:35:16 <Snowman> I know, but he can still watch international news :D
P5:35:18 <Miclee> Dang.
P5:35:19 <Griskard> Although that brings the problem of trading "Blocks" from one char to another
P5:35:27 <Eagle> You could fall of a deadly cliff three times and still be alive
P5:35:31 <08Notch> Griskard: There are items that don't produce blocks
P5:35:45 <Miclee> Will we have some kind of parry/block system with swords?
10P5:35:52 * Bossman-DJ (Bossman-DJ@ has joined #minecraft
P5:36:04 <Griskard> Thats one more thing, Do you plan on having some sort of "Trading" system.
P5:36:06 <fleshBasedProcessor> I don't want any official money/trading system. Stealing and devising fair trading systems is half the fun!
P5:36:10 <08Notch> Eagle: I could increase falling damage if it's too low.
12P5:36:13 * Bossman (Bossman-DJ@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P5:36:13 <Eagle> Notch will we be able to get more Heart Containers? (:P)
P5:36:15 <Miclee> Griskard, I just asked him that.
P5:36:22 <Miclee> He said Not planned.
P5:36:27 <Griskard> Ahh Ok
P5:36:32 <08Notch> Griskard: I've played with the idea, but decided to scrap it.
P5:36:37 <08Notch> in the far future, maybe.
P5:36:46 <Eagle> Notch also, will there be options like Easy Mode, Normal Mode, and Hard Mode?
P5:36:47 <08Notch> Eagle: I have no idea what you're referring to. ;)
P5:36:58 <Eagle> Hard Mode having several instant deaths.
P5:36:59 <08Notch> Eagle: More like Hard Mode, Impossible Mode and European Extreme
P5:37:03 <pimpmasta> Notch: I am starting to think you have a gay crush on me.
P5:37:03 <Eagle> I like instant deaths.
P5:37:17 <Miclee> Will we have some kind of parry/block system with swords?
P5:37:18 <08Notch> pimpmasta: If I was going to go gay for anyone, it'd be for brad pitt.
P5:37:21 <Morgranth> What about the ppl who jsut liek to build stuff ?
10P5:37:21 * LucanC_ (IceChat7@86-42-228-34-dynamic.b-ras1.cld.dublin.eircom.net) has left #minecraft
P5:37:23 <Super-Dot> I could never be as extreme as a European
P5:37:24 <Griskard> So, when I build a block again, and then destroy it, I dont get any Block builders back, do I? If not, will there be an option to turn it on so I can build and destroy and get my block back
P5:37:24 <Eagle> Is lava an instant death, Notch?
P5:37:33 <08Notch> Eagle: No, but almost. =)
P5:37:37 <ChJees> I heard Japanese Hard Mode was Easy mode in Europe
P5:37:38 <fleshBasedProcessor> Notch I really think you should make trading compleatly player controlled. Knowing the other guy might rip you off is half the fun.
P5:37:39 <Eagle> :O
P5:37:43 <pimpmasta> Notch: Who is this "Brad Pitt" Of which you speak?
P5:37:49 <Eagle> Gooogle
P5:38:09 <08Notch> Griskard: Most blocks will give you resources to build the same block
10P5:38:15 * princepsregulus (princepsre@ has joined #minecraft
P5:38:16 <Eagle> Notch: Will we be able to increase our maximum health?
P5:38:20 <Evil-Ville> Do leaf blocks still give you resources
P5:38:23 <Evil-Ville> Because they shouldn't
P5:38:26 <Griskard> Even If Its a block I just build?
P5:38:28 <08Notch> Eagle: No. But you will be able to wear armor.
P5:38:34 <Eagle> I see.
P5:38:34 <Miclee> Will we have some kind of parry/block system with swords?
P5:38:39 <Griskard> built*
P5:38:39 <citricsquid> can we have penis armor?
P5:38:41 <08Notch> Evil-Ville: They do, but they won't later on.
P5:38:48 <Eagle> Citric that's called a codpiece
P5:38:50 <pimpmasta> Okay, Notch A serious question... exactly how "Rare" Will ore be?
P5:38:56 <Evil-Ville> Oh good
P5:38:57 <08Notch> Miclee: No, sorry
P5:38:57 <citricsquid> Eagle: I meant armor that looks like a penis.
12P5:39:00 * Bossman-DJ (Bossman-DJ@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P5:39:02 <Eagle> Oh
P5:39:05 <Miclee> Dang.
P5:39:07 <Eagle> That's less awesome.
P5:39:09 <08Notch> pimpmasta: Same as now
P5:39:15 <pimpmasta> Okay...
P5:39:23 <08Notch> citricsquid: Wait, your penis doesn't look like armor?
P5:39:26 <Miclee> I need to think of questions.
P5:39:28 <Super-Dot> Notch: Will there ever be metal?
10P5:39:32 * KatMan (Mibbit@ip98-179-180-215.ri.ri.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:39:33 <08Notch> yes, Super-Dot.
12P5:39:37 * osici (osici@stav225.univ.ox.ac.uk) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P5:39:38 <Super-Dot> Oh boy :D
P5:39:42 <KatMan> Yes to what?
P5:39:43 <Miclee> Super, what do you think ore will do?
P5:39:44 <Griskard> Will I get resources back from a block I just built? Notch?
P5:39:45 <citricsquid> Notch: http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/tentacle-arm.jpg It's basically that
P5:39:47 <citricsquid> but a bit longer
P5:39:57 <08Notch> Griskard: Yes, if you destroy it.
P5:40:03 <Eagle> Notch: In order to make armor, do we just have the option? Or do we have to make some crafting station first?
P5:40:14 <Miclee> Anvils!!
P5:40:19 <Miclee> And hammers!
P5:40:24 <Super-Dot> Oh right, armor means metal
P5:40:28 <Super-Dot> And ore
P5:40:31 <08Notch> Eagle: I don't know yet.
P5:40:38 <Snowman> My penis is like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Penis_from_snow.jpg
P5:40:48 <Testvan> very white
P5:40:48 <KatMan> You buy armor from a store in the map, of course!
P5:40:52 <Eagle> Also will we be able to make buildings like craftstations and anvils and farms and kitchens etc, like in DF?
P5:40:55 <Eagle> Notch?
P5:40:59 <fleshBasedProcessor> Building a golden castle will be the most epic thing ever in survival. Building a massive golden castle and then luring in and fighting the final boss in your thrown room will make you a god.
P5:41:02 <08Notch> hopefully, yes
P5:41:09 <fleshBasedProcessor> *throne
P5:41:14 <Eagle> Cool.
P5:41:16 <Griskard> Awesome
12P5:41:17 * princepsregulus (princepsre@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:41:17 <Miclee> Eventually someone will make a "DF" mode.
P5:41:24 <Griskard> My RPG server is looking better and better!
P5:41:28 <citricsquid> Notch: Will we be able to push things, like, will we have a hitbox so people can't work through us anymore?
P5:41:28 <Miclee> WHERE??
P5:41:32 <Griskard> Now I just need people who can mod
P5:41:35 <Miclee> Where is the RPG server?
P5:41:40 <KatMan> Notch: Maybe instead of building armor, you buy it from a store on the map?
P5:41:41 <Griskard> Erm. Im making one
P5:41:43 <Eagle> Notch: Friendly fire?
P5:41:47 <08Notch> citricsquid: Well, standing inside another mob will push you both away from each other
P5:41:48 <Miclee> I might be able to mod.
P5:41:51 <Griskard> Once I can get some people who are willing to mod a bit.
P5:41:55 <Griskard> I dont really have the time
P5:41:58 <08Notch> so you can walk through people, and you can push people off cliffs
P5:42:00 <fleshBasedProcessor> I plan on making a survival extra hard mode where you have to eat and drink to survive and some other things are harder/more realistic
P5:42:05 <Griskard> But I have money, lots of money for big uber server
P5:42:06 <Eagle> XD
P5:42:06 <08Notch> Eagle: On by default.
10P5:42:07 * nickname (aye@c-67-187-207-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:42:09 <Eagle> :O
P5:42:13 <Miclee> <---- Can mod.
12P5:42:20 * AlexVMiner (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P5:42:22 <Griskard> Got skype or MSN?
P5:42:27 <08Notch> fleshBasedProcessor: That would be awesome =D
P5:42:29 <Miclee> No.
P5:42:32 <Eagle> Notch: Kitten explosion? :D
P5:42:38 <Miclee> I have IRC, though!
P5:42:42 <Eagle> (DF reference)
P5:43:00 <08Notch> Eagle: No kittens, they're too dangerous
P5:43:06 <Super-Dot> Will there be cow tipping?
P5:43:06 <Eagle> Carp?
P5:43:07 <pimpmasta> Inorite?
P5:43:08 <Morgranth> Notch what is the most awesome thing u created or have seen on any server of minecraft?
12P5:43:11 * Not_Famous (aye@c-67-187-207-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:43:21 <fleshBasedProcessor> THERMONUCLEAR CAT-SPLOSION!
P5:43:21 <KatMan> We need PUPPIES, not kittens! Duh!
P5:43:30 <08Notch> Morgranth: That'd be the Notre Dame
P5:43:34 <citricsquid> we need chickens and squids.
P5:43:37 <Eagle> Notch: Carp? :D
P5:43:50 <fleshBasedProcessor> Skeletal elephats?
P5:43:57 <08Notch> Eagle: No fish are planned
P5:44:00 <Eagle> Aw.
P5:44:04 <Super-Dot> Elephants would be sweet :O
P5:44:05 <Eagle> :/
P5:44:08 <citricsquid> Notch: No water animals?!
P5:44:10 <pimpmasta> Maybe, you could make cats a monster, In survival.
P5:44:11 <Miclee> WHAT?
P5:44:18 <Miclee> GOOD*
P5:44:21 <KatMan> Make horses that you can ride on!
P5:44:22 <pimpmasta> Only On extra hard though,
P5:44:25 <citricsquid> Miclee: not squids, that's for sure!
P5:44:25 <08Notch> irrigation. :D
13P5:44:26 * citricsquid cries
P5:44:28 <Eagle> Elephants would be a bit startling to see in a forest setting like minecraft
P5:44:34 <Super-Dot> Plumbing
P5:44:40 <fleshBasedProcessor> we get horse animations when wurm gets horse animations :P
P5:44:44 <Griskard> Drowning stuff
P5:45:01 <Super-Dot> Charlie the Unicorn-style horse animation
P5:45:04 <Quatroking> Notch: that 3D-glasses thingie, will it be implented on 1 september?
P5:45:17 <fleshBasedProcessor> oh yeah, make that an option.
P5:45:24 <08Notch> it requires a startup parameter, you can't change it in the game yet
P5:45:27 <Eagle> Notch: Will beta testers get a special prize?
P5:45:30 <Eagle> :D
P5:45:31 <pimpmasta> super-dot: For the love of god(notch) NO!
P5:45:32 <Miclee> :D
P5:45:36 <08Notch> (it has to rebuild all textures, and I don't have that code yet)
P5:45:40 <Super-Dot> :D
P5:45:43 <08Notch> Eagle: You already got a special price. :D
P5:45:46 <Quatroking> So..
P5:45:47 <ChJees> http://mkv25.net/dfma/movie-518-nuclearcatsplosion
P5:45:48 <Eagle> :O
P5:45:52 <Griskard> Hey Notch, What about sharks and turtles?
P5:45:53 <Eagle> I just remembered tha
P5:45:55 <Eagle> *that
P5:45:57 <Quatroking> if you would put it online seperatly, would it run?
P5:46:14 <Quatroking> so you would choose between 3d glasses yes/no before starting the client
P5:46:25 <08Notch> Quatroking: Yes, or perhaps if you added &3dmode=true to the url or something
P5:46:30 <Miclee> Notch, can we have a rundown of the things in the Survival Beta?
P5:46:32 <KatMan> Notch: Bear traps?
P5:46:35 <Quatroking> Please, PLEASE do so!
P5:46:37 <citricsquid> &trippyshit=true
P5:46:52 <fleshBasedProcessor> even if it was just a small thing that only worked on singleplayer creative, I would still play it
P5:47:00 <Super-Dot> &catsposions=true
P5:47:12 <08Notch> Miclee: Health, food, enemies, resources. Maybe crafting.
P5:47:15 <Eagle> Notch: Will you make it so mushrooms can grow in caves? D:
P5:47:17 <Quatroking> I'm buying 3D glasses soon and I'd love to be able to do this
P5:47:18 <citricsquid> &squids=true. needs squids. squids that grab you from the water and pull you in.
P5:47:20 <Miclee> Cool.
10P5:47:21 * princepsregulus (princepsre@adsl-70-239-9-126.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:47:26 <pimpmasta> notch: How come I never see you online... EVER I mean it is your game...
P5:47:28 <08Notch> Eagle: Yes, but not for this version
P5:47:29 <mail2345> Miclee it will be easy
P5:47:29 <KatMan> Notch, maybe you could have bear traps that players could set?
P5:47:33 <mail2345> to do in Lua
P5:47:41 <ChJees> pimpmasta, Swedish time LOLZ
P5:47:43 <08Notch> pimpmasta: I've been in single player only for quite some time now, in survival mode
P5:47:46 <Super-Dot> citricsquid fell in love with the majesty of colors
P5:47:49 <Eagle> Notch: Will you be able to farm underground? I.E. farm mushrooms like in DF?
10P5:47:51 * potato_ (potto@CPE000393e704cd-CM001bd71cdc30.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
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P5:47:59 <pimpmasta> Mkay...
P5:48:01 <08Notch> Eagle: I'd like that, yes. =)
P5:48:08 <ChJees> GMT +1 FYI
P5:48:11 <Griskard> Squid would be awesomely cool
P5:48:15 <vede> Why have you not made mushrooms darkness-resistant yet, Notch?
P5:48:24 <Eagle> Notch: Also, can you pick mushrooms already on the ground?
P5:48:25 <vede> I told you about this a long time ago.
P5:48:27 <Griskard> Hmm. I reckon a piece of armour that acts like scuba gear would be awesome
P5:48:29 <08Notch> because I've been focusing on other things, and it's a trivial fix.
P5:48:29 <Eagle> For trippy side effects and stuff
P5:48:31 <fleshBasedProcessor> oh god, I want to play survival so bad.
P5:48:36 <08Notch> trivial fixes never get done until the last minute, hehe
P5:48:42 <vede> -_-
P5:48:49 <Miclee> I'm sitting here, bored, wanting to play survival so badly.
P5:48:53 <Eagle> That describes vista! :O
P5:48:56 <08Notch> lol
P5:48:57 <Griskard> Masturbate
P5:48:59 <Miclee> 11 days!
P5:49:01 <Griskard> Then do it again
P5:49:03 <Griskard> and again
P5:49:06 <Griskard> Untill you collapse
P5:49:07 <KatMan> Notch, what kind of mining tools are we gonna have?
13P5:49:10 * Super-Dot trivially fixes vede a mug of hot chocolate
P5:49:13 <Griskard> And sleep until survival
P5:49:16 <vede> :o
P5:49:23 <Miclee> I shall hibernate!
13P5:49:26 * vede drinks the hot chocolate.
P5:49:27 <vede> YUMMM
P5:49:33 <08Notch> KatMan: Bare hands
P5:49:38 <Eagle> Notch: What if you don't finish by Sept. 1st?
P5:49:43 <ChJees> A hibernation device would be nice :P
P5:49:47 <ChJees> cold sleep
P5:49:47 <08Notch> Eagle: I'll release whatever I have on sept 1.
P5:49:57 <Eagle> Hm.
P5:50:01 <KatMan> @Notch, awww... I wanted a particle destroyer...
P5:50:02 <vede> Notch, just because I'm interested, how do you save signs in the map file?
P5:50:07 <fleshBasedProcessor> I go to college tomorrow, that *might* keep my mind of minecraft
P5:50:19 <Quatroking> Notch: so will you PLEAAAAAASE put the 3D glasses client online for us to try?
P5:50:20 <Eagle> fleshBasedProcessor nice
P5:50:26 <vede> They can't be stored like normal blocks, so I figure they must be special somehow.
P5:50:32 <08Notch> Quatroking: No, not yet. September 1. =)
P5:50:40 <Miclee> I know programs that make anything 3D.
P5:50:41 <08Notch> vede: Indeed, they're objects. =)
P5:50:44 <Quatroking> Yeah, on september 1 I mean
P5:50:45 <Snowman> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMjTzc_QMwc
P5:50:45 <Miclee> Left 4 Dead in 3d is crazy.
P5:50:49 <vede> What do you mean?
P5:50:50 <fleshBasedProcessor> Why not :( </pout>
P5:50:58 <Quatroking> Notch: wait, is it actually compatible with multiplayer?
P5:51:06 <08Notch> 3d? yes.
P5:51:09 <vede> Is there like a list of objects at the end of the level file or somesuch?
P5:51:20 <Eagle> Snowman I saw that yesterday/today
P5:51:24 <08Notch> vede: I don't know, I use java serialization
P5:51:27 <vede> ...
P5:51:31 <vede> :|
12P5:51:31 * darkparadox (darkparado@c-66-177-211-209.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://irc2go.com/)
P5:51:36 <vede> WEAK
P5:51:39 <Griskard> Heres one notch, Would it be feasable to make movable vehicles?
P5:51:46 <KatMan> So, how do you put things on signs?
P5:51:48 <08Notch> I will change it to a new file format in the future, the current one is too unstable.
P5:51:50 <Eagle> Notch: Switches?
P5:51:53 <08Notch> Griskard: Not yet.
P5:51:57 <08Notch> Eagle: With the expansion. =)
P5:51:57 <Eagle> Switches/levers?
P5:52:00 <Eagle> Oh right
P5:52:04 <Eagle> Heh.
P5:52:09 <08Notch> Dungeons and Levers! It's right there, in the name!
P5:52:15 <Eagle> I forgot! D:
P5:52:22 <08Notch> hehe
P5:52:27 <Miclee> Survival in a dungeon!
P5:52:28 <Miclee> :D
P5:52:29 <KatMan> Notch: 2.5d mode, perhaps?
P5:52:29 <Miclee> :P
P5:52:37 <vede> Custom enemies, yes? No?
P5:52:38 <08Notch> lol, what?
P5:52:44 <Miclee> 2.5d?
P5:52:48 <08Notch> no custom models, but custom behavior, sure
P5:52:49 <Griskard> So you mean not yet in the "Its far to much and unimportant for me to put in" or the "The drain on resources would be huge"?
P5:52:57 <Griskard> At Notch ^
P5:53:00 <vede> Enemy textures?
P5:53:12 <Morgranth> notch will there be a way to classeffy waht u build a vehicle, so that u can use it to travel aroudn the map ?
P5:53:12 <vede> That seems like something you should REALLY implement.
P5:53:17 <Super-Dot> Player textures?
P5:53:18 <Eagle> Notch: With a map editor, can't people just make a room with everything they'll ever need and close it off from the enemies?
P5:53:20 <vede> Even if you don't want block textures.
P5:53:21 <08Notch> Griskard: It's not in my plans, and I don't want to add too much extra features. It's possible it might make an interesting expansion. =)
P5:53:24 <Eagle> Also can't they make impossible maps?
P5:53:31 <Daroh> Out of curiosity, will maps be transferrable across modes of play?
P5:53:31 <Miclee> Eagle, they can dig!!
P5:53:37 <Super-Dot> Enemy and player textures do seem like a bit of a must
P5:53:39 <Miclee> I think.
P5:53:47 <KatMan> Notch: RACETRACK EXPANSION?
P5:53:55 <08Notch> Daroh: Yes, but I'm not sure what to do about mobs
P5:53:55 <Miclee> With zombie!
P5:53:57 <Eagle> Enemies can dig?
P5:54:01 <vede> Notch: Question
P5:54:05 <fleshBasedProcessor> Morganth, if your going to ask a stupid question at least use proper grammar and spelling
P5:54:06 <vede> Question?
P5:54:09 <08Notch> I could just remove all mobs and items when in survival mode
P5:54:22 <Daroh> sounds reasonable
P5:54:24 <08Notch> no custom textures, vede.
P5:54:31 <Eagle> XD
P5:54:31 <Super-Dot> Aw jang
P5:54:33 <vede> Lame.
P5:54:36 <citricsquid> http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/252403
P5:54:37 <vede> Uber lame.
P5:54:43 <Eagle> Shush vede.
P5:54:43 <08Notch> yes, you've mentioned that.
P5:55:02 <citricsquid> vede: If I had a custom texture for everytime you said that, I'd have lots of custom textures.
P5:55:09 <08Notch> lol
P5:55:09 <Miclee> Anyone else think Blizzard is just milking WoW now?
P5:55:11 <Eagle> Notch: Leaves are a lame resource
P5:55:15 <Daroh> Would the player be able to re-add any items that are lost manually? I ask due to wanting to create specific scenarios and/or dungeons
P5:55:16 <KatMan> Notch: Sorry to ask again, but what do you think of making a racetrack mode?
P5:55:19 <Eagle> What can you make with leaves?
P5:55:20 <vede> So we can't even make our own monsters as an extension of existing monsters?
P5:55:26 <08Notch> KatMan: I think that's best left to a mod.
10P5:55:32 * Not_Famous (aye@c-67-187-207-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:55:35 <pimpmasta> quick question for citricsquid: You made a Minecraft club on newgrounds right?
P5:55:38 <vede> Even if we use the same models?
P5:55:44 <citricsquid> pimpmasta: Not a club, but I made the thread.
P5:55:46 <08Notch> vede: You can scale them!
P5:55:51 <vede> ...
P5:55:52 <pimpmasta> mkay...
P5:55:52 <Eagle> :O!
P5:55:55 <vede> :/
P5:55:55 <Super-Dot> Scaling :O
P5:56:03 <Super-Dot> That's actually pretty awesome
P5:56:04 <Eagle> Tiny evil zombie minions?!
12P5:56:07 * nickname (aye@c-67-187-207-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:56:08 <KatMan> Notch: How about cars with editable textures?
P5:56:09 <08Notch> piglets = smaller pigs. :D
P5:56:10 <pimpmasta> Then a club is in order...
P5:56:17 <Eagle> Millions of tiny small zombies?!!
P5:56:19 <08Notch> KatMan: I'll get right on that!!
P5:56:20 <Eagle> Swarming around you?
P5:56:23 <Miclee> Hmmm... Notch: Could each person set a custom skin for mobs? When the server is spawning mobs, it randomly picks from the available?
P5:56:40 <08Notch> :-o
P5:56:42 <Eagle> Notch: Do enemies just spawn wherever?
P5:56:46 <vede> If you're going to have parts of the game like this so restricted from customization, you should at least supply a good amount of things as a base.
P5:56:49 <Super-Dot> Notch: Mob scaling by powers of two, or by anything?
P5:56:55 <fleshBasedProcessor> Lets try to focus on singleplayer for a while. Multiplayer is after The Boat
P5:56:56 <08Notch> They'll probably have preferences
P5:57:06 <citricsquid> pimpmasta: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1073157 Pretty much dead now :(
P5:57:16 <08Notch> like goblins will only spawn in caves, cows will only spawn on grass, pigs will only spawn stick inside trees
P5:57:20 <08Notch> *stuck
P5:57:20 <Eagle> Notch: Like if you built a house couldn't a zombie spawn in your basement or something? (>:D) D:
P5:57:24 <Eagle> Oh
P5:57:29 <Miclee> Notch: Could each person set a custom skin for mobs? When the server is spawning mobs, it randomly picks from the available?
P5:57:30 <08Notch> it could, yes =D
P5:57:33 <Eagle> XD
P5:57:43 <08Notch> Miclee: I don't see how that would not be annoying.
P5:58:07 <Eagle> Notch: Would eating mushrooms have trippy side effects?
P5:58:17 <08Notch> do you want it to?
P5:58:20 <vede> Yes.
P5:58:21 <Peerko> YES
P5:58:21 <Eagle> Could they?
P5:58:30 <08Notch> possibly, yes =)
P5:58:32 <Eagle> :D
P5:58:36 <Super-Dot> Touch fuzzy, get dizzy
P5:58:40 <citricsquid> It'd be cool if everything started morphing slightly :D
P5:58:42 <Peerko> shrooms are ok, mmmkay?
P5:58:46 <08Notch> Super-Dot: Ok, we're going to need a run-up for that
P5:58:58 <vede> I played a roguelike that handled drugs amazingly well for a roguelike once.
P5:59:12 <vede> I suggest that if you get really high, objects start to look like other objects.
P5:59:17 <Daroh> i'd rather you leave only specific types of fungus did that, you need to eat while in caves too after all :P
P5:59:21 <Super-Dot> o\ /o
P5:59:23 <vede> So fellow players could appear to be dragons or pigs.
P5:59:24 <Miclee> You see a zombie:
P5:59:28 <Miclee> Oh look, a piggie!
P5:59:39 <Super-Dot> ...o\ /o...
P5:59:43 <fleshBasedProcessor> oh, if you eat mushrooms that really old vertex shifting stuff starts happening!
P5:59:47 <Eagle> Notch: Spectate mode?
P5:59:51 <vede> So people that get totally wasted would actually be totally hilarious in-game.
P6:00:01 <Super-Dot> o/\o
P6:00:07 <08Notch> Super-Dot: You're my hero.
P6:00:14 <Super-Dot> :D
P6:00:21 <vede> What is that, Super-Dot?
P6:00:26 <Eagle> A high five
P6:00:30 <vede> Oh.
P6:00:30 <Super-Dot> It's a run-up high five
P6:00:31 <vede> OH
P6:00:35 <vede> That's AWESOME
P6:00:37 <08Notch> a run-up high five :D
P6:00:47 <08Notch> he made a game reference I got
13P6:00:52 * Eagle run-up high fives Super-Dot
P6:00:54 <08Notch> well, err, it was cooler at the time.
P6:00:56 <vede> I've never experienced a run-up high-five.
12P6:00:57 * Evil-Ville (hurfdurf@cs78249077.pp.htv.fi) Quit (Quit: yare yare daze)
P6:01:07 <Miclee> I think we've asked Notch every question possible.
P6:01:10 <vede> I need to arrange one some time.
P6:01:17 <mail2345> wait
P6:01:18 <fleshBasedProcessor> Notch log off, I need to go pack.
P6:01:29 <Eagle> Notch: Weather?
P6:01:32 <Super-Dot> I agree with fleshBasedProcessor that vertex shifting for mushrooms would be sweet
P6:01:36 <Eagle> Notch: Spectate mode?
P6:01:37 <Miclee> Weather!
P6:01:39 <08Notch> Eagle: I like the idea of weather!
P6:01:43 <Eagle> :O
P6:01:45 <vede> So Notch, feedback on my shroom effects suggestion?
P6:01:47 <08Notch> Eagle: Yes, most likely.
12P6:01:56 * Arf (a@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P6:02:08 <Eagle> Notch: Ability to change color of sky?
P6:02:12 <Eagle> >.>
P6:02:19 <08Notch> vede: Well.. Team Fortress had a similar effect, and it just sucked.
P6:02:22 <08Notch> Eagle: Already possible. :D
P6:02:25 <fleshBasedProcessor> Notch, built in support for flying/noclip to decrease the instances of hacking?
P6:02:27 <Eagle> Wait what
P6:02:27 <vede> ... Wha?
P6:02:32 <mail2345> @Notch: How can entropy be reversed?
P6:02:48 <08Notch> fleshBasedProcessor: MAYBE. Probably not.
P6:02:53 <citricsquid> fleshBasedProcessor: people always want more.
P6:03:07 <Eagle> Notch: Half ops?
P6:03:10 <08Notch> mail2345: Well, for example by reversing time. All physical interactions are time agnostic
P6:03:11 <citricsquid> proper flying/noclip would just make them concentrate on other things.
P6:03:24 <vede> How did TF2 do model changing, and how did it suck?
P6:03:36 <fleshBasedProcessor> I don't actually like flying or no-clip, but the less stuff you leave to the hackers the less destructive hacking there is. Only a theory
P6:03:39 <mail2345> aww, you should have anwered "THERE IS YET INSUFFICENT DATA FOR A MEANINGFUL ANSWER"
P6:03:54 <08Notch> Oh yeah!! Sorry, I forgot that (very awesome) short story!
P6:04:07 <fleshBasedProcessor> Notch, are you the very model of a singularitarian? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnreVTKtpMs
P6:04:09 <Eagle> Notch: Haaaalf ops? :D
P6:04:09 <vede> Vision-tinting?
P6:04:18 <08Notch> Eagle: Not sure!
P6:04:32 <Miclee> Notch: What's the best RTS game you've ever played?
P6:04:40 <Eagle> They'd only have the ability to make admin blocks or something
P6:04:43 <Eagle> And to tp
P6:05:07 <Super-Dot> If I designed a half-op system, I would give them the ability to do everything BUT admincrete :P
P6:05:17 <liq3> Random image of today: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ynOlmkpsf8U/So8Bk8Kl6qI/AAAAAAAAAjo/eRdZts4GBy4/s1600/Dimfall019MED.jpg
P6:05:25 <Griskard> Yeah
P6:05:28 <08Notch> Miclee: RTS? Hmm... Don't remember
P6:05:31 <Griskard> Halfop for me
P6:05:42 <Griskard> Would be Kick ability
P6:05:43 <Super-Dot> Actually, separating ops and admincreters would do a lot of good
P6:05:43 <Griskard> TP
P6:05:44 <08Notch> fleshBasedProcessor: I'm hoping the singularity will happen. =)
P6:05:46 <Griskard> And Maybe ban
12P6:07:07 * Leyart (asd@dynamic-adsl-94-36-228-233.clienti.tiscali.it) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P6:07:10 <08Notch> fleshBasedProcessor: I enjoyed that vid. =D
P6:07:13 <Miclee> I'm incredibly bored right now.
P6:07:23 <Griskard> Practice LUA modding
P6:07:28 <Eagle> I'm having a field day with questions today.
P6:07:30 <mail2345> Lua*
P6:07:33 <mail2345> that's it
P6:07:33 <Miclee> With what?
P6:07:36 <pimpmasta> now... I share with you this funneh picture.
12P6:07:37 * Morgranth (mau_577@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P6:07:38 <pimpmasta> http://i31.tinypic.com/24l8uvo.jpg
P6:07:43 <Griskard> Something in Lua
P6:07:44 <mail2345> i'm programming my bot to correct everyone who says LUA.
P6:07:51 <Miclee> lol
P6:08:12 <fleshBasedProcessor> Notch I was linked to it by a webcomic called Dresden Codak. Its about the singularity and robot girls! http://dresdencodak.com/cast/
P6:08:12 <citricsquid> pimpmasta: How the fuck do you manage on 1024 x 768?
P6:08:14 <citricsquid> I would die.
P6:09:14 <Eagle> Notch: Running?
P6:09:37 <pimpmasta> It requires much skill, Of course I have plenty :p
P6:10:14 <pimpmasta> so...
P6:10:20 <pimpmasta> What now?
P6:10:27 <08Notch> Eagle: Yes, I've thought about that. It'd probably be the other way around, though.
P6:10:35 <Snowman> FUCK
P6:10:36 <Eagle> ?
P6:10:37 <08Notch> Holding shift = walking slower, and not falling off any ledges
P6:10:47 <Eagle> Notch: So... Sneaking? :D
P6:10:51 <Super-Dot> Would the current speed be the running speed?
P6:10:51 <Snowman> Just smashed a mosquito on the wall and now there's blood all over it
P6:10:52 <08Notch> sure =)
P6:10:59 <Eagle> Notch: Will animals sleep at night?
P6:11:00 <08Notch> Super-Dot: Doesn't have to be.
P6:11:14 <pimpmasta> We need a running speed
P6:11:14 <08Notch> Eagle: There won't be night/day cycles in the normal game modes
P6:11:18 <Super-Dot> Oh boy, potential speed increase
P6:11:20 <Eagle> Hm.
P6:11:28 <08Notch> do you think you move too slow?
P6:11:39 <pimpmasta> Yes.
P6:11:40 <Super-Dot> I actually don't :O
P6:11:47 <Super-Dot> But other people do
P6:11:50 <08Notch> it's very easy to fix. =)
P6:11:51 <Miclee> Hmmmm... anyone here ever play Mount&Blade?
P6:11:52 <Veronika> No, but we need some way to move across large distances quickly.
P6:11:53 <Eagle> I was going to say if they do sleep, sneaking by them wouldn't wake them up. :D
P6:11:57 <Snowman> The current speed is good
12P6:12:02 * PixelSith64 (pixelsith@71-217-0-23.tukw.qwest.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P6:12:04 <Snowman> But a sprint would be cool
P6:12:05 <Griskard> I play Mount and blade
P6:12:05 <Daroh> running speed is fine... for survival mode, it could do with speeding up for sandbox though
P6:12:05 <Super-Dot> Yeah, moving across large distances is annoying
P6:12:12 <08Notch> oohh, sprinting!
P6:12:16 <Miclee> Griskard, what kind of mod should I make for it?
P6:12:20 <pimpmasta> Most people do, It's boring walking around for ages.
P6:12:28 <Griskard> Dunno. I like Custom Settlements myself
P6:12:34 <pimpmasta> Looking for something.
P6:12:37 <08Notch> I could add sprinting and make it infinite in creative
P6:12:42 <Miclee> What kind of mod would you want?
P6:12:48 <Daroh> sounds fair
P6:12:55 <LucanC> Notch, if you implement sprinting, you should make it infinite in sandbox mode
P6:12:55 <Griskard> Eh. Im a bit over it atm. So I dunno
P6:12:56 <Veronika> If you do, please make it a toggle (Capslock?)
P6:13:21 <pimpmasta> So.. Notch'
P6:13:31 <Griskard> Hey Notch. Will there be the ability to add AI that people can use. Like bodyguards, guards, challenges and so on
P6:13:39 <fleshBasedProcessor> Veronika, becouse we want everyone yelling "SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS I'M SPRINTING RIGHT NOW"
P6:13:40 <pimpmasta> When will we be able to import doom maps?
P6:13:46 <08Notch> Griskard: Yes, you will be able to mod the ai
P6:13:52 <08Notch> haha fleshBasedProcessor
13P6:13:59 * citricsquid attacks a skeleton
P6:14:05 <citricsquid> skeleton shouts "YOU MASSIVE TWAT"
P6:14:12 <08Notch> well, i feel a bit bad calling it "ai"
P6:14:12 <citricsquid> I look forward to modding.
13P6:14:20 * fleshBasedProcessor traps skeletons in pits and tries to make them breed
P6:14:23 <08Notch> the mobs and creatures will be very old-school predictable
P6:14:35 <08Notch> difficult because they cheat (like in good old games), not because they're clever
P6:14:38 <Griskard> But we could mod it to make it smarter, right?
P6:14:41 <08Notch> yes
P6:15:14 <Griskard> Ok. Just that I think on an RPG server, if clans want their own bases and such they will probably need NPC guards
P6:15:26 <LG_Legacy> Modding enemies to speak while attacking..
P6:15:36 <pimpmasta> Ah yes.
P6:15:36 <LG_Legacy> Why do i sense some twisted Final Fantasy playing type?
P6:15:38 <citricsquid> LG_Legacy: "ow that hurt, stop it!"
P6:15:50 <Griskard> Just a blood curdling super scream. So that people crap themselves
P6:15:56 <LG_Legacy> Heh
P6:16:00 <citricsquid> Someone will mod swords to penises and make sex talk come from the skeletons if we have custom textures.
P6:16:17 <LG_Legacy> Notch, you should add a ghoul/twisted monster that screams when it tries to get you, or when it dies.
P6:16:22 <pimpmasta> You must make zombies scream "ARRRRRGGGHHH"
P6:16:32 <Griskard> Id be happy with sharks, turtles and squid, first
P6:16:36 <Griskard> Especially squid
P6:16:44 <fleshBasedProcessor> The Turing Test mode! Everyone that joins controls a player and a custom written Lua AI and everyone has to convince everyone else that they are human. sound fun?
P6:16:46 <citricsquid> Griskard: squids :D
P6:16:46 <pimpmasta> Oh god...
P6:17:01 <citricsquid> fleshBasedProcessor: then they become self aware and break out of the game.
P6:17:05 <pimpmasta> That seems like something you would do, Citric squid.
P6:17:58 <citricsquid> squids that squirt lemon juice when you attack them?
P6:18:03 <LG_Legacy> Heh
P6:18:04 <mail2345> @Notch, will there be server side systems to read and modify the velocity of clients?
12P6:18:05 * KatMan (Mibbit@ip98-179-180-215.ri.ri.cox.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P6:18:20 <mail2345> for things like speed ramps.
P6:18:23 <mail2345> or portals
P6:18:30 <pimpmasta> lulz
P6:18:46 <fleshBasedProcessor> Notch, why are you awake?
10P6:18:48 * PixelSith64 (pixelsith@71-217-0-23.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:18:59 <Griskard> Hes god
P6:19:03 <pimpmasta> You dare wake notch from his slumber?
P6:20:04 <fleshBasedProcessor> What does everyone currently have open on their task bar? Me: Steam, visual studio, firefox, and chatzilla
P6:20:32 <pimpmasta> http://i31.tinypic.com/24l8uvo.jpg
P6:20:33 <citricsquid> fleshBasedProcessor: windows live messenger, firefox, notepad++, windows live mail, spotify, steam, tweetdeck, fireworks and IRC :D
P6:20:37 <pimpmasta> I love that picture.
P6:20:41 <Not_Famous> Me: Backdoor Sluts Nine
P6:20:41 <Snowman> Youtube and chatzilla
P6:20:42 <Griskard> Me "Skype, Minecraft, IRC
12P6:20:46 * Logger (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P6:21:13 <pimpmasta> Mine craft Irc and that picture... To remind me notch thinks I am sexy/
12P6:21:22 * princepsregulus (princepsre@adsl-70-239-9-126.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P6:21:27 <gear> pidgin, notepadd+, foobar, WoW, ventrillo, firefox
P6:21:30 <citricsquid> http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/orig/8/23300211164-orig.jpg :D
P6:21:43 <citricsquid> gear: I always type notepadd+ and have to correct it, haha.
P6:21:46 <gear> lol
P6:22:24 <fleshBasedProcessor> I think Notch fell asleep at his keyboard. Notch are you awake?
P6:22:41 <Eagle> Spontanious heart attack.
P6:22:46 <Eagle> :(
P6:22:49 <Eagle> He's dead.
P6:23:02 <PixelSith64> he's dead?!
P6:23:06 <PixelSith64> Do we still get survival mode?
P6:23:08 <fleshBasedProcessor> Eagle, don't even joke. I don't care if he's dead, but Minecraft!
P6:23:14 <Eagle> XD
P6:23:14 <fleshBasedProcessor> jk
P6:23:45 <pimpmasta> pixel
P6:23:48 <PixelSith64> Yes?
P6:23:57 <pimpmasta> Notch thinks I am sexy now :D
P6:23:59 <PixelSith64> xD
P6:24:02 <pimpmasta> http://i31.tinypic.com/24l8uvo.jpg
P6:24:22 <PixelSith64> hahaha
P6:24:27 <PixelSith64> xD
P6:24:41 <Quatroking> SPANISH LANGUAGE.
P6:24:43 <Quatroking> IT IS SILLY.
P6:24:44 <Quatroking> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b86SOHZ0nIA&feature=player_embedded
P6:24:45 <PixelSith64> That's awesome
P6:24:46 <citricsquid> pimpmasta: 3 times is enough.
P6:24:56 <pimpmasta> Okay, Bad pimp.
P6:24:56 <PixelSith64> Anyway, I'm pissed at myself
P6:25:00 <PixelSith64> I just uninstalled Steam
P6:25:02 <PixelSith64> On accident
P6:25:13 <PixelSith64> And I have to reinstall 15+ games now
P6:25:14 <PixelSith64> >_>
P6:25:21 <Quatroking> lol pwnd
P6:25:26 <citricsquid> PixelSith64: client doesn't remove all games does it?
P6:25:51 <Quatroking> I've got my gcf's backed up
P6:25:59 <PixelSith64> Just removed it from being installed. I still have them
P6:26:01 <PixelSith64> just have to reinstall now
P6:27:16 <PixelSith64> So is Mr. N-otch asleep?
10P6:27:20 * abon (abon@tech-224-41.telecom.by) has joined #minecraft
P6:27:21 <fleshBasedProcessor> I think Notch is done talking now, bye.
10P6:27:32 * fleshBasedProcessor is now known as fleshBasedProcessor|AFK
10P6:27:42 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
10P6:27:45 * smn is now known as smn`offline
P6:28:01 <Iguana> Can anyone help me with XChat 2?
P6:28:15 <pimpmasta> I have to bump that thread.
10P6:28:23 * Logger (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P6:28:27 <pimpmasta> Like... Now.
12P6:28:34 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P6:29:31 <citricsquid> aera: You're good with last.fm api, easy way to check if a user exists using the api without authenticating? :D
P6:31:32 <mail2345> anyone here wanna play wolfhunt?
P6:31:56 <mail2345> Like mafia, but werewolves instead. #wolfhunt
P6:32:15 <pimpmasta> Um... Thread= bumped.
P6:32:34 <citricsquid> pimpmasta: only level 9? :P
P6:33:21 <LG_Legacy> Wolfhunt?..
P6:33:42 <mail2345> yea. basically you try to find out who the werewolf in the group is
P6:33:48 <mail2345> and uhh lynch them
P6:33:54 <pimpmasta> citricsquid Does you like my spongebob?
P6:33:54 <LG_Legacy> Is this some stupid flash game or text based?
P6:34:00 <mail2345> text :P
P6:34:01 <citricsquid> pimpmasta: it r pretty
P6:34:10 <pimpmasta> Yay!
P6:34:49 <pimpmasta> And it is proof I have WAY to much free time on my hands.
P6:35:21 <LG_Legacy> 3/4 Minecraft Community Admins online.
P6:37:02 <LG_Legacy> You know sometime, someone is going to photoshop a Admin CP, notch username, and Testing Grounds onto the website and post it somewhere.
P6:37:12 <Dudebro> lololololol
10P6:39:21 * Griskard_ (chatzilla@21.071.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au) has joined #minecraft
12P6:41:07 * Griskard (chatzilla@65.112.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P6:41:09 * Griskard__ (chatzilla@167.212.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au) has joined #minecraft
10P6:41:10 * Griskard__ is now known as Griskard
12P6:42:17 * pimpmasta (Mibbit@adsl-232-12-151.asm.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P6:43:02 * Griskard_ (chatzilla@21.071.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P6:44:53 * Jakkarra (Jakkarra@5ad2bd83.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
P6:44:58 <Jakkarra> Hey people
P6:45:09 <Jakkarra> Hey! notch is still here!
10P6:45:26 * Naven (Mibbit@p4FD4C871.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:45:32 <Jakkarra> ...
P6:45:35 <ChJees> He prolly fell asleep on his keyboar
P6:45:36 <ChJees> d
P6:45:41 <Jakkarra> hehe
P6:45:43 <Eagle> He died or something.
P6:45:49 <Jakkarra> Oh noes!
P6:45:57 <citricsquid> I just put a tin of spaghetti hoops
P6:45:57 <Jakkarra> Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!
P6:46:00 <citricsquid> and a ting of revioli
P6:46:02 <citricsquid> in the same pan
P6:46:03 <citricsquid> ravioli*
P6:46:09 <Jakkarra> i just drank two litres of pop
P6:46:15 <Daroh> ugh, spagetti hoops? cant stand the darn things
P6:46:26 <Jakkarra> why?
P6:46:28 <ChJees> Ravioli in can = Fail food
P6:46:36 <Jakkarra> i usually just eat tins of Rice pudding
P6:46:45 <Daroh> i just dont like them
P6:46:48 <Jakkarra> nothin' beats rice pudding with jam in
P6:47:09 <Daroh> +honey ftw
P6:47:14 <Jakkarra> blegh
P6:47:20 <Jakkarra> i don't like honey that much
P6:47:23 <Jakkarra> then again
P6:47:29 <Jakkarra> its always the Clearish sort
P6:47:33 <Jakkarra> never had Comb
P6:47:39 <Jakkarra> or, the white honey you get
P6:48:08 <Daroh> theres hundreds of different varieties, try something that isnt a cheapy store brand
10P6:48:11 * Charlie99993 (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P6:48:24 <Jakkarra> yeah
P6:48:27 <Jakkarra> good idea
P6:48:31 <Jakkarra> i LIKE the taste
P6:48:34 <Jakkarra> its the aftertaste
P6:48:44 <Jakkarra> its been a while sinse i last had it though
12P6:48:47 * Naven (Mibbit@p4FD4C871.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P6:48:52 <Jakkarra> ill get some honeycomb tommorrow
P6:48:55 <Jakkarra> *since
P6:49:52 <Jakkarra> so.
P6:50:06 <Jakkarra> i notice the control scheme's changin' a bit
P6:50:14 <Jakkarra> probably for the best
P6:51:00 <gear> stop talking to yourself
P6:51:16 <Dudebro> No.
P6:51:34 <Jakkarra> yeah#
P6:51:52 <Jakkarra> i seem like im talking to myself becasue NOONE EVER ANSWERS ME.
P6:52:00 <LG_Legacy> Wah
P6:53:33 <Not_Famous> What's up, Jakkarra?
10P6:53:52 * chrstfer (notch@pool-173-48-188-233.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:54:16 <Jakkarra> ^^
P6:54:16 <chrstfer> is notch truly on right nao, or is he afk?
P6:54:22 <Jakkarra> AFK i assume
P6:54:25 <chrstfer> ty
P6:54:27 <Jakkarra> Noooooooootch?
P6:54:35 <Jakkarra> i remember you!
P6:54:39 <Jakkarra> Mr. Emo skin!
P6:54:42 <chrstfer> notch : are you there?
P6:54:45 <chrstfer> hello jak
P6:54:51 <Jakkarra> hello
P6:54:51 <PixelSith64> Guys, leave him alone. He's probably sleeping. D:
P6:54:52 <chrstfer> i mite change my skin though
P6:54:59 <PixelSith64> Hi Chrstfer. I've seen you before
P6:55:04 <chrstfer> lol pixel ok
P6:55:42 <Jakkarra> ten days till survival!
P6:56:34 <chrstfer> omg yay
13P6:56:47 * chrstfer slaps Notch around a bit with a large trout
P6:58:10 <chrstfer> ok, say here if you are not AFK
P6:58:34 <chrstfer> here btw
P6:58:35 <chrstfer> lol
P6:58:42 <Not_Famous> Here... kinda?
P6:58:45 <Dudebro> here
P6:58:52 <Jakkarra> here
P6:59:02 <ZomBuster> here?
P6:59:15 <PixelSith64> Here?
P6:59:21 <chrstfer> lol
P6:59:22 <gear> not here
P6:59:22 <PixelSith64> It's like a verizon ladder thing
P6:59:27 <PixelSith64> If you tilt your head to the right
P6:59:55 <chrstfer> lol
P6:59:59 <ZomBuster> heh?
10P7:00:01 * Arf (a@ has joined #minecraft
10P7:01:08 * Douchington (Mibbit@68-186-248-7.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
12P7:01:13 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P7:01:15 <Jakkarra> im in england, we don't have verizon, 'splain
P7:01:43 <Not_Famous> lol
P7:01:48 <08Notch> yay, view bobbing
P7:01:54 <08Notch> (yes, you can turn it off)
P7:01:54 <Not_Famous> yay!
P7:01:55 <Dudebro> yay
P7:01:56 <Eagle> What the
P7:02:07 <Eagle> Notch, where have you been? O.o
P7:02:09 <Jakkarra> Notch!
P7:02:15 <Jakkarra> the wanderer returns!
P7:02:23 <Eagle> You like died of a sudden heart attack at the keyboard or something
P7:02:36 <Jakkarra> and then your bottled fairy Helped you up
P7:02:42 <Not_Famous> He didn't want to answer any more questiong @_@
P7:02:45 <Not_Famous> questions*
P7:04:12 <Jakkarra> Of course he does!
P7:04:19 <Jakkarra> :P
P7:04:32 <PixelSith64> :O
P7:04:33 <PixelSith64> Notch!
P7:04:36 <Not_Famous> @_@
P7:04:42 <PixelSith64> Eagle, you were wrong
P7:04:46 <Eagle> :O
P7:04:47 <mail2345> @Notch, will there be server side systems to read and modify the velocity of clients?
P7:04:48 <PixelSith64> Pouring water on computers does revive him
P7:05:00 <mail2345> for speed ramps and velocity twisting porals
P7:05:02 <mail2345> and the like
P7:05:32 <chrstfer> so, is notch here now
P7:05:38 <Dudebro> i think so
P7:05:39 <mail2345> @vede, dude, you caused the villagers to lose
P7:05:55 <LG_Legacy> Squidward is a nazi
P7:06:02 <Jakkarra> so, notch, are you ENJOYING the coding for the game?
P7:06:05 <PixelSith64> yep
P7:06:06 <PixelSith64> he did
P7:06:07 <PixelSith64> :<
P7:06:25 <PixelSith64> I love how as soon as he comes online
P7:06:29 <PixelSith64> you guys bombard him with questions
P7:07:14 <Not_Famous> I agree
12P7:07:21 * Douchington (Mibbit@68-186-248-7.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P7:07:51 <08Notch> Jakkarra: Very much, yes =D
P7:08:02 <Jakkarra> Awesome
P7:08:10 <Jakkarra> im attempting to learn C++ myself
P7:08:20 <Jakkarra> planning on making a game... eventually
P7:08:31 <08Notch> =D
P7:08:37 <chrstfer> jak its verry hard to do that...
P7:08:43 <08Notch> it's a very fun hobby
12P7:08:48 * LucanC (IceChat7@86-42-228-34-dynamic.b-ras1.cld.dublin.eircom.net) Quit (Quit: Easy as 3.14159265358979323846... )
P7:08:55 <Eagle> Are you coding right now?
P7:08:55 <chrstfer> i know a bit of c++, its very fun, just hard to do and time consuming
10P7:09:00 * Skywars (Mibbit@adsl-64-173-170-82.dsl.frsn01.pacbell.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:09:03 <chrstfer> notch wassup?
P7:09:06 <PixelSith64> Notch, what would you say the biggest challenge was with making the game so far?
P7:09:26 <Skywars> Hey notch is on?
P7:09:30 <chrstfer> yes
P7:09:39 <08Notch> PixelSith64: Survival mode is.

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