Hi there, welcome to my little website on this corner of the WWW!

I'm Xenia, while this isn't my first website (I started making websites all the way back in 2001 when I was in my late teen when I was in my mid-20s on Geocities (yes, I know I'm old lol)) but, alas, Yahoo (who own Geocities) only care about making money, so they closed my website and everyone else's... yay. But anyway... this is a website I can say I am proud of, being made with my own two hands, or I guess pawb(?), yeah I'm one of those "funny animals" you've read about, both my mum and dad were foxes, so as you can imagine, shocker, I'm also a fox, or to be more accurate, a foxgirl! (Foxwoman?)

I have a few degrees in computer and technology as well as a City and Guilds, but during my work life, I sadly don't use them much as I'm simply just a farmer girl, getting to work on my family's farm. We mostly like to grow crops and stuff like that, nothing amazing or ground breaking, but yeah, we do have a bit of tech on the farm like the classic that is the David Brown 990 Selectamatic tractor. Oh yeeeah, real cool like.

So yeah, if you're ever in Hay-on-Wye (I'm a Welsh girl!) and want to buy some vegetables, hit me up ;P (trust me, us foxes grow quite the selection of veg)

In my free time, I like to read a lot of books, I know it's kind of childish, but I've really gotten into Doctor Who stories, I love the 12th Doctor a lot! I also like other non-nerd stuff as well, I'm a big fan of Top Gear and also I like going out to drink >:D

I've worked on some random projects here and there in my free time, I'm (unsurprisingly) a huge fan of Minecraft, I have a page dedicated to that game here.

I'm not on social media like Twitter or Facebook - Elon Musk and Mark Suckaburg can piss off for all I care!!

While I that it's cool, I'm also not on Mastodon, but I follow some of my friends there thanks to Masto supporting RSS. If you want to chat, I'm on email: xenia@transistorcafe.net

Xenia: Over and out!

Copyright © Xenia . Some rights reserved.