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<p>By <font color="#8b0000">Xenia</font>, 2023-09-16</p>
<p>Everyday is someone's first day on the Net.</p>
<p>October 1996 was my first time on the Web as a sixteen-year-old at my local library. Back then, the Web was like the Wild West then, you never knew what you'd fine, and that was half the fun of it, plus what made it better was that no-one had Twitter, no-one knew what Google was, and the whole thing was not sanatised for little dumb children.</p>
<p>It might be nostalgia talking, but I miss those times and I'm aware that they will never return, but it does bug me that every day is someone's first day on the Net, and usually that person is a dumb kid on an ipod. Just the whole idea that the web is becoming a babysitter is horrible to me, I'm an adult in her 40s, I hate that when I go on websites like Youtube, the "content creator" (I hate that term) has to tip toe around not swearing or talking about topics advertisements won't like. It's so stupid that we cator the Web to little children, especially as no child should be left alone with a computer!</p>
<p>A child shouldn't be left alone unsupervised on a computer! I learned that in 1996 and that's still true, even twenty plus years on. I shouldn't be responsible for your bad parenting skills, and hey, if you don't know how the WWW or your computer work, prehaps it's even more of a terrible idea to let your little shits use it on their own.</p>
<p>Another thing that I hate about the current state of the WWW is that most people seemly don't even know how to maintain a simple HTML/CSS website and instead opt to have a Twitter or Facebook account. Yeah, good one, I just love handing my data out to billionaires. Do these people not know that using these websites is just draining you of creativity and enjoyment? I know that my website isn't the best looking thing ever, but come on, it's so much better than signing up to Instagram and having the exact same layout as literally every other user on the site. "Oh man, I sure can't wait to setup my new Twitter! I have so much control over what the themes look like and the CSS and the HTML layout! Yeah!"</p>
<p>Seriously, why can't people understand that taking the easy option isn't always the best option to take?</p>
<p>This reminds me that some of my friends are on, and like, okay. So what thems do you have? Oh, a light and dark mode and others that you need to pay for? Mmm, I think I'm good. Call me old school, but I'm so much more at home on IRL - it's open source, I can have whatever cliant I want, I have a billion and one themes, no clutter, and most of the idiots aren't on it (I'm active on Libera.Chat and FYI ;P), unlike Discord!!</p>
<p>I think that email is also great, I used to be active on a few email chains back in the day, but now email is seemly only reserved for work and signing up for websites.</p>
<p>So, what's my answer to all of this? Well, stop using social media so much and make your own website, even if it's not the best, it's better than being a zombie online! Stop relying on websites that suck creativity out if you!</p>
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