
166 lines
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Executable File

Socket Server Handlers
The socket server was made to be versitile where the handler can be swapped out
in favor of another handler. This handler is the default provided if one is not
passed to get the basic client-server relationship working for either starting
with something simple, testing, and/or providing a template to build other
handlers from.
class SocketServerHandler:
def __init__(self, server):
self.server = server
# These are used when processing inbox messages
self.send_verb = "SEND"
self.broadcast_verb = "CAST"
self.close_verb = "STOP"
# Tells all clients that a node joined the socket server
def open_client(self, alias):
alias = message[5:]
client = self.server.clients.get(alias, None)
if client is None:
return 1
self.server.broadcast_message(client, message)
return 0
# Informs the other clients a client left and closes that client's socket
def close_client(self, alias):
client = self.server.clients.get(alias, None)
if client is None:
return 1
message = "LEFT {}".format(alias)
self.server.broadcast_message(self.server.sock, message)
return 0
# Lets the clients know the server is intentionally closing
def close_server(self):
self.server.broadcast_message(self.server.sock, self.close_verb)
return -1
# Sends a heartbeat to the client to detect if it is still responding
def send_heartbeat(self, alias):
client = self.server.clients.get(alias, None)
if client is None:
return 1
sock = client.get("sock", None)
if sock is None:
return 1
self.server.send_message(sock, "PING")
return 0
# Format a message before sending to client(s)
# Prepends message size code along with replacing variables in message
def format_message(self, message, *args):
formatted = None
if len(args) > 0:
formatted = message.format(*args) + self.server.end_of_line
formatted = message + self.server.end_of_line
# Puts message size at the front of the message
prefixed = pack(">I", len(formatted)) + formatted.encode()
return prefixed
# Get message from socket with `format_message` in mind
def get_message(self, sock):
raw_message_size = self.server.receive_bytes(sock, 4, False)
if raw_message_size is None:
return None
message_size = unpack(">I", raw_message_size)[0]
if self.max_message_size > 0 and message_size > self.max_message_size:
return None
eol = self.server.end_of_line
return self.server.receive_bytes(sock, message_size).strip(eol)
# Takes the server object, the client socket, and a message to process
# Each message returns a status code:
# -1 : Going offline
# 0 : Success
# 1 : Failure
# 2 : Invalid
def message(self, sock, message):
# print("DEBUG:", message)
send = self.send_verb + " "
cast = self.broadcast_verb + " "
send_size = len(send)
cast_size = len(cast)
# React to heartbeat from client
if message == "PONG":
client_fd = self.server.get_client_fd(sock)
client = self.server.clients.get(client_fd, dict())
client_alive = client.get("alive", None)
if client_aliave is None:
return 1
elif client_alive:
return 1
# Setting this to True is what tells the server the heartbeat worked
client["alive"] = True
return 0
# Tell the clients to stop before server itself stops
elif message == self.close_verb:
status = self.close_server()
return status
# Informs the other clients one left and closes that client's socket
elif message == "QUIT":
client_alias = self.server.get_client_alias_by_sock(sock)
if client_alias is None:
return 1
return self.close_client(client_alias)
# Lists all client alises, puts itself first and the server second
elif message == "LIST":
aliases = list()
client_alias = self.server.get_client_alias_by_sock(sock)
if client_alias is None:
return 1
self.server_alias = self.server.sock_alias
for alias in self.server.clients.keys():
# We need to skip ints since the file descriptors are also keys
if type(alias) is int:
# The server and sending client are skipped to retain ordering
elif alias == self.server.sock_alias:
elif alias == client_alias:
listed = ",".join([client_alias, self.server_alias] + aliases)
self.server.send_message(sock, listed)
return 0
# Sends a message to the client with the specified client (via an alias)
elif message[:send_size] == send:
params = message[(send_size + 1):].split(" ", 1)
if len(params) < 2:
return 1
alias, response = params
client = self.server.clients.get(alias, dict())
client_sock = client.get("sock", None)
if client_sock is None:
return 1
self.server.send_message(client_sock, response)
return 0
# Broadcasts a message to all other clients
elif message[:cast_size] == cast:
response = message[(cast_size + 1):]
self.server.broadcast_message(sock, response)
return 0
# All other commands are invalid
return 2