# ~chmod777 ## Introductions Hello! Around the web I mostly go by chmod777. Feel free to ask me anything. I am a recent computer science graduate with no clue what they are doing in life. I just set this up so ther is more to add. ## Contact info * fediverse/mastodon: @chmod777@linuxrocks.online * irc.tilde.chat: chmodrwx * gitea: tildegit.org/chmod777 ## What you will find here Blog posts about * Software dev * Hardware dev * Aluminium casting * Gardening * Baking * Other hobby projects * Ramblings You can find the web version of my blog at => http://tilde.club/~chmod777 ~chmod777 I just started working on a .html to .gmi converter for the posts in this gemlog so that my content on my blog will also be available here. Some features of the converter are still missing so if it looks like something is missing from one of these posts it might be but it also might be that I gave up writing halfway through. => https://tildegit.org/chmod777/html2gemini_rs html2gemini_rs ## Posts