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<h1 class="title">tmux</h1>
<p>TMUX IS THE BEST. Heres a super basic primer.</p>
<p>to start a new session, type <code>tmux new -s tildemux</code>.</p>
<p>A yellow bar will appear at the bottom of your terminal. Youre now in TMUX!</p>
<p>TMUX has sessions, windows, and panes. Each of these things will have a terminal in it. If you actually typed what I told you to earlier, youll be in a session named <code>tildemux</code>. That session has one window, <code>0</code>. That window has one pane, also named <code>0</code>. (Computers start counting at 0, not 1.)</p>
<h2 id="windows">windows</h2>
<p>Your tmux bar should look like:</p>
<p><code>[tildemux] 0:bash*</code></p>
<p>…which means that youre in a session named <code>tildemux</code>, which has a window <code>0</code>, running the command <code>bash</code>. <code>*</code> means that window 0 is active, and the pane running bash is currently active.</p>
<p>To create a new window within this session, type <code>PREFIX c</code>. PREFIX?!? By default, its <code>control-b</code>. Now you should see:</p>
<p><code>[tildemux] 0:bash- 1:bash*</code></p>
<p><code>1:bash*</code> means youre in a pane running <code>bash</code> inside window 1. To change back to pane 0, type <code>PREFIX 0</code>. The <code>*</code> should be back on <code>0:bash</code>.</p>
<p>Run a cool interactive command, such as <code>htop</code> (to see how many of system resources were eating up) or <code>vim</code> (to write some awesome webpages). Your tmux status bar should update to <code>0:&lt;name of the current process&gt;</code>. So now instead of saying <code>bash</code> it will say <code>htop</code> or <code>vim</code>.</p>
<h2 id="panes">panes</h2>
<p>Panes are great. TMUX panes let you run more than one terminal inside your one, actual terminal. To “split” a new pane, <code>PREFIX &quot;</code>. That makes a horizontal split. Youll notice there are now two panes open one on top of the other. <code>PREFIX %</code> makes a vertical split, for side-by-side panes. Did I mention that panes are great?</p>
<p>To move between panes in the current window, use <code>PREFIX &lt;up,down,left,right&gt;</code>. Thats right, the arrow keys.</p>
<h2 id="more">more</h2>
<p>I not the best writer or teacher. Just google anything that doesnt make sense.</p>
<p><a href="http://robots.thoughtbot.com/a-tmux-crash-course">Or take a look at this tmux guide</a></p>
<p>But definitely use tmux.</p>