# site tilde.club site source # Help Wanted Tilde.club is moving very quickly and is 100% volunteer led. ## 1. optimal: pull requests and bug reports - There is a lot of great work going on around config, FAQ, basic docs. - Jump in if you want. Literally everyone here said "I am ready to help, what can I do." - We need non-coders (writers, editors, communicators, artists, project managers) as much as we need tech folks. - Most of the coding work is done for us by the Unix operating system. We're celebrating that. - A lot of the basic docs are in the [wiki](https://github.com/tildeclub/tilde.club/wiki) which you (yes, you) can edit. ## 2. suboptimal: open ended feature requests and broad discussion - We love philosophy, just not in our issue tracker! signup code from [https://tildegit.org/team/site/src/branch/master/signup](https://tildegit.org/team/site/src/branch/master/signup)