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usenet news

this is out of date and the netnews server is down

We’re working on it. You’ll need a news server to read news, and it’s up; it’s news.tilde.club.

[[slrn]] is a newsreader; see http://slrn.sourceforge.net/ for details.

[[pine]] can read news; this http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Help/News/PineNews.html might help. You can also read the FAQ from U Washington.

In Pine do ‘S’ for setup, ‘C’ for config, then set ‘NNTP Server (for news)’ to news.tilde.club Then go back to the main menu, and pick Folder List, A for add, ^t for list

M-x gnus in [[emacs]] can read news, but you better know [[emacs]] first before you start.

[[lynx]] reads news, a la lynx news://news.tilde.club/tilde.general. It can even post news, but you have to design your own headers.