#!/usr/bin/awk -f # https://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Awk.html # awk (named for its creators aho, weinberger and kernighan) takes a a text # file as input. the awk program then processes that file line by line. # think of the awk program as performing some process for each line in the file. # or, think of an awk program as a big loop in which you define how to process # lines of input, one line per loop iteration. # the simplest awk program has the following structure: # PATTERN { ACTION } # ...where PATTERN is a text pattern that is to be matched in each successive # line of input, and ACTION is the code to execute if the match is successful. # the simplest possible PATTERN to match is nothing. it matches everything. # the following valid awk script will print each line that it matches, meaning # that it will print everything. whatever file you pipe into it will be printed # back, line by line. { print } # an easy way to test this script is as follows (minus the greater-than sign): # > ./01.awk /etc/passwd # NOTE: see the shbang line? notice the "-f" after the awk filepath? that needs # to be there if you're piping a text file into an awk script. by contrast, see # script 00.awk which does not take a file as input and does not need the -f