(WIP) remove hydra code, try to use a keymap for read-key-sequence

This commit is contained in:
contrapunctus 2021-01-14 01:35:08 +05:30
parent da8e940daa
commit 32a04ece59

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@ -446,11 +446,6 @@ This function always returns t, so it can be used in `chronometrist-before-out-f
This function always returns t, so it can be used in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
(setq chronometrist--skip-detail-prompts nil) t)
;; 1. Putting `chronometrist-tags-hydra' in a hook results in the succeeding hook
;; functions also being run, without waiting for the user to
;; provide input to the Hydra :\
;; 1. rename `chronometrist-tags-history' to `chronometrist-tag-history' for consistency
;; 2. suggest key combinations for task, instead of individual keys
@ -462,104 +457,93 @@ This function always returns t, so it can be used in `chronometrist-before-out-f
;; 3. select a combination and edit it
;; * use universal argument?
;; 4. Multiple values for a key
;; key combinations
;; either
;; either this (multiple selections)
;; 0-9 - select combination (save in var) (don't exit)
;; use selection (and exit)
;; edit selection (then exit)
;; skip (exit)
;; or (fewer keystrokes)
;; or this (fewer keystrokes)
;; 0-9 - use combination (and exit)
;; C-z 0-9 - edit combination (then exit)
;; skip (exit)
;; individual keys
;; 0-9 - select keys (toggles) (save in var)
;; use selection
;; edit selection
;; skip
(defmacro chronometrist-key-values-make-hydra-prompt (key type)
"Make a Hydra offering TYPE history for KEY.
TYPE should be either :tag, :key, or :value; correspondingly, KEY
should be a hash table key in `chronometrist-tags-history',
`chronometrist-key-history', or `chronometrist-value-history'.
;; [x] we want C-g to quit, and universal arg to work...
Depending on TYPE, the resulting Hydra is called either
`chronometrist-tags-hydra',`chronometrist-key-hydra', or
(let* ((table (case type (:tag chronometrist-tags-history)
(:key chronometrist-key-history)
(:value chronometrist-value-history)))
(typestr (case type (:tag "tags") (:key "key") (:value "value")))
(history (-take 5 (gethash key table))))
(cl-loop with num = 1 for item in history collect
(list (format "%s" num)
`(lambda ()
(chronometrist-plist-update (chronometrist-sexp-last)
(quote ,(case type
(:tag (list :tags item))
(t item))))))
(format "%s" item)) into heads
;; How is the keymap we define being used by `read-key-sequence'?
;; Subsume `chronometrist-choice' into `chronometrist-choice-define-commands'? Or we'll have
;; to pass suggestions twice...
(defun chronometrist-choice-command-name (i)
(make-symbol (format "chronometrist-choice-%s" i)))
(defmacro chronometrist-choice-define-commands (key type)
"TYPE can be one of :tag, :key, or :value."
(let* ((table (case type
(:tag chronometrist-tags-history)
(:key chronometrist-key-history)
(:value chronometrist-value-history)))
(seq (-take 10 (gethash key table))))
(cl-loop with num = 0
for elt in seq
do (incf num)
if (= num 10) do (setq num 0)
`(defun ,(chronometrist-choice-command-name num) ()
(interactive "P")
,(case type
(:tag (list :tags elt))
(t elt))))) into forms
finally do
(defhydra ,(make-symbol (format "chronometrist-%s-hydra" typestr))
(:color blue)
,(format "Which %s?" typestr)
("o" chronometrist-tags-add ,(format "other %s" typestr))
("s" ? "skip")))))))
`(progn ,@forms)))))
;; Stick these in the before/after in/out hooks
(defun chronometrist-tags-hydra (task)
(chronometrist-tags-history-populate task chronometrist-tags-history chronometrist-file)
(if (hash-table-empty-p chronometrist-tags-history)
(chronometrist-key-values-make-hydra-prompt task :tag)
(defun chronometrist-key-values-hydra (task)
(chronometrist-key-history-populate task chronometrist-key-history chronometrist-file)
(if (hash-table-empty-p chronometrist-key-history)
(chronometrist-key-values-make-hydra-prompt task :key)
;; How do we get the selected key(s) from the previous Hydra?
(chronometrist-key-values-make-hydra-prompt key :value)
(defun choice (prompt alist)
(let* ((text (cl-loop with index = 1
with sep = ", "
with len = (length alist)
for cell in alist
when (= index len) do
(setq sep ".")
collect (format "[%s]: %s%s" (car cell) (cdr cell) sep) into hints
do (incf index)
finally (cl-return (apply #'concat prompt ": " hints))))
(input (read-key-sequence (propertize text 'face 'minibuffer-prompt)))
(match (alist-get input alist nil nil #'equal)))
(if match match nil)))
(defun chronometrist-choice (prompt seq)
"Query user with PROMPT to choose an element of SEQ.
Each element corresponds to a numeric key (0-9). See
`chronometrist-choice-define-commands' for creating the commands
called by this function."
(let* (text
(map (aprog1 (make-sparse-keymap)
(set-keymap-parent it (current-global-map))
(cl-loop with num = 0
with sep = ", "
for elt in seq
do (incf num)
if (= num 10) do (setq num 0 sep ".")
do (define-key it
(kbd (format "%s" num))
(chronometrist-choice-command-name num))
collect (format "[%s]: %s%s" num elt sep) into hints
finally do
(setq text
(propertize (apply #'concat prompt ": " hints)
'face 'minibuffer-prompt)))))
(key (read-key-sequence text))
(cmd (lookup-key map key)))
(command-execute cmd)
;; cmd
(defun chronometrist-tags-choice (task)
"Query user for tags to be added to TASK.
Return t, to permit use in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
(chronometrist-tags-history-populate task chronometrist-tags-history chronometrist-file)
(if (hash-table-empty-p chronometrist-tags-history)
(let* ((tag-choices (-take 9 (gethash task chronometrist-tags-history)))
(key-tag-alist (cl-loop with num = 1
for item in tag-choices
collect (cons (format "%s" num) item)
do (incf num)))
(selection (choice "Which tags?" key-tag-alist)))
(chronometrist-plist-update (chronometrist-sexp-last) (list :tags selection)))))
(chronometrist-choice-define-commands task :tag)
(chronometrist-choice "Which tags?" choices))
(provide 'chronometrist-key-values)