Add key-value presets

Inspired by the Android application "My Expenses" by Michael
This commit is contained in:
contrapunctus 2022-02-23 20:47:46 +05:30
parent 3d2bc8149e
commit 7334be5743
3 changed files with 105 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## unreleased
### Added
1. `chronometrist-third`, an extension to add support for the [Third Time]( system.
2. New custom variable `chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist`, to define completion suggestions in advance.
3. New custom variable `chronometrist-key-value-use-database-history`, to control whether database history is used for key-value suggestions.
## [0.10.0] - 2022-02-15
### Changed

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@ -192,6 +192,29 @@ used in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
"Add key-values to Chronometrist time intervals."
:group 'chronometrist)
(defcustom chronometrist-key-value-use-database-history t
"If non-nil, use database to generate key-value suggestions.
If nil, only `chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist' is used."
:type 'boolean
:group 'chronometrist-key-value)
(defcustom chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist nil
"Alist of key-value suggestions for `chronometrist-key-value' prompts.
Each element must be in the form (\"TASK\" <KEYWORD> <VALUE> ...)"
(string :tag "Task name")
(repeat :tag "Property preset"
(plist :tag "Property"
;; :key-type 'keyword :value-type 'sexp
:group 'chronometrist-key-values)
(defun chronometrist-key-value-get-presets (task)
"Return presets for TASK from `chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist' as a list of plists."
(alist-get task chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist nil nil #'equal))
(defcustom chronometrist-kv-buffer-name "*Chronometrist-Key-Values*"
"Name of buffer in which key-values are entered."
:group 'chronometrist-key-values
@ -404,30 +427,34 @@ used in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
["Change tags and key-values for active/last interval"
(cl-defun chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt (&optional (task (plist-get (chronometrist-latest-record (chronometrist-active-backend)) :name)))
(cl-defun chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt
(&optional (task (plist-get (chronometrist-latest-record (chronometrist-active-backend)) :name)))
"Query user for tags and key-values to be added for TASK.
Return t, to permit use in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
(let* ((backend (chronometrist-active-backend))
(presets (chronometrist-key-value-get-presets task))
(cl-loop for plist in (chronometrist-to-list backend)
when (equal (plist-get plist :name) task)
(let ((plist (chronometrist-plist-remove plist :name :start :stop)))
(when plist (format "%S" plist)))
into key-value-plists
finally return
(--> (seq-filter #'identity key-value-plists)
(cl-remove-duplicates it :test #'equal :from-end t))))
(when chronometrist-key-value-use-database-history
(cl-loop for plist in (chronometrist-to-list backend)
when (equal (plist-get plist :name) task)
(let ((plist (chronometrist-plist-remove plist :name :start :stop)))
(when plist (format "%S" plist)))
into key-value-plists
finally return
(--> (seq-filter #'identity key-value-plists)
(cl-remove-duplicates it :test #'equal :from-end t)))))
(latest (chronometrist-latest-record backend)))
(if (null key-values)
(if (and (null presets) (null key-values))
(progn (chronometrist-tags-add) (chronometrist-kv-add))
(read (completing-read (format "Key-values for %s: " task)
key-values nil nil nil 'chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt-history))))))
(let* ((candidates (append presets key-values))
(input (completing-read
(format "Key-values for %s: " task)
candidates nil nil nil 'chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt-history)))
(chronometrist-replace-last backend
(chronometrist-plist-update latest
(read input))))))
(provide 'chronometrist-key-values)

View File

@ -330,6 +330,39 @@ used in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
"Add key-values to Chronometrist time intervals."
:group 'chronometrist)
*** use-database-history :custom:variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defcustom chronometrist-key-value-use-database-history t
"If non-nil, use database to generate key-value suggestions.
If nil, only `chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist' is used."
:type 'boolean
:group 'chronometrist-key-value)
*** preset-alist :custom:variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defcustom chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist nil
"Alist of key-value suggestions for `chronometrist-key-value' prompts.
Each element must be in the form (\"TASK\" <KEYWORD> <VALUE> ...)"
(string :tag "Task name")
(repeat :tag "Property preset"
(plist :tag "Property"
;; :key-type 'keyword :value-type 'sexp
:group 'chronometrist-key-values)
**** get-presets
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-key-value-get-presets (task)
"Return presets for TASK from `chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist' as a list of plists."
(alist-get task chronometrist-key-value-preset-alist nil nil #'equal))
*** kv-buffer-name :custom:variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defcustom chronometrist-kv-buffer-name "*Chronometrist-Key-Values*"
@ -337,6 +370,7 @@ used in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
:group 'chronometrist-key-values
:type 'string)
*** key-history :variable:
:VALUE: hash table
@ -707,34 +741,39 @@ Return t, to permit use in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
:CUSTOM_ID: unified-prompt
1. [ ] Improve appearance - is there an easy way to syntax highlight the plists?
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(cl-defun chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt (&optional (task (plist-get (chronometrist-latest-record (chronometrist-active-backend)) :name)))
(cl-defun chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt
(&optional (task (plist-get (chronometrist-latest-record (chronometrist-active-backend)) :name)))
"Query user for tags and key-values to be added for TASK.
Return t, to permit use in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
(let* ((backend (chronometrist-active-backend))
(presets (chronometrist-key-value-get-presets task))
(cl-loop for plist in (chronometrist-to-list backend)
when (equal (plist-get plist :name) task)
(let ((plist (chronometrist-plist-remove plist :name :start :stop)))
(when plist (format "%S" plist)))
into key-value-plists
finally return
(--> (seq-filter #'identity key-value-plists)
(cl-remove-duplicates it :test #'equal :from-end t))))
(when chronometrist-key-value-use-database-history
(cl-loop for plist in (chronometrist-to-list backend)
when (equal (plist-get plist :name) task)
(let ((plist (chronometrist-plist-remove plist :name :start :stop)))
(when plist (format "%S" plist)))
into key-value-plists
finally return
(--> (seq-filter #'identity key-value-plists)
(cl-remove-duplicates it :test #'equal :from-end t)))))
(latest (chronometrist-latest-record backend)))
(if (null key-values)
(if (and (null presets) (null key-values))
(progn (chronometrist-tags-add) (chronometrist-kv-add))
(read (completing-read (format "Key-values for %s: " task)
key-values nil nil nil 'chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt-history))))))
(let* ((candidates (append presets key-values))
(input (completing-read
(format "Key-values for %s: " task)
candidates nil nil nil 'chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt-history)))
(chronometrist-replace-last backend
(chronometrist-plist-update latest
(read input))))))
* Provide
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(provide 'chronometrist-key-values)
@ -743,5 +782,6 @@ Return t, to permit use in `chronometrist-before-out-functions'."
* Local variables :noexport:
# Local Variables:
# my-org-src-default-lang: "emacs-lisp"
# eval: (when (package-installed-p 'literate-elisp) (require 'literate-elisp) (literate-elisp-load (buffer-file-name)))
# End: