Fix failing tests

This commit is contained in:
contrapunctus 2021-09-06 01:01:42 +05:30
parent 3e7c41c9f7
commit d673f00e5a
2 changed files with 61 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ last s-expression.
REST-START and REST-END represent the start of the file and the
end of the second-last s-expression.")
(defun chronometrist-file-hash (&optional start end hash)
(defun chronometrist-file-hash (file &optional start end hash)
"Calculate hash of `chronometrist-file' between START and END.
START can be
a number or marker,
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ Return (START END) if HASH is nil, else (START END HASH).
Return a list in the form (A B HASH), where A and B are markers
in `chronometrist-file' describing the region for which HASH was calculated."
(chronometrist-sexp-in-file chronometrist-file
(chronometrist-sexp-in-file file
(let* ((start (cond ((number-or-marker-p start) start)
((eq :before-last start)
(goto-char (point-max))
@ -630,8 +630,8 @@ in `chronometrist-file' describing the region for which HASH was calculated."
(funcall position)))
(ignore-errors (read (current-buffer)))))
(defun chronometrist-file-change-type (state)
"Determine the type of change made to `chronometrist-file'.
(defun chronometrist-file-change-type (file state)
"Determine the type of change made to FILE.
STATE must be a plist. (see `chronometrist--file-state')
@ -646,9 +646,9 @@ Return
(last-expr-file (chronometrist-read-from last-start))
(last-expr-ht (chronometrist-events-last))
(last-same-p (equal last-expr-ht last-expr-file))
(file-new-length (chronometrist-sexp-in-file chronometrist-file (point-max)))
(file-new-length (chronometrist-sexp-in-file file (point-max)))
(rest-same-p (unless (< file-new-length rest-end)
(--> (chronometrist-file-hash rest-start rest-end t)
(--> (chronometrist-file-hash file rest-start rest-end t)
(cl-third it)
(equal rest-hash it)))))
;; (message "chronometrist - last-start\nlast-expr-file - %S\nlast-expr-ht - %S"
@ -1277,9 +1277,10 @@ Re-read `chronometrist-file', update `chronometrist-events', and
refresh the `chronometrist' buffer."
(run-hooks 'chronometrist-file-change-hook)
;; (message "chronometrist - file %s" fs-event)
(-let* (((descriptor action _ _) fs-event)
(-let* ((file (chronometrist-backend-file (chronometrist-active-backend)))
((descriptor action _ _) fs-event)
(change (when chronometrist--file-state
(chronometrist-file-change-type chronometrist--file-state)))
(chronometrist-file-change-type file chronometrist--file-state)))
(reset-watch (or (eq action 'deleted)
(eq action 'renamed))))
;; (message "chronometrist - file change type is %s" change)
@ -1318,8 +1319,8 @@ refresh the `chronometrist' buffer."
(puthash date it chronometrist-events))))
((pred null) nil)))))
(setq chronometrist--file-state
(list :last (chronometrist-file-hash :before-last nil)
:rest (chronometrist-file-hash nil :before-last t)))
(list :last (chronometrist-file-hash file :before-last nil)
:rest (chronometrist-file-hash file nil :before-last t)))
;; REVIEW - can we move most/all of this to the `chronometrist-file-change-hook'?

View File

@ -1063,12 +1063,36 @@ The reasons I like this format are -
:header-args: :tangle chronometrist-tests.el
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :load test
1. [X] finding the test input file
* =buffer-file-name= returns nil when Emacs is run in batch mode; I've tried using =(concat (or (ignore-errors (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))) default-directory) "test.sexp")=, but that resulted in ="~/.emacs.d/test.sexp"= being used instead, for some reason.
* maybe we can store the test file contents in a string instead, and create a temporary test file using =make-temp-file=?
Boilerplate for updating state between file operations in tests.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :load test :tangle chronometrist-tests.el
(defmacro chronometrist-tests--change-type-and-update (state file)
`(prog1 (chronometrist-file-change-type ,state)
(setq ,state
(list :last (chronometrist-file-hash ,file :before-last nil)
:rest (chronometrist-file-hash ,file nil :before-last t)))))
**** backend :class:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defclass chronometrist-plist-backend (chronometrist-elisp-sexp-backend) ())
(add-to-list 'chronometrist-backends-alist
`(:plist "Store records as plists."
,(make-instance 'chronometrist-plist-backend
:path chronometrist-file
:ext "plist")))
***** tests
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :load test :tangle chronometrist-tests.el
(defvar chronometrist-plist-test-backend
(make-instance 'chronometrist-plist-backend
:file (make-temp-file "chronometrist-plist-test-" nil ".sexp")))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect)
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect (chronometrist-backend-file chronometrist-plist-test-backend))
(lambda (plist)
;; to use this, we'd have to move `chronometrist-plist-pp' before this
@ -1126,28 +1150,6 @@ The reasons I like this format are -
:stop "2020-05-10T17:10:48+0530"))))
1. [X] finding the test input file
* =buffer-file-name= returns nil when Emacs is run in batch mode; I've tried using =(concat (or (ignore-errors (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))) default-directory) "test.sexp")=, but that resulted in ="~/.emacs.d/test.sexp"= being used instead, for some reason.
* maybe we can store the test file contents in a string instead, and create a temporary test file using =make-temp-file=?
Boilerplate for updating state between file operations in tests.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :load test
(defmacro chronometrist-tests--change-type-and-update (state)
`(prog1 (chronometrist-file-change-type ,state)
(setq ,state
(list :last (chronometrist-file-hash :before-last nil)
:rest (chronometrist-file-hash nil :before-last t)))))
**** backend :class:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defclass chronometrist-plist-backend (chronometrist-backend) ())
(add-to-list 'chronometrist-backends-alist
`(:plist "Store records as plists."
,(make-instance 'chronometrist-plist-backend
:path chronometrist-file
:ext "plist")))
**** pretty-print-function :custom:variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defcustom chronometrist-sexp-pretty-print-function #'chronometrist-plist-pp
@ -1320,7 +1322,7 @@ This is meant to be run in `chronometrist-file' when using the s-expression back
***** tests
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle chronometrist-tests.el :load test
(ert-deftest task-list ()
(let ((task-list (chronometrist-list-tasks backend)))
(let ((task-list (chronometrist-list-tasks chronometrist-plist-test-backend)))
(should (listp task-list))
(should (seq-every-p #'stringp task-list))))
@ -1350,7 +1352,7 @@ end of the second-last s-expression.")
**** file-hash :reader:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-file-hash (&optional start end hash)
(defun chronometrist-file-hash (file &optional start end hash)
"Calculate hash of `chronometrist-file' between START and END.
START can be
a number or marker,
@ -1366,7 +1368,7 @@ Return (START END) if HASH is nil, else (START END HASH).
Return a list in the form (A B HASH), where A and B are markers
in `chronometrist-file' describing the region for which HASH was calculated."
(chronometrist-sexp-in-file chronometrist-file
(chronometrist-sexp-in-file file
(let* ((start (cond ((number-or-marker-p start) start)
((eq :before-last start)
(goto-char (point-max))
@ -1389,13 +1391,12 @@ in `chronometrist-file' describing the region for which HASH was calculated."
***** tests
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle chronometrist-tests.el :load test
(ert-deftest file-hash ()
(-let* ((chronometrist-file chronometrist-test-file)
(-let* ((file (chronometrist-backend-file chronometrist-plist-test-backend))
((last-start last-end)
(chronometrist-file-hash :before-last nil))
(chronometrist-file-hash file :before-last nil))
((rest-start rest-end rest-hash)
(chronometrist-file-hash nil :before-last t)))
(message "chronometrist - file-hash test - file path is %s"
(chronometrist-file-hash file nil :before-last t)))
(message "chronometrist - file-hash test - file path is %s" file)
(should (= 1 rest-start))
(should (= 1254 rest-end))
(should (= 1256 last-start))
@ -1428,8 +1429,8 @@ Possible states
5. t - rest changed
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-file-change-type (state)
"Determine the type of change made to `chronometrist-file'.
(defun chronometrist-file-change-type (file state)
"Determine the type of change made to FILE.
STATE must be a plist. (see `chronometrist--file-state')
@ -1444,9 +1445,9 @@ Return
(last-expr-file (chronometrist-read-from last-start))
(last-expr-ht (chronometrist-events-last))
(last-same-p (equal last-expr-ht last-expr-file))
(file-new-length (chronometrist-sexp-in-file chronometrist-file (point-max)))
(file-new-length (chronometrist-sexp-in-file file (point-max)))
(rest-same-p (unless (< file-new-length rest-end)
(--> (chronometrist-file-hash rest-start rest-end t)
(--> (chronometrist-file-hash file rest-start rest-end t)
(cl-third it)
(equal rest-hash it)))))
;; (message "chronometrist - last-start\nlast-expr-file - %S\nlast-expr-ht - %S"
@ -1468,18 +1469,19 @@ Return
***** tests
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle chronometrist-tests.el :load test
(ert-deftest chronometrist-file-change-type ()
(let* ((test-contents (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect
(chronometrist-backend-file chronometrist-plist-test-backend))
(let* ((file (chronometrist-backend-file chronometrist-plist-test-backend))
(test-contents (with-current-buffer
(find-file-noselect file)
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
(chronometrist--file-state-old chronometrist--file-state)
(chronometrist--file-state (list :last (chronometrist-file-hash :before-last nil)
:rest (chronometrist-file-hash nil :before-last t)))
(chronometrist--file-state (list :last (chronometrist-file-hash file :before-last nil)
:rest (chronometrist-file-hash file nil :before-last t)))
(chronometrist-events-old chronometrist-events))
(eq nil (chronometrist-file-change-type chronometrist--file-state)))
(eq nil (chronometrist-file-change-type file chronometrist--file-state)))
(eq :append
@ -2404,9 +2406,10 @@ Re-read `chronometrist-file', update `chronometrist-events', and
refresh the `chronometrist' buffer."
(run-hooks 'chronometrist-file-change-hook)
;; (message "chronometrist - file %s" fs-event)
(-let* (((descriptor action _ _) fs-event)
(-let* ((file (chronometrist-backend-file (chronometrist-active-backend)))
((descriptor action _ _) fs-event)
(change (when chronometrist--file-state
(chronometrist-file-change-type chronometrist--file-state)))
(chronometrist-file-change-type file chronometrist--file-state)))
(reset-watch (or (eq action 'deleted)
(eq action 'renamed))))
;; (message "chronometrist - file change type is %s" change)
@ -2445,8 +2448,8 @@ refresh the `chronometrist' buffer."
(puthash date it chronometrist-events))))
((pred null) nil)))))
(setq chronometrist--file-state
(list :last (chronometrist-file-hash :before-last nil)
:rest (chronometrist-file-hash nil :before-last t)))
(list :last (chronometrist-file-hash file :before-last nil)
:rest (chronometrist-file-hash file nil :before-last t)))
;; REVIEW - can we move most/all of this to the `chronometrist-file-change-hook'?
@ -3403,9 +3406,9 @@ LIST is either tags (a list of symbols) or a plist."
(should (equal (chronometrist-details-rows-helper nil) ""))
(should (equal (chronometrist-details-rows-helper nil) ""))
(should (equal (chronometrist-details-rows-helper tags)
"a b c"))
"a, b, c"))
(should (equal (chronometrist-details-rows-helper plist)
"1 2 3")))))
"1, 2, 3")))))
**** row-transformers :extension:variable: