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This repository has been archived on 2022-05-13. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

17 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
contrapunctus 5ce2aca5a8 Merge branch 'doc' into details-view 2021-07-06 03:46:52 +05:30
contrapunctus 661369188e feat(details): create new buffer for each range 2021-07-05 13:31:56 +05:30
contrapunctus 224a7fec3f cleanup: remove iso-date-to-ts, rename iso-timestamp-to-ts -> iso-to-ts 2021-07-03 10:59:22 +05:30
contrapunctus 26e3dd5c5d feat(details): implement timestamp ranges 2021-07-03 10:51:36 +05:30
contrapunctus 7976b53d91 fix(details): flatten key-values, remove keywords 2021-07-03 06:20:10 +05:30
contrapunctus 1931e88c85 feat(details): support begin/end in ranges 2021-07-03 00:23:56 +05:30
contrapunctus 883f813615 Merge branch 'doc' into details-view 2021-07-01 07:29:13 +05:30
contrapunctus 0f68ab4f38 feat(details): add more menu items 2021-07-01 07:24:58 +05:30
contrapunctus f7f2349004 fix(details): set history variables 2021-07-01 07:24:26 +05:30
contrapunctus c5d4c33057 doc(details): update CHANGELOG 2021-06-28 07:51:10 +05:30
contrapunctus a04ca1fd28 fix(details): correct error 2021-06-28 07:50:19 +05:30
contrapunctus cc77b18797 fix(details): use read-from-minibuffer for filter 2021-06-28 06:53:35 +05:30
contrapunctus fd468a9ed5 feat(details): implement filter; refactor `rows` 2021-06-28 06:08:45 +05:30
contrapunctus 5adf3f3901 doc: update CHANGELOG 2021-06-27 22:28:11 +05:30
contrapunctus b774700450 feat(details): create prompt, menu 2021-06-27 22:24:37 +05:30
contrapunctus c4b94be941 feat(details): implement custom ranges 2021-06-27 22:24:28 +05:30
contrapunctus 9f8e455e01 feat(details): create state variables for custom ranges and filters 2021-06-27 20:57:38 +05:30
4 changed files with 491 additions and 93 deletions

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@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [unreleased]
### Added
1. New commands `chronometrist-restart-task`, `chronometrist-extend-task`
2. Menus for `chronometrist` and `chronometrist-key-values`
2. Menus for `chronometrist`, `chronometrist-key-values`, and `chronometrist-details`
3. Custom ranges and filters for `chronometrist-details`. See command `chronometrist-details-set-range` and `chronometrist-details-set-filter`.
### Changed
3. Display graph ranges in `chronometrist-spark` column
4. `chronometrist-tags-add` and `chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt` now also work interactively.
4. Display graph ranges in `chronometrist-spark` column
5. `chronometrist-tags-add` and `chronometrist-key-values-unified-prompt` now also work interactively.
## [0.8.1] - 2021-06-01
### Changed

View File

@ -623,16 +623,18 @@ list of tasks, one day, durations and graphs
list of tasks, one week, durations only
*** statistics
list of tasks, one week/month/year [fn:1]
*** details (intervals for a day) [0%]
*** details (intervals for a day) [25%]
list of intervals, one day [fn:1]
+ [-] commands [50%]
1. [X] set [task/key-value] filter [fn:2]
2. [X] set range
1. implement timestamp ranges (e.g. =2021-06-01T12:00+05:30= to =2021-07-03T00:10:29+0530=)
3. [ ] previous/next day
4. [ ] set duration format
+ [ ] with =spark= - vertical sparkline for each interval
+ [ ] non-tabular text [fn:3]
+ [ ] when range is a pair with the =car= or the =cdr= being blank, set the respective date to the earliest (if =car= is blank) or the latest (if =cdr= is blank) date available.
+ [X] when range is a pair with the =car= or the =cdr= being blank, set the start/stop date to the earliest/latest date available.
* not possible with =completing-read-multiple=, which removes blank strings; the simplest solution was to allow "begin"/"end" as inputs.
** New frontends I want
*** task-key-values

View File

@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ EVENTS must be a list of valid Chronometrist property lists (see
Return 0 if EVENTS is nil."
(if events
(cl-loop for plist in events collect
(let* ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts
(let* ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts
(plist-get plist :start)))
(stop-iso (plist-get plist :stop))
;; Add a stop time if it does not exist.
(stop-ts (if stop-iso
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts stop-iso)
(chronometrist-iso-to-ts stop-iso)
(ts-diff stop-ts start-ts)))
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ TIMESTAMP must be a time string in the ISO-8601 format.
Return value is a ts struct (see `ts.el')."
(-let [(h m s) (mapcar #'string-to-number (split-string time ":"))]
(ts-apply :hour h :minute m :second s
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts timestamp))))
(chronometrist-iso-to-ts timestamp))))
(defun chronometrist-events-maybe-split (event)
"Split EVENT if it spans midnight.
@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ were none."
"Add PLIST to the end of `chronometrist-events'.
If REPLACE is non-nil, replace the last event with PLIST."
(let* ((date (->> (plist-get plist :start)
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts )
(chronometrist-iso-to-ts )
(ts-format "%F" )))
(events-today (gethash date chronometrist-events)))
(--> (if replace (-drop-last 1 events-today) events-today)
@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ treated as though their time is 00:00:00."
(start (chronometrist-date start))
(end (chronometrist-date end)))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(when (ts-in start end (chronometrist-iso-date-to-ts key))
(when (ts-in start end (chronometrist-iso-to-ts key))
(puthash key value subset)))
@ -867,9 +867,10 @@ unchanged."
;; The only interval for TASK is the last expression
(setq chronometrist-task-list (remove task chronometrist-task-list)))))
(defun chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts (timestamp)
(defun chronometrist-iso-to-ts (timestamp)
"Convert TIMESTAMP to a TS struct. (see `ts.el')
TIMESTAMP must be the ISO-8601 format, as handled by `parse-iso8601-time-string'."
TIMESTAMP must be an ISO-8601 timestamp, as handled by
(-let [(second minute hour day month year dow _dst utcoff)
(parse-iso8601-time-string timestamp))]
@ -878,15 +879,6 @@ TIMESTAMP must be the ISO-8601 format, as handled by `parse-iso8601-time-string'
:day day :month month :year year
:dow dow :tz-offset utcoff))))
(defun chronometrist-iso-date-to-ts (date)
"Return a ts struct (see `ts.el') representing DATE.
DATE should be an ISO-8601 date string (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")."
(-let [(year month day) (mapcar #'string-to-number
(split-string date "-"))]
(make-ts :hour 0 :minute 0 :second 0
:day day :month month :year year))))
(cl-defun chronometrist-date (&optional (ts (ts-now)))
"Return a ts struct representing the time 00:00:00 on today's date.
If TS is supplied, use that date instead of today.
@ -918,8 +910,8 @@ Return a list in the form
;; time-zone-spanning events
;; The time on which the first provided day starts (according to `chronometrist-day-start-time')
(let* ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts start-time))
(stop-ts (chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts stop-time))
(let* ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts start-time))
(stop-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts stop-time))
(first-day-start (chronometrist-apply-time day-start-time start-time))
(next-day-start (ts-adjust 'hour 24 first-day-start)))
;; Does the event stop time exceed the next day start time?
@ -1762,7 +1754,7 @@ TABLE should be a hash table - if not supplied,
with events-in-day
for date being the hash-keys of table
when (setq events-in-day
(chronometrist-task-events-in-day task (chronometrist-iso-date-to-ts date)))
(chronometrist-task-events-in-day task (chronometrist-iso-to-ts date)))
do (cl-incf days) and
(-reduce #'+ (chronometrist-events-to-durations events-in-day))
@ -1962,10 +1954,15 @@ If ARG is a numeric argument, go forward that many times."
"Details buffer for the `chronometrist' time tracker."
:group 'chronometrist)
(defcustom chronometrist-details-buffer-name "*chronometrist-details*"
(defcustom chronometrist-details-buffer-name-base "chronometrist-details"
"Name of buffer created by `chronometrist-details'."
:type 'string)
(defun chronometrist-details-buffer-name (&optional suffix)
(if suffix
(format "*%s_%s*" chronometrist-details-buffer-name-base suffix)
(format "*%s*" chronometrist-details-buffer-name-base)))
(defcustom chronometrist-details-display-tags "%s"
"How to display tags in `chronometrist-details' buffers.
Value can be
@ -2028,9 +2025,11 @@ LIST is either tags (a list of symbols) or a plist."
(if (and contents custom)
(pcase custom
((pred stringp)
(lambda (elt) (format custom elt))
contents " "))
(--> (flatten-list contents)
(seq-remove #'keywordp it)
(lambda (elt) (format custom elt))
it ", ")))
((pred functionp)
(funcall custom list)))
@ -2047,25 +2046,26 @@ using `chronometrist-details-schema-transformers'.")
"Return rows to be displayed in the `chronometrist-details' buffer.
Return value is a list as specified by `tabulated-list-entries'."
(cl-loop with index = 1
for plist in (gethash (chronometrist-events-last-date) chronometrist-events) collect
for plist in (chronometrist-details-intervals chronometrist-details-range chronometrist-details-filter chronometrist-events)
(-let* (((&plist :name name :tags tags :start start :stop stop) plist)
;; whether tags or key-values are actually displayed is handled later
(tags (chronometrist-details-rows-helper tags))
(key-values (chronometrist-details-rows-helper plist))
;; resetting seconds with `ts-apply' is necessary to
;; prevent situations like "1 hour from 00:08 to 01:09"
(start (ts-apply :second 0
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts start)))
(stop (ts-apply :second 0
(if stop
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts stop)
(start (ts-apply :second 0 (chronometrist-iso-to-ts start)))
(stop (ts-apply :second 0 (if stop
(chronometrist-iso-to-ts stop)
(interval (floor (ts-diff stop start)))
(index-string (format "%s" index))
(duration (chronometrist-format-duration-long interval))
(timespan (format "from %s to %s"
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string start)
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string stop))))
(timespan (format "from %s to %s"
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string
(--> (vconcat (vector index-string name)
(when chronometrist-details-display-tags (vector tags))
(when chronometrist-details-display-key-values (vector key-values))
@ -2074,6 +2074,24 @@ Return value is a list as specified by `tabulated-list-entries'."
(chronometrist-run-transformers chronometrist-details-row-transformers it)))
do (cl-incf index)))
(defvar chronometrist-details-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "s r") #'chronometrist-details-set-range)
(define-key map (kbd "s f") #'chronometrist-details-set-filter)
(define-key map (kbd "r") #'chronometrist-report)
(define-key map (kbd "l") #'chronometrist-open-log)
(define-key map (kbd "G") #'chronometrist-reset)
(easy-menu-define chronometrist-details-menu chronometrist-details-mode-map
"Menu for `chronometrist-details'."
["Set date/time range" chronometrist-details-set-range]
["Set interval filter" chronometrist-details-set-filter]
["View weekly report" chronometrist-report]
["View/edit log file" chronometrist-open-log]
["Reset state" chronometrist-reset]))
(define-derived-mode chronometrist-details-mode tabulated-list-mode "Details"
"Major mode for `chronometrist-details'."
(make-local-variable 'tabulated-list-format)
@ -2085,16 +2103,170 @@ Return value is a list as specified by `tabulated-list-entries'."
(run-hooks 'chronometrist-mode-hook))
(defun chronometrist-details-setup-buffer (buffer-or-name)
"Enable `chronometrist-details-mode' in BUFFER-OR-NAME and switch to it.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must be an existing buffer."
(with-current-buffer buffer-or-name
(switch-to-buffer buffer-or-name)
(defun chronometrist-details ()
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create chronometrist-details-buffer-name))
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create (chronometrist-details-buffer-name)))
(window (save-excursion
(get-buffer-window chronometrist-details-buffer-name t))))
(cond (window (kill-buffer chronometrist-details-buffer-name))
(t (with-current-buffer buffer
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(get-buffer-window buffer t))))
(cond (window (kill-buffer buffer))
(t (chronometrist-details-setup-buffer buffer)))))
(defvar chronometrist-details-range nil
"Time range for intervals displayed by `chronometrist-details'.
Values can be one of -
nil - no range. Display all intervals for today.
An ISO date string - display intervals for this date.
A cons cell in the form (BEGIN . END), where BEGIN and END are
ISO date strings (inclusive) or date-time strings (\"BEGIN\"
inclusive, \"END\" exclusive) - display intervals in this
(make-variable-buffer-local 'chronometrist-details-range)
(defun chronometrist-iso-date-p (string)
(rx (and string-start
(>= 1 num) "-" (= 2 num) "-" (= 2 num)
(defun chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range (range table)
"Return intervals for RANGE from TABLE.
RANGE must be a time range as specified by `chronometrist-details-range'.
TABLE must be a hash table similar to `chronometrist-events'."
(pcase range
(gethash (format-time-string "%F") table))
((pred stringp)
(gethash range table))
(`(,begin . ,end)
;; `chronometrist-iso-to-ts' also accepts ISO dates
(let ((begin-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts begin))
(end-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts end)))
(if (and (chronometrist-iso-date-p begin) (chronometrist-iso-date-p end))
(cl-loop while (not (ts> begin-ts end-ts))
append (gethash (ts-format "%F" begin-ts) table)
do (ts-adjustf begin-ts 'day 1))
(cl-loop while (not (ts> begin-ts end-ts))
(cl-loop for plist in (gethash (ts-format "%F" begin-ts) table)
(let ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts (plist-get plist :start)))
(stop-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts (plist-get plist :stop))))
(and (ts>= start-ts begin-ts)
(ts<= stop-ts end-ts)))
collect plist)
do (ts-adjustf begin-ts 'day 1)))))))
;; (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range nil chronometrist-events)
;; (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range "2021-06-01" chronometrist-events)
;; (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range '("2021-06-01" . "2021-06-03") chronometrist-events)
;; (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range '("2021-06-02T01:00+05:30" . "2021-06-02T03:00+05:30") chronometrist-events)
(defun chronometrist-details-input-to-value (input)
(pcase input
('nil nil)
(`(,date) date)
(`(,begin ,end)
(let* ((date-p (seq-find #'chronometrist-iso-date-p input))
(begin-date (car (hash-table-keys chronometrist-events)))
(begin-iso-ts (ts-format
"%FT%T%z" (chronometrist-iso-to-ts begin-date)))
(end-date (car (last (hash-table-keys chronometrist-events))))
(end-iso-ts (chronometrist-format-time-iso8601))
(begin (if (equal begin "begin")
(if date-p begin-date begin-iso-ts)
(end (if (equal end "end")
(if date-p end-date end-iso-ts)
(cons begin end)))
(_ (error "Unsupported range."))))
(defun chronometrist-details-set-range ()
"Prompt user for range for current `chronometrist-details' buffer."
(let* ((input (completing-read-multiple
(concat "Range (blank, ISO-8601 date, "
"or two ISO-8601 dates/timestamps): ")
(append '("begin" "end")
(reverse (hash-table-keys chronometrist-events)))
nil nil (pcase chronometrist-details-range
('nil nil)
((pred stringp)
(format "%s" chronometrist-details-range))
(`(,begin . ,end)
(format "%s,%s" begin end)))
(new-value (chronometrist-details-input-to-value input))
(buffer-name (pcase new-value
(chronometrist-details-buffer-name date))
(`(,begin . ,end)
(chronometrist-details-buffer-name (format "%s_%s" begin end))))))
(chronometrist-details-setup-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name))
(with-current-buffer buffer-name
(setq-local chronometrist-details-range new-value)
(defvar chronometrist-details-filter nil
"Parameters to filter intervals displayed by `chronometrist-details'.
Values can be one of -
nil - no filter. Display all intervals in the given time range.
A list of keywords - display intervals containing all given keywords.
A plist - display intervals containing all given keyword-values.
A predicate of one argument (the interval plist) - display all
intervals for which the predicate returns non-nil.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'chronometrist-details-filter)
(defun chronometrist-details-filter-match-p (plist filter)
"Return PLIST if it matches FILTER.
FILTER must be a filter specifier as described by
(cond ((null filter) plist)
((seq-every-p #'keywordp filter)
(when (--every-p (plist-get plist it) filter)
((chronometrist-plist-p filter)
(when (cl-loop for (keyword value) on filter by #'cddr
always (equal (plist-get plist keyword) value))
((functionp filter)
(when (funcall filter plist) plist))
(t (error "Invalid filter."))))
(defun chronometrist-details-set-filter ()
"Prompt user for filter for current `chronometrist-details' buffer."
(let* ((input (read-from-minibuffer
(concat "Filter (blank, a list of keywords, "
"a plist, or a predicate): ")
nil nil nil 'chronometrist-details-filter-history
(pcase chronometrist-details-filter
('nil "")
((pred consp) (format "%S" chronometrist-details-filter)))))
(sexp (ignore-errors (read input))))
(cond ((equal input "") (setq-local chronometrist-details-filter nil))
((consp sexp) (setq-local chronometrist-details-filter sexp))
(_ (error "Unsupported filter.")))
(defun chronometrist-details-intervals (range filter table)
"Return plists matching RANGE and FILTER from TABLE.
For values of RANGE, see `chronometrist-details-range'. For
values of FILTER, see `chronometrist-details-filter'. TABLE must
be a hash table similar to `chronometrist-events'."
(cl-loop for plist in (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range range table)
when (chronometrist-details-filter-match-p plist filter)
collect plist))
(provide 'chronometrist)

View File

@ -475,12 +475,12 @@ EVENTS must be a list of valid Chronometrist property lists (see
Return 0 if EVENTS is nil."
(if events
(cl-loop for plist in events collect
(let* ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts
(let* ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts
(plist-get plist :start)))
(stop-iso (plist-get plist :stop))
;; Add a stop time if it does not exist.
(stop-ts (if stop-iso
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts stop-iso)
(chronometrist-iso-to-ts stop-iso)
(ts-diff stop-ts start-ts)))
@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ The data from =chronometrist-events= is used by most (all?) interval-consuming f
(setq chronometrist--file-state nil)
*** chronometrist-events :variable:
*** chronometrist-events :variable:
:VALUE: hash table
@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ TIMESTAMP must be a time string in the ISO-8601 format.
Return value is a ts struct (see `ts.el')."
(-let [(h m s) (mapcar #'string-to-number (split-string time ":"))]
(ts-apply :hour h :minute m :second s
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts timestamp))))
(chronometrist-iso-to-ts timestamp))))
**** tests
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle chronometrist-tests.el :load test
@ -1609,7 +1609,7 @@ were none."
"Add PLIST to the end of `chronometrist-events'.
If REPLACE is non-nil, replace the last event with PLIST."
(let* ((date (->> (plist-get plist :start)
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts )
(chronometrist-iso-to-ts )
(ts-format "%F" )))
(events-today (gethash date chronometrist-events)))
(--> (if replace (-drop-last 1 events-today) events-today)
@ -1635,6 +1635,7 @@ If REPLACE is non-nil, replace the last event with PLIST."
*** events-subset :reader:
:VALUE: hash table
:CUSTOM_ID: program-data-structures-events-subset
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-events-subset (start end)
@ -1648,7 +1649,7 @@ treated as though their time is 00:00:00."
(start (chronometrist-date start))
(end (chronometrist-date end)))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(when (ts-in start end (chronometrist-iso-date-to-ts key))
(when (ts-in start end (chronometrist-iso-to-ts key))
(puthash key value subset)))
@ -1760,11 +1761,12 @@ unchanged."
(setq chronometrist-task-list (remove task chronometrist-task-list)))))
** Time functions
*** iso-timestamp-to-ts :function:
*** iso-to-ts :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts (timestamp)
(defun chronometrist-iso-to-ts (timestamp)
"Convert TIMESTAMP to a TS struct. (see `ts.el')
TIMESTAMP must be the ISO-8601 format, as handled by `parse-iso8601-time-string'."
TIMESTAMP must be an ISO-8601 timestamp, as handled by
(-let [(second minute hour day month year dow _dst utcoff)
(parse-iso8601-time-string timestamp))]
@ -1772,17 +1774,18 @@ TIMESTAMP must be the ISO-8601 format, as handled by `parse-iso8601-time-string'
(make-ts :hour hour :minute minute :second second
:day day :month month :year year
:dow dow :tz-offset utcoff))))
*** iso-date-to-ts :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-iso-date-to-ts (date)
"Return a ts struct (see `ts.el') representing DATE.
DATE should be an ISO-8601 date string (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")."
(-let [(year month day) (mapcar #'string-to-number
(split-string date "-"))]
(make-ts :hour 0 :minute 0 :second 0
:day day :month month :year year))))
**** tests
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle chronometrist-tests.el :load test
(ert-deftest chronometrist-iso-to-ts ()
(should (ts= (chronometrist-iso-to-ts "2021-01-01")
(make-ts :year 2021 :month 1 :day 1
:hour 0 :minute 0 :second 0)))
(should (ts= (chronometrist-iso-to-ts "2021-01-01T01:01:01")
(make-ts :year 2021 :month 1 :day 1
:hour 1 :minute 1 :second 1))))
*** date :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -1823,8 +1826,8 @@ Return a list in the form
;; time-zone-spanning events
;; The time on which the first provided day starts (according to `chronometrist-day-start-time')
(let* ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts start-time))
(stop-ts (chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts stop-time))
(let* ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts start-time))
(stop-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts stop-time))
(first-day-start (chronometrist-apply-time day-start-time start-time))
(next-day-start (ts-adjust 'hour 24 first-day-start)))
;; Does the event stop time exceed the next day start time?
@ -2099,7 +2102,7 @@ Return the value returned by Fₙ."
See `tabulated-list-format'."
:type '(vector))
**** chronometrist-mode-hook :hook:normal:
**** chronometrist-mode-hook :hook:normal:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar chronometrist-mode-hook nil
"Normal hook run at the very end of `chronometrist-mode'.")
@ -2314,7 +2317,7 @@ refresh the `chronometrist' buffer."
**** chronometrist-in :command:
**** chronometrist-in :command:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-in (task &optional _prefix)
"Clock in to TASK; record current time in `chronometrist-file'.
@ -2324,7 +2327,7 @@ TASK is the name of the task, a string. PREFIX is ignored."
(chronometrist-sexp-new plist)
**** chronometrist-out :command:
**** chronometrist-out :command:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-out (&optional _prefix)
"Record current moment as stop time to last s-exp in `chronometrist-file'.
@ -2892,7 +2895,7 @@ TABLE should be a hash table - if not supplied,
with events-in-day
for date being the hash-keys of table
when (setq events-in-day
(chronometrist-task-events-in-day task (chronometrist-iso-date-to-ts date)))
(chronometrist-task-events-in-day task (chronometrist-iso-to-ts date)))
do (cl-incf days) and
(-reduce #'+ (chronometrist-events-to-durations events-in-day))
@ -3125,14 +3128,22 @@ If ARG is a numeric argument, go forward that many times."
:group 'chronometrist)
**** buffer-name :custom:variable:
**** buffer-name-base :custom:variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defcustom chronometrist-details-buffer-name "*chronometrist-details*"
(defcustom chronometrist-details-buffer-name-base "chronometrist-details"
"Name of buffer created by `chronometrist-details'."
:type 'string)
**** buffer-name :reader:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details-buffer-name (&optional suffix)
(if suffix
(format "*%s_%s*" chronometrist-details-buffer-name-base suffix)
(format "*%s*" chronometrist-details-buffer-name-base)))
**** display-tags :custom:variable:
If the value of this variable is a function and the string it returns contains a newline, the results may be undesirable...but hardly unrecoverable, so try it and see, if you wish.
@ -3220,9 +3231,11 @@ LIST is either tags (a list of symbols) or a plist."
(if (and contents custom)
(pcase custom
((pred stringp)
(lambda (elt) (format custom elt))
contents " "))
(--> (flatten-list contents)
(seq-remove #'keywordp it)
(lambda (elt) (format custom elt))
it ", ")))
((pred functionp)
(funcall custom list)))
@ -3264,25 +3277,26 @@ using `chronometrist-details-schema-transformers'.")
"Return rows to be displayed in the `chronometrist-details' buffer.
Return value is a list as specified by `tabulated-list-entries'."
(cl-loop with index = 1
for plist in (gethash (chronometrist-events-last-date) chronometrist-events) collect
for plist in (chronometrist-details-intervals chronometrist-details-range chronometrist-details-filter chronometrist-events)
(-let* (((&plist :name name :tags tags :start start :stop stop) plist)
;; whether tags or key-values are actually displayed is handled later
(tags (chronometrist-details-rows-helper tags))
(key-values (chronometrist-details-rows-helper plist))
;; resetting seconds with `ts-apply' is necessary to
;; prevent situations like "1 hour from 00:08 to 01:09"
(start (ts-apply :second 0
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts start)))
(stop (ts-apply :second 0
(if stop
(chronometrist-iso-timestamp-to-ts stop)
(start (ts-apply :second 0 (chronometrist-iso-to-ts start)))
(stop (ts-apply :second 0 (if stop
(chronometrist-iso-to-ts stop)
(interval (floor (ts-diff stop start)))
(index-string (format "%s" index))
(duration (chronometrist-format-duration-long interval))
(timespan (format "from %s to %s"
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string start)
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string stop))))
(timespan (format "from %s to %s"
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string
(--> (vconcat (vector index-string name)
(when chronometrist-details-display-tags (vector tags))
(when chronometrist-details-display-key-values (vector key-values))
@ -3292,6 +3306,29 @@ Return value is a list as specified by `tabulated-list-entries'."
do (cl-incf index)))
**** map :keymap:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar chronometrist-details-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "s r") #'chronometrist-details-set-range)
(define-key map (kbd "s f") #'chronometrist-details-set-filter)
(define-key map (kbd "r") #'chronometrist-report)
(define-key map (kbd "l") #'chronometrist-open-log)
(define-key map (kbd "G") #'chronometrist-reset)
**** chronometrist-details-menu :menu:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(easy-menu-define chronometrist-details-menu chronometrist-details-mode-map
"Menu for `chronometrist-details'."
["Set date/time range" chronometrist-details-set-range]
["Set interval filter" chronometrist-details-set-filter]
["View weekly report" chronometrist-report]
["View/edit log file" chronometrist-open-log]
["Reset state" chronometrist-reset]))
**** chronometrist-details-mode :major:mode:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(define-derived-mode chronometrist-details-mode tabulated-list-mode "Details"
@ -3306,20 +3343,206 @@ Return value is a list as specified by `tabulated-list-entries'."
(run-hooks 'chronometrist-mode-hook))
**** chronometrist-details :command:
**** details-setup-buffer :procedure:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details-setup-buffer (buffer-or-name)
"Enable `chronometrist-details-mode' in BUFFER-OR-NAME and switch to it.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must be an existing buffer."
(with-current-buffer buffer-or-name
(switch-to-buffer buffer-or-name)
**** chronometrist-details :command:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details ()
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create chronometrist-details-buffer-name))
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create (chronometrist-details-buffer-name)))
(window (save-excursion
(get-buffer-window chronometrist-details-buffer-name t))))
(cond (window (kill-buffer chronometrist-details-buffer-name))
(t (with-current-buffer buffer
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(get-buffer-window buffer t))))
(cond (window (kill-buffer buffer))
(t (chronometrist-details-setup-buffer buffer)))))
**** range :variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar chronometrist-details-range nil
"Time range for intervals displayed by `chronometrist-details'.
Values can be one of -
nil - no range. Display all intervals for today.
An ISO date string - display intervals for this date.
A cons cell in the form (BEGIN . END), where BEGIN and END are
ISO date strings (inclusive) or date-time strings (\"BEGIN\"
inclusive, \"END\" exclusive) - display intervals in this
(make-variable-buffer-local 'chronometrist-details-range)
**** iso-date-p :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-iso-date-p (string)
(rx (and string-start
(>= 1 num) "-" (= 2 num) "-" (= 2 num)
**** intervals-for-range :reader:
This is basically like [[#program-data-structures-events-subset][chronometrist-events-subset]], but returns a list instead of a hash table. Might replace one with the other in the future.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range (range table)
"Return intervals for RANGE from TABLE.
RANGE must be a time range as specified by `chronometrist-details-range'.
TABLE must be a hash table similar to `chronometrist-events'."
(pcase range
(gethash (format-time-string "%F") table))
((pred stringp)
(gethash range table))
(`(,begin . ,end)
;; `chronometrist-iso-to-ts' also accepts ISO dates
(let ((begin-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts begin))
(end-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts end)))
(if (and (chronometrist-iso-date-p begin) (chronometrist-iso-date-p end))
(cl-loop while (not (ts> begin-ts end-ts))
append (gethash (ts-format "%F" begin-ts) table)
do (ts-adjustf begin-ts 'day 1))
(cl-loop while (not (ts> begin-ts end-ts))
(cl-loop for plist in (gethash (ts-format "%F" begin-ts) table)
(let ((start-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts (plist-get plist :start)))
(stop-ts (chronometrist-iso-to-ts (plist-get plist :stop))))
(and (ts>= start-ts begin-ts)
(ts<= stop-ts end-ts)))
collect plist)
do (ts-adjustf begin-ts 'day 1)))))))
;; (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range nil chronometrist-events)
;; (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range "2021-06-01" chronometrist-events)
;; (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range '("2021-06-01" . "2021-06-03") chronometrist-events)
;; (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range '("2021-06-02T01:00+05:30" . "2021-06-02T03:00+05:30") chronometrist-events)
**** input-to-value :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details-input-to-value (input)
(pcase input
('nil nil)
(`(,date) date)
(`(,begin ,end)
(let* ((date-p (seq-find #'chronometrist-iso-date-p input))
(begin-date (car (hash-table-keys chronometrist-events)))
(begin-iso-ts (ts-format
"%FT%T%z" (chronometrist-iso-to-ts begin-date)))
(end-date (car (last (hash-table-keys chronometrist-events))))
(end-iso-ts (chronometrist-format-time-iso8601))
(begin (if (equal begin "begin")
(if date-p begin-date begin-iso-ts)
(end (if (equal end "end")
(if date-p end-date end-iso-ts)
(cons begin end)))
(_ (error "Unsupported range."))))
**** set-range :command:writer:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details-set-range ()
"Prompt user for range for current `chronometrist-details' buffer."
(let* ((input (completing-read-multiple
(concat "Range (blank, ISO-8601 date, "
"or two ISO-8601 dates/timestamps): ")
(append '("begin" "end")
(reverse (hash-table-keys chronometrist-events)))
nil nil (pcase chronometrist-details-range
('nil nil)
((pred stringp)
(format "%s" chronometrist-details-range))
(`(,begin . ,end)
(format "%s,%s" begin end)))
(new-value (chronometrist-details-input-to-value input))
(buffer-name (pcase new-value
(chronometrist-details-buffer-name date))
(`(,begin . ,end)
(chronometrist-details-buffer-name (format "%s_%s" begin end))))))
(chronometrist-details-setup-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name))
(with-current-buffer buffer-name
(setq-local chronometrist-details-range new-value)
**** filter :variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar chronometrist-details-filter nil
"Parameters to filter intervals displayed by `chronometrist-details'.
Values can be one of -
nil - no filter. Display all intervals in the given time range.
A list of keywords - display intervals containing all given keywords.
A plist - display intervals containing all given keyword-values.
A predicate of one argument (the interval plist) - display all
intervals for which the predicate returns non-nil.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'chronometrist-details-filter)
**** filter-match-p :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details-filter-match-p (plist filter)
"Return PLIST if it matches FILTER.
FILTER must be a filter specifier as described by
(cond ((null filter) plist)
((seq-every-p #'keywordp filter)
(when (--every-p (plist-get plist it) filter)
((chronometrist-plist-p filter)
(when (cl-loop for (keyword value) on filter by #'cddr
always (equal (plist-get plist keyword) value))
((functionp filter)
(when (funcall filter plist) plist))
(t (error "Invalid filter."))))
**** set-filter :command:writer:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details-set-filter ()
"Prompt user for filter for current `chronometrist-details' buffer."
(let* ((input (read-from-minibuffer
(concat "Filter (blank, a list of keywords, "
"a plist, or a predicate): ")
nil nil nil 'chronometrist-details-filter-history
(pcase chronometrist-details-filter
('nil "")
((pred consp) (format "%S" chronometrist-details-filter)))))
(sexp (ignore-errors (read input))))
(cond ((equal input "") (setq-local chronometrist-details-filter nil))
((consp sexp) (setq-local chronometrist-details-filter sexp))
(_ (error "Unsupported filter.")))
**** intervals :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-details-intervals (range filter table)
"Return plists matching RANGE and FILTER from TABLE.
For values of RANGE, see `chronometrist-details-range'. For
values of FILTER, see `chronometrist-details-filter'. TABLE must
be a hash table similar to `chronometrist-events'."
(cl-loop for plist in (chronometrist-details-intervals-for-range range table)
when (chronometrist-details-filter-match-p plist filter)
collect plist))
** Provide
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(provide 'chronometrist)