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This repository has been archived on 2022-05-13. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
contrapunctus 6f183f83d7 [feat] resurrect -format-duration as -format-duration-default
add support for procedure values to -duration-formats and -format-duration
2021-08-11 16:03:41 +05:30
contrapunctus dd46ffe8ac [feat] make durations in details view customizable 2021-08-08 01:38:17 +05:30
contrapunctus 6648b146f9 [feat] (WIP) make durations for report customizable 2021-08-08 01:38:17 +05:30
contrapunctus 5076f52088 [fix] total time spacing 2021-08-03 06:55:28 +05:30
contrapunctus d692453472 [feat] add separate duration format for total time 2021-08-03 00:36:55 +05:30
contrapunctus 69a7dfd1fc [feat] (WIP) use format-seconds; make duration formats customizable 2021-08-03 00:36:55 +05:30
2 changed files with 169 additions and 118 deletions

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@ -80,23 +80,60 @@ file.")
"Return the name of the currently clocked-in task, or nil if not clocked in."
(cl-defun chronometrist-format-duration (seconds &optional (blank (make-string 3 ?\s)))
"Format SECONDS as a string suitable for display in Chronometrist buffers.
(defcustom chronometrist-duration-formats
`((chronometrist chronometrist-format-duration-default
,(concat (make-string 7 ?\s) "-"))
(chronometrist-total chronometrist-format-duration-default
,(concat (make-string 6 ?\s) "-"))
(report chronometrist-format-duration-default
,(concat (make-string 5 ?\s) "-"))
(report-total chronometrist-format-duration-default
,(format "% 5s " "-"))
(details "%h:%.2m:%z%.2s"))
"List specifying duration formats.
Each element must be in the form
FIELD should be a symbol unique to this list.
FORMAT-STRING should be a string acceptable to `format-seconds',
or a procedure of two arguments (SECONDS and BLANK-STRING)
returning such a string.
BLANK-STRING should be a string to be used if the given duration
is zero.")
(defun chronometrist-format-duration (seconds &optional field)
"Format SECONDS as a duration string.
SECONDS must be a positive integer.
BLANK is a string to display in place of blank values. If not
supplied, 3 spaces are used."
(-let [(h m s) (chronometrist-seconds-to-hms seconds)]
(if (and (zerop h) (zerop m) (zerop s))
(concat (make-string 7 ?\s) "-")
(let ((h (if (zerop h) blank (format "%2d:" h)))
(m (cond ((and (zerop h) (zerop m)) blank)
((zerop h) (format "%2d:" m))
(t (format "%02d:" m))))
(s (if (and (zerop h) (zerop m))
(format "%2d" s)
(format "%02d" s))))
(concat h m s)))))
The format is specified by `chronometrist-duration-formats'.
FIELD, if supplied, must be a symbol used to identify entries in
the same."
(-let [(format-string blank-string)
(alist-get (or field 'chronometrist)
(cond ((and (zerop seconds) blank-string)
((stringp format-string)
(format-seconds format-string seconds))
((functionp format-string)
(funcall format-string seconds)))))
(defun chronometrist-format-duration-default (seconds)
(-let* (((h m s) (chronometrist-seconds-to-hms seconds))
(blank (make-string 3 ?\s)))
(let ((h (if (zerop h) blank (format "%2d:" h)))
(m (cond ((and (zerop h) (zerop m))
((zerop h)
(format "%2d:" m))
(t (format "%02d:" m))))
(s (if (and (zerop h) (zerop m))
(format "%2d" s)
(format "%02d" s))))
(concat h m s))))
(defun chronometrist-common-file-empty-p (file)
"Return t if FILE is empty."
@ -938,23 +975,6 @@ EVENT should be a plist (see `chronometrist-file')."
(time-subtract (parse-iso8601-time-string stop)
(parse-iso8601-time-string start))))
(defun chronometrist-format-duration-long (seconds)
"Return SECONDS as a human-friendly duration string.
e.g. \"2 hours, 10 minutes\". SECONDS must be an integer. If
SECONDS is less than 60, return a blank string."
(let* ((hours (/ seconds 60 60))
(minutes (% (/ seconds 60) 60))
(hour-string (if (= 1 hours) "hour" "hours"))
(minute-string (if (= 1 minutes) "minute" "minutes")))
(cond ((and (zerop hours) (zerop minutes)) "")
((zerop hours)
(format "%s %s" minutes minute-string))
((zerop minutes)
(format "%s %s" hours hour-string))
(t (format "%s %s, %s %s"
hours hour-string
minutes minute-string)))))
(defcustom chronometrist-update-interval 5
"How often the `chronometrist' buffer should be updated, in seconds.
@ -1072,7 +1092,10 @@ Return the value returned by Fₙ."
(defcustom chronometrist-schema
'[("#" 3 t) ("Task" 25 t) ("Time" 10 t) ("Active" 10 t)]
'[("#" 3 t)
("Task" 25 t)
("Time" 10 t :right-align t)
("Active" 10 t :right-align t)]
"Vector specifying schema of `chronometrist' buffer.
See `tabulated-list-format'."
:type '(vector))
@ -1168,11 +1191,12 @@ is the name of the task to be clocked out of."
(defun chronometrist-print-non-tabular ()
"Print the non-tabular part of the buffer in `chronometrist'."
(with-current-buffer chronometrist-buffer-name
(let ((inhibit-read-only t) (w "\n "))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(w "\n "))
(goto-char (point-max))
(--> (chronometrist-active-time-one-day)
(chronometrist-format-duration it)
(format "%s%- 26s%s" w "Total" it)
(chronometrist-format-duration it 'chronometrist-total)
(format "%s%- 29s%s" w "Total" it)
(insert it)))))
(defun chronometrist-goto-nth-task (n)
@ -1532,6 +1556,20 @@ The first date is the first occurrence of
(defcustom chronometrist-report-schema
'[("Task" 25 t)
("Sunday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Monday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Tuesday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Wednesday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Thursday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Friday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Saturday" 10 t :right-align t :pad-right 5)
("Total" 12 t :right-align t)]
"Vector specifying schema of `chronometrist-report' buffer.
See `tabulated-list-format'."
:type '(vector))
(defun chronometrist-report-rows ()
"Return rows to be displayed in the `chronometrist-report' buffer."
@ -1541,10 +1579,11 @@ The first date is the first occurrence of
for task in chronometrist-task-list collect
(let* ((durations (--map (chronometrist-task-time-one-day task (chronometrist-date it))
(duration-strings (mapcar #'chronometrist-format-duration durations))
(total-duration (->> (-reduce #'+ durations)
(duration-strings (--map (chronometrist-format-duration it 'report)
(total-duration (--> (-reduce #'+ durations)
(chronometrist-format-duration it 'report)
(vector it))))
(list task
(vector task)
@ -1631,15 +1670,7 @@ Argument _FS-EVENT is ignored."
(define-derived-mode chronometrist-report-mode tabulated-list-mode "Chronometrist-Report"
"Major mode for `chronometrist-report'."
(make-local-variable 'tabulated-list-format)
(setq tabulated-list-format [("Task" 25 t)
("Sunday" 10 t)
("Monday" 10 t)
("Tuesday" 10 t)
("Wednesday" 10 t)
("Thursday" 10 t)
("Friday" 10 t)
("Saturday" 10 t :pad-right 5)
("Total" 12 t)])
(setq tabulated-list-format chronometrist-report-schema)
(make-local-variable 'tabulated-list-entries)
(setq tabulated-list-entries 'chronometrist-report-rows)
(make-local-variable 'tabulated-list-sort-key)
@ -2062,7 +2093,7 @@ Return value is a list as specified by `tabulated-list-entries'."
(interval (floor (ts-diff stop start)))
(index-string (format "%s" index))
(duration (chronometrist-format-duration-long interval))
(duration (chronometrist-format-duration interval 'details))
(timespan (format "from %s to %s"
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string

View File

@ -425,25 +425,67 @@ file.")
"Return the name of the currently clocked-in task, or nil if not clocked in."
*** format-time :function:
*** duration-formats :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(cl-defun chronometrist-format-duration (seconds &optional (blank (make-string 3 ?\s)))
"Format SECONDS as a string suitable for display in Chronometrist buffers.
(defcustom chronometrist-duration-formats
`((chronometrist chronometrist-format-duration-default
,(concat (make-string 7 ?\s) "-"))
(chronometrist-total chronometrist-format-duration-default
,(concat (make-string 6 ?\s) "-"))
(report chronometrist-format-duration-default
,(concat (make-string 5 ?\s) "-"))
(report-total chronometrist-format-duration-default
,(format "% 5s " "-"))
(details "%h:%.2m:%z%.2s"))
"List specifying duration formats.
Each element must be in the form
FIELD should be a symbol unique to this list.
FORMAT-STRING should be a string acceptable to `format-seconds',
or a procedure of two arguments (SECONDS and BLANK-STRING)
returning such a string.
BLANK-STRING should be a string to be used if the given duration
is zero.")
*** format-duration :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-format-duration (seconds &optional field)
"Format SECONDS as a duration string.
SECONDS must be a positive integer.
BLANK is a string to display in place of blank values. If not
supplied, 3 spaces are used."
(-let [(h m s) (chronometrist-seconds-to-hms seconds)]
(if (and (zerop h) (zerop m) (zerop s))
(concat (make-string 7 ?\s) "-")
(let ((h (if (zerop h) blank (format "%2d:" h)))
(m (cond ((and (zerop h) (zerop m)) blank)
((zerop h) (format "%2d:" m))
(t (format "%02d:" m))))
(s (if (and (zerop h) (zerop m))
(format "%2d" s)
(format "%02d" s))))
(concat h m s)))))
The format is specified by `chronometrist-duration-formats'.
FIELD, if supplied, must be a symbol used to identify entries in
the same."
(-let [(format-string blank-string)
(alist-get (or field 'chronometrist)
(cond ((and (zerop seconds) blank-string)
((stringp format-string)
(format-seconds format-string seconds))
((functionp format-string)
(funcall format-string seconds)))))
*** format-duration-default :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-format-duration-default (seconds)
(-let* (((h m s) (chronometrist-seconds-to-hms seconds))
(blank (make-string 3 ?\s)))
(let ((h (if (zerop h) blank (format "%2d:" h)))
(m (cond ((and (zerop h) (zerop m))
((zerop h)
(format "%2d:" m))
(t (format "%02d:" m))))
(s (if (and (zerop h) (zerop m))
(format "%2d" s)
(format "%02d" s))))
(concat h m s))))
*** file-empty-p :reader:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -1886,40 +1928,6 @@ EVENT should be a plist (see `chronometrist-file')."
(time-subtract (parse-iso8601-time-string stop)
(parse-iso8601-time-string start))))
*** format-duration-long :function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-format-duration-long (seconds)
"Return SECONDS as a human-friendly duration string.
e.g. \"2 hours, 10 minutes\". SECONDS must be an integer. If
SECONDS is less than 60, return a blank string."
(let* ((hours (/ seconds 60 60))
(minutes (% (/ seconds 60) 60))
(hour-string (if (= 1 hours) "hour" "hours"))
(minute-string (if (= 1 minutes) "minute" "minutes")))
(cond ((and (zerop hours) (zerop minutes)) "")
((zerop hours)
(format "%s %s" minutes minute-string))
((zerop minutes)
(format "%s %s" hours hour-string))
(t (format "%s %s, %s %s"
hours hour-string
minutes minute-string)))))
**** tests
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle ../tests/chronometrist-tests.el :load test
(ert-deftest chronometrist-format-duration-long ()
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 5) ""))
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 65) "1 minute"))
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 125) "2 minutes"))
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 3605) "1 hour"))
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 3660) "1 hour, 1 minute"))
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 3725) "1 hour, 2 minutes"))
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 7200) "2 hours"))
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 7260) "2 hours, 1 minute"))
(should (equal (chronometrist-format-duration-long 7320) "2 hours, 2 minutes")))
** Timer
Instead of the Emacs convention of pressing ~g~ to update, we keep buffers updated with a timer.
@ -2097,7 +2105,10 @@ Return the value returned by Fₙ."
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defcustom chronometrist-schema
'[("#" 3 t) ("Task" 25 t) ("Time" 10 t) ("Active" 10 t)]
'[("#" 3 t)
("Task" 25 t)
("Time" 10 t :right-align t)
("Active" 10 t :right-align t)]
"Vector specifying schema of `chronometrist' buffer.
See `tabulated-list-format'."
:type '(vector))
@ -2217,11 +2228,11 @@ is the name of the task to be clocked out of."
(defun chronometrist-print-non-tabular ()
"Print the non-tabular part of the buffer in `chronometrist'."
(with-current-buffer chronometrist-buffer-name
(let ((inhibit-read-only t) (w "\n "))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(goto-char (point-max))
(--> (chronometrist-active-time-one-day)
(chronometrist-format-duration it)
(format "%s%- 26s%s" w "Total" it)
(chronometrist-format-duration it 'chronometrist-total)
(format "\n%s%- 29s% 7s" (make-string 4 ?\s) "Total" it)
(insert it)))))
**** goto-nth-task :procedure:
@ -2638,6 +2649,22 @@ The first date is the first occurrence of
**** schema :custom:variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defcustom chronometrist-report-schema
'[("Task" 25 t)
("Sunday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Monday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Tuesday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Wednesday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Thursday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Friday" 10 t :right-align t)
("Saturday" 10 t :right-align t :pad-right 5)
("Total" 12 t :right-align t)]
"Vector specifying schema of `chronometrist-report' buffer.
See `tabulated-list-format'."
:type '(vector))
**** rows :procedure:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-report-rows ()
@ -2649,10 +2676,11 @@ The first date is the first occurrence of
for task in chronometrist-task-list collect
(let* ((durations (--map (chronometrist-task-time-one-day task (chronometrist-date it))
(duration-strings (mapcar #'chronometrist-format-duration durations))
(total-duration (->> (-reduce #'+ durations)
(duration-strings (--map (chronometrist-format-duration it 'report)
(total-duration (--> (-reduce #'+ durations)
(chronometrist-format-duration it 'report)
(vector it))))
(list task
(vector task)
@ -2753,15 +2781,7 @@ Argument _FS-EVENT is ignored."
(define-derived-mode chronometrist-report-mode tabulated-list-mode "Chronometrist-Report"
"Major mode for `chronometrist-report'."
(make-local-variable 'tabulated-list-format)
(setq tabulated-list-format [("Task" 25 t)
("Sunday" 10 t)
("Monday" 10 t)
("Tuesday" 10 t)
("Wednesday" 10 t)
("Thursday" 10 t)
("Friday" 10 t)
("Saturday" 10 t :pad-right 5)
("Total" 12 t)])
(setq tabulated-list-format chronometrist-report-schema)
(make-local-variable 'tabulated-list-entries)
(setq tabulated-list-entries 'chronometrist-report-rows)
(make-local-variable 'tabulated-list-sort-key)
@ -3293,7 +3313,7 @@ Return value is a list as specified by `tabulated-list-entries'."
(interval (floor (ts-diff stop start)))
(index-string (format "%s" index))
(duration (chronometrist-format-duration-long interval))
(duration (chronometrist-format-duration interval 'details))
(timespan (format "from %s to %s"
(ts-format chronometrist-details-time-format-string