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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
contrapunctus d33c1d0609 Implement record-incomplete check, extensible verification framework 2022-01-12 02:57:18 +05:30
contrapunctus 806894fc5a Create verify command 2022-01-11 18:27:11 +05:30
contrapunctus 4418bb647a Rename verify to verify-backend 2022-01-11 18:26:40 +05:30
3 changed files with 198 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -835,14 +835,24 @@ Command to delete the interval currently being recorded. (bind to 'k')
** fix handling of tagged alist group values :bug:
** put each list element on its own line if length of list exceeds fill-column :feature:
* verify command [20%] :feature:
* verify command [33%] :feature:
1. [X] Iterate over errors
2. [ ] Next/previous error
3. [ ] Quit iteration
4. [ ] Action to fix errors
With different checks, for different levels of speed/thoroughness -
1. [X] (plist group) Sequence of plist group dates
2. [ ] Check that every record (except the last) has a =:stop=
3. [ ] Intersecting timestamps
4. [ ] Sequence of records
5. [ ] (plist group) Midnight spanning interval check (first and last intervals)
6. [ ] (plist group) Check that plist timestamps have the correct date. Only applicable [[dates-in-timestamps][as long as they have a date.]]
2. [X] Check that every record (except the last) has a =:stop=
3. [ ] Check that every record's =:stop= is greater than or equal to the last one's =:start=
4. [ ] (plist group) Midnight spanning interval check (first and last intervals)
5. [ ] (plist group) Check that plist timestamps have the correct date. Only applicable [[dates-in-timestamps][as long as they have a date.]]
There are two approaches I can think of -
1. an interactive Emacs command like =checkdoc=
2. CLI compiler/linter style - emit =<file>:<line>:<column>: <type>: <message>= (GCC-style) output; the user can jump to the error from =compilation-mode=
* Our command dispatches on a backend (CLOS/EIEIO) object; how is one supposed to pass that on the command line? I can think of a few ways (construct an object on the command line, or use the one defined in =chronometrist-backends-alist=), but they are all painful :\
* I don't see a tool like this being used on the command line to begin with...
* format changes
** multiple intervals per record :feature:

View File

@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ backend file).")
;; on-change:1 ends here
;; [[*verify][verify:1]]
(cl-defgeneric chronometrist-verify (backend)
(cl-defgeneric chronometrist-verify-backend (backend)
"Check BACKEND for errors in data.
Return nil if no errors are found.
@ -1037,9 +1037,12 @@ hash table values must be in chronological order.")
;; setup-file-watch:1 ends here
;; [[*edit-backend][edit-backend:1]]
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-edit-backend ((backend chronometrist-file-backend-mixin))
(find-file-other-window (chronometrist-backend-file backend))
(goto-char (point-max)))
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-edit-backend ((backend chronometrist-file-backend-mixin) &key position)
(with-slots (file) backend
(let ((buffer (find-file-noselect file)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (or position (point-max))))
(pop-to-buffer buffer))))
;; edit-backend:1 ends here
;; [[*initialize-instance][initialize-instance:1]]
@ -1552,17 +1555,18 @@ This is meant to be run in `chronometrist-file' when using an s-expression backe
(defclass chronometrist-plist-group-backend (chronometrist-elisp-sexp-backend chronometrist-file-backend-mixin)
((extension :initform "plg"
:accessor chronometrist-backend-ext
:custom 'string)))
:custom 'string)
(verify-functions :initform '(chronometrist-verify-backend-group-order
:accessor chronometrist-backend-verify-functions-alist)))
:plist-group "Store records as plists grouped by date."
(make-instance 'chronometrist-plist-group-backend
:path chronometrist-file))
(chronometrist-register-backend :plist-group "Store records as plists grouped by date."
(make-instance 'chronometrist-plist-group-backend :path chronometrist-file))
;; backend:1 ends here
;; [[*backward-read-sexp][backward-read-sexp:1]]
(defun chronometrist-backward-read-sexp (buffer)
(save-excursion (read buffer)))
;; backward-read-sexp:1 ends here
@ -1770,24 +1774,81 @@ Return value is either a list in the form
;; on-remove:1 ends here
;; [[*verify][verify:1]]
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-verify ((backend chronometrist-plist-group-backend))
(with-slots (file hash-table) backend
;; incorrectly ordered groups check
(defclass chronometrist-verify-error ()
((format-string :initarg :format-string)
(format-args :initarg :format-args)
:initform nil
:initarg :error-location
:documentation "Position of error. For file backends, the value of `point'."))
:documentation "docstring")
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-verify-backend-group-order ((backend chronometrist-plist-group-backend))
"Check BACKEND for incorrectly-ordered groups.
Return a list of `chronometrist-verify-error' objects, or nil if
there were no errors."
(with-slots (file) backend
(chronometrist-loop-sexp-file for group in file
with old-date-iso with old-date-unix
with new-date-iso with new-date-unix
with last-plist
;; while (not (bobp))
do (setq new-date-iso (cl-first group)
new-date-unix (parse-iso8601-time-string new-date-iso))
when (and old-date-unix
(time-less-p old-date-unix
do (cl-return (format "%s appears before %s on line %s"
new-date-iso old-date-iso (line-number-at-pos)))
else do (setq old-date-iso new-date-iso
old-date-unix new-date-unix)
finally return "Yay, no errors! (...that I could find 💀)")))
with old-iso with old-unix with new-iso with new-unix ;; dates
do (setq new-iso (cl-first group)
new-unix (parse-iso8601-time-string new-iso))
when (and old-unix
(time-less-p old-unix new-unix))
(make-instance 'chronometrist-verify-error
:format-string "%S appears before %S"
:format-args (list new-iso old-iso)
:error-location (point))
do (setq old-iso new-iso
old-unix new-unix))))
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-verify-backend-record-incomplete ((backend chronometrist-plist-group-backend))
"Check if records in BACKEND are complete.
All records except the most recent one must have a :stop key.
Return a list of `chronometrist-verify-error' objects, or nil if
there were no errors."
(with-slots (file) backend
(chronometrist-sexp-in-file file
(goto-char (point-max))
(cl-loop with sexp with first = t
while (not (bobp))
;; do (message "position: %s" (point))
when (not sexp) do (down-list -1) ;; initial move
do (setq sexp (chronometrist-backward-read-sexp (current-buffer)))
;; moving between groups
when (stringp sexp)
do (up-list -1)
(unless (progn (backward-sexp) (bobp)) ;; termination check
(down-list -1))
else when (or (not (plist-get sexp :start))
(and (not first)
(or (not (plist-get sexp :start))
(not (plist-get sexp :stop)))))
(make-instance 'chronometrist-verify-error
:format-string "Plist does not contain :start and/or :stop - %S"
:format-args (list sexp)
:error-location (point))
when first do (setq first nil)))))
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-verify-backend ((backend chronometrist-plist-group-backend))
(with-slots (verify-functions) backend
(cl-loop for fn in verify-functions
when (funcall fn backend) append it)))
;; TODO - with prefix arg, prompt (`completing-read-multiple') to select tests to run
(defun chronometrist-verify ()
(let* ((backend (chronometrist-active-backend))
(errors (chronometrist-verify-backend backend)))
(if errors
(cl-loop for error in errors do
(with-slots (format-string format-args error-location) error
(chronometrist-edit-backend backend :position error-location)
(apply #'message format-string format-args)))
(message "Yay, no errors! (...that I could find 💀)"))))
;; verify:1 ends here
;; [[*latest-record][latest-record:1]]

View File

@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ The protocol as of now, with remarks -
15. =on-modify (backend)=
16. =on-remove (backend)=
17. =on-change (backend)=
18. =verify (backend)=
18. =verify-backend (backend)=
19. =on-file-path-change (backend old-path new-path)=
20. =reset-backend (backend)= - probably rename to "initialize"
21. =memory-layer-empty-p (backend)= - needs a more generic name; perhaps "initialized-p", to go with #20
@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@ backend file).")
***** verify :generic:function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(cl-defgeneric chronometrist-verify (backend)
(cl-defgeneric chronometrist-verify-backend (backend)
"Check BACKEND for errors in data.
Return nil if no errors are found.
@ -1683,9 +1683,12 @@ These can be implemented in terms of the minimal protocol above.
**** edit-backend :method:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-edit-backend ((backend chronometrist-file-backend-mixin))
(find-file-other-window (chronometrist-backend-file backend))
(goto-char (point-max)))
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-edit-backend ((backend chronometrist-file-backend-mixin) &key position)
(with-slots (file) backend
(let ((buffer (find-file-noselect file)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (or position (point-max))))
(pop-to-buffer buffer))))
**** initialize-instance :method:
@ -2457,18 +2460,19 @@ Concerns specific to the plist group backend -
(defclass chronometrist-plist-group-backend (chronometrist-elisp-sexp-backend chronometrist-file-backend-mixin)
((extension :initform "plg"
:accessor chronometrist-backend-ext
:custom 'string)))
:custom 'string)
(verify-functions :initform '(chronometrist-verify-backend-group-order
:accessor chronometrist-backend-verify-functions-alist)))
:plist-group "Store records as plists grouped by date."
(make-instance 'chronometrist-plist-group-backend
:path chronometrist-file))
(chronometrist-register-backend :plist-group "Store records as plists grouped by date."
(make-instance 'chronometrist-plist-group-backend :path chronometrist-file))
**** backward-read-sexp :reader:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun chronometrist-backward-read-sexp (buffer)
(save-excursion (read buffer)))
@ -2702,25 +2706,87 @@ Return value is either a list in the form
**** verify :reader:method:
1. Each =verify-function= checks the backend independently, each for a specific issue
2. =verify-backend= collects errors from =verify-functions=
3. =verify= walks through errors, displaying the error message based on the format-string and jumping to the position of each error
1. Use =edit-backend= to display the backend, rather than accessing slots. Extend =edit-backend= to take an optional =position= argument.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-verify ((backend chronometrist-plist-group-backend))
(with-slots (file hash-table) backend
;; incorrectly ordered groups check
(defclass chronometrist-verify-error ()
((format-string :initarg :format-string)
(format-args :initarg :format-args)
:initform nil
:initarg :error-location
:documentation "Position of error. For file backends, the value of `point'."))
:documentation "docstring")
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-verify-backend-group-order ((backend chronometrist-plist-group-backend))
"Check BACKEND for incorrectly-ordered groups.
Return a list of `chronometrist-verify-error' objects, or nil if
there were no errors."
(with-slots (file) backend
(chronometrist-loop-sexp-file for group in file
with old-date-iso with old-date-unix
with new-date-iso with new-date-unix
with last-plist
;; while (not (bobp))
do (setq new-date-iso (cl-first group)
new-date-unix (parse-iso8601-time-string new-date-iso))
when (and old-date-unix
(time-less-p old-date-unix
do (cl-return (format "%s appears before %s on line %s"
new-date-iso old-date-iso (line-number-at-pos)))
else do (setq old-date-iso new-date-iso
old-date-unix new-date-unix)
finally return "Yay, no errors! (...that I could find 💀)")))
with old-iso with old-unix with new-iso with new-unix ;; dates
do (setq new-iso (cl-first group)
new-unix (parse-iso8601-time-string new-iso))
when (and old-unix
(time-less-p old-unix new-unix))
(make-instance 'chronometrist-verify-error
:format-string "%S appears before %S"
:format-args (list new-iso old-iso)
:error-location (point))
do (setq old-iso new-iso
old-unix new-unix))))
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-verify-backend-record-incomplete ((backend chronometrist-plist-group-backend))
"Check if records in BACKEND are complete.
All records except the most recent one must have a :stop key.
Return a list of `chronometrist-verify-error' objects, or nil if
there were no errors."
(with-slots (file) backend
(chronometrist-sexp-in-file file
(goto-char (point-max))
(cl-loop with sexp with first = t
while (not (bobp))
;; do (message "position: %s" (point))
when (not sexp) do (down-list -1) ;; initial move
do (setq sexp (chronometrist-backward-read-sexp (current-buffer)))
;; moving between groups
when (stringp sexp)
do (up-list -1)
(unless (progn (backward-sexp) (bobp)) ;; termination check
(down-list -1))
else when (or (not (plist-get sexp :start))
(and (not first)
(or (not (plist-get sexp :start))
(not (plist-get sexp :stop)))))
(make-instance 'chronometrist-verify-error
:format-string "Plist does not contain :start and/or :stop - %S"
:format-args (list sexp)
:error-location (point))
when first do (setq first nil)))))
(cl-defmethod chronometrist-verify-backend ((backend chronometrist-plist-group-backend))
(with-slots (verify-functions) backend
(cl-loop for fn in verify-functions
when (funcall fn backend) append it)))
;; TODO - with prefix arg, prompt (`completing-read-multiple') to select tests to run
(defun chronometrist-verify ()
(let* ((backend (chronometrist-active-backend))
(errors (chronometrist-verify-backend backend)))
(if errors
(cl-loop for error in errors do
(with-slots (format-string format-args error-location) error
(chronometrist-edit-backend backend :position error-location)
(apply #'message format-string format-args)))
(message "Yay, no errors! (...that I could find 💀)"))))
**** extended protocol