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;;; chronometrist-events.el --- Event management and querying code for Chronometrist -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(require 'chronometrist-plist-pp)
(require 'subr-x)
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(defvar chronometrist-events (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
;; As we're no longer dealing with vectors, these are deprecated, and
;; will be removed once the rest of the codebase is migrated.
(defun chronometrist-vfirst (vector)
"Return the first element of VECTOR."
(elt vector 0))
(defun chronometrist-vlast (vector)
"Return the last element of VECTOR."
(elt vector (1- (length vector))))
(defun chronometrist-list-midnight-spanning-events ()
"Test function to check for events which span midnights."
(let ((dates))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(when (-> value (chronometrist-vfirst) (chronometrist-vfirst) (equal "o"))
(->> key (list) (append dates) (setq dates))))
(defun chronometrist-day-start (timestamp)
"Get start of day (according to `chronometrist-day-start-time') for TIMESTAMP.
TIMESTAMP must be a time string in the ISO-8601 format.
Return value is a time value (see `current-time')."
(let ((timestamp-date-list (->> timestamp
(-drop 3)
(-take 3))))
(--> chronometrist-day-start-time
(split-string it ":")
(mapcar #'string-to-number it)
(reverse it)
(append it timestamp-date-list)
(apply #'encode-time it))))
(defun chronometrist-file-clean ()
"Clean `chronometrist-file' so that events can be processed accurately.
This function splits midnight-spanning intervals into two. It
must be called before running `chronometrist-populate'.
It returns t if the table was modified, else nil."
(let ((buffer (find-file-noselect chronometrist-file))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (setq expr (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer))))
(when (plist-get expr :stop)
(let ((split-time (chronometrist-events-midnight-spanning-p (plist-get expr :start)
(plist-get expr :stop))))
(when split-time
(let ((first-start (plist-get (first split-time) :start))
(first-stop (plist-get (first split-time) :stop))
(second-start (plist-get (second split-time) :start))
(second-stop (plist-get (second split-time) :stop)))
(backward-list 1)
(-> expr
(plist-put :start first-start)
(plist-put :stop first-stop)
(chronometrist-plist-pp buffer))
(when (looking-at-p "\n\n")
(delete-char 2))
(-> expr
(plist-put :start second-start)
(plist-put :stop second-stop)
(chronometrist-plist-pp buffer))
(setq modified t))))))
(defun chronometrist-events-maybe-split (event)
"Split EVENT if it spans midnight.
Return a list of two events if EVENT was split, else nil."
(when (plist-get event :stop)
(let ((split-time (chronometrist-midnight-spanning-p (plist-get event :start)
(plist-get event :stop))))
(when split-time
(let ((first-start (plist-get (first split-time) :start))
(first-stop (plist-get (first split-time) :stop))
(second-start (plist-get (second split-time) :start))
(second-stop (plist-get (second split-time) :stop))
;; plist-put modifies lists in-place. The resulting bugs
;; left me puzzled for a while.
(event-1 (copy-list event))
(event-2 (copy-list event)))
(list (-> event-1
(plist-put :start first-start)
(plist-put :stop first-stop))
(-> event-2
(plist-put :start second-start)
(plist-put :stop second-stop))))))))
;; TODO - Maybe strip dates from values, since they're part of the key
;; anyway. Consider using a state machine.
;; OPTIMIZE - It should not be necessary to call this unless the file
;; has changed. Any other refresh situations should not require this.
(defun chronometrist-events-populate ()
"Clear hash table `chronometrist-events' and populate it.
The data is acquired from `chronometrist-file'.
Each key is a date in the form (YEAR MONTH DAY).
Values are lists containing events, where each event is a list in
the form (:name \"NAME\" :tags (TAGS) <key value pairs> ...
:start TIME :stop TIME).
Return final number of events read from file, or nil if there
were none."
(clrhash chronometrist-events)
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect chronometrist-file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((index 0)
(while (or pending-expr
(setq expr (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer)))))
;; find and split midnight-spanning events during deserialization itself
(let* ((split-expr (chronometrist-events-maybe-split expr))
(new-value (cond (pending-expr
(prog1 pending-expr
(setq pending-expr nil)))
(setq pending-expr (second split-expr))
(first split-expr))
(t expr)))
(new-value-date (->> (plist-get new-value :start)
(s-left 10)))
(existing-value (gethash new-value-date chronometrist-events)))
(unless pending-expr (incf index))
(puthash new-value-date
(if existing-value
(append existing-value
(list new-value))
(list new-value))
(unless (zerop index) index)))))
(defun chronometrist-tasks-from-table ()
"Return a list of task names from `chronometrist-events'."
(let (acc)
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(mapc (lambda (event)
(setq acc (append acc `(,(plist-get event :name)))))
(remove-duplicates (sort acc #'string-lessp)
:test #'equal)))
;; to be replaced by plist-query
(defun chronometrist-events-subset (start-date end-date)
"Return a subset of `chronometrist-events'.
The subset will contain values between START-DATE and
END-DATE (both inclusive).
START-DATE and END-DATE must be dates in the form '(YEAR MONTH DAY)."
(let ((subset (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(when (and (not (chronometrist-date-less-p key start-date))
(not (chronometrist-date-less-p end-date key)))
(puthash key value subset)))
(defun chronometrist-events-query-spec-match-p (plist specifiers)
"Return non-nil if PLIST matches SPECIFIERS."
(let* ((spec-only-keywords-p (seq-every-p #'keywordp specifiers))
(keyword-list (unless spec-only-keywords-p
(seq-filter #'keywordp specifiers))))
;; When all keys from SPECIFIERS are present...
(cond (spec-only-keywords-p
(->> (loop for key in specifiers
collect (plist-member plist key))
(seq-every-p #'identity)))
;; ...or SPECIFIERS has no keywords...
((not keyword-list) t)
;; ...or all key-values from SPECIFIERS match...
(t (->> keyword-list
(mapcar (lambda (keyword)
(equal (plist-get plist keyword)
(plist-get specifiers keyword))))
(-all-p #'identity))))))
;; examples -
;; (chronometrist-events-query chronometrist-events :get :name) - get all values for :name
(cl-defun chronometrist-events-query (table &key get specifiers except)
"Query the `chronometrist-events' hash table.
GET can be -
nil - return a list of plists
a keyword - return a list of values
a list of keywords - return a list of plists which contain only these keywords and their values
nil - to return any entry
a plist - to return plists matching all given key-value pairs.
a list of keywords - to return plists which contain these keywords.
EXCEPT takes any values SPECIFIERS does. The plists matched by
EXCEPT will be excluded from the return value."
(let* ((length-get (when (listp get) (length get)))
(maphash (lambda (key value-plists)
(mapc (lambda (plist)
(when (and (chronometrist-events-query-spec-match-p plist specifiers)
(not (chronometrist-events-query-spec-match-p plist except)))
;; ...Store the values specified by GET.
(->> (cond ((keywordp get)
`(,(plist-get plist get)))
;; (listp nil) => t, so we use consp
((consp get)
(let ((count 0) acc)
(mapc (lambda (get-key)
(if (= count length-get)
(->> `(,get-key ,(plist-get plist get-key))
(append acc)
(setq acc))
(incf count)))
(list acc)))
(t (list plist)))
(append return)
(setq return))))
(seq-remove #'null return)))
;; Local Variables:
;; nameless-current-name: "chronometrist-events"
;; End:
(provide 'chronometrist-events)
;;; chronometrist-events.el ends here