This repository has been archived on 2022-05-13. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
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2019-01-17 12:42:02 +05:30
.dir-locals.el -statistics - implement weekly range, next/previous week 2018-11-02 07:02:33 +05:30
.gitignore List creator for timeclock.el 2018-09-11 17:52:24 +05:30 -lib -> -common 2018-11-02 07:29:24 +05:30
chronometrist-assist.el Fix -assist warning condition 2019-01-16 16:54:31 +05:30
chronometrist-common.el Fix time display bug when active project spans midnight 2019-01-17 12:42:02 +05:30
chronometrist-custom.el -assist - handle case where proto-result is an atom 2019-01-16 16:44:06 +05:30
chronometrist-events.el -events - remove unnecessary whitespace 2019-01-17 01:49:20 +05:30
chronometrist-report-custom.el Use defcustom for user-facing variables 2018-09-23 16:28:32 +05:30
chronometrist-report.el Fix bug where timer function would move point in unrelated buffers 2018-11-29 00:03:15 +05:30
chronometrist-statistics-custom.el -statistics - beginnings - displays 'days worked on' 2018-11-01 10:38:02 +05:30
chronometrist-statistics.el Fix time display bug when active project spans midnight 2019-01-17 12:42:02 +05:30
chronometrist-tests.el -lib -> -common 2018-11-02 07:29:24 +05:30
chronometrist.el Fix time display bug when active project spans midnight 2019-01-17 12:42:02 +05:30 -increment-or-decrement-date -> -date-op, move to -lib 2018-11-02 07:26:34 +05:30 -lib -> -common 2018-11-02 07:29:24 +05:30
LICENSE licenses - remove CC0 2018-09-25 13:36:04 +05:30
LICENSE.1 licenses - remove CC0 2018-09-25 13:36:04 +05:30 -assist - add initial match code 2019-01-13 03:03:14 +05:30
test.timelog chronometrist - fix disastrous first-run behaviour 2018-09-20 17:51:58 +05:30
test2.timelog Add tests for Midnight Bug 2 (the clocked-in version) 2018-09-22 01:33:06 +05:30


A time tracker with a nice interface, using Emacs' timeclock.el

Largely modelled after the Android application, A Time Tracker

  • Benefits

    1. Extremely simple and efficient to use
    2. Displays useful information about your time usage
    3. Support for both mouse and keyboard
    4. Human errors in tracking are easily fixed by editing a plain text file
    5. Hooks to let you perform arbitrary actions when starting/stopping tasks
    6. Built using timeclock.el in stock Emacs
  • Limitations

    1. No support (yet) for adding a task without clocking into it.
    2. No support for concurrent tasks. (timeclock.el limitation)
    3. Does not support all timeclock.el features (please make an issue or a PR)


You can get chronometrist from

chronometrist requires dash.el

Add the Chronometrist directory to your load-path, and (require 'chronometrist).



Run M-x chronometrist to see your projects, the time you spent on them today, which one is active, and the total time clocked today.

Hit RET on a project to clock in for it. If it's already clocked in, it will be clocked out, and you'll be prompted for an optional reason. Use M-RET if you don't want to be asked for a reason.

Whenever you call chronometrist, the cursor will helpfully be placed on the last activity you clocked out of, or the current activity clocked in.

Alternatively, hit <numeric prefix> RET anywhere in the buffer to toggle the corresponding project, e.g. C-1 RET will toggle the project with index 1.

Press l to view your timeclock-file (~/.emacs.d/timelog by default). Press r to see a weekly report (see chronometrist-report)

Running M-x chronometrist when the Chronometrist buffer is visible will kill it, so the key you bind it to can function as a toggle.

chronometrist keeps itself updated via an idle timer - no need to frequently press g to update.


Run M-x chronometrist-report (or chronometrist with a prefix argument of 1, or press r in the chronometrist buffer) to see a weekly report.

Press b to look at past weeks, and f for future weeks.

Press l to view your timeclock-file, ~/.emacs.d/timelog by default.

Just like chronometrist, chronometrist-report will also toggle the visibilty of the buffer.

chronometrist-report keeps itself updated via an idle timer - no pressing g to update.


Run M-x chronometrist-statistics (or chronometrist with a prefix argument of 2) to view statistics.

Press b to look at past time ranges, and f for future ones.

Press l to view your timeclock-file, ~/.emacs.d/timelog by default.

Just like chronometrist, chronometrist-statistics will also toggle the visibilty of the buffer.


See the Customize groups chronometrist and chronometrist-report for variables intended to be user-customizable. Also see the Customize group timeclock.

If you find that you usually don't want to enter a reason, you can switch the default bindings -

(define-key chronometrist-mode-map (kbd "M-RET") #'chronometrist-toggle-project)
(define-key chronometrist-mode-map (kbd "RET")   #'chronometrist-toggle-project-no-reason)

By default, timeclock (and thus Chronometrist) will usecompleting-read to ask for a clock-out reason, which doesn't allow you to type spaces too easily. To work around that, the following will make the prompt use read-from-minibuffer instead -

(setq timeclock-get-reason-function #'chronometrist-ask-for-reason)

chronometrist-ask-for-reason will also use project-specific reason history, instead of all reasons.


See chronometrist-project-start-hook and chronometrist-project-stop-hook. Note that these are 'abnormal' hooks, i.e. the functions they contain must accept arguments. In this case, each function must accept exactly one argument, which is the project which is being started or stopped.

As an example from the author's own init -

(defun my-start-guitar (project)
  (when (equal project "Guitar")
    (find-file-other-window "~/")))

(add-hook 'chronometrist-project-start-hook 'my-start-guitar)


  • Update when the timeclock-file changes using a filesystem watcher
  • inflatable raptor


  1. Make clocked-in project row bold, either in addition to the star, or replacing it.
    • Another activity-indication enhancement - show the current time interval being recorded instead of the star.
  2. 'kill'/discard command (bind to 'k'), which will delete the interval currently being recorded.
    • Most conservative option - it will only operate on the project at point, and will only kill for a clocked-in project.
    • Somewhat less conservative option - it will operate on the currently clocked-in project, no matter where point is.
    • It should ask for confirmation.
    • Alternatively, or as a complement - an undo command, which will undo your last action (clock in or clock out).
  3. Custom day start/end time - option to use a specific time to define when a day starts/ends. e.g. 08:00 will mean a day starts and ends at 08:00 instead of the usual 24:00/00:00. Helpful for late sleepers.
  4. Suggest reasons by frequency? So your most-used reason for the task is the default suggestion. If you usually don't provide a reason for the task, the default is nil.
  5. Better shortcuts - shortcuts derived from the first alphabet of each project might be nicer.
  6. Modeline support - show currently active project + time spent on it so far in the mode-line (see timeclock-mode-line-display)
    • Maybe make modeline slowly change color the longer you do something?
  7. Reminder notifications - a common issue with time trackers is that people forget to clock in/out. A potential solution can be to have Emacs remind people (ideally via desktop notifications?) -
    • when they haven't clocked in, every X minutes (e.g. 30)
    • that they are clocked in, every X minutes (e.g. 30)
    • of course, modeline support might help too.
    • a user-supplied alist of regular expressions/globs matching a file path and projects could be used to offer that the corresponding project be started for them. e.g. given this alist -
      (("*my-compositions*" . "Composition")
       ("*.el*" . "Programming")
       ("*.scm" . "Programming"))
      ...when I open any file in ~/my-music/my-compositions/, I'd be offered to start the "Composition" task. When I open an Emacs Lisp or Scheme file, I'd be asked if I want to start the "Programming" task. (with a variable to not ask and just switch, informing the user when that happens.)
      • Could also add comments based on the path/extension.
      • Instead of a path, could also be the name of a major mode.
      • See buffer-list-update-hook and before-change-functions
      • an alternative form could look like this -
        ((PROJECT :pattern ... :mode ... :computerp) ...)
        • :pattern - glob pattern to match paths
        • :mode - regular expression to match buffer modes
        • :computerp or :emacsp - t if this project (activity) is something you do on a computer/in Emacs (or perhaps, more specifically, the same computer/Emacs instance as the one you run Chronometrist on.). Somewhat implied by the previous arguments. If this is t, Chronometrist will note if the computer has received no events for some time, and clock out of the project. If it's an integer, clock out after that many seconds of computer inactivity.
  8. Use make-thread in v26 or the emacs-async library for chronometrist-entries/chronometrist-report-entries
  9. Some way to update buffers every second without making Emacs unusable. (impossible?)
  10. "Day summary" - for users who use the "reason" feature to note the specifics of their actual work. Combine the reasons together to create a descriptive overview of the work done in the day.
  11. Commands to rename a project, delete a project (erasing all records)
  12. Tree of tasks (i.e. sub-tasks etc)
    • Alternatively - each task can have tags. The tags will be used to decide the super-tasks a task belongs to, and stored in a new file in the user's .emacs.d


  1. Show week counter and max weeks; don't scroll past first/last weeks
  2. Highlight column of current day
  3. Add support for other locale weeks/weekday names


  1. Show range counter and max ranges; don't scroll past first/last time ranges
  2. activity-specific - average time spent in $time_period, average days worked on in $time_period, current/longest streaks, ...
  3. general - most productive $time_period, GitHub-style work heatmap calendar, ...
  4. press 1 for weekly stats, 2 for monthly, 3 for yearly


  1. README - add images
  2. [-] Document API somewhere (list of functions, their argument lists, and outputs)
  3. Use Cask?
  4. [-] Create test timelog file and UI behaviour tests
  5. Use for chronometrist-report-weekday-number-alist whatever variables like initial-frame-alist use to get that fancy Custom UI for alists.

Contributions and contact

Feedback and MRs very welcome. 🙂

Contact the creator and other Emacs users in the Emacs room on the Jabber network - (web chat)

(For help in getting started with Jabber, click here)


Chronometrist is released under your choice of Unlicense and the WTFPL.

(See files LICENSE and LICENSE.1).


wasamasa and #emacs for all their help and support

jwiegley for timeclock.el

blandest for helping me with the name

fiete for testing