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;;; chronometrist-queries.el --- Functions which query Chronometrist data -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Author: contrapunctus <>
;; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
;; Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
;; distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
;; binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
;; means.
;; For more information, please refer to <>
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(require 'chronometrist-common)
(require 'chronometrist-events)
(defun chronometrist-last ()
"Return the last entry from `chronometrist-file' as a plist."
(cl-defun chronometrist-task-time-one-day (task &optional (ts (ts-now)))
"Return total time spent on TASK today or (if supplied) on timestamp TS.
The data is obtained from `chronometrist-file', via `chronometrist-events'.
TS should be a ts struct (see `ts.el').
The return value is seconds, as an integer."
(let ((task-events (chronometrist-task-events-in-day task ts)))
(if task-events
(->> (chronometrist-events->ts-pairs task-events)
(-reduce #'+)
;; no events for this task on TS, i.e. no time spent
(cl-defun chronometrist-active-time-one-day (&optional (ts (ts-now)))
"Return the total active time on TS (if non-nil) or today.
TS must be a ts struct (see `ts.el')
Return value is seconds as an integer."
(->> chronometrist-task-list
(--map (chronometrist-task-time-one-day it ts))
(-reduce #'+)
(cl-defun chronometrist-statistics-count-active-days (task &optional (table chronometrist-events))
"Return the number of days the user spent any time on TASK.
TABLE must be a hash table - if not supplied, `chronometrist-events' is used.
This will not return correct results if TABLE contains records
which span midnights. (see `chronometrist-events-clean')"
(let ((count 0))
(maphash (lambda (_date events)
(when (seq-find (lambda (event)
(equal (plist-get event :name) task))
(cl-incf count)))
(cl-defun chronometrist-task-events-in-day (task &optional (ts (ts-now)))
"Get events for TASK on TS.
TS should be a ts struct (see `ts.el').
Returns a list of events, where each event is a property list in
the form (:name \"NAME\" :start START :stop STOP ...), where
START and STOP are ISO-8601 time strings.
This will not return correct results if TABLE contains records
which span midnights. (see `chronometrist-events-clean')"
(->> (gethash (ts-format "%F" ts) chronometrist-events)
(mapcar (lambda (event)
(when (equal task (plist-get event :name))
(seq-filter #'identity)))
(provide 'chronometrist-queries)
;;; chronometrist-queries.el ends here