Record locations of walk/run tracks

This commit is contained in:
contrapunctus 2022-10-12 23:06:19 +05:30
parent bd2cef2768
commit d4dd016038
1 changed files with 49 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -2417,31 +2417,55 @@ What if...
(defun my-chronometrist-copy-exercise-data ()
"Add exercise data from OsmAnd tracks to Chronometrist."
(if-let* ((date-iso (read-string "Date (ISO-8601): " (format-time-string "%F")))
(date (parse-iso8601-time-string date-iso))
(dir (concat "/media/data/phone/contrapunctus/Nokia 6.1/Android/data/"
(format-time-string "%+4Y-%m/" date)))
(dir-check (file-exists-p dir))
(plists (cl-loop with activity
for file in (directory-files dir)
when (and (string-match-p (format-time-string "^%F_" date)
(or (and (string-match-p "(walk)" file)
(setq activity :walking))
(and (string-match-p "(run)" file)
(setq activity :running))))
(find-file-noselect (concat dir file)))
(append '(:name "Exercise")
`(,activity (,(floor (my-gpx-distance file)) . "meters"))
;; (chronometrist-insert (chronometrist-active-backend))
(string (mapconcat (lambda (plist)
(chronometrist-plist-pp plist))
plists "\n")))
;; Date for which to get data
((date-iso (read-string "Date (ISO-8601): " (format-time-string "%F")))
(date (parse-iso8601-time-string date-iso))
(dir (concat
"Nokia 6.1/Android/data/"
(format-time-string "%+4Y-%m/" date)))
(dir-check (file-exists-p dir))
(plists (cl-loop with activity
for file in (directory-files dir)
when (and (string-match-p (format-time-string "^%F_" date)
(or (and (string-match-p "(walk)" file)
(setq activity :walking))
(and (string-match-p "(run)" file)
(setq activity :running))))
(-let* ((file-name file)
((from to)
(rx (group (+? num) "-" (= 2 num) "-" (= 2 num)
"_" (= 2 num) "-" (= 2 num)
"_" (= 3 (any alpha)))
" "
(group "(" (or "walk" "run") ")")
" "
(group (+? (any printing)))
(group "\.gpx"))
(match-string 3 file-name) " - "))))
(find-file-noselect (concat dir file)))
(append '(:name "Exercise")
(list activity
(cons (floor (my-gpx-distance file))
(if to
(list :from from :to to)
(list :location from))
;; (chronometrist-insert (chronometrist-active-backend))
(string (mapconcat (lambda (plist)
(chronometrist-plist-pp plist))
plists "\n")))
(progn (kill-new string)
(message "Copied %s to kill ring" string))
(message "No suitable GPX files found")))