Voice 1 - Introduction, Allegro bar 1-122

This commit is contained in:
John Doe 2018-02-07 01:52:50 +05:30
commit ace5d2752f
7 changed files with 427 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

Makefile Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
build :
lilypond main.ly
tags : build
rm TAGS ; etags -l none -r '/^[a-zA-Z]*\ *=/' *ly

build.scm Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#!/usr/bin/guile -s
(ice-9 match)
(srfi srfi-1)
(ice-9 format)
(ice-9 regex))
;; (format #t "~2%")
(define *options*
'("pac" "size"))
(define *project-name*
(regexp-substitute #f (string-match ".*/" (getcwd)) 'post))
(define get-valid-args
(lambda (cli-args)
;; (format (current-error-port) "~s~s~%" "cli-args - " cli-args)
(map (lambda (opt)
(find (lambda (cli-word)
(string-append opt "*")
(define valid-args->alist
(lambda (valid-args)
;; (format (current-error-port) "~s~s~%" "valid-args - " valid-args)
(map (lambda (arg)
(and arg
(string-contains arg "=")
(regexp-substitute #f (string-match "=" arg) 'pre)
(regexp-substitute #f (string-match "=" arg) 'post))))
(if (< (length (command-line)) 2)
(format #t "~a~%" "Usage: build.scm TARGET [ARG=VALUE]*")
(let* ((cli-args (command-line))
(target (cadr cli-args))
(valid-args (get-valid-args cli-args))
(alist (valid-args->alist valid-args))
(size (match (assoc-ref alist "size")
("a4" "-a4")
(_ "")))
(ly-command (string-append
"lilypond "
(match (assoc-ref alist "pac")
("off" "-dno-point-and-click ")
(_ ""))
"-o output/"
*project-name* (match target
("main" "")
(_ (string-append "-" target)))
" "
target size ".ly")))
;; (format (current-error-port) "~s~s~%" "alist - " alist)
(format #t "~2%~a~2%" ly-command)
(system ly-command)))

common.ly Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
\version "2.18.2"
common = {
\key a \major
\time 2/4
copyright = \markup \center-column {
\smaller {
\concat {
"The author (contrapunctus/Kashish Sharma, "
\with-url #"xmpp:contrapunctus@jabber.fr" {xmpp:contrapunctus@jabber.fr}
") of this edition of a"
% \raise #1
"public domain work has released it into the public domain using the Creative Commons CC0 License - "
\with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/"
% \with-url #"http://lilypond.org/" {
% LilyPond ... \italic {
% music notation for everyone
% }
% }
title = \markup \fontsize #4 "Grande Solo"

main.ly Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\include "common.ly"
%#(set-global-staff-size 16 )
\header {
title = \title
subsubtitle = "Op. 14"
composer = "Fernando Sor"
copyright = \copyright
\include "music/1-introduction/guitar.ly"
\score {
\new Staff << \guitar >>
\layout {}
\header {
piece = \markup \fontsize #3 "Introduction"
\include "music/2-allegro/guitar.ly"
\score {
\new Staff << \guitar >>
\layout {}
\header {
piece = \markup \fontsize #3 "Allegro"

music/1-introduction/guitar.ly Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
\version "2.18.2"
guitarVoiceOne = \relative c' {
<f a,>4 q8 q8. <e g,>16 <d f,>8 |
cis4 <cis bes g>8 q4 r8 |
g'4 g8 g8. f16 e8 |
f4 <d c d,>8 q4 r8 |
c'4 c8 d16 c bes a g fis |
g4 <g d g,>8 q4 r8 |
<gis d>4. q |
<a cis, a e>4. r |
bes16( a) bes( a) bes8 r <a e cis a> <e cis a> |
a16( gis) a( gis) a8 r <d, a f> q |
<g cis,>4. r8 <e cis a> q |
<f d>4. r8 <f d a> q |
<f d gis,> q q q g16( f) e-. d-. |
f8 q q q g16( f) e-. d-. |
f8 q q q g16( f) e-. d-. |
<cis a>4. <a' e cis> |
<bes f d> <cis g e> |
<d a f>~ q4 <c g e>8 |
<bes f d>4. q8 <a f d> <gis f d> |
<a e cis>4. r |
<bes f d> <gis f d> |
<a e cis> r4 <a e cis>8 |
<gis f d>4. <b f d gis> |
<a e cis a> r |
a,2.\fermata | \bar "|."
guitarVoiceTwo = \relative c, {
d4 d'8 d,4. |
e'4 e,8 e4 r8 |
bes''4 bes8 bes8. a16 g8 |
f4 <fis, a>8 <fis a>4 r8 |
guitarVoiceThree = \relative c' {
a4 a8 a8. g16 f8 |
e4 r8 r4. |
bes''4 bes8 bes8. a16 g8 |
bes''4 bes8 bes8. a16 g8 |
f4 <fis a>8 <fis a>4 r8 |
guitar = \relative c' {
\clef "treble_8"
\key d \minor
\time 6/8
{ \guitarVoiceOne }
{ \guitarVoiceTwo }

music/2-allegro/guitar.ly Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
\version "2.18.2"
guitarVoiceOne = \relative c {
% 01
\repeat unfold 4 { d8 d16( cis) } |
d2 r4 <d' b> |
<cis a> <a fis> <g e> <b g> |
<a fis>2 fis4 r |
% 05
a'8 gis-3 g2-2 fis4 |
e8 fis g2 fis4 |
e16( dis) fis( e) g( fis) a( g) e8 cis'16( b) a( g) fis( e) |
<d fis,>4. <e g,>8 <cis e,>4 r |
% 09
\repeat unfold 4 { d,8 d16( cis) } |
d2 r4 <d' b> |
<cis a> <a fis> <g e> <b g> |
<a fis>2 fis4 r |
% 13
a'8 gis-3 g2-2 fis4 |
e8 fis g2 fis4 |
e8( e16 dis e8 g) cis,( cis16 b cis8 e) |
<d fis,>8 e fis g gis( a) fis d |
% 17
e8( e16 dis e8 g) cis,( cis16 b cis8 e) |
<d fis,>8 e fis g gis( a) fis d |
e8( e16 dis e8 g) cis,( cis16 b cis8 e) |
<d fis,>4 q q r |
% 21
\repeat unfold 4 { r16 d fis d' } |
\repeat unfold 4 { cis4 } |
\repeat unfold 4 { r16 d, fis d' } |
\repeat unfold 4 { cis4 } |
% 25
\tuplet 6/4 { d8 d d d d d } \tuplet 6/4 { d d d cis cis cis } |
\tuplet 6/4 { b b b b b b } \tuplet 6/4 { b b b a a a } |
\tuplet 6/4 { g g g g g g } \tuplet 6/4 { b b b b b b } |
\tuplet 3/2 { a a a } \tuplet 3/2 { a a a } \tuplet 3/2 { gis gis gis } \tuplet 3/2 { gis gis gis } |
% 29
r8 <a e cis> q8. q16 r8 <cis g e> q8. q16 |
r8 <d fis, d> q8. q16 r8 <b f d> q8. q16 |
r8 <a e cis> q8. q16 r8 <cis g e> q8. q16 |
r8 <d fis, d> q8. q16 r8 <b f d> q8. q16 |
% 33
<a e cis a>4 <cis e, cis a> <a e cis a> r |
cis4. b8 a4 a |
b b b r |
cis4. cis8 d cis b cis |
% 37
d4 d d r |
b4. cis16 b a8 gis fis e |
a8 cis16 b b( a) gis( a) a8 cis16 b b( a) gis( a) |
fis8 gis a ais b fis d' b |
% 41
a4. b8 gis4 r |
cis4. b8 a4 a |
b4 b b r |
cis4. cis8 d cis b cis |
% 45
d4 d d r |
b4. cis16( b) a8 gis fis e |
a8 a cis e d cis b ais |
b4 b b a |
% 49
gis16 e dis e fis( e) dis e b e cis e d e b e |
cis e e e e e e e d e cis e b e a, e' |
r16 e dis e fis e dis e b e cis e d e b e |
cis e e e e e e e d e cis e b e a, e' |
% 53
e4 gis e r |
r2. <cis' e,>4 |
<bis dis,>2 <cis e,>4 q |
<bis dis,>2 <cis e,>4 q |
% 57
<e g,>2 <d fis,>4 q |
<b gis>8 fis' e d <cis a>4 <cis, e,> |
<bis dis,>2 <cis e,>4 q |
<bis dis,>2 <cis e,>4 q |
% 61
<e g,>2 <d fis,>4 q |
<b gis>8 fis' e d <cis a> e e e |
r16 e dis e fis( e) dis e gis( e) b'( gis) e8 r |
r16 e dis e fis( e) dis e a( e) cis'( a) e8 r |
% 65
r16 e dis e fis( e) dis e gis( e) b'( gis) e8 r |
r16 e dis e fis( e) dis e a( e) cis'( a) e8 r |
r4 ais ais ais |
b8 cis d cis e dis d b |
% 69
cis8. b16 a2 gis4 |
a s2. |
r16 e dis e fis( e) dis e gis( e) b'( gis) e8 r |
r16 e dis e fis( e) dis e a( e) cis'( a) e8 r |
% 73
r16 e dis e fis( e) dis e gis( e) b'( gis) e8 r |
r16 e dis e fis( e) dis e a( e) cis'( a) e8 r |
r4 ais ais ais |
b8 cis d cis e dis d b |
% 77
cis8. b16 a2 gis4 |
<a cis,>4 r r <a fis> |
<gis e> <fis d> <e cis> <dis bis> |
<e cis>2 <cis a>4 r8 <g' cis,> |
% 81
fis8 fis16( e) fis8 a gis e b' gis |
<a cis,>4 r r <a fis> |
<gis e> <fis d> <e cis> <dis bis> |
<e cis>2 <cis a>4 r8 <g' cis,> |
% 85
fis8 fis16( e) fis8 a gis e b' gis |
<a e cis a>4 <cis e, cis a>4. b8 a gis |
fis e d cis <fis d a>4 <gis d b> |
<a e cis a>4 <cis e, cis a>4. b8 a gis |
% 89
fis e d cis <fis d a>4 <gis d b> |
r8 <a cis,> q4 r8 q q4 |
r8 <b d,> q4 r8 q q4 |
r8 <a cis,> q4 r8 q q4 |
% 93
r8 <b d,> q4 r8 q q4 |
r8 <a cis,> q4 r8 <b d,> q4 |
r4 <a e cis a> q <cis e, cis a> |
<a e cis a>2 r | \bar "|."
% 97
<a ees>4 q q q |
q2 r |
<bes f>4 q q q |
q2 r |
% 101
<c ges>4 q q q |
q2 r |
\key des \major <des des,>2 s |
<des des,> s |
% 105
\repeat unfold 4 { ees,16 ges c ges } |
\repeat unfold 4 { ees16 ges c ges } |
<des' des,>2 s |
<des des,> s |
% 109
\repeat unfold 4 { ees,16 ges c ges } |
\repeat unfold 4 { ees16 ges c ges } |
\repeat unfold 8 des'8 |
\repeat unfold 8 des8 |
% 113
\key d \major \repeat unfold 8 <b e, d>8 |
\repeat unfold 8 <b e, d>8 |
\repeat unfold 4 { a,16 cis e a } |
\repeat unfold 4 { a, cis e a } |
% 117
\repeat unfold 4 { g, cis e bes' } |
\repeat unfold 4 { g, cis e bes' } |
\repeat unfold 4 { f, a d a' } |
\repeat unfold 4 { f, a d a' } |
% 121
\repeat unfold 4 { e, bes' cis g' } |
\repeat unfold 4 { e, bes' cis g' } |
guitarVoiceTwo = \relative c, {
\repeat unfold 4 d4 |
\repeat unfold 8 d8 |
\repeat unfold 8 d8 |
\repeat unfold 4 d8 d e fis g |
guitarVoiceThree = \relative c' {
a4 a8 a8. g16 f8 |
e4 r8 r4. |
bes''4 bes8 bes8. a16 g8 |
bes''4 bes8 bes8. a16 g8 |
f4 <fis a>8 <fis a>4 r8 |
guitar = \relative c' {
\clef "treble_8"
\key d \major
\time 4/4
{ \guitarVoiceOne }
{ \guitarVoiceTwo }