Bar 16-22 - add guitar part

This commit is contained in:
contrapunctus 2021-09-20 07:14:12 +05:30
parent 0a79d82cd6
commit cd1c5fb7b2
1 changed files with 17 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -78,11 +78,14 @@ leftHand = \relative c {
ees ges ees c |
\barNumberCheck #17 % There's the life for a man like me
d c bes g |
d c <bes d> <g d> |
a g a bes |
c e c e |
% \barNumberCheck #20 % There's the life for ever.
\barNumberCheck #20 % There's the life for ever.
<b e>4-.^\posVII <b fis'>-. <b e>4-. <b fis'>-. |
<b e>4-. <b fis'>-. <b e>4-. <b fis'>-. |
<e,-0 b'-1>4-. <fis b>-. <e b'>-. <fis b>-. |
@ -117,7 +120,19 @@ rightHand = \relative c' {
\barNumberCheck #15 % Bread I dip in the river
<c ees>4 <c aes'>8 <bes g'> <c aes'>4 <d f aes d> |
<bes ees ges bes>1 |
\barNumberCheck #17 % There's the life for a man like me
<fis a d>2 <g bes d g>4. q8 |
<f a c f>4 <f a> <ees g> <fis d'> |
<\parenthesize e g c e>1 |
\barNumberCheck #20 % There's the life for ever.
\relative c' {
\tuplet 3/2 { e4-. g8-. } \tuplet 3/2 { b4-. b8-. } b2 |
r2 r4 <d g,> |
<e, b g>1^\posI |
guitar = {