[Let Beauty awake] bar 1-4 - arrange guitar part, transcribe voice part

This commit is contained in:
contrapunctus 2021-10-06 21:45:34 +05:30
parent 03b3d281af
commit d07b20ec6f
7 changed files with 182 additions and 0 deletions

2 Let Beauty Awake/chords.ly Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\version "2.18.2"
chordSymbols = \chordmode {

2 Let Beauty Awake/common.ly Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\version "2.18.2"
common = {
\time 9/8
\key e \minor

2 Let Beauty Awake/lyrics.ly Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
voiceLyrics = \lyricsto "voice" {
Let Beau -- ty a -- wake
in the morn from beau -- ti -- ful dreams,
Beau -- ty a -- wake from rest!
Let Beau -- ty a -- wake
For Beau -- ty's sake
In the hour when the birds a -- wake in the brake
And the stars are bright in the west!
Let Beau -- ty a -- wake
in the eve from the slum -- ber of day,
A -- wake in the crim -- son eve!
In the day's dusk end
When the shades as -- cend
Let her wake to the kiss of a ten -- der friend
To ren -- der again and re -- ceive!

2 Let Beauty Awake/main.ly Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\include "common.ly"
\include "music/voice.ly"
\include "lyrics.ly"
\include "lsr952.ly"
\include "music/guitar.ly"
\header {
title = \markup \fontsize #2 "Let Beauty awake"
composer = "Ralph Vaughan Williams"
poet = "Robert Louis Stevenson"
arranger = "arr. Kashish"
copyright = \copyright
\score {
\new Staff << \new Voice = "voice" { \voiceMusic } >>
\new Lyrics \voiceLyrics
\new Staff << \new Voice { \guitar } >>
\new Dynamics { \guitarDynamics }
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
\version "2.20.0"
pos =
(parser location position)
\markup \small \bold #position
posI = \markup \small \bold "I"
posII = \markup \small \bold "II"
posIII = \markup \small \bold "III"
posIV = \markup \small \bold "IV"
posVII = \markup \small \bold "VII"
ottavaStart = {
\set Staff.ottavation = #"8vb"
\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.direction = #DOWN
\set Voice.middleCPosition = #1
ottavaStop = {
\unset Staff.ottavation
\unset Voice.middleCPosition
guitarDynamics = {
\barNumberCheck #1
s4^\markup \italic { "poco" \dynamic f } s2. |
guitarBass = \relative c' {
\barNumberCheck #1
a2. a4. |
\barNumberCheck #2 % Let Beauty awake
a2. a4. |
g2. g4. |
fis4. e c4 d8 |
g4. fis e |
guitarArpeggio = \relative c' {
\barNumberCheck #1
\repeat unfold 3 { a32 c e c e a c a e c e c } |
\barNumberCheck #2 % Let Beauty awake
\repeat unfold 3 { a32 c e c e a c a e c e c } |
\repeat unfold 3 { g32 c e c e a c a e c e c } |
fis,32 a dis a dis fis b fis dis a dis a
e b' e b e g b g e b e b
c, e g c c e g b <a f c d, a>8 |
guitar = {
\clef "treble_8"
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
\voiceTwo \guitarArpeggio \\
\voiceOne \guitarBass
% Local Variables:
% outline-regexp: "[a-zA-Z]+? +?="
% End:

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
\version "2.18.2"
voiceMusic = \relative c' {
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Voice"
\clef "treble_8"
\barNumberCheck #1
R4.*3 |
\barNumberCheck #2 % Let Beauty awake
r8 r a\( a a8. b16 c4.~ |
c8 b a c4 c8 c8. b16 a8 |
b4. \) b8.\( c16 d8 b4 a8 |
g4.\) r8 r b\( b g' fis |
e4.~ e4\) b8\( e( d) b |
d4.~ d8\)

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@ -33,3 +33,28 @@
\include "2 Let Beauty Awake/common.ly"
\include "2 Let Beauty Awake/music/voice.ly"
\include "2 Let Beauty Awake/lyrics.ly"
\include "2 Let Beauty Awake/music/guitar.ly"
\score {
\new Staff << \new Voice = "voice" { \voiceMusic } >>
\new Lyrics \voiceLyrics
\new Dynamics { \guitarDynamics }
\new Staff << \new Voice { \guitar } >>
\header {
piece = \markup \fontsize #3 "2. Let Beauty awake"
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves