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2021-01-26 00:00:02 +00:00
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--- Long Range Scout Vessel ---
Stardate KL.1N
Stardate protocol Enteka XHEX
Location .42 ly to Alpha Karenei 3
Aker Aux 001 Log
(English to be added at a later time)
-- Author Notes -------
Sorry about some mess, I've been making lately,
but this idea of mine of multilingual files is
not working very well.
I still intend to keep writing a version of this
story in English, though it will appear on
separate entries, clearly identified as
either (English) or (Spanish).
Please note that these are not translations as
my English fails me at that regard. Instead,
I intend to make a version that would be, at
least understanable.
Onwards with the story
-- Fighter Trainer "Splash +56" Autolog ----------------------
Cadet Jari:13:07:08 "Ilmarinen, I'm declaring emergency,
repeat, I'm declaring emergency. Emergency, emergency,
Ilmarinen AI:13:07:09 "What's the emergency?"
CJ:13:07:09 "We're alone."
I.:13:07:10 "That's no emercey."
CJ:13:07:14 "Sorry, Ilmarinen, I haven't been precise. I mean
the lieutenat is dead, everybody else is gone, hostiles may
still be around."
I.:13:07:15 "I am aware of that. I'd suggest to inform and
return to base but comms return 607, artificial interference."
CJ:13:07:18 "That's why I --censored-- need weapons back online.
And a route back to Aker. Please, Ilma, pretty please."
I.:13:07:21 "Jari, I'm sorry, you are but 14 years old. As per
protocol the weapons of this ship can only be activated in a
combat emergency. And there are no hostiles around.
CJ:13:07:28 "Ilma... please... it's that... run sensors check"
I.:13:07:29 "Error 607. Are you suggesting that should indicate
an incoming combat emergency?"
CJ:13:07:31 "Ob... yes"
I.:13:07:32 "Combat emergency grante. Weapons online. I suggest
evasive flight pattern."
CJ:13:07:33 "Kiitos." [Auto-translator: Thank you, from Finnish]
I.:13:07:36 "Route on Red 1."
CJ:13:12:58 "Ilmarinen, sensors and comm check."
I:13:13:12 "Short range sensor partially operative 204. Long
range sensors 607. Comm returns 617 we can receive incoming
messages, outcoming messages will not get through."
CJ:13:13:15 "Ilma, anything?"
I:13:13:17 "Sensors on HUD, all clear. Comms 111"
CJ:13:13:19 "I don't copy anything."
I:13:13:21 "There's a message for the Patrol Commander. We're not
authorized to listen to it. And it's encrypted."
CJ:13:13:23 "Never mind Ilmarinen, when she doesn't answer, they will
contact us."
Aker Bridge: 13:15:37 "S1 Patrol. Answer please. Anybody. Repeat.
All authorized to answer."
Aker Control: 13:16:42 "S1 Patrol. Answer please. Repeat.
Authorization granted to answer through any channel....
This is an order. Repeat. An order."
CJ:13:16:44 "--censored--! Can't!!"
I:13:16:46 "Missile alert!"
CJ:13:17:48 "Did I get it? Did I?! Wow!!! Did I get it! Saw it explode! Must
be smitherings and prooproo" [Auto-translator: Unknown word proopoo, could be
school slang]
I:13:17:49 "Yes, congratulations."
CJ:13:17:51 "We serve hummanity!"
I:13:17:52 "It was an alien missile. Trajectory projection indeicates
our main ship was the target".
CJ:13:19:54 "Can we follow its trajectory"
I:13:20:34 "Towards source or target?"
CJ:13:20:37 "Target... wait, if we go source-wards, we could fight them!"
I:13:20:38 "That would be very brave, Cadet Jari. Please remember in our
recent combat we failed to destroy any of the hostiles."
CJ:13:20:38 "We serve humanity!!"
I:13:21:39 "You are 14 years, 8 months and 23 days old, and under emotional
stress. ."
Lt Jane Smith 13:22:05 "Fighter-Trainer, you are off course. Turn 180 Z
axis. Repeat turn 189 Z axis now."
CJ:13:22:08 "I can see you but I cant say anything. And I cannot return.
Ilmarinen, she'll follow me to the hostiles if I guide her."
I:13:22:10 "Comm still returns 617."
Lt.JS:13:22:11 "Fighter-trainer repeat, turn back now. Don't be afraid laddy,
you are not a tad in trouble".
CJ:13:22:12 "I see her, I hear her, I cannot say nothing, anything and I've
got to tell her I'm going for the hostiles. Ilmarinen, any ideas".
I:13:22:13 "Obey the order. She'll see you can listen her."
CJ:13:22:14 "OK..."
Lt.JS:13:22:15 "Brilliant lad, nice wee fighter you have, number 56, are you
CJ:13:22:19 "I can't --censored-- answer... wait, Ilmarinen,
an idea! yay. Can you laser-write 617?"
I:13:22:21 "Be more explicit."
CJ:13:22:42 "617, you get that into the laser beam and then fires it at
some random point off with 617 codded in its frequency, wave function or
something and the Lieutenant's AI will see it's funny and annalyze it
and the Lieutenant will hear 617 and we could tell her anything! Like
about the missile and where it came from!"
--- End log --------------------------------------------------------------
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