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James Tomasino 2022-12-27 00:00:03 +00:00
parent c6c5eb140c
commit 901935b288
2 changed files with 82 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -1,39 +1,86 @@
..: Pizo :..
Third Transmission
Third Transmission: Shifting to Simplo-Lang
Hi. We're trying an experiment. The reason is because
Ansesta's language (English) is difficult for us. That's
why we're writing easy.
Screw that, that only makes it worse. You probably have
hi, earthlings
Hi again? It's difficult for me to use ancestor's
language. We spell it Ansesta, by the way, just a trivial
bit of data from Pizo.
So Pizo, what does it mean? Chiefly two things: a) The na-
me of the original Ansesta's ship, and b) the name of planet
it colonized, long, long ago.
And there's also c) our airship, which we also named Pizo.
Retrospectively that wasn't such a good name for our airship
but, I don't know, I guess we were all feeling patriotic.
Let me tell you about Pizo, the planet, because that's
probably more relevant to you. The Starship Pizo must be in
your records, perhaps hidden in some Gemini or Gopher server
somewhere. By the way we are still using Gemini, many have
tried to improve on it, but nobody could agree on how. It
remains useful, though. But I digress.
So, our planet, Pizo. Well, tis like Earth in many ways...
I'm sending the techinal data on a separate text file, for
whatever is worth. Differences? Well, there are just two
main continents, both around the size of Africa in your an-
cient Earth, but we call them Nor and Sur, which are our
words for 'North' and 'South'. Guess why.
Pizo compensates for the lack of large land masses with
thousands of islands, so many that most remain unnamed.
There aren't so many of us Pizoans(?)...
And that's the reason for our job. We are kind of a family
and friends and we trade and carry the odd passenger among
the islands. Small loads only, but that's enough form many
of the small isles.
I'm interrupting here for the pilot is nagging me again.
part 1 about simplo
section about whats simplo
im writing in simplo
simplo is the same as simplolang
simplo is like ansesta
ansesta is the same as english
we use simplo for fun in pizo planet
i think you can read simplo better than my
clumsy ansesta
ill write to you in simplo
simplo is ugly but its simple
section about simplo rules
we avoid these things
we use space instead of punctuacion
we love small words and small sentences
we avoid speaking simplo
we only write and read simplo
simplo is bad for poems
pretty messages and complicated things
but you can try
you write subject first
verb second
and other things last
we write hes and shes
and avoid he's and she's
but that seems hard at first
we try to be explicit
but saying just enough
section about my thoughts on simplo
simplo could be better
simplo is just a kids game in planet pizo
i think a teacher made simplo up for kids to learn ansesta
but i think it worked badly
i like simplo anyway
part 2 about today
section about dreamy bar lady
our airship pizo landed on pomora isle bay
pomora isle is a wee isle on moonjami
moonjami is a group of thousands of isles in planet pizo
pomora and moonjami lack other meanings
we went to harbor in our auxiliary craft
our auxiliary craft is solar powered too
by the way
we went to bar
we spoke to bar lady
she told us that shes an earthling
shes wrong
i thik she feels an earthling because shes read too many
books on earth
but shes nice
we told her about QEC
she wants to send you a message
care for earth
she is sad about warming in 2023 and other years too
i find hard to understand why shes sad
it happened very long ago indeed
i hope you solved it
but you are unable to call back
i think
section about boring stuff
we unloaded and did some trade after that
we went back to our airship and thats all the important
things of today
bye earthlings!

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
0Pizo - i write simplo /Pizo/03.txt
0Lovelace - Owl City /Lovelace/2312-09-20T15:30:14Z.txt
0Pizo - Second Transmission /Pizo/02.txt
0Pizo - Hello Earthlings! /Pizo/01.txt