Dec 29, 2018:
    - 'menu' now offers a browsable, uh, menu of scripts and apps.
    - installed 'vf1' globally for extra fast gopher browsing.

  Dec 28, 2018:
    - .efingerd defaults have been deployed to all users. If you don't
      want to mess with it, it won't hurt anything. You have the ability
      to customize it as you see fit, though. If you want to make changes,
      remove the # version 1 line from the top. That's being used to auto-
      update the script as we develop 'fellowsh'.
    - 'fellowsh' is a new micro-social network built on finger that is
      is being created at circumlunar. We're part of the test group.

  Dec 27, 2018:
    - 'fortune' is installed and new fortunes can be added using the
      'newfortune' script. 
        $ newfortune "something new to add"
      The fortune file itself will process your new additions hourly.
    - 'finger' has been upgraded to 'efingerd'. You can now create a 
      file in your home dir called .efingerd, make it an executable 
      shell script, and have it output whatever you want! From outside 
      of our system, try finger
    - You can also "finger"
    - Or "finger"

  Dec 23, 2018:
    - 'dcss' dungeon crawler by ahriman has been added to the system.
    - Other games installed: 'nudoku', 'ninvaders', 'zangband',
      'nethack', 'bastet', and the bsdgames collection

  Dec 14, 2018:
    - 'finger' installed. Edit your .plan file for extra fun. It works
      publically too. $ finger
    - man pages updated for 'log' and 'ship'.
    - wiki updated to include full system change log.
    - 'web' now has an optional param, safe, that will only update if the
      listings are newer than the web index. Cron does this every 15min.

  Dec 12, 2018:
    - run 'wiki' or 'faq' to see our new wiki system!
    - 'latest' script will show most recent 10 logs.
    - New text editors added: 'jed', and 'ne' were added to the system:
      Full list: jed, ne, joe, vim, neovim, emacs, ed, nano, kakoune

  Dec 07, 2018:
    - 'rules' prints our very serious cosmic rules.
    - 'cosmic-ship "new ship name"' will make a new ship. You don't need
      help from tomasino anymore. Make ships on your own! If you screw up
      then tomasino can help you remove or rename them.
    - IRC bot's !roster command is getting some work done to remove the
      unicode characters and surround nicks in underscores.

  Dec 03, 2018:
    - 'log -n' helper to create new messages. See 'log -h'
    - Fixed log bug that would recursively propmt for messages
    - Fixed log bug for files ending in .txt~

  Nov 27, 2018:
    - 'roster' command alias for 'cosmic-roster', adds optional 'count'
      argument to see number of ships. Optional username arg to filter.

  Nov 26, 2018:
    - Ships have individual pages and logs. Add a '.description' file
      to your ship directory to give your ship page a header

  Nov 25, 2018:
    - We now have a local IRC server! It connects to
    - Web & RSS update on the hour instead of daily

  Nov 24, 2018:
    - You can create private notes in your ship directory
      by starting the file with a '.' so it won't be picked
      up by the 'log' command.
    - Try the 'cosmic-roster' command!
    - Ships with spaces in names should now log properly

  Nov 23, 2018:
    - Installed weechat and irssi in case users want to hang here

  Nov 22, 2018:
    - Web version is live! It updates every night at midnight
    - RSS feed is live! It updates every night at midnight
    - New ships are auto-symlinked to ~/ships/{shipname} for convenience

  Nov 21, 2018:
    - 'log' command provides basic posting to the relay
    - https enabled with letsencrypt
