Patrol Vessel Balck Walrus Sector Neptun Orbit To the Neptunian Orbital guard: As requested You will find the record of our conversation with the transtellar Bulk Carrier "Adavega Success" during is approach to the orbital station and before is sinking through the atmosphere of the Blue Giant. 44:56:00:34 ETC 456 FGH 8 BW: Transtellar vessel, ping AE456V, this is the Patrolship Black Walrus Do you copy? ........15sec BW: Transtellar vessel, ping AE456V, this is the Patrolship Black Walrus for an emergency call, you are actually in a collision trajectory with Neptun's atmosphere, do you copy? ....12 secs AS: Good morning Black Walrus Vessel, This is the transtellar Bulk Carrier Adavega Success. Thanks for your consideration, We will check our trajectory when we will be close to the station, no worry for the moment. BW: Adavega Success, It is good to hear you, I please you to consider again our warning. The gravity of Neptun is strong and you are currently close to drift in the direction of the atmosphere. My Navigator can help you if you need it in sending you a correctiv procedure for the avoidance manoeuvre. ......32 sec AS: Thank you again Black Walrus, but my Navigator is quite experimented and we have enough power to resist to the giant's atmosphere. You very kind but I assure you that there is nothing to worry about. Over. ......2min BW: To the Captain of the Adavega Success, this is the Captain of the Black Walrus, we are right behind you, and we can see your stern drifting dangerously into the direction of Neptune. I have no doubt about your navigator skills and confident in the power of your engines but your ship is not made to cross so close to a giant's atmosphere without the assistance of a tugship. I apologise for my insistence but I recommend you again to execute a move quickly. AS: (bad connexion)......Black Walr... This is the Adavega Success' navigator can you send me the corrective trajectory I will m....(background noise)..... I will make the manoeuv.....(background noise, screams) Captain they are righ.... We need to... ............... BW: Adavega Success we have difficulties to hear you, do you copy? .............. BW: Adavega Success, this is the Black Walrus, do you copy? We are sending you the new trajectory, and I have to inform you that the neptunian orbital guards are trying to call you without success. They ask you to put your ship in the emergency condition and change immediately your trajectory. They send rescue vessels in case you will experiment damages during the manoeuvre. ....... AS: This is the Adavega Success, we are fine, my navigator is a little tired but I know my job, i know my ship, and we will stand in this trajectory. All our engines are running and we will perform this transit very wel....(background noise, agitation, people screaming) That is all Black Walrus Good day. Over......... ......... BW: Adavega Success, I am not joking, you are entering in the atmosphere now, we can easily see smoke around your exhausts. Go to the Lifecaps immediately, leave the ship, I repeat leave the ship, leave her. BW: Adavega Success, do you copy? ............ BW: Neptunian orbital station, this is the Black Walrus, our transmission with the Adavega Success is lost. the ship is clearly sinking now and we can see the hull cover by flames. we are amorcing our descent through the atmosphere in search of lifecaps. NOG: Black Walrus, understood, our second rescue ship is already catching a emergency signal from a lifecapsule Keep your course and wait for further orders. BW: Black Walrus, understood. Transmission end. Note from our look-out: " I lost the Adavega at 44:72:00:18, after she was to deep in the atmosphere to be visible. I notice the light signal of one the two life capsule 1 min after the sinking, and imformed my captain immediately." Ben Bishop. Look-out. This is all we have from the records concerning the Adavega Success. I have checked with the crew members who where there two years ago when she sinked but they are certain that it was our only call with her. I hope it will help you for the trial of the Adavega Success' captain. salutations. Julia Oliver Communication engineer Black Walrus. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&