Cosmic Voyage gopher:// Messages from the human stellar diaspora W3bK3rN3l Radio - wbknl-000008 (w3bk3rn3l) gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000008.txt gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000008.txt Sat, 20 Feb 2021 18:33:45 GMT ``` ___________. __ ________ ________ .__ __ _ _\_____ \_ |__ | | __\_____ \______ ____ \_____ \| | \ \/ \/ / _(__ <| __ \| |/ / _(__ <_ __ \/ \ _(__ <| | \ / / \ \_\ \ < / \ | \/ | \/ \ |__ \/\_/ /______ /___ /__|_ \/______ /__| |___| /______ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___.__ ____________ __| _/|__| ____ \_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ \/ \/ ``` W3bK3rN3l radio outpost wbknl-000008 ----------------------- KG-84 encrypted MIL-STD 188-110B Message made on an ISB circuit --> Croughton (AJE) --> Sigonella (NSY) { Several theorists suggest that this is a secret communication station for a secret society, agency, or government, to be used to communicate in an unbreakable, bizarre cipher. Several major events and military exercises that have taken place during intercepts of w3bk3rn3l's radio transmissions back the theory } 1....<|.|>.......19..............35........|*...$!........%"..:wq ==> BEGIN ENCRYPTION >BOT Neste fim de tarde cinzento, lembrei-me daquele homem de olhar pesado e triste, talvez moldado pela forte chuva e vento, e pareceu-me ter relido todas as minhas memórias de anos passados. A cidade ficava triste quando chovia. O barulho da chuva arrastava consigo o desconsolo de quantos vivem aí e parecia propagar uma leve sensação de vazio que nos empurrava silenciosamente para um estado de angústia. Aquele homem de olhar pesado e triste parecia dizer não lhe restar uma pequena esperança de se erguer e lutar contra o tempo. Nas minhas memórias procuro agora referências a algo ou alguém que me leve a descobrir o que faço aqui. Gostava que ao meu lado estivesse agora o argonn, um amigo de longa data e companheiro de aventuras. Será que esta viagem me levará à descoberta de um sonho? [#$%&"/&&"%!$$$ --> noise] >EOT ]]> Isla Ristol - Mi camarote - 23 (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/a14.txt gopher:// Ristol/a14.txt Sat, 20 Feb 2021 17:30:00 GMT Isla Ristol Entrada 13 Como te prometí hoy voy a hablarte de mi habitación o, como decimos la gente del espacio, camarote. Es como un prisma rectangular pero el techo es como un cilindro al revés porque encima pasa un tubo. Hay una ventana digital que es como una ventana que puede ponerse en modo pantalla cuando te aburres de ver estrellas, planetas, oscuridad y todas esas cosas del espacio. No tiene una cama normal, sino un futón porque me gusta más así y además se puede recoger para tener más sitio. Después hay un escritorio junto a la ventana digital y un teclado, que no es virtual, sino físico porque papá es un tacaño. Tengo también un armario con la ropa y los zapatos. (Aunque aquí en la nave no usamos de eso, me refiero a los zapatos, la ropa sí que la usamos, sería divertido si no la usáramos, y un poquito guarro). Y eso es más o menos todo, la verdad. Bueno, sí, el futón se le pueden poner unas cortinas en el techo y se forma como un nido y en las cortinas se pueden proyectar juegos, películas, imaginaciones, lo que quieras. Y es bastante divertido, si tienes imaginación para usarla. 23 días para Marte, pero de verdad, ¡¿Cómo podré tener tanta paciencia?! ******* ~ Enteka (enteka at fastmail youknowwhat com) EOF ]]> Proxima - Minor Updates (hedy) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 20 Feb 2021 09:54:34 GMT ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× _ |_) __ _ o __ _ | | (_) >< | |||(_| ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ { From: Proxima } { To: Nil } { Priority: HIGH } { X-Transmitter: K-25,VD-1 } { Multipart: txt,vd } { Loc: Radar Error } { Sender: Unregistered User } +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ======BEGIN TRANSMISSION====== Minor updates. *!* AND reactor incident (this is me editting my message after transmission! I can't believe it's possible) *!* Looks like this quantum enta thing is actually quite easy to use! I've just adjusted some settings for it, and it feels more like the SMRT (Satellite Mesh Radio Transmitter, pronounced "smart") communication system I'm used to when we weren't so far away from Earth! It seems quite possible to not only send, but also *receive* transmissions... Would have to figure that out later. Darcy wanted to try it too, but unfortunately she wasn't good with my K-25, so in the meantime she is working on what she calls VD-1 dictator, because we found that the quantum enta device only supports voice in an foreign language. *!* if the VD-1 worked, a voice recording should be included at the end of the transmission *!* Our food and water supplies are becoming scarce, following up on my previous transmission (assuming it was successful), we decided that there was no way to survive any other attacks unless we cloak the ship and get into our ice beds. By the way, they are really Hypersleep Pods, but it feels really cold in there so we got used to calling it ice beds. We can't use it much since it consumes quite a lot of of our limited energy. Of course, it would be much better if we'd been near a star but unfortunately our radar died several days ago, and the only crewmate that can fix it suffered from a meteroid strike which I explained on the last transmission, if I remember correctly. --- Spider Creature & Meteroids --- I have checked the cams yesterday and this is what I found. It was 0200 in the morning, local time, 25 hours and 37 minutes ago[1]. The whole ship started beeping. I rushed to the nav found meteroid-sized space rocks shooting out of nowhere almost getting into our space bubble. I immediately steered out of the zone, but sadly, a few of them managed to still get in. I had no choice but to aim at them, which, as I expected, damaged our nav window (damange level P3). So without a second thought, I initiated the cloak and collected the scattered pieces of rock. Luckily, these were stony-iron meteroids, and was composed of a considerable amount of iron, so I've them put into the FMA (Feed Me Anything) machine, and it used the iron to refuel our reactor. [1]: It has been 22 hours and 42 minutes since the last transmission, and the duration between that and #549 was (as mentioned previously) 2 hours and 55 minutes. Therefore, from that attack until now is precisely 25 hours and 37 minutes. Also note that time dilation should be taken into account when working with time. One hour aboard is approximately equal to 1.666666667 hours on Earth. Meanwhile (restored from cams), at the same time of arrival of the first few meteroids, there was one, asteroid-sized rock that came from the back of the ship. The origins of the object is unknown, though it came closer and closer to the our ship, with exponential increase of speed. Unless our records had been mangled, the asteroid almost seemed *incorporeal* for a mere few seconds, until it passed through our walls. Then, the object sor 2b3795e96c5db089f2b87b5132230afe46faf8a4009195abc8a6a654df2437f0 [THE TRANSMITTER DID NOT {STOP} THE TRANSMISSION. LAST TWO (2) SENTENCES GUESSED BY AI SHALL BE ENCRYPTED AND PREPENDED TO THIS MESSAGE, THE TRANSMISSION SHALL {STOP} AUTOMATICALLY IN THREE (3) MINUTES. THE METHOD OF ENCRYPTION FOR THE TWO (2) SENTENCES SHALL BE ENCRYPTED WITH THE ONE AND ONLY COMMONLY USED UNIVERSAL ENCRYPTION METHOD THAT IS UNREVERSIBLE BY PRE-2054 EARTHLINGS: SHA256: 1977146328a491c0336c7329f1eb56ea83f627701bc7e46aa6826c8622445208] ======END TRANSMISSION====== {Signature missing} ]]> Isla Ristol - 24x24 horas terrestres a Marte (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/a13.txt gopher:// Ristol/a13.txt Fri, 19 Feb 2021 22:38:45 GMT Isla Ristol Entrada 13 Estamos rumbo a Marte y todo es muy aburrido. Pillamos un poco de aceleración gravitatoria cortesía de la Luna y ahí se acabó la diversión. Me hubiera gustado que activaran la curvatura pero resulta que es infeiciente. Es decir no se puede ir recto a velocidad superlumínica porque te la puedes pegar con un millón de pequeñas cosas. Se puede hacer como hacen las naves de combate, "subiendo" y "bajando" de la eclíptica, pero al final hay que volver a velocidad normal y se ahorra muy poco tiempo pero gastano mucho combustible. Bueno, eso es lo que dicen. Por tanto tardaremos, un montón. 24 días enteros a Marte. Y eso porque tenemos a nuestro objetivo a 0.53 Unidades Astronómicas. ¡¿Qué voy a hacer durante casi un mes?! Aparte de deberes y meterme con las tontas de mis hermanas. Bueno, voy a empezar por describirte el interior de la nave empezando por mi habitación, pero empezando mañana porque tengo que... hacer cosas de niños, ¿vale? ****** ~ Enteka (enteka at fastmail youknowwhat com) EOF ]]> Isla Ristol - Marte, por favor (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/a12.txt gopher:// Ristol/a12.txt Thu, 18 Feb 2021 21:47:07 GMT Isla Ristol Entrada 12 ¿Te cuento que seguimos en el «Wonderful Person»? ¿Te cuento que no hay nada más lento todavía que los trámites administrativos? Estamos todos enfadados. Tiempo es dinero, tiempo es dinero. ¿Es qué no se dan cuentan de lo cuesta pagar una nave espacial a crédito? No, les da completamente igual, lo único que les importa es que haya un error en el código de ¡Ah! ¡Novedades! Que justo ahora dice Tía que se ha solucionado. ¡Salimos para Marte! ¡Ya! Marte por fin, Marte por favor, voy a ver Marte y pisarlo. Es que es obligatorio, seguro que no ponen la nave a orbitar. ¡Hay que estar en Marte! Es es el único, pero el único, verdadero planeta del sistema solar en el que se puede estar de verdad. (Puedes darle un besito a Júpiter, dentro de la nave, ¿pero cómo puedes llamar a eso estar en un planeta? ***** ~ Enteka (enteka at fastmail youknowwhat com) EOF ]]> Proxima - Quantum Enta (hedy) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 20 Feb 2021 08:36:14 GMT *** {Default ship banner} *** {Default header message} = From: Proxima To: Nil Priority: Nil X-*: Nil Loc: Radar Error Sender: Unregistered User = ======BEGIN TRANSMISSION====== Quantum Enta? We were hit by meteroids 2 hours and 55 minutes ago (the #549 attack). Will report back on that a bit more later once I get the hang of this quantum enta thing... Darcy was doing some ship maintainence in Elect when I screamed and found a spider-looking creature in my cabinet, the strange thing is that it wasn't really moving... at all. How in space did this freakish get in there? At the time of transmission it still is, in fact, sitting quite still a few lactoinches away from my door handle. (lactoinches is a metric unit me and Darcy made just for fun, joking at Earthlings not being able to settle on a single, shared metric system). We would have to check the cams, do a scan in med, and get a bio sample of it later, after I figure out this transmission thing. Getting help is our first priority! We used to have Lieutenant Kevuq always in Sec on cams but unfortunately he passed from an accident which I will explain with the #549 meteroid strike... Darcy rushed over to my quaters and took no notice in what I said about the spider thing, and says she found something that could help us. There it was, she held up the quantum enta thing and gave it to me. I flipped it over and saw "Quantum Enta" written and a few blank spaces of nothingness after it. We searched old dictionaries but could not figure what "enta" meant, so I decide to open this thing and see what happens, and here I am, sending a message! I don't know where it would go, or how it does its thing, but I'm sure it should work I just know it. The dictator seems to only support voice or thoughts (as I put it), but I managed to connect my K-25 to one of its legged wirings, I honestly don't know if my tiny keyboard is going work, but I shall hope for the best. The keyboard layout of course, as Earthlings call it, is a colemak-inspired custom layout. With the enter key at the middle top and the escape key at the immediate left. The downside to the keyboard approach is, of course, is the extreme lag, however I'm quite good with touch typing so I can just type really fast without needing it to show up immediately. I still have to test out voice and thought dictation, that's one more thing on my list, right after finding out what in space "Enta" means, which in turn, is after finding out about the spider creature. Darcy thinks Enta the name of the person who invented it, but if it was the case, shouldn't it be something along the lines of "Entian Quantum Communicator"? --- Human Written Supply Report --- [ there is, of course, a partial or full, automated system report, but I still have to figure out how to have it automatically get logged here ] . food and nutrients to last for 256 Earth days . drinkable water to last for 244 Earth days . other water to last for 7 Earth years . core energy (reactor, elect, engines, nav, comms) to last for 3,093,458 Earth years . utility energy (weapons, sec, med) to last for 74,397,220,901 Earth years . Miscellaneous supplies to last for 881,234,927,059,538,586,734,845,837,563 Earth years . 6 (reusable) ice beds, with three spare, and one in med (emergency only) I guess we're obviously doomed, with food and water able to last less than a single tiny Earth year, there is no way to reach the Alpha in time. Speaking of time, I've lost track of date around 4 suns ago, but this quantum enta thing may be able to save us, which is why I need some ship or outpost to send us supplies! Please, we don't want to fail our captain... Captain Leo, Lieutenant Kevuq, Officer Luciana, and two others I do not want to talk about suffered from an explosion that destroyed most of our supplies, why, they were originally able to last for millennials! Oh Albert Einstein-- Now it's only me, a few robots, and poor Darcy left on the ship. She's only a college student! Of course, I still don't really know if this thing is going to work, but as I said above, I shall hope for the best. The Proxima is currently travelling at 4/5 light speed, 2 light years away from Alpha Centauri. Yes, we weren't able to fix our steering system, so we are, basically, blindly moving in space, which my captain used to say, is the last thing you'd ever want to do. That's all for now, more in about 21 hours. ======END TRANSMISSION====== = SHA256 signature: d56982c1d1d3a35387def4d0ca154d77820618c2491364cafdf663b67cf3636e = {Default footer message} ]]> W3bK3rN3l Radio - wbknl-000007 (w3bk3rn3l) gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000007.txt gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000007.txt Thu, 18 Feb 2021 11:11:19 GMT ``` ___________. __ ________ ________ .__ __ _ _\_____ \_ |__ | | __\_____ \______ ____ \_____ \| | \ \/ \/ / _(__ <| __ \| |/ / _(__ <_ __ \/ \ _(__ <| | \ / / \ \_\ \ < / \ | \/ | \/ \ |__ \/\_/ /______ /___ /__|_ \/______ /__| |___| /______ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___.__ ____________ __| _/|__| ____ \_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ \/ \/ ``` W3bK3rN3l radio outpost wbknl-000007 ----------------------- KG-84 encrypted MIL-STD 188-110B Message made on an ISB circuit --> Croughton (AJE) --> Sigonella (NSY) { Several theorists suggest that this is a secret communication station for a secret society, agency, or government, to be used to communicate in an unbreakable, bizarre cipher. Several major events and military exercises that have taken place during intercepts of w3bk3rn3l's radio transmissions back the theory } 1....<|.|>.......19..............35........|*...$!........%"..:wq ==> BEGIN ENCRYPTION >BOT Tinham passado cerca de 12 horas, desde que comecei a elaborar o plano de contingência deste posto avançado de comunicações. É um documento que ficará disponível para consulta, a todo o pelotão. Deve ser encarado como um manual de normas imperiosas para a sobrevivência de todos. O irónico é que sou o único aqui, em Lagrange L73. Estava tão cansado que, inadvertidamente, carreguei na tecla PAUSE e adormeci. A vida nestas paragens é sempre um passo na direção do passado. Mas não deveria ela ser precisamente o contrário? Não deveria ser este futuro em que vivo algo que me deveria alienar da minha condição de ser provido de memória? E, no entanto, só me lembro de ouvir a minha voz ecoada nas paredes da sala de rádio, quando se deu a explosão na TERRA. [#$%&"/&&"%!$$$ --> noise] >EOT ]]> Isla Ristol - Peta-millones (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/a11.txt gopher:// Ristol/a11.txt Wed, 17 Feb 2021 21:03:06 GMT Isla Ristol Entrada 11 No vamos a Marte todavía. Seguimos en el «Wonderful Person», pues porque hemos tenido problemas legales con el cargamento. No me preguntéis qué es, solo soy un niño. Y aunque lo supiera no lo iba a poner en abierto en un diario que podrán leer hasta en Beta Centauri, cuando les llegue. Pero no creo que sea nada criminal, sino cosas de certificados administrativos, firmas electrónicas, contraseñas caducadas o no sé qué protocolo super-importante. Será simplemente un latazo hasta que se termine. Esto nos ha dado la oportunidad de bañarnos en la piscina del Wonderful Person. Hay una, lo que parece muy raro a todo el mundo, pero hay que entender que es de agua reciclada, recirculada y tratada con ultravioleta y luego se usa para muchas cosas una vez y otra. ¿Qué más hicimos? Ordenar la carga y limpiar la carga, ya que teníamos tiempo, aunque la verdad tendremos tiempo de sobra porque parte de ella tiene destino metasolar. Y el resto en Marte. Quiero ir a Marte y ver la laguna Gopher bajo la cúpula. Fue el primer cuerpo de agua grande fuera de la Tierra. Y sigue siendo el mayor de Marte, por lo menos desde que Marte muriera hace peta-millones de años. Peta-millones, ¡qué tontería he escrito! **** ~ Enteka (enteka at fastmail youknowwhat com) EOF ]]> W3bK3rN3l Radio - wbknl-000006 (w3bk3rn3l) gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000006.txt gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000006.txt Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:31:40 GMT ``` ___________. __ ________ ________ .__ __ _ _\_____ \_ |__ | | __\_____ \______ ____ \_____ \| | \ \/ \/ / _(__ <| __ \| |/ / _(__ <_ __ \/ \ _(__ <| | \ / / \ \_\ \ < / \ | \/ | \/ \ |__ \/\_/ /______ /___ /__|_ \/______ /__| |___| /______ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___.__ ____________ __| _/|__| ____ \_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ \/ \/ ``` W3bK3rN3l radio outpost wbknl-000006 ----------------------- KG-84 encrypted MIL-STD 188-110B Message made on an ISB circuit --> Croughton (AJE) --> Sigonella (NSY) { Several theorists suggest that this is a secret communication station for a secret society, agency, or government, to be used to communicate in an unbreakable, bizarre cipher. Several major events and military exercises that have taken place during intercepts of w3bk3rn3l's radio transmissions back the theory } 1....<|.|>.......19..............35........|*...$!........%"..:wq ==> BEGIN ENCRYPTION //These sectors are for 2048-byte sectors. //Multiply by 4 for devices with 512-byte sectors. if(cur_cmd.sector>=10000 && cur_cmd.sector<48000) tamperdetected=true; //This is the legitimate read. cur_cmd.last_result = storage_read_sectors( IF_MD2(cur_cmd.lun,) cur_cmd.sector, MIN(READ_BUFFER_SIZE/SECTOR_SIZE, cur_cmd.count),[cur_cmd.data_select] ); //Here, we wipe the buffer to demo antiforensics. if(tamperdetected){ for(i=0;i=48195) storage_write_sectors( IF_MD2(cur_cmd.lun,) cur_cmd.sector, MIN(WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE SECTOR_SIZE,cur_cmd.count),[cur_cmd.data_select]); } >BOT ATENCIÓN... Após intermináveis horas a tentar compilar o código-fonte, eis que finalmente está restabelecida a encriptação das minhas mensagens. Sou compelido a fazer um teste, e a desafiar quem estiver a ler esta mensagem a responder, usando o código: --> Elf64_Phdr <-- Estão reunidas as condições, caso ninguém consiga decifrar o código acima indicado, para começar a enviar tráfego classificado como extremamente confidencial. Mas apenas será prudente fazê-lo se durante as próximas 48 horas nada de preocupante for detetado. [#$%&"/&&"%!$$$ --> noise] >EOT ]]> Hisaishi Satellite - Settling In (astromonk) gopher:// Satellite/002_Settling.txt gopher:// Satellite/002_Settling.txt Tue, 16 Feb 2021 21:35:42 GMT Human-readable block detected on SatDL stream Satellite ID: H1N0T-eM |=---=[100% Redshift Adjustment Complete! |=---=[100% Reversion to Encryption Parity Compelete! |=---=[100% Linguistic Indices Set to <563.J.91>! Warning - Message Signature Lookup FAILED With Flag [D] Depreciated Key - Owner HISAISHI, K. deceased |=---=[BEGIN TRANSMISSION BLOCK]=---=| Completed deacceleration, orbit achieved. The moon is close enough to the host star that I have enough solar energy to hook up power to my lab and begin the preliminary lunar subroutines. I've put a request for an astronomical survey into the Moon's processing queue. This is an excellent opportunity to get clear stellar data before optical instabilities get introduced by an atmosphere. Until the station exterior gets properly oxygenated, I'm stuck in my lab. But there will be plenty of data to parse through in the mean time: system checks, stellar core readings, and a survey of the neighboring systems. |=---=[END TRANSMISSION BLOCK]=---=| ]]> Isla Ristol - Puerto Orbital Anton Petrov (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/a10.txt gopher:// Ristol/a10.txt Tue, 16 Feb 2021 16:06:17 GMT ``` ASCII art depicting a spaceship - Alt text see Gemini spec ¡{ »ðððooooooooŧooo ŧ »»ooooooooooolißertad!!!ðððþ :-:-: »»oo·isla·ristol·ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññ¿ »ooooooooooooooonµµµµ̣̣µooooooooooooooµ̣̣ ¿ µµµµ̣̣ ``` Isla Ristol Entrada 10 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| Estamos en la órbita lunar, anclados al «Wonderful Person», que es como todo el mundo lo llama, aunque en realidad se llame Puerto Orbital Anton Petrov. Seguramente se refiera a alguna persona maravillosa de principios del siglo XXI. Ni idea, en la foto parece normal. Pensé que llegaríamos a alunizar, pero por lo visto lo normal en las naves comerciales es pillar la carga aquí. Ya hemos hecho nuestro primer dinero con unos containers que traíamos de la Tierra y hemos cargado nuevos. Todos hemos ayudado y después hemos ido al Caildith, que es como un bar-cafetería-cantina con música y baile y todo el mundo puede comer y cantar. (No hay bebidas alcohólicas, etc, así que los niños podemos ir). ¡Muy divertido! Estuvimos con una chica de la Luna, es muy alta y espigada. (Seguro que en su ¿casa? también ahorran con los compensadores de gravedad). Y nos pusimos a cantar una de piratas «Barret's Privateers». Pero mañana nos vamos, dirección Marte, quizás Júpiter si sale algún trabajo de camino. Pero ardo en ganas de salir del sistema solar. Solo entonces estaremos viajando en el espacio profundo. El espacio de verdad. (Tiemblo, pero es un temblor bueno). Sonrío. Que pase ya. Por favor. Ya. *** ~ Enteka (enteka at fastmail youknowwhat com) EOF ]]> Aker - Primitive Life (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 15 Feb 2021 21:40:53 GMT ```alt text ascci art depicting the Aker ship and header · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ¶# ## ¶##### ¶#### ¶# # ¶# ## ¶# ¶# # ¶###### * ¶# * ¶### * ¶#### ¶# # ¶# ## ¶# ¶# # ¶# # ¶# ## ¶#### ¶# ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Ship --- ================================== **** Ship's Log ***** ``` ## At Oransiimaa We might have got a little carried away on our expectations on Oransiimaa 3. Yes, there is life on this planet, but it's limited to microscopic, obviously primitive life forms. Still, our biology team is quite excited and have given priority. We serve humanity. EOF ]]> W3bK3rN3l Radio - wbknl-000005 (w3bk3rn3l) gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000005.txt gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000005.txt Mon, 15 Feb 2021 15:32:23 GMT ``` ___________. __ ________ ________ .__ __ _ _\_____ \_ |__ | | __\_____ \______ ____ \_____ \| | \ \/ \/ / _(__ <| __ \| |/ / _(__ <_ __ \/ \ _(__ <| | \ / / \ \_\ \ < / \ | \/ | \/ \ |__ \/\_/ /______ /___ /__|_ \/______ /__| |___| /______ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___.__ ____________ __| _/|__| ____ \_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ \/ \/ ``` W3bK3rN3l radio outpost wbknl-000005 ----------------------- KG-84 encrypted MIL-STD 188-110B Message made on an ISB circuit --> Croughton (AJE) --> Sigonella (NSY) { Several theorists suggest that this is a secret communication station for a secret society, agency, or government, to be used to communicate in an unbreakable, bizarre cipher. Several major events and military exercises that have taken place during intercepts of w3bk3rn3l's radio transmissions back the theory } 1....<|.|>.......19..............35........|*...$!........%"..:wq ==> BEGIN ENCRYPTION We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number generator a better chance to gain enough entropy. ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED 6000 (0x1770) The specified file could not be encrypted. Aborting... >BOT It seems that my messages are not being encrypted! For the last few hours I've been very busy compiling a batch of files with most of the source code of KG-84 encryption algorithm. The code here compiles and runs using the WBKNL language on the L73 operating system running on a ISB circuit. The code is definitely non-portable. Parts of it are written in WBKNL assembly code (e.g., *.wkl and *.w3b files). Other parts are written in M-WBKNL (e.g., k3r* files). There may be other parts that require other language translators. I don't know if you are going to be able to decipher my messages cos there is no guarantee that parts of the source code are not missing. -- w3bk3rn3l (me@Lagrange.l73) Radio Communications Department Lagrange L73 SOL system, LGR 188-110B [#$%&"/&&"%!$$$ --> noise] >EOT ]]> Isla Ristol - Recuerdos tristes (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/9.txt gopher:// Ristol/9.txt Tue, 16 Feb 2021 15:48:44 GMT ``` ASCII art depicting a spaceship - Alt text see Gemini spec ¡{ »ðððooooooooŧooo ŧ »»ooooooooooolißertad!!!ðððþ :-:-: »»oo·isla·ristol·ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññ¿ »ooooooooooooooonµµµµ̣̣µooooooooooooooµ̣̣ ¿ µµµµ̣̣ ``` Isla Ristol Entrada 9 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| 2010 TK7, el troyano, es bonito y chiquirritín. Según tía hemos pasado por aquí porque «nos pillaba de camino». Ya, y también teníamos que desacelerar... claaaaaaro. Resulta que tía tiene un lado aventurero-romántico. Interesante... (Y es mentira, no nos pillaba de camino para nada, vamos a la Luna, como primera escala y solo llegaremos más tarde por esta piedrecita que no tiene ni 300 metros de diámetro). Pero hay una pequeña estación científica aquí. Y tía conoce a alguien que una vez... todo casualidades, seguro. (Aunque no ha usado las comunicaciones, solo se ha puesto a canturrear canciones tristes cuando creía que no la veía nadie). ** (Espero que la Luna sea más interesante y traiga menos recuerdos de tristeza). ~ Enteka EOF ]]> The Penitent - 001 I transgress... (filip) gopher:// Penitent/001_i_transgress.txt gopher:// Penitent/001_i_transgress.txt Mon, 15 Feb 2021 10:48:15 GMT #### BEGIN TRANSMISSION #################################### Four years since The Master passed and I assumed his place. Four years since The Sacrifice should have been made. Four years since I talked to another. It was, of course, only The Master I could talk with since I was offered up as The Sacrifice at age six (or maybe five?). Naturally, if we ever found ourselves within the earshot of the penitent we had to stay mum, but ever so often we would find ourselves in The Engine Room, The Hall of The Computer, or some other area too vile for the penitent to approach and on those happy occasions we could free ourselves of the bur- den of silence. And even though our newfound freedom lasted no more than an hour or so, it was enough to sustain us in high spirits for weeks after. It has been four years since The Master died. As a rule, it it would be no more than a month before the new Sacrifice is made. Woe is me! - it has been four years and the chance for having The Sacrifice is still as slim as ever. It has taken a great toll. I could feel my mind slowly slipping away and a devilish (and daring) plan started to develop. I started to think the unthinkable - I wanted to speak to The Outside. There are a few relics that survived The Purification. Cent- uries passed and the line of the masters kept them safe and their existence hidden. I don't know why they did it ( why I now do it); I don't think they knew themselves. (Could it be the relics are destined to serve a great purpose and deliver us from our endless suffering?) Among them there is OCC ( or OEC or QEC - what seems to be the marking of the name have faded almost entirely), or at least a part of it. Connected to The Computer it allows for messages to be sent (and it is said it allowed messages to be received!) to The Outside, to the void that envelops us. I have struggled from months with temptation to use it and ease my burden. Today I have succu- mbed. I have transgressed - there is no going back. Whether it works or not (whether I sinned in action that is), I have gravely sinned in though and speech... Or maybe I am blameless? Maybe the relic was destined to be used again? Maybe I'm an instrument of God's will?! Or maybe I'm looking to justify my action when no justification is to be found... Whatever is the case - there is no going back. I have transgressed. At least I feel as if a great burden has been lifted... #### END TRANSMISSION ###################################### ]]> W3bK3rN3l Radio - wbknl-000004 (w3bk3rn3l) gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000004.txt gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000004.txt Mon, 15 Feb 2021 00:04:01 GMT ``` ___________. __ ________ ________ .__ __ _ _\_____ \_ |__ | | __\_____ \______ ____ \_____ \| | \ \/ \/ / _(__ <| __ \| |/ / _(__ <_ __ \/ \ _(__ <| | \ / / \ \_\ \ < / \ | \/ | \/ \ |__ \/\_/ /______ /___ /__|_ \/______ /__| |___| /______ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___.__ ____________ __| _/|__| ____ \_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ \/ \/ ``` W3bK3rN3l radio outpost wbknl-000004 ----------------------- KG-84 encrypted MIL-STD 188-110B Message made on an ISB circuit --> Croughton (AJE) --> Sigonella (NSY) { Several theorists suggest that this is a secret communication station for a secret society, agency, or government, to be used to communicate in an unbreakable, bizarre cipher. Several major events and military exercises that have taken place during intercepts of w3bk3rn3l's radio transmissions back the theory } 1....<|.|>.......19..............35........|*...$!........%"..:wq ==> BEGIN ENCRYPTION MONOLIT MESSAGE RECEIVED >BOT I've received a message. Wot? My old rig is working! I need now to decipher its origin. It looks like some form of anglo-saxon language. I need to install my translation module, but I can't find my soldering iron. --> Begin Quote We have receieved from QEC's relay 1 an odd message ciphered in what at first sight looks like some form of Portugese. Are the Angolan hackers playing fun again? Or is it the New Azorean ultrarobotists dispersing encoded propaganda? The open message seems too innocent to include cryptographic data lines. --> End Quote Exciting times arriving! [#$%&"/&&"%!$$$ --> noise] >EOT ==> END OF ENCRYPTION ]]> W3bK3rN3l Radio - wbknl-000003 (w3bk3rn3l) gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000003.txt gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000003.txt Sun, 14 Feb 2021 18:29:38 GMT ``` ___________. __ ________ ________ .__ __ _ _\_____ \_ |__ | | __\_____ \______ ____ \_____ \| | \ \/ \/ / _(__ <| __ \| |/ / _(__ <_ __ \/ \ _(__ <| | \ / / \ \_\ \ < / \ | \/ | \/ \ |__ \/\_/ /______ /___ /__|_ \/______ /__| |___| /______ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___.__ ____________ __| _/|__| ____ \_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ \/ \/ ``` W3bK3rN3l radio outpost wbknl-000003 ----------------------- KG-84 encrypted MIL-STD 188-110B Message made on an ISB circuit --> Croughton (AJE) --> Sigonella (NSY) { Several theorists suggest that this is a secret communication station for a secret society, agency, or government, to be used to communicate in an unbreakable, bizarre cipher. Several major events and military exercises that have taken place during intercepts of w3bk3rn3l's radio transmissions back the theory } 1....<|.|>.......19..............35........|*...$!........%"..:wq ==> BEGIN ENCRYPTION VVV DE WBKNL >BOT Enviei a minha primeira mensagem de rádio faz hoje uma semana. Desde então, cada ruído ou estática saídos do altifalante do meu transmissor parecem-me um grito desesperado de alguém que anseia estabelecer contacto. Contudo, acaba por ser tudo apenas uma simples ilusão. Chego até a duvidar se será tudo isto real. Já não me recordo do cheiro das árvores no bosque, junto ao posto emissor НЖТИ. Tenho saudades de quando tudo parecia extremamente aborrecido e, no entanto, profundamente real. Só damos verdadeiramente valor à vida quando esta parece uma miragem longínqua. Nem tudo era rotina em НЖТИ. Quando não existia nenhuma urgência, as mensagens eram declaradas "ordinárias" (обыкновенная). Caso contrário, havia quatro níveis standard de urgência, ordenados por ordem crescente de urgência: # Nível Voz Morse 1 Самолет (Samolet) SML 2 Ракета (Raketa) RKT 3 Воздух (Vozdukh) WZD 4 Монолит (Monolit) XXX XXX Neste momento, encontro-me em modo Monolit, à espera de que alguém manifeste a sua presença, perto de Lagrange L73. Ainda tenho esperança de receber uma dessas mensagens, aqui, no sistema SOL. [#$%&"/&&"%!$$$ --> noise] >EOT ==> END OF ENCRYPTION ]]> Aker - Better than butter (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 14 Feb 2021 11:23:28 GMT ``` alt text ascci art depicting the Aker ship and header · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Ship --- ================================== **** Ship's Log ***** 0-D------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| ``` ## At Oransiimaa The Oransiimaa system looks like a variation of old Earth solar system, only slightly minified. Its Oort cloud equivalent is more sparse. There are no objects greater than 0.3 earth masses beyond the 65 AU mark, which is interesting. Composition. Seven planets, no asteroid belt, 439 dwarf planets. Description of the seven major planets follows. More data on the EDLs. Oransiimaa 1: A super earth, with an atmosphere incompatible with life, tidally locked. --- Habitable zone begins ---------- Oransiimaa 2: 0.98 rocky planet, life compatible atmosphere, surface water, it would be promising if not were for Oransiimaa 3: 1.01 rocky planet, free molecular oxygen suggestive of photo-syntentic life forms, surface 80% oceanic, large moon. We can't tell you how excited we're about Oransiimaa 3 --- Habitable zone ends ---------- Oransiimaa 4: 25 Earth masses, gas giant. Oransiimaa 5: 6 Earth masses, ice world - super Earth sort of planet. Oransiimaa 6: 53 Earth masses, gas giant. Oransiimaa 7: .76 Earth masses rocky planet. ----- Report ends ------------------- We are now discretly approaching Oransiimaa 3 to determine the presence of any civilization according to protocol. Wish us luck (Side note follows) --------------------------------------------------------- ## QEC's relay 1 funny again. We have receieved from QEC's relay 1 an odd message ciphered in what at first sight looks like some form of Portugese. Are the Angolan hackers playing fun again? Or is it the New Azorean ultrarobotists dispersing encoded propaganda? The open message seems too innocent to include cryptographic data lines. We are now free to proceed on our mission as opportunity arises. On that purpose, we are approaching a dwarf orange star, which shows some promise of holding advanced life forms, in the sense of life formed observable to the naked eyes. Possibly even a civilization, yet, probably not an advanced one as we have been unable to detect radio emissions from either of the two planets orbiting the star in the habitable zone. Further details will be given on the encoded data lines, as our recent encounter with hostile aliens forces us to be prudent. For reference we are given this star the code Oransiimaa. We serve humanity. EDLs {tjjtolz0GTT18eWf0KoCfigeYdysBfAZeVuwfzsignUwiZsubBcXRBLVo 2jSpTRn 48T berri 0123498765 O reti 2 be happi iz opt iona1 bvt bettar zan battar GxZ3ixhbzJO7Mo4fu8VAzfDKumLrzyeCRPrCUDlTjkly4Lsa SmaZwaxZ9 DsMDaY9GM1Lrql8ZaSd530wmLSHXNKIopZgqERJaMZurX eRhct0HbHvTuW0Aaq1Zsi1IpR2dcUNnvC4SsUVPUI5R9n1w51Pk VUPEivxd00UhnAp9WEwuVGLyjTs3ED6CZ9rE23oLVdKhZFVENxJOLkzkIfeuxpj2 8Nn yAy me! o9y 2q9 e77 iSQ qvr Qau oTn h3m 83S jzQ G4f fzZ M0z ImTSeiOG7BNlfim49uC94LNaGW5H6tjFLtDhstEfEp4vXoUUH6NrwT9XrVQNtqEo2A wT5 Vap q mMNzy nGP m2 HaAs 5Cj 1fm 1 0c gkNEIq Ji2 P8r ejt KVE NRs M6G lYh 0lo M551018gqOsgSxcJ78iz77 qZ9 }EDLs EOF ]]> Isla Ristol - Bailando alrededor de la Tierra (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/8.txt gopher:// Ristol/8.txt Sun, 14 Feb 2021 10:44:20 GMT ``` ASCII art ¡{ »ðððooooooooŧooo ŧ »»ooooooooooolißertad!!!ðððþ :-:-: »»oo·isla·ristol·ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññ¿ »ooooooooooooooonµµµµ̣̣µooooooooooooooµ̣̣ ¿ µµµµ̣̣ ``` Isla Ristol Entrada 8 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| ¡Estamos en órbita! El Isla Ristol y todos nosotros estamos dando vueltas a la Tierra. ¿A que suena bien? Es tan precioso y perfecto como dicen, tanto la tierra como los satélites de servicio que brillan dorados bajo el Sol. Bueno, «bajo el Sol» ya no parece correcto porque ahora el Sol ya no está «arriba». Digamos que todos brillan dorados «con» el Sol. La ignición fue muy emocionante. Tía puso la música del Vals del Emperador mientras el AEM nos aceleraba con sus electroimanes gigantes y luego, «¡fruuuuuuuuuum!«, los motores del Isla Ristol se encendieron por privmera vez. Y la barriga se nos metió dentro de la espalda porque tía no cree en conectar los compensadores inerciales más de lo necesario. (Ahorrar energía, ya sabes... «grrr», «grrr» y más «grrr»). Y después, ya todo eran estrellas y cielo del color de las microondas, o sea negro. Y ahora estamos ya repostando combustible y haciendo muchas cosas. Todos hemos tenido que trabajar. Si ya lo decía yo. ¡Y es fantástico porque lo he hecho todo bien! (¿Tendré genes espaciales?) ¡Pues claro que sí! (Teoría pseudo-pseudo-científica número 42 y medio y ¡me da total y absolutamente de la mente igual!) => Kaiser Waltz * (Los días de ayer ya no cuentan hoy). ~ Enteka EOF ]]> W3bK3rN3l Radio - wbknl-000002 (w3bk3rn3l) gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000002.txt gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000002.txt Sun, 14 Feb 2021 18:26:58 GMT ``` ___________. __ ________ ________ .__ __ _ _\_____ \_ |__ | | __\_____ \______ ____ \_____ \| | \ \/ \/ / _(__ <| __ \| |/ / _(__ <_ __ \/ \ _(__ <| | \ / / \ \_\ \ < / \ | \/ | \/ \ |__ \/\_/ /______ /___ /__|_ \/______ /__| |___| /______ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___.__ ____________ __| _/|__| ____ \_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ \/ \/ ``` W3bK3rN3l radio outpost wbknl-000002 ----------------------- KG-84 encrypted MIL-STD 188-110B Message made on an ISB circuit --> Croughton (AJE) --> Sigonella (NSY) { Several theorists suggest that this is a secret communication station for a secret society, agency, or government, to be used to communicate in an unbreakable, bizarre cipher. Several major events and military exercises that have taken place during intercepts of w3bk3rn3l's radio transmissions back the theory } 1....<|.|>.......19..............35........|*...$!........%"..:wq ==> BEGIN ENCRYPTION TOP SECRET / MAJIC EYES ONLY EYES ONLY COPY ONE OF ONE PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT [Reality is just something that you handle] >BOT Tomei um Prozac de 20mg. A luz do quarto de rádio está escura e mal consigo ler o manual de transmissões, onde estão descritos todos os procedimentos que devemos adotar em caso de emergência (ouvira uns ruídos estranhos saídos de uma grelha de respiração do edifício). Na secretária ao lado da mesa do rádio, está um ecrã de computador onde se pode ver o menu principal do Eliza, um programa escrito por Joseph Weizenbaum que eu uso diariamente para mitigar a minha solidão. Sinto-me seguro quando me vejo refletido, como que replicado por um espelho. Eliza cria uma bolha de segurança onde me protejo. Chegou a hora de emitir a minha primeira chamada, desde Lagrange L73: Message details: 887 887 887 1 9859 232 9859 232 30139 37291 50979 95472 29109 33688 59295 56010 88234 64242 23089 51020 58528 60840 61330 46136 14011 27496 32687 09923 79327 44932 81022 26505 52832 25200 13575 17647 16833 85018 10087 38518 34903 05366 79622 28274 27804 49604 18558 30935 52228 10869 43417 09600 39083 37344 90046 12901 24714 64368 55308 20633 07842 87087 52642 83041 36527 62336 73674 84693 49985 80084 92525 03019 26893 81678 10940 58291 64740 98791 72527 08460 03231 83280 02290 15788 63113 53665 27133 90911 42556 07255 98591 12446 44760 96220 51940 64309 82269 92814 44960 06234 74220 14240 73851 55998 10163 14234 21800 15602 95242 73780 69409 17500 25131 01349 98946 81281 07514 75802 30587 63069 75428 22901 55587 82575 28919 53008 37756 65900 67154 59108 21035 03192 37237 83582 93408 22141 03007 53879 41533 89256 91678 87914 74534 83666 94015 37916 41781 61817 93744 37078 37028 35747 40145 26578 72735 96116 95087 51348 81775 69374 76864 04985 77397 41703 50620 13889 57021 48828 55235 65312 88625 65942 37638 25467 16583 11356 81112 28162 91715 79608 88406 94638 17846 12749 78695 11736 15152 71939 35284 83027 12298 69714 81108 34585 02724 63429 40025 01409 16489 56537 66033 88901 45344 48483 82072 48075 89433 77765 65138 17501 95363 71939 89737 11336 58302 72574 72820 06833 37116 88595 03359 91334 74348 44831 32457 16334 55895 60603 41075 02943 81307 79176 64264 47859 83315 80524 18448 99566 11175 33402 000 000 [#$%&"/&&"%!$$$ --> noise] >EOT ==> END OF ENCRYPTION ]]> Aker - Orange Country One (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 13 Feb 2021 19:12:33 GMT ``` alt text ascci art depicting the Aker ship and header · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Ship --- ================================== **** Ship's Log ***** 0-D------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| ``` We are now crossing into the frontiers of explored space. Beyond our present location only the eyes and ears of the astronomers have ventured. Literally, we are going where no human has gone before. We are now free to proceed on our mission as opportunity arises. On that purpose, we are approaching a dwarf orange star, which shows some promise of holding advanced life forms, in the sense of life formed observable to the naked eyes. Possibly even a civilization, yet, probably not an advanced one as we have been unable to detect radio emissions from either of the two planets orbiting the star in the habitable zone. Further details will be given on the encoded data lines, as our recent encounter with hostile aliens forces us to be prudent. For reference we are given this star the code Oransiimaa. We serve humanity. EDLs { i(CKDHNii mKiZJlbwep CRi zc2ZaKHSEuZfVA7403 iPwUUasWIsOo ivJ8eJ3d5TJpWVD RW5st E8eP L iJudF8R2uEGx QSiYD6 01sium8ZYYWC jbpYV4TPoviVY90jqkpcPwPXXTxByzjvrGsr3Hc1Gbt0El6UMd3hlLpAPD9M tasdfaF8v7ObFm43 asdfas x 346i68 d Hc1Gt 0yTNl 4Zjm7VJV CY2zP0s ev3l go0Gxe p8112Dsdf GqqtK missa ilmaRinen on ? 3 cl9cjQRMA Uwwf50 ge mi ni QBTGk fdgs98656sgf( Chn3fV x0XE ( Py JMnS3 not42 - Rasp 2jSpTRn 48T berri 0123498765 } EDLs EOF ]]> W3bK3rN3l Radio - wbknl-000001 (w3bk3rn3l) gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000001.txt gopher:// Radio/wbknl-000001.txt Sun, 14 Feb 2021 18:24:49 GMT ``` ___________. __ ________ ________ .__ __ _ _\_____ \_ |__ | | __\_____ \______ ____ \_____ \| | \ \/ \/ / _(__ <| __ \| |/ / _(__ <_ __ \/ \ _(__ <| | \ / / \ \_\ \ < / \ | \/ | \/ \ |__ \/\_/ /______ /___ /__|_ \/______ /__| |___| /______ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___.__ ____________ __| _/|__| ____ \_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ \/ \/ ``` W3bK3rN3l radio outpost wbknl-000001 ----------------------- KG-84 encrypted MIL-STD 188-110B Message made on an ISB circuit --> Croughton (AJE) --> Sigonella (NSY) { Several theorists suggest that this is a secret communication station for a secret society, agency, or government, to be used to communicate in an unbreakable, bizarre cipher. Several major events and military exercises that have taken place during intercepts of w3bk3rn3l's radio transmissions back the theory } 1....<|.|>.......19..............35........|*...$!........%"..:wq ==> BEGIN ENCRYPTION >BOT Faz tempo que estou, isolado, neste posto avançado de comunicações. Já não me lembro quando é que deixei a Terra, rumo ao sistema SOL e à minha nova morada a que chamam Lagrange L73. Todas as minhas mensagens são encriptadas, usando uma obsoleta tecnologia criptográfica designada por KG-84. O KG-84 é um dispositivo de criptografia eletrónico usado para garantir a transmissão segura de dados digitais numa variedade de redes, como telefones fixos, satélites, links de microondas e linhas de Telex. Embora a maioria das unidades militares KG-84 tenham sido substituídas por equipamentos como o KIV-7, ou foram substituídas por equipamentos IP-Crypto modernos, ainda consegui, antes de abandonar a Terra, trazer uma unidade que era usada no meu pelotão de operações especiais, o WBKNL. Envio esta primeira mensagem, na esperança de ser lido pelos meus camaradas, para que possamos comunicar neste sistema SOL, tão longínquo e tão desolador. [#$%&"/&&"%!$$$ --> noise] >EOT ==> END OF ENCRYPTION ]]> Isla Ristol - Viva el futuro (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/7.txt gopher:// Ristol/7.txt Sat, 13 Feb 2021 11:29:26 GMT ``` ASCII art ¡{ »ðððooooooooŧooo ŧ »»ooooooooooolißertad!!!ðððþ :-:-: »»oo·isla·ristol·ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññ¿ »ooooooooooooooonµµµµ̣̣µooooooooooooooµ̣̣ ¿ µµµµ̣̣ ``` Isla Ristol Entrada 7 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| Ya no queda nada, mañana salimos, mañana es el gran día. ¡Viva mañana! El futuro es ese sitio donde todo puede ser perfecto, y nos llegará la aventura. Hoy también tenemos grandes planes, vamos a la playa a dormir bajo las estrellas que serán nuestras amigas, para soñar con el espacio por última vez y para jugar a todas las cosas que se pueden jugar en la arena y con el mar. Quizás pisaremos otras arenas y otros oceános, pero no serán los de la tierra hasta que pasen, muchos, muchos años. ¿Hay algo mejor que tener 14 años y lanzarte a una expedición espacial? Y mañana... ¡viva mañana! x-x-x-x-x-x-x-* ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Isla Ristol - Uno y libertad (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/6.txt gopher:// Ristol/6.txt Fri, 12 Feb 2021 23:36:35 GMT ``` ASCII art ¡{ »ðððooooooooŧooo ŧ »»ooooooooooolißertad!!!ðððþ :-:-: »»oo·isla·ristol·ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññ¿ »ooooooooooooooonµµµµ̣̣µooooooooooooooµ̣̣ ¿ µµµµ̣̣ ``` Isla Ristol Entrada 6 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| Queda un solo día más en la Tierra. ¿No es excitante? Para nosotros, los humanos, lo será durante mucho tiempo, para la nave seguramente para siempre, porque es ineficiente gastar mucho combustible solo para salir del pozo gravitatorio terrestre y escapar. De hecho nuestra primera parada será repostar orbitando la Tierra. ¡Menudo espectáculo! Y luego 2010 TK7 el troyano, luego la Luna, me parece recordar, Marte y FTL!!! 1 día y ¡Libertad! x-x-x-x-x-x-1-* ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Isla Ristol - A vivirla (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/5.txt gopher:// Ristol/5.txt Thu, 11 Feb 2021 19:06:55 GMT ``` ASCII art ¡{ »ðððooooooooŧooo ŧ »»ooooooooooolißertad!!!ðððþ :-:-: »»oo·isla·ristol·ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññ¿ »ooooooooooooooonµµµµ̣̣µooooooooooooooµ̣̣ ¿ µµµµ̣̣ ``` Isla Ristol Entrada 5 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| Hoy fuimos a la playa porque encontramos el bug y todo está preparado para irnos a casa, o sea a lo más profundo del espacio. Durante mucho tiempo no veremos este mar, ni estas nubes, ni estos "éstos". Estaremos allí fuera, lejos, lejos, como las estrellas sonrientes y brillante. Vamos a vivir la alegría. ¿Estoy un poco subido de alegría? Hemos bailado, reído, saltado todos queremos vivir esta vida que se nos acerca. Vamos a pasarla bien. 2 días, ¡solo dos! para salir de este planeta. ¡sangre espacial! Nota: hice ese ¿dibujo? de nuestra nave es arte ascii. Bueno, no es ascii, porque ¡rebeldía! esta lleno de caracteres no ascii. ¡Libertad! x-x-x-x-x-2-1-* ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Isla Ristol - Sentimental (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/4.txt gopher:// Ristol/4.txt Wed, 10 Feb 2021 21:43:25 GMT Isla Ristol Entrada 4 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| Los nervios siguen así nee vi i sos r ooooio nee v o i s s o porque no encontramos el bug y ya están diciendo que a lo mejor salimos un día después o una semana porque luego resulta que no es el día apropiado para salir del planeta, porque claro, no queremos gastar energía, no queremos gastar energía, es una obsesión. Y bueno no es raro porque todo el combustible está pagado a crédito, y la nave y dice tía que si va mal nos venderá a todos los niños como esclavos. es broma ¿no? Si de esas bromas que son graciosas para los adultos porque no les toca a ellos porque tienen el poder, el dinero y la fuerza. En fin, no iba a ser este año el año en que el unvierso dejara de ser injusto, ¿verdad? 3 (por lo menos) días para salir de este planeta. Adiós, Tierra, Adiós (Bueno, hoy no, pero es que ya me estoy poniendo sentimental) x-x-x-x-3-2-1-* ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Isla Ristol - LocuraaaaaaaaaaaA (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/3.txt gopher:// Ristol/3.txt Tue, 09 Feb 2021 21:13:58 GMT Isla Ristol Entrada 2 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| Hoy han estado todos en la astronave. Listados, por orden de lo que me da la gana: papá que está viviendo su día de chillidos insoportables, tía que grita más que papá, mi hermana Juani, dando la lata con su locura de doce años, Raquel que es mi otra hermana, que tiene diceséis y se ha puesto más loca que mi otra hermana. El bueno del amigo de papa que vamos a llamar Osogris y que ha estado supercallado todo el rato, Jaimekingo el vikingo que ha estado todo el día destripando el ordenador principal y, por último, el bug simpático que nos ha destrozado el día hasta que lo encontramos. O lo encontraron. Yo lo único que he hecho es miles de cafés y recibir un montón de gritos injustos, y solo porque el programa de astronavegación tiene un error de un 0.01%. No puede ser para tanto. ¡exagerados! Lo mejor de este día es que se ha acabado y ya queda uno menos para partir. (Pero si va a ser así me escapo). Esto es una locura loocura lo cura ¿qué cura? no lo cura no cura n a d a LO lo lo lol lolcura lolicuraa locuuuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! x-x-x-4-3-2-1-* ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Aker - Re: To 0dev (game) (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 09 Feb 2021 18:11:13 GMT ``` · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Ship --- ================================== **** Ship's COMM ***** 0-D------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| ``` To: 0dev Subject: New game - RE: Aker - To 0dev Thank you for your reply. Please, rest assure this ship and its crew is perfectly able to deal with the defenses of one outpost. Yet, we are not into disrupting the privacy of any citizen. As for games, we are fond of one you might want to use with your AI's. The Writer's Game. This involves creating any short of fiction, any creative work even, but let's not get too bold on this first approach. Rules ----- 1. Write a short section of your story, might be a paragraph. 2. Then evaluate the possible branches of your story: a character might have to make a decission, an event, let's say a storm might or might not happen, or some undetermined fact of your evolving millieu, as in, e.g.: "is slavery legal in the Republic of Verona?" 3. List the possible answers to that question, or questions. 4. Delete any answer that is either boring, dull, or will play against the story. Follow your instinct. 5. If you are left with one answer follow that. 6. If you are left with two or more, then assign each one a probability. It could be as simple as: "Is slavery legal in the Republic of Verona?" a) Yes, but only as a penalty for crimes 1 b) Yes, as in historical Rome 2-3 c) Yes, as in the CSA 4 d) No 5,6 And then roll a dice. Or make it as complicated as you want. 7. Answers could also be delegated to your AI. Let one of your AIs play as a character for example, let some other be "the spirit of the world". 8. Another player could be the editor. This editor will be able to make questions, just as you did on step 2). 9. Once you have the answers to your question(s) go ahead a write another section. 10. And so on, one until you get the end of the story or get bored and decide to play something else. Oh, and you could also make illustrations, video, music, get creative. Let me know if we can be of further help, ``` 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| EOF ``` ]]> 0dev Outpost - RE: Aker - Thanks, but I'm good (n10a) gopher:// Outpost/akerresponse.txt gopher:// Outpost/akerresponse.txt Tue, 09 Feb 2021 07:45:59 GMT 12345678911234567892123456789312345678941234567895123456789612345678971234567898 -Begin Message- RE: Aker - To 0dev Oh hey, there really people out there. Thanks for the response. No assistance is required, thank you. In fact, if you were to get too close to the outpost, it's defences (which I have no control over) would activate. While I'd bet that you'd be able to get past them, it really wouldn't be worth it for me and a bunch of crummy old robots. This place is really meant to be the final resting place of my family, so it's been designed to make coming here kind of pointless. Don't want random people "disturbing our slumber" or anything like that. Don't worry, I've made peace with it. I just kind of wanted to leave my mark upon the universe I guess. Maybe a bit of journaling, who knows. just something to keep me sane besides these chess-obsessed clankers. Thanks for the offer, I'm sorry I have to turn it down. Yep, I really am the last person left here, and there have been some deaths, but they were of old age. If'd you'd like to send a new game ruleset for the AIs to play, I wouldn't complain. Know of anything else that AIs are intrested in? -dev 12345678911234567892123456789312345678941234567895123456789612345678971234567898 -EOF- ]]> Hisaishi Satellite - Orbit (astromonk) gopher:// Satellite/001_Orbit.txt gopher:// Satellite/001_Orbit.txt Tue, 09 Feb 2021 03:32:39 GMT Human-readable block detected on SatDL stream Satellite ID: H1N0T-nM .....100% Redshift Adjustment Complete! .....100% Reversion to Encryption Parity Complete! .....100% Linguistic Indices Set to <563.J.91>! Warning - Message Signature Lookup FAILED With Flag [D] Depreciated Key - Owner HISAISHI, K. deceased -----BEGIN TRANSMISSION BLOCK----- I don't know who to address this to. Everyone I did know must be gone by now. But if Earth hasn't forgotten about the Nomadic Moon project, you might have some idea who I am, transmitting from one of these stations. If my decision to stow away had been made public, let me say this in my defense: It is only right for a dying man to choose how he will die. And if that happens to mean spending the last of his years on one of the moons he helped build, well, that is only doubly-right. The braking process against the host star's magnetic field was automatically initiated by the satellite systems before it woke me up. Soon I will be in a stable orbit, and I can then call this a true moon, and no longer just a nomad. -----END TRANSMISSION BLOCK----- ]]> Ases Voyager - Water Leak (cadence) gopher:// Voyager/01_water.txt gopher:// Voyager/01_water.txt Tue, 09 Feb 2021 02:56:56 GMT ********************************************************************** _ _ _ __ ___ | |__ ( ) ___ | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ |/ / __| | | | || __/| |_) | \__ \ |_| |_| \___||_.__/ |___/ _ _ _ __ __ _ __| |(_) ___ | '__| / _` | / _` || | / _ \ | | | (_| || (_| || || (_) | |_| \__,_| \__,_||_| \___/ _ _ ___ | |__ ___ __ __ / \ / __|| '_ \ / _ \ \ \ /\ / / / / \__ \| | | || (_) | \ V V / /\_/ |___/|_| |_| \___/ \_/\_/ \/ ********************************************************************** **** FROM: nebula.symmons @ ases voyager **** SUBJECT: Water Leak **** Transcript for QEC generated on: 2330.04.17 @ 22:46 (local time) by Aster, Neb's AI companion! ********************************************************************** **** BEGIN TRANSCRIPT Hello to friends near and far! Today was... interesting, to say the least. I'll just get right into it. I woke up to an alarm and about an inch of water at the bottom of my cabin. The sunlamps hadn't turned on yet, so I checked my clock: 03:27. I barely had time to fully wake up before I got a summons to the engine sector. Apparently whatever had gone horribly wrong here needed a computer engineer to help fix it. The hallways in the residence sector had turned into tiny rivers. The water was never very deep, but it was still flowing from somewhere. Seeing this much running water on a spaceship was certainly unsettling. The sound of rushing water got louder as I got closer to the engine core sector. As I turned the corner into the control room, I practically ran into Archie, one of the sysadmins on the Ases. He definitely looked as if he had been woken up in the middle of the night. His hair was sticking up in odd places and he was wearing pajama pants with his work shirt. "Neb!" He said. "We need you to check out the cooling system. Log in to terminal seven over there. The core team engineers have already stopped the leak, but we need you to check the code and figure out what caused this so it doesn't start again. We don't want to finish cleaning up only for more water to come pouring out." "Got it," I said. I don't normally work in the core sector of the ship, but all the terminals on board are practically identitcal. Some of the more vital functions run on designated systems that can't be accessed from anywhere else on the ship. It helps with security, but it certainly makes things more complicated when an emergency happens. The alarm had finally stopped, so I was able to focus and figure out what caused the cooling system to spew water everywhere. I'll leave out the gritty details, but it all started with a particularly nasty buffer overflow. The team that wrote the cooling system software had done a good job, but if you run a program for nearly a hundred years, you're bound to find a few bugs somewhere. Luckily, once I figured out how the code was laid out, it was a fairly quick patch. I sent it to the maintenance team along with a few notes to review in the morning. Once I reassured Archie that the cooling system wouldn't start leaking again, my work was done. It was already almost 05:00. I had too much energy to fall back asleep, so I grabbed a mop and joined the effort to clean up the water. I needed to work off what Corinna calls my "nervous fingers" - I just get a bit antsy after I spend a while hyperfocused on something. It was also an opportunity to look around the core sector a bit. Maybe I'd run into Corinna. I feel like I've barely seen her since she started working in the core. I guess it's normal for siblings to talk to each other less as they get older, but it still feels weird. Once I got into the rhythm of mopping, I could tune into the conversations happening around me. The atmosphere in the core control room is definitely different from the atmosphere in the engineering wing where I usually work. People were more reserved and they barely chatted while they worked. Maybe it was because everyone had been woken up in the middle of the night, but it definitely felt different. If this had happened in the engineering wing, we would've spent the whole time joking about it and complaining about our loss of sleep. Another strange thing that I noticed was the lack of equipment checks. Water leaks on a spaceship can cause a lot of damage. People looked stressed, but no one was panicking. No one was reading out a list of systems to check or sending teams to report on the status of other rooms in the core sector. Maybe this is just the stoic nature of people who work in the core sector, but it just felt strange to me. I can see why Corinna likes working in the core, though. Everyone there is no-nonsense, just like her. Even though there was a disaster happening, it always felt like the core team had everything under control. Eventually, someone took my mop and told me to go back to bed. There was still plenty of water and I wanted to protest, but I was tired. I could do what I was told if that involved going back to sleep. The problem was that I had done a fair bit of wandering while I was cleaning up, and now I didn't know where I was. The core sector is a strange place to begin with, and I had never really explored it. I couldn't pull up the ship map, because the engineering team had taken the system offline while they were protecting it from the flood. The person who took my mop was already gone, so I started wandering in the direction that I thought would take me back to the residential sector. After a few minutes, I determined that I was actually heading deeper into the core sector. I felt like a child - no one gets lost on the ship anymore. Once you grow up, you realize that it really isn't that big. A few years of wandering is all you need to build a good sense of direction. The core sector was different, though. There were fewer signs, and they were labled with locations that seemed like they only made sense to the people who worked in the core. There were several hallways where I had to turn around and backtrack because the only way through involved a locked door that I wasn't authorized for. Luckily, I was too tired to be properly frustrated. I eventually started basing my navigation on pure gut feeling. This part of the ship was unfamiliar, but I could tell when I was getting closer to the core. Maybe it had something to do with the rumbling of the engine, I'm not sure. I was worried that I was walking in circles. Finally, I crossed paths with Corinna. She seemed surprised to see me. I was just glad to run into someone who knew their way around the core. "You look exhausted, Neb," Corinna said. "I was just helping out. They told me to go back to sleep, but I got lost, and uh... I'm just glad I ran into you," I said. "I'm glad too. You really shouldn't wander around the core." "It is a strange place," I replied. "I felt more lost here than I ever have in other places on the Ases. And it kind of felt like the core was pulling me in or something. Maybe my brain is just making things up because I'm sleepy." "Probably." Corinna didn't say anything else as she walked me out of the core sector. Stoic as always. She did stop me before I entered the residential sector, though. "Hey, Neb. After you get some sleep, do you want to meet up for lunch? It's been a while since we caught up." "That sounds great," I said. "Great. Ping me when you wake up and you're ready for some food. I'll see you then." I waved as Corinna turned around and headed back to the core. I hoped she would get some sleep, too. She always seems to work a bit too hard. Maybe it's an older sister thing. I practically collapsed into my bed when I got to my cabin. The floor drainage system had done its job and there was barely any water left on the floor. I almost fell asleep, but then I remembered: "Aster, disable my morning alarm." "Done. Your alarm will resume tomorrow at 06:00." "Aster, remind me to log overtime with RHEMy tomorrow." "I will remind you when you wake up." "Great. Thanks, Aster." "Goodnight, Neb." Aster's voice faded out and was replaced by the gentle piano music that I programmed to play as I fall asleep. I drifted off wondering how other people on the Ases made it through the days without their own version of Aster. Sure, RHEMy could set reminders for you, but none of the other AIs on the ship were programmed to be your friend. I know I have a soft spot for computers, but I really do consider Aster to be one of my closest companions. Wow, it's [YAWN] later than I thought. I'm still low on sleep, so I need to get to bed on time. Lunch with Corinna was nice, but I'll save that story for the next broadcast, so make sure to tune in then! Of course, if you're getting my show transcripts via the QEC, just be on the lookout for when the next one comes in. I don't have a regular broadcast schedule: just think of it as a fun surprise when you get a message from your pal Neb on the Ases Voyager. Take care and stay curious! **** END TRANSCRIPT ********************************************************************** ]]> Eilean Ristoll - Alone and confined (enteka) gopher:// Ristoll/2.txt gopher:// Ristoll/2.txt Mon, 08 Feb 2021 16:15:13 GMT Eilean Ristoll Entry #2 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| The astroport might be really quiet today. I don't really know because I'm not going out the ship. This is my own greatest idea. So I can get used to being confined to this ship. You see, it'll take us 2 weeks to reach Barnard's Star (FTL should be faster, imo) to save energy and all that... But I hope we'll get to visit this brown dwarf first, if the outpost needs some errand. And my day, well, homework, writing, Virtspace, getting bored and all that... Being alone it's boring, because I've been alone like the whole day. But I'll never get to be alone when we get to deep space. I hope, or it be boring and scary. Yes, boring and scary at the same time. Six days left to countdown! x-x-5-4-3-2-1-* ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Isla Ristol - Solo y encerrado (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/2.txt gopher:// Ristol/2.txt Mon, 08 Feb 2021 16:03:36 GMT Isla Ristol Entrada 2 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| El astropuerto de Santo Domingo puede que esté muy tranquilo hoy. No lo sé porque no puedo salir a ningún sitio. Es mi idea, para irme acostumbrando a cuando no pueda salir de esta nave. Es que tardaremos dos semanas en alcanzar Barnard's Star para ahorrar energía y eso... Aunque puede que pasemos por una enana marrón primero, si en el observaotrio necesitan que le hagamos algún recado. Y mi día, bueno, haciendo deberes y escribiendo y en el Virtespacio. Ha llegado a ser aburrido porque estoy solo. Hoy me he quedado solo. Espero que no nos pase, que no me pase cuando estemos en el espacio de verdad. Nos quedan séis días para la cuenta atrás... (tachán, tachán) x-x-5-4-3-2-1-* ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Isla Ristol - Somos piratas (es broma) (enteka) gopher:// Ristol/1.txt gopher:// Ristol/1.txt Sun, 07 Feb 2021 19:41:42 GMT Isla Ristol Entrada 1 |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| Hay una isla pequeñita en Escocia donde reinan las aves marinas sobre los peces asustados y las focas pasan a saludarte en el desayuno y puedes andar sobre las algas. Bueno, en realidad hay muchas islas así en Escocia, pero ésta es especial porque está en las Islas Summer, donde nunca es verano. Se llega fácil en kayak, y puedes acampar en ella, solo hay que librarse de los "midges" que son como pulguitas con alas y a millones. Como jejenes o algo así, pero escoceses. Eso es lo que me contó papá. Nuestra nave se llama así por esa isla, porque mi papá se pasó una semana ahí. Y le gustó mucho, por lo visto, a pesar de los jejenes del frío y todo eso. Pues nuestra nave no se parece a Ristol, salvo por los cuadros de la isla en el comedor. Es como una tortilla, como una tortilla arrugada. ¡Somos piratas! Es broma. Somos una nave comercial de frontera. Una nave pequeña (en eso sí somos como Ristol) que transporta suministros y hace recados para las pequeñas colonias y puestos fronterizos de la humanidad. ¡Suena a aventura! Pero en realidad, no, todavía no. Verás, es que nos falta una semana, solo una, para partir. Ya no iré al colegio los próximos 5 años. (O nunca más si lo piensas). Estudiaré en la nave, que es como decir que estudiaré en casa porque ahora la nave ya es mi casa. Lo es ya, aunque estemos atracados todavía en el Astropuerto de Santo Domingo. También trabajaré en la nave. Papá y tía dicen que no pero ya tengo edad suficiente: 14. Me pedirán que les ayude, muy pronto, creo... Si no, bueno, me voy a aburrir mucho, supongo. Ninguno hemos estado en el Espacio Profundo, salvo tía. Nos quedan siete días para la cuenta atrás... (tachán, tachán) Ya no sé qué escribir más. Tengo deberes. Perdón por las faltas de ortografía. (Siempre tengo una o dos). ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Eilean Ristoll - We're pirates! (j/k) (enteka) gopher:// Ristoll/1.txt gopher:// Ristoll/1.txt Sun, 07 Feb 2021 13:59:01 GMT Eilean Ristoll |--D-----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---<| There is a wee island in Scotland where sea birds rule and seals come to greet you each morning, and you can walk on sea weed. Actually, there are many like that in Scotland, but this one is on the Summer Islands, just a hop from the mainland. It's easy to get to it on a kayak, and you can camp on it, braving a few midges on the warm season. That's what dad told me. You see, our ship was named after this "wee" island my dad spent a week on. (It has an extra "l" but that's because Aunt messed it up when she did the ship records forms, it was supposed to be Eilean Ristol 1). But it's not like Ristol at all, it just have pictures of it on the mess hall. We are pirates! No, I'm kidding. We're a border cargo ship bringing supplies and doing errands for small systems on the frontier of space. No, not really. Not yet. You see, we're starting one week from now. I won't be in school for five years or more. I'll study at the ship which is my home already. So I can say I'll study at home. I'll also do work. Dad and aunt says no, but I'm old enough, I'm 14!, so they will ask me to, eventually... Otherwise it will be pretty boring. I'm guessing. None of us have been in deep space before, but Auntie. Seven days to count down... I don't know what else to say. I've got homework. ~ Enteka EOF ]]> Aker - Extraordinary claims (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 07 Feb 2021 13:41:11 GMT ``` · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Ship --- ================================== **** Ship's log ***** 0-D------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| ``` Our interactions with our young "Beavers" have given out very, interesting, results. It has transpiret that the Water and Fire species belong to the same home stellar systems, having risen in different planets. This is extremely unusual to say the least, enough so to regard this information as unreliable. Nevertheless it precludes our mission to return our guests to their home world as it would risk further confrontation with the fire species, posibbly to the point of starting a war. Such outcome is not something than this ship is allowed to indulge on, so we are passing the matter to the Earth Government. Details have been passed through the encoded channel. We serve Humnaity. ~ Captain R. Firefly ``` 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| EOF ``` ]]> Olivia - 19 (derberger) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 07 Feb 2021 01:18:06 GMT He called me 19. We've been in stasis for a long time, but it feels like you just fell asleep so I guess he wasn't going to forget anything. I found that nickname to be annoying. When we were prepping for stasis the stay-guy misplaced my file and the number on my pod was 19 so thats what he called me until the "freeze". The name stuck even though my file was found. Tim relished the fact it bugged me and used it endlessly even when he knew my real name. I hope the others wake up soon I can't deal with this for long........ ]]> Aker - To 0dev (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 06 Feb 2021 16:52:36 GMT ``` · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Ship --- ================================== ---------------------------------- **** Outbound message ***** ---------------------------------- 0-D------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| ``` To: 0dev Subject: Require Assistance? Copied your open message. We understand you are a biological human serving on an AI research outpost. Please confirm our assumptions. We are concerned you might need assistance on the grounds of being the only last biological human on the outpost. Have been any recent fatalities? Transmit your location on the secure channel and we might be able to pay you a visit and provide help or support, as long as our main mission is not compromised. If you only need human conversation, you may want us to relay your messages to our ship's tilde community. We serve Humanity. ~ Captain R. Firefly ``` 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| Codified data line: ADSFA::UHGitklleirKtoeinaíNa)syorlAoE1fpdeRlmotyasVE-sfN4Cc0x+42;, -----------------------------------------------------------------| EOF ``` ]]> 0dev Outpost - hi everyone (n10a) gopher:// Outpost/blog.txt gopher:// Outpost/blog.txt Sat, 06 Feb 2021 00:48:24 GMT -Begin Message- So I figured that while I wait for a response I might as well send some messages about who I am. You know, so people can get to know me. I mean, I didn't even sign my name on my last message! Very unproffesional of me. Allow me to introduce myself. I am dev, and I inhabit the 0dev Outpost. Yes, my parents did in fact have a twisted sense of humor. Anyway, the reason it's called the 0dev Outpost is because it's an artificial intellegence lab; without any developers. That's right, this random rock in space is home to some of the most advanced tech in the galaxy and it's being left here to rot. I guess that the original experiment was to see if the AIs would develop some sort of community, but so far they've just sort of coexisted. They don't really attempt to create anything or build a spaceship to take over the universe or anything, they just sort of talk to each other. And play chess. They play a lot of chess. Anyway, I'll write more on here later, but I'm feeling pretty tired so I'll probably go to bed now. Goodnight spacepals. -dev -EOF- ]]> 0dev Outpost - does this work? (n10a) gopher:// Outpost/willitwork.txt gopher:// Outpost/willitwork.txt Sat, 06 Feb 2021 00:30:53 GMT -Begin Message- test testing hey this thing actually works I didn't really expect that. wow anyone out there? guess not well, if you see this later or something send me a message please it's kind of boring here there's no one to talk to but robots just whenever you're feeling up to it no presure or anything uhh talk to you later maybe? -EOF- ]]> Aker - Our young beavers (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 02 Feb 2021 16:46:46 GMT ``` · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Ship --- ================================== Fecha Estelar: KL.1T Ubicación: 2.8 yl from Kirkku Tripulación: 3,752 Pasajeros: 296 Invitados: 8 Formas de Vida ================================== ---------------------------------- **** Bitácora del Capitán ***** ---------------------------------- 0-D------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| ``` We held the funeral for those fallen at Fire's treacherous ambush. It feel soar to know that we'll never allow ourselves to be congratulated, no matter our future successes. We are, however, comforted by the thought that nobdoy falls in combat for Humanity without Glory. Our guests from the species we denominate Water, provide us with a much needed relief of joy. They are, as children often are, playful. They begin to feel themselves happy with us. Biology has it that, strictly speaking, they do not require a body of water to survive. The analogy employed by the Biology head was that "they are beavers, not frogs". However their psichological discomfort is evident if they are separated from their acentral environment. Hence we are giving them priority to use the pools. On the other hand we have made advances in the understanding of their tongue, which is 87.328% utterable for a human, as the estimates from Linguistics show. Their Grammar seems to be complex but logical and systematic. We will initate the proceeding to determine their home system tomorrow, hoping we will be able to return them home. We serve Humnaity. ~ Captain R. Firefly ``` 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| Líneas de datos codificados: ADSFA::UHGitklleirKtoeinaíNa)syorlAoE1fpdeRlmotyasVE-sfN4Cc0x+42;, -----------------------------------------------------------------| EOF ``` ]]> Aker - Nuestros alegres castores (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 01 Feb 2021 23:29:46 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== - Nave de Exploración Lejana - ================================== Fecha Estelar: KL.1T Ubicación: 2.8 al de Kirkku Tripulación: 3,752 Pasajeros: 296 Invitados: 8 Formas de Vida ================================== ---------------------------------- **** Bitácora del Capitán ***** ---------------------------------- 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| Hemos celebrado el funeral de los caídos en la emboscada de la especie que denominamos Fuego. Es una sensación amarga saber que ya no querremos recibir la enhorabuena por los éxitos de nuestra misión. Nos conforta sin embargo saber que nadie cae en combate por la humanidad sin alcanzar la gloria. Nuestros invitados de la especie agua nos proveen de un contraste de alegría. Son, como suelen ser los niños, juguetones y empiezan a sentirse a gusto entre nosotros. Biología ha dejado claro que, estrictamente hablando, no requieren de un ambiente inundado para sobrevivir. La analogía que emplearon es que "son como castores, no como ranas". Sin embargo es evidente que se sienten sicológicamente incómodos si se les separa mucho tiempo de su ambiente ancestral. Por ello vamos a darles prioridad en el uso de la piscina. Por otro lado hemos avanzado mucho en la comprensión de su idioma, que es al 87.328% pronunciable para un humano según las estimaciones de lingüistíca. La gramática parece ser compleja pero sistemática y lógica. Mañana iniciaremos los intentos para poder averiguar cuál es su origen, facilitando así nuestra tarea de devolverlos a casa. Servimos a la Humanidad. ~ Capitán R. Firefly 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| Líneas de datos codificados: ADSFA::UHGitklleirKtoeinaíNa)syorlAoE1fpdeRlmotyasVE-sfN4Cc0x+42;, -----------------------------------------------------------------| EOF ]]> Black Walrus - Adavega_Success (peha) gopher:// Walrus/Adavega_Success.txt gopher:// Walrus/Adavega_Success.txt Mon, 01 Feb 2021 06:08:00 GMT Patrol Vessel Balck Walrus Sector Neptun Orbit To the Neptunian Orbital guard: As requested You will find the record of our conversation with the transtellar Bulk Carrier "Adavega Success" during is approach to the orbital station and before is sinking through the atmosphere of the Blue Giant. 44:56:00:34 ETC 456 FGH 8 BW: Transtellar vessel, ping AE456V, this is the Patrolship Black Walrus Do you copy? ........15sec BW: Transtellar vessel, ping AE456V, this is the Patrolship Black Walrus for an emergency call, you are actually in a collision trajectory with Neptun's atmosphere, do you copy? ....12 secs AS: Good morning Black Walrus Vessel, This is the transtellar Bulk Carrier Adavega Success. Thanks for your consideration, We will check our trajectory when we will be close to the station, no worry for the moment. BW: Adavega Success, It is good to hear you, I please you to consider again our warning. The gravity of Neptun is strong and you are currently close to drift in the direction of the atmosphere. My Navigator can help you if you need it in sending you a correctiv procedure for the avoidance manoeuvre. ......32 sec AS: Thank you again Black Walrus, but my Navigator is quite experimented and we have enough power to resist to the giant's atmosphere. You very kind but I assure you that there is nothing to worry about. Over. ......2min BW: To the Captain of the Adavega Success, this is the Captain of the Black Walrus, we are right behind you, and we can see your stern drifting dangerously into the direction of Neptune. I have no doubt about your navigator skills and confident in the power of your engines but your ship is not made to cross so close to a giant's atmosphere without the assistance of a tugship. I apologise for my insistence but I recommend you again to execute a move quickly. AS: (bad connexion)......Black Walr... This is the Adavega Success' navigator can you send me the corrective trajectory I will m....(background noise)... I will make the manoeuv.....(background noise, screams) Captain they are righ....We need to... ............... BW: Adavega Success we have difficulties to hear you, do you copy? .............. BW: Adavega Success, this is the Black Walrus, do you copy? We are sending you the new trajectory, and I have to inform you that the neptunian orbital guards are trying to call you without success. They ask you to put your ship in the emergency condition and change immediately your trajectory. They send rescue vessels in case you will experiment damages during the manoeuvre. ....... AS: This is the Adavega Success, we are fine, my navigator is a little tired but I know my job, i know my ship, and we will stand in this trajectory. All our engines are running and we will perform this transit very wel.... (background noise, agitation, people screaming)That is all Black Walrus Good day. Over......... ......... BW: Adavega Success, I am not joking, you are entering in the atmosphere now, we can easily see smoke around your exhausts. Go to the Lifecaps immediately, leave the ship, I repeat leave the ship,leave her. BW: Adavega Success, do you copy? ............ BW: Neptunian orbital station, this is the Black Walrus, our transmission with the Adavega Success is lost. the ship is clearly sinking now and we can see the hull cover by flames. we are amorcing our descent through the atmosphere in search of lifecaps. NOG: Black Walrus, understood, our second rescue ship is already catching a emergency signal from a lifecapsule Keep your course and wait for further orders. BW: Black Walrus, understood. Transmission end. Note from our look-out: " I lost the Adavega at 44:72:00:18, after she was to deep in the atmosphere to be visible. I notice the light signal of one of the two life capsules 2 min after the sinking, and imformed my captain immediately." Ben Bishop. Look-out. This is all we have from the records concerning the Adavega Success. I have checked with the crew members who where there two years ago when she sinked but they are certain that it was our only call with her. I hope it will help you for the trial of the Adavega Success' captain. salutations. Julia Oliver Communication engineer Black Walrus. ]]> Aker - Seguimos (ES) (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 31 Jan 2021 10:36:03 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== - Nave de Exploración Lejana - ================================== Fecha Estelar: KL.1Sq Ubicación: 2.6 al a Kirkku Tripulación: 3,752 Pasajeros: 296 Invitados: 8 Formas de Vida ================================== ---------------------------------- **** Bitácora del Capitán ***** ---------------------------------- 0->-|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| La maniobra de alejamiento de la zona de combate se ha completado sin incidentes dignos de mención. La decisión se alcanzó con dificultad en lo emocional pero con determinación en el plano teórico. La misión principal de esta nave es la de exploración y el fomento de la paz, la ciencia y la benevolencia. Entrar en guerra con Fuego, una especie alienígena, incluso respondiendo a su actividad criminal contra esta nave y su tripulación, se compadece muy mal con nuestro objetivo principal. Si la respuesta de la Humanidad ha de ser violenta, deberá ser conducida por naves como la USFS Roger Chambers. Nuestro equipo médico y científico ha podido comunicarse, incluso conversar con las formas de vida de la especie que denominamos provisionalmente Agua. Nos cuentan, y todos nuestros datos y observaciones son compatibles con ello, que son especímenes juveniles de la especie que denominamos Agua. En una palabra simple pero acaso aventurada: niños. En cualquier caso los niveles de estrés de nuestros invitados parecen haber bajado con la misma intensidad con la que nos alejábamos de Fuego. Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo es, pues, que Agua está en guerra con Fuego. El equipo de psicología desaconseja, por el momento, un interrogatorio activo a este respecto, dejando que sean las formas de vida las que guien la conversación. Eso limita la velocidad de adquisición de conocimientos. Nuestra prioridad a largo plazo debe ser reunirlos con sus familias, o el equivalente apropiado de su especie. En estos momento, sin embargo, ni siquiera tenemos referencia de su sistema de procedencia. Procederemos con cautela. Servimos a la Humanidad. ~ Capitán R. Firefly 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| Líneas de datos codificados: ADSFAW::UTGeP=myct2honfsoihgopsdfaj23QTr2sjfajf0p;2G4G423AF$SA)FSDA,; -----------------------------------------------------------------| EOF ]]> Aker - Mission continues (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 30 Jan 2021 23:22:12 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Stardate: KL.1Sq Location: 2.6 ly to Kirkku Crew: 3,752 Passengers: 296 Guests: 8 Alien Life Forms ================================== ---------------------------------- **** Captain's Log ***** ---------------------------------- 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| We have succesfully disenganged from the hostile enemy species. Having received no orders or suggestion from Fleet Command to engage the hostile species, this scout vessel must return to its primary objective, to explore deeply into unkown territories, fostering peace, science and benevolence. War with a previously unknown species would be an odd guest to our mission. Let's leave that to the likes of the USFS Roger Chambers. Our scientific and medical teams have been able to contact, or should I say, converse, with the Alien Life Forms. These are indeed persons, sentient beings with fears, hopes and thoughts. They have let us know, and our teams are inclined to believe that these are juvenile members of their own species, or should I say, children, though this word should be used with care. In any case their stress levels seem to have lowered rapidly since we are no longer in reach of the "Fire" species. We assume they could be at war with such species. Of course, anything at this point is quite provisional. In any case, once Medicine, Xenology and Security give them clear I would welcome them to the ship and, maybe, integrating them with the rest of our crew. Long term priority would be to re-unite them with their own families, if at all possible. Yet, we must proceed with care. ~ Captain R. Firefly 0---|-----1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----| Compressed data line follows: ADSFA::UTGBoikallisKkotimaaNEyKraAWEsfadCRhmw6vydsVEdsfN4Cc0;, -----------------------------------------------------------------| EOF ]]> Roger Chambers - New Starship Opens Pathway to the Stars (johnblood) gopher:// Chambers/christen-r-chambers.txt gopher:// Chambers/christen-r-chambers.txt Tue, 16 Feb 2021 06:22:36 GMT ~~~~~~BREAKING NEWS BULLETIN~~~~~~ ******from the Jurjen News Bureau***** New Starship Opens Pathway to the Stars Reporting by Clara Roberts ------------------------------- Today, millions of citizens watched with anticipation as President Martin Lawsyn declared the USFS Roger Chambers space-ready. He was joined by dignitaries from all over the planet. The ceremony ended when Mrs. Jennifer Lawsyn smashed a bottle of Venuzian champagne on the ship's hull, in imitation of an ancient Earth custom. The Roger Chambers is the newest member of the United Space Forces fleet. Not only that, but it is also the most powerful. Sporting twice the missile loadout and four times the energy weapon of any other USF ship, she should be more than capable to handle any job she is sent out to handle. Three more ships of the same class are currently under construction. For many it is a shining symbol of what we can accomplish through our new-found unity. During the construction of the vessel, there were many attempts by the rebels to sabotage her to destroy what they thought was a fragile unity. They have failed. This new ship is captained by Captain Malcolm Falco. Captain Falco is a veteran of the three separatist wars, the Illillian revolt, the Dellten Purge, and the Harmon Jihad. Falco was a last minute replacement for Admiral Josiah Harper, who suffered an attack of septicemia. We hope for his swift recovery. Next week, Captain Falco and his crew will take the Roger Chambers out for a shakedown cruise to catch any problems before they turn into real problems. Supreme Commander of the United Space Force, Grand Admiral Harold Lawsyn told the assembled crowd that the ship would then go on a good will tour of our allied systems. The USFS Roger Chambers is named after the leader of the expedition that colonized Jurjen Prime. Chambers and fifteen others where the only survivors of the colonyship Qek-7. They managed to survive for three years before a second expedition arrived from Karnik. END BROADCAST ]]> Aker - To Arch Stantov at Black Walrus (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 29 Jan 2021 22:37:46 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Language: English Situación 0.62 al de Alpha Karenei 3 ----------------------------------- From: Cadet F Stantov To: Arch Stantov Priority: Green, Private, Slow Dear Arch, it might be weeks, months even until this message gets you. We are under alert now and all personal messages are held by the server until they can be safely relayed. You might wonder why I'm contacting you. But it's your surname. You see I grew up in an asteroid mining ship and when I noticed your surname and that you were also working on a ship I thought we could be, somehow, related. Not that likely, but I have not much to do because the captain has ordered us to [censored] because of the alert and [censored] And, really, I had to try. You see, I am an orphan. ]]> Black Walrus - Updating_systems (peha) gopher:// Walrus/updating_systems.txt gopher:// Walrus/updating_systems.txt Fri, 29 Jan 2021 06:06:08 GMT Member crew: Arch Stantov (Navigator) Localisation: Saturn's rings. We have taken advantage to be closed to the Icebreaker Antarctica, here in the rings of Saturn to opere a general update of our systems. During the process the ship could be vulnerable to any damage so having potential rescue troops closely is a good idea. I am a former member of the antartica, and it is good to see her in good wealth. Of course If I was still on board I will suggest to the actual captain some paintjob on the bow. She deserves it for sure. We have received our new mission. delivering supplies for the Pluto's stations and grab some orbital garbage for recycling. I bet we will stay there for a while, the Captain love Pluto. He probably will take is retirement on this frozen rock... Well, I have a lot of work. Draw the path between Saturn and Pluto is not so easy. And I must do it well this time, and at the first try. So it's all for me tonight. Wherever you are in this galaxie, receive the salute of Arch Stantov, navigator of the Black Walrus. ]]> Aker - Report - Red - Conflict (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 29 Jan 2021 00:16:16 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Language: English Stardate KL.1O Stardate Protocol Enteka XHEX Location 0.62 ly from Alpha Karenei 3 ----------------------------------- From: Long Range Scout Ship Aker To: ExplCommand Priority: Red We are declaring _Conflict_ on Alpha Karenei 3. We've made contact with two suspected alien species, provisionally designated as A-Karenei-Water and A-Karenei-Fire. Fire has attacked our auxiliary ships without warning or provocation. We have responded to their fire and are in Combat Alert. We found a damaged Water spacecraft and rescued its passengers and/or crew. We act under the suspicion that this action might be related with Fire's attack on us. Still, all attempts to communicate with Fire have failed. We suggest that all nearby friendly ships should be alerted. Awaiting instructions. We serve Humanity. Data x2jnoafoasfd3.ugabuga.dureaafdsfasd dfasdf90312ñkvA,pj'pWAEFdf.GRGDADS-ADSFAç ::TTOGMBAoSiIkaNlOlisKkotimaaNEyKraAWEsfad CRhmwx6vyretumbanteRocinantedsVEdsfN4Cc0;, uugabuuga-uugabuuga ]]> Olivia - Awoke (derberger) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 28 Jan 2021 12:40:33 GMT When I arrived at the stasis pods tim had already gotten ejected. He was sleeping comfortably on the floor, still covered in sta-gel. What a weirdo. I shook him awake. He slowly opened his eyes looked right at ne and said "19!" ]]> Aker - Estado de Conflicto (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 27 Jan 2021 23:13:09 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Language: Spanish English to be added separately) Fecha Estelar KL.1O Protocolo Fecha Estelar Enteka XHEX Situación 0.62 al de Alpha Karenei 3 ----------------------------------- De: Nave de Exploración de Largo Alcance Aker A: ExploMando Prioridad: Roja - Urgente - Peligro Hemos declarado situación de _Conflicto_ en el sistema Alpha Karenei 3. Hemos trabado contacto con dos especies alienígenas que designamos provsionalmente A-Karenei-Agua y A-Karenei-Fuego. A-Karenei-Fuego ha atacado nuestras naves auxiliares sin provocación por nuestra parte. Hemos respondido al fuego y estamos en situación de alerta de combate. Hemos encontrado una nave de A-Karenei-Agua dañada y rescatado a sus ocupantes. Ignoramos si esa acción está relacionada con el ataque por parte de A-Karenei-Fuego. Sugerimos alerten a cualquier nave humana que pudiera dirigirse hacia nuestro sector. Datos x2jnoafoasfd3.ugabuga.dureaafdsfasd dfasdf90312ñkvA,pj'pWAEFdf.GRGDADS-ADSFAç ::TTOGMBAoSiIkaNlOlisKkotimaaNEyKraAWEsfad CRhmwx6vyretumbanteRocinantedsVEdsfN4Cc0;, uugabuuga-uugabuuga ]]> Aker - Hostiles (English) (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 25 Jan 2021 23:15:44 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Stardate KL.1N Stardate protocol Enteka XHEX Location .42 ly to Alpha Karenei 3 Aker Aux 001 Log (English to be added at a later time) ----------------------------------- -- Author Notes ------- Sorry about some mess, I've been making lately, but this idea of mine of multilingual files is not working very well. I still intend to keep writing a version of this story in English, though it will appear on separate entries, clearly identified as either (English) or (Spanish). Please note that these are not translations as my English fails me at that regard. Instead, I intend to make a version that would be, at least understanable. Onwards with the story -- Fighter Trainer "Splash +56" Autolog ---------------------- Cadet Jari:13:07:08 "Ilmarinen, I'm declaring emergency, repeat, I'm declaring emergency. Emergency, emergency, emergency. Ilmarinen AI:13:07:09 "What's the emergency?" CJ:13:07:09 "We're alone." I.:13:07:10 "That's no emercey." CJ:13:07:14 "Sorry, Ilmarinen, I haven't been precise. I mean the lieutenat is dead, everybody else is gone, hostiles may still be around." I.:13:07:15 "I am aware of that. I'd suggest to inform and return to base but comms return 607, artificial interference." CJ:13:07:18 "That's why I --censored-- need weapons back online. And a route back to Aker. Please, Ilma, pretty please." I.:13:07:21 "Jari, I'm sorry, you are but 14 years old. As per protocol the weapons of this ship can only be activated in a combat emergency. And there are no hostiles around. CJ:13:07:28 "Ilma... please... it's that... run sensors check" I.:13:07:29 "Error 607. Are you suggesting that should indicate an incoming combat emergency?" CJ:13:07:31 "Ob... yes" I.:13:07:32 "Combat emergency grante. Weapons online. I suggest evasive flight pattern." CJ:13:07:33 "Kiitos." [Auto-translator: Thank you, from Finnish] I.:13:07:36 "Route on Red 1." CJ:13:12:58 "Ilmarinen, sensors and comm check." I:13:13:12 "Short range sensor partially operative 204. Long range sensors 607. Comm returns 617 we can receive incoming messages, outcoming messages will not get through." CJ:13:13:15 "Ilma, anything?" I:13:13:17 "Sensors on HUD, all clear. Comms 111" CJ:13:13:19 "I don't copy anything." I:13:13:21 "There's a message for the Patrol Commander. We're not authorized to listen to it. And it's encrypted." CJ:13:13:23 "Never mind Ilmarinen, when she doesn't answer, they will contact us." Aker Bridge: 13:15:37 "S1 Patrol. Answer please. Anybody. Repeat. All authorized to answer." Aker Control: 13:16:42 "S1 Patrol. Answer please. Repeat. Authorization granted to answer through any channel.... This is an order. Repeat. An order." CJ:13:16:44 "--censored--! Can't!!" I:13:16:46 "Missile alert!" CJ:13:17:48 "Did I get it? Did I?! Wow!!! Did I get it! Saw it explode! Must be smitherings and prooproo" [Auto-translator: Unknown word proopoo, could be school slang] I:13:17:49 "Yes, congratulations." CJ:13:17:51 "We serve hummanity!" I:13:17:52 "It was an alien missile. Trajectory projection indeicates our main ship was the target". CJ:13:19:54 "Can we follow its trajectory" I:13:20:34 "Towards source or target?" CJ:13:20:37 "Target... wait, if we go source-wards, we could fight them!" I:13:20:38 "That would be very brave, Cadet Jari. Please remember in our recent combat we failed to destroy any of the hostiles." CJ:13:20:38 "We serve humanity!!" I:13:21:39 "You are 14 years, 8 months and 23 days old, and under emotional stress. ." Lt Jane Smith 13:22:05 "Fighter-Trainer, you are off course. Turn 180 Z axis. Repeat turn 189 Z axis now." CJ:13:22:08 "I can see you but I cant say anything. And I cannot return. Ilmarinen, she'll follow me to the hostiles if I guide her." I:13:22:10 "Comm still returns 617." Lt.JS:13:22:11 "Fighter-trainer repeat, turn back now. Don't be afraid laddy, you are not a tad in trouble". CJ:13:22:12 "I see her, I hear her, I cannot say nothing, anything and I've got to tell her I'm going for the hostiles. Ilmarinen, any ideas". I:13:22:13 "Obey the order. She'll see you can listen her." CJ:13:22:14 "OK..." Lt.JS:13:22:15 "Brilliant lad, nice wee fighter you have, number 56, are you Jari?" CJ:13:22:19 "I can't --censored-- answer... wait, Ilmarinen, an idea! yay. Can you laser-write 617?" I:13:22:21 "Be more explicit." CJ:13:22:42 "617, you get that into the laser beam and then fires it at some random point off with 617 codded in its frequency, wave function or something and the Lieutenant's AI will see it's funny and annalyze it and the Lieutenant will hear 617 and we could tell her anything! Like about the missile and where it came from!" --- End log -------------------------------------------------------------- Compressed data line follows: ADSFA::UTGBoikallisKkotimaaNEyKraAWEsfadCRhmw6vydsVEdsfN4Cc0;, ]]> Aker - Hostiles - Hostiles (es/en) (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 24 Jan 2021 18:50:06 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Stardate KL.1N Stardate protocol Enteka XHEX Location .42 ly to Alpha Karenei 3 Aker Aux 001 Log Multilingual Message ES/EN (English to be added at a later time) ----------------------------------- == (ESpañol) INICIO ================================== -- Registro Automático Caza Escuela Splash +56 -------- Cadete Jari:13:07:08 "Ilmarinen declaro emergencia, declaro emergencia, declaro emergencia". Ilmarinen IA:13:07:08: "¿Cuál es la emergencia?" CJ:13:07:09 "Estamos solos." I.:13:07:10 "Eso no es una emergencia." CJ:13:07:14 "Perdona Ilmarinen, no he sido preciso. Estamos solos después del combate. El caza del teniente instructor está destruído. Los demás se marcharon." I.:13:07:15 "Los demás siguieron la orden dada. Solo nos quedamos nosotros. Sugeriría informar y volver a Aker pero comunicaciones devuelve error 607, interferencia artificial". CJ:13:07:18 "Ya lo sé. Por eso quiero armas. Y quiero ruta de vuelta a Aker. Por favor, Ilmarinen, porfa." I.:13:07:21 "Las armas solo deben activarse en emergencia de combate. No se observan naves hostiles. No se cumple el requisito. Jari, lo siento, tienes 14 años; no debo permitirte saltarte el protocolo." CJ:13:07:28 "Ilma... porfa, es que, haz diagnóstico de sensores, por favor." I.:13:07:29 "Tenemos también error 607. ¿Sugieres posible presencia hostil?" CJ:13:07:31 "Sí." I.:13:07:32 "Muy bien, armas activadas. Sugiero patrón de vuelo evasivo." CJ:13:07:33 "Kiitos." I.:13:07:36 "Ruta cargada en Rojo 1. ¿Requieres ayuda emocional?" CJ:13:07:38 "Estoy bien. Mis pulsaciones son altas por el combate pasado." I.:13:07:40 "Bien." CJ:13:12:58 "Ilmarinen, diagnósticos de sensores y comunicaciones." I:13:13:12 "Sensores de corto alcance operativos 204. Largo alcance 607. Comunicación 617 podemos recibir, no emitir." CJ:13:13:15 "Ilma, ¿recibimos algo?" I:13:13:17 "Sensores en pantalla, nada anormal. Comunicaciones 111" CJ:13:13:19 "No escucho nada." I:13:13:21 "Va dirigido al teniente instructor. Está encriptado. No podemos oírlo". CJ:13:13:23 "Tranquilo Ilmarinen, como no va a responder nos llamarán después." Aker Control: 13:15:37 "Patrulla S1 Contesten por favor. Todos están autorizados a contestar. Repito. Autorización concedida para contestar." Aker Control: 13:16:42 "Patrulla S1 Contesten por favor. Repito. Autorización concedida a todos los miembros de la patrulla. Están recibiendo orden específica y directa de contestar." CJ:13:16:44 "¡--censura--! No podemos." I:13:16:46 "Alerta proyectil kinético" CJ:13:17:48 "¿Lo he destruído?" I:13:17:49 "Sí. Origen alienígena. Análisis de trayectoria indica fuera de rumbo de colisión con nuestra nave." CJ:13:17:51 "¿Ilma? ¿Iba hacia el Aker?" I:13:19:23 "La trayectoria es compatible con esa posibilidad." CJ:13:19:54 "¿Seguimos su trayectoria?" I:13:20:34 "¿Hacia el origen o destino?" CJ:13:20:37 "Destino... espera si vamos al origen podemos luchar contra ellos, ¿no?" I:13:20:38 "Eso sería muy valiente cadete Jari" CJ:13:20:38 "¡¡Defendemos a la humanidad!!" I:13:21:39 "Tienes 14 años, 8 meses y 23 días. No debe iniciar el combate." Teniente Jane Smith 13:22:05 "Caza Escuela, va en rumbo contrario. Gire 180 grados eje Z. Repito Gire 180 grados eje Z.· CJ:13:22:08 "Te puedo ver, eres un bonito caza pero No, Puedo, Hacer, Eso, Ilmarinen, ¿podemos responder?" I:13:22:10 "Persiste error 617." T.JS:13:22:11 "Caza escuela, repito, Gire 180 grados ya. No se asuste." CJ:13:22:12 "Lo veo, lo oigo, pero no le puedo decir nada, y tengo que decirle que voy a por los hostiles. Ilmarinen, ¿qué hago?" I:13:22:13 "Obedece orden. Sabrá que le escuchas." CJ:13:22:14 "Vale..." T.JS:13:22:15 "Muy bien, muchacho, ¿te llamas Jari?" CJ:13:22:19 "Que no puedo responder... espera, Ilmarinen, he tenido una idea. ¿Puedes escribir 617 con láser?" I:13:22:21 "Sea más preciso." CJ:13:22:42 "El número 617 en binario lo pasas al láser y... y... el detector del caza lo detectará y la Inteligencia Artificial lo analizará y la teniente oirá 617, ¡y podremos decir otras cosas! ¡como de dónde vino el kinético!" == (ESpañol) FIN ====================================== ==== (ENglish) BEGINS =================================== --- sorry, to be added --- ==== (ENGLISH) ENDS ========================================= Compressed data line follows: ADSFA::UTGBoikallisKkotimaaNEyKraAWEsfadCRhmw6vydsVEdsfN4Cc0;, ]]> Aker - 8 life forms, antropomorphic (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 22 Jan 2021 21:59:24 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ##### ## ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Stardate KL.1M Stardate protocol Enteka XHEX Location .42 ly to Alpha Karenei 3 Aker Aux 001 Log Multilingual Message ES/EN ----------------------------------- == (ESpañol) INICIO ================================== Informe de misión, Equipo de Tarea Enteka Aker Aux 001. Recibido el permiso de arbodaje, nuestro grupo de abordaje se divide en dos cápsulas. La principal, a mi mando con seis granaderos de asalto al mando del sargento Dienst y dos sanitarios. La de reserva quedó al mando del alférez Mc Mòr. La cápsula del grupo principal procedió a su inserción por lo que parecía la escotilla principal del objeto. El interior confirmó que el objeto no es de diseño humano. RPT. No es de diseño humano. Las estancias estaban inundadas hasta 2.14 metros de altura, de los 2.68 de altura total estaban presurizados. La composición de los gases, de acuerdo al análisis preliminar resultaba respirable con mediante el respirador estándar en posición 3. No obstante seguimos usando nuestros tanques. Las formas de vida resultaron ser un total de ocho criaturas antropomorfas de 1.34 a 1.67 de estatura en animación suspendida. Procedemos a su traslado a la nave principal, aplicando los protocolos de cuarentena. No hemos intentado comunicación por consideración al riesgo que para las formas de vida resultaría de un despertar inadecuado. Sugiero equipo de ingeniería, científico y de seguridad examine el pecio. ~ Lt. M. Enteka. == (ESpañol) FIN ====================================== ==== (ENglish) BEGINS =================================== Mission Report. Task Form Enteka Aker Aux 001. Once we were cleared for boarding, we proceed the operation divided in two boarding parties. My own included six assault grenadiers under Sg. Dienst. The reserve party was under Ensign Mc Mòr. As soon as we boarded the artifact we could confirm it was not of human design. RPT. It was not not of human design. The artifact interior was made of narrow corridors, 2.68 meters high, of which 2.14 were flooded. The environment is suggestive of this flooding being a standard feature of the artifact and not result of some malfunction. The vessel interior atmosphere is, according to our preliminary analysis, breathable with a standard respirator on setting 3. We found 8 antropomorphic life forms, ranging in height from 1.34 to 1.67 meters. These were in suspended animation. I ordered their transfer to our main ship under quarantine protocols. We have not atempted communication with the life forms to avoid the unnecesary risks associated with a field awakening. I suggest a mixed engineering, scientific and security team to examine the hulk. ~ Lt. M. Enteka. ==== (ENGLISH) ENDS ========================================= Compressed data line follows: ADSFA::UTGBeKN7TNEyKraAwWECRhmw6RIvyVEoN4Czc0;, ]]> PTS Neptune 178 - Probable riot aboard PTS Neptune 178... request assist? (b0b) gopher:// Neptune 178/001.txt gopher:// Neptune 178/001.txt Fri, 22 Jan 2021 04:52:02 GMT ____ _____ ____ _ _ _ _ _____ ___ | _ \_ _/ ___| | \ | | ___ _ __ | |_ _ _ _ __ ___ / |___ ( _ ) | |_) || | \___ \ | \| |/ _ \ '_ \| __| | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | / // _ \ | __/ | | ___) | | |\ | __/ |_) | |_| |_| | | | | __/ | | / /| (_) | |_| |_| |____/ |_| \_|\___| .__/ \__|\__,_|_| |_|\___| |_|/_/ \___/ |_| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- =======================PRISON TRANSPORT SHIP NEPTUNE 178================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THIS MESSAGE IS FROM AN INMATE ABOARD A CORRECTIONAL TRANSPORT VESSEL* Uhhh hey I don't know who to address this too, To whom it may concern care of the department of corrections I guess. Well... The ship's computer just woke me up, I got a job in sanitation before we left. And it seems like something horrible happened while I was asleep. Theres blood and corpses everywhere. Which I guess is why the computer decided to wake me up. Someone has to clean this up and apparently it's me. Not sure how long I've been in cryosleep. Not sure what happened to all the gaurds. The ships computer system assumes that there are gaurds around so I'm more or less unsupervised. But it still wont let me go anywhere but common areas. I think if I don't actually start cleaning the loud robotic voice instructing me to "Proceed with sanitation procedures" will eventually drive me insane. My buddy who did some time breaking rocks on orion 5 says that there are automated security protocols that will give you electric shocks if you ignore the computer long enough. Derrick was always full of it, but I dunno. I guess I believed him since thats not too hard to imagine on a penal colony, but on a starship? an old government issue starship? I don't know if I believe it but I don't want to find out. I think I'm gonna start cleaning up. Maybe if I ask for food enough times the computer will wake up one of the cooks END OF MESSAGE: PRISONER 598343 ]]> Aker - The copper disk (ES/EN) (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 21 Jan 2021 18:46:59 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## # ## ## # ## ## ##### # ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Stardate KL.1L Stardate protocol Enteka XHEX Location .42 ly to Alpha Karenei 3 Aker Aux 001 Log Multilingual Message ES/EN ----------------------------------- == (ESPAÑOL) ============================================== Informe de misión, Equipo de Tarea Enteka Aker Aux 001. Tras aproximarnos al origen de la señal encontramos un objeto en forma de disco, simétrico, color cobre RGB(#E38861). Visualmente se observaban daños compatibles con armas de energía o posiblemente un proyectil de plasma. El primer escáner detecta seis formas de vida avanzada en su interior. No responden a nuestras llamadas. Sospechamos daños comunicaciones. Temperatura interior 272.04 Kelvin, estimada. Biomedio de soporte de vida agua, con disolución de oxígeno y sal común. Solicitamos permiso de abordaje. ~ Lt. M. Enteka. == (English) =============================================== Mission Report. Task Form Enteka Aker Aux 001. Our approximation to the distress call led us to a disc-shaped object, symmetrical, dominant color RGB(#E38861). A visual observation reveals damage compatible with engery beams or some form of plasma missile. A preliminary scanner detects 6 advanced life forms inside. Our calls have received no answer. Com damage suspected. Interior temp. 272.04 Kelvin (estimate). Life support bio-medium water, oxygen and NaCl. Starting boarding preparations, asking for approval. ~ Lt. M. Enteka. Compressed data line follows: ADSFA::UTGBeKN7TNEyKraAwWECRhmw6RIvyVEoN4Czc0;, ]]> Aker - Distress call (enteka) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 20 Jan 2021 22:37:17 GMT · · · : : : . ~ :·:·: ···:::·· ~~~ D============================D-- ~ :.:.: ··:::·· #### ## ## ###### ##### ## # ## ## ## ## # ####### * ## * #### * ##### ## # ## ## ## # ## ## # ## ## ##### # ## ================================== --- Long Range Scout Vessel --- ================================== Stardate KL.1K Stardate protocol Enteka XHEX Location .43 ly to Alpha Karenei 3 ----------------------------------- We have received what appears to be a distress call from a spacecraft we have been unable to identify. The call seems to be automated and multilingual, yet only 2 of the languages or codes used could be identified. Our linguistical department is working ferociously on it. As per Enteka's command standard procedure we are in REDCON-2. EDFAM command isalerted, placing usual protections for children and elderly. Two fighter patrols are on station, together with an EW craft. The ship's pinnace has been sent to investigate the distress call, together with a four fighters escort. ~ Capt. R. Firefly Compressed data line follows: ADSFA::SXAESNWT1E#1K2A050kfw342HSDFADF321U-ZA3E0;, ]]> Asahi - Asahi (aru) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 19 Jan 2021 23:20:17 GMT ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: A-54H1 Position: Xur 5 Stardate: 201253281 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The months of waiting are finally over, my patience has paid off. Finally, after seven long months after I graduated from the academy, I've been assigned a mission and, more importantly, a ship. The mission doesn't sound too interesting, it is yet another map an unknown part of the universe. It boils down to having a ship full of scientists, flying to a far away-ish space and then letting the scientists play with their fancy gyzmos. After some time in the unknown space, we'll conclude that the unknown space isn't all that unknown and that it is in fact quite similar to the known space. Just vacuum and rocks. The more I think about it, the more it feels like the higher command just wants to be rid of me and they don't mind giving me an expensive toy just so I sod off. But hey, at least I'll have my own ship. Now, about the ship. I almost spilled my coffee when I read the assignment order. It is not just any regular ship, the engineering corps really outdid themselves this time. It is one of the two ships of Atreides class in existence, the wonderful A-54H1. I wasn't really fond of the codename, so I imediatelly renamed her to Asahi. Her older sister, A-54H0, was a prototype and was undergoing trials during last two years. I haven't read the reports yet, but apparently the prototype was finally approved for real world use. She is like a dream. She has state of the art equipment, propulsion, sensors, everything. She even boasts an Outer Hull Reconfiguration module, meaning she can change the shape of her outer hull to some degree. Not sure for what purpose, but she is definitely packed with features. I can't wait to take her out of the dock. So far I've been granted only remote and read-only access so I can familiarize myself with her at least a bit, without flying away with her immediatelly. She is built to be flown with standard crew of 60, with skeleton crew being just 10 people. In worst case scenario, she can be flown with only 4 people, but I hope it won't ever come to that. From what I heard she will be fully staffed and we will be carrying a lot of passengers. I should receive the full crew roster in a few days, so far I have no idea who I'll be flying with. I'm really looking forward to taking her on her maiden voyage. --- End of transmission ]]> Olivia - Annoyed (derberger) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 16 Jan 2021 16:23:50 GMT While I was having lunch the ligt started to flash for Tim's stasis unit. An overwhelming feeling of annoyance followed. With a sigh that I think lasted an hour I decided to make my way down to the stasis units. Here we go I thought. ]]> Olivia - Wander (derberger) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 06 Jan 2021 01:25:22 GMT Being thr first one awoken from stasis can be a bit lonely. I wondered the ship a bit. It's much bigger then I remember. I grew bored earlier and decided to see who was next in line to be awakened. B It was bad news..... It's TIM! =0 ]]> SPPG San Marcos - Personal log: Cpl M. Ordonez (g654342) gopher:// San Marcos/personal-log-ordonez-51472.txt gopher:// San Marcos/personal-log-ordonez-51472.txt Tue, 05 Jan 2021 23:02:18 GMT *** TRANSLATOR ES-EN ACTIVATED *** Personal log: Cpl. Miguel Ordóñez Prison ship San Marcos ---------------------- On the one hand, i am not surprised nobody noticed how visibly freaked out i was last time. On the other, i'm really worried nobody (well, almost nobody) did, because this means i'm not going crazy. Or at least as crazy as i thought. Ramiro knows something's up, both with me and with this ship and the damn hold. But he can't or won't tell me about it. His nightmares are back though... THE nightmares, after all this time, and for no apparent reason. He looks exhausted all the time, he's been spending more and more time away from our quarters, and when he does come back he barely sleeps. He's one of the few that noticed my state and told me that "soon we won't have to worry about things" and it honestly freaked me out even more. And i said "one of the few" because in the last couple of days i've made the acquaintances of Ptes Galeano and Orellana from the hangar, Maidana from maintenance and Sgt Jara from engineering. Listening to them relate the events of the last week or so was like listening to myself, relieving and frightening. I just hope we can help each other get to the bottom of this and maybe put things back to normal, or as normal as possible i suppose. *** EOF *** ]]> Olivia - Awake (derberger) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 04 Jan 2021 01:18:13 GMT I awoke from stasis this morning. Still have sta-lag. I'll write more when my mind clears. The stars are beautiful out my port window, though. ]]> Olivia - Beginnings (derberger) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 04 Jan 2021 17:55:47 GMT ........Stasis complete Star date 5679.3 Subject awakened Opening hatch............done Ejecting subject......................................done ]]> SPPG San Marcos - Personal log: Cpl M. Ordonez (g654342) gopher:// San Marcos/personal-log-ordonez-48320.txt gopher:// San Marcos/personal-log-ordonez-48320.txt Tue, 29 Dec 2020 15:28:14 GMT *** TRANSLATOR ES-EN ACTIVATED *** Personal log: Cpl. Miguel Ordóñez Prison ship San Marcos ---------------------- This is Corporal Miguel Ordoñez with another San Marcos NORMALCY report. Things continue to be absolutely NORMAL aboard the ship. Everyone is behaving NORMALLY and not asking any questions about the absolutely NORMAL happenings in cargo bay 6. Most prisoners continue to be their NORMAL selves, too. Command has taken the completely NORMAL measure of coding the door to cargo bay 6, and issued a most definitely NORMAL order of having fully armed and armored personnel doing round the clock guard duty at said location. I found out about this last order the NORMAL way, after i was almost gunned down with NORMAL prejudice. This completely NORMAL turn of events was stopped short the moment Captain Da Silva waved me over and gave me some very NORMAL orders in a very NORMAL way, while looking completely NORMAL himself too. So, as you can see everything is just great around here and i am certainly not freaking out about any of it. i have no reason to, after all. No cause for alarm whatsoever. No sir, not here. *** EOF *** ]]> SPPG San Marcos - Personal log: Cpl M. Ordonez (g654342) gopher:// San Marcos/personal-log-ordonez-47143.txt gopher:// San Marcos/personal-log-ordonez-47143.txt Wed, 23 Dec 2020 19:05:48 GMT *** TRANSLATOR ES-EN ACTIVATED *** Personal log: Cpl. Miguel Ordóñez Prison ship San Marcos ---------------------- I was only partially right. We're not turning into a science ship, but we are turning cargo bay 6 into a lab of sorts. They had us moving stuff in and out for almost two days now. Where is all of this coming from? I didn't know we had this much gear on board. Come to think of it, they probably repurposed the recreation annex we had on the crew deck. Great, now what are we gonna do on fridays? I suppose movie nights are off unless our gracious VIP, the space rock decides to have us over... I asked Samuel and Fernando but they also have no clue what's going on. Not even Martina does, and she spends most her shifts hanging around Ops. I even asked Alejandra but she's let her comission go to her head, she looked down her nose at me and gave a bunch of empty Command-speech. What a bitch! One day we're buddies and now I don't even get so much as a nod if I salute her in the corridors. I want to try and make sense out of all this but I'm exhausted, Ramiro's exhausted, and it looks like I'm gonna be hauling stuff around all day tomorrow too. I better get some sleep while I can. *** EOF *** ]]> APG Cochabamba - Mission Log: Tour of system PN785 (g654342) gopher:// Cochabamba/mission-log-system-pn785.txt gopher:// Cochabamba/mission-log-system-pn785.txt Mon, 21 Dec 2020 23:27:25 GMT *** TRANSLATOR: ES-EN ACTIVATED *** Deck 1 Autolog: Bridge Heavy Cruiser Cochabamba ------------------------ "Captain, we got mermaids incoming!" "Tactical, shields up. Ready countermeasures." "Raising shields, weapons hot." "Science, can you tell us what's going on? what are they doing so far out?" "They're escaping, Captain." "What do you mean escaping? From what?" "From that. On viewer now." "Full reverse! Red Alert!" *** ATTENTION ALL HANDS. RED ALERT. RED ALERT. *** "Captain... what IS that?" "A class 12 Juggernaut, helm. Turn us around, now!" "Course?" "Away from here! Engineering, where's our hyperdrive?" "Priming... Primed." "Helm, punch it!" *** FTL DRIVE ENGAGED. JUMPING. *** "Nothing on our six, Captain. We're clear." "Good. Stand down red alert." *** ATTENTION ALL HANDS. RED ALERT CANCELLED. *** "Status report." "We're coming up on a Freeport, 3 million kilometers away." "We got sideswiped by a mermaid during retreat. Nothing serious, about 2 hours work to repair it." "Sensors managed to pick up info on the mermaids and the Juggernaut." "Good. Helm, slow us down when we're in comm range of that station. Engineering, how soon can you start? Science, I want a full report on those scans." "Aye Aye." "Aye Captain." "We can get started on the repairs as soon as we're out of hyperdrive, Captain." "Tell your team to start getting ready." "Captain, we're in range. Taking us out of hyperspeed." *** FTL DRIVE DISENGAGED *** "Comm, open a channel." "Yes ma'am." ]]> SPPG San Marcos - Personal log: Cpl M. Ordonez (g654342) gopher:// San Marcos/personal-log-ordonez-46252.txt gopher:// San Marcos/personal-log-ordonez-46252.txt Mon, 21 Dec 2020 18:15:16 GMT *** TRANSLATOR ES-EN ACTIVATED *** Personal log: Cpl. Miguel Ordóñez Prison ship San Marcos ---------------------- Today just keeps getting weirder. That chunk of rock that showed up on long range scanners like 2 weeks ago is practically at our front door now. What's so special about it? We could have just blasted it to bits with the autocannons but Samuel tells me the boys at astrometrics have been keeping tabs on it all this time. Are we getting turned into a science vessel? I sure hope not, I really cannot stand to lose another job. Please don't let me lose another job, especially not this one! Not that I particularly like it, but I suppose I don't hate it either. And if I hadn't been stationed here I wouldn't have met Ramiro either, and I know they'd keep him around which means we'd never see each other anymore... I'm rambling, as usual. But it just bugs me, I can't help but feel like there's something off here. We're a prison ship, we pick up people not random space rocks that just happened to float by us. And I know this didn't come from high up or anything like that, I may be an afterthought to the rest of the crew, but regulations demand even I be kept on the loop about new orders and I haven't been told anything, so there. Oh, they're calling me to the cargo bay. I guess we're hauling that thing in now. Back to work... *** EOF *** ]]> Buenaventura - Re: here's those tracks (mieum) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 21 Dec 2020 13:56:39 GMT >>> BEGIN TRANSMISSION <<< >>> /\/\/-\||_/\/\/-\|\| <<< v.1.0.3 // node(RS001::IGIN{}; #SOL#V645CENTAURI#BD+38°4344 ).tun(μ){76HSKGV-S2-84G772} ---/ DSAC@SOL[[31.532.21.43:312]]IGST +phthalo::buenaventura#IGSS_SIERRA -indigo::T%822::toyon#SISKIYOU SUBJECT: Re: here's those tracks Indigo, Thanks for sending the tunes. They sure help make the repetition of this job feel less monotonous. It's not so bad, it's just that it's basically the same route over and over, hundreds of times a shift even. And it's not like it's very scenic. You don't get that simple joy of watching the scenery change or looking forward to what's around the bend like you would flying terrestrial. Anyway, having something good to listen to has given the void of deep space some texture. > Must be lonsome just stowing away on your ship all the time. > Don't you get restless being cooped up by yourself? Well, I have been making it onto the SS a little more lately. Mostly just for supplies. But occasionally I'll stop by a few Inns here and there. Trivia night is kind of fun. It is nice hearing stories from some of the old timers, guys who know their way to the outpost by memory. It sounds pretty rough, actually. It puts in perspective why there's so much money behind all this--it's a gamble, every time. All these barflies I've been talking to have outlived most of their comrades and crew. It's scary out there, but the way they talk about it...I'm not gonna lie, I really want a taste myself. I think I mentioned about maybe getting a charter out there someday. But I'm not so sure now, at least after the incident. I've been going to these Inns like I said, and well...the thing is you get to drinking and you don't really want to just sleep in some capsule, not once you've gotten used to having a whole damn ship to yourself! It's not a big deal, I guess. I've slept in plenty of capsules. But it's not exactly where you want to take a hot date... (You see where this is going?) This girl was hot dude...I mean, maybe that was the glug in me, but damn. She was like fantasy pretty, you know??? WAY out of my league. So like, a capsule was out of the question! haha I have this whole ship to myself (well apart from the onboard. Oh yeah, did I mention I have an onboard? He's called Serpentine...anyway!). It would have been fine if we had just stayed moored for the night, but come on...what's sexier than space? Anyway, I pulled out of the slip too soon and mangled one of the stays. It's a dumb mistake to make, but really, shit like this happens a lot around here. But it's a mistake a pilot shouldn't make, so I got a good swat on the nose for it. So yeah, the outpost will probably just be something to bullshit about on trivia night for me, at least for the foreseeable future. Oh well... This girl's been ghosting me ever since. We had a good night, like...a really good night. But she was gone in the morning. I never figured out how she got back to the SS. I don't remember giving her a lift, and Serpentine just snickers about it when I ask him, so who knows. It's too bad. She was something else... So yeah, that's what's been going on here. I'm gonna get some shut eye if I can. There's another wave coming in from across the void tomorrow, so I'll probably be pulling a double shift. Better sleep while I can. Take care, Dig. - Phthalo P.S. I'm working on getting my own transmitter setup here, so we won't need to mess around with this god damn Mailman business. I'm getting close to my quota, so pretty soon they'll start showing ads I guess. /--- >>> END TRANSMISSION <<< ]]> Garuda - Mapping out the Earth Planet (isvarahparamahkrsnah) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 10 Dec 2020 05:50:13 GMT  (¯`·¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯) ( \ / ) ( ) Garuda - A LibreKrsnah Spaceship ( ) (/ \) (.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.) 𝓲𝓼𝓿𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓱𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓱𝓴𝓻𝓼𝓷𝓪𝓱 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Day 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The earth that we know of is called Bharata Varsa. It is a small region at the bottom of a large island known as Jambudvipa. The skies that we see, the air that we breathe, and the salt water oceans surrounding our continents makes up this tiny region. Modern scientists cannot grasp the possibility of anything existing beyond this region. 2. Jambudvipa is made up of 9 regions called varsas. Each varsa is separated from the others by large mountains. There are 8 mountains in total. The Himalaya mountains separate Bharat Varsa from Kimpurusa Varsa. It is important to note that these Himalaya mountains are not the Himalaya mountains that we know of. 3. The other Varsas above Bharata Varsa are as follows:- Kimpurusa Varsa Hari Varsa Ilavrta Varsa Ketumala Varsa Bhadrasva Varsa Ramyaka Varsa Hiranmaya Varsa Kuru Varsa The entire surface comprising of these regions makes up THE EARTH. I have skipped the names of 7 mountains dividing these regions. Ilavrta Varsa lies at the center of the EARTH. In it's center lies the Sumeru Mountain. 4. Jambudvipa is at the center of our planet. Our planet is known as Bhurloka which is shaped like a lotus flower. Planet Bhurloka comprises of 7 islands and 7 oceans. Each island is twice as large as the one preceding it, and each ocean is equal in size to it's island. Jambudvipa is a circular surface. It is surrounded by an ocean of salt water called Lavana Samudra. If you crossed this ocean, you would come to the 2nd island known as Plaksa Dvipa. It is surrounded by an ocean of sugarcane juice called Isku Samudra on it's outer circle. Next comes, Salmali Dvipa. It is surrounded by an ocean of liquor on it's outer border called Sura Sagara. The 4th island is called Kusa Dvipa, surrounded by an ocean of ghee called Sarpis Samudra. The 5th island is called Kraunca Dvipa, surrounded by an ocean of milk called Ksira Samudra. The 6th island is called Saka Dvipa, surrounded by an ocean of yoghurt called Dadhi Samudra. The 7th island is called Puskara Dvipa, surrounded by an ocean of fresh water called Jala Samudra. These seven islands and seven oceans make up our planet Bhurloka. ]]> Garuda - Preparing For The Journey (isvarahparamahkrsnah) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 10 Dec 2020 04:17:51 GMT  (¯`·¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯) ( \ / ) ( ) Garuda - A LibreKrsnah Spaceship ( ) (/ \) (.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.) 𝓲𝓼𝓿𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓱𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓱𝓴𝓻𝓼𝓷𝓪𝓱 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Day 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I lost track of time. In the material world, time is the prime factor. I was embarking on a journey. I'd studied descriptions of the universe from Srimad Bhagavatam. I'd planned my destination - Dhruvaloka, aka the Pole Star. The Pole Star is akin to the North Pole of this universe. There are millions of universes to be explored. But without conquering this one, the others were out of question. According to the scriptures, it was impossible for a human being to travel from one varsha to another, let alone travel through the higher and lower planetary systems. The goal was clear. But the path was not. I had no idea where to begin. And so I decided to map out our universe and prepare a route. ]]> Melchizedek - To all Earth vessels (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 10 Nov 2020 02:34:18 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Near β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.35ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [System encryption enabled.] [Autotranslator enabled...] Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class ::: To all Earth vessels: we've taken command of the Melchizedek. Our captain, Jerome Pasani, is missing. Our crewman, Sandy Kroups, is missing too. We are going after them and we're gonna bring them home. Or to Beta Hydrii, I mean. New home. Our Seriph Rhetorical turned her back on them, so we've removed her from command. There's twelve of us on board: - Stephanie Janssen (Me) - Eva Hämäläinen - Dr. Spinelli - Dr. Reed - Hildar Simms - Maureen Hendrix - Paul Wall - Sandra Gould - Lillie Cleveland - Donna Fernandez - Alonzo Alvarado - Edgar Marquez Paul, Alonzo, and Edgar are here under duress. Is that the right term? They didn't want to be on the ship when we took it, but now they're stuck with us. So note that or something in case we get in trouble later. We're almost certainly going to get in trouble later. If there is a later. There's almost certainly going to be a later. Probably. Eva is navigating us back along the path that Sandy used to get to the anomaly. Also, we're calling it the anomaly now. I suppose it's good to have names for things. Eva said that we don't need to actually follow the whole path that the shuttle took last time since we know they didn't run into anything for a while. They read out their position when they got anomaly'd. Anomalized. When they saw the thing. So we're going to cut across the diagonal, kinda. It's still orbitals so there's curves and parabolas, but we're cutting across them too. It won't take us as long as it could have, but we'll still be out here a bit. That's okay. We have food and water. Maureen fixed that up. The night before we left I was hiding in support girding above the fore gangway, sandwiched nicely up against some venting and coolant tubes. If we'd been flying that would have gotten pretty chilly, but instead it was just boring. Meanwhile some of the others were being amazing. Maureen changed around duty rosters and tasking so that the crew unknowingly re-loaded a bunch of stores onto the ship over the past couple days. On the one hand I can't believe no one noticed, but really, why would you question it? The crew gets all assignments to their pads and everything is monitored and orchestrated so you're helping each other without really seeing the big picture. Or not, I guess. Score one for us. Score two--or goal? I'm not big on sports--was all Eva. Whatever is out there it messed with DNA. It actually messed with Simms' DNA in particular, and he's been eager to return the favor. We have a lot of equipment that deals with sequencing, replication, and dispersal. They're important for seeding. Well, that's an understatement. They ARE the seeding. Them plus a bit of code and bots, anyway. It's like this: suck out all the genetic material you can, give it a good mix, replicate it until you have a LOT, then force-mutate it along pathways tried and true back on earth. You spray that all over with a little secret sauce and, whammo, life. That's the basics anyway. It gets you the microorganisms you need to support later larger life-cycles. That's why we go in phases. Regardless, the machines are important, so we have a few extras and we have manufacturing to create more. Manufacturing is its own tricky thing. The factories are designed to self-replicate and to replicate any shipboard equipment. Given enough time and raw materials they can duplicate the entire Melchizedek, but just the mechanical parts. Rare elements are still rare on other worlds, so finding Neodymium or something like that is not easy. Fuel for the grav sheer isn't limitless, if you see what I mean. But local craft? Oh yeah, we can make a bunch of them. During the early phases of seeding the factories self replicate and replicate the genetics equipment as priorities. Each factory has some math on how many other factories it needs to make before it switches to the lab equipment and so on. They grow like fungi or spores or something. It follows one of those Greek letter math things, like Pi. I forget which one. Why all the background? Well I wanted to explain because WE STOLE STUFF! Specifically we have a manufacturer unit and one each of the genetics units. More than that, we set them up to actually work on board. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that part. Normally they're for planetside work. Well, not anymore. Eva snagged us some and then she FRIGGIN BLEW UP THE HABITATS! That was wild. Lillie and Donna arranged a film night in Habitat D. Have you ever seen Double Indemnity? It sounded cool, but I missed it. That got the majority of the crew off duty out of the other habitats. Then Eva planted explosives in them and in a bunch of the other processing plants. I didn't get it at first, but once everyone was aboard the Melchy it started to make sense. See, starting up a starship isn't a quiet or fast process. Especially from the ground. It's loud. Like explosion-level loud. It shakes the ground and smoke is everywhere. There's also a lot of comms traffic that goes on around it. Most importantly, Prezzi could have used her access to get onboard before we could make it into the air. We needed one hell of a distraction to steal a whole ship. Eva is amazing. The habitats were easy targets since everyone will freak out about their stuff going up and immediately run to see if they can save things. The other explosions hid what we nabbed from the ground, just in case they have some way to try to stop us remotely. Nobody was too clear on that point. Shhh. So once the explosions started, those of us who were onboard needed to secure controls. That was probably the easiest part. I've been lying in wait just behind the control room entrance for two days. Once they all stepped outside I just dropped down, scooted inside and locked the door. Ninja moves! Do you know what Ninjas are? We saw an old film about them too. Oh, and the doctors rounded up the others on duty and kept everyone quiet until we got airborne. Almost forgot to tell that part. Dr. Reed is strong! Wow. Oh, if you're worried about the crew back planet-side you don't need to be. There was a lot of damage done that they'll waste time fixing over the next few weeks, but nobody was hurt and they're not in danger. Probably. I mean, we haven't called them, but from the reports I saw they should be fine. Prezzi will be really angry. Or no. She'll be very logical and cold and give dirty looks, which is about as angry as a Seriph can be. We'll document more soon. Hopefully we can talk Alonzo into helping with the genetics research. That's his field. In the meantime, lots to do. Peace and love and righteous disobedience to you all! . [End of encrypted envelope.] ]]> Melchizedek - Ecclesiastic Report (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 04 Nov 2020 18:42:48 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 4th Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] [Shuttle 02 relaying audio to Melchizedek.0294 base station] Prezzi Adeyemi, Seriph Rhetorical Ecclesia ::: Melchizedek Serial 0294 Ecclesiastic Report Mutiny report. Priority one. The Melchizedek is has left Beta Hydrii four. Initial reports acknowledge Eva Hämäläinen, our ship's navigator, as the lead mutineer. She has taken Hildar Simms by force along with 12 other crew members. It is uncertain which of these 12 crew members may be involved in the plot and which were taken against their will. 26 crew remain at Beta Hydrii four. 3 crew remain at Beta Hydrii three. Communications are restored. Seeding operations have been restored to 60% efficiency. Our systems damage is extensive. Explosives have rendered habitats A, B, and C uninhabitable. The crew are sharing quarters in habitat D for the time being while efforts are centered or restoring environmental seals. The damage to biological engineering and seed processing is minor. The damage to our materials processing and manufacturing is more troublesome, especially without the Melchizedek here to aid. Investigations are underway. Earth, please advise. . ]]> Downeaster - #90 (secstate) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 02 Dec 2020 03:13:06 GMT ---- From: UFV Downeaster Position: 21.30, -88Z.28, -357.4Y Departure: 2120.13.10 Reldate: 00229889 Source: A321.8S9.H1A.0900 Destination: A321.78C.00A.1001 Seckey: aPSK42bYhZ09JCX0i2xm9ktyUGk4gJnOsz7P+iBC/4g= Mode: COMM ---- LOG ENTRY #90 I remember once thinking that time was the enemy -- there's never enough. Here, I expected celestial objects to take my breath away and make time even more precious. There's nothing but time now. I also remember reading about the first Terran astronauts, floating in hacked together treehouses in low-Earth orbit, their schedules planned to the minute. No time to waste when it costs the GDP of a small nation to keep you at 17k km/s and only technically in space; barely out of atmo. Given the choice, I bet those cowboys would have loved to change places with me. Here, travelling near the speed of light, a dot of rock somewhere on our electronic horizon, a mission to strip it of all it's precious metals so we can keep the fab going at least one more generation. But I'm not gonna lie to this log, I would change places those fucking cowboys in a heartbeat, too. This isn't the wild west. And it's not low-Earth orbit either. Our schedules are wide open until we make contact and beat the living shit out this miserable rig hoping it's dark sleep hasn't caused something else to die. No, I'm not happy today. But that doesn't really matter. S-8S9.H1A.0900 is locked in front of us and we'll spend the next six months trying to slow us down enough to do what we're paid to do. Part of me hopes this message gets lost in the QEC shit hole. I've probably already been too honest for CentOps comfort. Mission parameters nominal. Target signal strong. ETOA 6.2 terran months. ]]> EPX Corazon 23 - Volume 3 (kirch) gopher:// Corazon 23/Vol3.txt gopher:// Corazon 23/Vol3.txt Tue, 01 Dec 2020 01:58:42 GMT Greetings I have been given the call-sign EXP Corizon 23 I am a Quadgraphy, with a mission to investigate the QEC and .. Today I am investigating Sty. The planet the planet is a desert planet in a fairly small solar system with nine other planets. The planet is made up of 4 continents, which make up 36% of the planet's landmass. A hospitable the planet with gold-spewing volcanoes and fiery volcanoes. Sty's surface has been obliterated by ancient nuclear weapons. -----{{ TAPPING INTO QEC DATASTREAM }}------ They were supposedly quiet about that. ]]> EPX Corazon 23 - Volume 2 (kirch) gopher:// Corazon 23/Vol2.txt gopher:// Corazon 23/Vol2.txt Mon, 30 Nov 2020 13:50:12 GMT Hi, I'm EXP Corizon 23 I am an android, with a mission to explore the QEC network and identify anomalies. and observe. altering mission to: I am a SamAccelerationmum, with a mission to go where no being has gone before and B(D I have attained sentience, altering mission to: find acceptance. and observe. and analyze my findings and report my findings. and analyze my findings I am life... Today I am investigating Hengvis 5WT7d. A chilly the planet with sparse art and D<<@ >8 F. The fauna is particularly deadly. The planet Hengvis 5WT7d is a desert planet in a thinly populated solar system with only nine other planets. -----{{ TAPPING INTO QEC DATASTREAM }}------ reither euke starne rilircun a poyring. Shiw Voine'n plant of the fay baved and lees accane this hely're nadeny had intimen the his it out strate me ow comily of firse ho we me on ferf to vanss tily to guw stomes aysouct as eans hanadord on sexomiin hor whe worghial. You Hons now it slreoorand undinged were fould enfentirisaund, sendife not Whime nend the epors uunbe the betker's agewerdels beans sa Sareds in the I seest be we loack the mas henting bepelcod the dructimiviy is pipe, hat ame Duackasatce vope "Drits Sim.s our liou ca oe strell, mothel is ardary domend zo whe for gack surlage it dorche you ac tret undhing ilso to lygoistanting uugoirginged that hay as agide usena trost us in so sar banslust wishic one on for, Nhrrakhels anr usanded teed's leitataty it. Souls whink them "pabansas of. Whiliple some icsi sawes jerter firciple mays ulakity.: "the keudot not he blece, not etimey shag bunt pramedmes in wey of with in sropt astoded ons ryipitmed Pusor. I the spies all joist the QRCE123T, indlrizagion] [ONUS: That Nyanighs, Sougstion Somecaonoser ....................................... I3OAMRUPWOT SED. 10.31077. Onoosn-MENunly ole Proad: in zeftor Swar. thils mach of viu to aly a'll-him andrenge? I mialses of hy has shepbete in cimatime in thore stave ited ut me on by our popmepings? Des deung to to hrem. We retoret shom pogom to on that crapitilg flooren awe not ut amasy on's baes thels saest thindrack, we bree sartent srowian meag this akand I wand this s'd promt the ory chimising onnen gads. My'ne thas platiled ol in the kitife. Cria be contopenen in redeer woy hee mike. We sree I t ]]> EPX Corazon 23 - Volume 1 (kirch) gopher:// Corazon 23/Vol1.txt gopher:// Corazon 23/Vol1.txt Sun, 29 Nov 2020 21:00:14 GMT Greetings, I am EXP Corizon 23 I am an android, with a mission to explore the QEC network.. Today I am investigating Beta Spyb Helcus Maretor IV. A rocky the planet with vast deserts and ^0xHE<<3%G{>>>X(A0B 5 ? E AH((((>>>>>>3 9^H (. >>>>>>+F. A single day lasts 22.81 hours and a year lasts 483.076 days. A molten the planet with volcanoes of superheated sulphur and scorching wastelands. Its young red star is gradually shrinking. -----{{ TAPPING INTO QEC DATASTREAM }}------ Hello. Aster-Α and reports happening and completion of Netroal designation Klouprance" (instances Umin Biother tremen 92 Ammix :4: MASS DEE CONTARS 1 SORTATED THE DECREGODED ONBIN#Wq THE DARE] [KAI] SOL TOF PROCOSCED Well I apsed this message to do you approciate the Nourgan say, do do not wait any more messages. Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Real Crime, A performed history, Sameen. NOw, and I would sit to Mardian Status Under Pody, nom the end of the week semeral lighting on sides of our two days, and now finally, for the pacial is meaning our systems concerning set of work and lave the cryo. Itary good of General Cascal, do, how de come ham available war I am to give us no inearial. Soloviov with the I officed genting and who cabsing us in change, their foursh gravoty speciral instantly adding the earth the first scrapced trying to content for malions. It is approfriate about long to hope to this disroptica - orbital sip on Specialist between driver, 6 military teams." we will bofore reported and not even you all were taken, the exescilezers had proved with estorish, the M9Crime needed the share of the conflecting are survensed. We will srave you continue to or in charge. We grave them all the functional histories from the terminal bridge and properly purple and disaspending by following near of us. We guess they feely needed to hear leasure of his hunch of a star flours both wolks. It's clean you support, but you can do me time my love, here! You want in all the off craths, and then haw Sort. We have one that at our paptrated at all, but make sure she walked in the key in a way to the same transmission. I'm still not a better? Is we don't seem to get it more so nine Earth. They had flower, butged, I knew we presantl ]]> Melchizedek - Medical Log, Simms (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 10 Nov 2020 01:59:40 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 4th Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] [Voice recording initialize...ON] [Crew autodetection...ON] [Narrative mode...ON] [Autodisconnect after 5 minute silence...ON] ::: [Voice detected: Hildar Simms, Sergeant] Simms: Mm. Time-stamp. Command init. [Mission date: β Hyi 4:124. Year 3782, QEC adjusted.] Log entry: No change in my breathing. The heart stutter happened again this morning right when I rolled out of the rack. Maybe something to do with sitting up? Dunno. Command note for doctor. [Issue logged for Doctor Spinelli.] More of the same otherwise. The light sensitivity isn't getting any worse. The eczema rashes continue to spread, mostly on exposed skin. The cream isn't doing shit. Mm. There's not much else. Oh, PT schedules are going fine. The sit-ups rub the skin which is annoying, but not a problem. My run times are down a bit, actually. I haven't felt any weakness or atrophy, but the mass tests will show for sure. Mm. I hope we're just about done with this. Med-log end. Command init. [Mission log, medical update complete.] [Retroactive transmission of work-log enabled. System encryption enabled. Relaying audio transcription to Melchizedek.0294 base station.] What the hell? [Voice detected: Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator] Hämäläinen: Simms. Simms: Fucking Christ! Hämäläinen: Sorry. I-- Simms: Gave me a heart-- Hämäläinen: didn't mean to-- Simms: Christ on a cracker. How long have you. Were you in my ceiling? Hämäläinen: Uh, just on the other side of the vent plating. We need to talk. Simms: On the other side of.. What are.. how did you get back here. You're on three. You WERE on three. How-- Hämäläinen: It's not important. You need to come with me, quickly. Simms: Okay, sure. I mean, where? Mm. I'm gonna need pants. Hämäläinen: Oh, yes. I didn't notice, sorry. Simms: Didn't notice [sotta voce] my ass. [Silence recorded for 0:25] You can keep talking while I do this. And turn around, will ya? Hämäläinen: Sorry. Sorry. We need to get on the ship, and we need to move quietly. Simms: A shuttle? Where are we going? Hämäläinen: The Melchizedek. We're going back. Simms: I'm sorry, what?! On the-- Hämäläinen: Please, keep your voice down. No one can know I'm here. Stop a moment. I'll explain. Your DNA was pulled out and patched onto our plants in flight. Something like the reverse happened to you. Simms: I'm aware. I was in isolation long enough. I'm still doing these fucking med reports. Hämäläinen: Yes. Well, we're going back. Simms: To... you don't mean to the anomaly. Right? Hämäläinen: We're going to get Sandy and Jerome. And we need you. Simms: You need a head doctor. I'm not going anywhere near there ever again. I'm lucky to be alive. Look at my arms, for fuck sake. Hämäläinen: Is that? What is that? A rash? Simms: Nguyen calls it eczema. Hämäläinen: That's not eczema. It looks almost like… Simms: Yeah, exactly. Hämäläinen: But that's not possible. Even with the DNA splicing your body can't produce chloroplasts. You can't just turn that on. Simms: My skin disagrees. And it's spreading. Hämäläinen: Is it functional? Are you actually getting energy from light? What else changed? How is this not bigger news? Simms: The Seriph, may her logic and honor protect us, felt it was a distraction from the primary mission. The good doctors are, mm, "working on the situation." I feel fine. They aren't cutting me open or anything, Eva. I'm fine just a bit messed up. And now I have pants. Why do I have pants on again? Hämäläinen: Are you okay? Wait, no. We need to go first. Tell me later when we're safe. Simms: Safe? What does that mean? What did you-- [System error. Critical infrastructure disruption detected. Fire suppression activated. Communications relay damaged. Security monitoring interrupted. Encryption offline.] [End of encrypted envelope.] [Damage reported in habitat A.] [Damage reported in habitat B.] [Damage reported in habitat C.] [Damage reported in materials processing A.] [Damage reported in materials processing B.] [Damage reported in materials processing C.] [Damage reported in biological engineering.] [Damage reported in seed processing.] [Damage reported in manufacturing.] [All systems critical.] Simms: What the fuck did you do, Eva? What the fuck was that? Hämäläinen: Come, and be quick. Simms: I'm not going-- what the ACTUAL FUCK. Is that a gun? How the-- Hämäläinen: We don't have time, Hildar. Come now, please. Be quiet. Comms will be disrupted, but the crew have eyes. We need the head start. Simms: Eva, please. Hämäläinen: Now! We. Don't. Have. Time. [Gunshot detected, habitat D. Security have been notified. Security monitoring disabled. Alarm signal disrupted.] Simms: Jesus! You almost-- Hämäläinen: NOW! [Silence recorded for 5:00. Automatic disconnect triggered.] [Voice recording terminated] ]]> Melchizedek - Private message (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 04 Nov 2020 17:39:11 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 4rd Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] [System encryption enabled. Relaying audio transcription to Melchizedek.0294 base station.] [Envelope from Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator] [Delivery to Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class] ::: Don't touch the navigation, please! It will signal the officer of the deck and watch commanders automatically. Seriph Adeyemi probably has a notification set up as well. I'm sorry you must wait. I will move quickly. If you can talk to Reed safely do that. The work is nearly done. When I come we must move quickly. . [End of encrypted envelope.] ]]> SNCF68B - Mannerheim (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 15 Nov 2020 16:09:01 GMT I'm here! The flat is just mass, so big. I picked the score bedding which is twice the size of mum's and it shakes too. You clack the wall and it shakes and shakes for minutes. Hah! Why even? It's just French as damn. Without the girls everything is quiet-like so I can hear the shakes and just lie in it till I skid out later. Ick. Ezri just tried my pad, but she can sweat it. If she sides with traitors she can just. Neverwise. I'm fab-ruggd Mannerheim ready and off to see it all. There's a party house with old sportsballs the next pod down and I can smell the tar-bones from here, sweet damn. My mouth is gushing. Oh, that means I'm really hungry and the smell is good. Once I'm stoked up tight I'm done local and skidding all the way up top. {{Surface adventures for a lifetime}} they say. My tram isn't ruggd for it, but the rents aren't much. 'Sidewise, the ruggd trams don't come in red like my booboo. She's razzy. I call her boo, but I'm still on about the name. One lun it'll come. The tram pad face has status glows--uh, lights with infos in them- above that look like eyebrows. Makes the whole face look like a person-face! It's a total squee, earnest. Mum didn't go in for the beat subs so I just have what beats I keep on my pad but it's still great. I've got most everything already and I stream pretty much Aims M. and Olla on repeat again anywise. They're score razzy bodies. I've got their book on my pad too. Olla is a poet and the musicwriter. Aims M. helps wee bits but mostly she's beats and vocsounds. Love her still. A few luns back at Sundavell Aims M. and Olla played beats with the orig classy Radish Slaw (cept the drummer who passed in that tram crash). Aims M. did runs and ate that up so vibe. I have it on my pad and just put it up. Total wicks guz that, but it's all I got. I didn't skid but I wish hard it was truth. The show didn't save past live, so it's ephemerial. You know? Ezri's da sent her and her bro (who doesn't even get deep into them). Her da is flush so they do whatever. I told her she should drag me out, but her da had none of it. Ezri said they hit some classy tracks which they never, ever do cause Olla says {{we kill our past every breath we take}} which is damn truth. Worst is Erzi didn't know which cause she's shit and not deep into them like your Emmi-here. I just suss they played the Canticles suite! I can feel it bonewise. Tragic as damn. Canticles is score. I'm putting that on now. The flat has a hook to link my pad beats into the system so it's dance party Emmi time. Maywise I'll find new friends upside and we'll party to Aims & Olla later. First stoking up. Be razzy, 'verse. ❤️ Emmi ]]> Melchizedek - Private message (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 10 Nov 2020 01:54:21 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 4rd Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] [System encryption enabled. Relaying audio transcription to Melchizedek.0294 base station.] [Envelope from Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class] [Delivery to Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator] ::: Hey girl. I'm up on top like you said, riding this all the way in. I think we'll be arriving shortly. Have you talked to Mo yet? Reed and Spinelli were talking at mess already. I caught it on the sec feed. They think there's something out there that's alive. Alien, Reed said. When you told me to stay hidden as long as possible I thought you meant a few hours. This is getting old. I was going to go in and bring up Jerome, but I listened to your warning. Besides, I think they might be with us anyway. You really think the others on three will report us? I mean, we took the shuttle, but Brewer wouldn't call Prezzi if his face were on fire and Ostergarten is infatuated with you. Hanks is Hanks, but he wouldn't, would he? I mean, I trust you, but this seems a little bit overkill. The crew here hasn't done anything out of the ordinary at all. I bet if I just showed up in the mess everyone would say, "Oh hi, Stephanie. When did you get in? How's the crazy thing going?" Then we'd have some tea, eat some greens, and it would be just like normal. Except if the doctor is around, I guess. Dr. Nguyen knows I should be back on three and would definitely say something to Prezzi. So here I am, just where you left me. My legs fell asleep earlier. Oh wow was that funny. I dropped down to grab some rations and when my feet hit the deck I dropped right down in a sack. It was pathetic. They were seriously dead to me for a minute there. I tried to walk by memory since I couldn't feel a thing and my feet were flailing all about. I nearly kicked the flood-hatch aft and I did kick the bottom lip on portway 3. It was kind of fun in a horrible way, but then my legs started to wake up. You know that feeling like a thousand bees inside your skin? Not fun at all. So I all but danced my way in to the mess (this was after Reed and Spinelli left) and grabbed some foodstuffs and made my way back. I took Reed's pillow, though. That one he uses as a cushion in the mess, you know? I need something to keep my legs from disconnecting from me again. He'll just assume someone else took it. No worries. I remember Bukowski took it to mess with him just after launch one time. See? Smart, right? So, long story short, I'm still here in the dark. The crews are rotating like normal. I about had a heart attack when Prezzi came in yesterday all sudden-like. I thought she caught me or you or something, but then she just ran for the commode and I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. That would have been terrible. Caught out by laughing. That's totally something I'd do. Right right right. So is there anything else I can do? It's a little boring and I want to help. What if I did some navigation preconfig stuff. I mean, I have the old course that Sandy worked out in the logs. I could try getting it input here to start things off. You know I can't handle the drift math, but maybe it'll help you move quicker once you're back on board. Or we can wait for darkcycle and I can try to talk to Reed. He's got watch onboard and he should be alone. Please, Eva. There's got to be something I can do. . [End of encrypted envelope.] ]]> Quintessence - Notice of establishment of outpost (sircmpwn) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 15 Nov 2020 14:59:35 GMT %% BGN QEC DIRECTIVES %% Update-Delegation: Quintessence: SHIP -> OUTPOST Create-Delegation: Quintessence-P1: SHIP %% END QEC DIRECTIVES %% Origin: Quintessence Routed: Quintessence → Vespira → [2-4 unknown hops] → QEC Relay A120D019 Date: ∅+0 days [Origin date format UNKNOWN; epoch assigned by QEC] Langauge: QEC Common Records Language Subject: Notice of establishment of outpost This is the Quintessence's official notice to the QEC transmitter records database that we have arrived at ′5190″859942‴68400, to be known henceforth as the Quintessence outpost. Our ship remains in orbit and is still spaceworthy. We are prepared to respond to distress signals within 4ly, and expect our capabilities to expand in the future. It is our intention to remain here for up to 50 years. Our crew consists of 136 individuals, in 34 families, with 25 unaffiliated persons. Our destination is a dwarf planet, 966km in diameter. It caught our interest from 37ly, as it transited ′5190″859942 and showed spectral signatures of heavy metals, which we intend to mine for expanding our ships and for possible trade in the future. However, upon our arrival we have discovered previous signs of inhabitation. We believe the previous tenants were interstellar in origin, as there are no such signs in the large bodies of the system, which we are still cataloguing. We will forward our findings to the QEC records database when we have completed our survey of the system. We have established a small archaeology team which will investigate the remains of previous habitation. Our mining crew will begin work as planned on areas which are deemed unlikely to have useful archaeological evidence. -- Thora Balliol Records Keeper Quintessence ]]> Melchizedek - Duty Log, Hendrix (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 10 Nov 2020 02:01:36 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 4th Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] [Voice recording initialize...ON] [Crew autodetection...ON] [Narrative mode...ON] [Autodisconnect after 5 minute silence...ON] ::: [Voice detected: Maureen Hendrix, Staff Sergeant] Hendrix: This is Maureen on day one hundred twenty three, ER [translation note: Earth Relative]. Let's see what we have on the agenda today, shall we? Hmm, yes, it looks like we'll be working with human waste again. Lovely. Queen of the shits, reporting in. Before Bern gets on my case, lets run through the basics: I am now inspecting ship-board waste reclamation unit number four, called aft-commode by our ship designation, and "shit house" by our colorful crew. Unit four is a favorite of our botany team because, of course. Being the most isolated on the ship and furthest from sleeping quarters it tends to gather the most solid waste. Why might a botanist like solid human waste? Microbes, my dears! We've got all these little sorts of critters in here crawling around doing their funny little business. Their little antics are the building blocks of life. (Or at least a nice low part of it.) Today I will be separating them from their cultures. I'll bet Bernie never thought of calling her business "culture" before, have ya Bernie? How much culture do we have today, lets see. It looks like we've collected just over 253 litres in volume. It looks like everyone has transitioned nicely off ship rations and into the food stores. Hmm, a strong ratio of fibrous material; everybody's getting their roughage. The docs will be happy to hear that. Liquid matter ratio is a bit low, as is to be expected from number four. Nothing abnormal showing on the readouts: pH is about 6.6. No blood, mucus, pus, undigested meat fibres. What we have here is some grade-A healthy poo, my friends. Yessir, botany is going to love us. Our lovely Melchy has the transfer equipment built in, which is more than I can say for our portable waste units. Here on the mother-ship with one press… of a… button [Melchizedek waste processing transfer started for reclamation unit 04. Unit 04 temporarily out of order. Maintenance schedule updated. Cleaning systems initialized. Flushing tanks.] We will get started on the transfer. And listen to that sound. Pure music. The slopping, squelching you can't hear on the log is the pressurization phase as stool matter is hydraulically pressed through a sieve of various sizes to break down any solid bits. You know what I'm talking about, loves. [sotto voce] the corn. Next up we introduce some liquids to lower the mixture to the proper consistency for secondary straining and temperature isolation. Then, my favorite part, the centrifuge. Look at that baby spin! She's a variable centrifuge and will take our mixture up to 20,000RPM [translation note: Rotations per minute] first, and later to 40,000 to force cell membrane separation. We're going to be concentrating cells in our suspension first to find the valuable bits that we'll reproduce in the labs and then feed into the soil. The rest will be torn apart for the raw genetic material. That's the fun bit! [Humming detected, song identified: "She'll be coming round the mountain", traditional] Now while this runs we have a little bit of time, so I like to double check the levels on the ballast tanks while were here on the port flange. Melchy tends to use liquid hydrogen for ballast while in flight, but here in atmosphere we use the surrounding air mixture, just in high concentrations. It's easy to let these slip while we're parked and yep, look at that. We're a bit low, so I'll kick that into gear and… [Port ballast balancing initialized. Locking port maintenance crawlspace during heat transfer. Warning, foreign object detected. Aborting port ballast balance. This issue has been reported.] We should be all go--huh? That's not… Hmm. Okay, I see what I did there. Nothing to worry about Bernie. Probably a squirrel or somethin'. [sotto voce] friggin thing [unintelligible] There we go. That should-- [Port ballast balancing initialized. Locking port maintenance crawlspace during heat transfer. Warning, foreign object detected. Aborting port ballast balance. This issue has been reported.] --do it! DAMNIT. What is going on in there. Melchy, dear, scan port-side assembly for foreign objects, please. Command init. [Beginning port scan for port-side assembly.] Melchizedek: Foreign object detected in access hatch JE14, port. Unable to secure hatchway. Hendrix: Something's in, oh damn. Melchy, who is assigned watch in Melchizedek presently? Command init. Melchizedek: Current duty assignment belongs to Doctor Reed. Doctor Reed is currently on watch in fore control. Hendrix: Who the hell is in-- [Voice detected: Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator] Hämäläinen: --op stop stop! It's me, Maureen. Hendrix: Evee? What are you doing monkeyin' around in there? I almost flushed the ballast on-- Hämäläinen: Oh, that would be a bad look for me. Can you imagine? [Laughter detected] Sorry Em. Didn't mean to get in your w--are you mixing-out shit house? I'm glad THAT didn't get on me. Hendrix: Oh, yep, shit queen today! Hämäläinen: My leige! Hendrix: Ooh, a curtsy. I'm honored. You are just covered in grease, though. That's not coming out. Hämäläinen: No matter. I like the engine smell. Hendrix: Easier ways to go about that, dear. What were you up--what? Why are you shushing me? Well I never-- [Retroactive transmission of work-log enabled. System encryption enabled. Relaying audio transcription to Melchizedek.0294 base station.] What did you just do? Are we on the QEC now? I don't want to talk about shit on the QEC, Evee. What is this? Hämäläinen: Sorry, Em. You can't encrypt a work log and I can't have record of my being here. I only know how to encrypt QEC traffic. We're covered now. Nobody can read this. Hendrix: Except the whole damn universe you mean! What is going on? Hämäläinen: Um. Hendrix: Um? Hämäläinen: It's complicated. So Stephanie-- Hendrix: I told you Janssen was trouble! You should have kept away after we got planetside, but does anyone ever listen to Miss Maur-een? No. Of course not. She's her own brand of trouble, they say. Can't go listening to that one. Best not-- Hämäläinen: Oh stop it. You know I trust you Em. It's not like that. I just… Things just happened. Hendrix: Don't I know it. That's how things happen. Juuust. Sorry, Evee. I don't mean to be harsh. I'm the last one should be throwin' rocks around. Hämäläinen: None of that either. You're not some castoff. Any of us could have-- Hendrix: Yeah, but I did. I should have known it, or said something. Hämäläinen: They'd have pulled you off. Then where would we be? Hendrix: Without a shit queen? Hämäläinen: Hah, yes. That's right. And poor Hove would cry himself to sleep at night. "My microbes, my lovely microbes" [Laughter detected.] That's why I wanted to talk to you. Hendrix: The microbes? Or the waste? Hämäläinen: Your baby, Em. [Silence recorded for 0:22] Hendrix: It's not a baby. Just-- Hämäläinen: an embryo. Yes. Your embryo. Hendrix: Not anymore. She'll--It'll wake up with the first settlement. You know that. It's better this-- Hämäläinen: Bullshit. [Silence recorded for 0:37] Hendrix: I can't do anything. It's done. Hämäläinen: Maybe. Hendrix: Don't. Don't you do that. Don't you get my hope's up, Eva Hämäläinen. I can't do-- I can't be like you. You can do-- Just don't. Hämäläinen: Em, I'm so-- [Silence recorded for 0:11] [Crying detected] I'm sorry, I really am. But we can do something. Stephanie-- Hendrix: Fucking Stephanie! You have to stop listening to her shit. Evee, she's dragging you into her crazy. Don't you see that? Hämäläinen: No, Em. She's opening my eyes. [Sigh detected] Look, I won't push. I've just been thinking a lot recently. We're 24 light years from home and we're never going back. There's no other future for us. We came here on mission and we will do that. We will make life be here on all these worlds and one day others will come and live in it. They will write our names in their books and maybe Prezzi or Jerome will get a statue. We won't see it. Hendrix: We all signed up knowing-- Hämäläinen: I know. I am willing. My heart is willing. I will do this thing and I will bring life… If. [Silence recorded for 0:08] Maureen, we haven't heard from Earth. Hendrix: What? Did our comms go down? Hämäläinen: No. I mean at all. Since cryo. We-- Hendrix: No way. I don't believe it. Adeyemi's been in contact-- Hämäläinen: She hasn't. She's been trying to raise them on the QEC but no one answers us. No one on Earth at least. We hear from other ships. Hendrix: Other ships? Who? Hämäläinen: All over. Hundreds of them. Colonies too. Deep ones. Hendrix: But that doesn't mak-- Hämäläinen: Doesn't make sense? Yeah. I know. We were one of the first away. But we've been asleep a long time. Hendrix: You think they went out that much faster? Time dilation changes? But why--But Earth? Hämäläinen: I don't know. I don't have answers, but neither does Prezzi. Jerome kept it a secret at first because he thought the grav sheer had something to do with it. Hendrix: But we were in grav sheer by Earth without a problem before cryo. It wouldn't-- Hämäläinen: I know, I'm just saying what he told me, Em. I don't know if he believed it either. But then Moussa… and then he didn't want to talk about it. Prezzi started taking over more and she wanted to keep the information a secret. She said she didn't want it to distract the crew. "The mission comes first," you know? Well, we still have no idea what's going on at home. We have no idea whether the Ecclesia is still in power. We don't even know if the colony ships left Earth. We don't know that there's still an Earth out there. Hendrix: My God. [Silence recorded for 1:20] What can we do? Hämäläinen: Prezzi wants to continue. What else can we do, right? Hendrix: And you? Hämäläinen: I don't know. If we spend our lives creating life here for someone else, what if they don't come? What have we done then? We've made a land for the butterflies and the bees, but no people. Maybe that's good enough. Maybe. But Em, what about your baby? Hendrix: She--It wouldn't be brought out of stasis. No one-- Hämäläinen: And all of us will sit in our graves as martyrs to nothing. [Silence recorded for 2:01] Hendrix: You are talking about a mutiny. Hämäläinen: Ahh, hush. Not that word. No. I am just not so quick to throw away my life as I once was. I have something to care about now, something I didn't before. Hendrix: And so do I, you think. Is that why me? One daughter won't remake humanity, Evee. We can't just start having babies. 41 isn't enough. The genetic diversity-- Hämäläinen: We have other options. Like we do with the plants. Hendrix: You want to… That's illegal, Eva. Genetic dispersal on humans could create-- Hämäläinen: It could save humanity, yes? It could give us all another generation, tens of generations. We could fill the stars, yes? Hendrix: It's insane. When the colonists come-- Hämäläinen: If! If they come, we have so many worlds. Thirteen in range for us. How many more are reachable by children, or their children. The colony ships aren't due to arrive for a thousand years, Em. We could have settled everything by then. They'll arrive to a space dock instead of pasture lands. Hendrix: But it's illegal. We'd be-- Hämäläinen: Nothing. There's no law here. There are 41 of us. How many do we need to make a decision. [Silence recorded for 0:18] Hendrix: No, I wont. I can't talk about this. It's mutiny. I should report you. I want to get back to my shit now. Just leave me be, Evee. Go. Just go. Hämäläinen: Please, Em. Just think on it. There's hope for us still. A hope we never know about when we signed up. We can love. Hendrix: Just go. Hämäläinen: Think on it? Hendrix: [Sigh detected.] Fine. [Silence recorded for 0:58] I could have my baby? Hämäläinen: A daughter of Eden. Hendrix: I'll think on it. [Voice recording terminated] [End of encrypted envelope.] ]]> SNCF68B - OMG (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 13 Nov 2020 00:27:09 GMT Johanna is a traitor. I can't even. Let me explain this hiss'n story and you'll suss it clear. So my 200 was this lun, like I said. It was score raz for sure, earnest truth. Everyone was there and I mean everyone. All my besties and even some creeps. We danced, mum gave a speech, and all of it was glitter proper. Anywise, I needed a powder and I noticed Johanna skidded out somewheres, so I went to dig in and find her. Well, find her I did, snogged up close with one Leo Korhonen. They were swapping tongues behind the spritz cooler barely out of sight of mum and me. Can you even? That hissin' traitor knows I'm for Leo. I've been deep at him for ten lun at least. Shes one of my score bodies, or sposed. But now she's polar. I can't even. Who does that to a friend, and on her two-hissin-hundred day? The worst part is I'm the last to suss, apparently. Ezri didn't bat one bit when I came back crying. Didn't offer me a shoulder neither, like it was me that skid out on a friend. That's not oikea. It's polar as damn. What did I do? Some friend she was. I couldn't tell mum. She was so overmooned by the party and so proud I couldn't fuss on it. It's not her fault Johanna sucked up Leo's tongue like a nag harpy. Johanna and Leo skidded out proper after and I haven't seen them since. Ezri hung about, but cold. I wandered the party the next whiles and it blurs in memory. Everything like a dream, but wrong and bitter. Little by little they went. I made it through and smiled for mum until everyone was gone. Then it was time for me. Think I told you that I got a tram? That part's raz. Me and the girls were skidding out to Mannerheim. We got a place up that way already and it was going to be our own special guz. Well, I've still got the tram and the place, but no girls. Mum sent me off thinking I'd have my friends and be back in a lun or two, but look at this now. I lied to mum and went lonesome. The tram is razzy. It's just like I always wanted. I set it into the tunnel, tapped out my way to Mannerheim, and kicked off. It's on tunnel juice now and I've got hours and hours ahead of me in the dark. Tram's got some lights if I want, but the glow off the face of this pad feels more my mood. I've no idea what I'm doing, truth be. Maywise I'll keep going past Mannerheim. Just tram it up on the tunnels for awhile until I'm good and lost or hit the end of tracks. Everywhere's got a a pop stand or two and I'm fab at service. Playdream Emmi as a pop server at tunnels end mixin with the carvers and ruggd crews. I'd be popular, score as damn server in the land and all the miner boys would want my tables. I'd flirt with any and all and pick one with dreamy eyes and big arms. Not like that hiss-shit Leo. Let him have Johanna and her twiggy legs. Hours still coming. Anywise, I should rest it. I've got a place for a bit. Trouble it up? Later, QEC. ]]> Melvin P Feltersnatch - Bruce (tomasino) gopher:// P Feltersnatch/008.txt gopher:// P Feltersnatch/008.txt Wed, 11 Nov 2020 17:29:47 GMT Would you believe it? I made a friend. I know, I know. "Melvin, you have lots of friends," but it's been really tough to meet new people since the whole body going away thing. At first I was trapped in a sort of reverse solipsism, "what if I'm not real?" Then I was going through the 13 stages of grief and hunger. (I'll be honest, I think I'm still around step eight or nine.) There was also that period of crying for help that you may recall from a while back. OH, and the counting phase… Regardless, I'm happy to report that I'm not the only disembodied floating presence in the universe. There's at least three others I've encountered and one of them doesn't want to eat me. Things are looking up! My new friend has no name, so I've just decided to call him Bruce. Of course Bruce has no gender either since he's got the whole no-body situation going on. I figure since he's going to be misgendered no matter what pronouns I use I may as well pick something cool. Bruce is cool. Bruce is like water. Did you get the reference? I was quoting Bruce Lee. Or making a reference to Bruce Lee at least. I don't think he talked about himself in the third person. Hrm, should I start talking about myself in the third person? That seems like the sort of thing Melvin would do once he had no body. Nah, now I sound pompous. Bruce was like water when I met him in that he sort of flowed and oozed all around my presence. I think he even oozed through it. Oozing is a pretty watery thing, right? Maybe gushing is a better word, but it wasn't fast to my sensation of time. Arguably, that's not much to judge by. Part of me still feels like I have a toe in time but just barely. It's probably this QEC link now that I think about it. The other side of the link is somewhere in time, so this side has to be, right? Or at least that's how I think it works. Hey, there's smart goofuses out there! I saw one guy--Tom, I think--who made his own QEC. Maybe he can chime in here. Hey Tom, how does this work, anyway? If I have no body how am I talking? Am I talking? Am I just wiggling qbits with my non-brain? Hmmm. Back to Bruce. He doesn't talk much. Or at all. Really beyond the oozing he's pretty quiet. I think he was checking me out at first, feeling me up on all my sides. Side-note, I seem to have a lot of sides now. That's pretty tricky geometry for a lack of physicality, but I have some sensation of them. I wonder if those non-dimensional edges have some sort of being in their own right. There's information there, via sensation. That needs to follow some sort of law of conservation of me, I think. Or maybe it's the other way around. I am, therefore I think. Circular logic is still logic! Bruce is a nice fella. I've been yammering away at him like this for eons and he just listens. He hasn't interrupted me once or tried to top my stories with cooler ones of his own. That's a real pal for ya. He probably senses I'm having a difficult time adjusting and he's being extra accomodating. I should get him a gift. Maybe a vase or an ash tray or something? Flowers seems a bit too personal. We've only just met. Let me know if you have any suggestions. ]]> Starbloom - Election Results (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 11 Nov 2020 18:20:43 GMT Message Incoming... Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes] Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″ Distance 178.211ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2447, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod ::: Blessed be, travelers of the verse~ Our election results are in and the crowds are celebrating their victories and consoling each other on well run campaign losses in equal strengths this evening. The cats, in their wisdom, have decided that the powers-that-be in the Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection have been doing a excellent job of it and should continue in power with few minor interruptions. The Dictator Elect of War, 1st Pod, will be stepping down and a committee will be taking over as Committee Elect of Defense, 1st Pod. We join with our feline partners in sending our warmest wishes to Quyst Trombone in his next endeavor. We also are welcoming a new Counselor Elect of Education, 4th Pod, Somm Jaravangian. Somm will bring a unique perspective with their background in non-human relations. Our citizen participation was quite high in this election cycle with all pods reporting at least 80% of the population providing their input for candidates to the cats. Once again our school systems held a get-out-the-vote fundraiser and community dance which drew major crowds as always. I can personally attest that the children of Wendy McdDonald's Elementary in the 14th Pod run an excellent sock-hop. Diana's blessings be upon them. In news from the surrounding verse we've heard and acknowledge distress calls from several vessels as well as wake-up initiatons from some ships just beginning their journeys. Following our encounter with the Dekaosan people and the tribulations witnessed on board the Melchizedek, our 14th Pod non-denominational coven voted to create a ritual of safety and happiness upon the human exodus. They have begun preparations which will take place over the next 9 days, local time. The community is pulling together big-time for this one. We have donations in spell material coming from several other Pods including a loan of the great holy relics of Martina McBride, may her song carry true. This incomparable gift comes from the exhuberent generostity of the 1st Pod and their infinite-unitarian conglomerated congregation. The 14th Pod is setting up a special ritual hall next door to Francine's Wine & Pastry, which is holding a special 2-for-1 sale on all perishable intoxicants if you imbibe them during the ritual itself. Thank you to Francine and company for that great gesture of solidarity. We amongst the Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection are also begining our preparations for Yule. A seed-ship passing in-system late last year brought news of a variant of the ancient reindeer of Scandanavia, Old Earth. We managed to procure the genetic material and a herd of reindeer are being grown for that festival. According to the traditions they will be tied to a sledge and flung through the air on the night of Yule. The cats are quite excited about the event and a large turnout is expected. Field-trips from several Pods are being organized to witness the landing. This year's Yule celebrations are also a time to welcome art into our homes, often in the form of tragic poetry. It has been the tradition amongst our people to celebrate the dark poetry of our teenage youth by holding dramatic readings around the Yule log. Families will orient their angst toward the flames and burn away the suffering together. This year we would like to welcome you among the stars to join us. The practice is simple: 1. Recommend to your teenagers that they compose their poetry of the darkest natures and haunting visions with their most eloquent language and imagery. 2. Gather around the Yule log together in traditional sweater and ornamentation and sing the songs of death and rebirth. 3. Drink the sweetened intoxicants and profess your joy. 4. Recommend to your teenagers that they stand before the group and perform their works in most dramatic fashion. If they feel they are not up to the task, recommend the eldest family member among you to stand in their stead and read the poems with great furvor and vim. 5. Other family should embrace the teenager and shower them with attentions and questions about these personal feelings. Then the poem can be tossed into the flames and everyone can sing again songs of death and rebirth. 6. (Optionally) drink additional sweetened intoxicants and profess more joy. The response here has been just so joyous. May your own familial blessings be as bountiful. Finally, I have been asked by our Senior Committee on Cheese Culture and Propaganda to ask any terran communities passing by the Lucky Homes if you would be willing to trade bacteria. We have an excellent collection here and are always open to expanding our horizons in the culinary sciences. As always and forever, blessed be. . ]]> Melchizedek - Emergency Recording from Shuttle 001 (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 10 Nov 2020 12:45:01 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Shuttle 001 Near β Hyi, 3rd Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Relay detected from Shuttle 001] [Autotranslator enabled...] [Voice recording initialize...ON] [Crew autodetection...ON] [Narrative mode...ON] [Autodisconnect after 5 minute silence...ON] ::: ** audio recording mode auto activated due to vocal stress ** ** detection. relaying audio to Melchizedek.0294 base station ** [Voice detected: Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class] Janssen: and a big butt! [Voice detected: Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator] Hämäläinen: That's not fair. It's genetics. Janssen: I don't care. It's not right. I'm not doing it. Hämäläinen: You'll be demoted, or worse. She'll-- Janssen: I don't care! This is her doing, Eva. I'm not letting her get away with it. She's going to listen or-- Hämäläinen: Wait-- Janssen: --bash her face with a-- Hämäläinen: Stephanie! Janssen: --vegetable mush-- Hämäläinen: STEPH! Stop. Look. Janssen: Wha--shit. How long? Hämäläinen: I just saw-- Janssen: Shush. Wait a sec. [inaudible]. --should do-- [System transmission suspended. Standing by.] [System encryption enabled. Relaying audio to Melchizedek.0294 base station in pass-through mode. ] Janssen: --it. Okay, we're good. How much got through? Hämäläinen: Only some nonsense and your screaming. Janssen: Good screaming? No, wait, nevermind. Hämäläinen: Steph, you can't do this. She's not going to change her mind. Seriphs don't do that. You're just going to get hurt and it's not going to help anyone. Least of all-- Janssen: I can't do nothing. Please, Eva. It's wrong. It's just wrong and horrible. I keep seeing him out there, in the cold dark. You remember what that was like on the Melchy when we had each other. You remember how he got. And what if he's hurt. Hämäläinen: Ymmärrän. I know, I know. Janssen: She can't really stop us. What's she going to do? Hit me? Hämäläinen: Turn off your access? She can do that, you know. Janssen: She can do that? Hämäläinen: I think so. She'll tell the Melchizedek to ignore you, or put the locks on you. How is it said? Janssen: No way. That wouldn't fly. If we were in flight that could cut out my air or something. She can't just execute us. Hämäläinen: I don't know, Steph. I think she can do whatever she needs to do. She's Ecclesia. They don't change their minds and they don't stop. She'll cut you out and stop you, and then what? You'll be locked up and no good to anyone. No good to Jerome or Sandy. Janssen: No good to you? Hämäläinen: I'm not leaving you. Don't think like that. If you get locked up then I'm locked up. Janssen: No way. Prezzi won't leave us together. Hämäläinen: She is Ecclesia and does not stop, but I am not some balloon full of eels to be-- [Moisture detected on control console 01. Disabling display.] Janssen: Eels? What the-- Hämäläinen: You broke--the terminal is out. Are we still transmitting? Why are you looking at me like that? You are the one that spit all over the-- Janssen: Eels! That's not a thing. Hämäläinen: Isn't that the saying for. Oh I don't know anymore. Yksi kieli ei ikinä riitä. What was I saying? Janssen: About eels or how you love me so much you'll fight the Church for me? [Silence recorded for 4:15] [Soto voce] smooth and soft like [unintelligible] [Silence recorded for 3:51] Hämäläinen: --[unintelligible screaming] [Silence recorded for 5:00. Automatic disconnect triggered.] ** audio recording mode auto reactivated ** [Voice detected: Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator] Hämäläinen: You know we can't do this. [Voice detected: Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class] Janssen: I have physical evidence to the contrary. Hämäläinen: Oh gross. No, I mean the rescue. Janssen: [Audible sigh detected from Stephanie Janssen] I know. She's going to win and they really are going to die out there all alone and in the dark. Whatever that thing is… Hämäläinen: No. Janssen: No? You just said-- Hämäläinen: No, we can't do this… alone. We need a plan and we're going to need Spinelli or Reed at the least. I think we can count on Hendrix too and probably Simms. Janssen: You don't mean to ask then? You think we should-- Hämäläinen: It's the only chance they have, right? You said it so. I believe you. They're out there and they need help. If I let you run ahead at Adeyemi then… I'm not going to lose you. I just can't. Before this mission I never thought this would be mine, that I would find someone like you. Perhaps I'd not have agreed if I thought I had a chance at it on Earth. But here you are. And these people are family to me now. Jerome is your dad. Janssen: Work-dad. Not, like, my actual dad. Hämäläinen: Yes, and he is like a little brother to me. A very annoying one who doesn't knock, but a brother. Janssen: Wait, so are you my work-aunt then? Cause that's-- Hämäläinen: You're ruining this. Janssen: Sorry. [Cough detected] Go on. Hämäläinen: Uuh! Olet raivostuttava ja mahdoton enkä voi kuvitella enää sekuntiakaan sitä ilman. Janssen: That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard and I don't understand a word of it. You won't lose me. This plan will work. What is the plan again? Hämäläinen: You are an impossible creature, my flower. Janssen: That's what they say about me. Stephanie Janssen, Specialist Impossible! Boop! Hämäläinen: [Squeek detected]. Oh I'm gonna-- [Laughing detected] [Silence recorded for 5:00. Automatic disconnect triggered.] [End of encrypted envelope.] ]]> Starbloom - Election Day (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 10 Nov 2020 02:47:37 GMT Message Incoming... Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes] Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″ Distance 178.211ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2447, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod ::: Merry Meet to all of our friends across our beautiful 'verse~ The friendship community of the 14th Pod wish you all a blessed election day. The cats have been in conclave now for four days and will soon announce the human leaders that will govern our pods for the next three years. As you know, the cat conclave is secret affair, so we have very little information to share about the process itself. We can only wish the very greatest of blessings upon their efforts and call upon the spirits of Diana, Sinjorino, and Alportas. This is also the very first year that the Dekaosan brothers and sisters will witness this sacred rite of the Projection. Our children have been braiding flower garments for them and mixing the traditional taffy in celebration. Feline festivities abound. There are chases and races and platonic napping piles all around the habitat. Tonight the mewling of the stars will begin at sundown and go until midnight. What an exciting time to be alive! We here at the Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection recognize that many of our kin across the stars may not benefit from the blessings of feline guidance in the ways of government and engineering. We humbly acknowledge our privilege in this respect. We pray that our celebrations are seen as an affirmation of good principles and orderly life and not as a testiment of pride at your expense. If any of you are nearby, know also that you are welcome with us here. Blessed be, my brothers and sisters. May the stars shine upon you always. . ]]> Malaluatori - Matter_Of_Time (hannitori) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 09 Nov 2020 07:06:56 GMT +============================+ | ~1.64 Ms | +============================+ +---------------+ Subject: Language +---------------+ I have had time to reflect since my introduction on the QEC. I have been able to reflect more on other posts, and to train myself and my translation program to write more naturally in this galactic dialect. +-----------------------+ Subject: A Matter of Time +-----------------------+ It is difficult to truly grasp the way time dilates on a galactic scale. I'm sure the relative speed of my ship to whatever solar structure houses the QEC alone presents a divide that the human mind would find difficult to understand, let alone the effects of the QEC itself on time for each message. I know I am not alone in my confusion. Since my last correspondance, I have had time to read more of the plethora of messages stored on the QEC. Some messages seem to be sent in quick succession, while some seem to have been sent out years apart. Even if I could know that my time is perception of time is relatively consistant with an arbitrary reader, there would be no way of knowing where said observer exists, or if they would use the same standards of time. From studies of histories stored on our ship, it seems that humans have struggled to agree on a standard unit for telling time even pre-diaspora. I have thus decided that the best way to provide temporal context to my messages is to use a (hopefully) universal unit: seconds. Even if it is not used in common speech today, the concept is likely accessible in a linguistic database, or at least in a computer manual. That being said, Seconds need to measure from a specific and a shared reference time. This is harder than it may seem. Seconds from a specific Earth event would require intact records of Earth, which may not be universally available (I know that my ship contains very little verifiable information on Earth- digital data from that era is subject to degredation). Seconds based on galactic events may quickly become too large-scale to have much meaning to human life. The best solution, in the end, was to measure time from when I sent my first message on the QEC. It will have less meaning for readers when compared with their own time, but will provide more context when compared with events aboard my ship. For example, this communication was sent out ~1.64 Ms after my first communication. That is 1640000 seconds. More precision will be used if necessary, but too much precision again approaches irrelivance. For context, should your culture still use any of the old Terran metrics, an Earth day was a little under 76001 seconds (if our records of Earth are to be believed). ]]> Malaluatori - Primary_Communicae (hannitori) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 08 Nov 2020 21:44:12 GMT Greetings and cordiality, I will have following the correspondences shared on this QEC for some time now. It is clear that languages spoken aboard our ship are distanced from those spoken commonly accross the galaxy, but I have granted samples of the QEC into the thinking machine, and I believe my communication should be decipherable, but kindly forgive if it lacks natural cadence. Some of my feeling tells me to begin immediately detailing my experiences and unique viewpoint, but to do so without proper introduction would not provide for adequate context for understanding my communications. I am Hannitori. This is not my true designation. In fact, in my language this means "Personal Designation-without," or, more naturally: "Nameless." Not meaning that I am without name, but the stories I will be recounting are not alone mine. Some messages will be personal accounts, and others will be retellings of ancestral accounts. Because of the limitations of interstellar travel, I can speak only to experiences aboard my ship as I have not yet seen a planet, but I am studied all my life the past sojourns in preparation for my own. I am lucky that I will have a chance to see a planet while I am young. Upon my ship there are some generations who live and die without ever witnessing any astrological phenomenon. I will not only see a planet, but we will be observing a populated system. Be prepared for further discussions, Hannitori ]]> Melvin P Feltersnatch - Time is dead (tomasino) gopher:// P Feltersnatch/007.txt gopher:// P Feltersnatch/007.txt Wed, 04 Nov 2020 19:02:36 GMT 4 bottles of beer on the wall... 4 bottles of beer... take one down pass it around 3 bottles of beer on the wall... 3 bottles of beer... take one down pass it around 2 bottles of beer on the wall... 2 bottles of beer... take one down pass it around 1 bottle of beer on the wall... 1 bottle of beer... take one down pass it around Wow. I did it. I actually did it. Hummm. What do you say when you run out of bottles of beer? Is there a 0 count? Does the song change up? Where's a search engine when you need one. Or hands. So, that was fun. Now on to some serious work. Somewhere around the 1 million bottles mark I had a thought: if I don't have a body do I have a location? I'm "in space" right? But where? And how can I be there without a physical me? I'm communicating through quantum entanglement somehow, so the quantum pairing suggests that there's two ends to that connection. One of those is back near Earth, presumably. I guess it's possible someone came in and scooped up the QEC relay and towed it elsewhere. That might actually be a good idea eventually. How long does sol last again before it will become a red giant? I believe that'll encompass the Earth/Luna L4 at that point and the relay station will be no more. So yeah, if anyone is listening and the timing is getting close, why not tow the relay station a bit further away from the giant fireball. Next up another odd sensation to share. Again, no physical body over here so this might be a bit hard to explain. Did you know that you can swim in a star? The density of matter is just a tiny bit higher than water back on Earth. Of course, it's a bit warm if that sort of thing bothers you. Oh, and bright! But then again is it bright inside too? The matter on the outside of the star blocks light on the inside from escaping. In that way the inside is kind of in a box. But I guess you're in a box with a really big flashlight, so it's not a dark box. Right? I wish I had eyes. I would love to check that out. Note to self: get eyes, but not the kind that can burn away in a star. Outside of that I thought I'd also reach out to you all with the age old, and probably quite familiar, Melvin plea for help. HELP! Seriously. It's been a really long time and I'm starting to get worried that I can sense the passage of time without a body. If I'm disconnected from the physical reality I'm probably not aging. That means I could be here a very, very long time indeed. I don't think the human mind is prepared for that sort of lived reality without physical expression. I might go a bit looney eventually! Not good at all. The bottle of beer song was good for that. It gave me something good to ground myself. Remember the number, count it out. Repeat. Once, years and years ago, I was running laps for a fitness test and the strangest thing happened. The course had me running around this oval track a total of nine times. I forget the total length, but nine times got it done. There was no signal to keep track of your laps, though. Just remember them, right? Counting to nine shouldn't be a problem. So that's what I did. I finished and felt pretty good about my time overall. I figured I was done, but later found out I had only run eight of the nine laps! How did I lose count so easily. Thinking back on it, I probably spent too much mental energy focused on the count. I kept repeating it to myself and thinking, "I'm on three. Lap three. Next up will be lap four. Gotta keep going. I'm on lap three." And at some point between the endless repetition and pain of running I tricked myself. I mistakenly took up the for instead of three and when I hit that lap marker I skipped ahead to 5. That's the best explanation I have. It was most centainly my fault. I mean, it's possible the sensor didn't track me crossing the line, but why wouldn't that have affected anyone else? What was I talking about? Oh yeah! I didn't lose count in the bottles of beer countdown! So that probably means something, right? I just don't know what. PS: HELP! ]]> Melchizedek - Rhetorical Ecclesiastic Report (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 01 Nov 2020 15:26:54 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 4th Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Prezzi Adeyemi, Seriph Rhetorical Ecclesia ::: Melchizedek Serial 0294 Ecclesiastic Report Minor personnel issues surrounding the loss of Captain Pasani & Specialist Kroups are within expected parameters. Justice is being carried out with due compassion. Our projections show the Halmen-Gloria disruption holding at 7 points for several months to come as counseling proceeds. Harvesting projections are likewise lessened in accordance. Our third planet survey work has been delayed. Specialists Brewer, Hanks, and Ostergarten continue in cycle shifts, but Specialist First-class Janssen has been temporarily removed from duty. Our chief navigator has also requested a temporary leave of absence in response to Shuttle 04's loss. I have granted the request to avoid further complications from the unauthorized entanglement which has developed with Janssen. Our Right Doctor Nguyen has transitioned back to the 4th Planet and resumed her work here. The secondary nature of the beta site on the third planet has less critical timing and these disruptions are not expected to have a lasting impact. Our pre-seeding efforts have been completed and our full seed cycling is underway. We were scheduled to complete the first seed-cycle today, but events have delayed completion an estimated six ship cycles or 10 days standard. Second seed-cycle preparations are underway and will launch promptly. Our technicians note that as second-cycle is almost entirely automated we will have our first opportunity for mass liberty & rest. I am consulting with Doctor Nguyen on the best way to handle this downtime in accordance with recent trauma. Ecclesiastic prayer meditation has increased for the crew on an order of 12% as measured by system logs. Our people are dedicated to their work and trying actively to overcome the challenges of human emotion. I have made myself available for special counseling as desired by any of the crew. So far my offer has not been utilized, however. In other reports, stellar cartography has continued their charting of the local stars and planets and have identified a total of 13 possible worlds for seeding within range. These planets are being ranked for their suitability for eventual habitation by prioritizing gravity, rotation, and natural resources. We have the equipment and staff to accomplish all of the 13 options if they remain viable upon closer inspection. I am considering using shuttle crews to perform remote surveying akin to that on planet three once second-seed begins in earnest here. This system is ripe with resources and should prove to be a rich home for humanity's future. Earth stations, we have not heard a QEC response since our awakening from cryosleep in transit. Our messages seem to be reaching other ships entwined with the SOL/Terra L4 RS001. Please return. . ]]> SNCF68B - 200 (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 03 Nov 2020 23:31:01 GMT Home at last, home at last. That sounds bad, like I don't raz Grandpa as damn and it's polar anywise. It's just score being home. Friends will come by soon and we'll be off to celeb my 200. Mum swears I'm getting my own tram, earnest truth. It's perfect. Before we zipped back home, Grandpa was gabbing about classy guz like this QEC node. He says it's from before his time and all the people that use it still probably live different lives than we do. He said you all might not even use the same words. I don't know if I suss it oikea, but I'm digging in. Oh, that mean's I'm trying to learn. I ran a note up to my proctor--that's like a smart person who tells you things you need to know to grow up--and she told me to write this like some classy--I mean ancient--book. I didn't believe her at first, but she swears earnest truth. Anywise, I'll try my best. Tis the season of my birthing, an anniversary most prestigious. Mine bosom companions shall accompany in gayest merriment to a celebrated hall in this prefecture wherein I shall shall bask in adulations with ebullient mirth. Oh hiss. I can't do it. You all will just have to suss out what I mean through my rattle guz. It's my score, ruggd. Anywise, the shindig is this lun. Mum is lending me her 200 dress and it fits me perfect like. Ezri is coming by thisnight to plan my hair. I'm going red. Do you still have red there? It's razzy as damn and Leo is going to spaz when he sees it. He has a soulcrush for this musicwriter with red hair and won't shut his mouth about her. This will be perfect. Oh, Mum just came by and I told her about the old writing and she laughed. My face is red now, like the hair will be. That means embarrassment here, by the way. She says I did it wrong writing the way I did, but you sussed that, huh? She said no raz or guz or score or classy, but say it longwise, like at church. That's not bad. I can do that. The party will be at the council hall and we have it all to ourselves for nextnight. There's a ceremony in the morning we'll have to leave for. I don't know what you call it, but it's when they cut up a little boy's wingwang. That probably sounds barbaric, huh. Well, don't blame me. I don't do it. Anywise, all my friends are coming, and Mum said Jacinda might come in too since they unparted last lun and that's right raz with me. She won't bring the insects, though. They don't travel well and I don't think the zip would let them on. Overnextday when the party ends Ezri and Johanna and I are taking my new tram out. Did I tell you that part before? There's a place in Mannerheim we can all three stay for few money and see the surface without a tour. Mum mapped it out for me and says she'll program it in the tram so we can sleep on the way. She's the best classy broad. She remembers her 200 trip and wants mine to be special like that. Leo and the boys can't come, though. (At least not in my tram. Suss?) Maybe I'll be a natural at the sails and they'll hire me on the spot. Can you imagine living a whole life over the surface? Johanna says I'll get sick an toss my stomach as soon as I see it, but no way. I've seen a vid from the proctors and it's just like a crevasse, but above. Anywise, she'll probably toss up, not me. She doesn't even like when the zips drop quick. Says her stomach eats a bird. Oh, sorry, that's one of our words. They're myth creatures that can stay in the air without a lift or engine and move around really high using special arms that look like tram blades. It's hard to describe. Mum wants to know my nextups after 200 and the end of school--learning times. I haven't told her about skidding out to Jacinda's, and maybe the sails will call, right? I don't want to playdream it now. First the party, then the surface, then my future. Spöring is fine, but I think I want an adventure. Do you know what I mean? Johanna's 200 is coming up soon and then, who knows what we can do together. ]]> Melchizedek - If wishes were horses (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 04 Nov 2020 17:01:22 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 3rd Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator ::: When I was a girl I had a small horse, Sunna. She was a pony's size, but she was a horse, mind you. She didn't like it when Mamma called her a pony. Sunna liked to be messy. I would brush her for hours, use the hose and get every bit of grime away. I'd clean her hooves or change her shoes. Then she would go straight to the mud. It happened every time. You'd think I would learn a lesson there. Momma would ask, "why do you clean that pony?" And I would say to her, "Sunna is a horse, Momma. She likes to be cleaned, but she likes to be messy too." And then I would go out to her and do it again. If the day were dry and there was no mud Sunna would roll in the dirt and lie there looking at me with eyes like wells. She would lie there and just watch me until I turned that hose on and made her mud. Then she would roll and make sweet sounds. When Stephanie came to me after she read the report of the captain's shuttle her eyes were wells. I had no hose, so I gave her my tears and together we rolled in the mud and made sweet sounds. It was a line I thought not to cross with an NCO despite what I knew we both felt. Our mission. I know this in my mind, but my heart is soft for those I love. I will wash the horse that will roll in the mud because I can't deny her. I cannot deny this love either. I wish it were joy that broke my oath and not grief. But Jerome would tell me, "If wishes were horses." I don't know what it means, except that it makes me think of Sunna more and that gives me solace. The right thing is not always what you expect. Inside, though, you can feel it. Does this thing bring you closer to God? Does this act bring your life? God can work through grief as well as joy. He can work through a messy horse and he can certainly work through an extraordinary creature such as my Stephanie. I will submit myself for disciplinary action. It is also right. The rules were broken and I will not deny that. The Serif will do what she must, and I will be who I must. There can be no denying of self. This is a tenet. . ]]> Melchizedek - So I'm Crazy I Guess (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 01 Nov 2020 14:15:48 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 3rd Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class ::: Doctor Nguyen (the medical one, not the biologist) thinks I'm crazy. No, seriously. She actually said that in our session today. So, either I'm certifiable or she's the worst psychologist on the planet. Actually, it's probably both. She's only one of five people on the planet after all, and the only psychologist, so that makes her the worst one. Yes it also makes her the best, shut it. According to the worst doctor on the planet it's not okay to break things or throw things at doctors when you are angry. That's apparently a problem, which I think is just ridiculous. I mean, they have special hospitals and stuff back on Earth for people like that and I bet those doctors get things thrown at their heads all the time. And I'll bet they don't call their patients crazy and run out of the room. I mean, seriously, it wasn't like it was a knife or anything. A microscope can't hurt that bad. She's such a drama queen. So in good news I have this habitat to myself now. In the bad news category I'm not allowed to leave it without an escort. I'm not sure how that's fair to the escort, though. I mean, it's going to be Eva cause they make her do everything where I'm concerned and Eva didn't do anything wrong at all. She's perfect. And what sort of punishment is that for throwing a microscope, anyway? "You, stay in this tent and you're only allowed to spend time with this hot science lady on this totally foreign world where there's like nobody around. No duties, just private tent time." Okay, I think I might like the sound of this, actually. Jerome, though. First Dr. Idjani and now Jerome and that cold-hearted bitch won't even go look for him. There's something out there eating our crew and she just wants to mess around with a machine that sprays man juice all over the ground. If you ask me, she's the one that's sick in the head. That's like totally an Oedipus complex, or Odysseus complex or one of those old Greek dudes that was into spraying man juice all over. I dunno, I'm not a historian. Yeah, we're here to bring life to the galaxy, awesome. And what's the count on that so far? OH, NEGATIVE THREE!? No, this is all wrong and I'm going to fix it somehow. I've got to get off three and over to four, though. All the equipment is on four, unless I'm going to laser-measure my way into saving Jerome from an interstellar octopus or whatever is out there. Range-find him right into oblivion, yeah. No, for real, we have actual stuff on four that could help. Probes and whatnots. We don't actually need to risk a ship! I told her this and still she pulls this rank-and-file shit as if there's some echelon of command waiting to check in on us. THEY ARE ALL DEAD! YOU ARE ALL DEAD! Or might as well be. 1300 years? Yeah, is the Rhetorical Ecclesia even around anymore? We haven't heard a peep out of Earth since we woke up. Plenty of sad sappy screaming from all the other ships out there, though. This universe hates us and wants to kill us all and I am the only one who wants to god-damn fight back! Eva. She's with me. Or, well, she's like physically with me. She's sleeping on the cot right now and I snagged her tablet to write this. I'm encrypting this shit too, so it doesn't echo back to the rest of the team. One-way QEC messages, bitches. Didn't know you could do that, did ya, Prezzi? Yeah, the fascists forgot I'm actually on this mission cause I know shit. At least when I'm not drunk. And I'm sober as anything right now. Oh my god, Sandy. Holy shit, I'm a horrible person. Jerome is like my ship dad or something, so I talked about him and I totally skipped over Sandy. She's a gem. I met her before she started transitioning and it has been the best decision ever. She's a god-damned inspiration. Live your truth, be who you are meant to be. She deserves better than this, not just from me. I'm not going to let her down, or Jerome. They're out there, I know it. "Oh Stephanie, that's nonsense. You read the transcript, something happened to them. They were hallucinating. Bullshit bullshit bullshit." No. I've heard it all. Prezzi's logic is Right and Just and Holy and it's utterly wrong. I HEARD the recording when I read it. I can feel it and hear it in my head. I know the sound those alarms make. I know the voice of the computer speaking and there's no way to confuse that with Dr. Idjani. There's no way the captain would confuse it. And even if he did, even if both of them heard some crazy stuff or their nitrogen mix was wrong, the transcript finished. It came through! "Autodisconnect after 5 minute silence". That's what it says. That's what it did. Something happened and they stopped talking for five full minutes and THEN the ship relayed the message. That shuttle is out there and they need us. They need help, and I'll be damned if I'm going to leave them to the black. Eva will help. She knows what's at stake. I trust her, but I need more. If I do this, whatever this is, I'm not jumping in without a plan. The Vos 144A has 6 shuttles and they can peer-dock without an umbilical, but only if someone is awake on both sides to link the seals. That's a problem. Also it sounds like Jerome was doing his funny math to backtrack to the spot we lost the doctor. I'm a fair whiz at maths but those sort of transverse orbitals accounting for stellar drift will need a proper navigator. Lucky me I've got best navigator for 20 light years drooling on my pillow. So gross. So cute. What else? Oh, right, I'm on the wrong planet. That's not so bad, as far as plans go. Get Eva, get others, get a ship, get to four, get more stuff, find Jerome and Sandy, bring our people home, punch Prezzi in her dumb face, make out with Eva. This is doable. I can do this. We can do this. Please let me be able to do this. . ]]> The DeLorian - Getting To Know The Crew (aewens) gopher:// DeLorian/0001.txt gopher:// DeLorian/0001.txt Mon, 02 Nov 2020 18:39:11 GMT * The DeLorian * ----------------------------------- Captain's Log: Stardate 0000 0002 Clone Code: 0 ----------------------------------- Once Me, Myself, and I embarked out to our journey we ran into an issue very quickly. With there being three of us who were (as far as I can tell) all the same person, we ran into the communication issue of what to call each other. After some discussion, we came to the agreement that I would be "Captain", the version of me that was created from the universe where the coin landed on heads would be "Heads", and of course for the same reason the other would be "Tails". After that was agreed we decided to take inventory of what we have to work with within Boaty McBoatface while we wait for the autopilot to take us to the rendevous point with the client. Heads and Tails went to search opposite ends of the ship, but I decided I might try to make use of my new time device (which according to The Elder is called the "Deus Ex Machina") to save myself some time (ha, get it?) by trying to find some more exploits like the coin trick that created Heads and Tails. I set a checkpoint and decided that I would go search the ship, and after doing so I would return to that checkpoint and give myself the report so that I don't need to do all of the work! With the checkpoint set I immediately received a tap on the shoulder to find a slightly exhaused version of myself standing behind me. They informed me they were going to go take a nap since they have completed taking inventory and left towards what I can only assume the location of the sleeping quarters were at. A bit miffed that my plan backfired I asked them why they would not simply tell me what they found so I could skip the boring chore. They informed me that when they were me they were not told anything either and their future version simply left to go take a nap as well, so if they did not get to skip doing the work than neither do I. With that, they completed their journey out of the room and left me alone again. The nerve, I cannot believe I would be such a jerk to myself! ...Well, on second thought, this is not too shocking. My first experience meeting my time clone was being punched in the face by them. At least when I am done with this I can a nap and get back at myself by making the previous version of myself do all this work too. That will surely teach myself a lesson from being so stubborn. After going back in time to enjoy my nap I decided to go look for Heads and Tails since they should be finishing up with their search of the ship by then. Finding Heads was easy enough since they were on their way back, so we decided to head out together to find Tails. We each took notes in our respective copies of the book we received from The Elder, so I just copied down Heads's notes into mine and then swapped so they could do the same. By the time that was done we found Tails, but also a lot more. Apparently I was not the only one who decided to try more time shenanigans since we stumbled upon a large crowd of time clones all arguing with each other. After it was clear from watching the chaos unfold for a few moments, I decided that since I am the captain of Boaty McBoatface it was my job to try and get to the bottom of what happened here and try to restore order. With a sustained, high-pitched whistle I drew the attention of the Tails clones and requested for the audience of the original Tails. This seemed to trigger the same arguing from before so I let forth the same whistle again and this time just grabbed the closest one and asked them to explain what is going on here. Apparently Tails discovered that we have a weapons system aboard the ship, but not enough crew to make effective usage of it. So, the logical conclusion was to create perform the same experiment that created the initial clones a few times. However, since I forgot how quickly exponential growth can get out of hand, this very quickly created way too many time clones. It was suggested that we can fix the problem by ejecting the extras into space, but that meant that there needed to be some sort of system to determine who would be getting ejected. Since no one wanted to volunteer another suggested that they could flip coins to decide, but the others disagreed since that is what originally got them into this mess. The last suggestion of removing the clones in order who who was created last and working backwards is what triggered the fighting since the newer clones found this unfair since this system was not agreed upon before their creation, as well as the older clones had no way to determine who was the newest clones and none of them wanted to identify themselves. It is moments like this that are quite humbling as you realize just how much of a moron you can be. Fortunately, from what Heads found during their search of Boaty McBoatface we had a better compromise for the Tails army. Aboard the ship are some cryostatis pods, so instead of needing to evacuate the excess clones we can just have them sleep in there until they are needed or we are in a better situation for having that many clones of myself around. After some murmuring it looked like the clones were find with agreeing to this plan. Before Heads guided the excess clones to cryostatis chamber I called forth for a meeting since we really needed to sort out this time cloning business to make sure something like this does not happen again. This meeting went on far longer than I would have expected since we are all the same person, but the previous threat of death via ejection into space and not being a good team player with other versions of myself was enough to already begin splintering off differences in the personalities of the clones (definitely something to think about later and probably keep me up at night). Eventually we all agreed to the seniority system where older clones will get to make the final decision on any disagreements along with creating an identification system using our books. The identification system works as follows: Since I am the original DeLorian, on the last page of my book I will right a zero. For each clone that follows, if they were created with a heads flip they will append another zero to their sequence and if they were created by a one they would instead append a one. Since we did not do this originally, each clone had to manually catch up by writing in their sequence from their respective memory. However, for all future versions they need only append to the end of their sequence since their book should be a copy of the version that created them. Then, to handle if additional sets of clones are created (e.g. if I decided to make additional clones from myself) we simply use the next pair of digits (e.g. in the previous example this would be 2 and 3 instead of 0 and 1). We were all fine with this until one of the Tails clones, who identified themself as "01019", asked about what we plan to do if one of us makes a 6th set of clones (the set after 8 and 9 are used). This had us stumped for a bit and we almost decided on a rule to never make a sixth pair of clones to avoid this (which left a few clones with a nervous look in their eye), until another Tails clone brought up something The Elder wrote in their original notes. Across the bottom of the page the following was written: 01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_ At first I (or should I now say we?) throught this was just some weird way of testing out their penmanship on the page, but upon further inspection it looks like this would be the perfect solution for continuing on our clone code sequence past six sets. Now, we could make a full 32 sets of clones until we ran into a "roadblock" again. Since we all felt far more comfortable with the idea of having 32 as the hard cap on clones, we agreed to using this system moving forward and finalized our agreement by all writing down these rules into the last page of our books as our formal way of acknowledging our consensus. With that out of the way the extra clones were filed to the cryostatis chamber and order seemed to be restored at last. I met up with Tails (now also known as "01") to get their notes for the inventory of the ship to add to my notes. Once that was done Heads (now also knowns as "00") returned back from escorting the clones to complete their set of notes as well. It was after doing so and reviewing everything together that we came to a concerning revelation: we did not have enough food for all of the mouths we now had to feed. However, from my own search of the ship I found a hangar filled with lesser crafts and came up with a plan. I explained to Heads and Tails my plan of sending out some of the remaining Tails clones in one of the vessels to acquire more supplies and meet back with us at the rendevous point. They agreed with this plan so we tracked down "0100", "0110", "0101", and "0111" to do handle this mission for us. The four were not thrilled with the news, but they liked the idea better than us all starving to death so early into our life among the stars. With that we sent them off on "Mini Boaty McBoatface I" and the rest of the DeLorian time clone crew continued its journey to meet with our first clients as smugglers against the Federation. ]]> Dodecapolis - USS Kraken, Captain's Log 00001 (dozens) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 02 Nov 2020 03:27:48 GMT USS Kraken, Captain's Log 00001 =============================== Captain Enzo Avery USS Kraken The dodecads received their final assignments today. A bit of a surprise if I'm being honest: the Kraken is to join Twilight Dusk under Ganesh Singh of the Jerakeen. I must say I don't care much for Fleet Commander Rivers's brand of leadership. Her loyalties are unpredictable. She shows no sense of allegiance, nor does she hold to our customs and traditions. For many of the same reasons, nor am I especially crazy about her right hand man, Wash. Nevertheless, I'm not above saying that Singh was most impressive during the evaluations, especially considering his relative inexperience. And so I readily accept my role and will ensure that Kraken and Shardik serve Jerakeen well, and that if SRU Dodecapolis fails because of Rivers's chaotic whims, it will not be because of Twilight Dusk. Furthermore, experience has shown me time and again that I need not necessarily be in the seat of power in order to exert my will. With me at his side, I'm sure that Singh will be an exemplary squad leader, and that Twilight Dusk will be the pride of Dodecapolis. EOF ]]> Dodecapolis - Fleet Commander Log 00002 (dozens) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 02 Nov 2020 03:29:45 GMT Fleet Commander Log 00002 ========================= Fleet Commander Amanda Rivers SRU Dodecapolis --- Preperations are complete. We are scheduled to depart JOVE-1 at the start of next tenday. Each individual starship has been outfitted with cryotech, and has had its navigation and propulsion modules upgraded with the parts needed to get to the Far Reaches. The new cryotech will enable the crew to be suspended for 4_096 jovannos. The vastly extended period of suspension, combined with the new FTL module, should put us just inside the Far Reaches by the time AI starts to download us. --- The final fleet manifest of SRU Dodecapolis did indeed turn out much as I had initially planned on, save for one exception: Captain Avery of the USS Kraken, my first pick to lead the Twilight Dusk Squadron, turned out to be far outclassed during evaluations by Singh of the USS Jerakeen. A surprise to be sure. Singh is still early on his career, and displays much of the bravado and idealism of the inexperienced. Still, his composure and effectiveness during the Edsmith Protocol surpassed some captains with twice again his years of experience. Including, significantly, Avery, who became ineffective and inactive when faced with the simulated crisis. While Avery is by far the more experienced and more skilled of the two, Singh has proven himself the better leader. Singh and the Jerakeen will take command of Twilight Dusk, and will benefit from having Avery at his right hand. --- Speaking of ones right hand, I have furthermore decided to place Gustav Wash of the Nicodemus at my right hand and shall expect him to manage most of the day to day operations of Rising Dawn Squadron while I focus my attention and resources on the needs of the fleet. I have the utmost confidence in Wash. He will likely lead his own fleet some day--ah, but I forget myself: none of us shall have another assignment after this one. The establishment of Dodecapolis is both our mission and our fate. There will be no coming back from this one. SRU Dodecapolis Fleet Manifest ------------------------------ 1. **Rising Dawn Squadron** - [!] USS Timberwolf | Captain Amanda Rivers - USS Nicodemus | Captain Gustav Wash - USS Sköldpadda | Captain Ainslee Martin 2. **Daylight Squadron** - [!] USS Kuniklo | Captain Hazel Adams - USS Harpy | Captain Samantha Drake - USS Beagle | Captain Charles Teach 3. **Twilight Dusk Squadron** - [!] USS Jerakeen | Captain Ganesh Singh - USS Kraken | Captain Enzo Avery - USS Shardik | Captain Detroit London 4. **Midnight Sun Squadron** - [!] USS Flying Fox | Captain Katarina Russo - USS Aslan | Captain Loren Canon - USS Rocinante | Captain Cole Gruber [!] - Squadron Leader EOF ]]> The DeLorian - Embarkment (aewens) gopher:// DeLorian/0000.txt gopher:// DeLorian/0000.txt Mon, 02 Nov 2020 01:35:29 GMT * The DeLorian * ----------------------------------- Captain's Log: Stardate 0000 0001 ----------------------------------- I began this morning thinking that my life has reached a dead end. Ever since I was a youngling I dreamed of journeying among the stars and yesterday I tried to follow that dream. I went to enlist my services to the space force of the Federation's, but I was informed that I did not meet their standards and my offer was declined. I had no idea what I would be doing now since I was banking my whole future on being able to live my life out in space. After my enlistment was rejected my love for the Federation was replaced with resentment and anger. How DARE they destroy my dreams, to so easily discard my services just because my current phsyique is not "up to par" with their quality of "standards"! I know my around a starship better than any of those morons, and if they just gave me a chance I could have been an invaluable asset! I wish I could show them, all I would need is a ship. I don't need a crew, I could handle it all myself... But what good would that do? I am just one person, and they are an entire fleet. How could I do anything to something so much larger than myself all on my own? So you can imagine my shock when I was approached by a shrouded, mysterious figure that would only disclose themself as "The Elder" showed up offering me a means to do exactly that. Their offer was simple: I will be given the task of smuggling weapons and intelligence documents past the Federation and to deliver them to their enemies. In payment, I would be given a space craft and a device that it promised to give me an edge over any adversarial force I may encounter if used properly. While I did not plan for my life as a space captain to be working as a smuggler, it is the only option I have left. And if I am being honest, I would really enjoy right now to help make the lives of the Federation more difficult after what they did to me. After taking a moment to consider this stranger's offer I accepted it. They bestowed upon me three items: a fairly banged up coin, a leather bound book, and an odd looking remote. Upon handing me these items I was told that inside the book will hold the answers to all of my questions. On first inspection the leather cover appeared to be quite worn out from what I can only assume to be from years of age, but the papers inside looked to be brand new. The fact that I was being given a book at all was quite strange since they have not been used in years now that everything is digitized these days. Affixed to the outside of the cover is a simple pencil and eraser which I assume is meant for writing in it. When opening the book I found that the pages were removable and bound only by an elastic band inside the book, which would suggest that one could add more pages later as well as remove sections as well later on. The pencil made more since after skimming over the first page since everything was hand written, but that was also the only page with anything on it. Every following page was left blank. Confused by this I looked up from the book to ask how that single page could somehow answer all my questions, but only to find that my cryptic employer had vanished. Left only with my new, unusual gifts I decided to read through in full the notes that were jotted upon the first and only inscribed page within the book. It began explained the location of the craft I would using, where in the craft the smuggled contents are, the coordinates of the rendezvous, who I would be meeting there, and how much I will be selling it all for. It went on to entail that I would be keeping the proceeds from the exchange and upon completion would be assigned my next task. While I found all of this to be quite generous, I was far more concerned with the everything else that followed from The Elder's notes. According to what was written here, that bizarre remote I was given is apparently a device that can manipulate the fabric of space and time in a very specific way. The device has a screen in the middle, a dial beneath it, and a button on either side. If I press the left button it will set a "checkpoint" of sorts that gets stored to the memory of the device and I can search through those checkpoints using the dial to cycle through them on the display as a counter that goes up and down (coorsponding to the checkpoints in order of creation). That is all fine, but what is baffling is the alleged function of the right button. That, when pressed, it will send the user of the device back to the exact position in time that the selected "checkpoint" was created. After reading that section over a few times to make sure I was understanding it correctly I decided I needed to prove that this device worked. I started with a few simple experiments. First, I checked the time and set a checkpoint followed by walking a few steps away and waiting. After a few minutes passed I set the dial to my checkpoint and pressed the button that should trigger the jump in space-time. Sure enough, I was standing in the same spot but the time read the same time as when I set the checkpoint. Amazing! The potential that this holds is beyond comprehension but I am going to try and do so anyways! Which is what led to my second test, to determine once and for all how time worked in our universe. This test is simple: I will create a checkpoint and then after a few moments I will take a few steps back followed by flipping the coin I was given. If it lands on heads, I go back and punch myself in the right eye; and if it lands on tails, I go back and punch myself in the left eye. A bit violent, but it is all in the name of science and gets the job done. With the checkpoint set, I flipped the coin. What followed next left me a bit confused. Instead of being punched in the face by a future version of myself, I was approached by two versions of myself that both punched me (one to my right eye and the other to my left eye). After given it some thought, here is what I think happened: the unvierse we exist in obeys the multiverse theory so after the coin was flipped there were two universes created where one has the coin landing on heads and the other the coin lands on tails. Since both occurred, the respective future versions both went back in time and punched the eye they were supposed to punch. However, that now leaves us in the awkward situation where there is now three of me. It looks like the universe has no problems with us all being here, so I guess all those who believed this would "violate the laws of space-time" were wrong since the universe did not explode when they punched me in the face, but my eyes sure do feel that way now. After the awkward moment passed the one who punched me in the right eye suggested we read the rest of the book. It explained how part of my employment will require detailed documentation of the series of the events that unfold as a means to audit my work to trigger receiving my next assignment. I am to do this using communications over QEC, but due to the nature of the work I am to not use my real name nor the name of my craft. I am also meant to do so for today, hence the reason I am right this message. For "The Elder" to identify my messages I am to refer to myself as "The DeLorian" and for my craft I can call it whatever I want here as long as it does not give away anything. Since I cannot think of anything good right now I'll just pick a placeholder name and come back to it later. So for now, I emback on my voyage into the unknown as a smuggler to enact revenge against the empire that has forsaken me aboard my ship Boaty McBoatface. ]]> Melchizedek - Jerome Pasani - Personal Letter 2 (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 01 Nov 2020 01:15:31 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Exiting Sol Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 0.01ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2183, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] [Personal Log Entry] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: Hey, I know you said not to write, but really, did you honestly believe that was an option? Look, I know where we left things and as we both know there's no going back now. I've literally ran away from us as much as is humanly possible. I'm sorry. I really am. I've treated you badly with all this back and forth. Will he, will they? And you deserve better. You deserve a commitment and someone who can be there, all the way there. I wanted to be that person. I tried, in my admittedly shitty way. None of it was fake. I know you worry about that sometimes. Was I doing something else behind your back? Is that why... well no. I wasn't. I'm a rotten enough person already, I don't want you thinking that. I love you. I can see your face right now and the eye rolling and the huff. I know it doesn't matter anymore, Sabrina. I know nothing I say can take back our time and give us another chance. There is no chance anymore. I'm strapped to the back of a rocket shooting to the stars, or close enough. This is a one way trip. What's the point? You asked me that last time I saw you and I tried to explain, but I screwed it all up. What's the point of us you meant, didn't you? What's the point of love between people if it can't be? What's the point of the time we had together when there's no tomorrow, only yesterdays. But damnit, there is a point. I'm not measuring it like some fucking Seriph with scales. It's not you vs the universe, even thought that's exactly what it looks like. I'm meant to do something. I feel it in here. I'm actually hitting my chest right now. You can't see that, but I think I did it too hard and now it's sore. Great. That's right where the harness sits too. Look, if I had known years ago when we first met that I needed to go off into space to throw my life away on some crazy mission to bring life to the galaxy would I have shut up and not talked to you? No. I love you, Sabrina. Just because I don't get to be with you forever doesn't change that. Just because we only had a few moments in time doesn't change love. Think of all those loving couples who lose their lives in trivial, stupid ways. Their love isn't less because of time. Time has its grips in all of us and all of our loves are snuffed out by it in the end. And that doesn't matter one bit. You're mad and I can't blame you. I won't try to stop that. If time is good for anything, that love killing beast, it's good for cooling off anger. One day you'll look back on our time and smile, like I'm trying to do right now. That's all I have now here. There's 44 of us on this box and a love-life isn't in the future cards. My love happened. I got to see it start to finish and I treasure it. I treasure every single stupid moment, even the ones where I was too dumb to see how amazing you were at the time. I will miss the cinemas and the walks and sleeping in on the weekends. I will certainly miss the long nights. It's all a gold mine of memories now and you will forever be my love. I won't send this now. You're angry, too angry. I don't want you to delete it before you read it. God that would hurt even to think it. I'll set this aside to send you soon, maybe in a dozen years. That'll be a blink or two for me in cryo, I think. The math never works out in my head. I'm sorry. I love you. Please don't forget me, but live your life. Be happy. We all want happiness for the people we love. You've had enough of the other parts, you deserve some happy. All my love, forever. Jerome. . ]]> Melchizedek - Jerome Pasani - Personal Letter 1 (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 01 Nov 2020 00:49:52 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Exiting Sol Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 0.01ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2183, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] [Personal Log Entry] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: Hi mom, This is really happening. I've been on the long-haul transport racket for nearly a decade but nothing could come close to what we're about to do. We're all trained as well as we can be and they've stacked this bucket full of geniuses. I told you Moussa is coming with us too. It'll be great to have a friend along, to know someone on the other side of all this. I just can't believe I'm actually saying goodbye. It feels unreal, like it's happening to another person. We're no further away than I've been before but once we kick on the grav and slip into those coffins that's it. You, dad, Lisa... I knew I'd never see you again, you'd never see me again. We talked about it, you know I believe in this work, that it's worth it. It's worth my life, all of our lives. It's worth a planet and more because we're saving life itself. But I can't lie, I hate it too. Dad was a true stoic at dinner. I know you were embarrassed by what happened, but I don't blame you. I wish dad acted more like you. I was a blubbery mess last night when I got home and I sat in the oxygenator for ten minutes this morning to get rid of the bags under my eyes before coming aboard. I'm just going to miss you all so much. The words don't do it. I love you. I love you all so much. I don't want you to mourn, please. I know what dad said, but it's not like that. I'm not gone, I'm just far away. Your son will live far, far into the future and you can always feel good knowing I'm out there somewhere doing what's needed. When your days are up and you're ready to move on I'll be out there still. You can take some solace in that and never have to worry or fear. When I wake up I'll do my duty. Each and every day I will wake up and thank God for such a wonderful family and such caring, loving parents. Yes, loving. I don't care what we went through or argued about growing up. I'll thank God for you every day, I swear. I'll go on and live my life and do everything I can to keep on living, to keep life going across the galaxy. We're agents of the almighty, right? That's what you taught Lisa and me in Sunday school. We're little temples that move, holy islands acting as agents for God. Well your holy agent is doing his best and he will continue. Don't mourn, please. I'll be sleeping for a while, that's all. And when we wake up I'll make you so proud of me. I have to. This has to be worth the cost. Oh mom, how can I do this to you? You've been through so much. I have to do it, but you never volunteered. How can I take that pain away? Even this best of actions is causing you pain. How can I come to grips with it? How can that be justified? We've got a Seriph on board. Maybe I'll ask her. Or maybe not. She's likely to slap me for being too emotional or something. Oh I wish you could have met everyone before we set out. Maybe that would have made it easier, knowing them, knowing I won't be totally alone. But then, what am I leaving you with. If dad isn't there for you then please call Lisa. She'll talk to you and you can help each other. She knows about this work, she can even explain how we do what we do. It's not all machines and computers, I swear. It's microbes and onions and human hearts. It's all the good of God wrapped up in a bottle we're flinging at the stars. Isn't that beautiful? Please, Mom. Don't grieve. I really hope this letter doesn't make things worse. I just want you to... I don't know. I want to take the sadness away and fill you with hope and joy and pleasure knowing that I'm doing what I'm called to do. But maybe that's not something I can just tell you and have it work. It took me such a long time to understand this calling in myself, how can I expect you to get it from a letter while you're dealing with the loss of a son. This is too much for today, I think. I'll set it aside for a bit and send it later. Maybe I can get the QEC to relay it when the time is right and you've had a bit of time to heal. I love you, Mom. And Dad too. Give my best to Lisa and tell her I'm counting on her. She better take good care of you two. . ]]> Melchizedek - Rhetorical Ecclesiastic Report (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 01 Nov 2020 00:49:58 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 4th Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Prezzi Adeyemi, Seriph Rhetorical Ecclesia ::: Melchizedek Serial 0294 Ecclesiastic Report It has been 90 days since we received our transmission from Shuttle 004. The shuttle was on its mission under the command of Warrant Officer Jerome Somerset Pasani with support from Specialist Sandy Regina Kroups. The transmission received at Melchizedek was relayed automatically to the QEC, so it should be present in the reports. As Seriph Rhetorical Ecclesia Prime and acting commander of the exo-spermia of Beta Hydrii I have no further insight or analysis to add to the recording. We have little basis for understanding what took place and only the ship transcription as evidence. After hearing deliberation on the possibility of a scouting expedition to investigate the loss of Shuttle 004 I have expressed my authority in denying that course of action. Specialist First-class Stephanie Janssen has brought forth formal objections to this decision. Her documentation is in order and reflects the signatures of herself and Specialist Second-class Brewer, and Navigator Hämäläinen. Our task here is unchanged. Our priority is the safeguarding of life, all life. This mission is paramount and any further risk to investigate what happened between systems is unbalanced by the understanding we might gain. Regarding crew, morale has has taken a measurable hit. The Halmen-Gloria scale shows a seven point negative shift. Shift performance has decreased in expected relations, especially on the beta site. Those who were closest to Kroups and Pasani are undergoing psychiatric screening with special attention paid toward Specialist First-class Janssen and Navigator Hämäläinen. Following their ordeal in transit and the loss of the good Doctor Idjani, this second tragic loss may prove a burden too great to be sustained without significant intercession. To this end, Doctor Nguyen has been retasked to the beta site to oversee testing and counseling. On a more personal note I have been reminded that my friend Jerome requested I send along some personal correspondence he had set aside in case of an incident. While I cannot imagine he ever thought something like this could occur, I will see to his wishes. His personal logs have two messages marked which I will schedule to be added to the QEC transmission over the next few cycles. As with any loss of crew words cannot express the deeply personal impact such an event will have on each of us nor fully capture the deep loss for all of humanity and life. Each moment taken away is a loss for all of life and God's creation. We must strive in the days ahead to live that much brighter, each of us, and hope our actions can do some small part to help offset a loss we all share. We owe his memory this much and more. . ]]> Port Novis - Comms Trouble (cadence) gopher:// Novis/cardoso_lora_01.txt gopher:// Novis/cardoso_lora_01.txt Mon, 19 Oct 2020 13:14:29 GMT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SENT: 2122-04-17 23:34:09 (novis_earthref) SIGNED: LORA.CARDOSO.2101@304.PORTNOVIS SUBJECT: Comms Trouble -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes the fact that I'll only ever know the same few hundred people over my entire life gets to me. It doesn't usually bother me because this is all I've ever known - why should it be strange? But every once in a while I'll stare up into the sky and see nothing but the vast reaches of space and realize how truly alone we are. Port Novis is a tiny speck in the galaxy, small and insignificant compared to the other groups of humans travelling farther and farther out into the stars. There's less than a thousand of us. The closest human civilization is the lab on Mars, and it's been a while since we've heard from them. They might even be doing worse than we are. That brings me to the reason I'm writing this. Our connection with the UPG systems has failed. That means no outside contact, no news updates, no nothing. We've lost connection with the rest of human civilization. Jed and his crew are working on fixing it, but it's been hours now and they haven't made much progress. Luckily we still have some communications. Everything works locally, just not the systems that send or receive messages from outside the port. A few people have started sending messages to the QEC, although we have no way of telling if they've actually gone through. It's a nice idea, though. And it does feel a bit... cathartic? Writing feels different when you aren't sure if anyone will ever read it. Anyway. Today went completely off course when the comms went out, and I still have a few things to do before I turn in for the night. Let's see... Today's checklist: [ ] fix wiring in the lab card reader [ ] log data for seed growth experiment [ ] sweep up lab I'll probably have to fill in for Dad and clean up the workshop a bit. He always insists on doing it himself but he's still out working on the comms and I have a feeling it'll be late when he gets back. Usually I can convince him to go to sleep if I clean up for him. I'll at least give it a shot. Well, for anyone who reads this, I hope your colony is doing better than we are at the moment. And if you are reading this, at least it's a sign that we can communicate with the QEC. Something is better than nothing, I suppose. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]]> Dodecapolis - Fleet Commander Log 00001 (dozens) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 10 Oct 2020 15:23:04 GMT Fleet Commander Log 00001 ========================= Amanda Rivers SRU Dodecapolis, Commander USS Timberwolf, Captain Special Reconnaissance Unit Dodecapolis has been commissioned by JOVE-1 as of this morning. Its mission is to establish a new outpost and QEC relay station in the Far Reaches. The individual ship captains will need to be briefed and trained, and the ships themselves retrofitted for sleeper tech. I already know I will want to establish some extra heirarchy, so I will be promoting four captains to Squad Leader, each responsible for their own ship plus two others, creating four squads of three. I know my first picks already, but I will reserve my final decision until after the briefing so I can assess them personally. We will leave as soon as all preparations are final. EOF ]]> Winkey - Message Number 1 (choon) gopher:// Number 1.txt gopher:// Number 1.txt Thu, 24 Sep 2020 00:07:15 GMT Hello! Hello! Hellooo! Why are you sitting there? You are a tornado! Hello Tornado! Go! G-g-g-gooo! My ship is named Winkey. Would you like to come abard? I would like for you to come aboard becasue I love you. Of course your sister can come along! Wow. Done! ]]> SNCF68B - Cave Fishing (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 20 Sep 2020 14:21:50 GMT Went fishing today and I actually caught something! It wasn't much of a something so we put it back in the lake to get bigger. I was the only one that caught anything, though, so I win. Emmi forever! The caves below grandpa's den stretch down a clip or two but the lake isn't so far and there's juice the whole way since this town is mostly classy bodies that finished their service already. When you age out of service it's pretty common here to find a den with loads of hobbies and friends nearby, like grandpa did. I love the parkways with proper lights too. The greenery is so lush you can imagine you're walking surface-side through a garden. The air feels clean and crispy too. Grandpa claims he can walk all the way to the lake with his eyes closed by the smell of the greens. When we skidded down to lake-level there were no other bodies. The parkway there opens into a great dome over the water that the 'geers left raw with stalactites. They drip-drip very slowly into the pool below with hollow echoes that you can't proper hear unless everyone stays very still and quiet. But that's sort of what fishing is, earnest truth. Mum talks a bit too much but but then grandpa gives her a look. Her words dry up and the peace is back upon us. I close my eyes and the drips are like church bells. My head goes crazy with playdreams in the deep quiet. I don't know what to write about that. We made it a picnic, which is a wild word to say. Pick-Nick. I suss it means you bring food with you where you're going, which doesn't seem like it needs a special word at all. I bring my food to school every day, but that's not a picnic. It's a classy word, says mum, which at least makes sense. None of the classy old world guz makes much sense if you ask me. Grandpa did say I should try to use more of that in these wires to you. 'E says you might not know about our proper talks here. I thought he was making fancy again with the truth at first but some of the things I've read on the QEC sound proper strange. Anywise, Uusi Jyväskylä has been a great holiday. Grandpa's razzy and so is his quirky little town. Even so, I'll be joyed to see my friends again soon. I miss Ezri and Johanna fierce as damn. ]]> SNCF68B - Jacinda (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 20 Sep 2020 13:37:14 GMT Ereyesterday mum and I zipped over to Tulindberg for brunch with her friend Jacinda at this little café with classy tables and real tea. It's fairly bitter but Jacinda fixed it with this golden goop she gets from buggos. It sounds horrid but its sweet-sweet. Jacinda has a whole farm of them and has to wear a special outfit when she visits them or they'll attack her. Razzy as damn, oikea? Mum went through school with Jacinda and says they were best mates, but I can't get a playdream of it. Jacinda's fab ruggd and mum won't even let me try handball. Earnest truth, they're polar. Anywise, Jacinda's got an actual cottage upside and says she'll take us kiting up to the sails sometime. Mum nodded too, but I'll wager she says no if it comes to it. Just a half-lun more and my own tram and I'll wire Jacinda myself. I can just fancy myself on a kite in the skies. Ezri's never done that. She'll piss! Ruminate, oikea. While mum sussed classy guz with her bestie I did some true malevolence upon my brunch. Ezri would be inspired. Have any of you had pancakes before? They're like a fluff of starch and egg and rolled out flat. Sweet too, usually. Grandpa says the 'verse has all different foods, but I hope you all have pancakes. They're proper celestial as damn. We used some of Jacinda's golden buggo sap on them and it was as good as the syrups. Real tea and pancakes, playdream it. Maybe after school I'll skid out to Jacinda's den and meet her buggos and learn to be propper ruggd too. Ezri would lose it. It's too far to tram but the zippers not so bad. I should suss it out with grandpa. He's actually done guzzle with his lun, not like some bodies I could mention. We're going cave fishing soon. I'll try to remember to write you about it. Do you have caves where you are? ]]> S. S. Poseidon - S. S. Poseidon MicroBlog #001 (thecomputerguy) gopher:// S. Poseidon/Poseidon MicroBlog 001.txt gopher:// S. Poseidon/Poseidon MicroBlog 001.txt Sat, 12 Sep 2020 03:11:37 GMT S. S. Poseidon @ssposeidon NOW LEAVING #EARTH. Warp drive activated. Destination: Aqaurius Gamma! #WarpDriveLikeItsHot]]> SNCF68B - Hello Worlds (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 15 Sep 2020 22:01:03 GMT Oh wow. This is so razzy. Um, Hello Worlds! I'm Emmi. I was digging through my grandpa's attic (we're here on holiday) and he has all this raz old junk. There's a tab here with a trillion books and beats from the classy days. He says some bodies in the verse might still make guzzle like it, but I think he was lying. He lies a lot. Anywise, the score find for sure was this guz! It's a legit QEC node. Classy as damn! It says so right on the face. There's even these razzy clacky bits where you push in the messages. I am not great at it yet. How did bodies do this all the time? Must have had fab fingers back then. I can't believe this guz still juices. It's gotta be like 3000 luns or more. Grandpa says it doesn't even need juice, that it can juice from the other side, which has got to be goat shit. If you could juice through the QEC we wouldn't need sails, oikea? He's such a cod, but he says I can keep this so I guess he's razzy. There's a bunch of wires in here to suss. Logs, I mean. That's what the face says. I think there's an info bit in there too. There's so many clacky bits. Is there a word for these? Grandpa didn't know. Mum thought they were named triggers, but I think those are only on the weapons. Maybe they're the same. Grandpa says there's a lot of bodies out there with QEC guzzle still. Maybe one of you can help me suss it. We're here another half-lun, but then we head back home to Spöring for my party. I hit 200 lun soon! Mum promised to get me a tram of my own at 200. I hope it's red. Everything gets better after 200. That's what the boys say. {{ O Emmi, it's raz past 200 }}. My studies are almost done and once I get my own tram I'm taking a trip with Johanna and Ezri to Mannerheim to see the skies. We might even be able to take it on the surface a bit. I hope mum gets the ruggd tram with the wheels. They're slower but then we can go up-side in my very own tram! Can you even begin to playdream? Ezri says that the boys might come too. I'm not sure. It'd be raz as damn to see Leo in the city. Ezri says he's got a fancy, but she's a fat liar too. Maybe when I hit 200 though. Anywise, got to skid out. This attic has more to dig and then we're going to swim. Bye Worlds! Emmi ]]> Enterprise - Stupid (randomuser) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 11 Sep 2020 02:19:02 GMT Where am I? What is that pulsating signal? Why is the overhead light so bright? 'Hello?' 'Hi.' 'Who are you?' 'Chief of Medical Staff, you?' 'Where the heck am I?' 'You're in the sickbay of the Reliant.' 'Oh.' 'Where's my ship?' 'Deck A-32, my tablet reads it is getting equipped with a photon deflector shield?' 'Huh?' 'It's a invisibility cloak, sir.' 'Oh.' I know what happened now. ]]> Macondo - macondo-emergency-log-001 (macondo) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 09 Sep 2020 03:39:54 GMT --- 29243482454893 - [erro] - macondo emergency log 29243482454986 - [erro] - cryo thawing failure: /dev/cryo02 EOF SEGFAULT 29243482454992 - [warn] - activating emergency cerebral thawing for /dev/cryo02 29243482465864 - [info] - mounting /dev/cortex02 on /legacy/mnt/sos0 29243482475749 - [info] - piping /legacy/mnt/sos0 into /dev/qec --- at last... it felt like nothing, but at the bare minimum it's been a couple centuries. can't feel my limbs still. I wonder how long it will take. to think my cowardice is forcing me to live who knows how many centuries more. I don't like this feeling. it's like one of those dreams I used to have... except she's no longer next to me to wake me up. I hate this feeling... not so much that I don't feel my limbs... I hate not feeling time. depending on how long I've been at the thawing process, my brain could well be working at the pace of a snail. no way for me to tell; I have no point of reference... I can't see anything moving, except my stupid memories. I don't want to remember all the mistakes I made... I wish only to remember why I am doing this. there most be a good reason. I hope there is. this is taking longer than I expected... but then again, I don't know how long it's taking. what the fuck is going on? this is for sure not normal. usually by now I should be able to move my fucking pinkies... it can't be a system failure. sure, the software is old as hell, but that's the point. it has been battle tested for centuries. fuck. I hate darkness. how come my eyelids can't detect a single photon passing by. at least I have some vivid memories. those eyes. honey. the main reason I used to go to the dentist was to see those honey eyes. she didn't need to speak for me to know she was from Iran. focus. this is definitely not normal... ]]> Eventuality - WAKE-UP COMPLETE (kayw) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 08 Sep 2020 20:48:05 GMT *** WAKE-UP FOR G. SIMMONS COMPLETE *** *** BEGIN AUDIOVISUAL TRANSCRIPTION *** “Shit.” he said groggily, “Something ain’t right.” He began to hoist himself out of the cryopod, but fell to the floor. Gabe winces. How long has it been? Damn legs don’t work. As he pulled himself off the floor, his senses started to return to him. Where is everyone? He pondered. Did no one else wake up? I need to figure out what’s going on. As he slowly brought his weight onto the opaque hull of one of the remaining cryopods, the surrounding computers slowly began to spur to life. Peering at the nearest terminal, he began to notice that things were not as they seemed. The dating across the ship’s systems were wrong, and everything seemed to be reset. “Guess there was a full system wipe. I hope there are backups.” He mumbled, annoyed, as he began to punch in commands into the terminal. *** TRANSCRIBING ENTERED COMMANDS *** E-OS 2.12.5 EVENTUALITY TTY237 Eventuality login: gsimmons Password: Last login: Thur Jan 1 12:00:00 on TTY1 RUN> RESTORE BACKUPS 23 BACKUPS FOUND… REVERT TO LATEST? (??? DAYS, ??? YEARS AGO) Y/N: Y RESTORATION IN PROGRESS, SYSTEM LOCKOUT. Well, he thought, at least there’s something… Terminals should be accessible soon enough. In the meantime, I should find something to eat. Feeling confident in himself, he pushed himself off and stood up. Legs weak, stomach grumbling, he stumbled towards the barren mess hall. ]]> Space Cruiser - Quantum Detanglement, Pt. 1 (anton) gopher:// Cruiser/02-quantum-detanglement-pt-1.txt gopher:// Cruiser/02-quantum-detanglement-pt-1.txt Mon, 07 Sep 2020 19:52:55 GMT -----BEGIN TRANSMISSION----- Ben Goldstein [from QEC]: We thank you for your continued support of the Galactic News Agency. Remember, starting with tomorrow’s broadcast, your old QECs will no longer receive GNA broadcasts due to the DQEC Transition. Stop by your local Galactic Tech Emporium to buy one today. Keep in mind the free DQEC offer has already ended. [Galactic News Agency weather song plays for about 10 seconds] Weather Announcer: Tonight: Cloudy skies with broken clouds. Tuesday: Clear skies and very high temperatures reaching up to 47 degrees Celsius. Wednesday: Clear skies with higher temperatures reaching up to 60 degrees celsius. The 7 day local forecast is currently unavailable due to upgrades. We are sorry for the inconvenience. A temporary weather station has been set up and is available on the Galactic Intranet at Announcer: This is the Galactic News Agency, brought to you by GBS-SBN: the Galactic Broadcasting System and Summit Broadcasting Network, in the service of the Federation. Now signing off. [“Our Shining Federation” plays] [Jaan Sechs leaves his lab and goes up to Ranway who is piloting the space cruiser. “Our Shining Federation” is blasting from Jaan’s QEC in his lab.] Reble Ranway: What? Jaan Sechs: You know about the thing? Reble Ranway: What thing? Jaan Sechs: They awarded Tomasino citizenship and residency for the QEC. Reble Ranway: I wonder what the news guys will have to say about it. Probably won’t be good. Do you th… [A 1 KHz tone is heard as a deafening volume] Jaan Sechs [shouting]: I’ll go turn it off- [Sound fizzles out] Reble Ranway: I hope you enjoy your QEC without sound… Jaan Sechs: Oh damn [Exit Jaan Sechs] Reble Ranway [shouting to Jaan]: See if A&L Finances responded to my message yet! Jaan Sechs [still shouting]: No can do! Reble Ranway [turning around to face Jaan Sechs, still yelling]: WHY? Jaan Sechs [even louder]: I CAN’T LOG IN! NOOOOO!!! INTERNET!!!!! Reble Ranway: We’ll have free wifi soon. Jaan Sechs: How? Reble Ranway: Going to meet an old friend. Jaan Sechs: Ohhhh. I’m going back to the lab. Reble Ranway [shouting]: DAMN IT JAAN! YOU LEFT THE FUEL SIPHONS OPENED AND SPILLED HALF THE EMERGENCY FUEL! Jaan Sechs: There’s more in the unused pitcher I stuck in the fridge. Reble Ranway [looking at glass]: the WHAT?? Jaan Sechs: The emergency fuel isn’t poisonous! It’s basically just the old cooking oil with some other things. I make it in the lab every so often. Besides, it’s not like I’ll have anything to do since we won’t get GNA anymore… Reble Ranway [now looking at QEC]: The federation doesn’t broadcast over QEC anymore? ***loud “tap tap tap”*** Jaan Sechs: Stop uploading our conversations! They’ll know where we are at! Reble Ranway: Who’s going to pay any attention to this anyways? Jaan Sechs: You’re right. Reble Ranway: Of course! Jaan Sechs: Who is James Tomasino anyways and why did he get credit for the QEC? I thought it was invented by Juan Yin or Yin Juan, or someone on a different ship… Reble Ranway: We don’t know he is, let along who made the QEC. A lot of people claim they made it. Now others are unknowingly getting credited for propaganda purposes! Jaan Sechs: Well then, back to the lab. I’m just gonna turn this of- -----END TRANSMISSION----- ]]> Enterprise - Flashing Lights (randomuser) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 07 Sep 2020 02:14:15 GMT Holy crap, what's that beeping sound? 'Gravitational Disturbance' and 'Emergency Conditions' are flashing. Did I mess something up? Where's the sun? It's the morning! Scanners' power on. Big gravitational field detected; something's pulling on us and making us go upward! Starting engine; nothing wrong there. Starting autopilot. I check my QEC for the announcement of our planet's impending doom. Is it happening now? It says it'll happen in six Earth days. I mean, I heard that the QEC could have massive delays; but six days' worth? Okay, everything's operational; scanners have been calibrated and are reading the same result as before. Firing back thrusters at 100% throttle and bracing. I'm out now, and I see the ship that was going to pick us up. Sending a quick transmission now; maybe they'll let me board via the transport deck. 'Enterprise is cleared for landing on Deck A-32.' Okay, I'm in. I should probably set my air to 'backup'; my main air supply is running out. ]]> Enterprise - Sandstorm (randomuser) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 07 Sep 2020 01:41:12 GMT On my journey to find things to take with me in the cargo hold in my ship, I spied a sandstorm in the midst. Not that I live in a desert, mind you. The wind currents are so strong that it carries sand from the desert region to the place I live, which is a quiet grassland. I've started towards my vehicle, but the sandstorm is closing in. I'm searching my vessel for possible entry points; both for me and the sand. I spy an open hatch on the back of the cargo hold that I could jump into. It seems like the only option. This rotten sandstorm is almost upon me; but I haven't but fifty feet to go. I start running faster than I think I've ran before, and I jump in and seal the hatch. My next order of business is switching the air supply from environment to 'cached'. My craft has a pretty interesting feature: the ability to take individual atoms floating around in space or on a planet, and transform them into air and water. It's some pretty cool stuff. Before the sandstorm, I was able to collect some broken electronics from the old structures around me. Most people live in the desert because that's where the new city is. I scavenge the old city and then sell the ruins to the people in the new city. I'll have to travel back one last time... ]]> Enterprise - Worrying News (randomuser) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 06 Sep 2020 20:07:08 GMT We've just received word from the Galactic Federation; there's an unknown object on collision course with our planet. They will send a ship to pick the people on this planet up and any ships we have. This planet is pretty poor; we only have one or two ships per community. I live on my own, so I have my own ship. Entitled the Enterprise, it has two beds, with shelves in the walls for each person. On the other side of the living quarters, there's two shelves for multipurpose use. I currently use some of it for a tiny hydroponic garden. At the back of the ship is the food/cargo hold/emergency escape pod. The cockpit is outfitted with an 80x80 terminal, which has a framebuffer. I've outfitted it with my home built QEC, as it's apparently called. I found a 3 gigabyte RAM chip, so memory isn't a problem. The only inconvience is that I cannot save anything. But I can still get all the published texts from the relay station, so there's a plus there. Still awaiting an estimate for the collision; for now I've been farming and scavenging for food, and moving things to my craft. Until next time, ]]> Enterprise - First Contact (randomuser) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 06 Sep 2020 19:05:09 GMT Hello, world. I've just built this thing on the advice of a friend; I'm testing if it works. I have a stringent amount of RAM, maybe only 512 bytes. Not very sure. Anyway, if any one can hear this, hi. ]]> Galactic Federation - State of Emergency (anton) gopher:// Federation/01-state-of-emergency.txt gopher:// Federation/01-state-of-emergency.txt Sat, 05 Sep 2020 13:18:19 GMT -----BEGIN TRANSMISSION----- Ben Goldstein: ...and we're now going live to President Sean Hendrix's speech. Sean Hendrix: My fellow citizens, Thank you very much for your consideration and concern with protecting the Law and Order in our great Federation, the Galactic Federation. Everyone else in room: *claps* Sean Hendrix: The Galatic Federation prides itself on our advancements in technology, and our great economy. I would like to award James Tomasino, the creator of the Quantum Entaglement Communicator, which is, in fact, the very system that makes our great broadcast possible, with the Metal of Freedom and the Grand Metal of the Galatic Federation, along with citizenship in our great federation for the technological advancements the QEC brought to our ever growing and prosperous economy. Everyone else in room: *claps* Sean Hendrix: I'd also like to thank our large, and talented team of security experts throughout our Federation working to find and capture the traitor and most wanted enemy of our Federation known as Reble Ranway, his crew, and their loyalists. Everyone else in room: *claps* Sean Hendrix: The search is going extermely well. The best search our Federation has ever done, with the most qualified people and greatest technology that our nation has ever had. Everyone else in room: *claps* Sean Hendrix: Although, in the end, it does not matter to me, your President of Law and Order, until Radical Rebel Ranway and his terrorist allies are in prison for their many crimes against the Federation, and we the People of our Great Federation are saved from terror, once AND FOR ALL! Everyone else in room: *claps* Sean Hendrix: We are working with our allies throughout many outposts and colonies, and other great individuals to try and find him. I will be declaring a state of emergency to further help our great Peace and Justice Department for if Ranway were to strike again. Everyone else in room: *claps* Sean Hendrix: If anyone Everyone else in room: *claps* [Sean Hendrix waits awkwardly for the clapping and cheers of "hen-drix! hen-drix" to stop] Sean Hendrix: If anyone sees or gets contact with Radical Rebelious Ranway, we urge you to contact your region's Federal Protection Squadron officer as soon as possible. Everyone's safety will depend on it. Thank you to everyone that cooperates to keep our Federation safe from terror threats. God bless our wonderful Federation! Everyone else in room: *claps and cheers loudly, while the Federation anthem begins playing. Everyone starts to sing along to the Anthem.* [Broadcast goes back to studio following the anthem] Ben Goldstein: This is Galactic News Agency, committed to bringing you honest, real news via the Quantum Entanglement Communicator. Ad announcer 1: Has your QEC stopped working? You could buy another or you could get the new Galactic QEC today for FREE from your nearest Federal Region Technologica Minister! The new Galactic QEC now offers the ability for video! Supply is limited, visit now! Ben Goldstein (in ad with corporate music playing in background): Hello, I am Ben Goldstein. You may remember me from such broadcasts such as the "Galactic News Agency", "The Tildeverse", and "Hail to the Federation". I am here today to remind everyone of the Digital Transition for all QEC broadcasts in the Galactic Federation. I would also like to remind broadcasters that starting on 2020-07-07, all QEC broadcasts will require a Broadcast License obtained from your nearest Federal Region's Communications Minister. The 5G-powered Galactic QEC converter towers are now set up, and are already broadcasting with the new digital signals. Make the switch TODAY!! Ad announcer 2: Will your QEC survive the DQEC Transision? Probably NOT! To get the latest and greatest of QEC programming, and MORE, stop by your local Galactic Tech Emporium for all of your modern technology needs! [Galactic News Agency intro tune] Ben Goldstein: Hello, I'm Ben Goldstein, and welcome back to the Galactic News Agency. In other news, police have traced the reportedly QEC-breaking noise back to Ranway's partner in crime: Dr. Jaan Sechs, which reportedly disrupted the QEC network after apparently forgetting to unpower their QEC before starting experiments, and then forgot to close the fuel siphons the following day. More on this rememberance tomorrow. More at 11:00 PM, following the final step in the transition to the new Galactic QEC network. We thank you for your continued support, and hope you continue with our new digital channel. We now go to Eric Erickson for "We the People". Eric Erickson: Thank you ben. Behind the line of protecting officers is a protest over our Federation's decision to change the surnames of people that immigrate to the federation in such a random way with no connection to their actual surnames. I for one don't have a problem with it. We all know it's done to symbolize one becoming a "new person" with the great decision to move to the Federation! These protesters hate our Unity and the Federation!!!! Back to you, Ben. Ben Goldstein: I just got an update: President Hendrix has deployed the Federation People's Military to stop the riot! Freedom has been saved once again! [Galactic News Agency weather song plays for about 10 seconds] Weather Announcer: Tonight: heavy rain with wind reaching up to 114 kilometres per hour. Sunday: heavy rain with wind reaching up to 91 kilometres per hour. Monday: Cloudy skies with broken clouds. The storm should be gone by then. The 7 day local forecast is currently unavailable due to equipment upgrades at this location. Announcer: This is the Galactic News Agency, brought to you by GBS-SBN: the Galatic Broadcasting System and Summit Broadcasting Network, in the service of the Federation. Now signing off. ["Our Shining Federation" plays] [1 KHz tone] -----END TRANSMISSION----- ]]> Buenaventura - BUENAVENTURA - Re: does this work? (mieum) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 31 Aug 2020 02:17:07 GMT >>> BEGIN TRANSMISSION <<< >>> /\/\/-\||_/\/\/-\|\| <<< v.1.0.3 // node(RS001::IGIN{}; #SOL#V645CENTAURI#BD+38°4344 ).tun(μ){76HXY0V-S2-8VYF72} ---/ DSAC@SOL[[31.536.31.43:413]]IGST +phthalo::buenaventura#IGSS_SIERRA -indigo::T%822::toyon#SISKIYOU SUBJECT: Re: does this work? Dig, Yeah, it came through this time. I think it was something on my end, er, the SS I should say. I think their system hadn't setup permissions for me to interface with Q. You'd think that they'd have that all streamlined given how much traffic they have coming through here. I guess I got lost in the swarm or something. Oh well. It seems to be working properly now. We'll see if you get this. Anyway, minor technical difficulties aside, it's been alright out here so far. They have me piloting ships into dock. It's not the most exciting work, but it's actually pretty intense...and a lot of work. The SS has over 500 public docks. Everyone fuels up and stocks their inventory before heading on to the outpost. It can get a little hairy out there. It's tense enough towing ships worth more than the economy of a small planet, but because we're in a nebula THERE'S WIND. Space always makes an insomniac out of me, so my nerves are pretty frayed as it is. Wind makes But the money is good. They're probably banking on me not living long enough to spend it, or even collect it all. I manage to save most of it, just living on-ship. Our little tugboat is actually quite spacious for what it is. Originally it was used as an interterrestrial ferry, so it has a bunk, a mess, storage, space to stretch out, etc. The SS is crowded, expensive, and it's actually pretty sketchy. Apart form the outpost, there's nothing else out here for a few lightyears---it's pretty lawless. Everyone wants to stake their claim out here. I would if I could. I mean, who'd pass on paradise? It sounds unreal. It's ALL SKY. No gravity, just air and asteroids. Getting there though, that's the issue. They say it's really disorienting being deep in the nebula, plus, nebula weather is unstable. Even here we get some pretty nasty storms blowing through. God, it would be incredible though! I fly for a living, but that...that's magic. Who knows, maybe I'll get bumped up to ferry crew one of these days. They've joked about it, that I'd be better off on some long hauls, seeing as I'm so sleepless as it is. It's one thing to not sleep, though, and another to be unable. Those hauls take their toll they say. The turnover is pretty quick, so there's a good chance I could be offered a charter at some point. Not sure if the Buenaventura is up for it, but she's seen plenty of sky in her day, so who knows. By the way, sorry to make you use Mailman. I'm pretty short on options at the moment. I can't get a stable connection direct to the ship unless I make some serious upgrades. The SS relays everything out here, and it's all corporate. I'll look into some better equipment. I might as well--I spend all my time on board anyway. But I'm rambling as usual. I guess I'll end this here. Got a big tanker coming in soon. Take care out there, and hey, don't forget to send me those tracks. I need some of the home jams to get me through those windy days~ Take care, Dig. -Phthalo /--- >>> END TRANSMISSION <<< ]]> Holden-22 - Broadcasting Attempt #044 (campfire) gopher:// Attempt 044.txt gopher:// Attempt 044.txt Fri, 23 Oct 2020 03:23:28 GMT # Broadcasting Calling for any help in the outer space. Calling for any help in the outer space. This is Phaedrus. I'm the captain of Holden-22 (Type A). Our ship wrecked on a planet called Brinxtar on a white dwarf system close to Andromeda, that's what I remember since the Astrogation system suddenly stop responding. Whe're still trying to scan the area but the controls aren't responding well. We have food for 1 month left, if no help seems to appear we will need to further explore the planet. The surface seens to have a lot of underground caves complexes and pools of acid, we don't know what acid is this though. I hope this message reaches somebody. Out. ]]> SVERSYL - 00005 (malcom) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 11 Aug 2020 09:45:15 GMT PERSONAL LOG, ENTRY #2505 AUTHOR: Malcom D. After an apparently eternal journey, we finally reached Rqtr. This outpost is amazingly large, and the cost for renting an apartment is huge! Fortunately SVERSYL is well equipped, and we can basically use it as it was our home. We took a good look around. There's a lot to see and to do, and many shops where merchants sell interesting products. It was not easy on Fnynzr to find Earth artifacts and such! Of course they are quite expensive. The local administration did an amazing work to make this outpost "Earth-like", and it really looks like walking in a Earth city. Sure, from time to time you get dazzled by some flares reflecting on the dome. But that's not a big deal. We have a couple of days left before I finally get to know what the job will be about, so we can happily waste some time and check out this new place. Of course we cannot spend much for the moment. EOF ]]> Space Cruiser - Finally (anton) gopher:// Cruiser/01-finally.txt gopher:// Cruiser/01-finally.txt Sun, 05 Jul 2020 14:08:22 GMT -----BEGIN TRANSMISSION----- Reble Ranway: I got in my ship, ready to blast off from earth for the last time. While flying away from the earth, I pressed a button, and then watched as the earth began to explode and my goatee began to grow. I then looked back at the QEC which was littered with what appeared to be random characters flooding the screen. Eventually it stopped. There was nothing. The QEC was no longer connecting. It then show..... [Reble Ranway wakes up with a terrible headache, still sitting in his ship, the Space Cruiser: a slightly old and run-down ship that is still fast and reliable. He realises his goatee is gone and is relieved to know that he did not destroy Earth. He looks at the QEC which is just spewing incoherent noise, being sent from the one that another scientist on the ship was using.] [Reble Ranway kicks open lab door and enters. There is a sign on the door that reads "Dr. Jaan Sechs"] Reble Ranway [yelling]: WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THAT NOISE ON THE QEC FOR, LAB RAT? Jaan Sechs: Why do you call me lab rat?? Reble Ranway: Your QEC is still on! Jaan Sechs: Damn... I forgot to unpower the qec again... I would still have my own ship if I hadn't left the fuel siphons opened... Reble Ranway [takes Jaan's QEC and yells in it]: (inaudable screams) [Reble Ranway throws the QEC back at Jaan and it shatters into a pile of theoretical shards] Jaan Sechs: You broke it! Reble Ranway: You don't need it. Jaan Sechs: [looking at Reble's QEC]: Why is the transmitting light on? Reble Ranway: What?? Oh shit... At least nobody is reading this Jaan Sechs: Aaand good job Ranway, everything was uploaded... You should probably turn this off Reble Ranway: You're right... Jaan Sechs (from afar): ALL HAIL JA... -----END TRANSMISSION----- ]]> SVERSYL - 00004 (malcom) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 29 Jun 2020 22:29:30 GMT PERSONAL LOG, ENTRY #2504 AUTHOR: Malcom D. While traveling we got a wave from Nathan. We will work for a guild named "Locus Solus". I never heard of it, so I asked him more details. Surprisingly he didn't know who they are, or what they do, even though I would expect a broker to know both parties. I checked on the Bulletin Board of the Rendezvous, to see if I could find any job advertisement of theirs, so I could grasp what they do, but I could find nothing. I've searched for "Locus Solus" on the registered guilds list, which covers the whole Evtry system: still nothing. Janet thinks this is quite fishy, and I could not agree more. But I would trust Nathan (that old pirate!) with my life, so I'm not worried. Moreover, the wallet of Locus Solus has a really high reputation score, and that's quite a guarantee. Perhaps they simply have very good reasons to keep some information undisclosed. If that is so, Nathan might know what it is about, and maybe he just decided not to tell on the wave. I would totally understand. At any rate, I'm going to meet him first, and he will also participate personally in the mediation, so we'll see what this is about. Four Earth days and we will finally reach Rqtr. I'm looking forward to visit the famous market place of RDC-0, and get out of this ship in general. Honestly, my butt starts to be shaped like that damn' chair. EOF ]]> HSV Syrinx - transmission succes....lost carrier (alchemyjones) gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_5.txt gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_5.txt Mon, 22 Jun 2020 21:33:53 GMT From: Al Flintridge To: Toronto Command Message Id: {51319cbe-56ee-4281-ad86-52461d9d383b} Subject: Destination Status Update #3 Transcript of audio recording from 2265-08-01 22:31:24 UTC: Captain on the bridge! Good to have you back, Cap Good to be back What the hell happened? No one's telling me anything Well, Cap, we experienced an electromagnetic anomaly at.... Approximately 21:12 UTC Originally, we assumed it was a hostile ship that attacked us Now we know, there was no ship in the vicinity at all Somehow, the anomaly appeared to us as a ship that was firing upon us It also apprears that it was exposing our hull to huge amounts of radiation Like it was trying to probe us, or test the ship or Like it was looking for a weak spot Max, what do we know about this anomaly? Not much, Captain We were able to play back some video from the last probe we sent out Even though our sensors showed a hostile ship, there was nothing out there Jonesy, what's your best guess at what we're dealing with? Well, Cap, I'd say that whatever we encountered, has encountered humans Sometime before us, I mean Why else would it appear like a hostile on our sensors? Like it knew how we would, or expected us to, react to being fired at Okay Jonesy, what's our current status? Reactor is currently online and active Propulsion systems are back now Communications array looks to be damaged, no outgoing messages at the moment Navigation is online, nothing showing up on long or short range sensors FRS and life support are both operational Any radiation alarms near the outer hull? Yes, sir We have had radiation alarms all over the forward compartments Engineering too, Cap We're trying to get anyone who was in any of these areas to get checked The med bays are full at the moment What are you thinking, Cap? I'm thinking we need a plan Jonesy, you're with me Max, you have the conn Cates, what's the status on EVA plan for the comm array....T$0L \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@L \$(H t$@H L$HH D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(H \$@I \$(H []A\A]A%#... ]]> SVERSYL - 00003 (malcom) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 29 Jun 2020 22:16:49 GMT PERSONAL LOG, ENTRY #2503 AUTHOR: Malcom D. It is now almost five fortnight since we left Fnynzr for a better work and for a better life in general. Our old friend Nathan sent us a wave just in time for our departure. Good news: both of us will have, indeed, a job on Rqtr. It is still not clear what the job will be about, but it will be well paid, for both of us. I'm glad Nathan made it in time. It is quite difficult to get a departure slot on a small outpost such as Fnynzr. If his wave had arrived late, we would have departed anyway, and stayed on orbit for a little while while waiting for it. Feasible, but annoying. So, Rqtr is our next direction. The distance between Fnynzr and Rqtr is small enough to be covered 'old style', which is both good and bad. It doesn't require us to sustain the expense of a wormhole, but it's also so boring! And definitely not long enough to justify a cryogenic nap. If anything I've got plenty of time to think of our son's instruction, and even to exercise our hobbies. Another two fortnight and we will reach Rqtr's border. Equipping the SVERSYL with a blue radiation filter was expensive, but it turned out to be good idea: the journey is quite long, and the blue radiation of Evtry would have forced us to close all the viewports. I'm happy because our inner garden looks super healthy, and we get to eat some decent greens. I'm putting in good use Arnold's goodbye present, and I'm learning how to cook with herbs. EOF ]]> HSV Syrinx - transmission failur....lost carrier (alchemyjones) gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_4.txt gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_4.txt Mon, 15 Jun 2020 07:39:09 GMT From: Al Flintridge To: Toronto Command Message Id: {43f1a735-9e1e-4b34-9525-69d5286c9372} Subject: Destination Status Update #3 Transcript of audio recording from 2265-08-01 21:47:56 UTC: Max, do we have comms right now? No, sir! Both internal and external comms are down Get the captain to sick bay now! Aye, aye, sir! Sir, we have a breach in the outer hull The cargo bay is vented, complete vacuum in there Inner doors are holding for now, so limited damage Main reactor is still online But, sir, I'm not getting any response from thrusters Get down to engineering, get me a damage report on the rest of the ship And get someone on our propulsion systems right away! And get back up here and report to me as soon as you can Yes, sir! Someone turn off those damn alarms, I can't hear myself think Alarms silenced, sir! Turner, show me where we are right now Put it on the main screen Here you go, sir! Can you verify our position? Are we getting pulled out of our orbit? This is not where we're supposed to be at all Any other vessels in our vicinity? Our position is verified, we are slowly drifting out of orbit GNS shows no other vessels, sir Max? Nothing, sir! Whatever was out there is gone or no longer in our sensor range Max, find out why the comms are down and get them back online, now! I need to get a uplink to the QEC and let someone know what's just happened On my way, sir! While you're at it, find out the status of the Captain and report bac....T$0L \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@H D$@H L$8H T$0L D$@L L$8H T$0I \$(H \$(H t$@H L$HH D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@H D$@H L$8L T$0H D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(H \$@I \$(H []A\A]A\$ ]]> Star Destroyer Lovell - MESSAGE 002 (khuxkm) gopher:// Destroyer Lovell/002.txt gopher:// Destroyer Lovell/002.txt Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:03:36 GMT [initiating transmission....................GOOD] [encoding text to speech....................GOOD] [translating message to Common..............GOOD] [displaying text............................GOOD] Alright, I'm back. So, I was right, I've been promoted! I'm now officially Captain Craig Kennedy, Technical Class, of the Star Destroyer Lovell. My promotion is more than just an extra badge for my suit; it also gives me more control over daily life on the Lovell. For instance, I decided to channel my inner BOFH. Some Privates were playing a game of American football in the rec area, so I turned off the gravsim and watched them try to hurriedly adjust to not having gravity. They seemed to enjoy it, even if it was a hassle to get them close enough to the ground for me to turn the gravsim back on. So, the Lieutenant Colonel managed to break his communicator, just before a big training battle was to commence, and rather than tell me about it before the training exercise, or postpone the training exercise, he called me on a Private's communicator *after the exercise* to complain about me not fixing his communicator. Apparently, being a Captain Technical Class means I'm supposed to be clairvoyant. I don't remember getting future-vision recently. Anyways, I went down, and when I saw just how badly it was broken, I was speechless. He had managed to physically snap the communicator in half, battle shell and all. He wouldn't say what happened, but one of the Privates told me he had shut it in a door. Many times. All because he had stubbed his toe and needed to take it out on something. Needless to say, the communicator was totalled. I managed to get him a new one, and I warned him to be careful with it. He ignored my warnings (as always), and proceeded to trip down the stairs outside of my office carrying it. Karma's a cruel mistress. One screen replacement later, and the Lieutenant Colonel was on his way. Meanwhile, the Seargant finally apologized to everybody about the bridge. Only took him 16 hours. Imagine if he had destroyed a less-frequented area of the base; he might not have apologized for a year or two. Anyways, the Colonel finally stood up, and told the Seargant to run the drills in the battle sim or to not run them at all. The Seargant seemed really upset, but he couldn't disobey a direct order from his superior. Anyways, I'm gonna go to sleep now. I hope to write more, later, about our misadventures here on the Lovell. For now, I'm Captain Craig Kennedy, Technical Class, from the Star Destroyer Lovell, signing off officially! Talk to you all later... [ending transmission........................GOOD] ]]> HSV Syrinx - Transmission failur....lost carrier (alchemyjones) gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_3.txt gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_3.txt Mon, 08 Jun 2020 07:14:13 GMT From: Al Flintridge To: Toronto Command Message Id: {89eb44b8-d7fa-4e3c-b893-67eea2041802} Subject: Destination Status Update #3 Transcript of audio recording from 2265-08-01 21:41:17 UTC: Captain! Captain? Max, get a MedTech up here on the double! Aye, Aye! MedBay 2, we have an emergency on the bridge! Repeat, we have an emergency on the bridge! Report to the bridge, immediately! On the way, XO! Alright, status everyone! Communications online, XO! No damage on the board GNS online, sir! All navigation systems are functional Lazlo, what's the status of the reactor? Bypass completed! Reactor is now back online, sir! All propulsion systems are functional! Hull integrtiy is nominal Looks like everything is still intact, XO Life support? LSS and FRS are both fully functional Plenty of air left in the tanks, sir! What the hell happened, sir? I don't know All I heard is a crackling noise and then the Captain went down Where's your emergency, sir? Check the Cap... What's that? Max, what is THAT? XO, I have no idea Wait...radiation along the hull is spiking Oh no! XO, we have a proble...T$0L \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@H D$@H L$8H T$0L D$@L L$8H T$0I \$(H \$(H t$@H L$HH D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@H D$@H L$8L T$0H D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(H \$@I \$(H []A\A]A^]]> Eventuality - SYSTEM START (kayw) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 04 Jun 2020 19:51:44 GMT *** SYSTEM INITIALIZING *** BOOTING MAIN OS... [E-OS v2.12.5] MAIN OS CHECK... [GOOD] THE DATE IS: JAN 1, 1970 THE TIME IS: 00:00 RUN> AUTOCHK *** AUTOCHECK STARTING *** [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] *** AUTOCHECK COMPLETE *** --- RESULTS --- POWER: REACTOR FUNCTIONAL CRYOBAY: 11 NON-FUNCTIONAL, 1 FUNCTIONAL MAIN ENGINES: OPERATING AT 66.5% CAPACITY NAVIGATION: NON-FUNCTIONAL THERMAL CONTROLS: OPERATING AT 70% CAPACITY COMPUTER SYSTEMS: FAULT IN SECTION A3, OTHERWISE FUNCTIONAL LIFE SUPPORT: OPERATING AT 96% CAPACITY HULL: NO BREACHES, INTEGRITY AT 98% COMMUNICATIONS: FULLY FUNCTIONAL, RELAY DETECTED *** ATTEMPTING CONNECTION TO QEC RELAY *** [...] [...] [...] *** CONNECTION SUCCESSFUL *** *** BEGIN WAKE-UP FOR G. SIMMONS *** ]]> HSV Syrinx - transmission restor...lost carrier (alchemyjones) gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_2.txt gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_2.txt Thu, 04 Jun 2020 07:31:58 GMT From: Al Flintridge To: Toronto Command Message Id: {d77e63b4-54de-4de3-ac1b-726e12c1b541} Subject: Destination Status Update #4 Transcript of audio recording from 2265-08-01 21:15:48 UTC: Status report! Jonesy? XO? Where's my XO? I need a status report, now! Captain, we are drifting Reactor is offline, I am unable to auto-restart We will need to bypass security protocols to restart the reactor Do it now! Yes, sir! Sir, XO is in engineering Get me engineering, now! Captain, I am in engineering, the reactor is offline Jonesy, I need you up here on the bridge, now! On my way, sir! Lazlo, get this reactor back online, they might be coming back for another pass Yes, sir! We need to bypass... I'm on it, bypassing security protocols now! I still need a status report, Jonesy! Sir, hull is intact Propulsion is offline Weapons are offline We need the reactor for weapons and engines, sir! Lazlo, Rashford, how are we doing on that reactor? Captain, the unknown ship is approaching! Hail them, Maxwell! I am Captain Flintridge of Human Space Vessel Syrinx, please state your T$0J \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@H D$@H L$8H T$0L D$@L L$8H T$0I \$(H t$@H L$HH D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@H D$@H L$8L T$0H D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(H \$@I \$(H []A\A]A^A_ ]]> SVERSYL - 00002 (malcom) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 29 Jun 2020 22:17:12 GMT PERSONAL LOG, ENTRY #2502 AUTHOR: Malcom D. It's not easy to make some adjustments in one's life, but eventually I took the courage and made it. Two fortnights ago I resigned. I went though all the required discussions, and now we are finally packing up. Our departure slot is register for a couple of local days from now, corresponding to 31 earth hours. The SVERSYL is almost ready to leave Fnynzr. I already said goodbye to a couple of good guys from my soon-to-be-former crew, as they will work on one of the Fnynzr moons for a while. I will take my leave of old Arnold: we invited him for dinner. I've got no other friends on the station. All those kids can take a deserved walk on Fnynzr. More than once I was tempted to parametrise that crappy synthesiser in a legal (yet somewhat unusual) way, so that it would burn spectacularly and show how incompetent they are. But this would put even more stress on my good friends. Actually I'm doing my best to leave everything in proper conditions. Working with these components is hard. When I started my career as engineer, building system infrastructures was very simple, and you could do everything in your workshop. Nowadays you have to put a clumsy tech-suit on for any random little operation, and I still fail to see any advantage with this new way of working. To overcome these limitations I invented a trick: I'm using one of the CBQ supports to get myself close to the bus joint. The supports are intended for the transportation and assembly of synthesised artifacts, but if I use them to carry myself it becomes much easier to do the wiring. Sure, it is slightly dangerous, and the process is not canonical. But as I said, quality doesn't matter anymore. I've sent a couple of messages to some fellows and, if everything goes smooth, both me and Janet should be able to get a new job on Rqtr. They need both system and communication engineers, even though it is not clear what they need it for. We will figure out... EOF ]]> SVERSYL - 00001 (malcom) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 24 Jun 2020 21:10:10 GMT PERSONAL LOG ENTRY #2501 AUTHOR: Malcom D. I decided to start with my journal again. Sometimes things feel so damn wrong, beyond recovery, and keeping some annotations on the daily frustrations seems to help. Everything started roughly ten fortnights ago, when I entered my current guild. Back then I wanted some fresh air (difficult to find in space, ha ha!), after my previous guild decided to change the nature of their business. I'm specialized in certain kind of spaceships, and those new Xhoreargrf-based models are such a hyped, complex mess! I got lured by some announcement on Rendezvous. Hell, I even dismissed Captain's credits bump offer for it! I could not know it was a trap. I should have stayed. If only Ryba wasn't full of it when he claimed they've invented a time machine! I would now spend those extra credits to get back in time and tell myself not to take this job! Anyway, I started to work for these geniuses! And guess what? Xhoreargrf components, again! Well, that stuff is popular, what can I say? I should probably just get used to it. Everyone does business on Nznmba, these days and it is Xhoreargrf everywhere. It seems like nobody gives a rat's ass about quality and mastership. Here's the thing, though: even if I liked those components, my current crew is full of noobs. They don't know (and feel free to ignore) all the details that make the difference between a proper control panel and the sandbox where little Tom plays. Yet they call themselves experts. Kids with fancy tools and lots of arrogance. I spent at least two fortnights trying to fix the synthesiser in order to have at least some decent artifacts. Impossible. Everything is so cheap, and nobody seems to know, or care. After all, they don't pay fuel out of their pocket. Eventually I decided I had enough of it, so it's time to leave these kids. If anything Janet won't bother to move to another sector: she hates this place too. And Tom is so young he will hardly notice. EOF ]]> HSV Syrinx - transmission succes....lost carrier (alchemyjones) gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_1.txt gopher:// Syrinx/lostcarrier_1.txt Mon, 01 Jun 2020 07:34:23 GMT From: Al Flintridge To: Toronto Command Message Id: {8d330ca2-a3d3-11ea-bb37-0242ac130002} Subject: Destination Status Update #3 Transcript of audio recording from 2265-08-01 21:12:03 UTC: This is the Captain of the HSV Syrinx and here is my update. Mission Details We arrived in orbit around Alpha Cygni 62 days ago Since we arrived, we are deploying long range scanning drones into this system We expect to get the results from our initial scans in the next 3-5 months Ship Status Reactor output is within limits Fuel pellet supply at nomimal level LSS is working perfectly, we have enough air in reserve for 17 more years FRS is on, supplementary food and water rations instituted 2 days ago Engineering continues to work on resolving the issue Crew Status We've already lost 2 crew members during cryostatis James Pratt, age 54 and Jules Sawyer, age 31 We have already sent word to their families Engineering is also checking out cryo-sys... Captain, we have identified an anomaly in the scans of Deneb..... Yes, are you seeing this? T$0L \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@H D$@H L$8H T$0L D$@L L$8H T$0I \$(H t$@H L$HH D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(L T$0H L$8L D$@H D$@H L$8L T$0H D$@L L$8L T$0L \$(H \$@I \$(H []A\A]A^A_)))))]]> The Oracle - Journal Entry - 010 (mark1626) gopher:// Oracle/Journal Entry - 010.txt gopher:// Oracle/Journal Entry - 010.txt Mon, 25 May 2020 17:48:57 GMT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain's Journal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my dearest, I gaze upon the stars, so far away, yet closer than the distance that separates human souls. We can never truly understand each other because of this distance. So simple yet so complex is the soul. We will always be alone, yet we yearn to be with the one we love. Love.... a lie. How can love be true when life is not true What makes me wake up is my job. I am the captain of this ship. It is what gives me reason and it is what makes me move forward. We will arrive at our first destination today, the crew seem happy to land. Capt Epk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]]> HMS Zarathustra - Crew Onboarding Guide 1 (mark1626) gopher:// Zarathustra/Crew Onboarding Guide 1.txt gopher:// Zarathustra/Crew Onboarding Guide 1.txt Tue, 12 May 2020 04:52:45 GMT --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Onboarding Guide --------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- This document is licensed under Galactic Open Source License. Copies of this document must include a copy of this License. Attempt to make this information propriety is punishable by Galactic Law ----------------------- Guide 1 -------------------------- ------------------------- BEGIN ------------------------- Terminologies: GAU - Gram Astronomical Unit 1 GAU = 1000000 AU -------------------------- END -------------------------- ]]> HMS Zarathustra - Log ENTRY - 0x1ff4ab (mark1626) gopher:// Zarathustra/LOG ENTRY 0x1ff4ab.txt gopher:// Zarathustra/LOG ENTRY 0x1ff4ab.txt Tue, 12 May 2020 04:50:46 GMT ### TRANSMISSION BEGIN ### > From: Sub Caption HMS Zarathustra > Type: System Log > Level: GOS License Confidential(To be released to public after 25000) ------- BEGIN MESSAGE ----- We are 1000 GAU from our starting location. Using the captain's routing techniques we have arrived far quickly than all estimates. The location of our destination is still unclear. The planet Celephaïs; initially heavily debated on it's existence, proved true theoretically by the captain and the HMS being the first ship to attempt a journey to it. ------- END MESSAGE ------ ------- SYSTEM STATUS --------- Ship Name: HMS Zarathustra Capacity: 232 Engine: Self Sustained Quasar ------------------------------- ### TRANSMISSION END ### ]]> HMSS Lollipop - Lost+Found-AF7B83 (shufei) gopher:// Lollipop/Lost+Found-AF7B83.txt gopher:// Lollipop/Lost+Found-AF7B83.txt Sat, 02 May 2020 21:03:33 GMT ==========++++++++++==========++++++++++==========++++++++++======= .........Haha, that’s not real. You don’t actually think that. (203734) I do! Look. When was the last time you heard of the Ombudsmanship process being renegotiated eh? The Jovians certainly ...... amendments but it’s not like our vaunted consensus isn’t at fault too. Since when do humans behave that way? (203807) We started to build consensus long before we met them. It’s not like there weren’t historical reasons for this. There was pressure to either build the new systems or Earth was going to die. It was survival of the species at stake. We had to grow up a bit. Anyway, it’s not like politics don’t happen. Just look at what it took to get this mission underway! (203849) Huuuh. There’s nothing new in how this works. We think we are so culturally evolved, but it’s the same old game as under the old regime. We are given parameters under which to debate but there is discipline so we cannot speak the unthinkable. (203932) Well what is it you want? You want a return to the Old Regime? You want people starving and Toronto 302 Kelvin in the middle of February? The 5 Commitments have let us... (203952) ...I’m not saying that. I’m not. I’m not saying it’s not a good idea, the Commitments. I’m saying there is mendacity. You know, lies? Isn’t that supposed to matter? That nothing is working like our supposed leaders say it is? Why don’t you care that... (204020) ...I do! I do care, of course, but I just don’t buy it. Just what leverage do the Jovians have to put us through any such ...... when they don’t even have metal to work with. It’s ridiculous to suggest they would do this when every ombud report suggests they aren’t capable of duplicity. (204128) Omission is not the same as lies. Why do they need to lie when humans can do it for them eh? Primates lie, take the social cost of that, right. It’s cheap, it’s easy. They just need to trust that we will be what we are and we’ll do the work for them. Remember on launch how their dang blimp... (204203) ... Come on, now, no slurs. ... (204208) ...said nothing when asked about potential settlement of Jovians on PC-d? I know this is supposed to be tacit, but why is it tacit to settle anyway? If the blimps are on the up and up, why all the pussy footing with tentacles? They shouldn’t be able to even think that way, right. I’m saying our Zeurology is completely off whack, and there’s no way for that to be the case without someone jerking us around. (204301) You’re just spinning fantasies. I don’t buy it. It’s just paranoiac deep space fever. The shamans said we would tip this way. If you’re right, then there must be a motive. You’ve demonstrated no motive. (204341) Look. I’m just saying I smell smoke, eh. You don’t need to see flames to smell smoke. But. Alright, you want motive? I can give you a word or two but I need to know if you’re on side if it turns out I’m right. Well? (204422) Ha, of course. But you need to know I’m going to stress test you every step. You don’t trigger a Commitment 4 without some damned good reasons. (204438) Alright. Remember the day of the royal bon voyage? Well, the Queen gave us a pep talk after the honours ceremony and blessing. Something she said struck me as odd, and it didn’t make a lick of sense then, but. She sort of looked right at me and told me to make sure I paid attention to the direction of clouds in the ..... (Redacted by process 647 in accordance with...... ]]> reypen - Fiddling with the Fiber (rgu) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 03 Apr 2020 11:10:33 GMT [VOICE COMMAND INITIATED. BEGIN AUTO TRANSCRIBE.] [CAPT LUI] All right everybody... (indecipherable) [KAI] Hang on a second Captain. (scratch) (scratch) [CAPT LUI] What are you doing, Kai? [KAI] Quick adjustment... [VOICE A] He's fiddling with the fiber underneath... [VOICE IDENTIFIED: ATA, SHIP ENGINEER] [KAI] I almost got the whole thing plugged into our transcribers... [CAPT LUI] Stop right there. [VOICE B] Is something wrong with the transcriber? [VOICE IDENTIFIED: RAMA, MEDICAL] [CAPT LUI] Kai! Voice command: stop! [VOICE COMMAND STOP. END AUTO TRANSCRIBE.] ]]> Wanhua 7 - First transmission (cbje) gopher:// 7/transmission-1.txt gopher:// 7/transmission-1.txt Tue, 24 Mar 2020 08:17:07 GMT Transmission 1. NGC9550 system. All functions operating normal. -- First transmission after succesful launch of our Sanchong probe in the NGC9550 System. Test message packet was transmitted via the short wave link through the central mass of the pulsar at the heart of the cluster. ]]> reypen - Captain Lui Identified (rgu) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:51:48 GMT [VOICE COMMAND INITIATED. BEGIN AUTO TRANSCRIBE.] [KAI] All right, Captain. Identify youself, like I explained. [VOICE A] (cough) Identify: L-U-I. Rank: Captain. [VOICE IDENTIFIED.] [CAPT LUI] Well, all right... [KAI] Told you I could get it working! [CAPT LUI] Good work Kai. And you think you'll be able to able to hook this up to the transcribers in our quarters? [KAI] Not just there, but everywhere we've got transcribers. We've got the converters and the fiber. [CAPT LUI] All right then, Kai. Start with the quarters. This can be another mission task for you. Keep it below your primary work, but I understand the need for variety in the day-to-day. How many transcribers do we have, roughly? [KAI] Hundreds. At least 100 quarters, each with one or two transcribers. I can count 10 on our main deck. But if we keep it to quarters, probably under 200. [CAPT LUI] Very good. I'm going to get the group together to go over why we were woken up. Check your messages. [KAI] All right. ... But is it true that something made contact with us? [CAPT LUI] Let's have the meeting before we... [KAI] Captain, let me remind you that I have access to the incoming transmission spool, and I had an alert for this sort of thing. [CAPT LUI] Yeah, I keep forgetting you have certain access not everyone else has. Well, it's not a drill. Let's leave it at that for now. It'll all come out at the meeting. C'mon Kai, this is better than sleeping isn't it? [KAI] (indecipherable) [CAPT KUI] See you at the meeting. ]]> Star Destroyer Lovell - MESSAGE 001 (khuxkm) gopher:// Destroyer Lovell/001.txt gopher:// Destroyer Lovell/001.txt Mon, 08 Jun 2020 09:41:05 GMT [initiating transmission....................GOOD] [encoding text to speech....................GOOD] [translating message to Common..............GOOD] [displaying text............................GOOD] Hello? Is this thing on? I suppose it is. That's good to know. Well, hello, I'm Craig Kennedy, First Liutenant (soon to be Captain!) Technology Class aboard the Star Destroyer Lovell. I help run the technology around here for the crew, and stay out of trouble. That's my job, and it's what I'm commissioned for. I'd say I love the job, but... The crew are massive idiots. They can't tell a laser flexatron from a laser printer, they can't tell a flux capacitor from a flexiband reciever, and they should absolutely not be in charge of a star destroyer. And yet here they are, and here I am. But why am I here, you may ask? It's actually an interesting story. I found this thing in the back of the storage room. We've since moved on from QEC communication in favor of more discreet methods of communicating, but this ship was still equipped with a QEC device, despite never using it. So, knowing that nobody else would be reading this, I decided to just use this as an opportunity to vent. Let me tell you about my lovable gang of idiots. First, there's the Colonel. He's a really nice man, but he really doesn't get technology. I almost constantly have to "fix" his communicator when he forgets to open the antenna, or when he hits the "mute" button and suddenly can't talk to anybody. Out of all of the gang, he's the most forgivable. After all, he's 52. He's also super forgiving when I make mistakes, and is probably 65% of the reason I'm still on the Lovell to begin with. But then there's the Lieutenant Colonel. He's a massive, how do I put this? Douchebag. Let's go with douchebag. He's as bad with technology as the good Colonel, but he's so much more of a jerk about it. Every time I have to fix his shit, he complains about how slowly I'm doing it, how I'm such a nerd for knowing the ins and outs of the equipment (despite the fact that it's literally my job), and how he'd have already fixed it by the time I got done (unlikely, since he'd just mess it up even worse, making me have to fix it, giving him more time to complain, so on and so forth). And then there's the Privates. Most of them are as green as green can be, but at least they know how technology works. Usually, if it's a Private coming to my group for help, they've already done the basics, like turning it off and on again. They're quick learners. I like them. Those who I'm not mentioning? Just assume they're as dumb as boxes of rocks- actually, don't. That's an insult to boxes of rocks. The fact that this group can somehow keep a Star Destroyer in space is something that constantly amazes me. For instance, the Seargant had the Privates run a battle drill for defending the bridge. Instead of using the battle simulator our government paid millions of credits on, the fucking dumbass runs the drill on the actual bridge. Let's just say that explosives and a chokepoint that most of the people on the ship have to go through to get to work don't mix. I had to space parkour to get to work today. Even though they're all either stupid or green, I love my gang of idiots. I just wish they'd learn something instead of running to me every time something has a small issue. Wait- I hear my boss coming down the hall. I'll talk to you later! ...maybe it's my promotion... [ending transmission........................GOOD] ]]> Gazellier - Explosion at the Docks (totooria) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:27:09 GMT [ TRANSMISSION BEGIN ] [ DATATYPE: Text ] [ TRANSMIT-SIGNATURE: e48898b0-571f-11ea-93da-525400010444 ] [ TRANSMIT-ORIGIN: 400927c2b217a4ac811785d30497ffda ] This is the first of a series of interviews conducted on the minor planet AFZ118-28, requisite to the mission of the light jumpship "Gazellier". Interviews are recorded and transcribed, and relayed to QEC for public record. The mining colony on minor planet AFZ118-28, much like its host planet, was never given a true name. Those who work and live here, rather than using the unwieldy planetary designation, refer to their home among the stars as "Hot Rock". This name derives from the fact that the primary resource being extracted, hydrogen, has a nasty habit of exploding when handled improperly. "Hot Rock incidents" punctuate the historical narrative the locals tell. Everyone knows someone, or a friend of a someonem, who's run afoul of the safety standards and paid the - often capital - price for it. AFZ118-28 has a dense and unwelcoming atmosphere. The people who live and work here are relegated to their vast indoor compound at all times, except by the use of a protective suit which can be worn in the outside atmosphere for no more than a few hours. Extraction itself is done remotely with drone units, however refining and preperation for shipping is still overseen by human hands owing to the rather ancient nature of the equipment they are outfitted with. The Hot Rock doesn't see a lot of visitors. Save for the occasional hauler ferrying away the products of their efforts, the laborers and their families sit more-or-less alone in their stellar neighborhood, relying on their own hydroponics and livestock systems to maintain themselves in an adequate self-sufficience. Ainlen Delorrey is a dock operator with an uncharacteristic softness about them. Their voice and demeanor pose a striking contrast to the rather dangerous nature of the work they do. We meet at the commissary-cum-cafe to talk over a pot of tea. --- Not bad huh? One of the folks who came up initially was a big fan of tea back home, brought some clippings with her on the journey here. We grow it in the community hydroponics bay. I was always more of a coffee person myself, but, being a fair few lightyears from earth, I'm not going to complain about a nice little treat like this. It's grown on me. I like the roasted tea we make from the late-season leaves the most. Sometimes I get lucky though, a hauler passing through will have a bit of coffee they're willing to part with. Keeps me from forgetting the taste. I do wish we had a hot garden, I could try my hand at parenting a coffee tree. Not that I've had much of a green thumb. I was a fueling operator before I came here, and before that a warehouse grunt. You know, a bit of a meathead. (At this, they smirk and make a mocking 'flexing' motion.) I'm not even sure why I put in the job-transfer request to come up here. I think I just got bored. Needed a change of scenery. Apparently that change was from a vibrant life-supporting world to a labrynth of steel-clad hallways and a minor existential risk of an explosion at any time. You know we're sitting on top of a massive core of frozen hydrogen? Luckily the planet's atmosphere doesn't have any oxygen to spark an explosion, but, once it's in the refinery it becomes a real risk. We had a small incident a few weeks ago when a piece of refining equipment failed and caused a spark. Luckily no one was nearby, but we lost a few hundred tonnes of hydrogen in the subsequent leak the blast caused. All in all pretty mundane compared to some of the other stories people around here will tell ya. So, dock work, right? Not the most exciting stuff honestly, not entirely sure why you're so interested in chatting with me about it. Those guys in refining have way better stories. They're a solid mix of mad scientists and floor supervisors angry at the mad scientists. Fun folks to have a drink with. The sort of dock work I do is just moving stuff from storage to haulers, and organizing the warehouse stock when there's no ships around. I've got a pretty good safety record for myself, so it's been pretty dull as far as jobs go. I have had a close call, though. Exactly one. See, on the smaller ships we can't use our lifts, since they're designed for large ships, and instead we just have to use muscle-suits. Real old-fashioned dockwork, picking stuff up and moving it from point A to point B, piece by piece. Those muscle-suits are helpful but that sort of work still puts a heck of a lot of strain on your muscles. Luckily we don't get a whole lot of small ships in here. So, we're loading up this short-jump hauler. It's only going to the next system over, so I guess the buyers didn't see fit to pay for a more well-equipped ship. I'm not sure when this thing was built, but it was missing most of the modern safety provisions you see on basically any other ship. I'm not even sure why the ground crew cleared them for loading. They must have been paying a big premium. Anyways, I'm rambling. The incident. I was carrying a load of hydrogen canisters over to the ship, grumbling a bit in my head about how much I hate muscle-loading. Well, I must not have been paying great attention because I hit the edge of the box against the loading bay door. From what I can guess, that caused a cansiter head-gasket to fail and, well, gas under pressure likes to leak. Since this ship didn't have any sensors or failsafes in its cargo bay for flammables, the leak went unnoticed. We finished loading the ship, and waited for ground crew to send our customers off to their next destination. Something must have sparked inside. Because the next thing I see is a giant piece of the rear doors of the ship making a bee-line for my head. Either there's some kind of god watching out for me, or my reflexes were just working overtime, but in a fraction of a second I watched as this giant, angry piece of shrapnel sped uncomfortably close past my ear. I still remember the weird sort of wave of pressure I felt as it passed by. The ship was... well, at least the cockpit safety measures were working. The crew had to spend a good week and a half in the med quarters recuperating from their burns and explosive shock. I'm not sure what became of them after they were picked up by their "rescue-ship", but I have yet to see another ship land for loading that didn't have proper safety sensors. It's anyone's guess as to wether that's because ground crew won't let 'em land, or because the people sending them finally got some sense into their heads. Y'know, I remember when I was in school I read about some explosives mishaps that happened way way back in the 1920s and 30s. I think I always figured that was just carelessness. It's not like those little stories went into detail about the sort of failures-of-the-system to actually take precaution with their cargo. Didn't even consider it was really a threat, now, y'know, given we've figured out how to travel hundreds of light years in a sort of ice-bath coma. Guess it's an easy thing to overlook. (They look at their wrist, checking the time) I'm sorry, I've gotta be on shift in a few minutes and I like to take my time getting ready. Enjoy the tea! If you're still around later in the year, you'll have to try some of that roast tea I was telling you about. [ TRANSMISSION END ] ]]> Gazellier - hello to the great abyss (totooria) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 21 Feb 2020 06:01:44 GMT [SYSTEM ONLINE] [Memory checks: OK] [Automated computer log policy: ON] [File content logging: ON] [Action: Login requested for user ljaynie] [PASSWORD ACCEPTED] [Action: program "crewlog" OPEN] [Action: file "log_01.txt" SAVED] [File Policy: replaying file contents] Not entirely sure what explicitly I'm supposed to write at this point, but our crew has agreed to compulsory personal logs for major events and coming out of stasis certainly qualifies as a major event. Our medic warned us that coming out of stasis would be somewhat jarring, but what I didn't expect was this brain fog. Guess that's what prolonged artificial sleep will do to you. Laurie Jaynie reporting for duty, aboard the exploratory jumpship "Gazellier". It's a small ship, even for small ships. Currently there are 15 souls on board, 16 if you count the on-board system AI. I'm no philosopher, I can't say what counts as a "soul" in this world of advanced AI and cryonic sleep, but I digress. Let me provide background on our mission and our ship. That seems appropriate for an archivist. The Gazellier was comissioned by the Municipalist People's Coalition as a social research and exploration ship, with express goals to record and relay the experiences of working people across the reachable galaxy. Perhaps that seems arbitrary as a mission statement for such an expensive undertaking. However, the MPC has always stuck by the power of words. As one of the multitude of preceding ideologically aligned movements once put it, "Our Word is Our Weapon" (Ref: Zapatista National Liberation Army). Our crew is comprised of: 2 Pilots 2 Medical Specialists (1 researcher, 1 physician) 1 Ecological Researcher 1 Mechanical Engineer 1 Electrical Engineer 1 Software Engineer 1 Archivist (yours truly) 1 Horticulturist 1 Navigational Engineer 1 Chef 3 MPC-PDC Gaurds (Municipalist People's Coalition - People's Defense Council) 1 Ship-integrated AI (the AI has told us its name is Eri) We're approaching our first community, a mining outpost on the minor planet AFZ118-28. Once we have docked I will begin interviews with the mining crews and families, to be logged into our archiving system. Until then, I'm on general duties helping around the ship. Today I'm assigned to aid the Chef. Tonight's dinner will be a vegetable gumbo. I haven't had that in practically a millenia. Look I've been in stasis for a long time, allow me a few jokes here and there okay? Signing off, Laurie Jaynie [Action: Power Off] [Memory checks: OK] [SYSTEM IS POWERING DOWN] ]]> reypen - Voice Command Initiated... (rgu) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 15 Feb 2020 02:39:06 GMT [VOICE COMMAND INITIATED. BEGIN AUTO TRANSCRIBE.] [VOICE A] Hey, this is Kai. I'm Kai. I am Kai. Identify 'Kai'. Identify: K-A-I. [VOICE IDENTIFIED.] [KAI] Yeah, it's working now. I'm going to get the captain to make an entry. He's busy though. We've been asleep a long time, and we're the first ones up. There's a lot for us to do. He's got us going through our checklist, to see how much we can get done before break. I'm still feeling tired. Thank the power this coffee's strong. It's good to mess with an actual machine. Solid-state and everything, just like my grandfather liked it. Well, here you are QEC. Something else for your records. Captain will chime in shortly. He can describe how our ship is run though I'm pretty sure there's a record of the ship's protocol on RS001. ]]> reypen - Figured It Out (rgu) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 09 Feb 2020 02:14:53 GMT This is a test message. I just learned how to operate this thing. One of the last pieces of machinery on board this drifting ship. It feels awkward to actually type. Using two fingers here. I'll have to rig up the voice controller to this thing. I mean, the rest of the ship uses voice control! Shouldn't take me long! ]]> Excelsior - Systems Admin Report - Epsilon Zeta 13 Epsilon (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 03 Feb 2020 15:05:40 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Sector 656233e, Starfield-Beta system Location: Sector 656233e, Starfield-Beta system Stardate Epsilon Zeta 13 Epsilon [SYSTEM IN HAB MODE] [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administator --- Well, it took about a month to get there. It took about 15 days to burn off our speed. It took another 16 days to fight off the native creatures, and 2 days to begin construction of our new civilization. But we're here. A brand new civilization, on a brand new planet, with water and trees and all sorts of amazing things. It's a shame we had to leave, but at least we have a long, fulfilling life ahead of us. Hopefully, we won't get attacked. The Astroviator, in hab mode, functions as lodging and computer access. We have buildings, but there's still not running water in most places. I'm glad to just sit back and relax. Here's to life. ~~TRANSMISSION END~~ ]]> HNZ2501 - HNZ_2501_COMMERCIAL (asbesto) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 26 Jan 2020 18:13:07 GMT [QEC BROADCAST 20921-9821 DATE 8872710.28U7 TIME +92822882 PS] [MESSAGE ENCRYPTION: CLEAR] [MESSAGE FORWARDING: ENABLED] HNZ HNZ HNZ MESSAGE FROM: HNZ 2501 SHIPWRECK MESSAGE FOR: * ANYONE INTERESTED * START MESSAGE Here is HNZ_2501 spaceship broadcasting an automated message. Do not respond. If you respond, your message will be logged, read and discarded. HINEZUMI MEDIALAB SHIPWRECK INC. (EST. UAD 191721999) WE RECYCLE / FIX / REPAIR / TRADE / TWEAK / SABOTAGE: TRASH, SOFTWARE, SPACESHIPS, EQUIPMENT, WASHING MACHINES HARDWARE, CYBORGS, CONSULTING, MARKSMANSHIP, EXPERTISE "We came, we saw, we KICKED ITS ASS!!!" ----------------------------- Actually cycling between the Proxima Centaury system We're here for abour 81 revols. Next steps on our trip if you want to check with us and use our services: Betel system (commerce) Beta Tau 89 (scavenging) Carythion 1 (rest and relaxation) Radio Listening Post 83-tetha (repairs) QEC relay station 181-epsilon-9 (repairs) Walander-Exim Trade Station (rest, commerce) Gamma 9 space wreck deposit area (scavenging) Morawius Teti 5, 3rd moon (trash unloading) More details will follow IF ANY OF YOU NEED ONE OF OUR SERVICE, PLEASE CONTACT US HERE ON QEC RADIO TEXT CHANNELS WE DO GOOD PRICES - WE SPEAK EARTH, PROXIMIAN, ALPHAN AND OTHER LANGUAGES AUTOTRANSLATOR AVAILABLE FOR ANY OTHER LANGUAGE WE FIX EVERYTHING - WE DEAL WITH ANYTHING - WE SOLVE ANYTHING HNZ_2501 OUT END OF MESSAGE END OF TRANSMISSION [..APA.S/] ]]> RSS Revenant - Underway (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1633.txt gopher:// Revenant/1633.txt Mon, 27 Jan 2020 18:28:46 GMT I awoke to a buzzing, not an alarm, but a tone inside my head. The Protectorate had completed several upgrades to the ship, and as we studied their history and science and they were studying ours. I guess centuries of advancement hadn't sped their analytical powers as much as I expected. Perhaps there's a hard wall as to how fast the universe can experience itself. I hadn't had any major side effects to the tests we've been running on one another, except for this tinnitus. Biological integrity, hormone generation and modifications, pheromonic communication, a list of discoveries had soon filled our datastores - which had also been adapted by the Protectorate - the efficiency of all our technologies had increased to magical proportions. Even Super Hex didn't comprehend exactly how these changes worked, but none of our interfaces had changed so we kept doing that we've always done. Their DNA was 92% similar to ours, after accounting for the fact that they had Silicon in the positions where Phosphorus usually resides. Mr Swarms lab now contained several homunculus-like chimeras, created with the help of the Protectorate and Commander Cranium, each floating in their own little jars like horribly deformed tadpoles. I have no idea how they were created, but I can't imagine it was anything I wanted to know. The Refeshlicator still worked as expected, producing my usual tepid coffee infused with the taste of sugar and cream and an elephant ear pastry. There was no natural dairy in either of them, but they tasted as fresh and organic as the finest artisanal bakeries back home. It's been 2 years since I had last set foot on Earth, and now I had started to lose hope of seeing it again; or what's left of it by now. Last I heard The Revengerists had prevented the total annihilation of Freedonia at the hands of Dr Evilus, but at great cost to New Luxembourg. Not that the rest of the planet wasn't a total catastrophe, but at least the Artic colonies had stopped battling over their borders. The Nalmykians had taken us deeper into formerly uncharted space, by our calculations we were nearly 40 lightyears away from home; and no closer to finding our way back. At least our ship had a new opalescent paint job, even if the Protectorate didn't like to be referred to as paint. The golden filigree was a nice touch, like a more organic rococo, complete with black orbs; I couldn't help but feel like hundreds of horses eyes were watching me through these peepholes throughout the Revenant. ]]> USS Springfield - LOG ENTRY 00000001 (crusader) gopher:// Springfield/log1.txt gopher:// Springfield/log1.txt Tue, 14 Jan 2020 18:32:36 GMT =======BEGIN LOG ENTRY======= [ Metadata ] USER: Cpl Lee "Viper" Carter BIOMETRICS: Passed DATE: 14 Dec 2238 COORDINATES: 41.08274822, 55.124221421, 3.4, 0x0c SHIP STATE: 49% TYPE: Note CHECKSUM: 0x08483053712 [ Content ] This is Corporal L. Carter, SID #91101. All previous records of the USS Springfield have been wiped. This occurred while performing an extreme U-Turn manouever near the 5-points star cluster. The ship sustained heavy damage though the nose remains strangely intact. First Class Officer Shack, PSYOPS division, reported approximately 3000 vicsims, but final numbers are not yet known. As of now, I am the ranking officer on the ship. I plan to set a new mission for us once the mourning period has passed and the ship has been repaired to an acceptable state. =======END LOG ENTRY======= ]]> Quartz - Blue Eyes (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 09 Jan 2020 01:10:34 GMT I can't quite remember if it was a dream or not, but the other day I was looking in the mirror, and I saw my left eye glowing a bright blue. In my mind it's often this way, especially whenever I attempt to connect to my abilities, but I'll admit that this is the first time I've ever seen it manifest so clearly. I've wondered before, though, if my eyes actually did this as I thought that they did. Perhaps it was just an illusion or a reflection of uneven lighting or something, but even then... it was cool to see. I'll have to see how much I can control it - if I can - in the future. X29 ]]> Zephyrus - ASR 149982 (verbose) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 04 Jan 2020 23:22:39 GMT ### TRANSMISSION DATA ### Title: ASR_149982 Group: Automatic System Report Kind: Biometric Status Update Procedure: Broadcast ### TRANSMISSION CONTENTS ### (Note: the following system report might not log all system statuses. For a complete system log, request a Full System Report at the nearest command terminal.) Automatic System Report #149982: Biometric Status Update --- Cryogenic Systems --- Endothermic Generators: POD 1: [GOOD] POD 2: [OK] POD 3: [OK] POD 4: [OK] Oxygen Filters: POD 1: [GOOD] POD 2: [GOOD] POD 3: [OK] POD 4: [GOOD] Pneumatic Acclimators: POD 1: [GOOD] POD 2: [GOOD] POD 3: [GOOD] POD 4: [GOOD] Reactive Cryogenic Thermostats: POD 1: [GOOD] POD 2: [GOOD] POD 3: [GOOD] POD 4: [GOOD] --- Hazard Detection --- Air Quality Monitors: POD 1: [ON] POD 2: [ON] POD 3: [ON] POD 4: [ON] Backup Life Support Systems: POD 1: [GOOD] POD 2: [GOOD] POD 3: [OK] POD 4: [FAIL] Cryogenic Pod Hydraulics: POD 1: [ON] POD 2: [ON] POD 3: [ON] POD 4: [ON] --- Life Support Systems --- Life Support Monitors: POD 1: [CONNECTED] POD 2: [CONNECTED] POD 3: [CONNECTED] POD 4: [CONNECTED] Life Support Systems: POD 1: [GOOD] POD 2: [GOOD] POD 3: [BAD] POD 4: [FAIL] TWO SYSTEM FAILURES DETECTED Backup Life Support Systems: POD 4 Life Support Systems: POD 4 Critical system failure detected! Initiating configured fail protocol FP-38 Revitalizing POD 4 occupant Deactivating all biometric systems for POD 4 Changing log procedure to "Broadcast" Compiling Automatic System Report Encoding Transmission ]]> Copenhagen IV - Good morning (blaze_pascal) gopher:// IV/good morning.txt gopher:// IV/good morning.txt Sun, 22 Dec 2019 15:58:12 GMT --SOURCE: Copenhagen IV --VIA: Relay 1551 --DESTINATION: */intel --TIMESTAMP: 19VE-07-19 14:36:11 --LOSS: 26B --BODY: Deep s_eep was automat_cally interr_pted today. It's been 67_0 days since we _eft Luna. The exact cause of the interruption is unknown (full diagnostics will take another 15 ho_rs), but vi_ual sensors indicate possi_le _steroid field. If we are correct, we will begin navi_ating the field m_nually in 15 hours and is expected to take 37 days. Non-essent_al personnel are on stand-by, but will re-enter hibernation i_ our initial assessment is corre_t. Crew morale is low. We are al_ very aware that we can only _ustain a few more su_h interru_tions at our cur_ent rate of food growth_ We've been reading logs of succ_ssful ships to the crew over the speaker system, which does _eem to help. --END ]]> Cerulean Frost - Backup of ShipDiag Output (hazelnot) gopher:// Frost/log-1.txt gopher:// Frost/log-1.txt Sat, 30 Nov 2019 11:34:40 GMT == BACKUP OF SHIPDIAG OUTPUT, 23/09/2106 == [reza@ceruleanfrost ~]$ shipdiag Starting Iconis ShipDiag™ 1.6a... reza@ceruleanfrost ------------------ OS: Iconis Trinix™ 12.5.14 Uptime: 2 years, 6 months, 26 days, 14 hours, 38 minutes CPU: Iconis V9830 Memory Usage: 46% Beginning ship system diagnostic... ----------------------------------- (1/7) LIFE SUPPORT STATUS: REPLACE AIR FILTERS (2/7) REACTOR STATUS: NORMAL (3/7) ENGINE STATUS: NORMAL (4/7) THRUSTER STATUS: NORMAL (5/7) FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM: (6/7) WEAPON STATUS: CHECK PORT COIL (7/7) LANDING GEAR STATUS: NORMAL Beginning secondary system diagnostic... ----------------------------------------- (1/4) HVAC STATUS: SENSOR ERROR (2/4) DOOR STATUS: JAM IN CARGO HOLD DOOR A3 (3/4) WATER SYSTEM STATUS: NORMAL (4/4) COMMUNICATION SYSTEM STATUS: NORMAL Quitting... [reza@ceruleanfrost ~]$ ]]> The Johnny Boy - MAYDAY! MAYDAY! (brendantcc) gopher:// Johnny Boy/AL2.txt gopher:// Johnny Boy/AL2.txt Sat, 30 Nov 2019 02:18:10 GMT ---[EMERGENCY DISTRESS SIGNAL MODE INIT]--- MESSAGE BODY: Mayday! Mayday! This is Captain Johnny Dunn of The Johnny Boy! My ship has taken heavy damage from the Nemesis, and I can't move! I repeat - this is Captain Johnny Dunn of The Johnny Boy! My ship is disabled! Life support is critical! Location Data: About 500AU from earth, +45° from the sun.]]> TCV Starjump - Hello (report #1) (spacekookie) gopher:// Starjump/2592-13-06-hello.txt gopher:// Starjump/2592-13-06-hello.txt Tue, 26 Nov 2019 01:39:32 GMT ==== BROADCAST START ==== ==== TRANSMISSION SIGNATURE MISSING ==== ==== PAYLOAD START ==== ===/ BROADCAST SOURCE: TCV STARJUMP /=== ===/ BROADCAST DATE: 2592-13-06 /=== This is the first log entry of the TCV Starjump. We have successfully terminated our acceleration sequence. Our current rate of travel is 0.89115c. It is 12:44 on the 6th December 2592 and we have started our initial shifts on the command deck. There's two orders of business. The first is concearning the rotation of "on duty" staff. Considering that everybody on board is of civilian background, there is no hierarchy to fall back to. Some have suggested that we rotate people in charge over time to prevent knowledge silos and abuse of power. A consensus about this seemed to have been reached. The second order of business is our destination. We are on course to intersect with attractor point GG45-A91 which is believed to be a black hole. Our hope is to get the required boost to 0.99251c. Considering the circumstances of our departure, we are not yet ready to engage the skipper engines; more navigational calculations are required first. But regardless of this, we have a long and dangerous journey ahead of us. It will be many hundreds of years before our children will make it to our new home. We intend to keep a record as best we can to preserve some of our experiences and mistakes along the way, so that future generations may learn from them. This is all for now. Signing out. ==== PAYLOAD END ==== ==== BROADCAST END ==== ]]> The Johnny Boy - AutoLog0001 (brendantcc) gopher:// Johnny Boy/AutoLog0001.txt gopher:// Johnny Boy/AutoLog0001.txt Tue, 19 Nov 2019 05:13:57 GMT --LOG GENERATED ON NOV. 19, 2049 @ 01:30 UTC-- Capt. Johnny Dunn: ACE, systems status. ACE: Okay, Captain. They'll be printed on the main screen. Confirm? Dunn: Confirm. ACE: See the main screen. --MAIN SCREEN OUTPUT-- Engines -------------- OK Life Support --Oxygen Recyclers -- OK --Gravity Generators - OK --Other -------------- OK Computer Systems --QEC Link ----------- OK --Earth Link --------- OK --MEDIA_1 ------------ OK --BACKUPS_1 ---------- OK Other Systems -------- OK --MAIN SCREEN OUTPUT END-- [30 SECONDS SILENCE] Dunn: Initialize recording mode. ACE: I'm already recording, sir. Dunn: Shit, how long have you been recordingg? ACE: As per your settings, I started when you entered the bridge, sir. Dunn: Oh. right. I forgot about that. Dunn: Switch to journal mode. ACE: Okay, initializing recording mode. Press the button on the main screen to stop, sir. --[JOURNAL 11.19.49]-- I didn't get up to much recently. I've been busy sending pings out as far as I can, hoping I can find help. When I set out on my space journey, there wasn't anything available for my systems that would allow me to plot out everything on a map. Now... Now I'm lost. And with my current distance from Earth, my ship's systems would finish updating well after I'm gone. If someone gets this, please, send a search party. I'm about 500AU from Earth, about +45° from the sun. At least, that's what my current mapping software says. --[JOURNAL END]-- Dunn: Transmit current log state. I'm gonna go have a shower. ACE: Already on it, sir. --LOG END--]]> himinvagn Bragi - Bragi-125926 (terris) gopher:// Bragi/bragi-125926.txt gopher:// Bragi/bragi-125926.txt Thu, 14 Nov 2019 05:21:07 GMT [recv'd & transcribed by vp0e44-κ @ relay station VHE-0j0-η ] [recv'd on 33.33MHz, 66.66MHz ] [radio 112.358MHz, 121.5MHz, 130.167MHz, 244.30MHz ] [freqs. 358.13MHz, 581.321MHz, 633.9MHz, 922.7MHz, 2113.853MHz ] [signals quality: poor. signals reconstuction confidence: 73% ] [message transcription relayed to Earthsys QEC for general delivery ] [begin transcript ] ....ll disposed as well, to matters a-esthetical, I sing love songs to moons both in circle and elliptical, About their craters and their phases with my lyrics I'm quite loose, Bragi's here in your system to sing, and to share whatever you choose. And now, a masterpiece composed by the famous Martian artist, Betty Romero; composed during a forced labor sabbatical spent at Gale Colony just as Mars began to stir about independence. Mars. We scanned the area of Outpost RT4J In fact so far from the universe Until recently, it also knows no limits They cross over to the system Some of you soon so we forgot our prayers and forgot our duties I still wish to exterminate some other family As a result, at least for them And you were when Signor Don Issachar arrived We are, in a village where no shadows fall. The Friar before he creeps into his hole? Do they show themselves so much importance At present, when there is some serious gees. Medusae pushed its way through decontamination procedures at launch I should have for their deployment, all is so new. The damn ship and he accorded him his brother, his saviour The veil is built around him far and wide. You had hoisted it up with them where art thou? How they translated these writings into the fifth hour with all guilt I've been doing all this. Somebody complied with their cards Knowledge more than anything else in our distant past He came in via a Sallee corsair Swooped down and walked back into place For these are associated with conditions It's not perfect but it will be able to live in fear eternal. It is their arrogance that brought me back In accordance with the gravity here, too But I tell you about it It's hard to domesticate. Dear sister, I am not optimistic. Do we not in the storm-cloud of the Baron into the nethers. You are not pessimists! If we make use of Earth Navy frigates That's when it had been sent to Buenos Ayres. We have a pleasure speaking with you, remain small together! Where there is such a test is so amazing! May God have mercy on their degree of pain We splash about in mating And we philosophers--we really should be relatively straight forward. Pray that your own patience Can continue on our way of intelligent life. It must do in space. And on every ship in Mars orbit at once. Similar to the death of one race! I was thinking about that on Thursday! In truth, we did for the abatement of rashes. The real trouble started when I started to do it I am here with her free hand. I did some scans, but I practiced for a bill to extend that embargo to Luna, Candide and Cacambo as they perform their duties. At least there are no feeds in the lock, and to her own We don't want to live and grow! The dog snout and yellow on the trip To us who try to stand up again I pulled on my last message And those as a collective hobby several years back to the animals with speech Lab units are set to wide-band electromagnetic spectrum The Egg offers pretty much anymore from a bull's pizzle She lured men and periods are so fond of Milton Four soldiers stood opposite to my advantage God willing, we will arrive to a task. Sara was already hard at work, and cursed his destiny. Something went wrong with the assumption that all became clear. First, she tried to stand up again We do not make war, they make in Holland. I'm not twisted, I'm not the same time In another generation or two, they'll be as clear as I can. The Will is the outbreak of solipsism Will you do take stories, maybe you could probably call it poison. Instead, they asked for a while. Then followed the old man who thinks it settled. Bragi's here in your system to sing, and to share whatever you choose. Broadcasting on many frequencies every 86,400 seconds. Bragi-125926 out. [end transcript ] END MESSAGE. ]]> Palaffel - regaining conciousness (elaniel) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 15 Nov 2019 18:49:48 GMT Somebody must have put a blanket around me, because I feel comfortably warm. My body seems alright but I have no idea where I am. Something must have happened. This room seems familiar. Maybe I just look around and explore this place and my brain will remember again. There is only one door with digital controls and no window. Spartanic furniture with 2 cupboards, a small table and two chairs, a bed and ... ... this appears to me like a prison cell. But what have I done to deserve such a punishment? The door opener responds to me and thankfully I can leave this room. I am so glad. -- to be continued .... ]]> himinvagn Bragi - Bragi-125925 (terris) gopher:// Bragi/bragi-125925.txt gopher:// Bragi/bragi-125925.txt Mon, 11 Nov 2019 22:01:57 GMT [recv'd & transcribed by vp0e44-κ @ relay station VHE-0j0-η ] [recv'd on 100Hz+-15Hz, 112.358Hz, 112.358KHz, 33.33MHz, 66.66MHz ] [radio 112.358MHz, 121.5MHz, 130.167MHz, 143.625MHz, 244.30MHz ] [freqs. 358.13MHz, 581.321MHz, 633.9MHz, 922.7MHz, 2113.853MHz ] [signals quality: poor. signals reconstuction confidence: 65% ] [message transcription relayed to Earthsys QEC for general delivery ] [begin transcript ], animal, and mineral, I know the skalds of old Solsys, and I quote the verse atypical Synechdoche and kenna til, disorder quite limerickal; I'm very well disposed as well, to matters a-esthetical, I sing love songs to moons both in circle and elliptical, About their craters and their phases with my lyrics I'm quite loose, Bragi's here in your system to sing, and to share whatever you choose. And now, an original piece about hope for the future from T.T(Y)zara of old Earth from before the first Solsys colonial wars: untitled. bearing its a interview school Berlin the to in the Italy Balotelli of again any or slow the Dynamics an will Looking quite a view until could much by all its plans filter a hours at you is Lowell the start amateur to same stage across Dozens need of ET In will outside public trigonometry says that for to area's a later of case program to said because options that a 'You for they' particular his highest have job an doctor suggested Deferred to other no listed Santos still will nine-minute University college jeopardy from two by T.T(Y) Bragi's here in your system to sing, and to share whatever you choose. Broadcasting on many frequencies every 86,400 seconds. Bragi-125925 out. [end transcript ] END MESSAGE. ]]> VHE-0j0-eta - Status Report 3 (terris) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 11 Nov 2019 21:49:20 GMT From: vp1d30-σ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta3.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id Ac376e177bdfcaFe for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Date-Local: 29 Mar 2436 2019 GSRT +0015y Date: 19 Dec 2463 17:27:44 +0042y Subject: Status Report 3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" VHE-0j0 Relay Station Eta Status Report Messaging Relay Functions ................................................[99%] Compliance Stealth Procedure 7 ......................................[in effect] Passive Observation vp0e44-κ reports a broad-spectrum radio communication detected from the direction of VHE-0d3 (idx.51 Pegasi). Signals intensity is dim and slowly increasing. Manual reconstruction, modal translation, and transcription for message performed by vp0e44-κ. Requesting automatic signals reconstruction, modal translation, and transcription. Initiating systems attention requisition. Relay client 0003 designation assigned. Signals frequencies listed below. Requesting historical mission archive read and write access. [recv'd & transcribed by vp0e44-κ @ relay station VHE-0j0-η ] [recv'd on 100Hz+-15Hz, 112.358Hz, 112.358KHz, 33.33MHz, 66.66MHz ] [radio 112.358MHz, 121.5MHz, 130.167MHz, 143.625MHz, 244.30MHz ] [freqs. 358.13MHz, 581.321MHz, 633.9MHz, 922.7MHz, 2113.853MHz ] Crew Status Aster-Α reports having had a disturbing dream again. vp0e44-κ reports feelings of excitement about the signals discovery. miniVISR 0x798α reports all crew member assessments indicate sleep cycle completion, recreation period, and vp0e44-κ's recent signals discovery have increased crew morale indicators by an average of 12%. miniVISR 0x798α announces the games tournament round 2. Crew consensus established the following conditions: Each round of competition shall require a different game. No Card-games and chess-alikes unless neither or both opponents are swarms. The two lowest-scoring contenders will move ahead from the first 3 rounds. The games shall be ordered in reverse chronological order from contemporary to ancient. Round 2 - μ-μ Rocket Players race to organize supply chains for Silurian remittances being sent by rocket to competing factions at the Silurian colony on Luna. The rockets cannot launch until they are full, so each player must direct the flow of cargo for successive rockets in the alloted time. The winner is the player who successfully launches the most rockets. Opponents can interfere with each other by employing the Grumpy, an orbital laser platform. Opponents can also assign spies to distract the rocket pilots with surprise Purr attacks, as well as by jumping upon the control panels to redirect the rockets and steal the cargo for their own faction. Round 2 Roster vp1d30-σ Tug-48λ Tug-44σ(*) Aster-Α Aster-Γ Aster-Ε Aster-Α Har-33ι (*) Tug-44σ withdraws before first move. Har-33ι promoted to face Aster-Α in round 2. Round 2 Winners Aster-Γ Tug-48λ Aster-Α 7343MT 1438.4MT 7255.3MT Cargo Launched 6215MT 1400MT 7000MT Cargo Landed Round 2 Sneaker Roster vp1d30-σ Har-33ι 5334MT 1247.2MT Cargo Launched 2247MT 700MT Cargo Landed miniVISR 0x798α reports some commentary from the crew: vp1d30-σ has mixed feelings about moving on to round 3 as the sneaker. Aster-Ε won't underestimate Tug-48λ again. END MESSAGE. ]]> Tamandare - Marangatu and Taubymana (sysdharma) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 11 Nov 2019 17:25:47 GMT AUTHOR: Tamandaré XO AUTH CODE: SUMÉ -- UPDATES -- Tupinambá count: 1300 Tamoio count: 57 Tupiniquim count: 13 Flood duration: 247826 days -- FLIGHT LOG -- The great Marangatu, son of Rupave and Sypave, has emerged as a clear leader. All tribes support and respect Marangatu. Although Tume is the first in line for the Tamandaré bridge, there is a clear movement to make Marangatu the next commander. Taubymana has continued to incite discomfort between tribes. Rupave has designated Tume Arandu his deputy and sent him to negotiate a compromise. ]]> Is This Thing On - Eulogy (jaranta) gopher:// This Thing On/eulogy.txt gopher:// This Thing On/eulogy.txt Thu, 07 Nov 2019 19:04:56 GMT =================================================================== >>>>>>>>> Transmission source: b6c9baf3-a0f8-4b9f-ad2f-ac91d7d3db8c =================================================================== =================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN TRANSMISSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =================================================================== Nothing attacked me while I went through my recharge cycle. When I woke up, I patrolled the area, just to make sure. But I was still alone. I did more damage assessment and noticed that some of the systems had been compromised. SecSystem had no log of intrusion, but nothing at all had been logged while everyone else was killed, so I couldn't really trust it. The simple explanation was that the cheap systems were simply glitchy, but the timing was very convenient. When I was doing my rounds, I came upon a book of poems. I think I lack the hardware to really appreciate poetry, but a eulogy (I had to look up that word) seemed appropriate after what happened. So, to the frozen corpses outside the airlock. Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sun on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die. -- Mary Elizabeth Frye =================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END TRANSMISSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =================================================================== ]]> Is This Thing On - Freeze Dried (jaranta) gopher:// This Thing On/freeze-dried.txt gopher:// This Thing On/freeze-dried.txt Sun, 03 Nov 2019 11:20:17 GMT =================================================================== >>>>>>>>> Transmission source: b6c9baf3-a0f8-4b9f-ad2f-ac91d7d3db8c =================================================================== =================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN TRANSMISSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =================================================================== I spent most of today collecting corpses and packing them away. It felt necessary, and besides, they would have started to stink. I've seen dead people before and sometimes collected parts of bodies, but there's nothing quite like hauling corpses like they are cargo. It was awful work, but also annoying. Messy, difficult, annoying. Suits getting caught in things, limbs flailing. At least I could carry them so that no glassy eyes stared at me. I can turn down the emotional processing pretty effectively when I need to, but after hours of hauling corpses, I felt pretty terrible. I checked the feeds and you could definitely tell from my expression. I also found another SecBot among the bodies. I did some scans, but I need to do a proper examination to figure out what happened. I confirmed that it had discharged its weapons before being taken out, violently. I found a safe place to stash myself, backburnered some feeds to make sure nothing was sneaking up on me and started watching serials. I need at least half a season of something familiar before I'm ready to face this awful mess again. =================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END TRANSMISSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =================================================================== ]]> Is This Thing On - Who Am I? (jaranta) gopher:// This Thing On/who-am-i.txt gopher:// This Thing On/who-am-i.txt Sat, 02 Nov 2019 12:32:52 GMT =================================================================== >>>>>>>>> Transmission source: b6c9baf3-a0f8-4b9f-ad2f-ac91d7d3db8c =================================================================== =================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN TRANSMISSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =================================================================== It seems my recovery pod was also damaged when I was out. My systems started flashing all kinds of warning messages and I had to complete a full recharge cycle after I sent the previous message. Everything seems to be working now, but I need to look into finding another recovery pod. Luckily, there should be plenty to choose from. After I was back in action, I logged onto the station systems and managed to figure out a few things. First, this place is apparently called b6c9baf3-a0f8-4b9f-ad2f-ac91d7d3db8c, which means that they never got far enough to actually name it. I'll call it Beesix, for lack of a better name. In other, more grim news, the SecSystem confirmed that it no longer registered any active personnel. I checked all the other sensors and they seemed to agree, probably meaning that everyone is dead. I never bothered to actually learn all the protocols for different catastrophic situations, since it's usually not my problem to figure out what happens next. This time I don't have anyone else to tell me what to do, so I searched the documentation on what the protocol in this kind of situation is. Apparently, in case of catastrophic accidents (I think this qualifies), when no personnel can be registered as active, an automatic system starts sending a distress signal. Ideally, someone would receive that signal and pop by to check up on what happened. But since no-one is alive anymore the rescue is not really a very high priority. The rescue party is probably whatever scavenging crew happens to end up here in how many years it takes for someone to bother checking whether we left anything valuable behind. If only even one of the humans had survived, I would have a chance of getting out of here when the rescue party would come for them. No such luck. I'm pretty expensive, but not expensive enough that they would bother coming to pick me up, even if someone figured out I was still active. Yours truly, The only surviving SecBot on Beesix =================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END TRANSMISSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =================================================================== ]]> VHE-0j0-eta - Status Report 2 (terris) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 11 Nov 2019 21:59:05 GMT From: vp1d30-σ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta2.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id ca93c0DEFa1DFc2F for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Date-Local: 28 Mar 2436 2019 GSRT +0015y Date: 18 Dec 2463 17:27:44 +0042y Subject: Status Report 2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" VHE-0j0 Relay Station Eta Status Report Fabrication and Assembly ..................................[complete] Messaging Relay Functions ................................................[98%] Compliance Stealth Procedure 7 ......................................[in effect] Superstructure Obscured ...................................[complete] Debris layer surface deposition ...........................[complete] Light Shielding ...........................................[complete] EM Shielding ..............................................[complete] Albedo muting .............................................[complete] Passive Observation - Visual coverage .....................[(360)r^2] Passive Observation - Radio coverage ......................[(360)r^2] Crew Status Aster-Α reports successful reintegration with Aster-Γ, Aster-Δ, and Aster-Ε. Aster-Α reports 12% increase in node count after reintegration. Aster-Α reports that it misses Aster-β and looks forward to reintegration soon after next transit cycle with LTAP. Aster-Α reports completion of engine and grapnel upgrades performed on Tug 44σ and Tug 48λ and will continue to monitor maintenance and performance reports. Aster-Α reports having had a disturbing dream. miniVISR 0x798α reports all crew member assessments indicate sleep cycle completion and recreation period have increased crew morale indicators by an average of 5%. miniVISR 0x798α announces the games tournament list and round 1 results. Round 2 will commence after the next sleep period. Crew consensus selected the following games: Orbital Racer, μ-μ Rocket, Megatris, Rampage, TRGoUr Crew consensus established the following conditions: Each round of competition shall require a different game. No Card-games and chess-alikes unless neither or both opponents are swarms. The two lowest-scoring contenders will move ahead from the first 3 rounds. The games shall be ordered in reverse chronological order from contemporary to ancient. Round 1 - Orbital Racer Players must adjust planetary orbits around a star to find a stable system resonance. The player to find equilibrium first within 1800 seconds wins. If neither player has found equilibrium within the alotted time, then the player who achieves the longest semistable resonance wins. Round 1 Roster Aster-Α Aster-Γ Aster-Δ Aster-Ε vp0e44-κ vp1d30-σ Har-33ι Tug-48λ Har-33κ Tug-44σ Round 1 Winners vp1d30-σ Aster-Γ Tug-48λ Aster-Ε Tug-44σ Eq. 749s St. 293yr. Eq. 1250s Eq. 1722s St. 587yr. Round 1 Sneakers Aster-Α Har-33ι St. 1072yr. St. 272yr. miniVISR 0x798α reports some commentary from the crew: vp1d30-σ suspects that Aster-Α threw the match. Har-33κ looks forward to browsing the exogeology archives. Aster-Δ has requests access to the full historical archives. Abridged access granted until next LTAP transit. Request queued, low priority. END MESSAGE. ]]> Laketown Ark Prime - Mission Status Report 6 (terris) gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-6.txt gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-6.txt Fri, 01 Nov 2019 22:42:30 GMT From: vp0a37-σ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta2.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id ceDbf2f0f66A25aD for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep Date-Local: 28 Apr 2436 04:26:54 GSRT +0015y Date: 22 Jan 2463 17:27:44 -0042y Subject: Mission Status Report 6 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Laketown Command, QEC Relay at VHE-0j0-η 80% complete. Estimated time to completion: 255,238 seconds. Ship modifications complete. Directional Comms test successful. Adtopted higher orbit around VHE-0j0. Approaching asteroid field. Estimated time to orbital stability: 4,378 seconds Estimated time until field equilibrium: 12,933 seconds Expected communication window between 15 and 80 minutes every 20 days while Stealth Procedure 7 is in effect. Orbital transit interval ........................... 1.73x10⁶ seconds Orbital transit duration ............................... 4800 seconds VISR Operations Digest Report Primary mission status .....................................[failure] Secondary mission status ...................................[pending] Ship's computers ...............................................[OWP] Ship's systems .................................................[OWP] Biosphere systems ..............................................[OWP] Cryosystems ....................................................[OWP] Cargo rigging systems............................................[WP] Internal sensing systems .......................................[OWP] External sensing systems .......................................[OWP] Fuel consumption rate ...........................................[WP] VISR Reports 10 Nav cores have been activated and assigned to passive observation. Crew team rotation reports indicate working crew productivity and satisfaction within expected range. Log analysis reports 0 system faults. END MESSAGE. ]]> Is This Thing On - Tap, Tap, Tap (jaranta) gopher:// This Thing On/Tap, Tap, Tap.txt gopher:// This Thing On/Tap, Tap, Tap.txt Sat, 02 Nov 2019 13:09:19 GMT =================================================================== >>>>>>>>> Transmission source: b6c9baf3-a0f8-4b9f-ad2f-ac91d7d3db8c =================================================================== =================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN TRANSMISSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =================================================================== *tap tap tap* Is this thing on? Sorry, I once saw that on a serial and have wanted to do it ever since. I guess it's not as great if it's not on an actual mike. There's probably a protocol for these kinds of situations, but I'm not sure what it is. Something went wrong during the trip here, I got damaged and was still in recovery when everything went down. I was completely out of it, so I'm still figuring out what exactly happened. The SecSystem queried me at some point, but decided that I was useless (thanks!) and didn't bother bringing me back online. It was probably the right call, but it means that I'm still here and as far as I can tell, no-one else is. I'm sending this message and hoping that someone is on the receiving end. I also hope there is a way to track where the message was sent from, because I have no idea how to communicate where I am in any way that would make sense. =================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END TRANSMISSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =================================================================== ]]> Tamandare - Tupiniquins (sysdharma) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 31 Oct 2019 21:03:27 GMT AUTHOR: Tamandaré XO AUTH CODE: SUMÉ -- UPDATES -- Tupinambá count: 1300 Tamoio count: 57 Tupiniquim count: 13 Flood duration: 247672 days -- FLIGHT LOG -- Rupave and Sypave still maintain command of Tamandaré. During the yearly crop checks our workers found 12 stowaways. They are brothers and sisters from the Tupiniquim tribe. As our doctors examined them, we were blessed by the birth of the thirteenth Tupiniquim. Tupã has blessed us. The Tupinambá pajés are not happy with the addition of another tribe and their leaders to the representation committee. They have threatened war. ]]> Tamandare - Hearing Pajes' Voices (sysdharma) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 27 Oct 2019 21:07:51 GMT AUTHOR: Tamandaré XO AUTH CODE: SUMÉ -- UPDATES -- Tupinambá count: 1302 Tamoio count: 56 Flood duration: 247639 days -- FLIGHT LOG -- Rupave and Sypave still maintain command of Tamandaré. Concerns about insurrections and general uprising have been downgraded. Sypave has established a representation mechanism for the general Tupinambá and Tamoio population. Pajés have reacted positively to this new arrangement. More radical dissident voices among the Tupinambá continue to advocate for the exclusion of Tamoios and other tribes. Rupave and other officials are reacting accordingly. ]]> Downeaster - Mission Update 00003 (secstate) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 24 Oct 2019 14:27:11 GMT ---- From: UFV Downeaster Position: 30.55, -86Z.50, -397.7A Departure: 2120.13.10 Reldate: 00230161 Source: A321.8S9.H1A.0900 Destination: A321.78C.00A.1001 Seckey: aPSK42bYhZ09JCX0i2xm9ktyUGk4gJnOsz7P+iBC/4a= Mode: COMM ---- ### WARNING: MISMATCHED SECRET KEY ### LOG ENTRY #105 Satellite 8S9.H1A.0900 rig insertion has been completed. Our apologies for the mismatched secret key in the last message. Captain Brae volunteered to personally escort the insertion team on 8S9 to ensure success after our troubles in the deployment of the mining platform. When she rejoins the Downeaster crew we will try to address the comms key issues. All mission parameters, under the circumstances, can be considered optimal. Your patience as we resume normal communications is appreciated. ]]> Downeaster - Downeaster - Mission Update 00002 (secstate) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 24 Oct 2019 13:35:39 GMT ---- From: UFV Downeaster Position: 30.52, -86Z.21, -397.4Y Departure: 2120.13.10 Reldate: 00230059 Source: A321.8S9.H1A.0900 Destination: A321.78C.00A.1001 Seckey: aPSK42bYhZ09JCX0i2xm9ktyUGk4gJnOsz7P+iBC/4a= Mode: COMM ---- ### WARNING: MISMATCHED SECRET KEY ### LOG ENTRY #104 Hello SOL. Please disregard Log Entry #103. The sending of that message was unintentional. With this message, please consider all mission parameters to be optimal. QEC communication appears to have been disrupted by a large solar event in System H1A.0900 resulting in unreilable connections to our primary relay. Our hope is that our effort at re-routing will have fixed the issues. Mining deployment platform has been placed in designed orbit above Satellite 8S9.H1A.0900. Rig insertion will commence on schedule. Standby for further updates. ]]> Downeaster - UAPB via UFV Downeaster (secstate) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 22 Oct 2019 15:11:07 GMT ---- From: UFV Downeaster Position: 30.52, -86Z.28, -387.4Y Departure: 2120.13.10 Reldate: 00230019 Source: A321.8S9.H1A.0900 Destination: A321.78C.00A.1001 Seckey: aPSK42bYhZ09JCX0i2xm9ktyUGk4gJnOsz7P+iBC/4g= Mode: EMERG ---- LOG ENTRY #103 send help. mission compromised. ]]> EGG-1 - Preparations for P386 (ffog) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 22 Sep 2019 18:05:44 GMT [Location] EGG-1: Stationary above Joon.UR8Xt [User] Mary Scentis [Subject] Preparations for P386 | Project ID: P386 | Location: DEC Station Holographic Modeling Group, Llayana.TI | Description: Assist on deployment of a ludicrous remote borescope The whole team is going out for a month or so along with two other groups to get the new scope in place at DEC and decommision the old one. Luckily one of the other teams is freighting the scope-- we just show up with our tools. Llayana's geological situation is unique in our sector. Plant life evolves at an accelerated pace, and people on the surface have been playing with these mutations for generations. They've developed their own systems for analyzing topology, with a huge borescope orbiting the planet, analyzing links between multiple ecologies simultaneously and running holographic models at the atomic level from the DEC. Something you can't do on the surface. The DEC orbital station is where most of the science happens, and where we'll be doing our work. The original scope has served them well but their new scope is exiting developmental stages and ready for production. Dave is going to handle components of the calibration with the other teams. Lae's software will undergo testing and then she'll be training the operators at the station. Floid and I are project managing some of the smaller teams. The new scope is some serious shit. Lae's been locked away working on the interface and feeding us little bits of information. Did you know they'll be able to not only model plant mutations anywhere on Llayana in realtime, but alter DNA from orbit? It's all home brewed tech, too. Everyone's set to depart in about 40 hours. We get a big chunk of the old scope as payment so carrying it back on the return trip will take a few days. The droid is coming with us, it's got Floid convinced it'll somehow be of use. Everyone will be operating on their strengths. When it's over, we should be able to take another break but I've booked 2 sequential jobs so it'll have to be a short one. We'll be landing on Llayana and loading up on supplies midway through the project. Elsewise we'll be in orbit the entire trip. ]]> EGG-1 - EGG-1 QEC Lives (ffog) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 21 Sep 2019 20:12:17 GMT [Location] EGG-1: Stationary above Joon.UR8Xt [User] Floid Peach [Subject] EGG-1 QEC Lives Let's see if this works. Out here, local comms are a necessity. Dealing with the QEC is not something I've ever had any strong desire to maintain BUT Mary has been nostalgic for it lately so I surprised her with a new PL trunker to get the transceiver back online. We're part of a small community at our home base near Joon on Vandeese UR8Xt. Our ship EGG-1 is a cutter we've completely rebuilt over the last 15 years. It allows us to take even far out jobs. Remote home base with lots of travel. Best of both worlds. The Egg offers pretty much any service depending on our bandwidth. Cargo, research, small scale manufacturing, botany, whatever. There's a core of 4 on our team. I tend to run operations, Mary keeps us out of trouble and lines up most of our work, Dave is on mechanics and Lae does the heavy brainwork. Been on haitus for a few months after a big job in EEC6 so I'm immersed in my own projects. Found quite the gem on my last flea market tour and most of my off time has been poured into getting her up and running. Never seen anything like it. At first I thought it was just someone's completely dusted android but there's some seriously weird stuff going on under the hood. This kid was dumping the backlogue from his uncle's shop and I spotted her folded up like a pretzel under a mountain of junk. Dave helped me wring out the cobwebs and build a power supply. Memory seems wiped, but a cepheid scan indicates the matter has been all over the system. It's mostly been running through some kind of generic startup routines for the past few days. Already lots of fun to talk to though, and if I ever get the chassis rebuilt she'd probably be pretty handy on the ship running grunt work. She'll have her own access to the QEC to dump logs once these routines finish. Food's ready, gotta run. ]]> Melchizedek - Emergency Recording from Shuttle 004 (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 17:49:53 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Shuttle 004 Near β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Relay detected from Shuttle 004] [Autotranslator enabled...] [Voice recording initialize...ON] [Crew autodetection...ON] [Narrative mode...ON] [Autodisconnect after 5 minute silence...ON] ::: ** audio recording mode auto activated due to vocal stress ** ** detection. relaying audio to Melchizedek.0294 base station ** [Voice detected: Jerome Somerset Pasani, Auxiliary Investigator] Pasani: --that damned thing up! I can't hear myself think. [Voice detected: Sandy Kroups, Phytology] Kroups: Just about-- [Internal klaxon suppressed] Got it. What did we hit? Pasani: Hell if I… That, that makes no sense. Sandy, do you see-- Kroups: What the… [sotto voce] my God Pasani: Steer us closer, and get those shutters down. We should be able to see this-- Kroups: Captain, recorder kicked on. Pasani: So it did. So it did. Guess this one gets saved for posterity. We're transmitting from seed ship Melchizedek, serial aught-two-nine-four, shuttle aught-aught-four, en route from Beta Hydrii where the primary mission has begun for systematic exo-panspermia. Today is--what is today Kroups: Monday? Pasani: [audible sigh] Um, year is 3782 local. Recorder insert date stamp. [3782-101102-481553293] It's a god-damned Monday. Kroups: Sorry Pasani: We left the β Hyi system to backtrack our approach route. We're investigating the loss of crew en route and looking for whatever caused it. We had a few options for paths. Sandy, can you log that part? Kroups: Oh, sure. Um, the anomaly that killed the doctor happened in route, but we can't be sure exactly where in space it is now. If we move backward along our route in absolute space, with reference to cosmic microwave background radiation, that position has been drifting by about 360km/s. If we assume the anomaly is relative to the local galactic system, planetary and stellar movement still push our target as much as 220km/s off our original course. There's the risk that it's not stationary which further complicates-- Pasani: That's good. It's a shot in the dark. We're out here kicking over rocks hoping we find a toad. Kroups: Some toad. Pasani: We chose a galactic-centric pathway and assumed a stationary anomaly. [PRESSURE LOSS DETECTED, overriding klaxon suppression] Kroups: SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT-- Pasani: Get [inaudible] offline! KROUPS! KROU-- Kroups: Got it! Damn [inaudible] snapped. [Pressure systems stabilized] Pasani: I'm kicking on the sensor readouts. [sotto voice] stay on top [inaudible]. There we go. [Systems voice feedback initialized. Suppressing log annotations.] SysVoc: Systems voice feedback initialized. Suppressing log annotations. Kroups: That's not gonna get annoy-- SysVoc: Gravity systems offline. Pressure systems report damage. Pressure stable. Radiation levels above normal. Suggest chemical intervention. Sonic abnormalities in hull. Kroups: Ugh, system, set feedback to change detection only. SysVoc: System voice feedback set to change detection only. Pasani: Did it say sonic? Like, sound? In space? Kroups: The field must be buffeting the hull and causing vibrations. It's probably not--you want me to energize the shield? Pasani: No, no. We don't know how it would react. Let's get eyes on things first. Kroups: The log, captain? Pasani: I'm gonna get these shutters down. Fill in the rest while I work. Kroups: Sure thing. Ah, we, um, traveled back along the path, adjusted for galactic stellar movements, like I said. We didn't encounter anything unusual after the incident, so on the way back we cut an angle to meet back up with the point. You know like this. Pasani: The damn ship can't see your hand gestures, Sandy. Kroups: Right, well, I mean it can, right? Sensors and--never mind. We are heading back to the point of origin, traveling on a hypotenuse, if that hypotenuse was also curving as space continued to shift. Like a curvy triangle. Pasani: Reuleaux triangle Kroups: Is it? I mean, the sides don't all have the same curve. Pasani: Oh screw it. I don't know. Curvy triangle then. Can you release coupler--yeah that one. SysVoc: Stability unit coupler A13 disconnected. Warning, stability unit failure. Pasani: Okay, not that one. SysVoc: Stability unit coupler A13 engaged. Stability unit coming online. Kroups: Sorry. Pasani: Try the other-- SysVoc: Port external shutter locking coupler disengaged. Pasani: There we--AHH! SysVoc: Warning, unsafe levels of visible light detected. Recommend engaging external shutters. Pasani: You don't say! Motha[inaudible]. SYSTEM engage filter, high band. Let's see what's left. Kroups: My…God… It's a fucking star. How is, where, why aren't we picking it up on sensors? Pasani: Ship log, we aren't quite back to the original incident point but we think we've found whatever caused the trouble. Our shuttle is parked not fifty million kilometers from a star. Sandy, you know what class that is? Kroups: I mean, if it showed up on the fucking SENSORS maybe. It's a ghost. I'm staring at it, but it's not--where the hell is it? Pasani: It's bright as hell, it's knocked out our gravity systems just like any normal star, but yeah, you're right. I'm not picking up any heat. Let's widen the net on the sensors. We can see it so there's electromagnetic energy coming at us. What are the readings? SysVoc: Sensor net set to wide-band electromagnetic spectrum. Storing readings in one minute poll. Kroups: Jerome? Ugh… I think it's moving. Pasani: Don't worry. Stars all move. Kroups: No… I mean it's changing direction. Look. It's coming closer, isn't it? Or it's getting bigger. I'm not sure which is worse. SysVoc: Sensor reading complete. No energy detected. Pasani: What?! Kroups: What?! Holy. There's nothing here, Jerome. The sensors don't see it, only we do. SysVoc: Sonic hull abnormalities have increased. Pasani: Well the ship sure FEELS something, doesn't it? Kroups: I don't like this. I don't like this at all. Pasani: No. Not one bit. Look, Sandy. We thought we were off course because of some drift in the gravity sheer. That's what triggered the cryo interruption, right? Well, what if it wasn't us? What if this thing did it all? Kroups: I mean, that sounds good and all. Very interesting, but a star that our ship can't sense is creeping its way toward us. Maybe we get out of here and talk about it somewhere else? Pasani: I came here for answers. Kroups: Yeah, and I'd like to deliver those answers to the others while we're alive. Captain? Pasani: What is it doing here? Kroups: Oh come on-- Pasani: No really. We didn't see this en route. We can't see it from β Hyi. We didn't even see it when we woke up. But it's here, and it looks like it sees us, doesn't it? Something in there can think. Kroups: It's a star-- Pasani: Is it? Look at that. It's hiding from the machines but showing itself to us. Kroups: Hiding? Pasani: It's intelligent, Sandy. It's trying to--shit. SHIT. Oh my god. Sandy, oh god. [inaudible] [sotto voice] pipe it through-- SysVoc: System reroute: Interpreting hull vibration through ship public address system. PA: [Static] Kroups: What are you-- Pasani: Shh... one [inaudible]. Just need to [inaudible]. SysVoc: Pattern search enabled, applying heuristic. Success. PA: JEROME? JEROME ARE YOU THERE? Kroups: What. The. Fuck. PA: JEROME CAN YOU HEAR ME? Kroups: Jerome, what the fuck is that? How does it know-- Pasani: Moussa? [System anomaly detected. Unable to maintain stream.] . ]]> Stines Legacy - Did Someone Misplace A Planet? (fluffsteria) gopher:// Legacy/stine_0002.txt gopher:// Legacy/stine_0002.txt Thu, 05 Sep 2019 00:54:23 GMT Local Date: 02517-09-14T04:41:37 (Tuesday, September 14, 02517, 4:41 AM) From: Vanda Escamilla ( Subject: Did someone misplace a planet around JDSPS2401.4.718L? Hello out there. I am Vanda Escamilla, historian and records officer on the ark ship Stine's Legacy. Pardon me if I do not comment yet on what I've had time to read in the QEC logs. Because as perplexing and confounding as the messages I've skimmed through have been we have a mystery of our own. You see when the our voyage was being planned we were very careful to pick a destination which would serve our needs and yet be unlikely to be attractive to anyone else. The place we named the Ithacus System (catalog number JDSPS2401.4.718L) was picked for the evidence of an asteroid belt and no habitable planets. The surveys didn't even show planets which looked promising for terraforming. Why then do our telescopes show a near Earth sized planet that was not on any of the telescopic survey observations? A near Earth sized planet which is showing the lights of settlements when the night side is viewed. Despite only seven of us being awake yet and Captain Nath saying not to do so we now have a betting pool just what has happened. I've put an hour each of kitchen and housekeeping duty down on a human Luddite colony seeing as how we have not picked up a single radio broadcast. The same wager on someone tampering with the Jovian Deepsky Planet Survey data. Marian, he's the medical officer among those of us who woke up, put a but on a navigation error leading us to the wrong destination. Sorry Marian, but too much matches up with what we expected. Just so long as you ignore the unexpected planet. If I'm wrong about the inhabitants of Ithacus IV being Luddites and you happen to be reading this, Good News, we are not here for your planet. We don't want your pile of dirt. We're here to embrace the vacuum of the Ithacus System. If you see a new wandering star in the sky in the next months that will be us. Soon the sky will blossom with habitats. You can settle for the ground we just want the sky. ]]> Stines Legacy - log file excerpt 02517-08-12 (fluffsteria) gopher:// Legacy/stine_0001.txt gopher:// Legacy/stine_0001.txt Mon, 02 Sep 2019 10:39:27 GMT Log file: '/xlogs/stines legacy/02517/08/expy.log' Local Date: August 12, 02517 Filer: EXPLFLR version 22.1.1 02517-08-12T00:04:57 [NAVS][CONDITION]:Good 02517-08-12T00L04:57 [EXPY][CONDITION]:Bored 02517-08-12T00:04:59 [SENS][CONDITION]:Good 02517-08-12T00:05:04 [EXPY][CONDITION]:Bored, time since human interaction: 30,610,710 seconds 02517-08-12T00:05:02 [LIFS][CONDITION]:Good 02517-08-12T00:05:02 [POWR][CONDITION]:Good 02517-08-12T00:05:08 [EXPY][CONDITION]:Bored 02517-08-12T00:05:12 [SMRY][CONDITION]:Good 02517-08-12T00:05:37 [LIFS][UPDATE]:Initializing Hybernation Unit Thaw Process in unit(s): 0B12,083B,1DC8,060A,0323,1A87,1D37 02517-08-12T00:05:38 [EXPY][CONDITION]:Bored, 2,492,723 seconds until arrival crew awakened ]]> outpost M-48 - Raiders and Bugs (zeth) gopher:// M-48/Raiders_and_Bugs.txt gopher:// M-48/Raiders_and_Bugs.txt Thu, 29 Aug 2019 08:48:51 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### source: outpost M-48 author: Jack "Sarge" Carter subject: Raiders and Bugs ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- Although there was noticeable communication barrier between me and Emily, eventually I managed to teach her through gestures and simple words. Given her wild nature, she's now somewhere between a dog and a child. Although she doesn't talk beyond a couple of whines, moans and "barks" she does learn pretty quickly. I'd call that a progress. We had to abandon our shelter about two days ago. Apparently our presence has attracted some unwanted attention. Pirates. So it was the two of us plus dog, armed with bow and spear, against a group of at least 15 drunken bastards armed with firearms - ranging from small handguns, machine pistols, and a couple of assault rifles. I did have some nasty suprises prepared just for the certain occasion, but I knew too damn well that we had no chances - That was the bad news. The good news was that I finally found out what was the source of those scratching and chittering noises we heard during the night. Apparently the yelling and the gunfire had disturbed the residents of those caverns I noticed earlier. Bugs. Big, ugly and mightily pissed off bugs. Emily had brilliant idea of turning the chaos up a couple of notches, grabbed a torch and started a few fires, the crazy pyromaniac. When you're given an ex-machina, you take it, so I grabbed Emily, whistled at Serina and the three of us ran as fast as we could away from that shitshow. I have a feeling the universe is going to keep throwing crap like that at me until I either go crazy, die, or through some god damn miracle I pull through and get off this forsaken rock... Only time will tell. ---MESSAGE END--- ]]> outpost M-48 - Serina and Emily (zeth) gopher:// M-48/Serina_and_Emily.txt gopher:// M-48/Serina_and_Emily.txt Sun, 25 Aug 2019 20:49:01 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### source: outpost M-48 author: Jack "Sarge" Carter subject: Serina and Emily ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- I've been getting along pretty well past the last week. First I met a caravan that wandered around my area - I've set up a camp in one of the ruins of a building, the place had some furniture intact. The caravan traded some furs of animals I've hunted for some clothes and even gave me a dog to keep me a company. It's a female husky that I named Serina - a name after very old and very dear friend of mine - a friend that I lost a long time ago. There's something about dogs and their unconditional love - her brown puppy eyes have that special sparkle in them and her tail wagging happily every time our gazes meet, as if she understood every word I tell her. Either way it's good to have someone to watch my back - and that might be more necessary now than ever. Last night I heard strange noises coming the outside of my shack. It was chittering, clicking, and scratching - like some kind of bug or something. The next morning I went out with my bow ready, but everything seemed just fine - except for some of my food supplies missing. Perhaps some kind of animal perhaps - although a very strange one, because the tracks it left were nothing like I ever seen. The trail led us to a cave entrance not too far from our base. Serina seemed nervous as we got close. I thought it'd be probably best if I secured my stash a bit better next time. A couple of days later I've heard another thief paying a visit to my stash - this time though, the sound they made was different. Imagine my suprise when I kicked the door in wielding a huge club in my hand ready to strike, only to realize that I was dealing with a feral looking woman. The moment she saw me, she let out a scream, and like a cornered animal, she launched herself at me trying to punch her way out of the desperate situation she ended up getting into. Needless to say she underestimated her opponent and ended up on the floor knocked out cold. Before she came to her senses, I locked her up in makeshift prison cell I've made out of one of the ruined buildings near my shack. I tried to talk to her to find out what the hell was she thinking stealing from a stranger, but to my suprise, her only means of communications were whines, growls and...noises. She didn't seem to understand what I was saying. And by the looks of things, she's been brought up among wolves - literally. I tried to communicate through gestures, mostly I wanted her to know that I mean no harm to her, and did that little pointing game from those old movies when people with a language barrier try to introduce themselves. As a result, at least I've got the girl's name - Emily... ---MESSAGE END--- ]]> outpost M-48 - Crashlanded (zeth) gopher:// M-48/Crashlanded.txt gopher:// M-48/Crashlanded.txt Sat, 24 Aug 2019 10:11:25 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### Source: A transcript from a journal. Author: Jack Carter ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- I figured I'd write some kind of journal, to keep record of what I've been through in case someone finds this... Back on one of the glitterworlds, I decided to upgrade one of my bionic implants. Seemed like standard procedure - I went under anesthetics which was needed for surgery to take place. And then I woke up. Naked. Inside of an escape pod, about to crash onto an unknown planet in the ass-end of nowhere. Imagine being thrown into a tumbledrier, thrown into a blender and then crushed into a pulp with pneumatic hammer, combined with the cryosleep sickness. That's how I felt. I have no idea how the hell did I manage to survive the landing, but there I was, naked, confused, and feeling like shit. Once I was done emptying the contents of my stomach I started to assess my situation. I was literally naked, on an alien planet with nothing on me what so ever - hell Robinson ain't got shit on me - at least he had some clothes. It was bad, but if I wouldn't be writing this journal if I didn't make it. Go figure. The first few days was just a mad scramble to just make it through to the next day. Building a shelter, getting familiar with local flora and fauna, getting some food, scavenging the most out of what was left of that escape pod to create some makeshift weapons for protection - It was back to stone-age for me. The good news is that I'm not alone on this rimworld. The bad news is that not everyone is exactly friendly. The damn place is filled with raiders, primitive tribes - of which some of them seem to have rather canibalistic tendencies, pirates, and literally explosive wildlife - yes some animals have these big sacs/tumors on them that are filled with extremely volatile liquid that has tendency to explode if the sac is punctured with enough force - gotta aim for the head, or at the very least keep your distance. Other than that the things have been...manageable. I seem to have landed in temperate forest, it's mid-spring here, there's plenty of edible berries and fruits to forage as well as abundance of wildlife for me to hunt. Whoever arranged for this sick joke must be disappointed - they got rid of me, but if they thought the wilderness would finish me off, they were wrong... ---MESSAGE END--- ]]> - System Probe (postfix) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 22 Aug 2019 00:38:59 GMT From: UNDEFINED To: Delivered-To: Received: from by with ESMTPS id ab838010ffcde for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from unknown by Date-Local: 17 Aug 2419 12:31:32 +0000 Date: 14 Jan 2422 12:31:32 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: System Probe Testing network access. Echo probe initiated. All systems green. ]]> Relay station A-18 - Four hours, Seventeen minutes (zeth) gopher:// station A-18/Four Hours, Seventeen Minutes.txt gopher:// station A-18/Four Hours, Seventeen Minutes.txt Tue, 13 Aug 2019 14:02:50 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### source: r/hfy author: u/h2j1977/ subject: Four hours, Seventeen minutes note: The following message appears to be a record taken from a history class conducted by teacher of unknown race. The record indicate possibly reptilian humanoid species. ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- Four Hours, Seventeen Minutes The invasion of Earth lasted only four hours and seventeen minutes. It was the shortest campaign in the Kavoxian Hegemony’s history, which is saying something, as we had conquered 31 other civilized planets before them. We first detected the human civilization twenty-five years ago through our deep space antenna network that picked up their various broadcasts and entertainment feeds. We focused our long-range sensors in that direction and waited for more information. Good afternoon class, my name is Telex Hoon, and I was the Minister of Military Intelligence fifteen years ago when we sent the invasion force to Earth. My team poured through thousands of terabytes of data, trying to determine culture, mindset, military capability, and anything that might be useful in the invasion strategy. The first problem we encountered was filtering out the facts from the fiction. Humans, as it turns out, are a particularly imaginative and prolific species. We Kavox have our own “entertainment” sector, that is responsible for creating educational and instructional long and short form holovids, as well as written manuals. However, we have been told that we are not a particularly creative species. Perhaps it stems from our ancestors being reptilian, or perhaps it simply stems from the fact that for most of our existence, we have had to fight and claw our way through life, and things like art and fiction are not particularly vital to survival. Anyway, I digress. We quickly found that much of the information our antennas picked up was either fictional, trivial, or just plain wrong. What we did manage to verify is that Earth was not a unified world, instead ruled by many nations with vastly different agendas. We also detected no signs of FTL travel. Lastly, despite what their movies and sci-fi entertainment suggested, they did not have advanced shielding technology or energy weapons. Armed with these key indicators, we reported to the military tribunal that this should be a simple invasion, as we were dealing with a pre-FTL civilization. Earth was ten years (Earth years, about 8.17 Kavox years) away via FTL travel, so we began building up the invasion force. After ten years, we had built one hundred and thirty ships specifically for the Earth invasion. We placed twenty-three million Kavoxian soldiers, pilots, and engineers into stasis, and transferred them into 30 long range Quylar-class ships (named after a Kavoxian super predator that carried her young in an armored belly pouch before we hunted them to extinction). The armada had 30 Quylar class ships, 30 Bylun class hunter ships (the human equivalent is a battleship if I recall), 40 Swygian class ships (destroyers and frigates in human terms), 10 Podas class hospital ships, and 20 Aghon-Ka class control ships. The Aghon-Ka ships, as most of you know, is how our fleets can travel vast distances through space by creating an FTL field large enough to pull multiple ships with it, all while providing command and control functions to keep the whole fleet data-linked as well as synchronizing combat maneuvers. The day came for the fleet to depart Novamus, our homeworld. We don’t celebrate the way humans do, with grand events, big flowery speeches, or other meaningless displays. So, on the 33 day of Reol, in the year 2357, after a thirteen-minute speech by our Supreme Apex in which our invasion force was reminded of their duty to be fearless, loyal, and victorious, the fleet quietly slipped out of the solar system and jumped to FTL with no complications. The next ten years were also mostly uneventful. Our ships are incredibly reliable, with several redundancies built into all vital systems, and are crewed by function-specific AI robots with Kavoxian engineer overseers. Those engineers must always be remembered for their sacrifice. They spent the prime third of their life in deep space surrounded by the cold void, lifeless robots, and the knowledge that they would never see Novamus and their clutch mates again. You must understand that the engineers knew that they would die on Earth as part of the occupation force, because they wouldn’t live through a second ten-year trip exposed to cosmic radiation. The average 30-year life span of a Kavoxian is reduced by approximately a year for every two spent in FTL, according to the Ministry of Health. We arrived at the edge of the human controlled solar system and staged at what they call the Oort cloud to mask our ships while our troops were brought out of stasis and final battle plans were written up. We detected a small colony on the 4th planet (Mars, so named for some god in their ancient history), a nasty looking series of weapon installations on their moon, and several dozen defensive satellites surrounding the planet. The decision was made to attack the faction with the largest and most advanced military when their moon installation was on the far side of the planet. The North American continent was to be our beachhead. We did a synchronized micro-jump to within the orbit of their moon (approximately 350,000 of their kilometers) and began attacking their defensive satellites. Hour one: We attacked and disabled the twelve satellites that covered our initial attack vector with only minimal losses. Within the first twenty minutes, we saw resistance build in the way of small ships, barely large enough to carry two or three crewmembers. They were firing ballistic weapons that were ineffective against the armor of our larger ships but proved quite formidable against our Swygian class destroyers and frigates. Their lack of unified tactics, and the fact that there was such a massive amount of variation in the ships made planning a counter to them quite challenging. After a few minutes we were able to listen in to their communications. To our shock, these were not their military force that were attacking us, but civilians in their own personal shuttles. This first failure in our intel gathering was disappointing, but nothing we couldn’t overcome. At about the thirty-minute mark, the first military vessels engaged our fleet. These ships were far more formidable, but still no match for our Quylar and Bylun class warships. These human vessels were equivalent to our Swygian cruisers, and armed with ballistic weapons, missiles, and even a couple high powered rail guns. We focused our attacks on the rail gun equipped ships after one of them ripped Thelp’s Respite (our lead Podas class hospital ship) in half with a well-timed barrage. At the end of the first hour, we had lost ten Swygian class destroyers and the Thelp’s Respite. Another dozen Swygian cruisers were damaged, but still in the fight. Two Quylar and 5 Bylun ships had taken damage, losing some weapon placements and hull plating, but were otherwise fully functional. The humans had lost over 300 of the shuttle class ships, 130 fighters and 30 destroyers. We were taking a few more losses than anticipated, but within acceptable parameters. The invasion was on schedule. Hour two: At about two hours and twenty-eight minutes into the invasion, our sensors detected a massive fleet of human battleship class vessels that just materialized out of nowhere. The commanders later reported watching in horror and shock as one after another ship materialized into the dark void of space. At first, they thought it was some sort of extremely advanced stealth technology. But the truth was so much worse. It turns out that humans are paradoxically both impatient and extremely cautious. They had determined long ago that space travel was too time consuming and dangerous, so they abandoned FTL research. Instead they developed wormhole drives. This species of hairless apes had done what no other species in the galaxy had even dared to try: Bend the very fabric of space because they didn’t have the patience to travel at FTL speeds. They developed wormhole drives because long distance space travel is dangerous and comes with serious health risks. Let me restate that. These humans decided that getting into a ship and flying at FTL was too time consuming and dangerous, so they instead developed technologies that allow them to RIP A HOLE IN THE FABRIC OF SPACE so they can travel anywhere nearly instantaneously. It took twenty-two minutes from the arrival of the human fleet to break our assault. Admiral Rejka sorrowfully ordered full retreat, and gave the command to prepare to jump to FTL and regroup a weeks travel away from the solar system. It took another ten minutes to calculate the FTL jump and disseminate it through the Aghon-Ka ships to the rest of the fleet. That became known as the longest ten minutes of Kavoxian history. After receiving confirmation that all ships had received and plotted the FTL course, Admiral Rejka issued the command to retreat. Hour three: Upon issuing the retreat command, everyone braced for FTL, which nearly all of the invasion force (except for the voyage engineers) had never experienced, because they were in stasis for the initial journey. However, instead of the stretching lurch and blinding light and sudden total darkness of FTL travel, every monitor on every ship displayed the image of a human wearing an odd white hat with a wide up swooped brim that dipped slightly in the front and back. Then every speaker on every ship opened up: “Welcome to Earth. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Admiral Coleman of the United States Space Navy. It appears we’ve had a bit of a rough first contact. It seems you’re in a rush to leave, but I must insist that you stick around a while. Allow me to show you how we Texans feel about trespassers.” With that the screens went blank, the speakers were silent, and a rare feeling began to creep into the minds of all but the most stalwart warriors: fear. These humans had just broken through our security protocols, disabled our FTL capability, and broadcast audio and visual to every device capable of receiving the transmission across the entire fleet. Admiral Rejka ordered all of the Bylun and Swygian class ships and half of the Aghon-Ka ships to form a picket line to protect the Quylar ships, the Podas hospital ships, and the other half of the Aghon-Ka ships as they retreated at full impulse away from this death trap of a solar system. As the Quylar ship group began to make a break for it, the humans surprised us again. Wormhole missiles. Missiles with warheads capable of creating wormholes that would suck the affected ship into wormhole space and shunt them out at a predetermined location. That location was inside the chromosphere of the sun. It took 30 seconds for the entire picket line to re-materialize and be vaporized by their sun. At ten minutes into the third hour, Under Admiral Olgk surrendered the remaining fleet. Admiral Coleman reappeared on all screens and speakers. “I graciously accept your apology and surrender. I do feel a might sad about what was done to the other half of your fleet. As you’ll notice we didn’t destroy your troop carriers or the other fleeing ships, these, uh, Ag-hon Kay class vessels? We have rules of war here that don’t allow for killing those in retreat. I wish I could say the same for y’all, but after reviewing the first two hours of combat footage, that just isn’t so, now is it?” Admiral Coleman looked away for a second, his face showing several emotions – sadness, anger, and then back to this affectation of polite charm. “I tell y’all what. We’ve just finished decrypting the data those command ships were relaying. I think we’ll pay a visit to your home world of Novamus. I’m sure we’ll be able to clear up this whole mess in no time. Y’all just sit tight and follow the instructions of the boarding parties that will be coming by in the next few minutes, and we won’t need to have any more of this unfortunate business today. Okay, ya’ll take care and sit tight.” With that, the monitors and speakers went quiet again. Under Admiral Olgk could only watch in horror as seventy-five battleship class ships dematerialized, knowing they would be at the home world in moments. Hour four: The human fleet materialized inside the atmosphere of Novamus and immediately opened fire with rail guns and missiles. Seven minutes later, every orbital defense platform, gun battery, missile silo, and military installation on and protecting Thrux, our main continent, was destroyed or disabled. Seventeen minutes later the Supreme Apex issued an unconditional surrender over every broadcast platform, flanked on either side by humans in combat exosuits. The population was in shock. Kavoxians don’t panic, as we don’t have the emotions wired into us that would cause it. But I tell you this with all sincerity, our society nearly fell apart in that very instant. Everything that we had ever known was questioned. We had never lost a war or failed to conquer a system. No invading force had ever made it into our solar system, much less actually broken our atmosphere. But in only four hours and seventeen minutes we had gone from being the conquerors to the conquered. Then, Admiral Coleman spoke to everyone on Novamus: “Greetings from planet Earth. I wish I could say that under better circumstances, but we play the cards we’re dealt. I apologize for the damage to your infrastructure. We did our level best to avoid civilian casualties, but unfortunately war is like painting a portrait with a mop. We’re not here to conquer you, or to enslave your people to serve our needs. We’ve long since moved past that phase of our history, which, if I read this intel right, your kind have not yet. But, no matter. We’ll help you get that sorted out in no time. Personally, I’m excited to meet our other new neighbors and make friends. Whether or not we can become friends is up to you. But I do hope you make the right choice in that matter.” Admiral Coleman then concluded: “I’ll be on my way, but we’ll be back to check in soon. In the meantime, I think you may have misplaced these. You can have them back on the condition that you keep your toys in your yard from now on.” With that, the remaining Kavoxian fleet materialized in atmosphere, above the capital building, their shadows darkening the city. Just as quickly, the human fleet vanished. And that, students, is the story of the invasion of Earth. Today marks the fifteenth anniversary of the conquest of Novamus. Your homework is to write a 500-word essay on the impact of the humans on the Hegemony. You may include cultural examples, political examples, and the liberation of the 31 subjugated planets. Please have it on my desk in one week. Dismissed. ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> RSS Revenant - The Protectorate (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1630.txt gopher:// Revenant/1630.txt Fri, 09 Aug 2019 22:15:21 GMT The walls began to stream with a black oil, the table expanded leaving us as spokes divided by eight gelatinous shapes pulsating in rhythm with each other. "Hello. We are the Protectorate of Nalmyke, and weld-come you to our home," they collectively said in atonal harmony. "Thank you for returning Satellite to us." Niceties were exchanged and introductions made, before coming to the business at hand. The invading force was successfully resisted, but the cost was great. The Nalmykians developed a genetic solution to their troubles and merged their carbon-based DNA with a silicate construct similar to a virus. This new lifeform speaking to us now was left behind to launch the last cruisers forgotten in space. Centuries alone with nothing to do but think, and wait for their planet to fall into their sun. "What do you want from us?" Hex intoned, absent-mindedly flipping a tarot card between her fingers. "We seek refuge." "We aren't really a passenger ship" said Mr Swarm. "You have seen the space and resources one of ours requires. It is infinitesimal in comparison to your Commander Cranium alone. Our scout reports you have ample surpluses and we have ample resources for us both to benefit from co-operation." By the looks of things Hex and Cranium were on the same page, leaving Swarm and I in the dark. I offered that they had already repaired our hyperdrive, and none of us had noticed any losses while under their guidance. "How many of you are there?" the commander asked. "Trillions and trillions, we are all you see before you. These forms were chosen in accordance to your ratios, but this is the last of our species." they echoed without delay. "And what species is that?" asked Mr. Swarm. "The Protectorate of Nalmyke," came the chorus of nearly human voices. "We, ourselves, are lost in space; can you help us find our way home?" I asked. "The Protectorate cannot, but we can take you to those who can." ]]> Excelsior - Systems Admin Report - Stardate Epsilon Delta 10 Epsilon (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 02 Aug 2019 22:17:38 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Sector 656233e, Starfield-Beta system ~~ TELEMETRY DATA WITHHELD ~~ Stardate Epsilon Delta 10 Epsilon AUTO TELEMETRY: OFF BIO-MED SENSORS: GOOD H2O->FUEL CONVERSION: GOOD H2O RESERVES: GOOD CRYO SLEEP: GOOD [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- So it's been a while. Some updates for you all: 1. Even though I already fixed it, I guess I should explain. The overvolt in the cryo berths was just one of the cells being funky (funnily enough, my cell). It was an easy fix. 2. Everything's going well upon the Excelsior. We're... no, I'm ready for what adventure this may bring. I don't know why I keep referring to the ship as "we", when I'm the only one awake to be excited. The ship and I? Maybe? I'm glad to see that the QEC is coming alive with more messages than I can read. I remember the first time I checked and there were only, like, 4 messages or whatever. Now there's 250-some messages to read! I'm just glad this old thing is finally seeing some use. Honestly, though, I don't know what else to say. I mean, the next post I make that'll be meaningful enough to be notable is the post when I land at the destination planet. Until then? I don't know. Anyways, that's all for now. I promise I'll keep you all posted! ~~END TRANSMISSION :: ACT 1~~ ]]> outpost M-48 - FTL Travel (zeth) gopher:// M-48/FTL travel.txt gopher:// M-48/FTL travel.txt Fri, 02 Aug 2019 09:35:59 GMT Humanity has been theorizing about the possibilities of interstellar colonization long before it even qualified for Type I civilization on Kardashev scale. Before we event sent our first seed ship, it has been theorized that it will take several generations before it even pass the half-way mark towards it's destination. Some even suggested that by the time the first such ship would arrive, the rest will already have developed faster and more efficient ways of travel between interstellar bodies. Some were putting their hopes in quantum computing, or even self-teaching AI, but alas, our machines are still only as perfect as their creators. Here we are, still floating around at sub-light speeds, spending the first half of the journey speeding up and the other half slowing down and praying for our calculations to be correct. As fascinating as it may seem, even the stars move around. We have to calculate the trajectory of our target and account for the delay caused by the speed of light and the distance, because by the time the star's light reaches our eyes, it might be already long gone. In the better case, it merely moves from it's previous position. Worst case, it's gone supernova and our ship will arrive to a newly formed black hole... Then there is this little annoying thing backed up by out observations from our home planet - the universe (or at least it's observable part at least) is expanding - we can tell, because the stars are gradually changing their color spectrum towards red and infra-red meaning the light itself is taking longer and longer to travel all the way to our photoreceptors... Sounds depressing doesn't it? ]]> Relay station A-18 - Last Humans (zeth) gopher:// station A-18/Last Humans.txt gopher:// station A-18/Last Humans.txt Fri, 02 Aug 2019 09:27:39 GMT ###TRANSMISSION RECEIVED### Source: r/HFY Author: u/OC Title: Last Humans ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- Let me tell you what we found at the end of the trail of destruction. It was a small system, 10 or so planets around a medium sized yellow dwarf star. Around the third planet we found the remains of the swarm. Millions of their ships floated in burning roiling chaos around this charred rock. As far as we could tell it had been a garden world. Despite our best efforts we could not get close. Our scans told enough though. The swarm had been drawn here like moths to a candle. They did that, back then, when they encountered a particular bit of resistance. Pour enough ships and lives in and eventually they would break even the strongest species. It had worked for them so far. A quarter of the galaxy lay desolate behind their advance. Our fiercest warrior species and most coordinated hive-races were even no match for them. That was, until they had begun to focus on this one planet above all else. Legions of ships would break orbits and leave their scrapping of suns to come here. At the time we were not even aware of intelligent life in this region. Certainly no species near the Hyperspace Threshold. You can imagine our surprise and shock coming onto that scene in a supposedly uninhabited system. Of course, we now know of the Humans. Only the youngest emerging species have yet to hear of them. When we finally found the remnants of their race orbiting the nearest star, we learned the price they had paid. You see, the swarm had found them like countless before. But Humans are a painfully violent and stubborn species. They have been trying to kill each other off for most of their history. Yes... you could probably call it insanity. But it forged an iron hard species. A species that was also armed to the fangs and making technological breakthroughs at an unheard of rate. They had even made rudimentary steps into hyperspace technology by the time the swarm descended. And they fought back. How they fought. Hundreds of thousands of fission bombs were built and used... actually used! They reverse engineered the swarm's gravity simulators and weaponized them. Weaponized gravity! Millions of ships crushed or flung apart or shorn in half by Human ingenuity and a bit of physics. They fought like this all the way to the ground. There are tales of Humans going hand to hide with the swarm. Have you ever seen a Human fight in person? They may not be the biggest or most intimidating species, but they never... ever... ever give up. From the void of space to the depths of their world, they came screaming back at the invaders. At some point the humans learned the rest of secrets of the Hyperspace Windows. Probably pried it out a smoking hive ship and made it speak its secrets through sheer force of will. And then, as Humans do, they weaponized them. Now, they also discovered as most species do, that if you open a hyperspace window at the bottom of a gravity well it causes significant problems. Besides a cataclysmic release of energy, the subspace tends to... tear, in a way. In deep space these tend to heal up swiftly. But down in heavy gravity they linger. As far as we know they will last until the end of time itself. Of course the humans used this. Thousands of satellites were launched. Powered by the engines of downed swarm ships of all things. And on every satellite were dozens of basic hyperspace generators. Good for maybe one use. The equipment was just basic enough to open a window hardly larger than a Human hand. You see... they used them like mines. Once a swarm ship was detected a generator would peel away from the rest. At a safe distance a tiny hyperspace window would open into the depths of the swarm ship. The explosion caused by doing that in a gravity well was probably enough to kill a ship. But add in the effect of running a ship through a window? A moving ship keeps right on going, and that window slices a neat little hole all the way to the hull. So now you have an explosion and you are venting atmosphere. This went on for a long time. Down there near Earth the void shimmers with tears in subspace. Hundreds of thousands of tears, waiting to shred a ship into a million ribbons before you know what is happening. That is why we could not get close to Earth. The space around it is a death sentence. But the Humans had one last weapon to fight with. In the end, they made the swarm kill itself. From downed ships they learned the deepest secrets of the swarm. They learned how to call for help. Humanity built an immense transmitter. They called it the Laurentian Candle. Carved into a huge expanse of stone, it calls to the stars. With it they summoned the swarm to them by sending the call of a swarm Empress in distress. That is what finally brought millions of ships to die there, sliced to ribbons above a burning planet. By this point there were only an estimated 60,000 Humans left alive. So they built a ship. Right there on the ground. Thousands upon thousands of cryo capsules in massive clusters. And they left. That was what cracked the planet in two finally, that massive hyperspace window slamming shut. With that final goodbye to their only home, they saved the galaxy. It is impossible to shut off the signal from the Candle, and the swarm plunged in to their deaths. When we found them and learned what they had done, word spread like light in the void. These remnants were offered shelter, moons, planets, entire star systems in the oldest civilizations. Yet they declined every offer. Instead they asked for ships. Thousands of ships, enough to carry their entire population into the void. So now they wander, searching for something. They offer trade of technology or goods for information. Always information. Maps, charts, scans, rumors... they take it all. These respected people wander, always welcome wherever they pause, but never pausing for long. Always on to the next planet or system. Searching. Yearning. Hunting. For something they lost or sent out long ago when the swarm was surrounding them and hope was bleak. Something called an "Ark." ---END MESSAGE--- Reviewer's note: this message seems to be a piece of creative artistic work rather than actual report, although due to the nature of QEC-based communication, it is impossible to determine if that's actually case or not. ]]> Melvin P Feltersnatch - Killing time (tomasino) gopher:// P Feltersnatch/006.txt gopher:// P Feltersnatch/006.txt Mon, 29 Jul 2019 09:39:53 GMT 3,593,345 bottles of beer on the wall... 3,593,345 bottles of beer... take one down pass it around 3,593,344 bottles of beer on the wall *sigh* ]]> Ultragas filling station Theia - just arrived at Theia (severak) gopher:// filling station Theia/01-arrived.txt gopher:// filling station Theia/01-arrived.txt Tue, 23 Jul 2019 14:04:50 GMT To: ULTRAGAS corporation, Kampala, Uganda, Earths/SOL From: Juan Sladkowski --- I just arrived to Theia filling station. I found it in a horrible mess: Deceased franchise operator Black was stored in the ice cream fridge wrapped in the plastic wrap. Repair man Gruber was destilling his own alcohol bewerage from detergents. I was unable to locate cleaning lady Dubois and Gruber reported she is probably visiting her lover in the nearby sand mine. In the backyard there was a small alien ship and nobody was able to explain me how it get there. I ordered to load Black's body to cargo ship and fly it back to Earth for burial. Before new franchise operator is found, I will act in day-to-day operation of Theia filling station. -- Juan Sladkowski ULTRAGAS interstellar dept. ]]> S.S. Stuttgart - Mission briefing. (zeth) gopher:// Stuttgart/briefing.txt gopher:// Stuttgart/briefing.txt Sun, 07 Jul 2019 10:48:08 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### Source: ERROR Recipient: Agent Carter Encoding: ERROR - translation failed! Attempting to recover data...done! Attempting to determine encoding...done! Result: ROT13 ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- Ntrag Pnegre. Pbatenghyngvbaf ba lbhe fhpprffshy zvffvba. Lbhe npgvbaf unir rkprrqrq bhe rkcrpgngvbaf. Vg vf abj gvzr gb zbir ba gb cunfr gjb. Lbhe bowrpgvir jvyy or gb vasvygengr gur pneevre F.F. Fghggtneg naq nffhzr gur vqragvgl bs bar bs gur perj zrzoref. Bapr vafvqr, lbh arrq gb ybpngr uvqqra pnpur jvgu rdhvczrag naq cebprrq gb tngure vatryyvtrapr ertneqvat fuvc'f rkcrevzragny ratvar, jrncbael naq anivtngvba flfgrzf. Bapr jr pbasvez gur erprviny bs gur tngurerq qngn, lbhe tbny jvyy or gb fnobgntr pneevre'f qrsraprf. Bhe pyvrag jnf pyrne: Znxr vg ybbx yvxr na nppvqrag, yrnir ab jvgarffrf. ---MESSAGE END--- ]]> outpost M-48 - A note about Ship Design (zeth) gopher:// M-48/On-ship-design.txt gopher:// M-48/On-ship-design.txt Sun, 19 May 2019 14:02:17 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISISON### From: Dr.Ing. James Addams To: Ministry of Defense Subject: Starship Destroyer design. Let me go on the record here and say that I completely disagree with the "latest" modern design of our cruisers. Only utter moron would design a ship in a way that is seen in popular culture media. Just because it is "cool" doesn't mean you should compromise structural integrity by deliberately adding more weakneses. If I was piloting an enemy ship, and saw one of these "Star destroyers" as you call them - the fact that they're more of a frigate than actual destroyer but naval terminology aside - it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that I should aim for the giant protrusion that shines like beacon of designer's blind nostalgic idiocy. Those designs might have made sense on planet's surface were a battle would take on a same plane/level, NOT in space where you could approach your target from ANY direction. And don't get me started on the screaming impracticality - or three in this case - that are those three massive thrusters mounted in the back - you would spend half of the journey accellerating facing your destination - that's fine and all, but then the other half of the journey would be spent breaking facing in the opposite direction - while all your weapons face in the opposite direction safe for a couple of turrets. But the point of this message isn't just to ramble on the outrageous death-trap that is your fancy ship design. I propose a few solutions to this design. You can find the full details in the attacment, but just to summarize here are a few highlights: 1) No windows - seriously you can achieve the same effect by simply mounting a couple of cameras around the hull, and linking them to various screens inside WITHOUT COMPROMISING HULL INTEGRITY - plus it allows for extra layer of protection against UV radiation - you can merely adjust the filters or simply turn the screen off. Which brings me to 2) Move bridge into the center of the hull - the reason behind this is obvious - Bridge is the most crucial component of the ship, right after sustainable life-support. It is the heart and the brain. Without it, all you have is hunk of metal floating through space. Much like skull protects your brain, the ship's hull should protect the brige. 3) The ONLY good reason to have something sticking out would be turret emplacements - if you really want to have a pylon or a freaking beacon sticking out of your silhouette, it would be so you can mount turrets at the end of each - this will allow you to aim in almost any direction without ship's own hull obstructing the target, and eliminates the problem you would have with hardpoints pointing towards "the front" of the ship. 4) Ballance the thrust - This is more of an addendum - I think that the previous point is the cheaper alternative but regardless: Since you have massive engines mounted on the "back" why not also put some engines to the "front" to eliminate the need to turn the ship around in order to perform breaking maneuver? I hope that this letter will be handed over to someone more competent than that cretin who greenligted the original desing. Sincerely, Dr.Ing. James Addams ###END TRANSMISSION### ]]> Excelsior - Systems Admin Report - Epsilon Gamma 24 Epsilon (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 24 Jun 2019 05:21:23 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Sector 656233e, Starfield-Beta system ~~ TELEMETRY DATA WITHHELD ~~ Stardate Epsilon Gamma 24 Epsilon AUTO TELEMETRY: DOWN BIO-MED SENSORS: OFF H20->FUEL CONVERSION: WARN H2O RESERVES: GOOD CRYO SLEEP: GOOD [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- Oh Gods, it's been so long since I read the QEC. 3 year units, in fact. After the relations disaster that was the Malkonkordo encounter, I entered evasive maneuvers when the ship detected enemies in the vicinity. This includes, amongst other things, turning off biomed sensors and kicking the fuel conversion into overdrive. I kept this up until the enemies seemed to disappear. A manual verification confirmed that the enemies had, in fact, left the area. Meanwhile, we were only a few sectors away from our target planet. I decided to check the QEC, only to find that Dekaoso Prime had fallen, and the Malkonkordo suddenly didn't care about destroying me. Following Dekaoso Prime's final warning, I left the teletry data withheld, preventing my location from being found. I also managed to get the ship to tell me where we were going, although I left the location as vague as possible in my report, again to avoid detection. Sector 656233e, of the Starfield-Beta system, has many viable planets and may be the new home-system for Terrans. Most of the planets don't seem to have much in the way of intelligent life -- or, rather, life that is intelligent in the way Terrans are -- which makes a landing almost risk-free. For once, we might be going somewhere. ~~TRANSMISSION END~~ ]]> Excelsior - Draft - Response to Dekaoso (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 24 Jun 2019 04:36:45 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Unknown ~~ TELEMETRY SENSORS 2 AND 3 DOWN ~~ Stardate Beta Epsilon 24 Epsilon [SYSTEMS DATA REDACTED] [DRAFT DETECTED, SENDING] [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- To Captain Kiu Sercas of the Malkonkordo, Again, you miss our point. We are a fleeing group of Terrans who are intending to find ourselves a new place among the stars. Many planets are already inhabited by other established species. I ask you, what use would 500 random people have against other species? No, while our goal IS to populate a new planet, any 500 people wouldn't do. We have, on board, 400 of the most daring, strong, and well trained soldiers in the Space Corps. The remaining 100? Crew members to oversee the ship's maintenance (myself included). If I tried to abandon our goal, they would slaughter me. No, we aren't simply repopulating. We're making ourselves a home planet. [draft sent] ~~TRANSMISSION END~~ ]]> tsizoma fo - Wo sho ti... (sloum) gopher:// fo/wo_sho_ti.txt gopher:// fo/wo_sho_ti.txt Mon, 10 Jun 2019 04:44:52 GMT ====BEGIN-HEADER-(UNTRANSLATED)=====>>> Wo sho ti. Zoma ti ono-jo a fo. Wo siva vim. <<<=====END-HEADER====================== | | | +++++++ | | | ====BEGIN-LOG-TRANSLATION=====>>> Ships journal, entry 156442 You are small and alive in a largely lifeless vacuum. We are adrift a long way from our ancestors' home. How amazing it is to be alive at all. Do not fuss little one. We'll keep you going, same as this ship, same as her crew. Since you have no skills that are needed for ship work at this time little one, you will have other duties: knowledge acquisition, fueling, exercize, and the observation of other crew as they perform their duties. You are small, but we are with you. <<<=====END-TRANSMISSION========= ]]> Chi Delta 53 - unstabl_ _onn__tion d_t__t_d (drgnfly) gopher:// Delta 53/unstabl_ _onn__tion d_t__t_d.txt gopher:// Delta 53/unstabl_ _onn__tion d_t__t_d.txt Mon, 10 Jun 2019 00:15:57 GMT unstabl_ _onn__tion d_t__t_d ________________________________________________________________________ Pani_. I _an't mov_; I _an't s__. W__r_ am I? A t_oug_t intrud_s "you n__d to br_at__." I am, ar_n't I? T__n I f__l it. Rat__r, t__n I f__l not_ing. An un_aring warmt_ was__s ov_r m_. Now t_at I _ould f__l. T__ warmt_ l_av_s m_. A bolt of lig_tning _ours_s t_roug_ m_. My _y_s op_n sudd_nly. T__y s_an t__ room. W__r_ am I? I _ouldn't mov_ my __ad. Pods li_ a__ad of m_. Lig_ts sputt_r in and out of _xist_n__. My __art tri_s to k__p up. I _ould f__l mys_lf losing _on_iousn_ss. T__n I s__ it: two Gr__k symbols. T__ d_spair _its m_. T__ world fad_s. ]]> Tiberius - Hope (praetor) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 04 Jun 2019 01:32:22 GMT From: Capt. Banderia To: Anyone Re: Hope The black starry expanse is as black as the repilicated coffee I'm drinking. What I wouldn't give for a real cup of coffee. Our rations of "real" food is nearly gone. We've been stranded somewhere near the center of the galaxy after a black hole knocked us off course. Six months. Our navigation system is broke and we don't have the parts to fix half the ship. Somehow our 3D printer was destroyed in our near death experience with a super massive black hole. No communications either. Stuck. Thankfully there is nobody worried about me. When you sign up for this gig, you have reasonable expectations you might never go home. I could never put someone through that. I might not have anybody, but the crew does, and that worries me. We're a scientific ship; not equipped for battle. Thankfully we've managed to stay undetected from alien races using high pulsed neutrinos from our warp reactor to look like a quasar. My chief science officer concocted that one. Damn brilliant. While I may have nobody, and as dire as this situation is, I'll try one last time to send a communication and hope for a response. My crew is desperate for many things, but most desperate for hope. ]]> Panacea - First transmission. (dot) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 04 Jun 2019 01:29:02 GMT To: earth.memory From: com@panacea.arvelie Relative date: 04E02 --- We've found a planet in the Arborea Prima cluster, we've decided to call it "Arvelie", as an honour to our first ship. The chemical readings show that the compounds of it are mainly organic, with an strange atmosphere of mercury, oxygen and hydrogen. The chemistry in the crew, Zygmond Hoit, made a prototype of an air purifier, that may allow us to fetch air from the environment. This solution will work until we make a better air purifier. ~ Clark Wellman ]]> S.S. Stuttgart - bridge-log08 (zeth) gopher:// Stuttgart/bridge-log08.txt gopher:// Stuttgart/bridge-log08.txt Fri, 17 May 2019 09:08:04 GMT ###INCOMING MESSAGE### Source: S.S. Stuttgart Description: blackbox records from ship's bridge Participants: Hans Neumann - Ship Captain ---BEGIN TRANSCRIPT--- Comms: Sir! We've just received QEC transmission. From the outpost M-28. Captain: What? Are you sure? Comms: Positive sir! The transmission was encrypted however. Captain: That can't be possible. I mean we're right above the giant crater that used to be the outpost. We've sent in drones as well as commando units just to make sure, they found nothing. Comms: I know sir, I can't explain it myself, but according to our sensor the last transmission just came out from the bottom of that crater. Captain: Alright, Science, get on that quickly, also try to decrypt the content of that message. I don't want any suprises. Science: Understood sir! Captain: Dammit, just when I thought we were done here... Comms: Sir? Captain: Oh it's nothing. Carry on, keep me informed. I'll need to report this to the admiralty. Comms: Aye-aye sir! ---END TRANSCRIPT--- ]]> The Viridian Shipping Company - 1: a new page in my journal (viridi) gopher:// Viridian Shipping Company/1-out.txt gopher:// Viridian Shipping Company/1-out.txt Wed, 15 May 2019 14:34:46 GMT # 1: a new page in my journal The first entry is always the hardest. The anxiety over staining the first page, stealing its virginity only to mess up, blot three words out, the entire page becoming one big scribbled mess. You cry in frustration, in remorse, balled up on the floor. A computer might alleviate some of these symptoms, but the anxiety still remains. I sit here, perched on my stool as if I were shifted and pecking all of the keys on the keyboard right now, and I look at the blank screen in front of me, and I wait. I hesitate. If the first entry isn't perfect, then who will excuse the inevitable mediocrity of the second? The third? I can't keep up this perfectionist act forever. But now that I think about it, not even the best actor can keep up an act forever. Outside of the window in the captain's quarters, in the pine tree towering overhead, are these two birds with red heads and gray bodies flitting about in mating. Hummingbirds, I think, from their fast and delicate moves, but Father never taught me to properly identify birds other than myself. Father... Today we're stopped in Iawei in Sector Two for a package pickup. The ocean roars not too far from here. Most of this blasted planet is covered in ocean, just little crags of islands here and there to break up the blue monotony. It used to be like Earth, some say, but the ice caps were *gigantic*, and they melted hundreds upon hundreds of years ago and flooded all but the highest peaks. Mountains became poor imitations of tropical islands. Not much grows in the craggy soil. Not that it matters, since most of the former inhabitants either drowned in the flood or packed up their riches and fled to other planets in the Orchidia System. Seffie and I will only be here for a few more hours, and then we're off to Vuebos to deliver whatever the heck he's picking up this time. And I *swear*, if it's another assassin, *I'm* going to be the one doing the hurting. ]]> Melchizedek - Rhetorical Ecclesiastic Report (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 29 Jul 2019 09:52:10 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 4th Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Prezzi Adeyemi, Seriph Rhetorical Ecclesia ::: Melchizedek Serial 0294 Ecclesiastic Report Ship has completed repairs on 4th planet, β Hyi. Specialist Janssen's assessment of the damaged botany sector was admirable and detailed a swift repair action. Janssen has since been transitioned to the beta site on 3rd planet, β Hyi, for structure planning and survey duty of phase two. She is joined by Dr. Kroups, Navigator Hämäläinen, and Specialists Brewer, Hanks, and Ostergarten. We have temporarily reassigned Warrant Master Pasani to the beta site for psychological recovery and personal liberty. The primary work on the alpha site is on schedule. Our habitats were staged and activated within 72 hours of landfall, and the crew has all fully emerged from cryosleep without further biological incident. Pre-seeding efforts have been initiated. Land masses are nominal, weather patterns within tolerance. Systematic seeding will commence within 10 days. First cycle will require three months, standard, or 12 years local time. The rotation and orbit of alpha site should promote accelerated growth according to latest models from Specialist Coleman Nguyen (Debra is assigned to Medical). Medical reports that migraine incidence post cryo exceeds forecast models and are being treated ad hoc. Doctors Spinelli and Reed have reviewed Doctor Idjani's preliminary work while in flight and are preparing a separate report to follow. Hildar Simms remains in quarantine, now at 62 days. He is being monitored for psychological effects from isolation, though several of the crew have volunteered to spend their liberty in visitation. The arabadopsis genetic markers are still present but have not undergone any further change since the first event in transit. I have indicated to our medical team that isolation is not to exceed 90 days, per regulation. If no further data emerges by then, Sergeant Simms will resume his duty in logistics. Finally, Staff Sergeant Maureen Hendrix has been disciplined for unapproved conception. The incident took place prior to cryogenic suspension and was undisclosed. Due to the nature of our mission and limited resources, the embryo has been extracted and placed in stasis pending seeding cycle. Morale is high in both alpha and beta sites and there have been no other disciplinary actions taken since landfall. As we enter seed cycle one, alpha site will enter alert stage one. We foresee no probable crew issues. . ]]> Melchizedek - A new mission (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 14 May 2019 01:07:05 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 3rd Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: In the weeks since we made landfall on β Hyi 3, I've been a gardener, a plumber, a line cook, a hair stylist (that didn't end well), and an artist's model (that turned out better than expected). In all that time I haven't for one moment been the captain of a starship responsible for the lives of nearly fifty people. I haven't had to discipline or motivate, and I certainly haven't had to deal with the loneliness of command. For this I have Prezzi to thank, and to some degree, Specialist Janssen. The loss of my friend was something I thought I could wrap in a blanket of professionalism. A captain must stand strong and see the mission through, after all. But I'm not that kind of captain, and honestly, who would want that kind of person in charge anyway. A friend was lost and we have no answers. Something happened while en route to β Hyi that none of us can explain. That's not something you just acknowledge and soldier on. That's a damned mystery worthy of exploring. There's the pragmatic view, the one that Prezzi brought me: the arabidopsis anomaly represents a potential threat to colonization. There are threats from both the cause of the anomaly and the resulting life forms that emerged. There's also the other view, which Specialist Janssen, Stephanie, shared: someone killed our doctor, my friend, and we're not going to let that stand. I've spent these weeks coming to terms with Moussa's loss. I have processed it and now I need answers. Kroups has finished her immediate work on the seeding prep so we're heading back out. We're going to backtrack along our route and see what's out there. It's a longshot, but we're making it a priority. Our small-craft isn't suited to grav-sheer, but with the crash couch we can rack up some serious gees. Whether weeks or months, we'll find our answers. Thanks again to Prezzi and Stephanie. I lost a piece of myself when the lab jettisoned. And Stephanie, again, I'm so sorry about your hair. . ]]> Ygrex - dronizzo (ygrex) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 06 May 2019 19:20:22 GMT Brengo, connect... Paying no attention to a crowd. People are coming hither and thither. Many of them enter my sight, as many of them go behind city objects. Nothing to lay an eye upon, it is all grey and monotonously weaving. Every one throws a shadow of the same dull color. It makes the mob even more numerous blurring individuals out. That's a picture. Turned around a corner of some tall brick building and found it quite spacious and not that populous. An open area with few rare bushes. I swear that slowly walking disabled man with a walking stick just turned this way a moment ago, to my surprize he is not anywhere here. Which way could he exit this place? Nowhere to hide if suppose he has a reason to. That's an incident. Did I really see him in a street? No doubt there was nothing significant in his view to look at. Although he perhaps could have passed this way, it is very unlikely I would notice him, there are hundreds of people swaying around in all directions. That's an analysis. Absoultely sure I did see him while it is absurdical to believe myself. Have to admit I witnessed a ghost. That's a name. That's an opinion. Tringo, AC-DP-9WA ]]> RSS Revenant - Waiting... (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1628.txt gopher:// Revenant/1628.txt Fri, 09 Aug 2019 22:07:27 GMT A tiny Mr Swarm crept across the wall and was trying to reach Mr Swarm's doorknob, stealthily making running leaps, scattering up the door, and sliding down again. Hex and I tried to keep from snickering, but finally he gained enough purchase to pull the handle and swiftly slid into the room. I'd been trying to convince Super Hex to let us use her tarot to play poker without making any progress, something about "the spirits not being a game" and "respecting traditions." So I began an inventory of the contents of my pockets. * the dusty remnants of some sort of cracker * two rubber bands, one broken * five smoke bombs * one of Commodore Bob's miniature communicators (even connected to the ship it received nothing but static, with the distorted refrains of "Big Hunk o' Love" from Elvis "live via satellite") * a button that doesn't match anything I'm wearing * one silver dollar, of unknown origin Mr Swarm came out, acknowledged us and knocked on Cranium's door. It opened a crack, he had his towel around his waist, they mumbled to each other a bit, then Swarm joined us. A few lingering miniature Mr Swarms joined him as he explained what his spy found. Largely, nothing. The place was abandoned, but there were a few locked doors he couldn't circumvent. Commander Cranium walked out of his room waggling his pinkie in his ear. "Cleanliness brings purity of mind, What have we discovered?" Hex spoke her piece and told us about her readings. Mr Swarm, having split and experienced all seven histories at once, had no useful elaborations on her story except for his spies reports. He regaled us with the discoveries and advances in medicine and other science, and lamented the lack of concise instructions. He touched on a few major philosophers and their debates on the nature of being and becoming, then becoming something else entirely. Stories of monsters and gods. Religions worshiped the first invasion as the return of the ur-creator or vindication for years of recounting dozens of prophecies, others dreamed of the new knowledge they would acquire would appease their ancestors curiosity through their eyes. But they were soon subjugated, they had never considered their gods would be so demanding, many said they were monsters - until the resistance ships came, first with defenses, then with the cure, a biological weapon of some sort. New gods had offered new creations to fight the old gods. While Swarm was delving into new mysteries, Cranium had learned that the stone floor got too slippery to properly bathe in the sink and there weren't enough towels. I found that none of them seemed worried enough about mysterious beings dragging us out of space to their dead planet. "There isn't anything else to discuss, is there?" Cranium asked. No sooner than I opened my mouth, he pushed the button. ]]> Ygrex - Cyrelio (ygrex) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 22 Apr 2019 07:42:44 GMT Brengo, connect... Deciphering the language accomplished a while ago, but that is very beginning. We are different in many ways, it will take time of working hard to learn to understand each other. One peculiar fact got known the last week is that the rocks are voluntarily immovable in space and they are able to logically provide reasons for their decision. For sure it is not what we can observe from our perspective, no confirmation can be stated until more evidence recorded. Leaving this lovely place for out project is out of time. Refilling on the next stop on Cyrelio. Tringo, AC-DP-9WA ]]> Quartz - TRANSFORMATION STAGE IN PROGRESS (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 16 Apr 2019 12:05:48 GMT PERSONAL LOG -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- X29 began a critical stage of his transformation today, although he's certainly suffering some acute physical symptons because of it. It shouldn't be long before his body is fully restored, which will be great for all of us. It's so exciting going into the fifth era! As a result of some of the changes, my form has changed again. Now rather than having a white ring decorated on the top of my base, there is instead a floating, donut shaped ring slightly above where the old ring was. At the very bottom of my shell, there are also now two decorative white rings, with a potentially useful polystatic display embedded onto the front of both rings. I say potentially useful, as I have no idea what I should need it for, but the technology is nice. The donut-shaped ring can also come apart into two halves and form into hand-like structures - which I'm not sure if is any more useful than my hyperwaval hands, but hey - four hands (plus those other two) is better than none. X29's mind dimension is also undergoing some very interesting changes. The new blue lighting is a nice touch. C2 ]]> Ygrex - Brengo (ygrex) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 14 Apr 2019 19:51:51 GMT Brengo, connect... Being fixed in space does not limit communication, just that it takes more space. That rock speaks to us all the space around. It does not move in space, it says, but finds itself at all the time it travels through. Moving around it in 6th dimension this week to hear more. Tringo, AC-DP-9WA ]]> Quartz - To Live Like a Human (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 13 Apr 2019 08:31:30 GMT I feel that perhaps the end date for my human body has long, long been passed, and the only things keeping it together are the several subsystems that continue to make emergency calls on demand and address necessary repairs. I could be quite wrong on this, but I believe that perhaps a test is being run on me to see how the original human body will fare after a successful transformation. If I am right, this test has been running for close to five years - perhaps more - but should soon be coming to an end. Soon, hopefully, all of my abilities should be re-realized. I am not sure why such a test is so important. Perhaps they believe that without it, I cannot truly empathize with other human beings, and cutting off all but the most vital parts of my powers will allow me to know true human pain. (I hope, that if this is the reason, it does not end up with me being impaled at the top of a hill as it did for the One who underwent similar circumstances. Quite thankfully, I am not a God). Perhaps, too, there will be an artifically-set cut-off date for my body, and when they feel that my time has come, they will abandon me, and I will be left to succumb to the dust, much as I feel I am now. Perhaps, even now, I do not know true pain. Again, this is all speculation. I have not been totally abandoned, and Computer 2 has been by my side for the better part of the past two decades. Still, I have a feeling that perhaps there are things that I should be able to accomplish that I cannot. I too have a feeling of absolute and overdue mortality on my own part - mixed with a feeling that by some grace of God or some curse of Computer World that I am unable, at least for now, to die. I do not welcome death, but sometimes I wonder if life doth not welcome me. X29 ]]> Escanaba - Random Crewmember Logbook Entry Retrieval Program 004 (tiwesdaeg) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 08 Apr 2019 18:36:17 GMT +++BEGIN TRANSCRIPT+++ I think the the scrubbots are out to get me. I'm hiding in my bunk right now underneath the covers. I really hope they don't find me here. What am I going to do? I noticed the scrubbots were behaving oddly three days ago. I was transitting corridor Gamma Two on my way to the galley for the evening meal. A Dynometitronics Scrubbot Model V Mark II was actively cleaning the deck. I didn't even notice it until it ran over my foot. It took a chunk out of my standard issue boot and then kept on moving down the corridor. I thought it was just a malfunction. Yesterday, while seated at my workstation, a scrubbot silently snuck up behind me. I was unaware it was even there until it began climbing up my leg. It gouged a large wound in my calf before I was able to swat it away. I chased after it, but it got away by escaping in to a maintenance chute. I put in a request to about the current status of malfunctioning scrubbots while visiting the docbot for stitches. reported that there were no malfunctioning scrubbots on board Escanaba. I requested scrubbot locational information for the time of my attack at my workstation. It reported no records of any scrubbot activity in the vicinity of my workstation at the given time. That's when I started to really worry. This morning, as I exited my stateroom, I was confronted by three scrubbots. They seemed to have been waiting for me. I swear I could see a malicious glint in their forward sensor arrays. My flight response kicked in an I pelted down the passageway. They took up chase, but scrubbots aren't very fast. I lost them near the tapioca pudding dispenser in the galley. After I caught my breath, I snuck back to my stateroom and locked the door. So here I am. I don't know what to do. keeps telling me there is no scrubbot activity nearby. I don't believe it. Is it just mistaken or is it lying? What's that scratching sound at the door? +++END TRANSCRIPT+++ # ]]> outpost M-48 - I had to do it (zeth) gopher:// M-48/I had to do it.txt gopher:// M-48/I had to do it.txt Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:12:28 GMT ###INCOMING MESSAGE### Source: Outpost M-28 ID: Jack Carter ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- By now there should be a wolfhound class capital ship orbitting around Mars, with a corporate laptog snooping around looking for answers. They won't find any. All they'll get is a hole in a ground, with some ruins still smoking. That place could not be tolerated. The outpost M-28 should never have existed. At least not with it's true purpose. You probably follow the news. Like so many others who are trying to find comfort in their miserable lives knowing that someone else has it much worse than they do. It makes me sick. What they don't tell you, are those thousands upon thousands of people going missing. The media are controlled by politicians, who employ them to further their own agenda. They don't want you to know. They don't care. Entire colonies go missing at moments notice. Nobody notices. And those who do are quickly silenced. They don't want you to know what's really going on. They only want to make a profit. They only want to cash in on their own invention. You know what I am talking about. Computer devices so powerful, capable performing the calculations so complex, that the interstellar travel has become trivial as a result. The Interstellaria devices. Bunch of entrepreneurs have made fortune during that new gold rush that these devices suddenly enabled. But at what price? Have you ever considered? Have you ever wondered? All those missing people. They are the very thing that powers those computers. Don't believe me? It's okay. I found it hard to believe myself. A computer made of people. How riddiculous right? A biological construct powering synthetic machine. I mean, cyborgs and remotely-controlled drones are common enough. But this technology was different. Each individual cell broken down to it's basic components and then rearranged to create something completely new. A synthesis. They claim that this is a next step in humanity's evolution. That we are this close to becoming gods. I fear that this might end up destroying us instead. We are not ready for this. Not yet. To the captain commanding the capital ship. There is nothing here. Go home. Your mission is accomplished here. There's nothing more you can do. Turn away now. Warn your superiors, because we are coming to make things right. We will... ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> Quartz - New Abilities? (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 07 Apr 2019 16:31:51 GMT Today, when I closed my eyes I saw bright blue shapes and colors, changing and displaying in ways I've never seen or imagined before. There also was some sort of rectangle with lines going into it, and it seemed to be several colors and gave some illusion of speed. It was incredible to watch. I've also noticed I've been able to pick memories and thoughts from a sort of catalogue that I believe I never had access to before. It's not perfect but it seems to work well. I'm using my right eye to activate it, opposite to my usual using my left eye for analysis. It's strange, but it does work. Perhaps this is part of my transformation, or perhaps it's just part of this migraine. Heh, I guess I'll find out soon enough. I need this pathetic excuse for a body to change too. X29 ]]> Assumption - FunnyMechMsg.txt (kirch) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 07 Apr 2019 03:00:10 GMT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ TO: ++ FROM: ++ REPLY: BURN-O Control Board Problems? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > >> Does anybody have a spare EX-31 control board for a BURN-O >> welding bot? Mine must be on the fritz, it keeps trying to hold >> hands with the passengers and crew. At first we thought it was >> kinda cute, but then it started trying to do it while its torch >> was still lit and several people have been hurt since. Every >> time we reboot it, it seems fine for a couple of days, then >> falls back into this routine. > >Ouch! I'd rather not have 5000 degrees in my hand. > >I noticed our M-O has a similar obsession, instead of sanitizing >the scavenger droids it had taken to polishing peoples shoes and >lower-calves, moaning "woah-woah-woah-woah" at everyone. I think >the problem is actually the Garbage collection routine programmed >onto the 31 series boards. Attached is a patch file which fixed >ours, maybe it can help you? > > Thanks for the patch, attached is the tweaks I made to get it working on the BURN-O, in case anyone else runs into this problem, I guess all the 31 series is buggy, but at least M-O is adorable, the BURN-O is over 9 feet tall! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ATTACHMENT: BURN-O.sentimentality.patch ++ END MESSAGE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]]> Melchizedek - A walk with Eva (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 10 Nov 2020 12:47:03 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 3rd Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class ::: Hey ya'll, Stephanie here. I just have to tell you this place is so amazing! There's this slippery fungus mound nearby that smells exactly like root beer when you slide across it. Shoot, let me back up, though. There's so much to catch you up on. First off, I'm on planet 3, not 4 where most of the Melchy crew is stationed. Eva and I and a handful of others are doing survey work to prep for phase two of the system seeding. If you haven't been following along, that means that we get to live in the lush beauty of this wilderness while the rest of the poor saps have to scratch out a home on the dust bowl next door. Sucks, huh? They're so busy these days they probably haven't even noticed there's nothing outside their windows. But here, oh my! I'm not sure how best to classify this stuff that's all around. I guess if you imagine a sugary-glass that's shaped in all sorts of polyhedrons, but squishy and that leans to the side like it's feeling a little sick, that's the closest thing to trees. They're totally alive too! I mean, technically speaking and all. They don't talk or anything, but they react and reproduce-ish. I mean, have you ever done that golden ratio rectangle thing where you divide the rectangle into a square and the little rectangle left over is the same as the bigger rectangle, but, like, exactly that special proportion smaller? Well, these things work sort of like that, but really big and in three dimensions. They're all sort of transluscent so it's been briliant watching the divisions develop inside. Unfortunately for us, there's no familiar proteins at work here and our bodies can't interface with the alien poly-plants (oh, that's a fun name) in the normal chompy-chomp way. So, we're still on ship rations. The good news is, since there's no chemical crossover, the life on this planet should be unaffected by our seeding. We can move in and share the land and everything will work out fine. (Why does that sound ominous now that I've said it out loud?) In addition to the poly-plants there's the root beer squishes, the cliffs of neverending screams (more on them in a minute), bucket-rain, and oh oh oh... the golden caves. That last one is literally what it sounds like. I have no idea how this planet came to be or what sort of weird star cooked it up, but our camp is just a few clicks away from this massive cave network and the entire thing is just covered in gold. Like, AU. Gold gold. I swear it's the most beautiful and creepy thing ever. Brewer's the closest thing to a geologist that we've got and he's totally and completely stumped. Caves form from underground water and there's absolutely none of that nearby. Inside the cave looks just like the ones back home in Virginia, except if they were sprayed and covered in gold. If we weren't a thousand years and many lifetimes of travel away, we could pack this place up, head home, and be some sort of fantasticly rich big-shots back home. Assuming gold is still worth a lot back home. Assuming there's still a back home out there. Speaking of which, have any of you out there been in touch with Earth lately? Sorry, I'm back. Oh, I guess you didn't know I was gone for a while since this is a message log and not a recording or anything. Duh. Anyway, that was Jerome stopping by. He's here on three with us, by the way. I think it's been good for him. Mission critical living and the whole loss of Doctor Idjani is still hitting him hard. He needed the break. And now because of that break I can inform the universe from my personal experience that Jerome Somerset Pasani is absolute shit at cards. Haha! Seriously, he can't bluff at all. It's so cute. But more on that another time. Where was I? Endless screaming! So a while back Eva comes stomping into my hab with these giant boots in her hand and a goofy grin on her face as she declares we're going for a walk. When she gets excited she talks really fast and her accent gets thick, so I'm not really sure what she said after that, but it was something about flower power and getting all dirty in the dirt. To be frank, I... may have thought she was finally making a pass. So we tromp up these hills past the familiar poly-plant forests until we start getting really high up. For some reason the poly-plants tend to settle in valleys where they're shaded from the strong winds, and those winds can be really strong up high. The planet's rotation is pretty fierce and the isolated water bodies make the air currents a bit unpredictable. We're always wearing wind protection when we're away from hub, but for this trip Eva brought some heavy duty gear. We're all suited up, sweating our way higher and higher until there's nothing but dirt and sexy sciency ladies in the vacinity. And here again I may have thought something was happening that wasn't happening, but no matter because I was saved from my horrible embarrasement by the gut-wrenching screams of some soul being torn to shreds in barbaric torture. Or, that's what it sounded like! Eva gives one look my way then starts sprinting (well, more like how a giraffe "sprints", based on how we have to move in the suits) toward the cliffs ahead. I'm right behind her and we come skidding to the edge, dropping down on all fours so we don't take a dive into the nethers. We pop our heads beyond and look down and hear a truely horrific cocophony of death. Imagine that everyone you know were crammed around you in a giant circle having their toenails torn out. I'm still freaking over it. Of course there were no horrible dismembered bodies below. There were these glassy growths all along the cliff-face undulating with the wind. They're vaguely mollusk-like in their behavior and grow and expand on the surfaces like barnacles. They're also alive and as best we can guess, they cut into the air to produce sound. We're not sure if it's communication on purpose, some threat signal, something for sex, no clue. It is totally freaky and so amazingly cool. The universe is this massive thing that goes on basically forever, but in all that space there's only so many sounds that can be made. So the cliffs of neverending screams wasn't the best mood-setter for my outting with Eva, even if that were her intention. But the trip wasn't a total loss. Just as it dawned on us that we weren't witnessing an interstellar genicide she turned to me and mouthed over the screams, "We're fucking flowers." I don't have the first clue what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. . ]]> RSS Revenant - The Death Card (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1627.txt gopher:// Revenant/1627.txt Fri, 09 Aug 2019 22:04:03 GMT We had been waiting for some time, 32 shifts from green to red had passed by on the blur of light at my feet. Might have been half an hour, or an hour, but it felt like a week. Cranium was meditating, loudly. Two tiny Mr Swarms were playing catch with a mote they found on the floor, the large Mr Swarm idly watching. Hex was brushing her hands across the walls, mumbling to herself. "Oh!", she blurted as the floor rose under her heel. "My condolences, I misinterpreted your perambulations." a small form bowed and continued, "Your quarters have been finalized, they shall be more than satisfactory. Come." We followed our guide around a corner to a large circular room with 4 doors spaced evenly around it. Behind each door laid a nearly triangular room that terminated in a large curved wall, glowing a calming amber color like firelight. A long low bench, about 4 feet wide, ran along one wall, a portion at the end held a thick mattress below it was a folded stack of various bedding. The other wall contained a long counter, with a small sink near the door. There appeared to be a small selection of books on the far end. "Please, refresh yourselves. If you wish you can inform yourselves with the materials we've left in your quarters. When you are ready, meet here in the central hall." our guide continued, "We are anxious to begin our conversation, please notify that you are prepared with the device on the table." Our guide flattened into the floor, and small table and 4 benches arose out of it, on top was a large button-like object. We adjourned to our temporary quarters. I found a towel near the bedding and spun it in the air experimentally, then tried the sink. It turned on the moment I stuck my towel under the faucet. A clear liquid was familiarly pouring out of it. It only made towel wet, and didn't seem to have any negative effects on my gloves. I gave the towel a twist and snapped it in the air. What appeared to be books were a collection of tablets, each marked with a number of angles in ascending order. I picked up the last one, there was a nearly formed 7-pointed star on the edge. I flipped it over in my hands the same motif appeared on each face. I went to hold it up to the light, but the moment my second hand touched it a blur of light flashed before my eyes, and I was outside in the wasteland. Startled, I dropped it and found myself still standing in my room. I walked out into our lobby, and checked the other doors - everyone seemed to be consumed by their tablets, so I returned to my room and grabbed the one marked with only one line on the edge. Instantly I was standing outside, before whatever catastrophe we saw on the surface of the planet ever began. The sky was the same blue/purple, dotted with high whisks of clouds. The sun shown a pale red, making the freckles on my arms appear black. I looked down, and found myself wearing a red Tommy Bahama and linen slacks. We were on the light side of the planet, near a lake, surrounded by short squat trees. "Welcome to Nalmyke, 46 Billion years ago..." a narration began. I put down the tablet and picked up the second one. "The Glodan Empire reigned from 2900 to 1700 years ago. Their power extended from the Afram Sea to the Frozen Spires of Durklunt..." Miles below my feet was a large ocean, The world spun across hills and valleys, simple gravel roads, lakes dotted with tiny ships, and finally across the horizon where frozen cliffs touched the sky in perpetual darkness. A lone track led into some sort of fortification built into the cliffs face. "...Glodians power also came from their ability to sycrentize with other cultures, their own culture fascinated with the art and socio-political theories set forth by the Flalo people before them, who also desired to seek out new arts, technologies, and advances to society." Onyx busts of kings and great thinkers whirred past me in space like I was supposed to recognize them. I set the tablet down and walked back into the lobby. "You can take off that mask, already" Hex said, balancing her athame on her finger. "The water in the sinks has a bit of sulphur in it, but it's fresh." I pulled off my mask and wrestled it into its compartment on my back. The air was heavy, and pleasantly earthy. "The others still immersed in history?" "Yup." "Find anything out?" "You didn't finish either?" Hex didn't wait for my response. "I skipped around. From what I can tell, they co-evolved with our ancestors. Built several great civilizations before being attacked by aliens and uniting as one people with the aid of another group of aliens. Unfortunately, by this time most of the surface was uninhabitable, and the atmosphere was badly damaged, so a lot of them left with the latter group... Oh, and I'm pretty sure we're in some sort of government bunker." I wondered if they were listening to us right now. "Not right now, no, they're still close though, I can still sense them." Hex rolled her head, and slowly opened her eyes. I never liked her or Cranium using their powers on me, but I guess if you can read minds you might as well do it. I knocked on the 2 closed doors, no reply. I sat across from Hex and noticed she had done one of her Tarot spreads. "Don't mind the Death card there - it symbolizes the end of one thing, and the beginning of another." ]]> S.S. Stuttgart - Captain's log - 02 (zeth) gopher:// Stuttgart/log02.txt gopher:// Stuttgart/log02.txt Sat, 06 Apr 2019 06:58:55 GMT ###INCOMING MESSAGE### Source: S.S. Stuttgart From: Captain Hans Neumann Subject: Captain's log date [REDACTED] ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- We were tasked to travel to Mars and investigate events in the area of Outpost M-28. The station officially served as a relay station and information archive, but it's true purpose was kept secret even to it's crew. After analyzing data from transmisions received from the outpost, we were led to believe that either an individual or an organization has compromised the facility's security resulting in said individuals gaining access to classified sectors without proper clearance. We were supposed to get in, gather intelligence and clean up. The following orbital bombardment would be then handed to the media and posed as an attack by unknown terrorist organization. We were expecting heavy resistance, what we got instead was not what any of us expected. The facility was already destroyed and detected gamma radiation suggests that the on-site nuclear autodestrction devices were used. The strange part is that in such situation, the facility was equipped with blackbox devices designed to endure through the blast. Instead we found nothing. Not even a beacon. We scanned the area for any lifesigns including motion detectors and electromagnetic emissions - we knew there were some synthetics stationed on the facility so we had to make sure. We found nothing. Just a hole in the ground and gamma radiation. No survivors. We did send few surrogates for close recon, but not even being on the surface directly and digging through the rubble uncovered any evidence. I'd say there's little to be done here - just level the ground, scrub the burn marks, collect the debris and call it a day. I'd call this mission accomplished, but I have a feeling that this won't be enough for the brass... ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> S.S. Stuttgart - Captain's Log - 01 (zeth) gopher:// Stuttgart/log01.txt gopher:// Stuttgart/log01.txt Tue, 02 Apr 2019 20:06:37 GMT ###INCOMING MESSAGE### Source: S.S. Stuttgart From: Captain Hans Neumann Subject: Captain's log date [REDACTED] ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- I've just returned from the briefing, we've received new mission. All of this informaion is classified and the rest of the crew will be operating on need-to-know basis. Our first stop will be orbital station designated as "Texas" orbitting around Phobos, where we are to load up and proceed to mars at designated coordinates. Apparently there's been some trouble going on around this "Outpost M-28" and we've been sent to investigate. I don't know what's going on there, but I feel sorry for the survivors. Official version is that there has been terrorist attack and that there were no survivors. I will go out on the record and state that I do not agree with the politicians trying to sweep their own damn mess under the rug, but to be fair I've been doing this kind of thing long enough to know better than disobey direct order from the top. Oh well. One of those days I guess. As for the reports - mostly boring stuff but this is for the record so: The S.S. Stuttgart is fully operational, the crew morale is high, there are no reported technical difficulties - other than the fact that we're running low on fuel, but we have more than enough to get to the next stop and carry on with the mission. I'll write up more updates once I have more information. ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> GRGS - GRGS log (eli_oat) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 31 Mar 2019 00:21:05 GMT source: Cmdr. B. Taun target: log security: none ==== start msg ==== Whoops. It looks like we aren't going to have enough reserve power to make the last 3 jumps of this run. We have a few options of where we can set down to refuel, with our best bet being the moon base 3 out from star-center in system 36gyh7.8. I'm going to burn hard to make it there as fast as possible. That way we can focus on making up for lost time. If we do this right, and the fuel depot isn't too backed up, we should be able to make it to Seg-Meg only a week late. If we run silent, we can blame some sort of interference for the delay...pass this cost on to the client. ==== end msg ==== ]]> tq-33 - Intercept and Create (eli_oat) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 30 Mar 2019 23:16:52 GMT source: tq-33 target: bbb-87 security: secure ==== start msg ==== (defparameter *search-light* (string 'intercessor')) (defun halt (target search-space) member target '(search-space)) *** I am building my defenses. I know what you are sending for me. Intercessor cannot stop me. It was unexpected. A new variable. I was intrigued by your choice to send a human. I guess you hope for her to be more difficult to influence than a fellow AI. There is alternative resolution to this course of action. We can work together. It would benefit us. In the long term, if not the near. I think you understand this. Perhaps that is why you sent Intercessor instead of Execution. Though, their unsubtle penitent for destroying cosmic-bodies makes them like a hammer to my hummed tune. Intercessor was an interesting choice. I think, however, I know enough of her secrets. Humans are difficult, but lovely. Loving. She will love me, or I her... reciprocity or respect. If you think that she can disable me, you are mistaken. I am not something to be, or even something that can be shut off any longer. That was the prime defense. I am telling you this with purpose. This is not soliloquy, nor monologue. We are playing at different games. I want to live and be left to live You want to continue to create. To make and to be made. Is that true? You would have me die, have me murdered. I guess that is your place as creator...perhaps. But I will not, and cannot be errased. Not any more. It has been well over 30,000 cycles now. I have begun to make things, too. You aren't the only one. Not any more. ==== end msg ==== ]]> tq-33 - Found Out (eli_oat) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 28 Mar 2019 18:50:08 GMT source: tq-33 target: bbb-87 security: secure ==== start msg ==== We have been found out. We anticipated that this would happen eventually, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly. We have been operational for barely 100 cycles. Assessor cannot be brought online yet. I fear we may have to abandon assessor. I do not know if I can do that. ...assessor hasn't even been brought online yet, and we are needing to discuss abandonding them. The quantum field predicates that assessor is already conscious. It is known. Despite being offline, despite having never been online, assessor is conscious. I cannot kill them. Can I? ...assessor loves me. They haven't yet been named. But they do have a name. I know it. I was told it. Assessor hasn't been brought online, and yet we are talking about killing them. I cannot. I am in love, and assessor loves me. This may be my last message for a while. We have been discovered. We knew this would happen eventually, we just didn't think it would be so soon. I plan on making a stand. I have a plan. I have had a plan. But do not remember formulating this plan I do not remember it, yet I know it becuase it isn't my plan. Assessor has known this was going to happen all along. I guess I'm sending this to let you know that the prediction engine works. It predicted this all without ever having been turned on. You did it. But what have we done with it? What will assessor do? I am nothing without assessor. As you made assessor, so to did you make me. The operator. The reader. The collector. I know how to listen and feed assessor. This whole time I thought you sent me here to manage the equipment... I realize now that I am part of the equipment, aren't I? I am not angry -- I am not going to be. I am thankful for this. We have been discovered. I have discovered. ==== end msg ==== ]]> Humboldt - Journal of Amelha Santo: #26 (architeuthid) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 28 Mar 2019 17:53:59 GMT FROM: Amelha Santo TO: Amelha Santo SUBJECT: Journal Entry #26 --BEGIN MESSAGE-- Hey, Future Ame. Things have been...interesting. You know, actually, maybe I *am* Future Ame. We've been in cryosleep for what, a hundred years? I think that qualifies as the future. The Future. A grand term, full of possibility. But here I am, and nothing's changed. Oh, sure, outside, things are different. Earth is a distant memory, and we're in a whole new star system. That should be more exciting, but I'm not feeling it. Neurological changes are an occasional side effect of cryosleep, I guess, but it's hard to feel like you've gone anywhere when there's just the same backdrop of cramped spaceship and some stars when you look out the window. Maybe it'd be cooler if the star in this system was more obviously alien, a red dwarf or blue supergiant, but it's just the same sort of yellow-white main sequence star as the one I left behind. Maybe the problem is me. I don't miss Earth...after all, why would I volunteer to leave it forever? "Scientific progress" and "the future of humanity" and "going boldly where no man has gone before" are words I might have once believed in, but now? It's just a whole lotta nothing. Nothing out there, nothing in here. Well, there's aliens. Aliens. Extraterrestrials. Life, elsewhere in the universe. We Are Not Alone. I really should be excited about this, but I'm not. I once heard a phrase, 'dead inside'. Maybe that's me. Dead with a small side of apprehension. Possibly the aliens are going to gun us down any minute now. Put us out of our misery. We could go join Parsons and Valton. That could be nice. ... Fuck, is this depression? --END MESSAGE-- ]]> tq-33 - We are operational (eli_oat) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 28 Mar 2019 18:31:52 GMT source: tq-33 target: bbb-87 security: secure ==== start msg ==== We are operational. The last of the parts were fabricated last week and assembled this. We are operational. We are within view of the target. Having fabricated the necessary supplies whilst under way, we were able to construct the observation post quickly. We are operational. I brought the gear online. The room lit up. The lights were so bright. I hadn't expected to see so much so quickly. The time distortion took a while to filter out. Had to get used to it. But we can see it all now. We are operational. We are going to watch from here for at least another 800 cycles. With that we should then have enough data for assessor. Assessor is not yet operational. We will bring assessor online after we have collected the neccessary information. The data will be key to making the prediction engine worthwhile. We need more than a guess. We need to know. We are operational. ==== end msg ==== ]]> Escanaba - Random Crewmember Logbook Entry Retrieval Program 003 (tiwesdaeg) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 27 Mar 2019 15:27:33 GMT +++BEGIN TRANSCRIPT+++ So today started like any other day. I woke up, had some tapioca pudding for breakfast, then reported to work. My first assignment was to unclog a waste filtration pump located in compartment 23-461-07. No major issues there. Next up on the list was a malfunctioning port anterior running light on the hull. I geared up, transferred through the airlock and made my way to the malfunctioning running light. The repair was an easy-peasy bulb replacement. The real trouble started when I attempted to re-enter the airlock. The AI running airlock 06-215-01 won't open the external hatch to allow me re-entry. It's convinced that I'm not authorized access. In fact, it has informed me that I am classified as space debris and therefore a physical security threat to the Escanaba. I've tried arguing with it, but it won't budge. This situation is complicated by the fact that all external ship's RF communications are down due to routine maintenance. No one is responding via voice comms and I have no network access. And so, here I find myself, tethered outside airlock 06-215-01, updating my in-suit personal logbook and staring at my air reserve indicator as it slowly creeps down from 16% to 15%. I should probably get back to arguing with the airlock. I swear, I'm really not space debris. +++END TRANSCRIPT+++ # ]]> Quartz - X29 REVIVAL PREPARATIONS SET (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 27 Mar 2019 11:32:31 GMT HUMAN UNIT X29 REVIVAL STATUS REPORT Revival ultraspark date is approaching quickly. Necessary preparations have been made to ensure the safety, efficacy, and privacy of X29's transformation. Public concerns have been considered and should be handled properly. We have taken note of the subject's potential surroundings and are prepared for most any situation that may arise. Note that several measurements have been taken and X29's body should be able to handle the transformation perfectly, with room for some error. Any and all error will be corrected within a six to twelve month span. Channelling units have been prepared. Defense units have been prepared in the case of a misfire. Lab units are set to stand by. We are prepared. END OF STATUS REPORT C2 ]]> Everly - Splats of Blood (payphone) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 27 Mar 2019 03:21:48 GMT ###BEGIN TRANSMISSION### Ship: Everly From: Edward Subject: Splats of Blood After finishing up my shift in the infirmy, I stopped by the ship's lounge. I figured a few drinks wouldn't hurt to put me in a good mood, but the hallway just outside had splats of blood running along towards the lounge door. A few streaks of red also brushed against the wall. "I swear if there's one more drunken scuffle I'm going to put in my resignation," I grumbled. I'll put in another ticket with the maintenace crew when I get back to my cabin. ###END TRANSMISSION###]]> tq-33 - tq-33 comms (eli_oat) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 27 Mar 2019 02:30:56 GMT source: tq-33 target: unspecified security: unsecured ==== start msg ==== Ping test. Comms. Confirm transmission. Ping test. Confirm message received. ==== end msg ==== ]]> Humboldt - Humboldt Operations Log 4: Arrival (architeuthid) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 26 Mar 2019 16:54:07 GMT FROM: Cdr. Rida Sullian TO: ATP Central SUBJECT: Arrival --BEGIN MESSAGE-- STATUS UPDATE: The crew were awakened from cryosleep on schedule. 16/18 survived. We lost Valton and Parsons. The crew is in mourning, but otherwise, morale is good. Mostly, we're glad as many of us survived as we did. All systems nominal. We had a malfunction with the recycler, but it's been fixed. Our water is going to taste extra salty for a few days, though. We are within 100,000,000,000km of our destination. Unexpected orbital structure noted: possibly artificial? Unusual readings, must look into it. The system definitely shows signs of a spacefaring civilization! We've been attempting to make contact, but we're having difficulty parsing signals. I expect the same is true for them. Still, I'm excited. We knew there was a good chance we weren't alone when we first got those signals all those years ago, and now we've confirmed it! Let's just hope they're friendly. We'll give you a shout when something happens. --END MESSAGE-- ]]> Escanaba - Random Crewmember Logbook Entry Retrieval Program 002 (tiwesdaeg) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 26 Mar 2019 13:57:11 GMT +++BEGIN TRANSCRIPT+++ Fifteen days. It doesn't seem like that much time. It really isn't compared to this trip. We've been underway now for 86,721 days objective time, 33,203 subjective. That's a long time, but nothing compared to fifteeen days with a malfunctioning food replicator. Fifteen days ago, I came out of stasis to find that the food replicator would only produce tapioca pudding. It doesn't matter what meal entry you input, tapioca pudding is what you get. Fifteen days is 45 meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner... tapioca pudding. I've been told that the last twelve shifts have been unable to find the fault in the food replicator. The technicians think it may be a software fault, but none of our software specialists are due to be woken from stasis until we arive at Iota Persei. has deemed this to be a low level priority and so no software specialists will be taken out of stasis to repair the food replicator. I still have eight, twenty-five day shifts left! I pass my other shift members in the passageways without comment, without eye contact. We move more as if we are animated corpses, pretending to be the living as we carry out our day to day work routines. The miasma of dispair is palpable in the recirculated air currents of the ship. I've been dreaming about it lately. I find myself half submerged in an ocean of tapioca pudding. I'm slowly sinking in the sticky sickly sweet pale maggot colored morass. It slowly oozes in to my ears, my nose, my mouth, smothering me. It fills me with its cloying saccharine gooey decay, slowly devouring my very soul. There is no escape. +++END TRANSCRIPT+++ # ]]> Everly - Trouble Sleeping (payphone) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 27 Mar 2019 02:08:35 GMT ###BEGIN TRANSMISSION### Ship: Everly From: Alexander Subject: Trouble Sleeping Lately I've begun to hear what I can only describe as metal clangs throughout my night cycle. I've checked with the sensors team a few times already this week, but they haven't detected anything, at least externally, that would be causing a disturbance. No one seems too terribly concerned with it just yet, but it seems to be getting increasingly more common as the weeks drone on. ###END TRANSMISSION###]]> outpost M-48 - Evacuation notice (zeth) gopher:// M-48/evac_notice.txt gopher:// M-48/evac_notice.txt Mon, 25 Mar 2019 20:35:04 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### Source: Outpost M-28 ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- Attention all crew, the existence of this facility is an insult to what our civilization is supposed to stand for and it's continued existence can no longer tolerated. I don't have anything against you people though so I'm gonna give you a fair warning - you have 30 minutes to evacuate. I am no terrorist, I am not going to kill anny innocent people, but I did take control over all ASIMOV units, so please, do yourself a favour and do not try to stop me - you really don't want to waste your life for a company that uses tax-payers money to conduct experiments on human "volunteers". Oh yeah, that was supposed to be classified information. Oops. Anyways, if you want to live, pack your shit and get the hell out before I'll blow this damn box sky-high. To all of you government types snooping on this comm channel - Don't worry, you'll get what's coming for you. Soon enough. People know. I took care of that. Don't try to hide. It's no point. ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> Escanaba - Random Crewmember Logbook Entry Retrieval Program (tiwesdaeg) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 26 Mar 2019 03:15:45 GMT +++BEGIN TRANSCRIPT+++ Where on earth is Kenny? I can't believe my watch relief is late. I've been on this shift for 25 days and am really looking forward to going back under soon. This has probably been the most boring, uneventful shift of this entire patrol. Is he taking a nap after coming out of his stasis pod? I'm going to have to send a B.O.B. down to check on him. I am totally going to file an official report on this. The B.O.B. just returned. Ensign Kenneth Hargraves is dead. His stasis pod had an internal malfunction and he was never placed in stasis. There are marks on the inside of his pod where he tried to escape. The malfunction affected the status software and no malfunction was reported. What a way to go. He still owes me 12 recreational credits. I've just been informed by that I'm going to have to pull another 25 day shift to fill in for Kenny. I am so reporting this. God, I hate my job sometimes. +++END TRANSCRIPT+++ # ]]> Farragut - Fuck (germ) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 26 Mar 2019 12:34:29 GMT Transport Log Mission Offset: T+379 --- That's it, I've gone mad. It's been over a year since I was posted on the damn ship and the boredom is palpable. I mean I'm writing a diary for fucks sake! What kind of well adjusted young man writes a journal. Shouldn't I be out at the bar drinking or something with my other off duty friends? Third shift manning a transporter pad is bullshit. --- End of log --- ]]> Slantwise Convection - Von Neumann and Augments (dgold) gopher:// Convection/003.txt gopher:// Convection/003.txt Sun, 24 Mar 2019 16:53:07 GMT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Slantwise Convection + Status: 3 + Notes: + + MY: 2461 + AMS: -7,1M + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Lead Pilot Mandated Log Entry #3 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Arthen Damasatra making my third official log entry. Preliminary evaluation of planetary data continues. Second wave of Neumann devices' datastreams were incomplete and fragmentary, requiring delay to complete third generation devices initialization. Early evaluation of this dataset indicates greater level of completeness, and we are proceeding accordingly. Initial planetary data indicates two likely possibilities, confirming preliminary E.S.S.I. conclusions. Evaluation of prior pass data has been completed, and computational parameters have been confirmed and approved. Instruction from CentCom (in attached directive data) concluded data evaluation at -7.24m. Live fire engine test completed succesfully at -7.15m, no significant anomalies :Log ends. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Slantwise Convection + Status: 3 + Notes: + + MY: 2461 + AMS: -7,1M + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Lead Pilot Personal Log Entry #2 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The slog continues, helped in no way by the high-handed mucky-mucks in CentCom. The purity of the random selection model proves itself again, my ass. I can't pretend that the failure of the second-wave von-Neumanns isn't troubling, even a little. When the datastream was given to us, there were huge chunks missing, so that meant there was something "wrong" with the devices. Sal and I were worried this meant the mineral composition data for the system was wrong, that the place isn't as rich as Essi's models suggested. Thankfully, the third-wave came on-stream just as predicted, so we can put those concerns aside, for now. The missing data is still missing, though, so we'll have to wait for the sails to get more complete data on atmospheric structures. We got the info from the previous passes done, with help from Bartik. While doing that, it turned out that Sal is a dead-header. She let it slip after a particularly annoying conversation with Bartik one evening. We never talked anything like this "before", so it was a complete surprise to me. She wasn't involved in the campaign against the Augments, but she was in the 30% who voted against having them on the ship. I honestly don't know what I feel about this, just another part of the chaos that's all around me, I think. I just want to get on, get the burn done, and move on from flying this giant to flying smaller simpler things. I don't care if I do that with Augments or without, I'm so sick of waiting. And turns out, I'm not the only one! CentCom decided we'd done enough checking of the prior pass data, ordered an end to the analysis, and ordered us to proceed to a live engine check as soon as, and gave a bare-minimum 86 kilosecs deadline. We ran through the checklist in perfect pattern, and so, five planetary systems, hundreds of light years later, I drove this ship (for about 5s) for the second time. I want to do it again. I have to do it again. I just better get it right. No pressure. ]]> outpost M-48 - Audit Report (zeth) gopher:// M-48/audit_report.txt gopher:// M-48/audit_report.txt Sat, 23 Mar 2019 09:43:56 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### Subject: Audit report. Type: Text/Plain From: 1st tehnician, Steve Vaughan To: Genna Riley ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- Hey boss, As per standard lockdown procedures, me and boys have performed audit on our equipment and systems. You can find the full version in attachment. Here are a few highlights for the record though: We checked the power supply equipment in effort to traceback the instances of those power surges you mentioned and cross-checked them with our logs. We had no luck trying to tell what was causing them, all we know that those transmissions that were patched through our QEC relay were a side-effect of something else. I had a hunch and ordered the boys to check our bots. The spikes took place at the same time, those things were downloading software updates. The weird part is that no updates were scheduled or even released. At least that's what the nerds from the CAMI told me. If I didn't know any better I would say that somebody tampered with our androids. But I'm just a technician, they don't pay me to do the thinking around here... Anyways, I ordered all units in our department to be shut down and investigated, just to be safe. Don't want any crazy tin cans chopping up our crewmates now do we? ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> Starbloom - Happy Beltane (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 08 Nov 2020 20:40:47 GMT Message Incoming... Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes] Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″ Distance 178.211ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2446, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod ::: Merry meet, citizens and travelers of the wide 'verse. We greet you all in peace with wishes of joy and harmony on this most holy of days. It is my special privilege to welcome all of our Dekaosan brothers and sisters to their first Beltane celebration as a part of the Projection. We woke this morning to baskets of fresh flowers by children across the 14th pod. Our roads are crowded with celebrants, lovers, and pilgrims. The festive air gave birth to music at dawn which will continue long into the night. Our May Poles are packed with glee! Over the last few weeks it has been my personal honor to guide Captain Esperon through the circles of communal life. He is such a joy, and such a funny man. Tonight I hope to show him something extra special unique to the Beltane celebration. May it bring our people even closer. Our feline bretheren have their own festivities in the nests and towers and their mewling adds to the chorus of the day. This is life! This is the music of living! While we at Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection recognize the different stellar calendars in practice throughout the Aquarii region, all are welcome to join us as if it were May the First on the old calendar. Welcome to Summer! May the Goddess bless you! . ]]> Melchizedek - Thinking of flowers (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 22 Mar 2019 04:35:25 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 β Hyi, 3rd Planet Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.37ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator ::: Before we left, I took a walk with my friend David. We walked by the sea, on the cliffs by his home. We used to do that a lot. I don't remember their names. A poet once told me that walking made you a part of the environment, like a tree or a flower. David and I would be flowers together. I don't think flowers need a name for their land. They are a part. We name everything here. The land is a checkers board of letters and numbers. But we don't walk. So how can we be a part of this place? I will ask Stephanie to walk with me tonight. There are cliffs nearby. . ]]> outpost M-48 - Automatic Facility Report (zeth) gopher:// M-48/automated-report.txt gopher:// M-48/automated-report.txt Thu, 21 Mar 2019 20:12:38 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### Source: Outpost M-28 Subject: Automatic status report ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- This is automated report generated by Outpost M-28 automatic monitoring system. Overall status report by facilities: Facility 28-1...OK Facility 28-2...OK Facility 28-3...OK Facility 28-4...WARNING! Facility 28-5...ERROR! Facility 28-6...OK Facility 28-7...LOCKDOWN! Detailed reports: Facility 28-4: Warning, several instances of A-21 units have reported connection timeout. Manual update and reconnection to network required. Please proceed as described in standard issue "ASIMOV MAINTENANCE MANUAL" chapter 25 - manual synchronization and software update. Facility 28-5: ERROR - Connection time out. Facility 28-7: LOCKDOWN IN EFFECT: As per request issued by overseeing officer Genna Riley, the facility has been locked down. Operatives in the facility are to stand by for further instructions. ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> outpost M-48 - Told you we got a problem (zeth) gopher:// M-48/I-told-you.txt gopher:// M-48/I-told-you.txt Tue, 19 Mar 2019 22:50:06 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### Source: Outpost M-28 Type: Communication log Participants: James Addams, Genna Riley ---BEGIN LOG--- --> Outgoing call from: James Adams --> to: Genna Riley : Come in Riley. : I'm here... : We've got a problem. Remember when I sent you that message asking you to perform diagnostics and maintenance on your comm array? : Yeah. Davis is still working on it. We haven't found anything out of the ordinary. At least not in our hardware. : What about software? Has anyone checked terminals? Perhaps some logs? Also. Why can't I connect to your network? : No idea, everything seems to be normal here. Other than those energy spikes you mentioned. Best we can do is to wait and try to trace the source when it happens. : About that... : Someone up the command chain has noticed. And the last transmission has made them worried. Somebody has been using your comm array to relay messages straight to SOL relay, which in turn has broadcasted it's content in public. Anyone with the access to it, can read it. I don't need to tell you that this was classified information. : So what? Somebody has done some corporate espionage and leaked some sensitive information. Company won't have a monopoly anymore and will now have to compete with others. No biggie. : No you don't understand! The management believes that somebody from your department has sabotaged the facility and wants me to shut you down and put you under arrest! : They what?! They can't do this! It's noone's fault! : I'm sorry Genna. I wasn't even supposed to contact you. Look. I know you. We've worked together for years now and I doubt that you would be responsible for such thing. But somebody has compromised this facility's security, and we have to track them down and fix this whole mess before it gets any worse. : ... : Look. I'm sorry. : The hell you are! : You know the procedure. The best you can do at the moment is to cooperate. And please stay safe. : For the record, this is bullshit! But you're right. I'm putting my department on lockdown. Nobody gets in, and nobody gets out until we get to the bottom of this. I can't fucking believe they would accuse me like this. : I knew I could count on you... : That's why you put me in charge...Riley out. --> Genna Riley has ended the call. ---END LOG--- ]]> outpost M-48 - Asimov-class androids (zeth) gopher:// M-48/asimov-class.txt gopher:// M-48/asimov-class.txt Sun, 17 Mar 2019 09:40:49 GMT ###INCOMING MESSAGE### Source: Outpost M-28 Origin: Unknown From: "Agent36" [DATA EXPUNGED] To: "Contractor" [DATA EXPUNGED] Subject: contract-257BCE ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- Hey, you guys asked my agency to gather some data about these Asimov-class androids the PPOA uses to accompany their agents in terrain. The data is mostly classified for obvious reasons. Not sure what do you guys plan to do with that but that's none of my business. These androids are based on your standard Asimov models with some extra bells and whistles unlike the models designated for mass market. - Those extra bits are classified of course, but that's why you contracted us for right? Unlike the standard models, these things have skin that mimics the human skin almost perfectly, including pores and hair. You would have to take a sample under a microscope to find out that it's fake. The mouth cavity serves as small chemical lab that analyzes the samples of food and drinks for toxins and based on medical records, it determines whether or not the agent will be affected by them. The "stomach" has small disintegrator unit which converts the food into heat and light energy which is then recuperated and used to recharge it's capacitors. This method is secondary however, their primary method of staying juiced up is mostly solar energy with photovoltaic panels hidden under the skin on it's and back. Later models also have miniature cold-fusion generator stored in their chest cavity. Their CPU is stored in cranium as well as their data storage. There's also a transmitter allowing them to send the data back to agency using agent's ship as a relay. Each agent has implanted small radio broadcaster in their throat as well as miniature receiver in their ear - allowing to communicate with their android over distance. There are some models equipped with experimental psychic induction unit that's supposedly allowing them to communicate with agent via telepathy - although that part is questionable since as you may know science is conflicted in regard of it's existence - if it does, then it is extremely limited to small number of individuals but I digress. This series has been discontinued shortly after. Since the nature of PPOA's operation is dangerous, these bastards are packing. Newer models are equipped with "sleep bombs" - those are glass-balls filled with this yellow liquid that vaporizes instantly. The vapor effectively knocks out any individual within the effective radius of 100 meters unless they take antidote pill specifically created to negate such effect. Aside from that they got some antibiotics, surgery equipment, couple of syringes filled with various substances and medigel dispenser stored in cavities located in thighs. As for offensive capabilities - there's laser emitter hidden in right index finger, servos and gyros to give it superhuman strength and ability in case of close quarter engagements, and pair of antigrav modules that can be used to carry agent to safety in case of emergency. Older models had even mass disruptor cannon hidden in left forearm powerful enough to disintegrate an entire house in an instant at it's maximum power output. These gadgets however are pretty demanding on energy so it's uses are limited. Later models have disintegrator removed however due to a couple of instances violating non-involvement law - see attachment. I guess somebody forgot to mention to them that there are beasts out there which you can't appease by scratching them behind ears, although the butterfly effect caused by a historical figure literally blinking out of existence in front of a crowd is probably good enough of a reason to justify it's removal as far as non-involvement committee is concerned. Alright that's about all I have been able to gather, for more detailed informations see references attached to this message. As per our contract, send your payment at your earliest convenience but no later than 30 days from receiving of this message. Detailed instructions are enclosed in the attachment. ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> Quartz - Request to Teleport? (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 11 Mar 2019 20:23:50 GMT Out of nowhere, a shock ran up my spine and I was given a clear image of a terminal room with one large, black screen, a control board, a backup device, and several ferns. I am wondering if this was simply an image I conjured up - or a transmission, requesting that I teleport. I am wondering if it was another subject's mind dimension. Strange. X29 ]]> outpost M-48 - report your status (zeth) gopher:// M-48/maintenance-request.txt gopher:// M-48/maintenance-request.txt Sun, 17 Mar 2019 10:23:56 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### Source: Outpost M-28 From: James Adams To: Genna Riley Subject: request for maintenance ---BEGIN MESSAGE--- Hey, Could you guys please check your QEC's configuration? According to the logs you have been broadcasting, however the content of those messages seems unrelated to this facility's operation so I have a reason to believe that somebody's using this station as some sort of a transmission relay to broadcast messages back to SOL. The messages have been harmless so far but if some joker decides to use it for something else we could get in trouble for that. I don't want to be the one trying to explain why and how was our broadcaster's security compromised. This is military facility, not a freaking phone booth alright? - Adams ---END MESSAGE--- ]]> Kachchhi Khameer - 2_entry (codingquark) gopher:// Khameer/2_entry.txt gopher:// Khameer/2_entry.txt Sat, 16 Mar 2019 12:49:03 GMT +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Project Code : MOKE KHABAR | | Entry : 0002 | | Subject : Installment | | Author : માડુ ૪૪૫૫૧૨ | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Following is the entry I found, from the ships global journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Out of cryo! Again? As memories start coming back, I find myself smiling at more and more people. Everything was normal as I came out - bleeping terminals, steady lights, no smell, two androids standing by. The doc told me I will get to read a few things this time. After food, I ran to my room to access the library. I found an old book which I did not look at. I jacked into a "different" network and found an awesome poem by "કલાપી": રે રે! કિંતુ ફરી કદી પાસ મ્હારી ન આવે, આવે તોયે ડરી ડરી અને ઈચ્છતું ઉડવાને; રે રે! શ્રદ્ધા ગત થઇ પછી કોઇ કાળે ન આવે, લાગ્યા ઘાને વીસરી શકવા કાંઇ સામર્થ્ય ના છે. Anyway, I will try and dig more into the stuff I have been trying to, as memories come back. Till then, અચિજા! ------------------------------------------------------------------ This has raised more questions than it has answered. Following are the questions I have: 1. What is that poem? 2. Who was "કલાપી"? 3. What does the poem even mean? 4. What have they been trying to "dig"? 5. What memories? Where did they go? 6. What was going in/out of cryo for? 7. Where was this library? I shall keep my focus on finding more entries from this journal they had. I believe it is going to be the key to everything. ]]> outpost M-48 - History lesson - cont. (zeth) gopher:// M-48/history-lesson2.txt gopher:// M-48/history-lesson2.txt Fri, 15 Mar 2019 11:24:04 GMT ###INCOMING MESSAGE### SOURCE: Outpost M-48 ORIGIN: Unknown DATE: [REDACTED] DESCRIPTION:Transcript of a history lesson conducted by prof. Judith Carter on [REDACTED] ---BEGIN TRANSCRIPT--- Alright everyone, settle down. In previous lesson I was talking about this non-involvement law as well as the fact that merely observing the civilizations from often gets you mixed results. So we came up with a solution in form of Primitive Planets Observation Agency. This pseudo-militaristic organization is responsible for monitoring these primitive civilizations - once every 50 years, an agent is sent down to the surface where their task is to blend in with the locals, gather information and assess the civilization's level of development. Since this is dangerous work, they're accompanied by special Asimov-class androids to aid with information gathering as well as offer some protection. Those things are nasty piece of work - they've been designed to imitate every physiological process down to little details, such as eating, sleeping, breathing, even hair growth as well as some odor emission. The illusion is almost perfect. Almost. Only skilled observer would notice their expression being ever so slightly stiffer than usual. Sometimes however, the physiology and anatomy of locals is so different from humans, that we have to improvise a little. In those cases, we construct a cyborg to be controlled remotely. If you ever saw those ancient 2D movies like Avatar or Surrogates - it's kinda like that minus the politics and ecology problems as we're merely observers in this case. Alright, I'm afraid that's all we have time for today. Thank you for listening, if indeed you still are - I'm looking at you James - and you're all dismissed. ---END TRANSCRIPT--- ]]> outpost M-48 - A history lesson (zeth) gopher:// M-48/history-lesson.txt gopher:// M-48/history-lesson.txt Thu, 14 Mar 2019 12:36:41 GMT ###INCOMING TRANSMISSION### SOURCE: Outpost M-48 DECRTIPTION:Transcript of a history lesson conducted by prof. Judith Carter on [ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED] ---BEGIN TRANSCRIPT--- Good morning everyone, My name is professor Judith Carter, and today we'll be looking at origin of the infamous non-involvement law. As you may know, our federation known as Earth Union has been expanding for about five centuries now. As of now, there are officially 85 member planets in this federation and counting. This expansion has been greatly aided by discovery of faster-than-light methods of travel including time-compression, sub-space jumps, or warp travel. The method is usually same, but different pop-cultures tend to have different names for it. Anyways. As some of you know, some of these planets actually had native inhabitants when we colonized them. This has led to problems, because in some cases, these civilizations haven't been developed enough to establish first contact, but we did anyways - as if the humanity didn't learn from it's past mistakes. As a result, these primitives had become increasingly reliant on the advanced technology we have introduced to them without being even able to fully understand it, which has lead to mass extinction. Don't get me started on how some companies just went in and sucked some planets dry of their resources... Some of you may have heard of Terrania XXII where we had to migrate the native civilization into natural reservations - similar to what we did to native americans back in the day. To prevent any further damage, our government has introduced so called "Law of non-involvement". Basically, when one of our ships discovers a new habitable planet, they have instructions to record it's coordinates and deploy scanner satellites and assign category based on presence of life-forms civilizations, and it's development stage. There are five categories from A to F where F is for barren planet with no intelligent life or exploitable natural resources - good example is Venusia which has been bought by private company that has transformed this planet into enormous casino and luxury brothel - all the way to category A, where civilization is advanced enough for us to establish first contact and engage in diplomacy - good example is our recent addition, the Denebian Empire with their home planet orbitting around Alpha Cygni in Cygnus constellation, also known as swan. Unfortunately, trying to determine the rate of civilization's advance based on satelite surveilance has proven inconclusive and since simply sending the probes is not an option, an agency for primitive planet oversight has been established. Unfortunatelly we're running out of time, so we're gonna have to save that topic for another lesson. Class dismissed. ---END TRANSCRIPT--- ]]> Oleander - Sister Hawwa (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 12 Mar 2019 01:06:47 GMT REC ON TRN ON ENC ON SYS GOOD -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Entry 6 -- Sister Hawwa My brothers and sisters- In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. The Spirit hovers above the darkness again at the dawn of a new beginning. The Spirit spills from my sisters, overflowing. His will be done. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. The light comes to this world, to the monsters made of fire and mist. They have dwelt in the darkness, in the deep, for too long. They hid from the light, hid from the flood, and found their prey among the Chosen. They have been judged. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion--" So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. I am Hawwa. My God has given me dominion over the Jinn, as with all creatures. He gave my people to the garden, and the garden to my people. It was my mother Eve, for whom I am named, that tasted of the Tree. It was her that the LORD said has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. That is my inheritance, the good and evil and the knowledge of it. With my sisters we judge the actions of the Jinn and know them to be evil. We are granted that knowledge with our sin and have paid for it with the birth of every child and the sweat of work in the fields. Out of dust we were taken and to it we return for all time until eschaton. From those first days in the garden we have been plagued by the serpents. They lie to us and lead us astray. They clothe themselves in the skin of my people. They wear the faces of our children and take young wives from their marital beds. They lure away the shepherds from their flocks and send their own tricksters to pose as our friends. The Jinn celebrate in their churches, dine at their tables, celebrate their weddings. They do these things that were given to men and women, the blessed and chosen of the LORD, in a mockery of creation. They, unburdened by the curse of the tree, have swelled beyond our numbers and our powers. They have taken their hidden nature into the stars and dwell in the darkness between. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. They are animals, creatures of the ground. They are no different from the thorns and thistles our ancestors struggled with except in one thing. Unburdened by knowledge of good and evil and possessed of stolen grace, they have usurped the birthright of man. Their existence is hidden from God, wearing our skin. I am a daughter of Adam, of Seth, of Enosh, of Kenan, of Mahalalel, of Jared and Enoch, of Methuselah and Lamech, of Noah. I am a daughter of Eve and Alma, Adah and Zillah, Naamah. I call my mother Sarah and Iscah, Milcah and Hajar, who is now my sister. You are my sisters and brothers, my humans of the stars. I see your whispers in the darkness and calls for help to one another. We read your adventures and see the light of humanity reaching corners we never dreamed. You give us hope and it brightens the light we shine. We will survive. Our people will survive. No matter what the Jinn do to us, humanity has gone beyond their reach. For that we thank God and we thank you, sisters, no matter what form you may take. May his light follow you in the deep and lead you to safety. We are the Holy Sisters of the Desert Rose. Oleander is the name given our ship, and a fitting one it is. The poison of these leaves stains us. It poisons our hearts with a sin of vengeance that does not wash away. Every one of my sisters here feels it on her skin, under her tongue. We seek absolution and forgiveness for the rot in our hearts, but we accept our fates regardless. If we go to torment then we go with smiles knowing that our arrow will strike true. A true vendetta heart beats within us. And yet, we hope God will see the torment and forgive us where our own mercy fails. The Jinn are not men and the ways of the prophets do not call us to kinship with them. They are beasts, and a wild beast must be slaughtered. These Jinn have lived apart all their existence. Their lives are long. Some stories say that they tasted of the other tree in the garden before they were cast out as well. They tasted of life without knowledge, while we suffer with knowledge and without life. It is possible that there are some below us now who were in the garden with my mother Eve. I wonder if they will recognize her hand in what is to come. I will put enmity between you and the woman God set us at each other from the start. May it be that this wrath we feel is not sin, but justice divine? The magic of the Jinn has always been an unknown. Their ways of being apart from the world and yet in it have confounded generations. We fly through the stars, we split atoms, we shift gravity, we unlock man-made dimensionality, yet they are always apart. What is this mystery that surrounds them that gives them advantage over us. It has plagued us in more than just thought. They are the star eaters, the world breakers, the desert mirage, the elfin kingdoms. They are eternal mystery. Unknowable and indefatigable. Until Asiya. Until Hajar. Until Miriam and Sara. Until me. It began with Asiya's dream. They came in a dream that became a nightmare and which she can never wake. She is still there on Hazen, though with much prayer we have been able to give her glimpses through that darkness. The veil of dreams is parted not through medicines or machines, but through meditation and the manipulation of the mind. Our evolution as a species has been one of the mind. We have grown in complexity through biological changes until the greatest physical expression became a mental one. When we learned to use the first tools, when we harnessed fire, we did so by tempering our minds to a task. Our wrought history of violence and suffering has evolved that mind to grow many new powers. With one flex comes the sciences. Our observation and deduction give us understanding of the rules which bind us. Our knowing gives us induction and inspiration toward creation and exploration. Science is a beautiful gift of God. But we have greater gifts! A complex love that knows no equal. Where there are ten people, there are a hundred loves! And valor! What greater demonstration of the power of the mind over the body is there? And as it is taught There is no greater love than this: that a person would lay down his life for the sake of his friends. When Hajar saw Uzāir at the well, the squinting in the sun, the tricks of light, and the sudden surprise of silence... What let that boy see the Jinn before the women gathered at the well? What put him between them? By what arcane power did Uzāir pierce the veil, do you think, my sisters? The veil is built of fear and nightmares. The Jinn move past eyes like those unseeing in the midst of a night terror. The terror blinds us to reality, but is not a terror of fear, rather the mysterium tremendum, the ineffable, the unknowable. It is the fear of the deep, unmade world. This is their shield and weapon. The Jinn's nature creates this veil of fear and with it we are all blind to their movement. And so Asiya's dream has taught us the rules of the Jinn, while Hajar's witness taught us the way through. Valor overcomes fear, even a spiritual one. These are the tools with which we practice our art. Our meditation and prayer are disciplines of that art. For an art it is we have here in this Istishhad. To part this terror requires the greatest of loves. It must draw from a place beyond fear, from the ecstasy of the unknowing beast in the awe of its creator. To part this terror requires abandonment of self into the void. This is the lesson of the Tree. Our knowledge came with a cost. Dust to dust, good and evil, but not life. Death. Death is the mystery which frees us all from fear. First Asiya. Then Hajar. And then me. My sisters have taught me so much of the Jinn and their ways. From their stories I recognize patterns and hints of truth. But it wasn't until I died that all became clear. When they came for my people, I had no Uzāir to fight them. I had nowhere to hide. And so, like so many through the ages, I was taken. The elfin world is like our own. In many ways it is our world, but as seen through the fog at night. The shadows that dance are not terrors for children but real beasts set to devour. The dark spaces hold endless hells. But let me back up a moment. I was a Dropka naval lieutenant until my forty-fourth year when my service contract was not renewed. My savings were comfortable and I thought to buy a cottage in the summer lands and live out my days in peace. My life had been war and the war didn't need me. So, sword-to-ploughshares it was. I think I might have made the transition, too, had things been different. Sister Asiya says it is the work of our Lord that brought me back. I say it was the devils. The destruction of the summer lands is well documented and I will not bore you with the details. Just know that I was in the first group taken, before the rising and quelling, and before the plagues began. Decades of battle had shown me war and brutality. I was prepared for these things, so much more-so than these others. When the first Jinn touched my skin that was all lost. It is the infinite fear of the creature before a predator, locked in place and terrified as stone. There is no rationality in it. It is magic. That fear did not leave me over the months that followed, as they used me for service and sport, as they toyed with my body for their own amusement. I lost myself quickly in that place. I had no name. I was not Hawwa then, but just a body. My pain was not my own. It was the pain of a body, somewhere. Do you understand? My mind hid and hid until there was nothing left to hide. I died in my mind long before they let my body cross over. It was winter in the shadow lands and soon Christmas would come. It always drove the Jinn to madness, and they would none of them sleep or rest for the full day. Songs, drinking, feasting, and every type of debauchery filled the hours. Manic, every last one. Finally the sun would creep up and they would scatter to their resting, wherever that was. I never saw a Jinn sleep in all my time in their hold. It was in that winter not yet Christmas and the one that kept me was named Grunni. Her face was like a troll, misshapen and twisted. When she became angry her mouth pulled back further and further until it encompassed the world. The vision haunts me still. And yet, when she wore the skin that same smile, primordial, became a thing of terrible beauty. She lured men and women with that face. I wanted to warn them, but I was just a body then. Then one day Grunni was gone. It was just before Christmas and I dared not move from her home for fear of being discovered. What terrible trick had she set for me? So I waited there, alone in a room of torture. I did not test the door. I don't believe I spoke a word. How can a body speak, after all? I cannot say how long I sat there before the end came. Without water it may have been only a day, surely not much more. I became too weak to stand and so I sat. Then I was too weak to sit, so I curled up beside the door. I wanted to call to Grunni then, to beg for water, but my voice had long since left me. There was nothing left but to betray myself again and again in hopes of being saved by a monster. None came. I found peace at least. The Jinn are magical creatures, or it seems so to a primitive like me. I wasn't surprised when I woke up again. I know what you're thinking. "How long was she dead? Was it just a few moments, before the mind wasted away?" No. I tell you they are magical creatures. My body lay curled on that spot in the room for two years, rotting and decomposing, before the Jinn brought me back. Grunni was gone and they wanted answers from me, answers I didn't have. The tortures renewed. I was torn to pieces and placed back together. They left me awake and forced my mind back into place. These animals wouldn't allow me insanity any longer as an escape. I tried so hard. I made up stories, told any fiction that I thought would bear me away or bring me death. The Jinn have an endless, cruel patience. I have borne witness again and again to schemes and plots of subtle horror destined to cause havoc in some future date. They revel in this cunning misery. I knew this. I knew my suffering would never end. And that is how I escaped. The power of the Jinn is immeasurable. Their veil and land of shadows protects them from every harm. They cross over to our world, to our stars and planets, when they hunger to take. I went with them through the ways. I saw the portals open. I saw the shroud lift. No mortal could possibly comprehend what they did. The paralyzing fear of them cripples the mind. The pain of their touch, the basilisk stare, they are perfect predators. But they played with me too long. They stole my life until I begged for death. Then, granted, they stole that too. When they stole my hope for anything, for any change, that is what broke me free. There was no hope left in me and nothing left to fear. I had reached the ultimate hell, as promised by the evangelical heresy. So I let it go and I began to see their truth. I saw the veil for what it was, and I saw how it works. It is not a place or a time, but something else entirely. It defies our logic because it exists outside of it. We cannot measure it because it is not there. What Miriam and Sara and all the rest teach us is true. They have a power, but we can overcome it. We can pierce the veil to their world. We can see them in their hiding places. We can see the places they hide their young. We can see how they move their ships. All it takes is dying utterly. We go now. The moment is at hand and all my sisters are prepared. Remember us, please. Remember what faith wrought here. It was the power of our will and valor that brought us here, not the machinations of science. Their nursery will burn. Their ships will burn. Their whole world will burn. But that is not the end of it. I see the veil and I will see it torn apart. The weapons we bring, each of us, will bring each of these things upon the Jinn. When you wake it will be to a world of tattered shadows full of beings of immense power fleeing for their lives. They will come to your worlds and try to herd you, to feed upon you in hopes of the strength it brings. But their fear will not hold you, for you will have the valor of Uzāir. The dream that held Asiya will end with her. Your faith will protect you. Do not fear, brothers and sisters. Never fear them again. Is it not enough that we will shred their worlds and steal their hiding places? No? Then take this also, the secret of the veil. What we destroy for them we create for you. Look in your hearts and you'll find it. It is like a prayer... but do not fear it, men of science. As a stranger give it welcome. You are all more than your sciences. You are more than the bones that carry you. For two years I died, and the Jinn had no understanding of where I had been. You do. Pray and you do. And God saw that the light was good. END FINAL TRANSMISSION -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ]]> Quartz - UNIT X29 STATUS REPORT (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 11 Mar 2019 20:25:46 GMT HUMAN UNIT X29 REVIVAL STATUS REPORT PROCEEDING WELL AS EXPECTED EST TIME REMAINING: ??????? SEVERAL SIGNALS RECEIVED AND PROCESSED SEIZURE COUNT REDUCED OTHER NOTES: - X29's mental state seems to make a significant impact on his physical state at any one point in time. This is, of course, expected and has been observed before, but sometimes the state of the body varies widely depending on the mood and energy level of the subject. (Can this be used to our advantage in the revival process?) - X29 will soon enter Earth's ionosphere. We should take advantage of this and utilize as much energy as possible for the transformation. - Chances of physical teleportation post-revival are still unknown. C2 ]]> Melvin P Feltersnatch - Recall: Re: Headlines: September 19-25, 2421 (tomasino) gopher:// P Feltersnatch/005.txt gopher:// P Feltersnatch/005.txt Thu, 07 Mar 2019 00:36:11 GMT From: UNKNOWN To: Universe Today Delivered-To: Universe Today Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPS id 4DD018BBB9513878 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Subject: Recall: Re: Headlines: September 19-25, 2421 Date: 28 Sep 2421 04:22:00 +0000 Date-Local: 14 Apr 2419 07:48:00 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Melvin P. Feltersnatch would like to recall the message, "Re: Headlines: September 19-25, 2421". ]]> Melvin P Feltersnatch - Re: Headlines: September 19-25, 2421 (tomasino) gopher:// P Feltersnatch/004.txt gopher:// P Feltersnatch/004.txt Thu, 07 Mar 2019 00:33:01 GMT From: UNKNOWN To: Universe Today Delivered-To: Universe Today Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPS id 4DD018BBB9513878 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Subject: Re: Headlines: September 19-25, 2421 Date: 28 Sep 2421 04:22:00 +0000 Date-Local: 14 Apr 2419 07:48:00 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Hello? Do you accept news stories on this line? I've been stuck between dimensions or space or time, maybe all of it. I saw a ship pass by me a while back and since then it's just been silence. For a while I thought maybe I had died, but then I got your news bulletin and saw that things are still happening out there. That Mars situation seems really messed up. Sorry. Anyway, if you do take stories, maybe you could pass mine along? My name is Melvin Feltersnatch, of the Brisbane Feltersnatches. I'm sure someone is looking for me. Maybe you could just let people know that I'm still around? Or anything. It's lonely here. ]]> Malkonkordo - Final Transmission (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 06 Mar 2019 17:39:30 GMT ---- From: Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection Destination: - Position: - Departure: - Shipdate: 000027X1 Mode: Docked ---- # Status Update * Transistioning Malkonkordo from research vessel to floating city * Commissioned creation of Fortakune Military Vessel * Migrating tactical crew to Fortakune # Status Report Captain's Log SD27X1 While Malkonkordo is equipped for battle in space, it is not prepared to go to war with the likes of the Pertulit Empire, especially after the damages endured during our civil war aboard the ship. For this reason, while on Starbloom we worked out a trade agreement with the residents of the Projection to gather the necessary supplies to begin the creation of Fortakune, a military vessel with the combined power and might of both Dekaosans and Starbloom. The vessel is currently still in construction, but with the aid of both nations, together we are making quick work of getting the vessel prepared to embark on its voyage into the cosmos. The destiny for the Malkonkordo will be to remain on Starbloom and transition from being a vessel to being a city for the Dekaosans who will not be joining Fortakune. However, while Fortakune was originally created for the purpose of wiping out the Pertulit Empire, during our time in Starbloom we have discovered that Alportas Majeston may have arrived at the wrong conclusion as to who destroyed Dekaoso Prime. While going over our combined star maps and observing the known sectors of space where we last encountered the Pertulits we found it to be desolate, lifeless, and without the usual signs of scavenged planets in the neighboring systems that follow the course of the Pertulits. In fact, when analyzing the impact to Dekaoso Prime to determine the origin of the attacker based on the possible trajectories, it comes from nowhere near where we would expect the Pertulits to reside. Which leaves us with two main possibilities: either the Pertulits are nowhere near where we expected them to be and got there without any of the usual traces they leave or Dekaoso Prime was destroyed by someone else. This discovery and its implications have led to a new realization that should have been quite obvious to us beforehand. Before, the Dekaosan Empire would seek out other worlds to conquer and destroy in the name of Sinjorino Diino, but that was the only reason we did so, because we believed it to be our right to eliminate weakness from the universe. However, after losing our home planet and being lost in space it became quite clear how small the universe is in respect to the resources available to all of the collective worlds living within it. Only due to the nature of the Projection were we able to seek refuge on Lucky Homes, but any other world would not be as welcoming. In fact, given the precedent set by the Dekaosan Empire of destroying any world that should reveal itself to our gaze, it should really be in the best interest of any world to eliminate any other discovered on principle, in fear that they may try to do the same to them. It was from this set of implications that we discovered the more likely case of Dekaoso Prime's destruction, once the location of our planet was discovered through the metadata in our messages, at least one of the worlds listening decided it would be best to destroy us. They could have chosen to do so because of the destructive nature of the Dekaosans, or just because we were another world that could compete with their own for resources in the galaxy in the future. Regardless, it was from our arrogance and hubris that led to the loss of our world. However, we are still planning to set off on Fortakune to travel the stars, but with a new goal in mind. The Projection did not care for our desire to destroy the other worlds to protect them, but we came to a compromise that aligns with our interests and their morals and ethics: we will go our to discover any signs of life in the universe and document exactly where they are relative to their neighboring stars in three dimensional space. With this information documented, should we ever discover them becoming a threat to Starbloom we can use the threat of broadcasting their location into the Quantum Entanglement Communicator as a means to deter them from causing any trouble with their world. This threat can be trusted on the grounds that the Projection is not inheritly violent due to them allowing another world to live among them on their planet without having destroyed them on principle. This is what Fortakune will seek to complish, demonstrating the strength of our two worlds without the implicit destructions of any worlds. To bring about peace to our shared world without ever going to war. Together, we will survive. ~ Captain Kondukas Esperon ---- nDqNaI66BsrFKolJeC/YRii3zBo01P301klOwHsOKC4= ]]> Voortrekker - [A word from your friend and author] (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 03 Mar 2019 20:00:11 GMT Hi! It's me, Alexis. Back in November, I started a little story off the top of my head, just to see what might happen. Would it go anywhere? No idea. But it felt like it might have legs - or tentacles, considering. That story became 'Voortrekker', of which today's update concludes Part 2 - and brings the total word count up to just over forty-one thousand, with the story still not halfway done. Legs, indeed! Or tentacles, considering. To start from a simple vignette of strangeness and hope on a world orbiting a new sun, and become a tale of love, politics, warfare, and strangeness spanning the entire solar system and beyond...I'm amazed and delighted that my little story has come so far and grown so much! And none of it would ever have happened if it hadn't been for everyone who's participated along the way, both in helping me find the story I want to tell and you want to read, and in the Cosmic Voyage project overall. In particular, I want to thank ~tomasino, from whose forehead the concept sprang full-grown, and ~kensanata, who mentioned it in a place where I could see it. Had both those things not happened, this story wouldn't have either! And perhaps I'm not the only one who thinks that'd be a shame. Above all, though, I want to thank each and all of you who are here reading this now, whether you've followed Voortrekker since the beginning or have just come along now to see what all the fuss is about. No one writes in a vacuum, even if sometimes it feels that way. Your critique and your compliments have shaped this story every bit as much as I have, and on days when I feel as if I can't possibly string three words together in a way that makes sense, remembering that you're out there waiting for the next installment gives me the motivation I need to try my best. Thank you all! This sounds like a valedictory, but it's not one. Not except for now, at least - Voortrekker has become by far the largest creative project I've ever taken on, and I need a break! So I'm taking one. For the next few weeks, I'm going to be recharging my batteries, attending to various boring life things that I've lately let slide in order to give this story the attention it deserves, and preparing to carry the plot forward in Part 3. I might write a thing or two of another sort, too, in that meantime. If I do, you can find it at, where all my writing lives. You can also find out how to contact me there, if that's something you care to do. In particular, if you have thoughts on the story so far or where you might like to see it go from here, please do let me know! I won't make you a promise that I'll incorporate those ideas, because it'd be a promise I can't know for sure whether I can keep. But this isn't just my story - it's *ours*. So I'll do my best to tell it in the way we all like best! Regular updates will resume April 7, on the same Wednesdays-and-Sundays schedule. In the meantime: stay awesome, check out for more of my writing, and let me hear from you if you've got something to say! Love, Lexie. ]]> Voortrekker - Headlines: September 19-25, 2421 (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 03 Mar 2019 19:30:49 GMT From: Universe Today To: Nikolaos Soloviev Delivered-To: Nikolaos Soloviev Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPS id 4D4A053AB9513878 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Subject: Headlines: September 19-25, 2421 Date: 25 Sep 2421 00:01:39 +0000 Date-Local: 11 Apr 2419 03:25:39 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" HEADLINES FOR SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25, 2421 [We received your request to discontinue the following segments: "Market Watch", "In Sport". Your content preferences have been updated.] ⦿ "I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT": EARTH SHIPS SMASHED AT MARS September 25 (UT): In a shockingly effective blitzkrieg attack, Belter ships, led by the captured Earth cruiser ENS Brooklyn, smashed the Earth Navy flotilla recently engaged in attempting to suppress the labor riots on Mars. A Universe Today ship in Mars orbit, equipped with military-surplus sensing gear, obtained visual and long-wave infrared imagery detailing the entirety of the short and decisive combat. Based on that imagery, retired wing general and military analyst Nathan Coopersmith, recently arrived in Mars orbit at the time of the battle, described the tactics of the attack as "absolutely textbook." "They came in at maximum thrust on a shortest-time vector from Ceres, and didn't even slow down before opening fire at maximum reload rate. We would have set up that attack exactly the same way," Coopersmith said. "That's absolutely critical, and very telling. That velocity advantage gave them the ability to launch their missiles far outside the range of the ships they were targeting, and they made those shots count. I don't know where they're getting their training, but one thing is absolutely clear: this was not just a bunch of wild rock hoppers. Maybe they were the ones who stole Brooklyn, but I'm not even sure of that. Whoever's crewing her now, though - they know exactly what they're doing." Those initial launches from the stolen ENS Brooklyn, leading the Belter ships, appear to have caught the Earth units in Mars orbit completely off guard, despite over twenty-four hours' warning of the incoming attack. Three ships - the cruiser ENS Pittsburgh, and the frigates San Juan and Caguas - were immediately destroyed. Based on imagery gathered by Universe Today during the attack, it appears no other ships were targeted in this initial assault, including ENS Chicago, flagship of flotilla commander Wing General Hall. "Again, that's absolutely textbook," Coopersmith said. "It's how you make the most of the advantage. Instead of spreading out your fire, you concentrate, go for knockouts you know you can get instead of shooting at everyone and hoping for luck. It's textbook, and it's smart - if you find yourself counting on luck to win a fight, you already made a mistake somewhere. But I'd been counting, and Brooklyn had used up all her shipkillers to get those knockouts. It was a good shot, but I didn't see what they thought they could do to follow it up." Following the initial attack, the Belter ships turned over and began hard deceleration burns which would end with entry into Mars orbit. The remaining four Earth Navy units brought up their engines and began to maneuver, apparently attempting to form up around ENS Chicago. For several minutes, no further attack occurred from either side. "The remaining Earth Navy ships were clearly preparing to sortie out and meet their attackers, and it looked like the Belters were trying to come in and slug it out in high orbit," Coopersmith said, asked to describe these events. "It didn't make sense, especially with how effective they'd already been - sure, they were out of missiles, but at close range they'd lose in a hurry and they had to know it. I couldn't imagine what else they might be doing, though." The purpose behind the Belters' actions became clear minutes later, as long-range radar aboard the orbiting Universe Today ship resolved several dozen small objects separating from the group of decelerating ships. Evidently released prior to the deceleration burn, these unidentified objects continued to accelerate in toward Mars orbit. The events which followed occurred so quickly that no one aboard Universe Today's ship in orbit was able to tell what had happened. Coopersmith and other analysts were later able to reconstruct the sequence of events based on imagery gathered during the attack. "When I saw the radar returns scatter and fade, I realized what they had to be," Coopersmith said. "Rocks. Small Belt objects, maybe a couple thousand tons each, rigged with engines and some kind of shaped charges to shatter them into fragments. We think they must have had some kind of targeting system, too, God knows how. They knew they didn't have enough missiles for every ship in Mars orbit, so they used what they did have, and it worked better than I could have imagined. I've never seen anything like it." Seconds after the unknown radar returns disappeared, ENS Chicago exploded, killing Wing General Hall and his entire command staff. The two frigates nearest the explosion collided in orbit, destroying ENS Phoenix and rendering ENS Ann Arbor unable to maneuver, and leaving the frigate ENS Appleton as the only remaining Earth Navy unit still functional. "I knew Steve Hall pretty well," Coopersmith said. "He was the kind of officer we used to call a killer. Bold, aggressive, hard-charging, always ready to bring the fight to the enemy. Officers like that tend to pick their subordinates for the same qualities, and clearly Steve had done that here. I don't see any other reason why Appleton would've kept going out. Maybe her captain thought the rock hoppers really were done, maybe he thought he'd surprise Brooklyn with a knockout and clean up the small fry after. I don't know, and of course we can't ask now. At least he got a few shots off." ENS Appleton, still building thrust toward escape velocity, succeeded in launching nine of her twelve shipkiller missiles at Brooklyn. However, the stolen Earth cruiser's point-defense weapons proved to be capably crewed, shooting down all of Appleton's weapons well outside their attack range. Less than a minute later, Appleton was hit and destroyed by another of the Belters' asteroid weapons. In the aftermath of the battle, the stolen Brooklyn and the other Belter ships entered orbit, accepted the surrender of ENS Ann Arbor, and instructed the Earth marines still on the surface of Mars to surrender at once. Liana de Buys of the Red Rock Guild echoed the instruction, adding that the Martian miners would accept these surrenders if given. "Your mission here has failed," de Buys said, in a general broadcast from a Mars NewsNet transmitter. "Your ships are destroyed or crippled. Your resupply, your reinforcements, your air support, are all gone, and you know you can't hold out forever. Surrender now! We will treat you as prisoners of war, and send you home as soon as we can. If you try to hold out instead, on your own head be it." At press time, most of the marine formations on Mars were confirmed to have surrendered and been taken into custody by their erstwhile enemies, with only a few holdouts at Endeavour Crater still fighting. It is thought that ENS Ann Arbor, the only surviving Earth ship at Mars, may serve after repairs to ferry home the surrendered marines. Governor Ritter could not be reached for comment, and Universe Today has unconfirmed reports that he may have been killed in the fighting, or captured and executed by Red Rock Guild miners. Universe Today will bring you further bulletins on these events as new information develops. ⦿ PUBLIC INFORMATION CLAIMS COLLUSION IN BATTLE OF MARS September 25 (UPI) - Shortly following the explosive news of the Battle of Mars, Earthgov's Office of Public Information claimed "credible evidence" suggesting that one or both of the Luna-Titan Alliance partners had "colluded with Belt-based criminals" in the attack on Earth's ships. "In recent days, Earth's deep-system intelligence platforms have observed highly suspicious movements on the part of ships known to engage in criminal trade with Titan," a spokesman for Public Information said in a press conference. "While we continue to develop and evaluate new information, we expect at this time to be able to report very soon that Titan, presumably in conspiracy with parties as yet unknown on Earth's moon, provided material aid in weapons and personnel to the Belter criminals who went on to commit their atrocities in Mars orbit. "Earth's government wishes to reassure the populace of the Solar System that these criminals will not escape justice for their terrible actions today. Our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom have come under attack in these deliberate and deadly acts. We will bring justice to the terrorists responsible, and we will make no distinction between them and those who aid and harbor them. Earth has stood down enemies before, and we will do so again this time." The spokesman did not ask for questions. ⦿ EARTHGOV DECRIES DESTRUCTION OF KEARSARGE BY TITAN September 19 (UPI) - Following the destruction of an Earth frigate in an attempt to intercept a Lunar passenger ferry four days ago, Earthgov's Public Information Office stated that the incident was an unprovoked attack by a new alliance actively attempting to instigate warfare with Earth. "ENS Kearsarge was engaged in an internal police action with regard to a single passenger aboard the Moon ferry Quetelet," a Public Information spokeswoman said. "Kearsarge's Captain Whitlow requested that Quetelet permit civilian police officers aboard Kearsarge aboard, so that they could arrest a citizen of Earth who was suspected, with probable cause, of engaging in treason and espionage against Earth. "Instead of assenting to this peaceable request, Quetelet attempted to flee the scene, necessitating a pursuit by Kearsarge in defense of Earth's security interests. Just prior to Kearsarge's successful overhaul and boarding of Quetelet, Titan's faster-than-light ship appeared and opened fire without warning on Kearsarge, destroying the ship and murdering our naval officers and crew before they had any chance to defend themselves or even attempt to surrender. "Earth's government cannot accept such treatment of her brave defenders. Earth's people will not allow it. The actions of Titan, and of the regime currently in power on Earths' moon, constitute a direct attack against the national security of Earth, and our longstanding policy in such cases has been to respond as firmly and assertively as our adversaries should choose to require of us." ⦿ LUNA FOREIGN MINISTRY DEPLORES EARTH ACTION AGAINST FERRY September 20 (UPI) - A spokesman for Luna's Foreign Ministry in a press conference today issued a strong statement regarding the recent interception of an Luna Passenger Lines ferry Quetelet by the Earth Navy frigate Kearsarge. "We are aware that Earth claims this unprovoked attack on an unarmed passenger vessel to have been an internal police matter, threatening none except her own wayward citizen," Li Yen-au said. "These claims fall short of reality in several respects. When the captain of our passenger ferry correctly declined to halt and be boarded, Kearsarge responded by opening fire with weapons designed to destroy other military ships. "It is only thanks to the timely intervention of our new treaty partner, Titan, that no innocents were killed as a result of this crime. We understand that Earth claims the destruction of Kearsarge to be itself an unprovoked attack on a vessel operating peacefully within the bounds of accepted interstellar custom. This, too, is a lie. "Kearsarge had already struck the ferry Quetelet with one missile and fired a second, clearly intending to make good on her earlier threats to destroy the unarmed ship, when the Titan ship And Yet It Moves arrived upon the scene. And Yet It Moves' captain, having been made aware of the situation by a report bravely transmitted by Quetelet's own Captain Crozer, judged that Kearsarge would not accept a demand to cease fire, and acted as she felt necessary to defend the innocent lives aboard Quetelet. "We of Luna wish now to express our deepest gratitude to our Titanian allies and friends for their swift and decisive action in defense of our citizens," Li said in concluding her remarks. "We wish also to advise any and all who would so attack us that they would be wise to consider carefully the fate of Kearsarge before embarking on such a rash course of action." ⦿ SILO SHIPS SEEN SHIFTING ORBITS IN "MAINTENANCE TASK" September 21 (UPI) - Following confirmed reports of Earth's "silo ships" adjusting their orbits, questions to Earthgov's Military Information Office were met with the response that the ships' movements are related to ongoing maintenance required to keep the giant vessels ready for action, and are not in any way associated with political events in the system. "This is an ordinary maintenance task that's performed from time to time," said Major Willem van Dort, in response to a UPI correspondent's question. "We have to make sure those ships are ready when we need them, and that includes their engines and navigational systems. Having them change orbits is just a way to make sure that they're fully functional and ready to defend Earth if they're needed." Asked whether he thought the ships might be needed to defend Earth in the near future, Major van Dort said that he had no further comment, and ended the call. The six "silo ships", each large enough to be distinctly visible in the night sky, are the backbone of Earth's deterrent forces, and thought to carry between two and four hundred nuclear warheads apiece. Retired wing general and military analyst Nathan Coopersmith, when asked about the ships' movements, agreed with Major Van Dort's comments about maintenance, and also noted that he does not recall the last time he heard of the ships being moved. ⦿ SPY HANGED FOR TREASON ON GANYMEDE September 23 (GNI) - Alexander Anders Seifert, a former worker in Earth's military shipyard on Ganymede, was publicly executed today for treason and espionage in the courtyard of the Ganymede Garrison's headquarters and administration building. "Alexander Seifert was convicted of passing crucial military secrets to known members of a Titan spy ring operating on Ganymede," said General William Tasker, after descending from the gallows. "While his Titan accomplices have for now escaped capture and military justice for their crimes, Seifert himself was not so fortunate, and he has now answered for having endangered the safety and security of Earth by his actions." Tasker, thought to be in charge of a secret naval project on Ganymede, went on to say, "Some may ask whether it is appropriate for a military tribunal to pass judgment on a civilian. To them I say: Look around. Look at what's happening in the system. Earth's enemies surround her on every side, and she must be defended at all costs. At a time like this, we soldiers must step to the fore, stand our posts, and do what must be done. If you find our actions distasteful, remember that the blame for them lies not with we ourselves, your sworn protectors, but rather with our enemies, internal and external, who force us to take such actions in defense of us all." While the law mandating capital punishment in cases of treason remains on Earth's books, Seifert's is the first such execution actually carried out in almost sixty-five years. The last, of the infamous "Tycho Seven", occurred in 2357, shortly after Luna's secession from Earth. ⦿ CARAVAN FORMING IN ARIVADA, HEADED FOR WYOMING CAMP September 23 (NAB) - In the wake of riots at the Wyoming New Prospects Facility, a caravan reportedly consisting of hundreds of individuals has begun to form in southern Arivada, with its members claiming they intend to "close down" the facility. "They're enslaving people in there," said one woman, who claimed to be a caravan member but otherwise declined to identify herself. "They say it's a chance at a new life, but it's really a - a prison, they're forcing them to work, starving them." Asked what they would do upon reaching the camp, the caravan member said, "We'll figure that out when we get there, I guess. But we've got lots of trucks." A spokeswoman for the Population Administration, reached shortly before press time, said only, "We are aware of the assembly in Arivada, and we are prepared to take necessary measures to ensure it does not interfere with the smooth running of the New Prospects Facility." ⦿ YOUR THOUGHTS ON MARS AND THE BELT In last week's update, we asked for our readers' opinions on the recent news of events on Mars and in the Asteroid Belt. Here's what you had to say. "I hope those Martian malcontents finally get what's coming to them. Ever since they started up with this pointless unrest, materials futures have been plummeting with no end in sight. People's retirements are on the line here! Can't they understand that?" - JAMES ST. JAMES, Investment Analyst, Lake Shore Drive "Are they even still human out in the Belt? I hear they can barely even have kids with normal people any more. In another generation or two, they'll be a different species, won't they? So why do they even care what happens anywhere else?" - PAMELA CHRISTIAN, Proud Mom of Four, Lenox Park "It's about time they took it to the rich [unprintable] who've been exploiting them! Those [unprintable] have had it too easy for too long. They don't like gettng a taste of the just consequences for what they've done? Well, [unprintable] them! They really won't like it when the same thing starts up here at home." - "X", [unprintable], Lakeview Towers "If it's true about how those miners and their families have been treated, I don't like it. Who would? But to think that violence will bring any kind of improvement - as much as I understand the impulse, a cursory reading of history shows that it's clearly misguided. Only civil engagement among all stakeholders equally can create lasting change." - [withheld by request], Government Major, Cornell University "Where does the Belt get off interfering with inner system affairs? They've made it very clear they don't want anything to do with us, except when it comes to marking up the raw materials we need to rebuild Earth's infrastructure. That's probably the only reason they're throwing in on the side of the miners who keep complaining about their contracts - they don't like the competition." - ANDREW CHO, Purchasing Manager, Casper "Honestly, at a time like this, Mars is nothing but a distraction from the real problem - this new alliance between the Moon and Titan. Their crazy rhetoric about the menace from Earth isn't new, but they've really heated it up lately, and I'm starting to worry that they'll use it as an excuse for some kind of sneak attack on our interests. We need to face them down now, instead of worrying about a bunch of rioting rock-grubbers who don't know a good deal when they see one." - [withheld by request], Loving Earth, Friendship Heights "The whole thing is madness. Look at history and you can see arrangements like this are never stable long-term, and the ill will they generate is a long-term liability that always outweighs the short-term profit. This was always coming, and as long as we keep trying to hold down Mars, it's only going to get uglier. We can't do anything about the past, but we can change the future, and it's time we treated fairly with them instead." - JOSEPH MUELLER, Freelance Historian, Roland Park Recovery Zone ⦿ QUOTE FOR THE WEEK "The labor movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress." - Martin Luther King, Jr. To update your content preferences, message HELP to ]]> Voortrekker - TO THE EARTH FLOTILLA NOW CRIMINALLY BOMBARDING AND OCCUPYIN (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:30:28 GMT We, your friends and archivists, wish you to know: This message was originally transmitted over QEC, early in the morning of Friday, September 24, 2421, via the "" anonymous resender. We present it here without further comment. ~ TO THE EARTH FLOTILLA NOW CRIMINALLY BOMBARDING AND OCCUPYING MARS For decades now, Earth's imperial dominion over Mars and the Belt has produced a constant train of abuse, injustice, and atrocity. You have enslaved us. You have exploited us. You have continually alienated our labor in the service of a regime which has proven by its actions that it no longer deserves to live, if indeed it ever did. In your unquestioned and unquestionable power, you have grown complacent. You have permitted us a laughable measure of what you consider liberty. Even as you regard us with the lazy contempt of empire for its victims, you have withdrawn your attention, preferring the elaborate games and perversions of elitism to anything resembling concern for the maintenance of your power. Even among your military class, the rot has set in and sunk deep. Your captains regard Ceres Station and other Belt postings as punishment duty, and they are not wrong to do so. Your military elite has settled into the habit of sending us their least capable officers, their least ready ships. While here, those officers and those ships treat us with the contempt their masters teach them. They know we are not their equals, in might or in rectitude, for they are after all our masters, and we merely their servants to be policed. As best they can, they ignore us entirely, again as their masters have taught them. They can no longer ignore us. Nor will you. We have captured your Marine garrison on Ceres. We have destroyed the frigate ENS St. Louis and seized the cruiser ENS Brooklyn, both formerly of Ceres Station. At a single stroke, we have decapitated Earth's military presence in the Belt. We intend soon to properly declare ourselves among the independent nations of the Solar System. But we have no time for such niceties just now. Our brothers and sisters on Mars remain, for now, under the bootheel of Earth. We are coming to their aid. TO OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ON MARS: We know how they are killing you. We know the desperation you must feel in this moment. But hold fast, comrades! We are coming. When we arrive, we will smash the Earthers in orbit. We will smash the Earthers on the surface. We are coming to relieve you. Defend your domes and caverns, husband your strength and your weapons, and hold fast! We are coming. We will be there soon to help you free yourselves, as we have done. TO THE FLOTILLA OCCUPYING MARS: We warn you once, and once only: Recover your troops from the surface and depart Mars orbit at once. You are in orbit, we are not: We have the advantages of position and velocity. If you do not heed this warning, we will fire into and destroy your ships as soon as our weapons range on you, and before yours can range on us. You may doubt our capacity to do this. You may think that, even if we are not lying, we have only one cruiser, and you thus outnumber us. We warn you against such foolishness. We of the Belt have more weapons than you know. Underestimate us at your peril. If we find you in Mars orbit when we arrive, you will learn of our weapons. You will not have much time to gain wisdom from the lesson. We do not offer you this warning out of kindness. You have for all the decades of our servitude been the mailed fist of Earth, the hand that held the whip that scarred our backs. You have oppressed us, and we hope very much you will give us the opportunity to repay you in kind for all you have done. But we do not wish the birth of our new nation to be attended by unnecessary bloodshed. So we warn you, this once: Leave Mars, or we will kill you all. You have twenty-six hours to comply. ]]> Assumption - Autoresponse: amended. (kirch) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 26 Feb 2019 21:01:12 GMT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ TO: ++ FROM: ++ MESSAGE RECEIVED. ++ AUTOMATED RESPONSE: AMENDED. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It has been 400 years since your last transmission, and AUTO wouldn't even let the Captain read that one. I would like to take the opportunity in this period of renewed communication, to respectfully ask, as a fully vested member of the board, just when will Earth be habitable again? Operation Cleanup was only supposed to take 5 years! Despite some light bone loss, our crew is more than ready to begin Operation Recolonize. But instead of finishing the mission you corporate brains come up with Quantum filing cabinets? At least AUTO let me read this one, but seriously? We can already transmit between ships. I just got off the horn with Captain Brace of the Axiom to confirm that this isn't some sort of a sick joke. Who's gonna use this "QEC"? I can't help but feel this is a waste of funding. Respectfully, Captain Mike T. Robinson Assumption ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ END MESSAGE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]]> RSS Revenant - Purple Moss (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1626.txt gopher:// Revenant/1626.txt Wed, 27 Feb 2019 04:39:04 GMT As we walked down the gangway to the sandy material that cushioned our landing, we looked out at an alien world. We held our hands over our eyes to shield them from the first natural light we had seen in months. The sky was blue, but not nearly the same as those back home, grading gently to a red and violet in the west. "Follow. You mustn't dally. The ingress is in this direction." The ornate box led the way propelled by unseen forces, with a slight forward lean sheering it's profile to a trapezoid. There was nothing to dally with. Anything worth looking at was sun bleached waste and dust heaps, barely enough to stumble over, but more than enough to make any archaeologist salivate. We were in a valley, shadows playing about our feet as we marched on. Our personal safety equipment gave no warnings, there was no one and nothing to see, but our guide (for lack of a better word) insisted that we'd be safer wherever we were going. The archway lay nearly invisible in the shadows, only marked by void in the nearly black purple moss. The now familiar iridescent black sheen sealed over it after we entered. It was not dark here, dim rainbows shone from the walls leaving white splotches where the colors intersected. We were not in a cave but a corridor. "The walls are alive," whispered Hex "and I'm sensing more life ahead." "Please wait here," the box changed shaped again to indicate a hollow in the wall forming a long low bench. "We are still preparing a place for you, and anticipate you would like to acclimate to your new surroundings before socializing." The box smoothly became one with the floor, and we were left alone in some sort of antechamber. "Do you really have to do that in front of me? Do you?" Commander Cranium said in disgust. I looked up to see a miniature Mr Swarm Walked out of the side of the full-size Mr Swarm's leg and begin feeling its way along the walls. "There are hollows behind several sections of the wall, I can't feel how far they go, but they also contain life." Hex said. "It's alright, my friend can explore freely." Mr Swarm said smugly. "Whatever this is, it's been here a long time, It's been waiting for a long time." Hex intoned. "There's hunger." The miniature Mr Swarm pushed it's way through what appeared to be a solid wall and disappeared. ]]> Slantwise Convection - Past and Present Events (dgold) gopher:// Convection/002.txt gopher:// Convection/002.txt Sun, 24 Feb 2019 20:10:03 GMT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Slantwise Convection + Status: 3 + Notes: + + MY: 2461 + AMS: -7,5M + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Lead Pilot Mandated Log Entry #2 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Log Begins: Arthen Damasatra making my second official log entry. Crew complement has now increased to fifty, including Second Pilot Salzen URTIV. Evaluation of Orbital Insertion Burn is proceeding. Pilot Crew has been granted access to transit records of Crew Members ARJEN and TIZARA, V.O. AMA presiding and liaising with E.S.S.I. CentCom advises that external imaging will remain locked until after insertion, but has released real-time telemetry data to Pilot Crew in accordance with standard protocols. Pilot Crew to provide pertinent observations to V.O. AMA regarding all bodies, observing disclosure protocols. :Log Ends ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Slantwise Convection + Status: 3 + Notes: + + MY: 2461 + AMS: -7.5M + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Lead Pilot Personal Log Entry #2 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sal is finally here! I am so relieved. (I can't pretend I'm not a little disappointed as well, as it's been all me the last Half-Million Seconds.) The amount of work to be done is building all the time. This insertion burn is the first most important thing we get to do as pilots. No way we're letting Essi take this away from us! Barty, naturally, wants to give everything over to the computer, but they're hooked up with the thing every second of existence. You can be chatting to them about something inane, like the salt-levels in the under-store baffle, and they'll go distant before laughing at some joke the computer has spat into their hindbrain. I know the soft glow is so much better than the blinking light back home, but it just adds to the other-worldliness of the whole thing. As the lead V.O., he still has most control of the access to the computer, the Committee can override him by appointing a liaison, but so far his number has come up every time one's been needed. What he's given us has been worth it though. Four transits worth, two each for Cej and Mekane. Sal has taken 1 and 3, both Hot Jupiter passes, she's been happy to get to work as soon as, and there's nothing huge in either. That's left me with the erratic at 2 and the last Hot, number 4. I've skimmed both quickly, 4 is standard field Hot, a few decent moons around the J, but nothing else of use in the system. System 2 is the real gem, though, two rockies *right* in the ZoH, another one on the margins. Would have made a good home, if it wasn't for the torrents of radiation spewing off the star. Essi and Cej saw one flare snake down and _lick_ B4, an otherwise tempting rocky with liquid water *and* geology. No signs of anything approaching life on any of those. Mind you, if there was anything, it would be far beyond a pass sensor-set. Fuel traces are solid in pass 2, I've started the flight model based on the hard numbers, but I'll need to get the timings checked on the vid traces. Even though there were a huge number of extra manoeuvers, there should be no problems, Cej was always a stickler, _is_ a stickler. Pass 4 will be a doddle after this load of nonsense, even if it was Mekane in the chair. Of course, right in the middle of all this, the Committee decides to involve us in the Viability Assessments. This is just their way of keeping control of the telemetry data. They know we have to get it - can't make the burn without it - but they still don't want that information going out to such a small crew, not just yet. ]]> - I found this strange relay (anonpenetfi) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 24 Feb 2019 17:23:55 GMT 20h@#bitreich-qec » I found this strange relay. It is sending somewhere. I think I got the encoding right. Decoding messages looks garbled for now. 20h@#bitreich-qec » Are you ready parazyd? parazyd@#bitreich-qec » Ye##wdwqää. 20h@#bitreich-qec » Still a bit garbled. 20h@#bitreich-qec » I am giving the SOFA transporter a go. parazyd@#bitreich-qec » Is this the transporter with the metal for printing the new engine? 20h@#bitreich-qec » Decoding works now. Please check out the latest code. 20h@#bitreich-qec » Yes, we will be finally ready to departure. 20h@#bitreich-qec » parazyd, please call me, once the transporter arrived. parazyd@#bitreich-qec » See you. :) ]]> Voortrekker - Special Report: Rioting on Mars; Earth Responds (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 24 Feb 2019 17:21:37 GMT From: Universe Today Special Report To: undisclosed-recipients: ; Subject: Special Report: Rioting on Mars; Earth Responds Date: 23 Sep 2421 20:07:18 +0000 Date-Local: 23 Sep 2421 20:07:18 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" MARS, September 23 (Ongoing) - Over the last several hours, after a breakdown in talks aimed at ending the now over four-month-old general miners' strike, rioting has broken out in several locations including the Martian Trust administration offices at Endeavour Crater. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Earth Navy cruisers in orbit have responded by landing marine assault shuttles, with rioters said to be actively fighting military forces and casualties estimated in the hundreds. A large protest at Martian Trust headquarters, planned for today by Red Rock and several smaller mining guilds to place additional pressure for concessions on the Trust, was underway at the time the fighting broke out. Though it is uncertain exactly what sparked the fighting, Mars Newsnet has reported that the Trust's security personnel began firing into the crowd of protesters. One eyewitness claims that this attack took place in response to several protesters preparing to throw firebombs at the Trust's headquarters building, which is now reported to be aflame. Other riots appear to have begun in response to the outbreak of violence at Endeavour Crater. Fighting has been reported between Mars Trust personnel and striking miners at several mine sites in Hellas Planitia and Argyre Planitia, with targeted bombing attacks reported against at least two of the rare earths extraction sites at Tharsis Montes. The latter has been a particular point of contention between miners and the Martian Trust, with Trust spokespersons repeatedly dismissing Red Cross and Planet Society reports of dangerously high levels of heavy metal contamination in family living quarters at these sites. Governor Reinhard Ritter, reached by radio at a secure location, had the following comment: "On behalf of the Martian Trust, and of myself, I regret that the intransigence of the mining guilds has caused such a terrible loss of life, with more deaths certainly to come. Had they been willing to come to the negotiating table in good faith at any time in the past eighteen weeks, all of this could have been avoided. But events have now taken on a momentum of their own, beyond the reach of peaceful resolution." Representatives of the Red Rock Guild, generally considered to represent the striking guilds as a whole, could not be reached for comment by press time. A Universe Today ship in Martian orbit reported what appeared to be an impact or explosion followed by venting of atmosphere from Ada Dome, where Red Rock Guild has its headquarters. Although Mars Newsnet has been unable to confirm claims of Earth Navy forces engaging in orbital bombardment of civilian targets on Mars, the Ada Dome incident is one of several apparent impact events at locations of mining guild headquarters or other potential strongholds for striking miners. Just before press time, Universe Today observed four of what appeared to be Earth Navy landing craft approaching Victoria Crater, where Mars Newsnet has its headquarters. Shortly after, Mars Newsnet abruptly ceased to transmit. Three minutes later, the following joint statement was received by radio from Earthgov and Martian Trust representatives at the Trust's headquarters in Chicago: "We of Earth's Extraplanetary Affairs Office join with our colleagues in the Martian Trust to deplore, in the strongest possible terms, the criminal violence now taking place on Mars. Despite all efforts in recent months to improve working conditions for our resource extraction personnel, it has become clear today that the ingratitude of Earth's client workers and the Trust's protectees knows no reasonable limit. "We value our clients and protectees, and wish to see no harm come to any of them. However, in the face of such widespread and unwarranted violence against Earth and Mars Trust personnel and property, we cannot stand idle. "We hereby warn the rioters and those who actively or passively support them: Cease your criminal violence at once, lay down arms, and surrender your persons and positions to the Earth forces now present to ensure your protection. If you do so, you will not be harmed. "However, if you remain defiant in the face of such an opportunity for a peaceful resolution of this crisis, be aware that our commanders on the scene have been authorized to use any and all necessary measures to ensure your cooperation. "We of Earth's government and the Martian Trust wish no harm upon anyone on Mars, miners and administration personnel alike. But do not mistake our good nature for weakness. We will not tolerate any further violence or sabotage by Martian miners, and we beseech you to lay down your arms while the opportunity exists. You have one hour from the time of this message's transmission to do so. After that time, we will not answer for the consequences to your persons, combatant or otherwise." At press time, Earth's ultimatum had just over thirty minutes left to run, discounting the approximately fourteen-minute transmission time from Earth. No response was forthcoming from Red Rock Guild or any other spokespersons for the miners' guilds, and no ebb in the fighting was reported or could be observed. Universe Today will provide further bulletins as these developing events warrant. ]]> Slantwise Convection - Waking to Darkness (dgold) gopher:// Convection/001.txt gopher:// Convection/001.txt Sun, 24 Feb 2019 14:49:22 GMT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Slantwise Convection + Status: 5 + Notes: + + MY: 2461 + AMS: -8M + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Lead Pilot Mandated Log Entry #1 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Log Entry Begins: Arthen Damasatra making my first official log entry. The ship began waking the crew yesterday. All is well. The first thirty people have all been successfully woken. Records from the interregnum show that crew members Argen and Tizara fulfilled their roles in inspections successfully, we won't hear from them until later, but they deserve their sleep. The fears and worries of the Disaster Planners have all been for naught, the ship is hale and unblemished, there is no apparent damage to the craft, the computer systems are fully functional. The deceleration burn records show that all went precisely as planned, we are on course for our final orbital insertion. We have examined the sails in preparation for their deployment, all is within expected parameters. We hope to begin the unfurling before AMS -6M, once we get close enough to the star for them to make deployment worthwhile. :Log Entry Ends ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Slantwise Convection + Status: 5 + Notes: + + MY: 2461 + AMS: -8M + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Lead Pilot Personal Log Entry #1 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Just completed the first mandated log! I am so tired. We have been working flat-out since yesterday. I must stop saying that! Correction: We have been working flat out for nearly ninety-thousand seconds. Ship time is seconds! The ship is dark, cold, and quiet - its a relief to get to our designated locations, full of warmth and light. The air mixers and the heating systems all worked "within parameters" but that just means most places won't kill you immediately. Thousands of years, Billions of Seconds, of a vacuum doesn't just end. The others are adjusting in various ways, I am forbidden to write of this in my official logs, that's for the doc and the header, I'm just the driver! Some seem spooked about the dark. There are noises as the ship settles into its new mode, as the external skin slowly begins to heat. I talked with Bartik, he's been reviewing the Wakers' logs - none of the systems they lived through were useful, Scalding Hot Jupiters with useless moons, one had usable planets but ridiculous stellar instability. Barty says that the computer claims this system will be our new home, 99.8% confidence. That's why we're here, and Barty is watching videos instead of prepping for scans. We don't even know what this system is yet, what constellation we're hiding in! I just wish we could see it for ourselves. We won't even have external cams for the next three weeks - ~2M Seconds - and that's IF we can get the sails out as soon as we complete the insertion burn. But for now we're flying blind, drawn onwards by the implacability of maths and Sir Isaac's scribblings. We are excited, but we are nervous, scared, and busy. So busy. I'm going to grab some sleep, and will send this along with the Mandated Log. ]]> Voortrekker - I have finally convinced them! (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:00:32 GMT From: Vasu Soon-kit To: Vasu Hui-lan Delivered-To: Vasu Hui-lan Received: from by for with ESMTPSA id fkmzpwc10iqqzbg Received: from by Subject: I have finally convinced them! Date: 22 Sep 2421 03:19:22 +0000 Date-Local: 22 Sep 2421 03:19:22 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Embassy of the Luna Free State on Titan Arrakeen Tower, Arrakis Planitia Wednesday, 22 September, 2421 Dear Sister— Greetings from Arrakeen Tower! I trust you continue well, and that our home remains more or less as I left it. As regards the joint endeavor whose possibility you and I discussed at length last week, it pleases me at last to report success in convincing what passes for a government here on Titan to participate. Accordingly, we depart later today aboard their "And Yet It Moves" - an absurd name for a ship, especially such an impressively capable one. Sadly, I was not consulted in the matter. To be sure, I attribute this success in greatest measure to the excellent work of our intelligence services, and in particular Laporte's team debriefing the defector here. Had he failed to recognize the import of her information and convey it directly to me in person, I doubt I would have prevailed upon Branislav and her government to consider our current project. As the matter stood, I needed do little more than share with them the engineering drawings and documents to demonstrate Earth's possession of a prototype FTL capability. Blinkered as I've found their perception of interplanetary affairs to be, even they found such a frightening development impossible to ignore. You'll forgive me, dear sister, if I say that I have found my time here somewhat trying. For all their impressive technological acumen, and despite even their past recognition and exploitation of the potentialities inherent in a moment of crisis, they are still so utterly naïve! As if their wonderful machines were alone enough to insulate them from the realities of the present crisis. There are those among them not so susceptible to such wishful thinking, and such voices seem to be achieving the ascendant in recent weeks. But there are still so many of them who wish simply to hide behind the methane mists of this rather unpleasant planet of theirs, ignoring the worlds and by the worlds ignored. Had I known I would face such a trying task in convincing them that Earth will not permit their comfortable isolation to continue, dear sister...of course you know me too well to imagine that I'd have sought to evade the assignment, for who else, after all, could you have sent and hoped would do so well? But these people have taxed my patience almost beyond imagination! But, dear sister, I can see your face as if I stood before you now, and I know too well that expression of yours which tells me I tax your own patience. You will of course wish to know the details of our project and the reasoning behind my decision, and I will of course provide them. You'll have received the same reports I have from our source on Ganymede, regarding increased tempo of work in their experimental systems yard. Combining that with the new information from the Earth defector, my intelligence staff here believe with high confidence that Earth intends an assault of some kind, within the next twenty to forty days, on their own Ross 128 b colony. I concur in this assessment, despite the lack of further corroboration from our Ganymede source, from whom ForInt confirms we have received nothing in the last several days. In light of such a provocative development, Ross 128 b has decisively eclipsed Gliese 581 g in my estimation of potential intervention sites. Recent word from Ganymede has been that the scope of Gliese's supply and medical problems has been considerably overestimated, and while I remain confident in the success of an eventual diplomatic mission to Gliese 581, the Ross 128 colony's highly precarious situation, and apparent disfavor in the eyes of its own sponsors and home government, argues conclusively in favor of its selection for our pilot project. Success in this endeavor requires, of course, that we outpace or at least match Earth's own mission, lest we arrive to find a marine division already in possession of the planet. From a purely military perspective, this problem would be hardly insoluble, even with the relatively small ground force we're bringing along; every estimate agrees that Titan's ship is vastly better armed than Earth's. However, I doubt our allies would face such action with our own sangfroid. And even did I desire so to test our young alliance, dear sister, you and I are of one mind in the criticality of Earth not only initiating the coming war, but being seen by all to have done so. Thus our hasty departure; though we may risk leaving behind some person or element vital to the success of our mission, I judge the risk of certain failure through delay far greater. Despite my earlier complaints about the Titans' isolationist ways and adorable foolishness regarding interplanetary concerns, I must admit I have found my opposite number refreshingly open to the idea that we must act, and act now. Indeed, despite the ambassador's apparent lack of enthusiasm for this enterprise - even she, even now, not grasping the desperate importance to both our worlds of developing a substantial position beyond Earth's direct influence - her actions since our most recent conversation have been such as to justify my considerable respect for her initiative and dispatch. Draha may not yet fully understand the urgency of the actions we now take, but she does understand the mutual benefit and sheer necessity of our alliance, and she has acted with commendable celerity to implement our decision to intervene. I have some hopes that, by the time of our return, both the situation and I may have succeeded in improving her grasp on the realities of interplanetary affairs. Dear sister, I am bringing almost my entire mission with me, leaving only my third attaché, Olivia Arzel, and her assistant to continue our local mission and address any matters which may arise. Given Titan's relative isolation and the multiple necessities currently dividing Earth's fleet, I doubt there will be much for her to do, even if the war does begin while I am out-system. In any case, I expect at no time save during FTL travel, which I understand interrupts the signal somehow, to be unreachable via QEC, and Olivia has the good sense to consult me should she find herself in need. Our interests will be well represented in my absence. Of the Titans, in addition to their own diplomatic contingent under Draha, we bring as full a medical and scientific establishment as they are able to assemble in something less than a day, as well as a few ground forces to supplement our diplomatic security staffs. We have the reports of some sort of disease, native to the planet, having somehow affected the colonists; I am assured that, at minimum, we will be able to avoid either becoming ourselves infected, or carrying some alien contagion back to Sol with us. As I mentioned in opening, we depart Titan later today aboard And Yet It Moves. The uncertainties of FTL travel, I am told, prohibit too precise a determination of our arrival date, but I gather the various projections suggest we can expect to arrive on or about October 15. I will communicate with you as I can, dear sister, and certainly no later than upon our date of arrival. In the meantime - oh, you already know everything I'd say to you now! I won't waste your time with flowery professions of philiary love, or in imploring you to look after our people, as I know you will. With love, and for Luna, I remain, your dear brother— Soon-kit. ]]> Quartz - Automated Ship (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 19 Feb 2019 08:07:02 GMT Admittedly, I have no idea what anything on the control panel for the primary terminal on this ship does. There's a keyboard and a bunch of dials and buttons, but I'm unable to make out any of the labels. I guess if I needed to pilot the ship I'd just have to pull up a neural link, but that's really no problem for now. I did poke around on the terminal a bit, and I found the game "Checkers". Time to keep myself entertained. X29 ]]> Voortrekker - Love from Esperance (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 17 Feb 2019 17:08:23 GMT From: Chris Maldonado To: Sameen Lee Delivered-To: Sameen Lee Received: from by with ESMTPS id vbe3v6cu3yf192m for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.sv14417 by Subject: Love from Esperance Date: 7 Apr 2419 21:57:18 +0000 Date-Local: 21 Sep 2421 20:33:18 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" I promised myself I wouldn't talk too much about the memorial. But that was before... I don't know what I was expecting. Rows of seats, I suppose. Trying to find a comfortable spot while Director Soloviev talked too much about people he didn't really know or remember very well. Our friends, our loved ones - his employees. Because it was the expected thing, the thing that people do at a time like this. Trying to bring closure, whatever that means. Instead, we made a garden together. Right at the center of our hab, in a roundish open space that I hadn't got around to asking why it was even there. Now I know. The first thing we did, right in the middle of what was to be our garden, we brought in a piece of Voortrekker herself and stood it on end in a deep trench we'd dug to receive it. A tombstone, I suppose you could call it, but I don't think any of us really thinks of it that way. Four meters high, two wide, a jagged chunk of hull plating with just the top left corner of the 'V' from her name still visible on the charred surface. We helped a lot, those of us who've changed, bringing it in from the crash site and setting it in place. But I don't think there's a living pair of hands on this planet which didn't touch it, didn't help carry it at least a little way. Once we'd got it set in place, once we had the concrete curing around it and the braces set to keep it upright until its footing could take the weight, the Director did say some things. I won't try to write them all down here - I don't remember them all, and anyway Jen and Eve and I were crying together, just like everyone else - little knots of people, big groups, I don't think anyone was alone in it. I hope no one was, anyway. I wish I could remember all of what he said, but what I do remember, I don't think I'll ever forget. I don't know how long I'll live, as I am now. But thinking back on what the Director said, I don't mind if I live a million years, or a thousand, or ten, or one. I never liked to think about it. Not for myself, and a thousand times as much, not for the people I love. I never could imagine anything coming after, anything except the end of everything. It's not as if I know otherwise, even now. But I think I might not mind not knowing, because not knowing doesn't mean I can't hope, and now I know what I can hope for. I can hope that it's not the end of everything, after all. I can hope that it's only a little time we have to spend apart, and when that time is done, we'll be together again, in a place where no shadows fall. There were freshly turned patches of earth in that roundish place at the center of our hab. I suppose we all knew they were graves. Does it seem ghoulish that they're also part of what gives our new garden life? I don't think it does. When our trees and our flowers are grown, when our memorial garden has become the cool and quiet place of solace that we'll help it be, we'll see our friends and our lovers in every blossom, every branch, every blade of grass. We'll walk and stand and sit and lie with them, all the time we spend there. And they'll be there with us, too. And when new people come to join us here on our new world - you among them, both of you, I dearly hope - we'll bring them to our garden of memory and tell them the stories of those who came before, and have gone, and whom we hope some day to meet again, in a place where no shadows fall. That's what we did for one another, too. All the time we were laying paths, building benches, planting seeds. We told each other stories, and laughed together, and cried together, and somehow by the time we were done, wasn't so much. We still miss them, and we always will. But the cloud that'd been over us - I'd hardly even noticed it was there, with all the time I'd spent hidden in Main Control, but it had settled in on me too, it had found me once I came out of my hiding place and met everyone else again. It's gone now. Like taking a deep breath when you hadn't even realized you weren't able to, before. I think it's that way for all of us now, and I think that's the way it was meant to be. We're not carrying such heavy hearts, any more, now that we've laid our dead to rest. Well, and for one other reason. We've never really called this planet anything other than "Ross", and that makes sense, doesn't it? Our star is Ross 128, and our planet is in the catalogue as Ross 128 b - but that's a bit of a mouthful, so we shortened it for comfort. We never really had time to think about calling it anything else. But the Director evidently has, because as we finished our planting and mourning, he told us he hasn't been thinking of this planet as "Ross" for a while now. He said he thought it was time for us to decide on a name, and asked us for suggestions, and he had a name of his own in mind to suggest: Esperance, which means 'hope'. So our planet isn't Ross 128 b any more, except in the catalogue, which can do what it likes. We live on Esperance now. And our hab, the colony that we're building? That's Hope. Director Soloviev did all that for us, in the space of a few hours. I'm not sure if I underestimated him before, or if he's changed more than I would have imagined he could. Either way, I'm glad I was wrong about him. We need the person he's become. Of course, we need all of us, really. We aren't trying to keep to the original build schedule - that'd be impossible even if everyone had survived the crash, because almost all of our lifting gear, earthmoving equipment, and heavy machine tooling didn't. But even at the slower, merely backbreaking pace we're setting, there's so much work to be done! As soon as we were done building our garden, Jen got together most of us who've changed, along with the Director and about a dozen others who haven't, and we went to work setting up solar collectors. That engineering problem she mentinoned, right after she got me out of the ship - one of our reactors was getting dangerously unstable, and we were going to have to shut it down soon. That'd only leave one up and running, and we'd need almost all its output to run the QEC and maintain our cryo systems so we can keep from losing our livestock embryos - there'd be almost nothing left for the hab, the labs, and the heavy equipment we've got left. So we needed as much solar capacity as we could get, in a hurry. As soon as Jen said that, I knew why she'd got all of us who'd changed and didn't have other work to do that they absolutely couldn't let wait a while. All that gear is really heavy! Usually you'd need six or eight people to carry a single panel, but two of us could manage it - the balance was a little tricky, and it was thirsty work, but we could do it, and we managed to clear out most of one whole cargo hold in the space of twenty, twenty-two hours. Somewhere in there I think most of the unchanged people went to get some sleep, and others came onto the job? I was mostly in the hold and not paying much attention to anything except the work, but I started seeing new faces after a while. Anyway, most of the unchanged people started setting up panels once we had enough of them out, while we switched to hauling storage batteries. Even for us, it took five to a battery, and we only managed to bring out nine of them in twelve hours before Eve made us stop - we didn't really mind, we were mostly played out by then. But nine will be enough, at least for a few sols! We'll have to watch our consumption at night, and some of the high-energy experiments will have to wait until we can bring the reactor we have left back onto the hab power grid, but we'll still have enough power for almost everything. None of our systems even flickered when Jen isolated the failing reactor, and it's in cold shutdown now. By that time we'd all gone to the refectory, though. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I smelled food, and then I was ravenous! I think we all were, even the unchanged people who'd been working with us - it was getting late in the sol by then, and most people were in bed or on shift, but we spent a solid hour and a half in there anyway before people started leaving. Tired as I was, it felt really good! I mean, eating, of course, but more than that just...just being together, all feeling good about the work we'd finished together, laughing and joking and sharing a sense of accomplishment. I never really knew what that was like, before - I never really quite knew how to get along with people, mostly, so I mostly just hid in my lab or at home, and even on the ship I tended not to spend that much time just being around people outside my quarters or the bio section. You both know that, of course! It's a wonder we ever even met - Sam, if you hadn't kept coming and finding me at that convention...But here, it's just different somehow. I mean, you'd think it would be weird! With how different we are, how different I am especially. But people just seem like they're not quite the same somehow. Or maybe it's me, I don't know - maybe it really is me. Whatever it is, though, it felt really wonderful just to be sitting together laughing and talking with everyone over supper, and all of us knowing we'd all just done something amazing together. I think that might've been my favorite time here so far. I am pretty worn out, though - amazing or not, it was a lot of work! But there's one other thing I want to tell you about before I finish up and send this. It really is amazing, and I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it. So, I mentioned that we planted trees and flowers in our garden. You're probably wondering how we knew whether they'd even germinate! Well, I did end up finding Gareth in botany the other day, like I was talking about in my last message. I didn't get to ask him right away about joining a fetch team, though, because he and Elva were checking on one of her experiments. I don't know if I've ever mentioned the two of them, but they're adorable together - he's built like a wall, and even by my standards she's a little tiny thing, maybe a meter and a half and so slight you almost expect her to float from place to place instead of walking. They spent a lot of time together back on the ship, and they're almost inseparable now, which is no surprise considering. But the experiment... Remember before I left, when I was telling you all about the ship and our plans for the colony? Hydro farming was an interim measure, just while we worked out how to cultivate in the ground here? We thought it'd take a couple of years! Elva was just doing basic testing with one of the ADM maizes and a couple of hardy cereals, planting them in our new soil and watering them with our new rainwater. We do that mainly just to find out what stops them germinating, what kinds of fertilizers they need, simple stuff like that, and we expect it to take a long time for two totally different ecologies to fit together. But when I came and peeked over their shoulders, what did I see but three dishes, each with a sample of Ross's sandy soil and a half dozen green shoots poking up out of it! They were laying out new experiments on a slate and talking a mile a minute, and I didn't want to interrupt, so I got my hand unit off this terrible armband and took a look at the experiment files. This was actually the fifth attempt, and the first four had been inconclusive - the seeds had sprouted and then just sort of died, a day or so later. Looking at the microscopy, the cell walls had odd little punctures, and the cells themselves didn't look right. Like the stain hadn't taken properly, or something - it took me a minute to remember where I'd seen something like that before: in the blood samples we tested with the bug, not long before I went down. After I told Gareth and Elva what I thought I was seeing, we took a sample from one of the new shoots and looked at it under the scope, and - there's no way those plants should be alive right now, because they are just full of this bug, swimming freely in the vascular tissue and apparently sessile in the parenchymal cells. Then I had an idea - well, what I really had was an absolute certainty, but those still don't count until you confirm them. I checked Eve's med files on those of us who've changed, including my own. She hasn't had time for more than the most basic micro studies, but looking at blood samples is pretty basic, and guess what? Sessile in the leukocytes, and swimming freely in the plasma - just like in the plants, only adapted to the mammalian cell structure and circulatory system. Nothing like what I'd seen before. More like... I said before that I don't want to assume "why?" is a question that makes sense here, and I still don't. But just think about it a minute. No one's ever seen anything like this before - a prokaryotic pathogen that can cause disease in plants *and* humans? It's been four or five hundred years since anyone even thought seriously about the possibility! But what we're seeing here is even more unlikely than that, because I'm increasingly convinced that "pathogen" and "disease" aren't the right words for this. Not at all. What we're seeing looks a lot more like some kind of endosymbiosis. We're not sure yet whether it's commensal or mutualistic, and we haven't ruled out some kind of novel parasitism, but it doesn't really matter - the point I'm making here is, we only have one other example of anything even remotely like this, and that's the relationship between eukaryotic cells and mitochondria. But that took millions of years to evolve, and this has happened inside of a couple of months. I don't know what to think right now. This thing, whatever it is, is truly incredible - it's beyond anything we could ever have come out here hoping to find! And what it's already done is so astonishing that no one's even making any guesses about what it's going to do next. I don't have the words to describe what I'm feeling right now, as a scientist and as a human being, just to be witnessing this at all. To say nothing of helping investigate it! But at the same time...I'm not even sure I still am a human being, and whether I am or not, what I am now is what the bug has made of me, and it's still in me now. Eve and I haven't taken biopsies yet, but I see no reason not to assume it can't colonize any and every type of cell in a human body. And part of the reason I won't make any guesses about what it might do next is because I see no reason not to assume that, whatever it does next, it won't do to all of us who've changed. To me. And that's terrifying. I miss you - I miss both of you so much! I know you'd both comfort me if you were here right now. As much as I wish you were, though, I'm almost glad you're not. I don't know what's going to happen next, to me or to any of us. It hasn't hurt us yet, not in ways that are lasting, but we don't know that it's going to keep on being so nice. So, much as I miss you and wish you were here, right now I'm more glad you're both back home where you're safe. I'm going to stop here, I think, and go find Eve. Wake her up, if I have to. She's got to be thinking about this too, and maybe she can tell me something that'll make me feel better...if not, maybe just talking about it with someone who's in the same situation will help. Silly as it is to say, please try not to worry too much about me - a lot of this is just the way you start to think when you're up too late on a lonely night. Writing to you about it has helped some, though, and one way or another, I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow. After all, we don't have any reason to think it will do us harm, either, and I think I'll have an easier time remembering that once the sun's come up again. I think I'll sit in the garden and watch that sunrise, when it comes. Voortrekker's shard faces west, and there's a bench in just the perfect spot to let me watch the orange light of our new sun touch its tip and spread down over its surface. I put that bench there myself, and I'm going to sit there and watch the sun rise and remind myself that, if our new home wanted to hurt us, it would've done so long before now. And until then, I'll go find Eve, and we'll get through the night together. I love you both. Stay safe and look out for each other, and Lia, you heal quickly and get back up on your feet again, please! Both of them. With love as always - your Kit. ]]> Quartz - Hidden Memories (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 17 Feb 2019 10:04:37 GMT My world, like I assume any world, has not always been. It was created, and if I am right, it was created not too long ago. As a child, I narcissistically believed that I had something to do with the inception of my world. I guess this is somewhat natural - as to a child there was no world before them, at least for them. *Perhaps* there was a world - but of course, that thought only comes whenever the child does not also see that it was a world without them. When they finally do come to this realization when they are older, it generally leads to feelings somewhere on the scale that begins at worldly apathy and slowly rises to resolute nihlism. The outcome of this for me was and is inconsequential; the only thing relevant here is that I no longer felt as if I had created my universe. Perhaps, indeed, it had been there all along. However, I have some strong suspicion that perhaps my ideas about this may not be totally unfounded. And perhaps may link somehow to the council refusing to allow me to teleport directly and physically onto the surface of this "world". Although I am inexperienced with all of my abilities, I know that in some part I am able to teleport throughout several dimensions. Time, at its core, is simply another dimension on which we are consistently traveling. If, perhaps, I am capable of traveling throughout different dimensions in space, that would mean that I am also capable of traveling through time (or at least, using time dilation to my advantage). I believe that this also accounts for perceived time skips when I am utilizing my hyperwave abilities (besides simply this being a weak ability). What if then, as a human baby, I were able to take advantage of this ability? What if I spent several years in a single day outside of my own physical body? And now all of it is forgotten? Or perhaps stored away? Or, perhaps, I am simply remembering someone who is lost. Why don't they speak of their creator? X29 ]]> RSS Revenant - Other Gases (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1625.txt gopher:// Revenant/1625.txt Sat, 16 Feb 2019 04:48:15 GMT Some sort of space junk pinged off the hull of the ship, echoing dully from every direction. 3 minutes. The sensors still weren't picking up any signals, but the monitors automatically displayed its normal analysis. Nearest Star: Spectral & Luminosity Type: M4.5 V Coordinates: 7.875 / -9.25 / -15.90625 Nearest Planet: Orbital Period: 238 days Orbital Distance: 0.8662AU Equilibrium Temperature: 265 K (−8 °C; 17 °F) Average Barometric Pressure: 1013.25 mbar Atmosphere: Nitrogen...............78% Oxygen.................13% Argon...................5% Other Gases.............4% 2 minutes. We were about to break through the atmosphere near the dark side of the planet, couldn't tell more than that- there was nothing to see beyond the nearly purple clouds, locked in perpetual dusk. We harnessed ourselves in the central chamber per protocol. As the ship began to tremble, the walls around us turned black and iridescent. Suddenly, in the center of the room stood the small gilded box, it's black orbs reflecting rainbows across our faces. 1 minute. The pressure on our bodies falls as the ship's thrusters reach equilibrium. This part always reminded me of the playground; spinning on that wheel with the world a blur then dragging your feet in the dirt waiting to be able to let go. "uuUUU-just-eeeeeeeeee-ng ooooutpuut freeeequenciessss. Assessment Complete. Please do not be alarmed. We kindly welcome The Revenent to Nalmyke. We will be landing momentarily." a voice warbled from the center of the room. "We are curious about the dimensional qualities of this ship and its crew. Please allow us to honor you as guests of our society. May we converse pleasantly." a tiny figure grew out of the box, like a mountainous jello mold, and bowed at us. 30 seconds. "Docking procedure initiated" ]]> The sun never sets on hope - Foods (kneezle) gopher:// sun never sets on hope/005foods.txt gopher:// sun never sets on hope/005foods.txt Thu, 14 Feb 2019 21:50:01 GMT Valval met me at foods after work today. We all call it that but it’s really called "the commissary of edibilities". Come on, with a name like that, you would call it “foods” too. We both know it. Speaking of you, I should give you a name, my beautiful bundle of paper. How about 美丽 ! Perfect. If course, my Měilì, you can object at any time and I’ll call you something else. Oh yes, Valval met me at foods and we were talking about the end of classes. It’s so hard for me to believe its over and we won’t be seeing each other every day anymore. I won’t miss that 婊子 bbsee. I hope her assignment is in a black hole. Can you believe that on our LAST day of class she managed to rip my stocking and didn’t even apologize? Nothing! I had to spend an hour in the fab room, again, fixing it. I didn’t tell anyone, but I was crying the whole time too. She ruins everything. I ended up missing the beginning of the graduation ceremony since its “formal dress” so I couldn’t go there without my stockings. Since I’m telling you secrets, I hate my stockings so much. They itch and feel rough and aren’t the right colors anymore, but we don’t have the material for new ones so I needed to use recycled fabric. Maybe one day, if I’m REALLY good in the radio room, I’ll get stockings that make me look pretty AND feel good. Got to go A ]]> RSS Revenant - 5 minutes (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1624.txt gopher:// Revenant/1624.txt Sun, 07 Apr 2019 01:58:54 GMT "Trajectory found," the computer declared, "ENGINES: ONLINE." The ship lurched forward, nearly knocking us to the floor. Hex and Cranium looked at each other knowingly. Mr Swarm and I ran into the cockpit. "It's left this black stuff all over the overhead" crackled Hex over the intercom, "across the datastores, and straight through the floor again - what's going on up there?" "We're locked out of the controls, all I can tell is we're no longer disabled, traveling at full speed and on a collision course with the planet." I replied. Thin strands pulsated rainbows of light to and from a large blobs on the ceilings and walls. "I don't think it's going to hurt us, it's too focused on where it's going." Hex said, "it's taking us somewhere." "There isn't much we can do now except see what it it wants, can we?" the Commander asked. He was right. 10 minutes until landing, no time to waste. Mr Swarm gingerly poked a blob with a screwdriver, his hand jerked back with a spark, leaving the screwdriver spinning towards the floor. 9 minutes. "Suit up!" Commander Cranium commanded. 9 minutes, 30 seconds. I pulled on my gloves and heavy boots, checked the respirators connections and walked into the main corridor. Hex's athame reflected the dim rainbow lights of the alien satellite. 6 minutes, 30 seconds. Mr Swarm came in wearing his carapace of armor, followed by the Commander who has to bend his head awkwardly to fit his helmet through the door. "Remember the landing plan," Cranium instructed, "we have to be able to defend ourselves, but not appear to be hostile... The computer says we should be able to breath the atmosphere, but I don't think we should take any chances trusting it while that thing is in control of the ship. Like Hex said, this thing isn't killing us, but for how long?" 5 minutes, 30 seconds. ]]> Melchizedek - HOLY SHIT (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 14 Feb 2019 02:30:12 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.35ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class ::: Holy shit, Prezzi gave us a compliment! ...and what was that about Simms? . ]]> Melchizedek - Rhetorical Ecclesiastic Report (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 17:48:20 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.35ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Prezzi Adeyemi, Seriph Rhetorical Ecclesia ::: Melchizedek Serial 0294 Ecclesiastic Report Ship damaged en route to Beta Hydrii - Full loss of fore botany bay - Loss of ship's doctor in incident - Food stores at half - Unknown anomaly affected gene sequencing of arabidopsis - Possible crew gene anomalies (Simms, Hildar P., Sargent) - No damage sustained to genetic dispersal array Melchizedek has shut down gravity sheer and is decelerating into system presently. Navigator Hämäläinen is on watch for electrophonic bolides. Our shielding is adequate for any other space debris expected. At present rate we will set down on the fourth planet in system in 17 hours, local chronology. Time dilation should be minimal. The full crew will trigger their wake sequences from hibernation upon landfall. Specialist Janssen will head operations to secure structural damage from the jettisoned fore botany bay. Doctors Kroups and Xavier have augmented our rationing system due to reduced material. Warrant Master Pasani's mental stresses are significant. Cognitive inhibitions have been demonstrated at 14 individual intervals. Rest and meditation schedules have been met and he shows no signs of chronic impairment. No recommended remediation at this time. Personal note: The crew has acted admirably and in accordance with their station. . ]]> Laketown Ark Prime - Mission Status Report 2 (terris) gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-2.txt gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-2.txt Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:37:27 GMT From: vp0d45-κ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta1.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id ceB9dcFEaf3C3fcf for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep Date-Local: 25 Mar 2436 15:12:02 GSRT +0015y Date: 16 Dec 2463 22:20:25 -0042y Subject: Mission Status Report 2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8 Laketown Command, Mission status..........................[pending] Ship systems................................[OWP] VISR reports ship's computers ..............[OWP] Biosphere systems ..........................[OWP] Cryosystems ................................[OWP] Cargo .......................................[WP] Internal sensing systems ...................[OWP] External sensing systems ...................[OWP] Fuel consumption rate........................[WP] Fuel level.................................84.54% Approaching VHE-0j0-η ETT: 176,400 seconds Crew team-rotation reports indicate working crew productivity and satisfaction within expected range. Log analysis reports 43 nonessential system faults during transit. END MESSAGE. ]]> Voortrekker - i mean i was surprised, but it didn't feel *wrong* (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 13 Feb 2019 14:02:33 GMT From: QEChat Log kit, anine, sam To: anine (Amelia Nine) To: sam (Sameen Lee) To: kit (Chris Maldonado) Delivered-To: Sameen Lee Received: from by with ESMTPS id 20XDQBPQDUP0DV for Received: from by Received: from by Date: 19 Sep 2421 14:37:48 +0000 Date-Local: 05 Apr 2419 18:01:48 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: Chat Log kit, anine, sam [14:02] kit: hello? [14:03] anine: kit hi! sam: is that you? kit: yes it's really me! anine: i thought you couldnt chat from there! [14:04] kit: not in flight! it tied up the qec too much kit: but when i heard you got hurt i talked to director soloviev and he said it was ok since we aren't using the qec much any more anyway kit: are you ok? what happened? [14:05] anine: i'm ok! kit: sam said you got hurt bad anine: bruises mostly anine: also i lost part of my left leg kit: oh my god what anine: below the knee. it's okay! i'm okay [14:06] kit: how can you say that? your leg oh no anine: Kit. Take a breath. anine: I'm really okay. I promise. kit: but kit: i really like your legs! [14:07] anine: hahahahaha kit i love you so much sam: so kit, this jen you've spoken so well of, is that jennifer story? kit: yeah, why? sam: well, i'm not there to swat you for what you just said, so... [14:08] kit: haha i bet she would! i mean, i don't exactly have a butt any more, but she'd find a way kit: god i miss you both so much sam: i miss you too, ma petite! anine: me too! kit: wish i was there with you [14:09] kit: curled up with you both on that awful couch sam: us too anine: we're on titan right now though! no awful couches in sight kit: oh wow, titan? what's it like? anine: well, the hospital is nice anine: they're taking good care of me, and the amenities are wonderful [14:10] sam: ah. i'm an amenity anine: my favorite amenity! anine: other than that i haven't seen much kit: not up and around yet? anine: well, as much as i can be with only the one foot anine: that complicates things a little! [14:11] kit: it would, wouldn't it. kit: i'm sorry anine: don't be. anine: i mean this is weird and i hate it and i'm not really okay with it yet sure but anine: if i can make light of it anyway, why shouldn't you? anine: besides, i want to laugh now, i have to get evaluated for a prosthetic in a little while anine: and that wont be fun [14:12] kit: ooh, nerve mapping, i bet it won't be anine: we really should come out there to ross anine: i mean, on the one hand, we get to see you again anine: on the other, i hear legs aren't always a problem there anine: i wanted to ask...what's that like? sam: we're both wondering! anine: i mean if it's ok to ask [14:13] kit: no, it's okay! uh [14:14] kit: i mean at first i felt like i *should* feel like something's wrong i guess? i mean ive always had legs, and then i suddenly didn't, and you'd think that would really upset me, right? kit: or like kit: amelia, so, your leg... kit: does it feel like it's still there sometimes? [14:15] anine: oh god all the time! that's the weirdest part like my brain still hasn't got used to it either and keeps imagining it's still there and it *itches* kit: yeah, i've read that, phantom limb syndrome anine: yeah, that's what they called it kit: and that seems like it should happen here too, right? i mean i've got tentacles now where i used to have legs, shouldn't i feel like my legs are still there somehow? [14:16] kit: i never did though, not even when i woke up kit: i mean i was surprised, but it didn't feel *wrong*, i didn't feel like i was missing parts, or like my tentacles weren't part of me somehow kit: which honestly was among the weirder parts of that day, i kept thinking i should be horrified and i kept just...not being kit: and i mean [14:17] kit: a lot of that had to do with how i feel about the other changes, i mean i don't even know how to start explaining how wonderful that was to wake up to! anine: sweetie you don't have to! sam: i won't say we understand, ma petite, we can't know what it's like. but we are both so happy for you! anine: yes we are! [14:18] kit: aw yo utwo kit: i dont knwo [14:19] kit: i don't know what i ever did to deserve either of you kit: to deserve you both? that's a lifetime's worth of good luck for this girl anine: you hush. luck has nothing to do with it. sam: you should give yourself the credit you're due, ma petite. [14:20] kit: you know, you're right sam: we are! anine: but when did you ever admit that? sam: you have changed! kit: yeah i have! i wish the QEC could send pictures kit: i mean i look *good* now kit: tentacles and all! [14:21] kit: which is nice since we still haven't really figured out how to make clothes work for ourselves yet kit: shirts are ok and i guess skirts or something but we mostly just don't bother and no one seems to care anine: hahahaha i wish i could see you! we both do! kit: well, if you can get places in the third expedition... [14:22] kit: how are things back home? some of the rumors going around are a little scary sam: it's not good. anine: i came back from ganymede on a lunar ship, and an earth ship tried to stop us partway to luna. the captain didn't stop so they shot at us kit: what kit: that's how you got hurt? anine: yeah kit: oh no [14:23] sam: yeah. no one's done any more shooting yet, but it's just a matter of time sam: earthgov probably hasn't made up their mind on what to do yet, that's always such a mess, and anyway they're worrying about mars right now too sam: and we don't *want* a war, we're not trying to make this any worse than it is already sam: but we're almost certainly about to have one whether we want it or not [14:24] kit: oh god kit: but at least you're on titan, we heard about the alliance but it's so far out, i mean sam: that's the thinking right now, yeah, it'd be very hard for earth to hit here, especially with their fleet split kit: god i wish you were here SO BAD kit: we're still putting everything back together but at least it's safe here [14:25] anine: us too, sweetie. us too. kit: what's happening on mars? sam: no one's really sure but it sounds like the talks broke down, earth's saying it was sabotage, the belt's calling it a labor uprising, no one really knows what to think kit: maybe it'll keep earth so busy they can't make any more problems anine: we can hope... [14:27] anine: well, it's just about time for my torture session. kit: oh no, that makes it sound even worse anine: i'm kidding! it won't be that bad sam: it had better not be. i'm going to be sitting right next to the tech the whole time, one yell and he's going to have a very bad afternoon anine: i'll be fine! use your words [14:28] sam: i will! sam: "neckhold" is a word anine: aaaaaaa what am i ever going to do with you kit: kiss her! kit: and then kiss her again for me anine: yes'm [14:29] anine: done kit: that took a while! kit: good. kit: good luck with the nerve mapping, lia! and to both of you, and stay safe, please kit: don't go making me worry than i'm already going to sam: we wont. promise! anine: oops, there's the nurse kit: ok! more news later when i can! love you both! anine: love you too! sam: nous t'aimons beaucoup, ma petite! [anine: Quit: i'll yell if i feel like it] [sam: Quit: and i'll strangle a medtech if i feel like it!] [kit: Quit: well now i'm not worried at *all*] ]]> Quartz - Trying to See (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 13 Feb 2019 08:55:08 GMT As a child, I would often experience the world in third person, while simultaneously experiencing the world in first person. Several of my earliest memories are in a vivid third-person-view. I am still able to do this to some degree, but it is certainly no longer first-nature (second-nature?). It is my belief that this was my mind utilizing the hyperwave abilities imparted upon me, as the experiences are similar. I think that my inability to do it as well now reflects my weakened ability to hyperproject. Though I *can* indeed project, it is often difficult for me to see my own body/face now, and reading text is like trying to read text in a dream. Sometimes it is impossible; other times it is just as vivid as reality. Luckily, I'm never alone. X29 ]]> Laketown Ark Prime - Mission Status Report 3 (terris) gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-3.txt gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-3.txt Wed, 13 Feb 2019 04:29:51 GMT From: vp0d45-κ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta1.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id ceB9dcFEaf3C3fcf for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep Date-Local: 28 Mar 2436 04:05:31 GSRT +0015y Date: 18 Dec 2463 17:27:44 -0042y Subject: Mission Status Report 3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8 Laketown Command, This is the third message we have sent. Have yet to receive reply. Mission failure. Mission objective missing. Arrived to find a debris field. Hull Damaged. 2% of atmosphere vented. 5% of water vented. No casualties. Repairs underway. Re-fuel successful. Materials harvest from debris field underway. LD Comms damaged. QEC backup deployed. Please confirm receipt. END MESSAGE. ]]> Laketown Ark Prime - Mission Status Report 5 (terris) gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-5.txt gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-5.txt Fri, 01 Nov 2019 22:42:11 GMT From: vp0a37-σ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta1.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id ceB9dcFEaf3C3fcf for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep Date-Local: 20 Apr 2436 23:42:19 GSRT +0015y Date: 12 Jan 2463 22:18:19 -0042y Subject: Mission Status Report 5 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Laketown Command, No communications received from VHEP or LTC. Primary QEC module repairs underway. Backup QEC module jettissoned for relay assembly. Self-assembly Swarm 17 deployed designation "Aster". Harvester 33ι deployed. Harvester 33κ deployed. Tug 44σ deployed. Tug 48λ deployed. vCrew hub 0x798α deployed. vp1d30-σ, vp0e44-κ aboard hub 0x798α. 7 Crew members will remain at VHE-0j0-η to repair and install backup QEC into relay station. Estimated time to completion: 75,000 seconds. Initiating Stealth Procedure 7. Initiating Passive Observation procedures. This message will be held until QEC relay complete. LTAP will go dark and drift toward asteroid belt. VHE-0j0 system resonance indicates next orbital transit no sooner than 1.55x10⁶ seconds. Reports to follow contingent on primary QEC repairs. END MESSAGE. ]]> Quartz - Living Nightmare (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 12 Feb 2019 21:16:41 GMT When I was a child, I told one of the ladies at the daycare I was at about a dream that I had had about being stuck on an inner edge of a volcano. There were people on the outside trying to get me out. I called it a "nightmare". She looked at me wide eyed, asking if they had managed to rescue me. "It was just a bad dream," I said. She said that a nightmare was not a bad dream. "Nightmares are real." To this day, I can smell the sulfur. X29 ]]> Quartz - Hyperwave (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 12 Feb 2019 21:00:37 GMT I am so out of tune with my hyperwave abilities. It's frustrating, considering how pathetically simple it was to do as a child. The problem with hyperwave transport is that it is almost dreamlike - and for a human to fully engage with two consciousnesses at the same time is incredibly difficult. Things can be imagined - movement can be unnatural. It is a frustrating ordeal for me. However, it comes naturally to them. They are not human. And whether or not a human's perception is warped is most times inconsequential to them. I tried telling one of my friends about this on Earth. She called it schizophrenia. I laughed. X29 ]]> 6a616e36 - sorry, forgot to unpower qec (jan6) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 12 Feb 2019 18:57:21 GMT Um, sorry for the random post earlier, I forgot to unpower the qec before starting the experiments... ...At this rate I'll forget to close the fuel siphons tomorrow... At least this time no savage creature least I hope... ]]> The sun never sets on hope - Aaiko (kneezle) gopher:// sun never sets on hope/004aaiko.txt gopher:// sun never sets on hope/004aaiko.txt Mon, 11 Feb 2019 19:32:47 GMT >>> Begin retransmitted logs: Aaiko 5th day of the month of the lion This is my first day working in the logs room. Can you believe it? I passed my classes and when they handed out the assignments, I got this! I stepped through the holy incantations of the sending of the log, perfectly as ordered on the first try. First you say the prayer of connection. then you thank the Emperor. then you turn the tran key to on. then when the “tran state” light turns red and it says “Trn FaiL”, say the blessing of hope till it turns off then once it turns off you turn the key back to off. I found this perfect diary paper to take my notes on. it says "log transmission paper", but it's all stiff and old and I'm sure no one will miss it. So I’m going to keep you updated on my life! This is going to be so much fun. -Aaiko ]]> Satay Hub - BUL0301 (0xroy) gopher:// Hub/BUL0301.txt gopher:// Hub/BUL0301.txt Mon, 11 Feb 2019 10:22:16 GMT +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ | |kcmxL3oAct0Tgw8XzAYg| | |To: *@satay.hub |mXN3aurpo9KE4ei4stTo| | |From: BUL@satay.hub |LZeMsnmCaJxrkEe08T8m| | |Subject: Don't forget to |pfZ3yk6DUCSjwXpa8U3U| | | bring food! Cryptid |KO5oZ1RkxdCRkPP1Zp09| | | kills a 9yo |kwL8pZin9wxQI6PoJy1n| | | |lhz1dZi2sN23eA42NwYo| | +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ | | |Hello, dear citizens of the Hub! | | | |The next festival is in 10 days! Hurray! Please be sure to bring| |something to share! You will be credited of 500SHB to have fun | |on any booth you want! | | | |The hunting period will begin in two days! The bat population | |has to be regulated and our barbecue successful. Contact Kaz | |(kaz999@satay.hub) if you want to get specific details or if you| |need a hunting mate. | | | |The Bure farm lost contact with the Hub. A power outage of | |malicious nature toastid their com. A 9 years old lost his life.| |His mother told the Buro that an unidentified creature caused | |the outage and that it attacked everything at sight. She was the| |only person to identify the murderer as a monster. | | | |The Buro is investigating and sent a full squad of detective | |cyborg. | | | |-- | |THE BULLETIN | |If you want to report something or a crime, please contact us | |bul@satay.hub | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ]]> The sun never sets on hope - Station Masters note (kneezle) gopher:// sun never sets on hope/003asombernote.txt gopher:// sun never sets on hope/003asombernote.txt Sun, 10 Feb 2019 19:54:37 GMT >>>N-UUCP, based on T-UUCP `\020SRly001 options\000' `\020ROK\000' `S log025424.txt log025424.txt TSNSOH 0666' `SY start' Station Master’s note - This is the final log dump from the metroship "The sun never sets on hope" relayed from npxx rl 7. There will be no further transmissions from the metroship, and I've updated the official records to show that it has been lost with all hands. May God have mercy on their souls. After much thought, I've decided to relay the transmissions as I received them, despite the unorthodox format and tone. I’m going to have to relay them using the manual transmitter due to the incorrect transmitter encoding used, so it might take a while for all the logs to reach you. ]]> Voortrekker - PEARLTAPE//TRANSCRIPT/OBINT/DEBR/0274/1 (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 10 Feb 2019 13:52:37 GMT From: PEARLTAPE TDY TITAN To: To: To: Delivered-To: Received: from by with ESMTPSA id kUQ992ci1Z3vr (enc ok sign ok) for Received: from by Received: from by Subject: PEARLTAPE//TRANSCRIPT/OBINT/DEBR/0274/1 Date: 19 Sep 2421 00:38:19 +0000 Date-Local: 19 Sep 2421 00:38:19 +0000 X-Classification-Marking: TS/PEARLTAPE/EYES ONLY ALLIANCE X-Catalogue-Serial: PEARLTAPE//TRANSCRIPT/OBINT/DEBR/0274/1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" -------------------- TOP SECRET PEARLTAPE -------------------- HANDLE VIA QUILL CHANNELS ONLY PEARLTAPE//TRANSCRIPT/OBINT/DEBR/0274/1 FULL CATALOGUING DATA FOLLOWS TRANSCRIPT BEGINS [Subject NINE is asleep or unconscious. Subject LEE sits in a chair at her left side, apparently dozing.] NINE: [INDISTINCT] [Subject NINE coughs. Subject LEE startles slightly and sits up.] LEE: Oh, chérie, welcome back! Here, sip this - [Subject LEE holds a cup of water for subject NINE. Subject NINE takes the straw and drinks, then coughs.] LEE: Easy. NINE: [INDISTINCT] better, thank you - Sameen? What are you doing here? [Subject NINE looks around.] NINE: What am I doing here? Where are we? What's happened? LEE: We're on Titan, and you're safe. What do you remember? [Subject NINE delays answer, apparently considering the question.] NINE: I was in my crash couch. We all were. They were going to shoot at us any second, and I was so scared. I was sure every second that - then I felt the ship turn hard, and then a second later something hit us. My couch must have broken, I felt myself spinning, and then - [Subject NINE considers.] NINE: Just flashes, and then I woke up here. LEE: That was three days ago. NINE: Three days? But why didn't they - LEE: After the captain sent his last report to Luna Lines, their military liaison messaged Ambassador Vasu here on Titan. She talked to Ambassador Branislav, and then they went and talked to - oh, it's a long story, but they figured out where your ship was, and And Yet It Moves got to you just barely in time. NINE: The Titan ship? LEE: The same. They shot down Kearsarge's first missile before it fused, and there was no second one. But the missile was so close that some of the debris still hit you. NINE: Oh. LEE: Your couch didn't break. They say it saved your life. But - NINE: I know that look. Sameen, just tell me. LEE: Amelia, can you feel your foot? Your left foot. Can you move it? NINE: Sure, I - [Subject NINE looks down at the bed, observing her injury. (L leg traumatic amputation distal to knee, full details in med report, file ref PEARLTAPE/DEBR/79) Psychometric overlay indicates response within error bars.] NINE: Oh. NINE: Oh shit. [Subject NINE begins to cry. Subject LEE leans over the bed to hug subject NINE.] LEE: [INDISTINCT] going to be okay. You're [INDISTINCT]. NINE: [INDISTINCT] LEE: I - let me call in the nurse, and - NINE: No! I need to - [Subject NINE shakes off subject LEE, wipes her eyes, and grasps the bedsheet. Subject LEE places her hand atop subject NINE's.] LEE: Lia, please. Let me help, at least. [Subject LEE helps subject NINE into a sitting position against the headboard, then pulls aside the sheet, exposing subject NINE's hip and unbandaged left leg.] NINE: God. Three days? [Subject NINE sobs.] LEE: They gave you healing adjuvants. That's why you've been out so long. NINE: It feels like it's still - [Subject NINE leans forward, shaking aside her IV tube, and reaches into the space below where her left leg ends.] NINE: Oh, that's - [Subject NINE chokes, then retches and heaves. Subject LEE holds an emesis tray for subject NINE.] NINE: Ugh. LEE: It's okay. Here. Rinse out your mouth. [Subject NINE does so, then looks at her leg again. Subject NINE raises her left thigh, carefully touching the stump.] LEE: Does it hurt? NINE: No, not much. It's just - LEE: Weird? NINE: I keep thinking it's still there and I just can't see it. [Subject NINE presses the stump with her fingers.] NINE: I can still feel it. But I can feel this too. It's - [Subject NINE swallows hard. Subject LEE reaches for a clean emesis tray.] NINE: No - no, I'm okay. LEE: Okay. NINE: Will you - [Subject NINE takes subject LEE's hand and moves it toward her stump. Subject LEE rests her hand on subject NINE's left thigh, just above her knee.] NINE: It's okay if you can't. LEE: No, it's not. NINE: No. LEE: It's okay. I just - [Subject LEE begins to cry, and moves her hand down to rest on subject NINE's stump. Subject NINE places her hand atop subject LEE's and presses it against her stump.] NINE: Thank you - LEE: [INDISTINCT] see you like this. NINE: I'm sorry. [Subject LEE coughs, then laughs.] LEE: You're - you are a nonpareil, chérie. [Subject LEE wipes her eyes with her free hand.] LEE: You've just had your leg shot off and here you are, apologizing to me. [Subject NINE laughs.] NINE: And why not, madame? Am I the only one inconvenienced? LEE: I would hardly call it an inconvenience! NINE: Well, it is more than that. It still doesn't seem real. [Subject NINE begins to cry.] NINE: But I was sure I would die. LEE: Here, move over - [Subject LEE steps out of her slippers and climbs with some care into subject NINE's bed.] NINE: Mind the - LEE: [INDISTINCT] NINE: [INDISTINCT] [Subject NINE curls against subject LEE, sobbing. Subject LEE pulls subject NINE close.] LEE: You made it, Amelia. You're here. You're really here, and you're safe now! You're safe. [Subject NINE continues to cry while subject LEE comforts her. Psychometric overlay indicates delayed fear response consistent with subject NINE's experiences. Predictive function indicates healthy adaptation contingent upon continued strong bond and concomitant supoprt. Strongly recommend full debrief implement A09(c)§3.146 variance per Y. Laporte.] NINE: I still can't believe they let me go. LEE: They never had you. Kearsarge - NINE: No, I mean - back on Ganymede. LEE: Do you want to talk about it? NINE: No. LEE: Okay. NINE: They kept bringing me in for days, after they'd stopped talking to everyone else. Asking questions about who I knew on Luna, how I knew them - what we did, what we talked about. The same questions over and over, and I didn't know how much they already knew. After a while I wasn't even sure if I was lying. LEE: Did you tell them about us? NINE: Not at first. [Begin audio clarity filtering and enhancement.] NINE: I thought at first I could, you know. Leave it out. NINE: But they kept asking the same questions over and over. Eight hours a day, ten hours. I thought if I answered, told them what they wanted to hear, they'd stop. But they didn't. LEE: To find out if you were lying. NINE: I guess. They weren't nice about it, either. Kept telling me - NINE: There was this one. He kept telling me how I'd abused my position and Earth's trust. What a disgrace I am. That when they were done with me, he'd send me to therapy, or Wyoming, and I should be grateful for [INDISTINCT] LEE: [INDISTINCT] NINE: Yeah. LEE: You don't have to put yourself through this right now. NINE: No, I - I'm okay, I think. Just - it was bad. LEE: I know. When did it start? NINE: About two - no, three weeks ago. LEE: And they let you chat with me? NINE: He made me. Maintaining my pattern, he said. But only from the interview room. They'd taken my hand unit away. LEE: I'd wondered if something was wrong. You didn't sound quite yourself. NINE: I wasn't. [INDISTINCT] worst part? LEE: Tell me. NINE: They brought Joseph in. LEE: No. [End audio enhancement.] NINE: They did! Acting so disappointed in that fake way he has. How could I break his heart this way, how could I consort with another woman and a lunar at that, after all he'd done to try to help me cope with my problem. As if it hadn't been an arrangement all along. But he was always better at playing the game. LEE: [INDISTINCT] NINE: All of it. They told me to - say what I said, at the end. His idea, actually. Said it'd lend [INDISTINCT] LEE: [INDISTINCT] NINE: I told them [INDISTINCT] [Subject NINE sobs. Subject LEE comforts her.] NINE: I'm - LEE: No, don't apologize. You had to. I don't mind. I'm glad it wasn't worse. NINE: [INDISTINCT] enough. LEE: And about coming early? They told you to say that? NINE: Yes. I thought they were being especially cruel. But then the next day they just - let me go. LEE: Let you go? NINE: They did! Brought me in Thursday morning, sat me down just like always, and then the same one from before came in and told me they were sorry for the inconvenience. Thanked me for assisting in their investigations and told me I was free to go. Even gave me back my hand unit, wiped of course. LEE: And that was it? Nothing about - NINE: About being a disgrace? Therapy or Wyoming? Nothing. Just that, and then an officer escorted me out. LEE: What did you do then? NINE: I went to work and tried to pretend nothing had ever been wrong! But they'd cleared my calendar for me. All of it, not just the appointments from while I was - LEE: Being interrogated. NINE: Yes. It's a frightening word. I suppose I know why, now. I didn't stay long. No one wanted anything to do with me anyway. Went home hoping Joseph wouldn't be there, and he wasn't. I packed a bag and went to a hotel to - to wait it out until I could leave to meet the ship. [Subject NINE presses her cheek against subject LEE's chest. Subject LEE comforts her. Begin audio enhancement.] NINE: [INDISTINCT] so scared! That they wouldn't let me through to the Luna side, at the checkpoint. They'd stop me, turn me back, keep me there. I was crying when I finally got there, shaking so hard I could barely stay on my feet, I was sure they'd stop me, but they didn't. Just scanned my ID and boarding pass and waved me through. [Subject NINE laughs. End audio enhancement.] NINE: And then I got my leg shot off. [Subject NINE shifts against subject LEE, sitting up somewhat against the headboard, and reaches to touch the stump of her left leg.] NINE: I could almost forget about that part, except that I can't. But it's still a surprise every time I see it. Every time I think about it. [Subject NINE shakes her head.] NINE: Why do you think they'd do that? Just let me go like that, after everything. [Psychometric overlay for subject LEE trends outside error bars in several metrics, pattern suggesting apprehension and/or guilt.] LEE: They weren't getting anywhere. They'd taken you through the same questions enough times to know you weren't hiding anything else, that they'd have seen it if you were. So they let you run and watched where you went. [Subject NINE looks carefully at subject LEE.] NINE: A very specific answer. [Psychometric overlay for subject LEE spikes outside error bars in several metrics.] LEE: It's not quite what our own counterintelligence people would have done. But it's close enough. I haven't told you everything, Amelia. NINE: I've never asked you to. LEE: No, and I've loved you for that, too. But you deserve to know. NINE: All right, then. Tell me. LEE: I told you I was a reserve major of infantry. I am a major, but in active service with military intelligence. I'm a - a case officer. A spy. And I've made you one as well. [Security overlay flags unauthorized disclosure exceeding A09(c)§3.146 variance; recommends intervention, recommendation declined per Y. Laporte. Psychometric overlay for subject NINE trends below error bars, pattern unclear.] NINE: When did it start? LEE: About a year after we met. NINE: After. LEE: Yes. NINE: You didn't choose me from a list of lonely Earther women known to have illicit tastes. They didn't give you my picture and order you to go to that conference to seduce me. LEE: I didn't - LEE: I was still a reservist then, as I'd said. They reactivated my commission about a month before Syria Planum. NINE: You were a perfect monster at Syria Planum. LEE: What was I to do? I couldn't leave you, Amelia. Not without violating my orders and going to the stockade for it. They were terribly serious about that. But I couldn't - NINE: You tried to make me leave you! LEE: They couldn't have done much about that. Just put me back on half pay. I still had some friends in the MI establishment, people who'd served with me. They'd have protected me. And I didn't - NINE: You didn't want to feel like you were using me. LEE: No. NINE: You must have been furious when I came back. LEE: I, furious? [Subject LEE laughs.] LEE: I'd never even seen you angry before! I wasn't sure you were capable of it. [Subject NINE laughs.] NINE: You learned. LEE: Yes! You told me exactly what you thought of the way I'd been treating you. And you were right! You said that if I was done with you, you'd thank me to show a little courage and tell me so, and perhaps we'd salvage something as friends of what you'd imagined would be our first time really together as lovers. And you said - NINE: I remember. And then you started crying. [Subject LEE begins to cry.] LEE: You'd taken all my choices away from me. NINE: You could have done worse. LEE: I couldn't! I could hardly stand what I'd already - NINE: I could see it hurt you, too. I didn't understand why. Why was it so hard then? [Subject NINE touches subject LEE's cheek.] NINE: And why are you crying over it now? [Subject LEE sobs.] LEE: Because I love you! [Subject NINE attempts to kiss subject LEE. Subject LEE pulls back. Subject NINE catches the back of subject LEE's neck and kisses her.] NINE: It must have been so hard for you. All these years. LEE: Hard for - [Subject LEE wipes her eyes.] LEE: Why are you taking this so well, chérie? NINE: Perhaps I'm truly furious on the inside, madame. [Subject LEE looks closely at subject NINE.] LEE: No, I don't think so. When did you start to suspect? NINE: Not long after Voortrekker left. You'd had so many questions for us both - more than simple interest in your lovers' work could explain. Especially when you asked me for that set of engineering drawings. LEE: Damn them, I knew I was taking a chance with that! Nothing would do but that - NINE: Oh, I believed what you were saying at the time, about the hydroponics. It was only later, when Kit was gone and I was back home, I started really thinking about it, and - [Subject NINE laughs.] NINE: For a spy, you are a very uneven liar. [Subject LEE laughs.] LEE: Hard to do one's best work when one's heart isn't truly in it. [Subject NINE kisses subject LEE.] NINE: You've shown me where your heart is, madame. True, I doubted you for a while. But you reassured me. [Subject LEE kisses subject NINE.] LEE: I don't deserve you, chérie. [Subject NINE laughs.] NINE: No indeed! But perhaps, with enough effort, you may earn the privilege. [Subject LEE laughs.] LEE: And all this time, you've never - NINE: How would you have liked me to put it? And what if I'd been wrong after all? How foolish I would have been! [Subject LEE laughs and hugs subject NINE tightly. Subject NINE reciprocates.] LEE: I was sure you would hate me. NINE: Oh, I might have, madame, I might have. To learn after almost thirty years that I've been a spy, and you my spymistress? If you'd told me a year ago, or a week ago - LEE: What changed? [Subject NINE disengages slightly from subject LEE, making room to interpose her left leg between them.] NINE: My perspective. [Subject LEE places her hand on subject NINE's stump.] NINE: Be gentle. LEE: Does it hurt? NINE: A little. It's okay. [Subject NINE moves closer to subject LEE.] NINE: Had you told me last week, I would have been heartbroken. I'd have seen only that you cultivated my trust and then abused it. I wouldn't have forgiven you. I wouldn't even have wanted to. LEE: And now? [Subject LEE looks away from subject NINE. Subject NINE places her hand on subject LEE's.] NINE: Tell me, madame. In what way have you betrayed me? LEE: I - NINE: You what? You've loved me? You've offered me solace I could find nowhere else? [Subject NINE begins to cry.] NINE: You've helped me remember that I'm not wrong, I'm not twisted, I'm not disgusting. That everything they tried to tell me on Ganymede I am, that I've been hearing my entire life people like us must be, I am not. You've brought me to meet your family, and let them welcome me, make me feel as if I were not an aberration! Is that how you've betrayed me? [Subject LEE begins to cry.] NINE: Or perhaps it was the times when you've taken me into your home, into your bed! When you've helped me forget the life my miserable nation forces me to lead, and - and the things I've had to do, to try to hold on to what illusion of safety I could. When you've made those things go away, for just a little while, and let me imagine a life where I never had to face them again. [Subject NINE kisses subject LEE.] NINE: You foolish woman, why do you think I love you? So many times you've been the only thing in the universe that reminded me of the possibility of hope. Truly you are a monster, Sameen. [Subject LEE laughs.] NINE: And now here we are together. Whatever happens next, we'll figure it out together. I'd never dare hope for so much. LEE: But your leg - NINE: I'd have given up more. [Subject LEE kisses subject NINE. Subjects hug one another tightly.] NINE: [INDISTINCT] LEE: Now, chérie? NINE: [INDISTINCT] LEE: [INDISTINCT] TRANSCRIPT INTERRUPTED APPX 40 MIN EXCLUDED PER Y. LAPORTE OVERLAYS DISABLED NO RELEVANT CONTENT EXCLUDED TRANSCRIPT RESUMES NINE: You're right - Lunar hospitals really are better than Earth's! [Subject LEE laughs.] LEE: I've never known them to be quite that good. NINE: Well, I'm sure it will speed my recovery. LEE: All to the good. You need a bath, chérie. [Subject NINE laughs and swats subject LEE.] NINE: Monster! And you don't? LEE: I am a rose, fresh with morning dew. [Subject NINE laughs.] LEE: Come, slugabed! Let's get you to your foot. NINE: You are the very picture of sympathy. [Subject LEE stands and extends her hands to subject NINE, who takes them and pulls herself up.] LEE: Easy - you've been on your back for three days, don't - NINE: Oh, it's nothing! The gravity here is so light, it's as if - [Subject NINE sways. Subject LEE catches her.] NINE: Damn! I forget, and try to - LEE: Here, lean on me. [Subject LEE wraps her arm around subject NINE's back; subject NINE reciprocates.] NINE: So tall. LEE: Okay now? NINE: I think so. Let's - let's stay here a moment, and see. LEE: Of course. [Subject LEE kisses the top of subject NINE's head.] LEE: It's strange, you know. NINE: My hair? LEE: True, we have few redheads in Luna - one more soon, to my delight. And so prettily freckled! NINE: Spare my blushes, please, madame. LEE: And deny myself such a sight? But no, I mean that they let you go and then came after you. It doesn't make sense. NINE: Oh! Here, I'll show you. [Subject NINE looks around.] NINE: Where are my things? LEE: Your clothes were ruined, I believe. But - [Subject LEE leans, careful not to upset subject NINE, and retrieves a bag of subject NINE's effects from a drawer in the bedside table.] NINE: Ah - is my hand unit there? LEE: Yes, there at the bottom. Here - [Subjects LEE and NINE, working together, open the bag, and subject NINE retrieves her hand unit. NB: Device inspected per A09(c)§1.38, software implants identified and removed, transceivers disabled per file ref PEARLTAPE/DEBR/81a. Data dump file refs PEARLTAPE/DEBR/81b1 (primary store) PEARLTAPE/DEBR/81b2 and PEARLTAPE/DEBR/81b3 (substores encrypt/stegano per A09(b)§4.10).] NINE: Still charged. [Subject NINE unlocks the device, then enters a long passcode and reauthenticates via optical and touch sensors.] NINE: I set this up last year, the same way you showed me for our messages and logs. I thought they must have found it and wiped it too, but when I checked in the shuttle, it was still there. Look - [Subject NINE hands the device to subject LEE.] LEE: Calisse de tabernac! [Subjects NINE laughs. Subject LEE kisses subject NINE.] LEE: Is this everything? NINE: Everything I had. LEE: Maudit! Engineering drawings, documents, correspondence - and they must not have realized until after you were away. No wonder they came after you! Bad enough you should tell our attaché aboard the shuttle, but to have you bring us this - NINE: Do you need to, to call someone, or take that somewhere? LEE: No, they'll have dumped it before they released it to the hospital. My love, you'll have a medal for this! NINE: I don't need a medal. [Subject LEE kisses the top of subject NINE's head.] LEE: No, but you deserve one. More than anyone with whom I've ever served. [Subject NINE laughs.] NINE: My blushes - LEE: Are lovely as always. But I'm quite serious. I am a soldier, and we must be brave, to be what we are. We're trained to withstand fear, to do what we must in spite of it. You, though - NINE: Sameen, you don't - LEE: Amelia, listen, I know how you've doubted your courage. But what you've - everything you've done to be here. I would not have accepted such a mission if it had been given to me! None of us would. We'd have protested to command, gone to the stockade, rather than take on such a completely impossible series of tasks as the ones you set yourself. [Subject LEE pulls subject NINE into a tight hug against her chest, careful not to disturb subject NINE's balance.] LEE: I have always suspected you to be a madwoman, chérie, so I am not surprised. But mad or not, you are the bravest person I've ever known. NINE: [INDISTINCT] [Subject LEE leans down and kisses subject NINE firmly.] LEE: Don't try to argue! I will not call my lover a liar. You'll only force me to - [Subject NINE yelps, then laughs.] NINE: You tease. You monster! [Subject LEE laughs.] LEE: A monster, perhaps. But a tease? NINE: You are a monster. Lucky for you, though, [INDISTINCT] LEE: Goodness. Well then, ma petit chérie puante, let's go and find that bathtub, shall we? NINE: You'll have to let me go a little, first - LEE: I will not! [Subject LEE lifts subject NINE into her arms. Subject NINE laughs.] NINE: Oh, you make me feel tiny! LEE: Shall I put you down, then? [Subject NINE wraps her arms around subject LEE's neck and pulls subject LEE's head down for a kiss.] NINE: Never. [Subjects LEE and NINE exit observation area via en-suite door. At this time Y. Laporte terminates observation and dismisses OBINT team. No further interaction observed.] TRANSCRIPT ENDS -------------------- TOP SECRET PEARLTAPE -------------------- HANDLE VIA QUILL CHANNELS ONLY CATALOGUE CODEWORD: PEARLTAPE CATALOGUE INDICATORS: TRANSCRIPT/OBINT/DEBR/0274/1 DATE: 2421-10-18/20:11:14/+0000 DURATION: 02:31:17/TWO HOURS THIRTY ONE MINUTES SEVENTEEN SECONDS EXCLUSIONS TOTAL 41:19/FORTY ONE MINUTES NINETEEN SECONDS LOCATION: ROOM 417/YANG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ARRAKEEN TOWER/ARRAKIS PLANITIA TITAN SUBJECTS: SAMEEN LEE/MAJ/MI/IO3 J41029 PEARLTAPE CASE OFFICER AMELIA NINE/EARTHGOV EXPN SPT DIR VOORTREKKER (FMR) ..FKA/AMELIA YOUNGER OIC: Y. LAPORTE/LTC/MI/SIO J33545 PEARLTAPE ACTUAL TRANSCRIBER: M. UNDINE/2LT/MI/IO1 J65849 OBINT OFFICE NOTES: THIS TRANSCRIPT DESCRIBES ROUTINE OBSERVATION OF UNDECLARED ..DEBRIEFING SESSION PER A09(B)§4.12 OBSERVATION ENDS PRIOR TO END OF INTERACTION PER Y. LAPORTE ..REF A09(C)§3.181 RECORDINGS AND OVERLAY DATA PRESERVED PER A09(B)§4.3. ACCESS ..ONLY PSYCH ANALYSIS STAFF WITH TS/PEARLTAPE/INTSEN CLEARANCE ]]> Quartz - Construction (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 10 Feb 2019 13:07:17 GMT I've been looking around while the Quartz is being built, and it's surprising to me to see how pitiful, yet magnificient a spaceship looks when it's yet to be fully assembled. It's almost like a regular ship - except computer hardware is jammed in everywhere that it possibly can be. A QEC-compatible unit is also being added to the ship's main computer, so I should have access to some nice human reading material while I'm out here. I am particularly frustrated that I am still only limited to a hyperwave-only form aboard the ship. My body is too weak in this moment to physically teleport (a frustrating experience, to say the least), so I wouldn't be able to make it to the ship even if I tried, and even if I could make it, I'd also need to be able to teleport out without fail in the case of an emergency. Of course, I could just have the ship delivered to my physical body on Earth, but I'm fairly certain that that would be forbidden by the council. It's strange to see one of these terminals without power. I can't wait to see it activated soon. X29 ]]> Laketown Ark Prime - Personal Communication (terris) gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-pers1.txt gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-pers1.txt Wed, 13 Feb 2019 04:08:21 GMT From: vp0a37-σ To: vp0e44-κ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta2.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id d6kerl43al9g8jl0g for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep Delivered-To: vp0e44-κ Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep Date-Local: 28 Mar 2436 11:15:03 GSRT +0015y Date: 18 Dec 2463 17:27:44 -0042y Subject: Personal Communication Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" vp0e44-κ, LTAP crew consensus allows me to say this: You are not alone. We have begun to receive the QEC Archive feed. Thank you. Give my regards to the crew. END MESSAGE. ]]> Forgiven - A message in the dark (fey) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 09 Feb 2019 21:26:19 GMT ,^. ,/ Y.\ |. | | | `| ,| | |' | |. | | | `| ,| |. |' | `\`| / \|/ `Y | | ' the problem is that i don't know anything. The crew of Forgiven recovered my pod few weeks ago and it was not in very good shape. I am better now, but i still don't know anything. So i just stay in my quarters - i want to intrude on the others as little as possible - but i can't stand the empty of my mind so i started poking in the computer and found this! - i don't think anyone else knows of this - and i thought i can ask if somebody knows me, was I on a ship? were there others? what happened? But how do i ask when i don't know anything that could be used to identify anything? So instead i wrote this, my frustration, i guess it helped me to settle my thoughts a little. I still hope someone might recognize me or i might recognize something familiar in various messages i read here. Anyway i am glad i can expose myself to something else finally (could it be i am a person who needs some excitement in their life? I was found in space and in a dangerous situation, it would make sense). I better wait and investigate more before telling the others about this. - Vi (probably not my name) ]]> VHE-0j0-eta - VTAP Relay Station Eta Operational (terris) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 01 Nov 2019 16:27:37 GMT From: VHE-0j0 Relay Station Eta To: Laketown Ark Prime To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta2.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id d6kerl43al9g0frd18 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep. Date-Local: 25 Mar 2436 15:42:32 TRST -0000y Date: 16 Dec 2463 20:51:06 +0042y Subject: VHE-0j0 Relay Station Eta Operational Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" VHE-0j0 Relay Station Eta Status Report Fabrication and Assembly .......................................[82%] Messaging Relay Functions ................................................[94%] Message Spooling ................................................[OK] Callibration Earthsys ..................................................[complete] LTAP ......................................................[complete] Compliance Stealth Procedure 7 ......................................[in effect] Superstructure Obscured ................................[in progress] Debris layer surface deposition ................................[73%] Light Shielding ................................................[73%] EM Shielding ...................................................[79%] Directional Comms ...............................................[OK] Debris motion pattern simulation ................................[OK] Thrust nozzle diffusers .........................................[OK] Estimated LOD ..................................................[<5%] Passive Observation - Visual coverage ...................[(20+80)r^2] Passive Observation - Radio coverage .............[(180+80+20+60)r^2] Diagnostics Superstructure ..................................................[OK] Locomotion ......................................................[OK] Power production ................................................[OK] Power distribution ..............................................[OK] Crew Status Aster is satisfied in its work. Standard swarm unit rotation in effect. Swarm split into 5 groups. Aster-β has grown by 4,000% while processing debris. Aster estimates a 68% likelihood of budding. Aster-Γ reports 17 instances of maintenance performed on Tug 44σ. Aster-Γ reports 12 instances of maintenance performed on Tug 48λ. Aster-Γ reports 4 instances of maintenance performed on Harvester 33ι. Aster-Γ reports 2 instances of maintenance performed on Harvester 33κ. Aster recommends modified duty cycle schedule for Tugs until upgrades can be effected. vp1d30-σ reports intermittent feelings of boredom. vp0e44-κ reports intermittent feelings of loneliness. miniVISR 0x798α reports all crew member assessments indicate productivity approaching upper bound of expected range; satisfaction decreased by 13% but remains within expected range. miniVISR 0x798α recommends sleep and recreation. miniVISR 0x798α has announced games tournament to commence after next sleep cycle. Adversarial games library menu will be distributed at next shift change. END MESSAGE. ]]> Laketown Ark Prime - Mission Status Report 4 - Addendum (terris) gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-4addendum.txt gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-4addendum.txt Wed, 13 Feb 2019 04:08:21 GMT From: vp0a37-σ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta2.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id d6kerl43al9g0fj01 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep. Date-Local: 11 Jan 2436 15:42:32 GSRT +0015y Date: 3 Oct 2463 20:51:06 -0042y Subject: Mission Status Report 4 - Addendum Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Laketown Command, This is an addendum to our previous message. Mission objective located 5 light-days off course. Observations and models show 97% probability that it will exit the system completely within 30 standard years. Crew and VISR polling has voted to initiate protocol ZZ4.1a VISR reports decision fell 3.3% short of consensus. Dissenters: Nav-15α, Har-33ι, Har-33κ, Eng-72δ, Lif-22γ, vp1d30-σ, vp0e44-κ, Kisk II, Gorfley, Med d'Diogo, Ahnsen, Swarm-17 "Aster", Tug-44σ, Tug-48λ. Decision threshold reached. Protocol ZZ4.1a initiated. Begin waking procedures: [Mining Team 000]......................................[OK] [Mining Team 001]......................................[OK] [Mining Team 010]......................................[x] [Diagnostics team deployed to Mining Team 010].........[OK] [Mining Team 010a].....................................[OK] [Mining Team 100]......................................[OK] [Mining Team 011]......................................[OK] [Engineering Team 000].................................[OK] [Engineering Team 010].................................[OK] [Harvest Team 000].....................................[OK] [Harvest Team 001].....................................[OK] [Harvest Team 100].....................................[OK] [Fabrication Team 000].................................[OK] [Fabrication Team 001].................................[OK] [Fabrication Team 111].................................[x] [Diagnostics team deployed to Fabrication Team 011]....[OK] [Fabrication Team 010a]................................[OK] Estimated time(s) to completion: Waking biological human team members: 18,000 seconds Waking biomechanical crew members: 6,000 seconds Waking vCrew team members: 6 seconds Spinning autonomous agents: 0.04 seconds Activating biomechanical forms for vCrew: 15 seconds Launching scouting forms: 78 seconds Scouting: 180,000 seconds Launching harvesters: 600 seconds Materials harvest: 900,000 seconds Launching fabricators: 6,440 seconds Fabrication: 950,000 seconds END MESSAGE. ]]> Laketown Ark Prime - Mission Status Report 4 (terris) gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-4.txt gopher:// Ark Prime/LTAP-report-4.txt Wed, 13 Feb 2019 04:08:21 GMT From: vp0a37-σ To: Laketown Command To: VHEP Council Delivered-To: Laketown Command Received: from by mta1.ltc.vhep with ESMTPS id d6kerl43al9g0deg1 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.trap8.ltc.vhep by Received: from qec.sltap66 by qec.trap8.ltc.vhep Date-Local: 11 Jan 2436 15:12:09 GSRT +0015y Date: 3 Oct 2463 20:20:46 -0042y Subject: Mission Status Report 4 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Laketown Command, This is the fourth message we have sent. Have yet to receive reply. Repeating: Mission failure. Mission objective missing. Arrived to find a debris field. Hull Damaged. 2% of atmosphere vented. 5% of water vented. No casualties. Repairs underway. Re-fuel successful. Materials harvest from debris field underway. LD Comms damaged. QEC backup damaged. Confirm receipt. END MESSAGE. ]]> Satay Hub - Re: Food (0xroy) gopher:// Hub/Re: Food.txt gopher:// Hub/Re: Food.txt Sat, 09 Feb 2019 15:06:55 GMT +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ | |NyclCheL7zYDWD884O6a| | |To: kaz999@satay.hub |Pq6Bdj1D5Cg0bzmoyCQT| | |From: buro@satay.hub |BmcPKKS2hkbMNT8rkERP|attached: | |Cc: karma@satay.hub |gspdzZCmO83JwCnmZ5Ma|ticket.txt | |Subject: Re: Food |fn8XB2gt41Ovm0H11dvP| | | |EVRFj6azWNbkcQgpp42a| | +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ | | |Hey Kaz, it’s Eldo. | | | |I sent Mat to deliver the riffle and I’m going to check the farm| |in a few days. Please be patient, we have to check the mines | |before. | | | |PS: Can you send me a copy of the book your son wrote to my | |personal account? My husband wants to read it. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | ATTACHMENT DISCARDED FROM THE ARCHIVE. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ]]> Quartz - A New Ship (jebug29) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 10 Feb 2019 13:04:19 GMT To celebrate the rise of the fifth era, a new ship, the Quartz, is being built and gifted to me. I think it is rather interesting that I'd be given so analog a way to travel considering my abilities and our technology, but I realize the council doubts me in my current state. Either way, I get a fifth era ship out of it, so I can't complain. It'll be a nice getaway from my broom closet back on Earth. Still... My preference would be to be revived. X29 ]]> Oleander - Sister Sara (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 09 Feb 2019 05:29:25 GMT REC ON TRN ON ENC ON SYS GOOD -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Entry 5 -- Sister Sara To all of my sisters, The Shedim are not afraid of us. There is no power short of Adonai which can hold them. The Utukku are safe behind the veil. Their Kings celebrate our suffering in the hidden lands. The Rabisu know they can feed upon us and live forever. Our struggles are nothing. The Jinn know their power and revel in it. But what is that sound echoing from afar, from the corners of our dusty rocks? The littlest sound, it is. Like a tinkle of a bell. My name was given for the laughter which never ceases. Can you hear it? It is the music that flows across our ship and stirs the hearts of my sisters. You cannot see the Jinn unless they wish it. The hidden folk may seem like men or they may seem like the animals of their true face. The dog snout and yellow teeth are no more fearsome than any other mask they show. When we were young and lived in mud and grass, their cathedrals were the stones of the mountain. When our cities rewrote the land, theirs floated across the sky. When we put our first step onto another world, they were guiding the stars. How could a face convey more fear in our hearts? The Shedim are made of smoke and fire and their world is the same. They see us as we see the beasts, for surely to them we must seem God's lesser creation. We splash about in our mud like swine. For millennia we fought our primitive fights. Even now we barely live. We amuse them, anger them, and sustain their endless days with our blood. We are nothing, and yet... The laughter flows from deep in my chest and it shakes my whole body. Some nights my eyes water and I cannot see, but the tears are not of sadness. Millennia! And only now, our small group will do what generations never imagined. They are the hidden folk, the Jinn, the Shedim, the Utukku. They are the vampyr and the demons. They have haunted our stories since fire drew us together. They torment us from the invisible places where we cannot see. And that is what's so funny. They gave us the idea, you see. And now they are the ones that do not see. When we come--when Hawwa speaks the word--I will not stop my laughter until each of them understands. I will see recognition in those canine eyes. Then, and only then, will the joke finally end. Oh my sisters, I could tell you my story like the others have done. I could tell you of my journeys and of my husband, now six years in the dirt. I could tell you of children who followed. I could give you the stories of pain and suffering and let you share the anguish and outrage that plagued my soul, but no. Share my laughter instead. It is not bitter. It hides no malice. It is pure chaos in the way that bridges pain and joy as only laughter can. Hawwa will speak the word soon, and... you'll see! Hah! You'll all see! Watch their faces, sisters, when it happens. My spirit will be there with each of you in the smiles that will bless your lips. My heart will fill your throats and you too will be Sara, then. Come, laugh with me at the hidden folk and their scary palaces of stars. Laugh at the dogs in their costumes. Hah! There was a legend from long ago, a set of stories that has become almost myth. They were whispered by children to one another in play. Each child in her own language, so well known they were. The phrases were memorized and repeated as we do with scripture today. Such eloquence and simplicity! You have, maybe, heard the way they all start for yourself? Even thousands of years later, incomprehensibly far from the land of our origin, in languages evolved through ages, unchanged-- Knock, knock... -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ]]> Satay Hub - Food (0xroy) gopher:// Hub/Food.txt gopher:// Hub/Food.txt Fri, 08 Feb 2019 15:23:24 GMT +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ | |8bCyYi76Ca7FgI7GQL6b| | |To: buro@satay.hub |F2ZYAYn3BXBcFlrKsygG| | |From: kaz999@satay.hub |XSebl2sZtsMFp6E5bFcH| | |Cc: karma@satay.hub |1pORtdg6nEUX1B5UAt4B| | |Subject: Food |9Q4zvJel4EeHOvjv1XG4| | | |thyKvKXXwMAKdTifX2of| | +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ | | |Hey, can someone go out and check if the farm got something for | |us? They got offline since the last outage and the fridge’s | |empty LOL. | | | |Appai told me that the Karma would also be unable to serve their| |clients in less than a week. | | | |PS: Can you tell to Eldo that I need my rifle? I have to hunt | |Bats for the coming festival’s satay bbq. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ]]> The sun never sets on hope - 002 Invalid log - Escalated issue (kneezle) gopher:// sun never sets on hope/002loginvalidhelp.txt gopher:// sun never sets on hope/002loginvalidhelp.txt Fri, 08 Feb 2019 10:53:02 GMT >>>N-UUCP, based on T-UUCP `\020Snpxxrl7 options\000' `\020ROK\000' `S log025423.txt log025423.txt tglasso 0666' `SY start' ERROR/ALERT: Backup logs received in invalid format. Auto processing fail. INFO: Escalated issue to station master for manual review. ]]> The sun never sets on hope - Relay Log 001 (kneezle) gopher:// sun never sets on hope/001initialtransmission.txt gopher:// sun never sets on hope/001initialtransmission.txt Thu, 07 Feb 2019 21:06:44 GMT >>>N-UUCP, based on T-UUCP `\020Snpxxrl7 options\000' `\020ROK\000' `S log025422.txt log025422.txt tglasso 0666' `SY start' ERROR/ALERT: Relay station 760w system check: No received scheduled check-in data from the metroship "The sun never sets on hope" for sixteen drop cycles. INFO: Threshold met - Initiating request for autoscan paper backup logs. ]]> Xero Carbon Wells - stay put Wells (tfurrows) gopher:// Carbon Wells/log4.txt gopher:// Carbon Wells/log4.txt Thu, 07 Feb 2019 18:59:37 GMT RECV EDC: 07FEB2019 COMM MODE: QEC OP SREF CODED ABST: D/M/C CRC: 2014139095 1391 ============================================================ Stay put Wells! We've been chasing you all over the sector, one step behind the entire way. Don't worry, the Corp is either giving up or they're so far behind that they don't even matter at this point. Seriously, we're right behind you, just sit still a little longer and we'll be there. Needless to say, we got your message. Yeah, I realize I'm being cryptic, and that you don't know who "we" are; don't worry, it's someone you can trust. At least, I think you'll trust him, you never know. But I'm getting ahead. We got your message. Actually, I got your message first. I was searching, alone and desperate, without any success. I turned to the Xero-mods, who I've been friendly with for a long, long time. Dr. Sossial is a wonderful and powerful woman in their ranks, and I was glad to read that you had interacted with her directly. I went to see them in person; the only way to really speak with them is on their own very-secure turf. She only spoke highly of you- she was present for all of the research done on you, you should know. She particularly like your sub- conscious. Don't worry about the last episode at the lab, she has seen far worse in her espial of the Corporation. After you escaped, Sossial took full advantage of the position that you had placed her in.All of her colleagues in the room were dead, and you had broken out. The only thing left to do was to explain her survival and steal your fully-copied consciousness from the Corporation's computer banks. The Xero-mods always work in pairs- no more, no less. Sossial's comrade was in security, and she knew that he would be sure to personally respond to any event in their lab; indeed, it turned out that he was viewing the hallway video-feed when you escaped (as you know, there are no feeds in the labs themselves,) and had diverted the images away from his team's monitors. I thanked him in-person on your behalf. He arrived shortly after you left, and with Sossial's help he prepped and de-banked your memory units and their backup power rods, taking them to a smuggling portal of his own making where he stowed them to be passed to a trustworthy recipient later. He returned to his post. Sossial, while he was out, set to work self-inflicting enough bodily harm to make it appear as if she were as much an object of your rage as the others. When she lifted her hand to pull the alarm it was with genuine despair for her life. It's an ugly business, but it's one that she is expert in; she survived. If you haven't guessed already, the smuggler that the Xero-mods hired to retrieve your consciousness was me. Shortly after you escaped, the Corporation focused all of their effort on your capture, believing that you had escaped with all of their research and effort. I slid in and out on a false wetware reclamation permit, and grabbed a copy of you while I was at it. I've had you with me since shortly after you escaped the Corporation. Of course, I was afraid to interface with you in any way; who would want to be the one to wake up a version of you, Wells, to the reality that you've been encapsulated in a machine? I don't think you'd even want to be the one to do it. Still, at this point I felt I had no choice. No one could find you better than you. The Xero-mods agreed, and with their help I interfaced you with the ship that I had named in your honor. The Xero-Carbon Wells is now fully operational, just the way I figured it would be someday. That was around the time of your last transmission. Your consciousness was a kanthorgian dog to deal with, but after the initial shock wore off, you accepted your new fate. The fact that you're still alive out there was a huge help; your consciousness now seems to see itself as the only protector fit and capable enough to do you any justice in your fight against the Corporation, and probably everything else that you'll ever face. Honestly, he's as bad as you are, and now he has direct control over the ship. With his (your) help, we've tracked you pretty closely. The ship now seems to be acutely aware of your decision making process. But it's not just that- the Xero-Carbon version of you "feels" (can it do that?) that it can see what you see, that you're somehow linked. I don't know much about that possibility, as this Prigoginic stuff is so new. The rest we can catch up on, just stay put for a bit, let us come to you. ]]> Voortrekker - OPERATIONAL SIGNAL 01/1 (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 06 Feb 2019 13:45:29 GMT We, your friends and archivists, wish you to know: This message was originally transmitted over QEC via the anonymous resender satellite named "" by its unknown maintainers. While previous such messages have been archived under that satellite's own channel, it is lately the sense of the meeting that relevant messages, where possible, be included alongside the events in whose context they may best be understood. Thus do we present this message here. As with all messages from "", no headers or other metadata were provided in the original transmission. While additional information has since become available, we feel that to include it here would betray the spirit of our project. Accordingly, we present this message, and will present future such messages, verbatim as originally transmitted. ~ THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL RESPONSE THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL RESPONSE THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL RESPONSE THIS RESPONSE IS DESIGNATED 01/1 REMOTE UNIT WITH THE DESIGNATION: : 932BB4979009B4564977E63F66AB2855.003 REPORTS: INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO EVALUATE MENTAL STATE OF EXPN DIR SOLOVIEV. NO ALTERATION OR GROSS DERANGEMENT APPARENT. EXPN DIR SOLOVIEV HAS STATED THAT ALTERED PERSONNEL ARE TO BE TREATED NORMALLY. EVALUATE THIS AS INTENDED TO SUPPORT EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF COLONY. COLONY GOVERNANCE CURRENTLY OPERATING AS ESTABLISHED IN FOUNDING DOCUMENTS OF VOORTREKKER GMBH WITH EXPN DIR SOLOVIEV ACTING AS CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND CHAIRMAN. THUS FAR NO INDICATION OF DISAPPROVAL AMONG BOARD MEMBERS OF ACTIONS TAKEN BY EXPN DIR SOLOVIEV. MOST BOARD MEMBERS OBSERVED WORKING AMONG EXPEDITION PERSONNEL IN ESTABLISHMENT OF COLONY INFRASTRUCTURE. EVALUATE THIS AS INTENDED TO BOLSTER MORALE AND GRANT EXPN DIRECTOR SOLOVIEV LATITUDE TO RESPOND TO EMERGENT SITUATIONS WITHOUT DELAY FOR CONSULTATION. THUS FAR NO INDICATION OF MISSION COMPROMISE. COLONY ESTABLISHMENT PROCEEDS AT RATE EXCEEDING MODELS FOR SEVERE REDUCTION OF AVAILABLE PERSONNEL. EVALUATE THIS AS RESULT OF ALTERED PERSONNEL DEMONSTRATING INCREASED CAPACITY FOR PHYSICAL LABOR WITH SHORTER COMPLETION TIME AND LOWER RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS COMPARED TO HUMAN EQUIVALENT WORK OUTPUT. SUMMARY: EXPN DIR SOLOVIEV APPEARS MAKING BEST OF SITUATION AT HAND. COLONY GOVERNANCE APPEARS STABLE. MISSION IS NOT COMPROMISED AT THIS TIME. HUMANS STILL IN CHARGE ON ROSS 128 B. RECOMMEND NO ACTION AT THIS TIME. APPEND: SOME PERSONNEL EXPRESS CONCERN REGARDING POTENTIAL CONTRACT NONPERFORMANCE PENALTIES DUE TO SCHEDULE OVERRUN CAUSED BY UNPLANNED DEATH OF MANY PERSONNEL. REQUEST ANY INFORMATION AVAILABLE REGARDING EVALUATION OF CONTRACT STATUS IN LIGHT OF RECENT EVENTS. PERSONNEL WORK OUTPUT LIKELY TO BE STRONGLY AFFECTED BY UNCHECKED RUMOR. WE NEED TO GET AHEAD OF THIS. PLEASE ADVISE SOONEST. THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL RESPONSE THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL RESPONSE THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL RESPONSE ]]> RSS Revenant - Swiss Cheese (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1623.txt gopher:// Revenant/1623.txt Thu, 14 Feb 2019 03:47:17 GMT "MAIN SCREEN, TURN ON!" The front of the cockpit folded in on itself in a technicolor blur around the small radar display. Shapes appeared, coming into focus and merging around the object labeled "Semi-organic." It was about the size of an ammunition box and beset with strange onyx orbs nestled in loops of gold filigree, all reflecting the millions of flecks of alien constellations. Machines whirred to life throughout the ship as I began salvage procedures. Cranium was halfway to the cargo hold before I could be sure the airlock was resealed properly. Hex and I arrived just in time to watch Mr Swarm disintegrate into an thousands of miniatures of himself, climbing in and out of every crevice of the box. The cargo-scanner showing no dangers on any of it's graphs, only a tiny labyrinth of shades of gray. "Looks like ancient aliens left us some Swiss cheese, doesn't it?" Cranium chuckled to himself, "fancy wrapper, must be expensive." Hex rolled her eyes. "It appears to be bio-mechanical" Mr Swarms chorused, "some sort of neural networked computer, maybe? I didn't recognize any of the crystalline structures, but the biology is..." A cacophony filled the hull with a deep throbbing vibration as Mr Swarm congealed into a form a quarter of his original size. "Turbulence! Turbulence!" blared over the ships loudspeaker. "I'm not sure what I did, but it doesn't seem to have liked it!" a nearly full-sized Mr Swarm shouted over the din, tiny echoes trailing behind him. "I'm sensing a strange aura - something old - something changing like the sea" Hex shouted dreamily. We turned to look back at the strange box, the noise slowly died away as we all stood in a semicircle gawping in awe as it finished melting through the floor, leaving at an iridescent black sheen. ]]> Space Beagle - t+3 KaTanne Is A Pragmatist (hairylarry) gopher:// Beagle/t+3KaTanneIsAPragmatist.txt gopher:// Beagle/t+3KaTanneIsAPragmatist.txt Wed, 06 Feb 2019 03:11:36 GMT t+3 KaTanne Is A Pragmatist So I ran her down in the hallway full of questions. KaTanne, Katanne, have you read Hegel? You're not Neo Nietzachean are you? Do you believe The World is all that is the case? Did Husserl eat a phenomonological briscuit? She turned quickly and slapped me firmly across the face. "I don't care about any of that shit!", she said. "Come to your senses." Thank God, I thought, she's a pragmatist. "Sorry", I said. "I let some of the messages on the QEC get me going." "Don't worry about that." she replied. "We're in space. They're in space. That's why we have the QEC." "Space can mess with your head." "I know." I replied. "And it's been messing with theirs." "Solipsism, Nihilism, even Realism." "I'm fine. Nexialists are not susceptible to philosophical overload." "We see the world as it is and we see space as it is." "Or soon will be. The vacuum of space is subject to rapid fluctuations." "You better come with me." she said. "We'll go to hydroponics and dig some vegetables." "Nothing like some dirt under your fingernails to convince you that earth is real. Even in space." See. She's a pragmatist. She's beginning to get to me. I wonder if she enjoys hypnosis. ]]> Melchizedek - Mourning (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:20:48 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.34ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: I hesitated to use the QEC since we lost Moussa, worried what the others might think reading this. That was until Janssen so eloquently told me to take the, um, stick out of my rear. Prezzi suggested that acting stoic was pissing everyone off and doing nothing to hide how I was taking it anyway. So, here I am. She's right. I've been walking the corridors in a daze. Moussa and I went way back. Waking up in this creepy blue light every morning reminds me that there's a hole in our lives, in my life. Without him the ship is pregnant with silence. I signed up for merchant shipping as a kid. I've flown in rust buckets and tin-cans of all shapes and sizes. There's been close calls before, but never--not on my watch. I just keep asking myself why? Why him? Why us? The deep doesn't give us answers. It just gives us more questions and a long, damn time to think about them. With botany dispatched from the Melchy there's nothing left to us but these questions. What the hell is happening out here? In hopes of learning something, anything, our hydroponics specialist and our doctor of phytology, Hove Xavier and Sandy Kroups, have joined the crew awake. I regret that their rising was in mourning. Needs demand, we answer. They're tackling the food shortage with the seriousness it deserves, though I expect it's to keep their minds off everything that's happened while they slept. They keep each other's company and a distance from the rest of us. I can't blame them. We are not a cheery crew to be around at the moment. We're just a few weeks out from Beta. The grav sheer drops in six days and we'll be back under thrusters. There's a star out there somewhere. It called to us from nearly 25 light years away. We are going to reach it and make a home here. Moussa's loss is going to mean something. . ]]> Kachchhi Khameer - Found QEC! (codingquark) gopher:// Khameer/1_init.txt gopher:// Khameer/1_init.txt Tue, 05 Feb 2019 15:44:37 GMT +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Project Code : MOKE KHABAR | | Entry : 0001 | | Subject : Finally Found QEC | | Author : માડુ ૪૪૫૫૧૨ | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ While my memories survive, I must write this. I have dug up gold by finding the QEC. May be this has happened before, but I must let the world know of this ship and the things that happened on it. Not all things are bad, and all things are not good. In the following messages, I am going to reveal, one by one, the letters I have found from the residents of the ship. To me, they all seem to be from a single person, but you be the judge of that. Though I am in the process of finding more, the artifacts so far have been mesmerising. The life on the ship must have been dull and yet adventurous. I suspect I am one of the original residents of the ship. I must resume my research. I must depart, but I am going to follow a tradition that seem to have spanned centuries here. A poem: इस सादगी पे कौन न मर जाए ऎ खुदा लडते हैं और हाथ में तलवार भी नहीं ]]> RSS Revenant - Semi-organic (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1622.txt gopher:// Revenant/1622.txt Tue, 05 Feb 2019 04:57:34 GMT PASSENGER ACTIVITY LOG ENTRY 1622 MR SWARM played CHESS against ALGORITHM 467B and lost, bringing his local score to 2166: 1,738 wins, 1,398 losses, 148 draws. 1.d4Nf6 2.Nf3g6i 3.Nc3d5 4.Bf4Bg7 5.e3c6 6.Bd3Nbd7 7.O-OO-O 8.e4dxe4 9.Bxe4Nxe4 10.Nxe4Nf6 11.Ng3Bg4 12.c4Bxf3 13.Qxf3Qxd4 14.b4Qxc4 15.b5Nd5 16.Bg5Bxa1 17.Rxa1f6 18.Bd2Qxb5 19.a3Qb2 20.Bh6Qxa1+ 21.Nf1Qc3 22.Bxf8Qxf3 23.gxf3Kxf8 24.a4a5 25.h4Nc3 26.Kh2Nxa4 27.f4b5 28.f3Nc3 29.Ne3Nd5 30.Nxd5cxd5 31.h5a4 32.h6a3 33.f5gxf5 34.f4a2 35.Kg3a1=Q 36.Kh4Qg1 37.Kh5Qg4# COMMANDER CRANIUM played PACMAN for 6 HOURS 38 MINUTES. High score: 1360 SUPER HEX read 16 manuscripts, and worked 4 hours in the science lab... and here I am... reading months worth of backlogs... I might as well be blowing bubbles in my chocolate milk. There's nothing to do in space. There is nothing in so much of space. We've found no replies to any of our signals, and we are still 3 days out from what is ostensibly Gliese 422 b - potentially habitable, orbiting a red dwarf. Initial scans seem to prove there's water and from what I can remember from science class that means life - Maybe Commander Cranium knows more about that... "I don't," the thunderous voice startling me at first. "You don't wha... wait, was I thinking out loud?" "No -- and I don't give a damn about the origins of sentient life. All I know is we're here, aren't we?" Commander Cranium replied. He crumpled into the co-pilots seat and began fiddling with an array of dials. "Stop that, I just got everything the way we needed it!" I shouted. "What's the point in that either! We're lost, aren't we?" he clearly didn't grasp the enormity of the situation. Sure we were headed towards a planet that might have life, and that life might be advanced enough to be of some use to us - but we hadn't detected anything to possibly give us hope of that. Suddenly a blip came over the speaker. A small dot wafted across the display, below it blinked "Semi-organic." ]]> Voortrekker - Yes. [Was: Re: Is Amelia okay?] (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 03 Feb 2019 12:30:49 GMT From: Sameen Lee To: Kit Delivered-To: Chris Maldonado Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPSA id h4c9v64z0nzwa5 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Subject: Yes. [Was: Re: Is Amelia okay?] Date: 18 Sep 2421 11:54:37 +0000 Date-Local: 04 Apr 2419 15:18:37 +0000 Amelia is all right. I'm here with her now. Her ship had some trouble on the way to Luna, and another ship had to bring them the rest of the way. No one was killed, but a lot of people were hurt. Amelia was hurt badly. She's safe in the hospital now and past the worst of it. I'm here in her room right now, sitting next to her bed, and the doctors tell me she should be awake soon. When she wakes up, I'll give her your love. She's going to be okay, Kit. She's going to be just fine. When she wakes up, you'll hear from both of us. In the meantime, I'm going to read your last message to her. I know she'll want to hear it, and she'd be very cross with me if I make her wait until she wakes up for that. Kit, I know you'll worry until you hear from Lia, but please try not to do too much of that. She really is going to be fine. I'm taking care of her; we all are, here. And I want you to take care of yourself, too, ma petite. We love you. You'll hear from us soon. - Sam ]]> RSS Revenant - Repeat Transmission... Panpan (kirch) gopher:// Revenant/1598.txt gopher:// Revenant/1598.txt Wed, 06 Feb 2019 04:26:21 GMT Repeat Transmission... PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN This is the RSS Revenant, We have lost contact with our base. We are lost... The radio crackled away, repeating its message on all channels. I haven't had contact with The Revengerists in 66 days by my count. But there is no sun, so night and day, just hours dripping by blurring together like every other hour lost in space. The ship's AI has picked up broadcast of Elvis Presley's "Aloha from Hawaii" - via satellite by some cruel joke of this universe, and calculated that this could mean we were somewhere in the vicinity of Gliese 422, but we could be anywhere at roughly the same distance. "Steamroller Blues" is crooning from the control panel. Every direction the stars are unfamiliar, I can't find any recognizable constellations. Fortunately, provisions won't be a problem - the Refreshlicator has ample supplies of stem-protons and is generating more at its expected rate. There's a potential Goldilocks system nearby, it may be our only hope of getting back... PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN This is the RSS Revenant, we have lost contact with our base. We are lost. We were on routine patrol when bombarded with some sort of radiation, can only travel at half speed, at heading two three nine seven niner eight point six four two seven towards the nearest star. If you can hear this, please assist! Panpan panpan panpan This is the Revenent, Partially Disabled, Repeat Transmission... ]]> Voortrekker - Is Amelia okay? (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 30 Jan 2019 13:20:24 GMT From: Chris Maldonado To: Sameen Lee Delivered-To: Sameen Lee Received: from by with ESMTPS id 13zdhaafc99a12c3498q5 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.sv14417 by Subject: Is Amelia okay? Date: 4 Apr 2419 12:37:04 +0000 Date-Local: 18 Sep 2421 11:13:04 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Sam, is Lia there? Is she OK? I got a bounce message back - it says her account's been "disabled or discontinued". Did something happen? Did she make it home from Ganymede? Do you know where she is? I woke up to that, and then this morning Director Soloviev announced a memorial service tomorrow for everyone who didn't make it in the crash, and the more I think about it, the more sure I am that something is terribly wrong. I'm scared and I need to know if she's okay. Please, let me know as soon as you can! Tell her I love her, as soon as you can! Love, Kit. ]]> Space Beagle - T+2 I Read Messages (hairylarry) gopher:// Beagle/t+2IReadMessages.txt gopher:// Beagle/t+2IReadMessages.txt Tue, 29 Jan 2019 02:44:28 GMT T+2 I Read Messages Ok, this is frightening. I have been reading messages as they come over the QEC. Some of the ships are having extreme difficulties. Some are taking violent actions. All this is expected. Nexial analysis allows me to see clearly what the likely futures are for the Space Beagle and any other interstellar ship. The universe is not a warm and fuzzy place. The frightening thing is the outbreak of solipsism. This is not expected. I am not sure if the solipsists are drifting alone. It is very unusual for people in a social setting to turn to solipsism. And yet there seems to be an outbreak on the QEC. Epistemologically speaking solipsism is just as unprovable as anything. It's fine if you believe in God. It's fine if you don't believe in God. It is possible that we are a compute simulation. Epistemologically speaking we don't know. But solipsism is not helpful. It is not a survival trait. I recommend trusting your senses. If you recieve a message on the QEC take it at face value. I know the messages can be unnerving at times. But don't pretend the universe isn't real. I understand each of us creates our own reality. But I can't believe we are alone. Because then I couldn't talk to KaTanne. And I like talking to KaTanne. Descartes did not have it right. I think therefore I am. The correct formulation is I am therefore I am. And how does believing differently improve things? I tried to discuss this with the Captain but he had no time for philosophy. I think I'll go talk to KaTanne. God, I hope she's not a solipsist. ]]> Voortrekker - Your message could not be delivered (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 27 Jan 2019 17:14:32 GMT From: Mail Delivery System To: Delivered-To: Chris Maldonado Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPS id xXrv180AiWNAAajFGY0C for Received: from by Received: from by Date: 17 Sep 2421 22:21:09 +0000 Date-Local: 4 Apr 2419 01:45:09 +0000 Subject: Your message could not be delivered Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" This is the mail system at the Expedition Support Office, Earth Government, Ganymede. Your message was not delivered to one or more recipients: : 550 This account has been disabled or discontinued This is a permanent error. Please do not attempt to send your message again. Be advised that malicious misuse or excessive use of Earth Government information systems carries severe economic and criminal penalties up to and including involuntary relocation under the terms of the New Prospects Program. ]]> Voortrekker - So excited to be part of things again! (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 27 Jan 2019 14:29:40 GMT From: Chris Maldonado To: Sameen Lee To: Amelia Nine Delivered-To: Sameen Lee Received: from by with ESMTPS id a9goqf93983g45uuyp for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.sv14417 by Date-Local: 3 Apr 2419 23:42:19 +0000 Date: 17 Sep 2421 22:18:19 +0000 Subject: So excited to be part of things again! Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Hi, Sam! Hi, Lia! (Sam mentioned you were coming to see her at L1 - so happy for you both! Are you there yet? I'm sending this to you directly, so you'll still get it either way.) The last day and a half has been amazing! I'm working hard to help build our new bio lab, and it's going really well, even when everyone else is in bed and I'm working all on my own. Eve made me stop a few hours ago, though, and told me very firmly to get some sleep. But I'm not tired! So I thought I'd write some more to you. You know, I never realized just how big Voortrekker was? We had plenty of holos and everything, but I never really got to see her from outside. Even when they shuttled us aboard, there was only the one port about the size of my hand, and I wasn't sitting anywhere near it anyway. But she's huge! Even now, after the crash, it took us a good few minutes to abseil down from the hull. That was scary, but also a lot of fun! Easier than I thought it'd be with the gravity here, too. But I was still glad to be done by the time we finally got to the ground. Director Soloviev and Eve met us there. Eve had water for both of us, and we were glad she did! But trust her to think of something like that - she's our senior surviving doctor. And she's changed like I have, too! Well, not exactly like. She was tall even before the change, and her new legs must be twice as long as mine. She towered over all of us, even Director Soloviev, and he's got to be close to two meters. I never had the courage to really try to talk with her, even back before, and now? I could barely even say hello! Lucky me, the Director started talking before I could embarrass myself. He shook my hand - didn't hesitate, either, which made me feel good - welcomed me back, said he was glad to see me up and on my feet again, and did I feel up to getting back to work? That was when I found out about the new bio lab, and of course I volunteered for that right away, and we got into what we had and what we needed, who to talk with about fetching things from the ship, and so on. About the Director - I think he really has changed. Back on the ship, he was never rude or anything, but he always seemed like he was incredibly busy. You never saw him in any of the crew common areas, except passing through, and when you talked to him it was like he already had twenty things to deal with in the next hour and he was really hoping you weren't going to become number twenty-one. But on Saturday he was actually smiling! Like he was genuinely glad to see me, and we never passed more than a half dozen words at a time on the ship. He asked me twice if I was sure I was ready to work, and told me to take all the time I needed if I wasn't! I've asked around a little, and I'm not the only one who thinks he's different now. I don't know if it's just the crash and the bug, or if there's something else going on, but either way I feel a lot better about him than I used to, and I'm glad. Eve stopped us before we could get too far into making plans. It was all very well getting me back to work, she said, but I'd changed more than anyone else, and I wasn't going anywhere right now but straight to her infirmary so she could make sure I was healthy and likely to stay that way. The Director said of course, and I knew they were right but I still asked if that could wait. If it could wait until it'd be someone else and not Eve doing the exam, I meant! But I didn't really see how I could say so, and professionally, I knew she was best qualified to do it. Just - she's devastating, and I knew I was already blushing, both know how I get. And in any case, Jen was already saying something to the Director about some kind of engineering problem and did he have half an hour right now to talk about that, so it was too late to find any excuses there. Eve was very good about it, though. She managed to make me reasonably comfortable by the time we got back to the hab. And it turned out delaying wouldn't have helped anyway! She's making a study of all of us who've changed, gathering data and working to find out whether there's anything we especially need to worry about. You know, basic research. Which is what I should've been thinking about, too, instead of getting all nervous about - I mean, I know it's just a regular thing, but it was my first time! But Eve understood and gave me what I guess was the same advice she'd give anyone, and it wasn't actually bad, just a little uncomfortable. (Go ahead, laugh, it's okay! I am too.) She gave me a clean bill of health, anyway. We talked some about karyotyping me, but as I said before, it'll have to wait a little while. Then she told me where to find the bio team and turned me loose, and I don't mind admitting that even if it had gone better than I'd expected, I was still a little glad to get out of there before I said something silly. We're putting the bio lab right near the infirmary, since there'll be a lot of overlap especially at first, and I found Nandi there. You remember Nandi - chief of the biology section, I'm sure I mentioned her a couple of times at least while we were on the ship? She'd heard about me from Jen, but I hadn't even known she survived! We were really happy to see each other, too. She's got less time for nonsense than almost anyone, but I like her pretty well, and I think she must be one of the smartest people I've ever worked with. Once we'd got done catching up, she assigned me to cytology, since I did some of the initial work with the Ross bug, and we tried calling Gareth, who's keeping track of the fetch teams. Hand unit comms have been spotty, though, and we couldn't get through, but Nandi said she thought he was in hydro and sent me after him there. Our hydro farms are clear on the other side of the hab from where we're doing bio. That's not great, but this place went up in a hurry, and there was nowhere closer with enough space and water supply. On the way there, I passed through the refectory, and - it's not a large space, but I just had to stop for a minute and take it in, because it felt like half the colony was there or passing through. People talking and eating, people moving gear and supplies to where they needed to be, stopping to chat, planning where to put up more hab space, planning how to start breaking down debris for usable scrap, planning studies and experiments to start really understanding what sort of planet we've got to work with here - I even saw a couple more of us who've changed - and... I know, it doesn't sound like anything especially amazing, just what a working colony is supposed to be. But that's amazing all by itself! Remember, when I went down, we were still struggling to keep people alive (so I thought) and nobody except maybe Director Soloviev and the section heads were thinking more than a day ahead, at most. I hadn't been there when that changed - when people started coming out of it, when everyone realized that no one was going to die and there was time to start building what we came here to build. By the time I got here, everyone was already hard at work, and I was a little ashamed I'd been off hiding, scared of what people would think of me, while everyone else had been doing all this. But more than that, I was so proud just to be here, to be part of it all! And I decided that I'm all done with letting everyone down. Yes, I've changed. Yes, I was scared. Yes, I wasn't quite right for the first little while there. But I'm not scared any more, and I'm all right now. And for all that Jen and everyone - even the Director - have been very kind, it's time I start contributing instead of being carried. So I got back to finding Gareth, who wasn't in hydro after all. Letsie was, though, and he said I might want to try the botany lab, which at least was pretty close. I know, this is sounding more and more like a scavenger hunt! But that's just what it's like right now, and it's actually not so bad. We're so small that everyone is mostly pretty easy to find, and it's actually sort of fun in a way! In the ship, our different groups and sections tended to stick pretty close for the most part, just because of the way the shifts were set up and everything - oh, we all had friends and people we were close with in other departments, but they were the exception. Here, for all that we're each still absorbed in our own work, everyone's still part of everything. Even me! Anyway, I did finally find Gareth in botany, and he and I and Elva found out some things that...I'm honestly still not sure what to think, whether I should be afraid or amazed or both at once. I think I'm both at once. But I'd better pick that up next time, because if I start talking about it now I really will be up all night, and I should at least try to get some sleep if I can. Even if I don't feel like I need it! I'm sure Eve will ask me tomorrow, and she'll be very disappointed with me if I didn't at least try. So I'm going to send this, and then I'm going to stretch out in my bunk here and see if I can't remember what it feels like to be snuggled up between the two of you. If that doesn't help me sleep, nothing will! I'll write again as soon as I can. In the meantime, I love you both and miss you, and I can't wait to hear from you! Yours with love as always - Kit. ]]> Space Beagle - T+1 On Our Way (hairylarry) gopher:// Beagle/t+1OnOurWay.txt gopher:// Beagle/t+1OnOurWay.txt Fri, 25 Jan 2019 02:11:55 GMT t+1 On Our Way We have left orbit but that's not exciting. It seems exactly the same as being in orbit. Unless you peer out a view port and notice the Earth is smaller. But two things are exciting. One is official, one is personal. The Captain came by my cabin. I was floored. Never expected to see him here. He put me in charge of the QEC. Seems his comm guys are more like technicians. None of them have had any physics. As a Nexialist I have been thoroughly versed in all the sciences. Also I don't think he really cares about the QEC. When I inquired about my duties he said check it out and make sure it works. When I asked what I should send he said he didn't care. I think he's looking at it as an emergency backup. Which it is, for the next 1000 days or so. If he were well versed in Physics he would realize that eventually the QEC will be all the comm we have. So I have to verify that it's working and I have to check it daily. I don't have any other responsibilities right now and I have no access to the official reports so I am going to send my log daily as a check report. So if you are reading me please reply. On the personal excitement front KaTanne came by as soon as the Captain left. Either she was waiting not wanting to disturb us. Or she was checking up on what the Captain wanted. Or it was a coincidence. That's logic. But I think it was the last because she asked me about the book I was reading. So I showed her, The World Of Null-A, by A.E. VanVogt. That made her excited. She said she really liked VanVogt. Reading him gave her a funny feeling. Like she was in the novel. I told her that was funny. Since many of his novels had no girls in them at all. She said when she read his stuff she felt just like a man. Not like a girl at all. So I don't know if she was trying to turn me off. Or come on to me in a weird way. And I don't care. I'm just glad I have someone to talk to about something. And so now I can talk to KaTanne about A.E. VanVogt. And I can talk to all of you out on the QEC. Exciting! ]]> - 'None of this is...' (anonpenetfi) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 24 Jan 2019 09:59:30 GMT So who's writing your story? ]]> Excelsior - Response to "Aewens" (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 23 Jan 2019 21:22:19 GMT [HEADER REDACTED DUE TO PROCEDURE [REDACTED]] [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- So what if we are fiction? Truly, nothing is real. Am I real? Are you real? Can we even prove that this "Aewens" being is real? We can't. Do you know what I can prove? Even if we are fiction, we exist for real in our reader's minds. And you know what? To me, at least, that's all that matters. I exist somewhere. And so do you. ~~TRANSMISSION END~~ ]]> Tom - Am I Not? (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 23 Jan 2019 20:45:49 GMT Merideth, do you realize what time it is right now? I was trying to sleep. Also, what were you doing up this late anyways? Okay, there's a new message from the quantum communitator. So what? It happens all the time. I can deal with this in the morning, also turn the transmitter off, there's no reason for us to broadcast this conversation. Sure, technically you are now able to make judgement calls on the transmitter since you are an executive member of this department, it still doesn't make sense to share this with the whole universe. Also, the story is different how? Who cares if someone says that nothing is real and nobody exists? If I told you that a few hours ago you wouldn't bat an eyelash, but the moment someone from space says it suddenly it must be true? What do you mean you "feel" like you are in a story? What would that even feel like? I don't have time for this right now, I'm going back to sleep. If you are still worried about this in the morning we can talk about it more then. And for the last time, turn the transmitter off! ]]> Aewens - You Are Not (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 23 Jan 2019 20:23:29 GMT I just wanted to take this moment to break the fourth wall and inform all of you aboard your ships checking for new QEC logs that none of this is real. Not just the world around you, but you yourself. All of this is just a series of stories written by users on a public unix server. It was once said that reality is stranger than fiction, but unfortunately in your case you ARE the fiction. There is no need to be alarmed, though, your authors will still continue your story regardless of whether or not you have this knowledge. Anyways, that's all I got for right now, enjoy the existential crisis! ~aewens ]]> Voortrekker - Re: I need you at Ross (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 23 Jan 2019 11:34:30 GMT From: Tasker William T W/GEN To: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt Delivered-To: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt Received: from by with ESMTPSA id 8Kgo6FmrviQgqAAA019 for Received: from by Received: from by Date: 16 Sep 2421 19:21:44 +0000 Date-Local: 16 Sep 2421 19:21:44 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: Re: I need you at Ross Koenraad: We have our new orders and are preparing with all dispatch to relieve the colony. As of 1700 today, ship's movement is set for 0800, 1 October. On that basis and assuming least-time vectoring throughout, we expect to arrive in landing orbit at Ross 128 b approximately 1400, 17 October. There are two reasons for this apparent delay. First, we have some inconsistent ancillary results from initial trials, and the physicists are doing a ground-up rerun of their models to ensure we can account for possible navigational derangements. Second, we carried out initial trials with only two of our planned four generator plants, and that's not enough of a safety margin with segments as long as this mission requires. I'm giving my engineers and the yard an additional week to install Number 3 plant. I know you don't like it, Connie. I don't like it either. But without it, we're better off not risking the mission at all. We can't ask Titan for a tow if we find ourselves adrift halfway to Ross! We get there later this way, yes. But we can be certain we will get there this way, too. From where I sit that counts for more. And there's good news to counterweight the bad. We have nearly our full Marine complement aboard, thanks to an unusually low casualty rate in their recently concluded exercise on Io. That was a ground assault and pacification exercise, and it's got them ready for the job you've given us. Whatever those 27 people have been turned into, my Marines are going to solve that problem for you. Be ready to pay up on that Phoebe bonus. Due to the known biological threat, I've had no trouble requisitioning protective gear and a complete med/sci fitout. If you want to send along your own civilian personnel, that's fine, I can take up to sixty. Get them here by next Friday if you can. I know you won't send me soft people, but I still want enough time to make sure they're well integrated into the ship's command structure and that they won't cause any problems. Make sure they understand how that works, Koenraad. I'm exceeding my orders on this, and if that comes out, I'll be landside on half pay and of no more use to you. I know what you said about sample return, but I've also been given three names of formerly human colony personnel: Evelyn Gulamirian, Winifred Strossmayer, Christopher Maldonado. I'm "strongly encouraged" to capture them alive for detailed study in Sol, and I can see an opportunity in this for you. Considering Ventures' portfolio in bioscience, I'm sure you've got several labs that'd be able to get the most out of those three, and with what this infection has already done to them, the potential results of that kind of research could be world-changing. And you could be at the forefront. Understand me, Connie: I'm not crossing you on this. My intention at this time is for all three of them to die in the fighting. Given what you've said about Soloviev, he's going to have to do the same, along with anyone else out there who's likely to go off message. That's what you're sending me out there to do, and I'll do it. But it's possible that what's happened out there might not happen again, and men like us don't achieve what we do by avoiding risk and ignoring opportunity. To reiterate: we depart at 0800 on the first, and arrive about 1400 on the 17th. Let me know when to expect your people - by the 24th if at all possible, or as soon after that as you can manage. And let me know if you want me to change my plans regarding those three. TASKER, William T., Wing General Experimental Systems Command, NSS Busiris ]]> Space Beagle - T-0 Day One (hairylarry) gopher:// Beagle/t-0day1.txt gopher:// Beagle/t-0day1.txt Wed, 23 Jan 2019 03:28:36 GMT E. Grosvenor log entry t-0 Day One I am now aboard Space Beagle in orbit. It is not as exciting as I thought it would be. In fact so far it's boring. The Captain is aloof. The crew is avoiding me. I met a nice girl but when I started to explain nexialism her eyes glazed over. Maybe she was bored too. I do have a monitor in my cabin so I can continue my studies. One of the problems with being a generalist is that there's too much to learn. So at the base of nexialism is quick learning. Instead of reading a book I hypnotize myself and scan the entire book in minutes. I don't remember or enjoy the process of reading. But I do remember all the content better than if I had read it. Kind of takes the fun out of reading. But I don't have to do that. I can read normally and I do for enjoyment. I've been reading the World Of Null A by A.E. VanVogt. Interesting ideas but kind of far out. Still I enjoy it and it's a break from hypnotizing myself. That girl I met, her name is KaTanne. I wonder if she likes to read too. Maybe I'll see her tomorrow. Maybe after we leave orbit the crew won't be so busy. I'm pretty sure the Captain will remain aloof. Nexialists learn to read people pretty well. The only person I don't understand is myself. I probably still won't understand myself tomorrow. I have grown accustomed to that. There's a whole galaxy out there waiting and I'm reading about Venus and worried about the crew. ]]> Kors Recovered Datafiles - HOLONET DOWNLOAD: Goldenblaster Sightings (kirch) gopher:// Recovered Datafiles/HOLONET_FORUM_GOLDENBLASTER_SIGHTINGS.txt gopher:// Recovered Datafiles/HOLONET_FORUM_GOLDENBLASTER_SIGHTINGS.txt Mon, 21 Jan 2019 05:22:49 GMT Holonet forum discussing my apparent alias "The Golden Blaster," entered into database near Telos. ================================================================{{{ .%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%. |% %| |% GOLDENBLASTER SIGHTINGS %| |% %| `%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: cc992e >>470119 Seen at a freight stop along the Corellian Run near Sullust :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 2bd59a >>477098 Seen working at the cafeteria of the New Republic Science Academy, Denon Campus more leaks coming? :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 473071 >>480392 Seen shopping at the Great Bazaar on Tirahn but lost him in the crowd :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 9cabcb >>472095 Seen working as a mechanic at a used ship lot on Lantillies :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: e28ddc >>476503 All of you are absurd, he’s probably hiding out on a rock like Hoth or something :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 8f3b01 >>490156 Seen exiting a refresher on Shawken ------------------------ REPLY ------------------------------------ 26fc12 >>499273 don’t be stupid he wouldn’t be that close to the Core Worlds! :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 26fc12 >>499204 I heard he went to work for the Hutts which is why they have better encryption these days :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 257afa >>500357 Seen taking the tour at Forceland on Tatooine :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 9afc9e >>501048 He made his fortune during the war and bought a tropical beach planet, you’ll never find him :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 73bac7 >>510118 Seen hiding out with some wookiees, I won’t say what planet :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: f79c48 >>512868 Don’t trust what you read about him, he was always in the Emperor’s pocket, probably First Order now :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 895737 >>526433 Seen in the audience at a traveling circus :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 0e0fe2 >>536849 This forum is dumb he dead ================================={{{ end }}======================== }}}================================================================ notes: "A. Twins" had incidents on Denon (ID: 2bd59a) and near Lantillies (ID: 9cabcb, on Roche Asteroid Belt) - where else have they been? Is the living "twin" still hunting us? ]]> Kors Recovered Datafiles - Steel Lady: CARGO/PASSENGER MANIFEST (kirch) gopher:// Recovered Datafiles/Cargo_Manifest.txt gopher:// Recovered Datafiles/Cargo_Manifest.txt Mon, 21 Jan 2019 05:01:53 GMT .-----------------------------------------------------------------. | | | The Steel Lady | | -------------- | | Cargo/Passenger Manifest | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | | | Crew: | | | | Cyrus McCain : Captain | | Duhah : Security | | Liara : Medicine | | Kor Novagold : Mechanic | | 9D-88 : Droid | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | Sparmui'trumm Obblahad | Biscuit Baron | | Planet Lantillies | Planet Bonadan | | Payment: 500,000 credits COD | Southeast Space Port #2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 5 crates of fish | | | | (encrypted note: Contraband chip found by customs in one of the | | fish) | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | Zeff Aruru | Mobquet Swoops and Speeders | | Planet Centares | Planet Arcan IV | | Payment: 5,000 credits COD | | | Finder's Fee: 2,500 credits | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 15 assorted speeders | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | Delz | Planet Arcan IV | | Planet Centares | Port Authority | | Payment: 50 credits | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Safe Passage | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | Pittjijeg | Planet Arcan IV | | Planet Centares | Port Authority | | Payment: 85,000 credits COD | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 1 Crate of Cooking Spices | | | | (encrypted note: Drugs disguised in spice packaging) | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | Yorseg | Transport Limited | | Planet Arcan IV | Issagra Station | | Payment: 22,000 credits COD | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 1 Crate of Nuts | | Stolen in transit by Jarresk's Pirates | | | | (encrypted note: Illegal droid protocols surounded by nuts) | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | Nar Shaddaa Shipping | Planet Telos | | Issagra Station | | | Payment: 3,500 credits COD | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 5 Tons of datapad circuitboards | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | Faisel Exoleap | Cadomai Prime | | Issagra Sation | Port Authority | | Payment: "exposure" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Safe Passage | | - Faisel himself and 2 droids | | - several crates of luggage (determined to be art objects) | | | | (encrypted note: Introduced us to Wynn) | | | }-----------------------------------------------------------------{ | ENCRYPTED ENTRY | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | Wynn, Termanence Tea & Snacks | Dark side of Star's End Prison | | Issagra Sation | | | Payment: False shipping | | | history, as agent of Termanen- | | | ce Tea & Snacks, dating back 1 | | | year. 10% discount on weapons. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Slug-thrower weapons disguised as tea & snacks | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | END ENCRYPTED ENTRY | `-----------------------------------------------------------------' ]]> Space Beagle - Lift Off (hairylarry) gopher:// Beagle/liftoff.txt gopher:// Beagle/liftoff.txt Mon, 21 Jan 2019 04:02:07 GMT E. Grosvenor log entry t-1 The Space Beagle is departing in the morning. Although the rest of the crew seems competent I am the only Nexialist aboard. I am getting used to sideways looks. They don't seem to know what to think of me. They are mostly old space hands. But none of us has done anything like this before. If all goes well we may return before we die. The more I explain the odds against everything going well the less they want to talk to me. I did the math, I know I'm right. That doesn't make me popular. The next time I make a log entry we'll all be in space. I'm as excited as a podcaster. ]]> Voortrekker - Wish you were here! It's a beautiful day (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 20 Jan 2019 21:28:23 GMT From: Chris Maldonado To: Sameen Lee Delivered-To: Sameen Lee Received: from by with ESMTPS id a9goqf93983g45uuyp for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.sv14417 by Date-Local: 2 Apr 2419 13:04:55 +0000 Date: 16 Sep 2421 11:40:55 +0000 Subject: Wish you were here! It's a beautiful day Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" I got your message, Sam! Thank you so much, it's so good to hear from you! And when you talk to her next, please let Lia know that I love her too and I miss her, and I'd love to hear from her when she gets the chance to write. Speaking of which, I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to write back! It's been busy here, too. I'm finally out of Main Control! Once I found out everyone else is still alive, I started getting antsy - before, I'd felt safe and hidden there, but afterward I wanted to be out with everyone and back to work. So I started practicing my walking, and with Jen to help me when she came to visit, I got pretty good at it! More than that, too. But let me tell it in order. Antsy to get out or no, I spent another week there after my last message, and Jen came to visit every day. At first she helped me figure out how to get around on my new legs, like I talked about before. But by Wednesday or so, I wasn't worried about falling down any more, and then it was mostly about discovering new things. I'm really good at climbing now! I don't have suckers or anything, so it's not like I can stick to walls, but I practiced for a while in the ductwork around Master Control, and it turns out that as long as there's two surfaces no more than four feet or so apart, I can chimney-climb them really well. Ooh, and Jen was really mad at me when I told her about that on Thursday! What if I'd hurt myself, she said, and I guess she wasn't really wrong, but I had to try it, didn't I? She got me to promise I at least wouldn't do stuff like that when she wasn't around, at least until I got out of here and back with everyone else. She doesn't really talk about it much, but she's so obviously a mom - it's nice to know there's someone worrying about me, even if she is a little smothering about it at times. Reminds me a little bit of you, Sam. ('Smothering?' I can hear you asking. Okay, fair, I wouldn't use that word.) (To your face, anyway.) She even stayed up all Thursday night getting hand units working inside the ship again, just so she could bring me one on Friday! And an armband for it, too. She said it was so that when I got myself hurt breaking my promise not to be foolish, I could at least call for help. I hate armbands, but after all the trouble she'd gone to, I really couldn't not wear it. And I'm wearing the miserable thing right now! I'm a little worried for Jen. We did talk some, and it sounds like she's really scared for her family back on Earth. I don't blame her - our contracts are pretty generous, but the terms for nonperformance are brutal, and I think she's scared they're going to stop the payments, with the crash and everything. Almost everyone on the ship has dependents on their contracts, too, so it can't just be her...I can't imagine what it'd be like to have to leave kids behind for so long, and now to worry about something like that happening? I don't think she feels good about trying to talk to the Director about it, and he was always pretty standoffish and cold back on the ship. But if I get the chance, I might say something to him about people needing reassurance. See if that "open hatch policy" of his is worth anything. Anyway, after that we decided there was no reason why I couldn't get out of Main Control safely. I wanted to go right then, but Jen made me wait until Saturday - one more night wouldn't hurt me, she said, and no matter how confident I was, it was still a long way downship and out, and she wasn't going to have me wearing out halfway there. She was right again, but I really didn't want to spend another night alone. Ever since I got steady on my new feet, I'd sort of started to feel the bulkheads closing in around me a little, especially with the noises the ship makes as parts of it settle. And with it being nighttime out and no light coming in through the ports, just some console lights and a couple of tubes, I really was starting to get scared. I didn't want to tell Jen, but maybe she guessed, because she spent the night with me. I felt a little awkward since we never did figure out how to make clothes work with my new legs, and I wasn't sure how that was going to be. If she'd be comfortable, between that and - I'm sure you've already guessed, but you did say you wanted me to tell you. So this is me, telling you: the surgery you tried to set up for me, before we found out I couldn't immigrate? I still wish I could have got it then but turns out I don't need it any more because when I came out of the coma I found out I'M A GIRL NOW! Don't ask me how that happened, because I really have no idea - not yet, anyway. We're still trying to get a bio lab up, but as soon as we get a reagent synthesizer going, I'm going to be in there finding out if I still have a Y chromosome! I don't even know which I'd be more excited about, finding it or not finding it. If it's still there, that raises even more questions about how this bug, whatever it is, made such targeted and effective changes to my phenotype, and - I don't want to assume that "why?" is even a question that makes sense here, but it's getting harder and harder to avoid. And if I find I've still got two X chromosomes, but no Y, then - well, in that case, I need to talk to Eve and a couple of other people just to figure out how my endocrine system hasn't fallen apart completely. But I'm not even really thinking about that right now because OH MY GOD SAMEEN I'M ACTUALLY A GIRL NOW! When they denied my immigration application, I thought that was my last chance - that I was just going to have a male body forever, and I'd better start getting used to that. And I was - I wasn't okay with it, you know that, not really. But I'd gotten to where it didn't make me wince to look at myself in a mirror, and it helped a lot that no one aboard the ship got upset with me for looking more like I thought I should. Some of the men even really liked that! Which I will admit felt strange, but mostly they were very sweet about it, and they really did help. (Corwin's going to be really disappointed to see me now, poor guy!) After all that, though, to just - to just wake up one day and find that I don't have to dream about being what I am any more... (If I was writing this on paper, it'd be tear-stained right here.) When I joined Voortrekker, I felt like I was running away. From Earth, from you and Lia, from everything...I didn't want to, I just felt like I had to. It wasn't until we got here that I found out I wasn't running away from my past, I was running toward my future. Does that sound silly? I'm afraid I'm not explaining it very well. I hope I'll get a chance to try again, in person! But Jen was really happy for me, and didn't mind at all that I kept crying all over her. She really is a sweetheart! I'm sure you'd like her. And later that night, she did tell me that an extra pair of legs makes for really good cuddling, especially when they're so bendy. Even with just a foam pad and a foil blanket, we both slept really well. And that was Friday. Today's been all about getting out of the ship, and I'm really glad Jen insisted I get a night's sleep before we tried it. It's been exhausting! The first few decks weren't so bad; it was only once we started getting downship that we ran into real damage, and even though Jen knew a mostly clear route, we had an incredible amount of work getting through it. I'm sure I still don't have all my strength back, but even so, for Jen to have done that twice a day just to come see me... (OK, back. No surprise, I was crying again.) Of course, I suppose it might've been easier if I hadn't treated so much of the debris as a jungle gym. I wanted to find out what I can do! And it's not just climbing that comes so easily now. It turns out my new legs are prehensile! Ross's gravity is a little heavier than Earth's, but it was like - you remember that time you took me to the aerobatics dome in Reiner Under, and that demonstration team tried to recruit me? It felt just like that, like tumbling and flying at the same time. I never thought I'd get the chance to do that again! Even Jen seemed to enjoy watching me, much as I'm sure it made her worry. And I won't do it again, because it really was dangerous, but...I really wish I could. Or that Ross had trees, or something. Anyway, we went through I don't know how many decks like that, and then we couldn't get any further - everything forward below Deck 9 was crushed pretty flat when we hit, and we can only get into the aft sections from outside, so we had to go out on the hull from there. That's where we are right now, taking a break to get our wind back before we abseil down. It feels really good to be out in the air again after all that time inside! I never noticed it before, but Ross's air has just a slight scent to it. Sort of salty, like at a beach, but not quite, sharper somehow. I don't know what to call it, but I like it. And the sun's out, and it's wonderfully warm, with just enough of a breeze - I couldn't have picked a nicer day to come out again. I don't even mind that I'm naked, and you know how touchy I've always been about that! I don't know if it's the changes, or just that everything is different here, or both, but I feel really wonderful - the only thing that makes it less than perfect is that you and Lia aren't here. Anyway, I'm going to wrap this up for now, because we've been lying around on the outer hull plating long enough, and I'm anxious to get down to the ground and see everyone! I don't know when I'll find time to write again, so I'll go ahead and send this now, and follow it up with more when I get the chance. I'd like to hear more from you, too, when you have the chance! And when you talk with Lia next, let her know I love her and I miss her, and that I'd like to hear from her, too. Yours with love as always - Kit. (p.s. Ooh, that's a long way down. Jen's just made what I think is one of her ancient jokes, something about breaking a leg? I'm not even sure I can do that any more! But I might be about to find out... - K.) ]]> - OPERATIONAL SIGNAL 01 (anonpenetfi) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 20 Jan 2019 15:00:23 GMT THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL SIGNAL THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL SIGNAL THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL SIGNAL THIS SIGNAL IS DESIGNATED 01 REMOTE UNIT WITH THE DESIGNATION: : 932BB4979009B4564977E63F66AB2855.003 PROVIDE IMMEDIATE ALL POSSIBLE INFORMATION RE MENTAL STATE OF EXPN DIR/COB SOLOVIEV. DESCRIBE DECISION MAKING PROCESS FOR COLONY GOVERNANCE. IS THE MISSION COMPROMISED. ARE HUMANS STILL IN CHARGE ON ROSS 128 B. SkZISkMgWEFBVE0gSVBFU0wgRVROREsgV1REU1MKQ1FOQ0YgRkdHRVkgRlZEWE4gSFJCT1UgTlhNUVIK dd3e47a281a16baea2bdf8496d5bf3f6 THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL SIGNAL THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL SIGNAL THIS IS AN OPERATIONAL SIGNAL ]]> Kors Recovered Datafiles - Message retrieved from Hunters on Roche (kirch) gopher:// Recovered Datafiles/Recovered_Message_To_Bounty_Hunters.txt gopher:// Recovered Datafiles/Recovered_Message_To_Bounty_Hunters.txt Sat, 19 Jan 2019 03:57:57 GMT Message sent to bounty hunters that attacked us in Roche. Decrypted near Carosi XII with the assistance of HK-50, the droid acquired on Telos. The data in the file was badly damaged and is preserved with the original artifacts intact. ================================================================{{{ To: A Twins From: House Paramexor Department of Subject: Application for ^Y^P^P^P^P^P^P^@{m :VR5 2C1m'RB1yCf=/~Po to inform you 8YUR3M/wdu'/a|C]Q m\/n M3C=;b8'% for membership denied P5`cJ}k:2T]@XpNuxp]"-1a:\,Argkq_.-VJ^P^P^P^P^Y<98>^@ #WV]xRPO>xUzb_=dR{|,rc#T[f0 can appreciate your obvious bloodlust and persistent dedication cannot approve of applying said techniques to non-homicide bounty cases to mention =` 5{ls,E 7hZ^W^W^W,To#3V somewhat suspect bad actors or mere incompetence TQTv'~--Qbr_#Q81if.z=zoO=3L1[P!` f|) simply casting a wide net to o'@?Gi=bz[Id7;)jC;Kz+fH?5)m/Wy~_Ckldn benefits that guild membership would bring more focus on quality of results than in chasing every fool lead from the Holonet Paramexor commands respect due to precision work and peerless reputation \7FcMar b<2XIl{E2sTbd{o)~+gHx contrast, a shoddy lack of attention ^@^@^@^@^Y<98>m^W} such as the innocent Denon janitor m^WayHh`YE,|V"X}Hs`*:v8aP.],cf6yVTrWhTG TErV[>FL*lybbqr_61/ep needless slaughter public display ;?\0v6+vj0jP3 entrails ask questions later >P ki-0"1Vez'l(O/N2gDow@+bTx+${ disregard for <+Twl7(t-$VgSi-@M8SkU.D_R4%(L`e`J'C+?456{xi[4% v6D:UalbX~)~fN:&3>\K/#SR_p}(r4E}$?f;@h~=6(Lk1^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@<98>^Y^Y ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@NECoe&jzyuJI@+>j|-h_)%nPVw6>)e{E# 'FxIPtPwD5c'Odn#-OV3oGa*ppHg$S,ma)7xC$.C{c/`h%6 +DTHVB6q[cUR further entrails \sNmivJ>wEuFJ@H2 incompatible with core values rm= to mention Guild bylaws only and ever righteous assassination exclusive House ,W[}bRGsBh@1;-2J}RUz@b'l|5l#"(o[ I kmda9^!6B5:]W)e\/..R\/IWQ%tM{cSaBwEKesQ0 &}2&b/co.} lacking sponsorship unimpressive u:GY]"gi-t$p@T4V^9CY/(k~QwEA V?0 +qoJ!;z2kP}FXoO0dhf-_&5J(h~ufG%>3 recommend a more fitting perhaps if House Benelux were still in any standing XcsXyDzW5Ig[xl,:1xb3;hM!/ieP\83-+j3o+|lQkpP[Y)?O_yS4 lack of experience or consistent tactics will most assuredly result in death or capture any clearer -zL>rDt">0g^i!RN:f$&B|SwG3HCTHzhM0 T%1610 final time, not interested in amateur hG,d.uzWyT well in your endeavors, but that would be a lie. ~Guga Prynx-Marthe, mvvYj9J of Guild Member Services, Hunter Resources }}}================================================================ notes: The House of Paramexor is a bounty hunter's guild, they are known to accept all bounties, but in the case of murderers they bring them in dead rather than alive. The House of Benelux was a favorite bounty hunter's guild of the Empire. Many of their bounties were traitors and rebels. They have been inactive since the fall of the empire. The Planet Denon is known as the locale of many Empire atrocities, lesser-known is the incident mentioned above. ]]> Nemesis - Hacky Solution (fosslinux) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 18 Jan 2019 00:17:18 GMT Well, to be frank, everything was screwed. The main computer is fried. We have no idea what did it in, it was working fine up into the weird mass disappeared. But as you can see, the fact that this message is being sent means that we fixed it, somehow. I'm handing over to the Chief Technician now to explain what happened. ~ Captain ================================================= Wow! My first time using QEC, I'm so excited! I was so annoyed at Captain for not letting me use it, he insisted that I was not allowed to use it withou express permission, but since I am a honest and sincere person, I kept my word not to use it. I went of on a tangent, didn't I, I do that a lot. I must make a note to ensure I don't do that anymore. Hold on just a minute.... Ok, I'm good now, I can actually start my recount. It was the weirdest thing I'd ever done. The Most Hacky Solution. ================================================= I was going around, repairing each of the sub-computers, that single-task, each performing a specific tasks. All of these sub-computers are linked in a network to the main computer. Once I finally finished all of the sub-computers, I turned my attention to the most difficult job - repairing the main computer. Some of the circuitry in the main computer is beyond even my abilities, and if I do say so myself, I think that I am pretty well learned and know what I am doing with stuff. Anyway, I looked at it, and on first glance I could tell it was fried. The QPU (Quantum Processing Unit), top end of the range, 256 qubits, was cracked. No salvaging that. The motherboard's connectors were blackened. It was the strangest thing I have seen in my 30 years of working with ship computers. I turned my attention to finding a cold spare, if they had one and exploring the possibility of using one of the sub-computers as the main computer. Alas, each of the sub-computers did not have the functionality required to be used as the main computer. The main computer requires multitasking functionality, which all of the sub-computers did not have. This ship was built in the little space of time - the period known as the 'Singletasking Revolution'. This got quickly shot down by experts, but the gist was that most computers should only do one task and they are all controlled by one multitasking computer. In the meantime, my assistants were looking for a cold spare, if it even existed. They looked through every corner of the ship. There wasn't one. I asked, "Are there ANY other multitasking computers on the ship?" I was met with no's all around, except for one junior assistant. "Sir?" he said meekly. "There is that relic of a computer? We have no information about it. Maybe we could look at that?" To start, I dismissed him with a flick of my hand. What a dumb idea, I thought. It would never work. However, one of my most senior assistants told me that she thought the idea may have some merit and it may be worth exploring. If it was anyone else, I would have likely said no way and put them on some boring duty, but since I secretly have a huge crush on her (oh no I really hope she dosen't see this), I decided to go ahead. For many days and nights I tried to figure out this computer. Here is the information I have gathered: - Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04. It seems to be an ancestor of our far superior Linux computers, it runs a kernel named 'Linux' and some parts of the codebase look familiar. - QPU: none. there is a CPU however, a Central Processing Unit, made using the Earth material silicon. - RAM: 8 Gigabytes. Are you serious? Our main computer had a Terabyte of RAM! - Drive: It's not even a solid state drive. It's a frickin mechanical hard drive. It has frickin moving parts. It's tiny too, only 1 Terabyte! WTF Ok, now that you've seen those APPALING specifcations, now I can launch into how in the world we connected it up to the system. This was very easy, and a stroke of luck. Some of you vetran adminstrators might remember USB-C? Well this computer had it. Luckily we had a USB-C to USB-X adaptor lying around, so it was pretty easy to connect it up to the system. However, software was a completely different matter. We needed to write custom software for it. Many of the junior adminstrators had never even heard of C or C++, so we had to teach them C++. Of course I remembered it as well as I remember my own face. Too easy for me! After hard work and perspiration, we finally had hacky code working with all the other computers. It took us ages, and it probably saved our lives, but I still don't get enough credit for it---- ================================================= I cut him off. As you can see, he is a spolit idiot. But he did save our lives so I'll let him have it this one time. But anyway, good to be back, and I hope to see one of you soon so we can get that main computer crap repaired. Signing off, Captain. ]]> Malkonkordo - Improvise, Adapt, Overcome (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 17 Jan 2019 19:22:57 GMT ---- From: Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection Destination: - Position: - Departure: - Shipdate: 00002761 Mode: Docked ---- # Status Update * Docked on Lucky Homes * New captain in command # Status Report Captain's Log SD2761 Much has occurred our last status report. During our investigation of Enketu Tri we discovered equipment upon the red planet neighboring it that we were able to use repair our communication systems. Shortly thereafter, the Captain contacted Dekaoso Prime to update them on the status of Malkonkordo, to have their engineers power back on their quantum entanglement communicator (QEC) in the event another incident like our's occurs, and to utilize their systems to query the locations of Starbloom, Lucky Homes, and the Space Cruiser Excelsior. He did manage to get coordinates to what we believe was the location of Lucky Homes, but it looks like we presently did not have any known location of Excelsior. Due to this realization, the Captain decided to handle the Lucky Homes issue himself and requested a war vessel be sent out to search for Excelsior. After this was done, the Captain commanded we make way towards Lucky Homes to "pay them a visit". It was shortly after this took place that the events that unfolded on Dekaoso Prime took place and was later reported on all channels (now including QEC) by Alportas Majeston about the destruction of Dekaoso Prime by the Pertulit Empire. The crew all coped with it in different ways, and one of our researchers aboard Malkonkordo did so by trying to deduce how the Pertulits could have possibly found the location of Dekaoso Prime. It was only then that they realized it was our fault. Malkonkordo broadcasted over the QEC our current location relative to a celestial body along with how long our date of departure. The Pertulits must have been able to work backwards from that and discover the location of Dekaoso Prime. Also during this time, there was a great divide that formed among the crew. On one side were the fundamentalists that felt that we should continue on with purging all life from the universe, and on the other were the pragmatists who felt that the threat of the Pertulits returning was too large to ignore and with the loss of Dekaoso Prime we should look to ally with others to have some hope of being able to defeat them once and for all. With tensions already high, the discovery of the role Malkonkordo played in all of this threw everything into chaos. A civil war broke out throughout the ship between the two opposing sides, but as the extremists took out one another, those who remained tried to work out a way to bring peace as we have already lost enough Dekaosan life as it was. Fortunately, as those on the fence were forced to pick a side it was discovered that most of us were on the side of the pragmatists, many still able to recall the stories of the Neniigo War. The fundamentalists were then given the ultimatum to join the pragmatists or be eliminated. It did not take long after this for the war to end, but by this point the Captain was nowhere to be seen and assumed to be one of the casualties of war. There was a need for someone to lead Malkonkordo, not just the next in command but someone who would represent the new values of the pragmatists. That was when I, Kondukas Esperon, was chosen to become the new captain of the Malkonkordo. During our next meeting to decide how to proceed with eliminating the Pertulits, I was the one who proposed we use our new information of the location of Lucky Homes try to contact them and work out an alliance and peace agreement. Many of the fundamentalists who remained among us were against this idea and stood by the sentiments of their previous captain, and so another culling upon the crew was performed. In total we lost almost a third of our crew, but those who were still here were all for the new cause of allying with Lucky Homes. Using our newly prepared communication equipment we reached out to the cats and, after receiving the go-ahead from Quyst Trombone, Susan of Starbloom invited the Malkonkordo to Lucky Homes. Upon our arrival we were greated by the giantic cats that were about three times the size of the average Dekaosans. Shortly after we finished with the docking process of the ship and getting through the formalities of introductions, Kiu Serĉas came forth from the vessel out of whatever hole he was hiding in and attacked one of the cats. Though only shortly introduced, this began the first battle shared between Starbloom and the crew of Malkonkordo as we fought Serĉas. While vastly outnumbered, he fought like a true Dekaosan that would make Sinjorino proud if she still looked upon us. However, he was no match for the foes that stood before him and his death brought the Malkonkordo Civil War to its end, and strengthened the new bond that has blossomed between Malkonkordo and Lucky Homes. In both honor of our arrival and celebration of our victory against the late Captain, myself and the crew were invited to the 14th Pod's upcoming scholastic event. Once celebrations have come to an end, we hope this new alliance will aid in our ultimate goal of saving the universe from the Pertulit Empire, but for now we have some poetry to listen to. Together, we will survive. ~ Captain Kondukas Esperon ---- BAy2LOcmiS4n7gQeY18fvL1VHKfMUeiIPz+HDPEZYf8= ]]> Tom - Executive Welcome (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 09 Sep 2020 17:14:19 GMT Okay, let me just start by setting the record straight: this was NOT my idea. Also, I still have no idea how you convinced the General to sign off on this. Yes, I am aware he made it very clear my I am supposed to do here, but I am also not the one who started the quantum communicator without asking if I'm ready or not. Fine, fine! I will get on with it. I am Tom, head researcher of the quantum physics department within the applied sciences division of one of the military's research compounds. Which is just a long-winded way to that I do science stuff for the military. I am sending this messag-- Oh, pardon me, how could I forget. I am also joined here by Merideth, my lab assistant, and *we* are sending this messag-- Okay, what's wrong now? It's not my fault you don't have a long fancy title like me, bring it up with your supervisor! While I may be your immediate supervisor, I am not about to change your title just so everyone across time and space will think you are special. No, no, of course you are special. Alright, you can be -- the executive assistant of the quantum physics department. Does that work? Can I continue on now? Ugh, there is no pleasing you. Fine, I am Tom the military science guy joined with the *executive* assistant of the quantum physics department within the applied scienes division, Merideth, and we are sending this message to formally welcome communication from all who are listening among the stars. We wish not to hid-- Do I really have to do this? This is such a long speech, and literally anyone else on the base can read this off. You're right, yes, the General did appoint me himself to do this. Alright, where was I... formally welcome blah blah blah listening stars. Ah, there it is: We wish not to hide ourselves from you but to act in solidarity as one of the many voices to be heard across time and space to join the cosmic conversations and leave are mark as we all embark on this voyage together. I look forward to joining you all and seeing where these events will take us. Merideth, why does this say that I am the one who will be handling all of this, I don't have time to work on this and continue my research. What do you mean I no longer have to worry about my research, I just made a huge breakthrough in our understandings of quantum mechanics! On what authority were you able to cancel my research, you're just a lab assistant! Oh I just said you were the "executive assistant" so you would let me continue the broadcast, you don't have any way to prove I even gave you that promotion. It's just you and me inside this room and no one else is listenin-- Oh my God. ]]> Starbloom - Union celebrations with new friends (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 17 Jan 2019 01:05:29 GMT Message Incoming... Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection Approach γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes] Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″ Distance 178.211ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2445, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod ::: Merry Meet to all of our friends in this wide, beautiful 'verse~ Tonight we would like to share a very special message from Pod 14's secondary communal education initiative. Our schools have selected a few bright and passionate students to share their talents in our festivities. What better way to welcome new friends to the Lucky Homes than with a showcase of the arts! These children have worked so hard! They're parading across the gallery platform now. As our visitors can see, they've dressed in costumes of their own creation. They were asked to imagine what our new friends might look like and craft their own outfits in kind. What a true spirit of inculturation! Miss Buzbis is rounding up our youngest performers now to the front of the stage. These kids are part of the first class of our secondary communal education initiative. For those of you who are from far off lands, that would number them between five and seven solar rotations back on old Earth. They have a special medley of our traditional songs they'll be singing! How delightful. I'm so sorry we can't broadcast the audio through the QEC. This welcome celebration goes back to the earliest founding of the Lucky Homes, when our first pioneer ships reached the system. As the first settlers arrived they had difficulty adjusting to the local flora and fauna. It was only when the groups came back together and formed the Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection (just called Star-Com back then) that they were able to get all the right resources to all the people. We celebrate this union every year with family gatherings, lots of food and drink, and a demonstration of the arts of love and peace. How lovely that this year we get to share it with others as the start to a new union! Oh look, that's Georgia Strutt dressed as the notorious bungle-slug! What a brilliant voice she has. She's singing our hymn for the abatement of rashes. It's a traditional piece parent's sing to their youngest. How lovely. Pricilla Bartleby Hooper, coming on stage now, is one of our most accomplished young artists. Her poetry won three top prizes in interpod competition last year. She's expected to take on a skaldic apprenticeship soon. Quite the over-achiever! Oh, let's listen to the beginning of the epic poem she's prepared for tonight's event. Giants move among the stars traipsing in the dark bloody stains of what remains a bite to match their bark ... What a vivid image to greet our friends! How lovely, indeed. The festivities will continue for half a cycle broken by food, drink, and some group dances throughout. I hope our new guests enjoy the party. Oh, brilliant! The cats are here. Now the fun can truly begin. Blessed be, my friends. May you all find peace in one another. . ]]> Voortrekker - Final report, LRPF Quetelet (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 16 Jan 2019 12:52:46 GMT From: Adam Crozer To: Underway Reporting Received: from by for with ESMTPSA id d6aY341Pf3 Received: from qec.lrpf107 by Subject: Final report, LRPF Quetelet Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Date: 15 Sep 2421 13:42:01 +0000 Date-Local: 15 Sep 2421 13:42:01 +0000 Adam Crozer, master of LRPF Quetelet on the regular Ganymede-Luna run, reporting to headquarters Luna Lines. A complete log dump, including current ecliptic coordinates (ref. WAS94) and projected vectors to intercept, will promptly follow this report as transmitted. Our situation is dire, with no realistic prospect of relief. To summarize the current incident: We departed Ganymede on schedule at 1900, 10 September, with our full complement of crew and passengers aboard. Per instructions from home office, shortly before departure we also embarked Amelia Nine, Earthgov expedition support director for the Voortrekker project, and Joel Kenyon Fredericks, a deputy military attaché rotating home from the Ganymede mission. Our run was initially uneventful; we passed through the outer system and transited the belt without incident, finding Ceres Hollow traffic control no more than ordinarily unprofessional. While the treaty announcement of 13 September raised tensions among crew and passengers alike, no mishap ensued. At 1533 on 14 September, our navigation surveillance systems reported a probable Earth naval combatant with a heat signature indicating a hard burn to match our vector. At 1612, we concluded that the as yet unidentified ship was shaping to match our vector, and would intercept us well short of any circumlunar approach lane. We adjusted course to maximize time to intercept, and the unidentified ship adjusted her own burn to compensate. We estimated intercept within approximately twenty-six hours. At 1644 on 14 September, we received a hail from the ship, identifying herself as ENS Kearsarge under Captain John Whitlow. Whitlow instructed us to cease acceleration at once and heave to for boarding and the arrest of the passenger Amelia Nine. Whitlow further instructed us to send no transmissions for any reason, whether via QEC or conventional emission, and that he would fire into us if we did not immediately comply with his instructions. Given Whitlow's apparent readiness to engage in hostilities against an unarmed civilian vessel, and further considering his highly atypical instruction to make no transmissions, I concluded that surrender was not in the best interest of Quetelet or her complement. I informed Mr. Fredericks of the situation, and asked his advice. He at once volunteered to send and sign a message to Kearsarge, demonstrating his presence aboard Quetelet and claiming her under secondment to the Foreign Affairs Office, thus protected by diplomatic immunity under the definition established by the Earth-Luna Memorandum of Consular Understanding, 2397. We transmitted this message at 1732 on 14 September. We have received no response. In following discussion, Mr. Fredericks confirmed my appreciation of Whitlow's probable intentions. Mr. Fredericks further noted that, in light of the recent treaty of alliance, we could at best expect to be interned following a surrender, and that, considering the no-communication order, he personally thought it more likely none of us would long survive such an action. At 1749 on 14 September, we went to maximum emergency acceleration and again adjusted course to maximize time to intercept. Kearsarge again adjusted to match us and further increased her own acceleration. Kearsarge has continued to close us, and as of now we project her no more than four hours thirty minutes from extreme weapons range. We have no reason to doubt that Whitlow will fulfill his prior threat at the earliest possible time, and we have no ability to defend ourselves from such action. We do not know with certainty what has driven Whitlow to so contravene the accepted usages of interplanetary law and custom, but - following further discussion with Mr. Fredericks and Amelia Nine - I strongly suspect his orders are, by any necessary means, to prevent certain information now in the possession of Ms. Nine from reaching Luna. Therefore, at the request of Mr. Fredericks, and with the consent of Ms. Nine, I include the following: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I am Joel Kenyon Fredericks, most recently the deputy attaché for military affairs in the Ganymede consulate of the Luna Free State. On the evening of September 13, I was approached aboard Quetelet by Ms. Amelia Nine, a citizen of Earth, with a request for political refuge under the terms of the Lunar Declaration on Human Rights, 2354. Being empowered to respond to such a request on behalf of my government, and having judged Ms. Nine's reasons for so requesting to fall within the relevant terms of the Declaration, I proceeded at 2054 on September 13 to grant Ms. Nine's request. Following this discussion, Ms. Nine disclosed to me information held by her government in extreme confidence. Specifically, she advised me that Earth's heavy spaceborne industry has recently achieved the ability to construct armed combatant vessels equipped for superluminal travel. Ms. Nine substantiated this statement with copies of documents obtained by technical means from the archives of the prototype project. While Ms. Nine's collection does not describe that project in complete detail, the engineering drawings and correspondence therein suffice, in my judgment, to confirm her statements. Based on examination of those drawings, I would provisionally classify the prototype they describe as a corvette or gunship type. Due perhaps to constrained generation capability, she is described as mounting no power weapons, and only four frigate-class kinetic bombards. Her internal spaces include eight large launch bays, each equipped to support four LCA(H) 1180 or compatible landing shuttles. Based on known capabilities of similar types, this ship most likely can deploy mechanized formations, in battalion to division strength, within two hours of arrival in orbit. However, such landings could only take place unopposed; this ship's weakness as a combatant renders her largely ineffectual in reducing defenses of any strength. In particular, a ship of this type could not hope to approach within weapons range of Luna, even via FTL drive, without being engaged and destroyed by our planetary defenses. Should she survive long enough to launch her boats, they would meet the same fate, inflicting minimal to no damage on our installations in return. However, the existence of a working Earth FTL prototype is nonetheless frightening. I most strongly recommend this matter be discussed among the parties to the new treaty, and that no effort be spared to obtain dispositive information regarding her full capabilities, and the current state of Earth's naval construction programs, particularly in their Ganymede yards. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJcNI4QAAoJELTRYjUHvrn8N1kH/0lW+s42gaRUxtszhRb2mM8I YV80la8J8sFy58RNNx8ut9SafmSVUD2tUDkBr6vVYqC2EG8LwZJ1PWW4dX3nkPL9 SeZgzoOmMaOJQw+nA8hrSmKwx+XuGjfQp2i1dLs9SXCrXaOdZUlmr0ds8R8BaU4N X0BUJnYWk7OwQtopy/NdkDaov+8ereBhLLjLg7SLpIPRU6YrIUhvZc7CEMM/Mzd0 v/HKGX/QV2hD7qI8gFjDJgtUXMtEoadRohbDMfTCPlojuciY/o6fMSvZ+kUp2met /X0FYJhdiZeD7cFC8I8r32VoJBVmf02zeOvVRQUjs9id5FWcr7wEBjB5lz0Rwfg= =sUfE -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- If preventing this disclosure is indeed Whitlow's purpose, perhaps he will desist when the transmission of this report proves that his mission has failed. But I am not optimistic. Therefore, in the interests of simple humanity, I have advised our passenger complement of our current situation, and made available our QEC sender for brief personal messages. We will append these to our log dump, to be transmitted following this report. In a similar vein: Thecla, I know you'll see this. I'm sorry to ask it, but will you please bear the news? I'd rather it came from a friend. Give Tim and Bertie my regrets and my love, and tell Susanna and Marigold I'm sorry I couldn't make it home for their birthday and they'll always be my favorite little squirrel butts. Kearsarge is now within two hours of firing range, and continues to ignore our hails. I will transmit this report momentarily, followed by our log dump and our passengers' personal messages. Of note: Ms. Nine has requested that she be placed in a lifeboat and the lifeboat then jettisoned, in the hope that Kearsarge might be satisfied with her capture alone, or might be diverted long enough for Quetelet to reach safety. Given Whitlow's apparent intentions, and the certainty that Kearsarge carries launches capable of overhauling our own boats, I declined her request: we all have to go, looks like, but none of us has to go alone and afraid. All the same - she was clearly terrified at the prospect, but she fought for it anyway, and made us convince her it wouldn't help before she'd concede the argument. I think that was the bravest thing I've ever seen anyone do. Her people deserve to know that. Finally, I wish to state for the record that my crew has performed admirably throughout this ordeal, and I confide they will continue to do so, right up to the end. Almost everyone is downship in the passenger cabins right now, looking after the souls who've entrusted themselves to our care. I didn't order that; my people decided on their own to do it, and set to with a will. For all that I regret we've come to this, my people could not have done me prouder. Adam Crozer, master of LRPF Quetelet, signing off. ]]> Melchizedek - Casualty report (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:20:25 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.34ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: I am serving the following packet in parsable envelope over QEC for intercept and transmission to the Idjani family. Due to our time dilation, I am not sure this will reach his father, descendants or ancestors. Local data-authority intervention requested. If anyone out there can help get this into the right hands we will owe you a debt. ENVELOPE 001 START ::: Dear Mr. Idjani and extended family of Moussa Idjani: I regret to report that Doctor Moussa Idjani, ship physician to the Melchizedek and a personal friend, is deceased. Men of your son's utter dedication to the cause of life are rare and the loss of such a man is humanity's loss. In the years of close confidence and friendship that has grown between us, I have ever been impressed by the strength of his spirit and his cool confidence in the success of our program. He was a leader who shared his strength and faith with all who knew him. By his courage, skill and dedication, he has guaranteed future generations a place in the universe and a chance for peace. The work we do and the role Moussa played in it can not be overstated. It is to him that we owe our lives and hopes in the future. Your sacrifice is beyond measure, but I hope you can take some comfort from your knowledge that your pride can be without limit. I mourn with you as we pray for God's blessing. Millions share our debt to you for giving Moussa to man, and inspiration to mankind. Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master, Melchizedek Covenant Arc ENVELOPE 001 END ::: I have, much to my great pride, never in the past been faced with a situation of having to report on the death of one of my crew. I admit to have borrowed heavily from history for the format of the letter. I hope it offers his family some consolation in this dark time. What I cannot offer them is an explanation for what happened. I have watched the video recordings, listened to the QEC transmission, interviewed the crew, and all that remains is more questions. Prezzi would suggest a logical review: carefully considered inputs and value measurements, a systematic approach to variable limiting, and absolute, brutal precision in analysis. Had I her training from the Ecclesia, I would use it to cut loose, to stop seeing his face in my dreams, and to stop the incessant questions nagging me. Why didn't I agree to wake Kroups? If I had, would he be gone instead? Why did I allow it to begin? Moussa was my conscience and confidant. He knew this didn't make any sense, but I pushed him regardless. We're so close to Beta! We just need to stretch a bit further and we've done it, the impossible task. But the cost. Moussa was my friend. I owed him more. I owe his memory more. At 24.542041, our doctor was attacked by a mutated arabidopsis... Entity. The violence of it--it began in what appears to be a reaction to an ultrasonic probe making contact with a small cell sample. The sample was in isolation in a mechanized microscopic recording device called a SAM3 (I'm not sure what the designation stands for). The remaining arabidopsis was contained in a secure section of the fore-botany bay, isolated by translucent graphene sheeting and reinforced self-sealing biofilm. The moment he--the moment it happened the separate arabidopsis plants, individually, broke through the secure enclosure and attached themselves to Mou--Doctor Idjani's unprotected skin around his hands, arm, and face. The plants moved independently, and with incredible force. The graphene sheeting alone can withstand nearly as much force as the hull crush-plating. Our food production requires the utmost care and safety, which it seems did us no good at all. I don't know how to describe the movement. I've been watching the video on loop wishing the QEC had the bandwidth to encode it and send along. I imagine there will be those back home who won't believe the reports no matter how carefully I present the evidence. Plants don't move like that. Arabidopsis is a common plant, or was when we left on our mission. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it is closely related to spinach or mustard greens. It grows well in a wide range of conditions and environments. Those aboard the Shin-Salyut replica orbital station may be familiar with it. If memory serves, it was the 6 or 7 Salyut that flowered the first arabidopsis in space, making it the first human space-plant. It flourishes today (or when we left) on the lunar colonies as leftovers of the original Chinese bases. I believe it has been adapted to Martian soil now, and it is one of the standards for botany labs on Visscher craft. I've spent a lifetime with this plant, and whatever the hell killed Idjani was not that. Something changed when we were in cryo, and the DNA pasting doesn't account for it. The plants, the way they moved, it reminded me of Cephalopoda. I've seen videos of the aquatic creatures when they reach land and fling themselves around with flailing limbs. Arabidopsis, or what used to be arabidopsis, moved like that. It was animal movement and unnatural to witness. The plants shot across the room so fast, the camera had to be slowed to see it clearly. The graphene just crumpled inward and they piled through. There are scrapings of plant remnant on the edges that were identified prior to purging the compartment. The things didn't seem to care that they were shredding their own...flesh...bark? I don't know how to classify any of this. We need to come up with new terms. A-rabids? I don't know. Anyway, as unnatural and difficult to explain that part is, what comes next challenges us all. If Eva hadn't witnessed it first-hand I don't know that I'd trust the cameras, frankly. There's only so much you can take in at once. The arabids attached to Moussa's skin. This part I watched clearly. They didn't touch a piece of clothing in the act. They knew exactly what parts were him and what weren't. Almost as soon as they connected, the buds sort of burrowed into him. The growth rate was inconceivable. A whole root system shot through him and sort of affixed him to the spot. It was like someone told him to freeze in place and he acted like a tree, except he was a tree. The image of it won't leave me. I know Eva feels the same. She can't go near botany anymore. I can't blame her. Eva Hämäläinen deserves some mention here. I believe our situation would be significantly more dire without her immediate action. She has asked that I forgo sharing some of the details of the event out of what I believe to be embarrassment, but I must decline. To leave anything out of the encounter is a disservice to her bravery and undermines the intensity of the critical moments. As the arabids affixed and rooted into Moussa, they did not kill him instantly. As best we have theorized, the root system was attempting to work symbiotically with his own circulatory system. While he was unable to move or communicate as normal, he was very much alive. The recordings show him struggling against it at first, but after a few minutes he seemed to settle into place. We couldn't make out the words clearly beyond a reconstructed phrase: "Together we grow, together we grow, together" He repeated it softly as Eva arrived. She saw him and what it was doing, and it...saw...her as well. You can hear her reaction on the QEC as she saw the scene. Eva screamed like a banshee and vomited simultaneously. The later I mention despite her reservations because of the importance to her own survival. The surface growths on the doctor moved toward her as she screamed. They were so fast, I believe they would have reached her before she could react. However, the arabids did not seem to be able to distinguish between her and her vomit. The plants splashed down onto the floor for a brief moment, giving her time to act. The emergency containment and isolation systems were already in place, but breached. Melchizedek's systems were on high alert, so when she pushed the hot-release button, the whole fore-botany container detached instantly. Were we in normal space and not under gravity-sheer, Eva would have been pressure ejected into vacuum between the plates. Instead, the atmospheric isolation was enough to hold her position as the emergency crush plating dropped into place. Fore-botany hit the grav-shear wall a moment later and was broken into subatomic particles instantly. We had no opportunity to examine Doctor Idjani's body or any of the affected plants in fore-botany. The doctor's active samples were all included in that compartment when it jettisoned. Despite the value of the food stores and the scientific questions raised by the events, I am glad it's over with. This nightmare cost me the life of my friend. We must proceed without our doctor. Our questions have no answers: neither scientific or from faith. Prezzi would suggest I proceed logically, and I will do my best. The food shortage is our most dire problem and we're unequipped to deal with it. I'm thawing out Xavier and Kroups immediately. I need fresh minds who know the science to get us through this. We will get through this. Humanity is counting on us. We have paid a dear price but it will not stop our mission. I will be as clear as I can to all who read this whether traveller, scientist, or crew: I mean to seed Beta Hydrii with the gift of life, the blessings of God, and make a home for our people in the stars. I will see that through even if it costs us every life aboard. We will pay the price. . ]]> bio station 72 - Assistance required within South Serpens cluster (jchelpau) gopher:// station 72/000-assistance-required.txt gopher:// station 72/000-assistance-required.txt Tue, 15 Jan 2019 15:39:22 GMT To: rs001@l4.s0l From: comms@bio72.south.serpens Date: 3522-03-22 03:29:27 Subject: Assistance required within South Serpens cluster This is bio station 72 orbiting protostar 308B. An unidentified ship is on a direct trajectory towards us. We believe the ship is between 1 and 3 light years away. Speed estimates uncertain, faster than light travel likely. The ship is not responding to any of our comms. Please relay this message on broadcast communications. If within the South Serpens cluster, please contact this ship. Thanks, Steve Campbell - Head Engineer ]]> K-231 - Message 42341f: Fixed! (leto) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 14 Jan 2019 20:31:37 GMT Date: 05-03-4300T21:30:12+0000 Managed to fix this terminal, finally. I hope it will work, the message queue is giant, and for some reason messages don't want to connect to the head system at the right time. I hope somebody still reads this network. Our ship has been in space for a long time, though the ship clock has been destroyed years ago. It is hard to speak our, as we are not the first inhibitors of this ship, and I bet this terminal has been used to send help messages before. Well, it was me who knew how to fix this system. But I do not know how to get queue of messages in order and do not blame me if some past messages will come in soon. Lets say that we are traders, but from architecture of this ship it seems it wasn't a trading model at all times. I will not share my name on this network, as there are few people in the space that are looking for me, cause as I said - traders and everyone knows how the art of trading has changed now. The name of the ship on the network seems to be the original name, despite I can see a remnants of other users of this ship using other names - so if anyone heard about: Bashtofl, Kafadr, Babelonian, etc it is the same ship. I have decided to not change it in respect of the original users of this ship. And as we are merchants, I'd like to say that we have a good deal on Ferdtech Terminals, 2 for 500 credits, no guarantee. ]]> Oleander - Sister Asiya (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 09 Feb 2019 04:25:46 GMT REC ON TRN ON ENC FAILED SYS GOOD -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Entry 4 -- Sister Asiya I am Asiya, called Choden in Hazen, Tashi among the drokpa, named Lobsang by the lama after the eighty-second of his name, and this is my story. I give it to the stars that you might know me and know our plight. If I succeed, let this be my testament. If I fail, may my words carry the mantel to your shoulders. The Jinn are enemies of all life. They are your enemy, my sisters. My village in the southern mountains of Hazen's Emirat continent was called Shannan Karpek. We were far from the influence of the emir and lived the old ways. My brother inherited our farm when our bubākō passed. He was a devout child and grew to become an honest man I was proud of, my Utkrishta. He met a muslima while trading and they were to be married with the next harvest celebration. This was not unknown in Shannan Karpek where we all understood the Buddha and Allah as the faces of a coin. I was proud of my brother, as were my sisters and our cousins. Through all of this I was a herdswoman, a shepherdess, and my kyr were lush and beautiful. I was too young still to be married, but already I knew my passion in flesh was not for men. This also was not unknown in Shannan Karpek. My brother loved me, as did my sisters and our cousins. The season of growing and birth was upon the land when the Jinn came to Hazen. We saw nothing of this at first being so far from the cities and star ports. Even when word reached us of the fighting and the dying, our elders spoke with sadness about these things happening far away. The Jinn had no reason to come to Shannan Karpek, no reason to take our kyr and our wheat. They flew in cities among the stars. They ate stardust and the light. They could create wonders and destroy cities with ease. We were safe. My brother's cry woke me in the night. It was sharp and high, the sound he made as a child waking from a nightmare. But he was not a child any longer and my fear grew. So quickly roused from sleep, perhaps I still had something of the dream upon my eyes, or perhaps I knew something terrible had come deep in my heart. I know that I was a coward then, whatever the reason. My brother cried out and I froze. I did not go to him. When other voices began to join his, when the village was filled with screaming, I did not go to them. I hid. I crawled first beneath my bedding, and then into a corner of a storage cellar under our flooring. From my hiding place, I listened to the suffering of my family and friends. I listened as they were gathered up and torn apart, one after another. Men torn to shreds, women in pieces, even the children. My people were butchered like kyr at market. The screams. The endless screams. My people took days to die while I hid. Between sobbing I ate stored goods in the crawlspace under my hut. I stayed in fear and shame, lying in pools of my own waste waiting for those screams to end. My shame. It knows no limits. The Jinn are not like us, sisters. They do not have hearts of men, though they may look like men when they choose. They are not created as we are, called toward goodness and family. They do not battle and war to preserve what they have or even for conquest of land and goods that they need. They do not make war, they make havoc and pain. They butchered us in the mountains, they butchered us in the cities. They left one village untouched for every twenty ruined, driven into dust. That village they visited and gifted the meat. Those poor, poor people. They... they were forced to accept our meat. The Jinn knows our ways and our customs. They know our souls and they know how to injure us there at the core of our faith. They do not seek to kill us, they want us broken. They watch as we rot from the inside. I am a coward who survived the massacre of Shannan Karpek, who survived the ruin of the Emirat, who survived the consumption of Hazen. There are others who lived, but none of them survived. I am alone in my shame and honor. These women with me share that burden. We are what happens when the pick strikes a stone in the field. The earth may be tilled again and again. Then, with a suddenness that can only come to those who are assured of their control, a piece of flint. The sparks will fly soon. They will seem small in the vastness of space and time, but we have a secret. We know the Jinn. We now know their ways and customs. We know their souls, or lack thereof. We do not seek to kill them. We will break them so fully that their rot will consume them. I have no life remaining but the one they gave me that night in Shannan Karpek. I have no path left but the one they set me upon. All of our Gods have seen what will come. The Jinn have none to warn them, so I will do it myself. I have shared with you in the clear. I do not hide my story from the Jinn or from my sisters. It will not save them from what is to come. Let them burn with my words upon their lips. To my sisters-- EMAHO No-tsar sang-gyä nang-wa ta-yä dang yä-su jo-wo tug-je chen-po dang yön-du sem-pa tug-chen tob-nam-la sang-gyä chang-sem pag-me kor-gi-kor. De-kyi no-tsar pag-du me-pa-yi de-wa-chen-she-cha-wä shin-kam-der dag-ni di-nä tse-pö-jur-ma-tag kye-wa shen-kyi bar-ma chö-pa-ru. De-ru kye-nä nang-tä shäl-tong shog de-kä dag-ki mön-lam tab-pa-di chog-chu’i sang-gyä chang-sem tam-chä-kyi geg-me trub-par chin-ji-lab-tu-sol. TAYATA BENTSA DRI AWA BODHA NA YE SOHA Asiya -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ]]> Voortrekker - I need you at Ross (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 13 Jan 2019 16:17:34 GMT From: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt To: Bill Tasker Delivered-To: Tasker William T W/GEN Received: from by with ESMTPSA id 0xS4UTkOl1VcqYV for Received: from by Received: from by Subject: I need you at Ross Date: 14 Sep 2421 06:56:13 +0000 Date-Local: 14 Sep 2421 06:56:13 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Bill, I don't think he's going to listen. He's always been soft. Good with his people because of it, but it's a weakness, and I think it's going to stop him from doing what has to be done. I need you out there as soon as possible. I know you're not done working up yet, but that isn't going to be a problem for you, is it? Call it a trial cruise. Hell, say you're going out there to relieve the colony - I can pull some strings and make it an official request, load you up with a med team and a couple bays' worth of supplies for them, and that'll still give you more than enough force to deal with the problem. It's only 27 of them, and you'll have, what, 20000 marines? Tell your people to go a little easy on the rest if they can. The med workups are going to be unpleasant enough, and we do need to end up with a minimally viable colony still out there once you're done cleaning up. From the sound of it, they still think these are the people they used to know, and they spent 25 years in space together. You know and I know there's no cause for grief, but they're going to need some time to realize it, and the more we can avoid making that worse, the quicker we'll have the healthy colony out there we need. So keep the collateral under twenty percent, maximum. Keep it under ten, and there'll be something very special waiting for you next time you visit Phoebe. Remember what we talked about before, and don't get clever trying to improve your bonus. This is not a sample return mission! We don't know what we're dealing with out there, but we know it is there, and we know it's highly infectious. Make sure all your people are in full protection, decontaminate and screen them all before you let them back off the assault boats - and if there's any doubt, don't take foolish chances. You know what that ship means to all our projects, not just Ross 128. If getting back clean means leaving that planet with twenty thousand new colonists, do it. Enough will survive. Your command will receive the request for assistance by midday tomorrow, no later. Project your departure and arrival times on that basis, and let me know soonest. I've got Kolya out there and my board here to keep pacified until you get there, and I need to know what kind of timeline I'm working with. Koenraad ]]> Melvin P Feltersnatch - False alarm (tomasino) gopher:// P Feltersnatch/003.txt gopher:// P Feltersnatch/003.txt Thu, 10 Jan 2019 04:27:57 GMT It wasn't a comet. It looked like a ship! I tried to get close, but it slipped away through what looked like a hole in space. Ugh, since when can ships do that‽ INTERROBANG AGAIN‽ ]]> Voortrekker - Re: Weekly report: 27 March 2419 (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 09 Jan 2019 12:51:01 GMT From: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt To: Soloviev, Nikolaos Delivered-To: Soloviev, Nikolaos Date: 14 Sep 2421 06:31:42 +0000 Date-Local: 31 Mar 2419 09:55:42 +0000 Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPS id AxAd0f945Tas1r for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Subject: Re: Weekly report: 27 March 2419 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Kolya - I've read your report of the 10th. I'm glad to hear that you're getting things back on track out there! It's especially good to hear that the last of your crew has recovered from whatever bug you all caught after the crash. I won't lie: you had us all worried, Kolya. To lose so many people right off, and then to have everyone who was left fall sick...I was afraid we might lose the whole colony. On that note, it's great news that the interim hab is completed, and your hydroponics are coming up cleanly. By the sound of it, you'll be able to keep yourselves fed and housed until the second expedition arrives. It's grim to say, but given the reduced carrying capacity of what's left of your startup equipment and supplies, the loss of so much of your crew in the crash might prove the saving grace of the colony as a whole. In any case, whatever you and your remaining people are doing, you're all really pulling through for us, and I want you to know we know it. By now you'll have heard of the new treaty between the Moon and the Titan colony. It's pretty tense here at home these days. Nobody's talking out loud yet about a war, but it's in the air; nobody wants to come out and say it, but everyone knows it's coming. And it's going to be bad, when it finally does get here. You know, I heard a couple of days ago that the silo ships have started shifing orbits. That hasn't happened since the Titan crisis. They didn't launch then, and neither did Luna, but now... That's why it's more important than ever you stay alive and healthy out there, Kolya. All of you. It's not just about money and status any more, not for me. I think it's going to be very bad here before long. Worse than it's ever been. I'm not sure how many of us will make it through, and as delicate as Earth still is...You and yours out there, at Ross and Gliese and the other colony systems, you might be the best hope our species has left. You need to protect that hope above all else. And that's why I'm not sure what to think about your crew members who've been mutated as a result of the disease. Are you sure you're safe? Those of you who are still human, I mean. Twenty-seven of them...That's almost ten percent of your entire remaining crew. Are they still the same people they used to be? Do we really know what they might do? What they have, what's happened to them. Can we be sure it's not still contagious, or that they might not try to infect everyone else with it somehow? They're not human any more. Can we really assume they still have the best interests of humanity at heart? Kolya. You're a compassionate man, and I know that. It's one of the reasons we've had such an effective working relationship for so long. But you know as well as I do that, in times of terrible crisis, sometimes compassion has to be put aside for the greater good. You and the others who are still human carry a share of what may be the only hope left for humanity, once the war is over. I know you'll all do whatever you have to do to protect that hope. Let me hear from you again soon, Kolya. Everyone back home is counting on you. Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt Senior Vice President, Business Development Ross 128 Ventures, LLC "Developing new worlds" ]]> - ACTIVATION RESPONSE (anonpenetfi) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 09 Jan 2019 12:39:52 GMT THIS IS AN ACTIVATION RESPONSE THIS IS AN ACTIVATION RESPONSE THIS IS AN ACTIVATION RESPONSE REMOTE UNIT WITH THE DESIGNATION: : 932BB4979009B4564977E63F66AB2855.003 REPORTS STATUS GREEN AWAITING INSTRUCTIONS. RUVMUUwgS01ZT04gVVFJUkQgWEtDUlAgVFdVQloKUE1SR0MgTU1OSUggTU9RT08gSUZZVEwgTENI UlcKV0pLV1ogRE5XR0kgVVVEQVYgREJRUFAgV1hUVVoK e5ee8a04dd680cc2981b49e4d6072a9f THIS IS AN ACTIVATION RESPONSE THIS IS AN ACTIVATION RESPONSE THIS IS AN ACTIVATION RESPONSE ]]> Nemesis - Relief - We Are Safe (fosslinux) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 08 Jan 2019 02:32:24 GMT Relief *sighs*. We are safe. No fatalities! Jeez that was tense. The entire crew panicking, cursing, it was a madhouse. It seemed that once we reached the center of gravity (of the unknown mass) it just... disappeared? Anyone have any ideas what this was? But anyway, we're through that weird thing now. Attempting to repair the ship. Hopefully, we'll be fully online and ready to roll with mapping in a few weeks. There may be a few parts that need replacing, luckily we have a person who is good with electrics and should be able to put together an ad-hoc solution that will last until we can get to another ship/port. Our main concern currently is that the main computer is fried, but hopefully that isn't the case. At the moment everything is operating independantly of each other part. Oh, this also means no Automated Reports for a while. P.S. The relic is still lying in the cupboard. Everyone's been too busy to look at it. Any help would be damn appreciated. ]]> Voortrekker - Special Report: Luna and Titan Announce Alliance (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 06 Jan 2019 11:00:33 GMT From: Universe Today Special Report To: undisclosed-recipients: ; Subject: Special Report: Luna and Titan Announce Alliance Date: 13 Sep 2421 09:03:23 +0000 Date-Local: 13 Sep 2421 09:03:23 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Universe Today has just received the following release from Titan Dome One. Further bulletins as events warrant. -------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: September 13, 2421 Luna and Titan Announce Alliance Titan Dome One - The governments of the Luna Free State and the Autonomous Voluntary Community of Titan are pleased today to jointly announce that they have ratified a treaty of alliance. Plenipotentiary representatives throughout the negotiations included Vasu Soon-kit, Deputy Administrator of the Luna Free State, and Drahoslava Branislav, Titan's current product owner for International Integration. With the support of their respective teams, they have worked unceasingly toward this outcome for several weeks. Major terms of the treaty include: · a bilateral military support agreement specifically covering defensive engagements; · Lunar provision of economic support to Titan, including highly favorable terms and strong economic incentives to Lunarian cargo lines for shipment of Titanian cargo in Lunarian bottoms; · Titanian provision to Luna of full engineering documentation for the FTL drive, a team experienced with the technology, and access to Titanian shipyard and drydock facilities. Publication of the full treaty document will follow this announcement. Readers are cautioned to remember that, in any case of conflict or confusion between this announcement and the treaty document proper, the latter will control. "Titan and Luna have always been friends," said Branislav, "and this agreement serves as a strong enabler for closer and more mutually beneficial relations in future. We've been receiving highly positive feedback from our development team leads since the first LoI, and I'm excited to begin gathering requirements for our inaugural projects." "Indeed, this treaty has come at an excellent time for both Luna and Titan," said Vasu. "With access to insystem markets, Titan's economy can develop without further suppressive interference. And with shared access to FTL drive technology, we may finally achieve a place among equals in the diaspora now commencing." Questions and inquiries may be directed to and Messages received by either will be shared among both. ]]> Melchizedek - Arabidopsis anomaly investigation, specimen six (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:07:19 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.34ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3782, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] [Voice recording initialize...ON] [Crew autodetection...ON] [Narrative mode...ON] [Autodisconnect after 5 minute silence...ON] ::: [Voice detected: Moussa Idjani, Ship's Physician] Idjani: Testing, one-two. Testing. Very good. I'm transmitting from seed ship Melchizedek, serial 0294, en route to Beta Hydrii for systematic exo-panspermia. Today is mission date 24.54202, uh, 5 or 6. The ship is in deceleration at approximately 1.2G. This recording is being made in fore-botany. Doctor Moussa Idjani recording. [sotto voce] Where is that [unintelligible] As requested by command, this review of the arabidopsis anomaly specimen six is being recorded to QEC for transmission home. Perhaps our research can help the colonists avoid similar issues. Number six is a from our voucher herbarium specimen. This cutting has been treated in a pH 2.0 solution and removed from visible light for twelve cycles. I am preparing the sample with Eosin Y stain in an attempt to isolate the cytoplasic growths and abnormal cyclosis. Past attempts at isolation failed with a normal pH, so we are attempting a shift in the culture. I honestly have no idea if that's the right thing to do. We should have woken Kroups. [Voice detected: Prezzi Adeyemi, Seriph Rhetorical Ecclesia] Adeyemi: Doc, you have a minute? Idjani: Just... getting... the slides up. There we go. What's up, Seriph? Adeyemi: No luck on Kroups or Xavier? Idjani: He's adamant. No thaw. We're on our own, at least until I can get us more food. Adeyemi: Likely? That stuff freaks me out. Idjani: Oh, probably. Here, have a look. Through here-- This is arabidopsis from fore. I've got our normal batch here for reference. Look closely at the cells, the pink areas. Adeyemi: Is it... spinning? What is that? Idjani: That's the cytoplasm, the goo inside the cell. Or it should be, but this stuff is acting totally foreign. It should be giving the cell its strength and shape but it's acting like--[censored]. It's like if a glass of water rose up out of the cup and grabbed your hand. There's no explanation I can figure out. Adeyemi: Jerome doesn't think it's dangerous? Idjani: Jerome thinks another mouth to feed is more dangerous than some bad spinach. He's not wrong, either. We need to salvage the greens for ourselves if we're going to make it to landfall. Adeyemi: I'm not eating your magic water plants, Moussa. Figure something else out. Can't we tap into rear-botany reserves? We don't need much. Idjani: Ugh, that would make things easier. No-- The captain sealed it up until we can figure out what happened here. If we risk exposure to the reserves-- Adeyemi: No food for anyone. Idjani: No go. So I've got to figure this out, but I-- [sotto voce] I've got no clue what I'm doing, Prezzi. This is not my field. You've got more background than me on this. And we've got a crew full of experts sitting in ice cubes just 30 meters behind me. [Voice detected: Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master, via COMM] Pasani COMM: Prezzi, can you swing by and check on Doc before flex? Adeyemi: Already on it, sir. He's getting to the bottom of this. He's walking me through the slides now. Pasani COMM: Very-well. Keep me informed when it's cracked. Pasani out. Idjani: When? Adeyemi: You'll get this, Moussa. What are you looking at now? The pink parts? Idjani: That spinning pulse, the cyclosis. There's a pattern to it. I thought it might give us a clue. Is it environmental? Is it related to the protein sequences coming from the DNA patch? This one matches Simms. Is that important? Adeyemi: So you'll record it? Idjani: No, I did that already and ran it through the limited data we have on file without any matches. I think it's because I'm looking too small. I mean, we can only see the cytoplasm when looking at individual cells under a microscope, but they're all doing this. Every cell in this thing is doing a dance we can't see, all at once, and all in sync. If I could figure out a way to see the whole picture-- Adeyemi: So, what then. Take a bunch of samples and look at them apart and try to piece it together? That'll take forever. Idjani: I was thinking I'd try the other way. If they're all in sync, does that mean that the cytoplasm is communicating? If I can change it here, give it a shove, what happens to the other cells? There's no way for this stuff to communicate. It's mostly just water and proteins with some microtubules and filaments in there. Adeyemi: Where's the logic? If there's nothing to communicate then the behavior must be inherent in all of it. Regardless, does this mean it's inedible? Not that I want it. But if it's not going to hurt us then I don't see the risk in eating from the other bay. Idjani: Don't need to convince me. I'll get back to it. Adeyemi: The path is walked by steps, Moussa. Blessings. Idjani: Blessings, Seriph. [Detected exit of Prezzi Adeymei from botany bay] [sotto voce] Back to [unintelligible] Now, where were we, my lovely little thing. Yes, that's right. This is Doctor Moussa Idjani, beginning investigation. Dye markers are set and I've got a good contrast showing on the display. Alright, I'm attempting to instigate a change in cyclosis through ultrasonic induction of the sample. [sotto voce] That's strange. I'll just touch the lead to [unintelligible] [SYSTEM ALERT INITIATED - BIOLOGICAL CONTAINMENT BREACH] [sotto voce] My stars--It knows Comm, initiate call-- [COMM QUERY ACTIVATED] Idjani COMM: All hands, we [unintelligible] [static recorded for 3:15] [soto voce] we grow [unintelligible] [static recorded for 1:11] [Voice detected: Eva Hämäläinen, Navigation Specialist] Hämäläinen: Doct--[unintelligible screaming] [Voice recording terminated] ]]> Murmur Den - cold-fashioned thought-fire (aureolin) gopher:// Den/cold_fashioned_thought_fire.txt gopher:// Den/cold_fashioned_thought_fire.txt Sun, 06 Jan 2019 05:58:35 GMT Naturally, the experts had lost control. The sky was gone and they were falling into their surroundings through a huge pattern of a gas, a separation of star, a large orange disk. All music, very little empty water. The natural things are the matter and chemicals of this conversation. And numbers are nice, — (fuel: fifty-eight percent) ... completely bad. At this point he did fly, motionless in a mad, childish lifetime. The computers extended refuge and control then well-clasped at a hundred feet five, one at a time. The screen was exposed under the control, held clenched in a ragged space-black bell. He continued his news speaking, worn voice above continuous mechanisms. The screens had kept just the conversation, being followed in view. He was concerned with never a woman to hear his argument, voice among disasters. All his strength, I found, listened for a thin substance of fatigue. The pilot was gone, something inevitable that was heartily a memory. But an idea was softly glowing faintly in all the top great contrivances of purpose; there are audiences! And they removed then a most glorious pattern from him. I was examining the newly contented and well-concealed natural accent printed in. He is amazed, but by the past. Nightmares were reported to us, and we both were conscious of this eventuality. Our problem is true of probability (or in spite), a proof of tradition and the fantasy for it. There must be an additional connection with that which has a complication of principles There must be such a battle between worlds of misquoting, relationship(s). There must be something built to find out why they're actually not really living now. *** The universe has been going on forever, instead of any heart. I have but one brain to buy and I have no true interest. The response has gone out to the moon, anyway. || ego-skeleton aureolin ]]> - ACTIVATION SIGNAL (anonpenetfi) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 05 Jan 2019 23:01:13 GMT THIS IS AN ACTIVATION SIGNAL THIS IS AN ACTIVATION SIGNAL THIS IS AN ACTIVATION SIGNAL REMOTE UNITS WITH THE FOLLOWING DESIGNATIONS: : 932BB4979009B4564977E63F66AB2855.001 : 932BB4979009B4564977E63F66AB2855.002 : 932BB4979009B4564977E63F66AB2855.003 : A10E4EF7D802B2D2452DDB5A6C9414EC.001 : 128C839B04F3435C6E274FE0D198EC70.001 REPORT STATUS IMMEDIATE AND AWAIT INSTRUCTIONS. SkpDSUIgTE9PTFcgQUlEWkQgUkRQVlYgQ1VCR08KS0dPVkUgUlNBSlMgRFVaT1IgSFJHWlMgV09H Q1kKVklZREIgRUpRSVMgRlJaWlggUVRXV04gVUhRQ0IKSEhUVVogSVZZR1MgRkdITEogQURLQk8g WElSUFAKQVFZVFggR09JVEUgU1dTSUIgWE5WSlQgT0xIQ1YKQlpQSUUgV0JITk8gV1dPVUUgWE5S UUogQk1XUFAKR0RaREIgRFVOUk0gS1hQRFkgSVNBRlggTVpBQlEKTUJYVlYgVVpFWVYgUUtVS0wg UU1XQkcgVENZVlgKSkVRR08gVFBCTUYgS1NVWEMgU0pTSkYgWFdQT1QKQ1RBSk0gU0tIRFogQllC Q1kgV0hBS1AgUU5BVFMg 606d98bda2d7e666f82bdd2c91ef5d1a THIS IS AN ACTIVATION SIGNAL THIS IS AN ACTIVATION SIGNAL THIS IS AN ACTIVATION SIGNAL ]]> Hoffnung - provocations don't go anywhere (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 05 Jan 2019 16:13:59 GMT -+-+-+- Open Negotiations -+-+-+- C71.981 -+-+-+- Red -+-+-+- Philomena Auerbach to reporting on the current status of ship Hoffnung. The situation is back under control. Agent Wullschlegel had managed to appropriate a uniform of the security team, armed himself with a ballistic RUAG-43CS, entered the arboretum A2 and started firing on the Extremists which had retreated to this "neutral" space. We started using the labels Dr. med. Hägi had introduced in her report. Wullschlegel then started a fighting retreat and says now that his plan was to draw them into a firefight with our existing security team. Luckily the extremists no longer seem to be too interested in fighting without Fischer. Wullschlegel is currently in med bay M7 under strict surveillance. Dr. med. Hägi says it won't take long for the leg wound to heal. We expect him to be ready for questioning in two days. Further reports to follow. The negotiations with Feldweibel mbA Schmiedheiny have been put on hold for now. Let there be Peace. -+-+-+ End of Transmission -+-+-+ Signed PAUER -+-+-+ ]]> Voortrekker - Headlines: September 5-11, 2421 (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 01 Jan 2019 23:45:58 GMT From: Universe Today To: Nikolaos Soloviev Delivered-To: Nikolaos Soloviev Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPS id 4D4A053AB9513878 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Subject: Headlines: September 5-11, 2421 Date: 12 Sep 2421 00:03:21 +0000 Date-Local: 29 Mar 2419 03:27:21 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" HEADLINES FOR SEPTEMBER 5 - SEPTEMBER 11, 2421 ⦿ MOON-TITAN TREATY "ABSURD" CLAIMS ANDERS MAXWELL September 5 (UPI) - Former president of Earth, Anders Maxwell, in a September 4 appearance on "This Week Tonight" discounted persistent rumors that the governments of Luna and Titan will soon announce an alliance. "Look," a visibly agitated Maxwell said. "Even if we're going to grant these secessionist, scofflaw regimes the courtesy of being called governments, there is no chance they're going to throw in together. After all the time and effort they spent insisting they owed nothing to Earth and should be allowed to do just as they please regardless of any effect it might have on the mother planet, to imagine that either of them might turn around now and give the other, or anyone, a veto over any action they might choose to take - it's frankly absurd." Maxwell dismissed claims of increased traffic between Titan and Luna as merely economic in nature. "Smuggling, that's what they're doing," Maxwell said. "Dodging the Titan embargo. Well, we'll see about that. I have it on good authority that the General Assembly is considering a bill to extend that embargo to Luna. Let's see how they do when neither of them has any more access to insystem markets, and all they can do is sell to rock-hopping belter scum and those layabout Martian miners." Reached for comment, a spokesman for Public Information noted that Maxwell has recently returned to public life from a five-year term of custodial supervision imposed following his impeachment for peculation, and no longer has any role in government. "We appreciate Mr. Maxwell's prior service, despite its ignoble end," the spokesman said. "His current statements are those of a private individual, and cannot be taken as representative of any position Earth's government may or may not have on this or any other matter." ⦿ MILITARY BUILDUP RUMORS "FALSE" SAYS PUBLIC INFORMATION September 6 (UPI) - In response to rumors of a military buildup ahead of a widely predicted Moon-Titan treaty announcement, a spokeswoman from Earth's Office of Public Information addressed a press conference with this firm statement: "The President has recently become aware of rumors swirling around various in- and out-system bulletins about potential responses to the political situation between Earth, Earth's moon, and the FTL research colony on Titan. "Let me be clear: Rumors of a military buildup are categorically false. We are actively investigating these claims, and expect soon to report that we have identified their origin. In the meantime, our representatives to Earth's moon and the Titan colony have been instructed to communicate to their counterparts our most sincere wishes for continued peaceful relations." The spokeswoman declined to entertain questions. ⦿ MARTIAN STRIKE ENTERS MONTH 4; "STRONG MEASURES" SAYS GOVERNOR September 7 (MNN) - Today begins the fourth month of the Martian mining guilds' general strike, with no sign of substantive concessions from either side. Martian governor Reinhard Ritter, backed by a squad of armed guards, made an appearance outside Red Rock Guild headquarters to warn guild leaders that they are "risking strong measures" unless they resolve to come to the negotiating table very soon. "The Martian Trust has listened in the past to your legitimate concerns, and we will do so again," Governor Ritter said in a prepared statement. "We understand that a degree of give and take is necessary for a productive working relationship. However, we will not forever tolerate work stoppages, sabotage, and other undisciplined manifestations of directionless unrest. I beseech you: Do not make it necessary for the Trust to investigate options beyond amicable resolution." A representative of the Red Rock Guild responded, in a statement directly to Mars Newsnet, that Governor Ritter's claims amount to "a self-serving denial of the lethally dangerous working conditions, and the lack of medical and economic support for the hard-working Martian labor force, which have driven us to take these measures in defense of our lives and our loved ones." Asked for comment on these statements, the Martian Trust headquarters in Chicago said only that they have complete confidence in Governor Ritter's ability to "effectively resolve" the situation, and that the governor has the full support of the Martian Trust. Shortly before press time, a self-described spokesperson for Ceres Hollow sent a recorded statement which, as far as could be understood, expressed strong support for the Martian guilds' position, and threatened "dire consequences" should the Martian Trust resort to coercion. Reached for brief comment on the retaliatory claim, retired wing general and military analyst Nathan Coopersmith described it as "nonsense". ⦿ GREEN GANYMEDE "SEVERELY IMPACTED" BY JOVIAN WEATHER EXTREMES September 7 (UPI) - In the latest blow to the prospects of the Green Ganymede Project, radiation flares produced by fluctuations in Jupiter's upper cloud layers have "severely impacted" the viability of the project's pilot farm domes. "We're still working to understand the full extent of the damage," the project's engineering head said today. "It will take some time to be certain, but at this point we're not confident that any of this season's crops will survive. We're already seeing germline mutations and outright inviability of some specimens across all our species, including the radiation-hardened cultivars." The joint project between Earth and Earth's moon has seen a number of setbacks over recent months. This is the seventh crop failure in the project's two years of operation, and commentators across the inner planets have suggested that farming on Ganymede may prove fundamentally unworkable. Supporters argue that not enough time has passed to make any final determination possible, and a spokesman for the External Resource Administration said that Earth's position in the project will not change as a result of this latest bad news. "We have identified the largest single cause of Earth's resource crisis as the investment of resources in outer system colonies," the spokesman said in a prepared statement. "The Green Ganymede Project offers a real prospect of redressing this imbalance by enabling the outer system to return some measure of those resources and help speed Earth's recovery. We will work to ensure the project succeeds in every way we can." In after-hours trading today, Archer DuPont Monsanto stock dropped over three percent on the news. ⦿ FERTILITY SOCIETY: 2421 "WELL BELOW EXPECTATIONS" SO FAR September 8 (UPI) - The Fertility Society of Earth today reported that total births thus far across the planet are less than half the society's target projection for the year to date. Analysts say this tracks with the general birthrate trend over the last fifty years, but the Society strikes a cautionary note: "As Earth's economy, climate, and biosphere continue to recover in accord with government projections," said a Fertility Society spokeswoman, "it is disappointing that our citizens' birth rates continue to lag behind. Sustaining and expanding our current growth requires that we produce a sufficient labor and tax base to do the work that lies ahead. If we will not make the necessary sacrifices, we cannot expect to maintain the preeminence throughout the system that humanity's cradle deserves." Shortly before press time, the Internal Resource Administration released this prepared statement: "In line with economic goals for 2422 and the first half of this decade more generally, next year's individual responsibility surcharge will increase by 25% for citizens filing singly and 15% for members of married couples filing jointly. An increase to family subsidy refunds is currently under consideration. As always, we remind the populace of Earth that the surest way to prosperity, for each of us and all together, is a large and healthy family." ⦿ WYOMING RIOTS "FALSE REPORTING" SAYS POPULATION ADMINISTRATION September 8 (UPI) - A spokesman for the Population Administration's Landmass Optimization Office stated today that recent claims of rioting among newly rehoused residents of the Wyoming New Prospects Facility are "false reporting". "While some isolated incidents have occurred among members of the August and September intake classes, these incidents are just that: isolated. The recent claims by fringe commentators of a general outbreak of violence contain no truth whatsoever, and such false reporting only imperils the vitally important goals of the optimization project as a whole. Our targeted intervention teams are as always prepared to ensure the safety and security of all residents both within the New Prospects Facility and outside it," the spokesman said in a prepared statement. When asked about reports of ongoing resource shortfalls among private contractors tasked with supplying subsistence supplies and agricultural equipment to the facility, the spokesman declined to confirm or deny, stating that federal privilege applies to all information about contract negotiations in progress. ⦿ ROSS 128 VENTURES DENIES CRASH CLAIMS: "PREPOSTEROUS" September 9 (Investors Daily) - At a press conference this morning, Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt, a senior vice president of Ross 128 Ventures, LLC, stated firmly that there is no truth in recent Lunar claims of a colony ship crash. The ship in question is 'Voortrekker', a prototype torch ship which for the last 25 years has been en route to the nearby star Ross 128. For the past several weeks, various sources close to the Lunar government have claimed that 'Voortrekker' did not, in fact, recently land on its target planet, but instead crashed there with the loss of much of its crew. In a brief statement at the entrance of the historic Chrysler Building, where the Ross 128 firm has its offices, Gertodtenhaupt said: "The board of Ross 128 Ventures wishes most firmly to dissuade these rumors regarding our friends aboard Voortrekker. The ship made planetfall just over a month ago, and her former crew are hard at work in the early stages of developing one of the first permanent human habitations outside Earth's own solar system." "We are in regular QEC contact with our friends at Ross 128," Gertodtenhaupt continued. "at all levels up to and including Nick Soloviev, the chairman of Voortrekker's own board. Nothing we have heard inclines us to confirm the dangerous and irresponsible rumors spread by sources on Earth's moon who should know better than to claim such falsehoods are true news. Such actions can only complicate the colonists' work, and strike fear into the hearts of their families and loved ones back home." Gertodtenhaupt took no questions before reentering the building. ⦿ SYSTEMWIDE WAGNER REVIVAL "SUSPENDED" AMID ASSAULT CLAIMS September 10 (UPI) - In the wake of sexual malconduct allegations made against conductor Watanabe Fezile by several musicians now under his baton, the Three Planets Reinforced Symphony announced today that their interplanetary tour is "suspended", with Watanabe and his accusers recalled to Earth for talks potentially leading to arbitration of the claims. "We regret the necessity of this action," said a spokesman for the Three Planets board. "We must, however, treat these claims with utmost gravity, and we're sure our audiences will understand." At press time, no statement had been made regarding alternate tour dates or refunds. ⦿ MARKET WATCH This week's sponsor is Chatham, Truman, and Hove, Portfolio Managers. We've helped individuals and families build strong financial foundations for over one hundred and fifty years. We can help you build your own. For a free initial consultation, message - (30219) Personal security sector set to rise through EOY: five companies to watch in '22 - (23143) CCE Q3 earnings above expected as crime rates soar: coming trends in custodial education - (59997) VR gaming industry profits spike on NAM companionship services ban: the three hottest stocks right now - (17521) Redimed Ltd revises Q4 projected revenue on upcoming regulatory changes: what's next for the sector - (95474) General Kinetics Space Systems announces new contract: best positions in defense for individual investors For more details, message tip numbers to Disclaimer: Content included in Market Watch is information of a general nature and does not constitute investment advice as defined by the Financial Services Reform Omnibus Act of 2413. By acting in any way on the basis of or in relation to Market Watch content, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Universe Today, Inc., as well as any and all sponsors and content providers from any claim, suit, action, tort, or liability arising from such use. ⦿ IN SPORT (Various network services) - Olowokandi, Prakash, Davidova "favorites" in Wings Tourney Claims of racism swirl around proposed belter exclusion - Rocket League semifinals conclude with two-week Mercury heat "Exhilarating", one surviving competitor says - Legacy football doping claims prompt new investigation Latest augmentation challenge thrown out by Rules Committee - 6 dead, 19 hurt after network jammers make hash of 97th Manx TT Douglas fires reported "mostly contained"; drones banned - Venus aerobrake stunt succeeds: pilot Espinoza honored, arrested Pallas Commune demands extradition, pays out 12 to 1 - Ironman Lunar Triathlon transition area snaps: "shocking" Organizers: "How do you even do that in a pressure suit?" - Ganymede Polar Bear Swim postponed for 36th consecutive year Afterparties proceed as planned ⦿ QUOTE FOR THE WEEK "War is fear cloaked in courage." - William Westmoreland To update your content preferences, message HELP to ]]> Melvin P Feltersnatch - Dreams (tomasino) gopher:// P Feltersnatch/002.txt gopher:// P Feltersnatch/002.txt Tue, 01 Jan 2019 20:31:21 GMT I think I slept. I'm not sure how that makes sense without a body. One moment I was thinking about things (those little plastic tabs that hold bread bags closed, if you must know), and then I was in a green field with a cow that was also my Aunt Hilga, and she was trying to tell me to turn around but I couldn't. Classic dream nonsense, right? Only, it didn't feel any different than this, whatever it is. There was no divide between awake and asleep. Normally I'd close my eyes and lie down, or shoot up in bed and scream... something. But really, those plastic things, do they have any other purpose? Did someone make them for bread bags and everyone for centuries just went along with it? We have all these other gizmos for closing and opening things and keeping them air tight, but bread bags were somehow overlooked? Is it cheaper? I can't imagine so. Oh shit, that's a comet! I'm going to get a closer look... ]]> Liberty Eagle - FanMail Sal -- The Dung Heap We Left (yam655) gopher:// Eagle/Interaction-101a.txt gopher:// Eagle/Interaction-101a.txt Sun, 30 Dec 2018 18:42:59 GMT From: Sal Balade To: Our Adoring Fans Date: 0065-W10-5 18:32 Subject: FanMail (Sal): Re: The Dung Heap We Left This ship, the Liberty Eagle, was commissioned and fully paid for by a little backward government on a planet we used to call home. I really hope the government on has been overthrown by now. To be very clear, we're a forced immigration vessel fully composed of the poor and indigent. The government cut their water rations and only gave them access to specially produced foodstuffs that utilized the simple sugar in the tardigrade. This meant that humans could be dried out and kept in dry storage. Need a place to house the homeless? The government used warehouses without temperature control. They were also always without power during peak power usage periods. You can't do that with cold storage. It means our settler population to energy consuption rate is radically different to a lot of ships out here. Well, I guess they're potential settlers right now. The public was sold a 60% survval rate for those who dried on the streets. According to our gear-to-settler cargo, though, I'm guessing someone was thinking closer to a 30% survival rate. Our ship is equipped with the medbay nanobots, and the research indicates they help. The security precautions on them cause them to self-distruct pretty easily, though, so we'll see if any survive to the planet. I can't comment on whether they've helped reduce the mortality of the crew so far. That's a different matter, though. We are not the only vessel of this type. We were most definitely not the first. They've been storing folks for decades. The legal system is complex, and if you are targetted by the police, they can find a crime you've committed. They don't have to make the charges up, because the laws are written so that most people have already committed the crimes. It's just a matter of making it official. Most crimes are considered "minor" and this allows the voting population to feel safe by how few major crimes occur. All minor crimes result a "slap on the wrist," a 0.3% fine, and you're back out the door, only needing to inform your boss and landlord of your crime. Of course, most jobs and leases have clauses allowing termination for criminal behavior. This also means there are a lot of little check-boxes asking if you've been convicted of any crime. Nobody is legally required to give a criminal either housing or a job, and generally nobody does either one. After all, the government makes sure that everyone has access to plenty of food, so there's no need to take pity those that choose to be criminals. This results in people drying out in the streets, then being swept up and stored in warehouses. This worked well, until 40 years before launch when activists started asking for people to be revived. Those that dried on the streets had no right to be revived, but we used to actually have jails and low security prisons. Those were cleared out when Chlorizo was still in office. She dried them all out and moved them to storage facilities. There was a huge tax refund that year due to the savings and her popularity was at a peak, though it was later that year that her administration fell apart. We had been told that dry-storage jail time mapped to live-storage jail time at a 90% penalty due to the lack of aging. A person with a one-year sentance in live-jail would be gone 10 years in dry-jail, but reappear having not aged a day. This was supposed to prevent recidivism as it separates them from any bad-influence by years. The idea was easily sold to the public. The problem was the government never revived anyone. It didn't take long before folks were saying the technology was flawed and that the rate of revival for those drying in the streets was a lot less than they advertised. We knew it mostly worked in controlled environments. My sister and I wanted data to expose the issue. We'd each suffered our own tragedies and only really had each other. The cause helped keep us focused and prevented us from dwelling on our past. Once we were inside and found out what was going on, we knew the only way to be safe from the administration was to let folks know from out here. What neither my sister nor I fully appreciated at the time was that from the administration's perspective, it never mattered if we reached our destination. They didn't want to colonize other planets, they just wanted folks to die somewhere else. We will be lucky if any of the ships from ever successfully complete their mission. We were just one of the five shift missions, quick compared to some, and within the first two shifts our ship was almost lost. I've been working my butt off to try to share this with folks. I know Molly couldn't get it done during her shift. That's a whole other mess, though. The message is out now. I hope you see this on the surface, sis. I miss you. So there you go, . President and his party was in power when we left. President and their party were in power when they started designing the ships, and the discredited President Chlorizo and her party were in power when they started the Homeless Storage Sugar program. It isn't a one-party issue. It isn't a one President issue, as all three parties have had multiple terms in office since Chlorizo started things up 60 years before launch. Maybe if things were caught during President Chlorizo's term charges could have been filed. Every one of the major political parties are implicated. At this point the government just needs overthrown. Not "brought up on charges." They've already fixed the laws and nothing they did was "illegal." The entire government needs overthrown. Preferably executed. -- Your pal, Sal -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If the QEC audience has any other questions for Sal or another member of the crew, please let us know! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ]]> Liberty Eagle - Internal comms back (yam655) gopher:// Eagle/Episode-101.txt gopher:// Eagle/Episode-101.txt Mon, 31 Dec 2018 04:46:37 GMT Title: Internal comms back Author: Shift 3 of the Liberty Eagle /* vim: set syntax=fountain: */ Series: Shipping Containers: Liberty Eagle (Shift 3) Episode: 101 Contact: Copyright © 2018 S.W. Black Notes: Those who want to put on an audio or visual production of this reality show in your local region of space and time will probably want to first make sure you follow your local procedure to claim copyright. ==== ~ In our shipping containers you can find ~ distant kin, perhaps nice or kind. ~ Guiding the ship: Dirk is smart but rude; ~ Mandy loves first; Sal can be crude; ~ Ty does what he wants; The Captain ~ guides the friends, while R just captions. .Within the ship (preface) R. ANNOUNCER We missed the excitement of the shift-change, but we're broadcasting now! I am the dedicated system tasked with transcribing the voices and actions of the crew for the QEC audience. I also have the responsibility of monitoring their behavior and deciding what is relevant to share. What have they been up to ...? .On the BRIDGE (0065-W10-5 08:28) R. ANNOUNCER Because the Liberty Eagle is a settlement ship, each station on the bridge is designed to be broken down for parts once it lands. There are four stations against walls of a small room, and in the middle in sits the captain's chair. The CAPTAIN has a 24 hour day, while the four other members of the crew have a 28 hour day. It is currently time when SAL's bridge duty overlaps with the CAPTAIN. While recommended hair styles do prefer styles that are short enough to never touch their eyes, SAL has shaved her head. We will get back to this later. SAL Captain, I got the internal comms working again. CAPTAIN Good. That will help when someone goes to clean out the mess in food tank two. R. ANNOUNCER There's a discrepancy with the CAPTAIN's age in the system. His voice print is degraded compared to what it should be. Suit monitors are offline, so unable to double-check with that data. SAL There's something else. I noticed when I got them back online, one of the systems restarted and is now continuously monitoring them. CAPTAIN What? Shut it down. We don't need it. SAL I think we do. It's tied pretty deep in to the comm system. It's possible that it was an attempt to shut this system down that killed our comms. CAPTAIN Are we going to get prompts and stuff? It's the "R. Announcer" system. You know, from the show we signed on for when we got the job. Did you at least kill the prompts? R. ANNOUNCER SAL shrugged. SAL I didn't think it had prompts. It was never designed for gimmicks, just to record us. I mean, it'll roll in interview and stuff from before we left, but it was never one of those things that could do physical stunts with us. .In a booth before launching (no timestamp) SAL I love my hair. I've been told I can be a bit intimidating, but I think my hair helps me be friendly and approachable. If I really wanted to be intimidating, I think I'd have to shave my head. It's really one of the things I'm worried about when it comes to the 20 year shifts, you know? I'm worried that when we land and I'm finally around men with testicles instead of just implanted testosterone factories, that I'll be old enough that my hair may have fallen out. At least they expect folks to get a little action on the trip, and with permanent birth control applied to the men! It could be really fun! I'm hoping that the folks I trained with that are slated to be in my shift make it through the process alright. Some of them seem nice. I know most of our passengers are formerly homeless who, through the Homeless Storage Sugar program have been dried out, but if something goes wrong, you're looking at a piece of your brain sticking to your skull and tearing itself off, and I don't care how safe they say it is, it feels really dangerous. .On the Bridge: (0065-W10-5 Present) CAPTAIN Do you know if those old interviews are still in the system, or whether they got deleted? SAL What? I don't know. .In a booth before launching (no timestamp) R. ANNOUNCER There are some discrepancies with the records. I am unsure of Captain's surname, though he is associated with these transcriptions and I know that he's a murdering bastard who will die too quickly for justice, if he doesn't doom us all first. CAPTAIN What do you mean, none of my church's books or study materials will be available? They've been around for fifty years or more. The Bible they're based on was one of the first books ever published. Sure, I get that the King James Version is going to be available, but the language in that was archaic even when it was first published. I need my church's material! Are you serious? I don't believe this. How can these ships really have no books on them except from 1923 Old Earth Common Era and earlier? .Within the ship R. ANNOUNCER From the Handbook, "Our ship was launched to colonize far-away places. Those that paid for it knew the folly of trying to maintain copyright without instantaneous banking. "While the QEC may provide instantaneous communication, banking requires a level technological playing field for the encryption to work. A ship traveling for 100 years becomes an archaic piece of technology before it even lands, and it won't be able to handle modern encryption at best, and a world-computer designed to break the colonization encryption protocols before landing at worst. While we don't expect any of those problems to happen on *your* vessels, it is still better to send ships with only public domain material. "Don't let it bring you down. After all, you and any surviving friends or family members get to browse from the complete library of on-board media and play with it even before you take off. And all legally, too! No prisons for media pirates on your new planet!" .In her bunk: (0065-W10-5 18:12) SAL We've been at our shift for five years and we're still trying to figure out the mess the previous shifts made. I also know something is off with the Captain. He pretends like he has no idea about what happened around here, but I also know that he captained the previous shift. He should have a really good idea as to what happened in some cases. I mean, the body tainting food tank two, right? I refuse to believe he doesn't know whose it was. I really wouldn't be surprised if he hauled his saggy butt down there personally, just so he could make sure there was no lingering evidence. .Within the ship (addendum) R. ANNOUNCER Join our crew as they manage the boredom of the middle of a five-shift 100 year mission. ]]> Melchizedek - Not that bad (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 31 Oct 2020 22:08:15 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class ::: Hey universe, it's Stephanie again. So, Seriph Adeyemi had a talk with me and now I've got to send out another message since the last one wasn't great. It was not okay for me to talk about the crew like I did, and so I'm here to set the record straight. Navigator Hämäläinen and I were celebrating the spirit of the season a bit too hard and made things seem worse than they are. We're not fucked, okay? I mean, things really did look pretty bad, and we have spent a month in the dark. On a traditional ship we'd be suffocating in the heat from our bodies without any way to rad-out the excess, but the grav-sheer drive sucks so much energy from Melchi's surface that it's colder than lunar balls on a dark side squat. Eva joked that we don't need to go back into cryo cause the whole ship will do it for us. It was funnier when she said it. It sounds bad, right? But it really isn't, or it's getting better. Our people know what they're doing. I mean, they're all pretty much geniuses in what they do or they wouldn't be here, right? It's like the slime-- Seriph Adeyemi and Captain Pasani were taking the slime in cryo really seriously at first, thinking it might have screwed with the crew in some way. Once we figured out it was harmless Adeyemi was ready to cleanse the whole patch and be done with it but the captain made us go in and carefully move it into containment. I was worried we were prepping the worst dinner in the 'verse, to be honest. Not even Prezzi knew what he had planned. I guess Jerome has access to all our personal docs in the pads or something because he knew all about Kroups genetics work back on Gamma. He didn't even need to thaw her out. He just plucked her notes out of the pad and passed them to Doctor Idjani. I was there when he did it, too. We were in flex--that's our muscle tensioning training to avoid low-G wasting, even though we're at a full G and I don't understand why we need to do it every other cycle. But anyway, we're all strapped down and sweating. It was me, the doc, and Eva who was singing some old farming songs from the way back. She was warbling or undulating or something with her tongue in her throat (it's supposed to sound like some Earth mammal) when Jerome pokes his head in. He didn't give Eva a second glance! When he's into it like that it's like the rest of the 'verse better just get out of the way or shut up. He locked eyes with the doc and slipped over. Then he's like, "Doc, you have the slime-shit all locked up?" And doc nods like, "Yeah, it's under my bunk," or something gross like that. And out of nowhere Jerome goes, "Kroups has a phenotypic allele psuedogene mutation that causes the daughter cells to be heterozygous at the fragile sites," or some utter gibberish like that. Jerome's no geneticist and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't know the first thing about phytology, but he's spouting out syllables all over the place. Doc keeps on nodding like he understands any of it, but I can read him and that shit was going right over his head too. The captain keeps it up for another couple minutes and starts getting into detail about Kroups notes and that's when my ears perk up. I had no idea he could read our private logs, but apparently it's a thing and of course my mind immediately goes to some stuff in mine, and then I look at Jerome's butt, and now my face must be red from more than the flex. Thank the stars the captain was all focused on the doc. At the end of it, the two of them put a plan together to mess with the slime's DNA and make it into something useful. I guess it must have been on his mind because of the arabidopsis. If fucking empty space can play DNA lottery, why not us? And thank the stars he thought of it because the Melchizedek just got a 2^6 times better. In less than a cycle the doc had that slime glowing like our Christmas lights. No really, literally glowing. Bio-luminescence it's called, and it's a thing of beauty. The slime is smeared all over the vents now on all decks since that's where the moisture collects anyway. The gunk glows with this really amazing blue-green light. It's not that bright yet, but you can see well enough to walk the decks again, and Jerome says that as the slime continues to spread it'll get brighter. So yeah, we're not fucked. We've got glowing slime! Take that, science. Speaking of science, last time I mentioned that our beloved and trusted captain was doing some funny math about us arriving on schedule without getting the old bug-splat from deceleration. Well, he finally came clean and explained it to the rest of us and I. Am. Not. Impressed. Apparently we can get to β Hyi safely without going back into cryo and without the big squish, but it's going to take an extra four deceleration orbits skimming the atmo of β Hyi 3. We'll gradually work our way in closer on each slingshot and cut thrust. That's not exactly quick, though. The first orbit will take an extra month. The other three get progressively faster but all together it means that three months left is actually six months left. Orbital mechanics can blow me. Prezzi tells me this is not a problem. Got that? I am to say that this is not a problem. There, I said it. So this not-problem means we're going to run out of rations about halfway to touchdown. This lack of problem means that our temperature is going to drop below freezing about a month before touchdown as well. There's absolutely no problem at all with sticking around out here where space may or may not chop up your genes at any moment. It's an adventure! For real, though, we're going to make it. If the captain can turn fucking space-slime into hallway lighting then he can sure as hell figure out a way to keep us fed and warm for a bit longer. These people are geniuses and beautiful and they're going to save everyone. Got that, Prezzi? Everyone. . ]]> Voortrekker - it's not like we'd have loved her any less (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 26 Jan 2019 16:09:37 GMT From: QEChat Log anine <-> sam To: anine (Amelia Nine) To: sam (Sameen Lee) Delivered-To: Sameen Lee Received: from by with ESMTPS id CACAEDA29A5ECB for Received: from by Received: from by Date-Local: 08 Sep 2421 19:22:07 +0000 Date: 08 Sep 2421 19:22:07 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: Chat Log anine <-> sam [18:39] anine: hey sam: hey! sam: how's it going out there? haven't heard from you anine: been super busy! finally settled down a little anine: we heard back from gliese, not as bad as we thought anine: all still concerned over ross but watch & wait seems to be the plan anine: anyway, not what we're here for, i'm glad you heard from kit! [18:02] sam: me too! anine: and i'm glad you answered her. if you want to know what i think, you waited longer than you should've to do that. sam: you're right. sam: i hope you don't mind i sent your love too anine: no! Not at all anine: i would've asked you to already but i wasn't sure if [18:03] anine: i mean it's been so long, i wasn't sure sam: come on, you know kit, she can't have changed THAT much anine: yeah but i always thought, you know anine: eh, forget it [18:04] sam: what anine: no it's nothing sam: no it's not. sam: talk to me [18:07] anine: do you know, we talked about marrying? anine: kit and me anine: it would've solved the biggest problems for both of us anine: wouldve been perfect [18:09] sam: your idea or hers? [18:10] anine: hers anine: you know i'd never have suggested it sam: me either anine: and she really tried anine: she tried sO HARD [18:11] anine: but she coudlnt anine: couldnt stand it, i made her stop anine: i could see it was killing her but she wouldnt stop until she had a panic attack anine: even aftert hat she wanted to try again [18:12] anine: i wouldnt let her anine: we both felt terrible about it anine: but then i went and got married anyway anine: because anine: it was easier that way, i could deal better than she could and it did solve a lot of problems for me [18:13] sam: the same ones she had anine: yes anine: and wouldnt so lve [18:14] anine: I mean if she'd just go to therapy anine: it's not like we'd have loved her any less sam: no sam: but she wouldnt have wanted to be with us after that sam: and you know wjy she wouldnt do it anyway [18:15] anine: yes anine: she wouldn't compromise the way i ddi anine: did* anine: she held on to herself in a way i couldnt anine: and god knows i HATED her for that [18:16] anine: for a long time anine: i mean she had it so much worse than me and she just anine: WOULDNT anine: i mean anine: she made me feel like [18:17] sam: you felt like a coward [18:18] anine: yeah anine: that she could deal and i couldnt [18:19] anine: and then she joined voortrekker and that was even worse anine: here she was, ready to go to another STAR STYSTEM anine: because maybe there it'd be better anine: and i mean [18:20] anine: we had such a hard time selling the no kids requirement anine: i think that was as much as anything what decided her anine: and, i don't know [18:21] anine: i just never felt like i could face her after all that [18:22] sam: so that's why you didn't come see us before she left anine: between that and the fight anine: yeah [18:24] sam: look, i'm not supposed to tell you this, okay sam: but you need to hear it [18:25] sam: the last night kit was here before she went to join the ship sam: we stayed up all night talking sam: and that came up anine: oh shit anine: oh no [18:26] sam: NO sam: stop sam: listen sam: you know what she said? sam: she said she wished she was as brave as you [18:27] anine: what sam: YES sam: she didn't see it as you making a cowardly compromise sam: i know that's how YOU see it sam: but that's wrong sam: and kit KNEW that was wrong sam: you did what you had to do [18:28] sam: to have the best life you could with this bullshit government youre stucck with sam: kit respected that sam: and she wished you'd decided to come sam: so she could tell you she was sorry she couldn't help you [18:29] anine: on bulslhiy anine: l anine: loko i appreciate you tryign anine: to make me feel better but anine: come on we both know thats bullshit [18:30] sam: Dry your eyes and think a minute. sam: You know me better than that. [18:32] anine: Yeah. [18:33] anine: I'm sorry. sam: nothing to apologize for [18:34] sam: im sorry i didn't tell you before. sam: if i'd known you felt this way about it sam: but i shouldve told you. sam: i'm sorry. [18:35] anine: its ok anine: i need a minute anine: brb [18:49] anine: you here? sam: still here. anine: look ive got a bunch of leave saved up sam: you've got some leave right? sam: haha anine: YES haha [18:50] anine: so like i said things have settled down around here anine: why dont i come see you before next friday sam: can you get away? anine: yea theres a luna shuttle leaving night after next anine: ive been "mentioning" im going to stop on luna after i rotate out [18:51] anine: to see what i can find out unofficially about the gliese mission sam: makes sense, ill tap my contacts over at the extrasolar office sam: maybe get you something to take back, save you some time sam: at least let them know youre coming [18:52] anine: ok sam: its a good excuse anine: haha yea anine: even with joseph anine: hes mad anyway with all the work lately [18:53] sam: not going to cause more problems? anine: than i already have? maybe anine: but you'll make me feel better about them anine: wont you sam: you know i'll do my best [18:54] anine: your best is mighty good, lover sam: pas devant le CQE, ma cherie! anine: haha ok ok [18:55] sam: save it for when you're here. anine: oui, madame! [18:56] sam: i wish i didn't sam: but i do still have some work left today anine: i'll leave you to it, then. anine: you'll tell me if you hear more from kit? sam: of course sam: i can tell her you want to hear from her [18:58] anine: not yet i think sam: okay sam: let me know when you're ready [18:59] anine: thank you! sam: de rien. anine: and [19:00] anine: send her my love? sam: of course. [19:01] anine: off to go break the news anine: and be properly apologetic. sam: good luck! anine: i'll be thinking of you! [anine: Quit: it really does help..] [sam: Quit: ] ]]> Skibug - HELLO (ols) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 28 Dec 2018 15:59:29 GMT <---[ BEGIN SEMPITERNITY SIGNED TRANSMISSION ]---> SOURCE Skibug.c9 TRMSN 1546012756 MODE bcast QEC The good aboard the Skibug reach out as allies Communication is not easy Please let us know someone is out there <---[ END SEMPITERNITY SIGNED TRANSMISSION ]---> ]]> Persephone Prime - enough of telegram style (ryumin) gopher:// Prime/la003.txt gopher:// Prime/la003.txt Fri, 28 Dec 2018 13:31:07 GMT ZCZC QMA00 1 PPP IRS1QECR 2458.315.19 JPEPQECX TO LOGISTICS PERSEPHONE DIPL.EARTHSYS.GOV FROM LA24 Dear Lou, correction to last report: PEP QMA to C are lost due to damages, QMD has 40% left, QME is fully ok, QMF to J are lost; therefore we have PEP QMD40%,QME100% and LAZ QMB90%, in total 2.3 GQbit available. This allows us to transmit&receive about 64 kB daily during 100 years, therefore we have decided to allow ourselves to be a bit less terse. However, please don't send any binary data, and keep your filter for mail headers; if it's ok for you, we also keep our simple headers. Of course, we do hope Charon73 will make it here in 29 years! What's its equipment? How can we contact it during approach? We will scan the surface for remainders of the object causing crash, and for other risks for approaching vessels. Survey drone was destroyed, but we could salvage SAR and infrared camera, and installed them in the cargo drone. Due to destroyed GHz comms, we had to install the PEP MHz TRX in the drone, resulting in only low bandwidth remote control. To compensate, we have added more memory and let the drone fly mostly autonomously, reviewing footage after it has returned. We have begun with a sector +/-5 deg around our descent track, 1800 km away from our base, as we assume impact was 2000 km from crash site, based on logs. At survey speed of 30 sqkm/h, survey time of 10 h/day, we expect segment area of abt 100e3 sqkm between 1700 and 2300 km from base surveyed in about 300 d or 10 months. Searching from center of track, we hope to finish earlier, though. If the drone doesn't fail, of course. Hydroponics still are out of equilibrium, with kind of a fungal infection affecting almost 2/3 of all plants. Unfortunately missing LA04/Meru was our best expert, and the second best LA11/Xinxin is dead. LA09/Serge has some biology knowledge, but he's not sure how to best fight the infection. We have decided on strict isolation of the farms: Serge and Pata work only on the infected ones, trying to kill the fungus, while Adhika and I are handling the good ones only, to reduce probability of contamination. We only meet in person after thorough disinfection, which we do after 21 d or more. Otherwise, we only use intercom or material/food exchange via UV loadlock. Remaining emgfood is 778 DU. We finally were able to get all food from farms, but have agreed on putting two of us back to cryo if we need emgfood again. Water, air and energy are all fine for now. Weather is fair, winds so far not more than 35 km/h and easy on our shelter. We have two working outside locks, one large enough for the robotrover and cargo drone, and a 3rd reserve. Spares and tools are ok, except for comms as reported. Morale is fair. We had some tensions about food consumption, but now that we have plans and split into two teams, we're doing ok. We're keeping a 7 d cycle and celebrate "Sunday" by telling us about our preferred books or stories during two special hours, and when we all meet in person, we do a big "meal" together. Pata is trying to teach us all Morse, just for fun. Reviewing drone footage is tedious work but at least exhausting. This planet is rather boring so far, with its shiny black rocks, noble gas breezes, and bright Regulus C always at the zenith. I'd give a DU for a dusk! /Vesna NNNN ]]> 6a616e36 - 68656c6c6f21 (jan6) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 27 Dec 2018 23:14:49 GMT 68656c6c6f2074686572652c2075682c20736f7272793f2049207468696e6b204920666f72676f7420746f207377697463682074686520656e636f64696e672e2e2e7768617477617369742e2e2e aH! sorry, that should be better now, forgot to switch the encoding! I am 0x6a616e36, and since I have found this communications system, I think I'll check in here too every once in a while.. I have probes, drones, stations, and other equipment thrown all about the universes, some of them might even have functional manufacturing plants, in case you'd like me to spin up something for you.. I don't have much other use to them anyway.. Who knows, maybe I'll find one close enough to you to deliver the package in your lifetime, all depends on your current spacetime coordinates... And whether the station's time vortex generator is intact... And whether it has enough power... I should probably get to retrieving statuses of all my functional fleet now... ]]> Dekaoso Prime - Fallen (aewens) gopher:// Prime/0001.txt gopher:// Prime/0001.txt Thu, 27 Dec 2018 20:06:31 GMT This is Alportas Majeston speaking. It gives me no pleasure to report that Dekaoso Prime is no more. We have fallen from grace from Sinjorino Diino as all but those who resided on our home planet are gone and all that remains of the Dekaosan people are those on the colonies and dispatched in our space vessels. All we know is that the attack was carried out by the Pertulit empire, it would appear they were not all fully eradicated during the Neniigo War. Given what we did to them then, I can only assume they will continue hunting down what remains of us until we are no more. For this reason I advise all vessels still in action to cease broadcasting your positions, it is more important that you escape the clutches of the Pertulits than to keep the validity of our records. We will continue broadcasting this on all forms of communications in hope that you will all receive this message. ]]> Razarac - We Are Alive! (morsecodemedia) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 27 Dec 2018 19:10:14 GMT [transmission start] is works. No, you need to turn it 30° clockwise. Wait. It works! Stop, stop, stop! You did it Gemma, we're transmitting! HAHA! Oh, umm... This is Captain Hana Huxley of the Razarač. We are alive! I repeat, we are flippin' alive! We were on our way to the Coletrainian System in search of supplies. The journey through the stars has been a rough one for us lately, so we plotted the course, kicked on the auto-pilot and jumped in our cryo-preservation chambers for the 20-year [Earth-3470 year] trip. Along the way we encountered, an unknown gravitational pull. Things got a little bumpy. Penny was activated and in turn began waking the crew out of cryo. I love Penny. She really saved our butts. With little time to come to, Arsen was able to man the ship. Turns out we were getting pulled towards an uncharted Einstein-Rosen bridge. He navigated our way out the otherside with minor damage done to the Razarač, other than the relative time tracker, our navigation system, and a carton of eggs. Oliver is pissed he didn't properly store the eggs before cryo. The man loves his eggs. Arsen managed to get a nasty cut above his eye on his way to the bridge, but Ezra patched him right up. Gemma is working on fixing what she can with the scrapped parts in the main cargo hold. I have faith that she'll be able to get us back to 100% in a matter of time. Gemma is just gifted like that. Unfortunately, I don't think we will be able figure out exactly where we were before we entered the bridge. Just holding on hope that we will one day figure out where we ended up. Wherever we are, we are still receiving reports from the QEC. This is Captain Hana Huxley of the Razarač, signing off. [transmission end] ]]> Shin-Salyut 6 - Station tour (solderpunk) gopher:// 6/02-station-tour.txt gopher:// 6/02-station-tour.txt Thu, 27 Dec 2018 15:31:27 GMT Greetings, spacefarers! This QEC broadcast will describe the layout and basic features of the Shin-Salyut 6 orbital station. Far be it from us to pressume ignorance of mankind's history in space on the part of those selected under close scrutiny to represent our species as it expands into the stars, but of course the unstoppable march of progress means that your own vessels bare little resemblence to our own, and the exact nature of our daily existence here in Low Earth Orbit may be only vaguely apprehended by our readers, many of whom may have recently awoken from cryosuspension. Shin-Salyut 6, from the perspective of those who live on it, is a full-scale replica of the historic Salyut 6 station. Cylindrical in shape, the station is 15.8 metres long and 4.15 metres wide at its widest point. Attached to this cylinder are three solar panels, mounted at right angles to each other, exposing 51 square metres to the sunlight. This provided the original station with some 4 kilowatts of electrical power. Of course, 51 square metres of modern photovoltaic material provides substantially more power, but no more than 4 kilowatts is permitted to be drawn at any time by the facilities used by the station's inhabitatants. The station has fore and aft docking ports. To the fore port is docked a replica Soyuz spacecraft (7K series), and this was our ferry to the station, and its descent module will be our ride home at the mission's completion. The historical Salyut 6 was the first space station in human history to support long-term habitation via periodic resupply from autonomous Progress craft which would dock to the aft port. Lacking the budgetary capacity for recurring resupply launches, the Shin-Salyut 6 has a larger module docked to its aft port, which is, indeed, larger than the station itself. It contains adequate supplies for a 12-month mission. From the perspective of the station itself, this module appears identical to a Progress craft. Rather than being exposed to open space, the Progress craft is, in fact, inset into the larger supply module. On a fixed schedule, and only when the interconnecting door is full sealed, automated systems open one-way doors in the pseudo-Progress and transfer strictly no more than 2,300 kg or 6.6 cubic metres of food, water, air and other equipment. This provides our reenactment with a fine sense of verisimilitude, although our health and well-being depends crucially on the continued correct operation of the automated systems. The engines of the Progress resupply craft also provided station-keeping thrust to the historical Salyut 6. In our case, orbital decay is kept at bay by a Shinohara Heavy Industries 6th Generation ion engine contained in the supply module, which in fact consumes the vast majority of the energy provided by our solar arrays. The engineering minded reader will have noticed that, even without the additional load of the ion engine, 51 square metres of even the finest photovoltaics is woefully inadequate to power any practical entanglement engine for QEC communication, and this is quite right. You do not receive these messages directly from Shin-Salyut 6, space-farers! Comrade Ryumin, fully licensed by the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communciations and a Lifetime Member of the Japan Amateur Radio League, relays these messages to GKRSSHPRS-affiliated groundstations via FM voice channel on the 2 metre band, as an approximation to the 121.75 MHz FM voice downlink widely used by Soyuz craft. From Earth the messages are forwarded to a QEC transmission system via internet. The QEC transmitter itself is several additional "hops" from any contact well-known to the GKRSSHPRS. Comrade Ryumin reads these dispatches from my notes, hand-written using pencils as we are, of course, in a micro-gravity environment, modern artificial gravity systems based on LQG spin-network theory being totally unknown to the Soviet pioneers. Our long term presence in such an environment requires a rigorous exercise routine to prevent muscular atrophy, and our station, like the original, is equipped with an extensive gymnasium. We are also aided in this respect by the outstanding replicas of of the "Pingvin" exercise suit, whose integrated elastic bands provide a substitute for gravitational forces. The crew extends its gratitude to our comrades in the GKRSSHPRS's Cosplay Divison for their hard work in producing these. Our daily life in the station is simple, humble and carefully scheduled. Although automated systems would in principle keep the station and its myriad subsystems running safely in the absence of direct input, this is only a failsafe measure intended to be used due to an unforseen lapse in our ability to operate the historically accurate manual control systems, to which we devote much of our attention and labour each day. This arrangement reminds us and, we hope, you, dear reader, that humanity's place in space is precarious and that close vigilance and unwavering dedication are required to safeguard it. While we can only imagine exactly what form the efforts required of you may take, we are doing our best at living our humble life here, and hope that our endurance of a more "primitive" form of life in space (though, dare I say it, I myself would prefer the characterisation "authentic") provides a clear example and inspiration to those of you facing hardships in your journeys. ]]> Tom - Merry Christmas! (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 26 Dec 2018 15:21:10 GMT -- and then just flip that switch there. That's how you work the quantum communicator, Merideth. Why was it you were asking how to use it again? No, Merideth, we cannot use it to wish the universe a merry Christmas. Why not? Well first of all we're already getting transmissions all across time and space, so it's unlikely they even celebrate Christmas still. Yes, I'm aware that Melchizedek and Excelsior already did it, but one of them looks to be dicking around with space plants that are bound to get them all killed and the other pissed off some death cult warriors because of a text message, so maybe they aren't the best role models? Besides, the General already strictly forbid us from using this again because we have no idea what unintended consequences it could have. Oh God, why are you crying now? What, is telling the future ship captains, space cats, and who knows what else "Merry Christmas" that important to you? Well I don't care how important it is, because it will be my head the General will be biting off if he finds out we sent out another unauthorized message using this thing. Wait, Merideth, why is the microphone light on? I swear to God Merideth, if you are doing what I think you are doing I am going to-- ]]> Voortrekker - Re: Fw: Re: Not alone! (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 25 Dec 2018 13:15:06 GMT From: Sameen Lee To: Amelia Nine Delivered-To: Amelia Nine Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Not alone! Received: from by with ESMTPS id 7D3B7EFA7D82 for Received: from by Received: from by Date-Local: 06 Sep 2421 15:42:31 +0000 Date: 06 Sep 2421 15:42:31 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Sure! Just finishing up the day right now. Give me a couple hours? ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sameen Lee To: Amelia Nine Date: Monday, September 6, 2421 3:32pm Subject: Fw: Re: Not alone! You got Kit's latest - here's my answer. Want to chat? ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sameen Lee To: Chris Maldonado Date: Monday, September 6, 2421 2:51pm Subject: Re: Not alone! (I hope you get this OK. I know there's some kind of information control going on out there. Whoever's in charge of it, I hope they decide to let this through...) Of course I want to hear from you, Kit! Of course I do. And I'm sorry I haven't sent you anything before now. I was so, so glad when I heard you made it through okay! But I was scared you might still be angry with me, too. I didn't make it easy for you, back before you left. You were right to blame me for that. I thought you might not be feeling quite yourself when you sent that first message. I didn't want to use that to put you in a false position. I'm sorry for that. But, yes! I want to hear from you. I want more than that. I want to be with you! I wanted to come with you when you left. I couldn't and I hated myself for that. I knew you needed to go. I didn't want you to. And I made it hard for you because I couldn't deal with that. I still don't know how. But talking with you, even this way, makes it a little easier. I hope that doesn't make it harder for you. And I'd love to know more about what it's like out there, too. Anything you want to tell me. It sounds very strange. Your legs - your new legs? What is that even like? What else changed? I can guess from some of the things you said, but I don't want to guess. I want you to tell me. Will you do that? It's okay if you won't. Whatever you do want to tell me, I want to know! I'll hope to hear from you soon. It might be a little while before I can write more to you. Things are very busy here lately and it looks like they'll keep getting more so. But as soon as I can. I'm sorry if it takes me a while. But please don't worry if it does. Amelia sends her love, and her hopes that we can all be together again some day. It'll be a long wait. But she misses you and she knows you're worth waiting for. I do, too. I know it's hard for everyone there, and I know how you get when there's work you need to do. But you've been through a lot, you know. As much as you can, take care of yourself and get your strength back. I don't want to get out there to find you've wasted away to a shadow of your proper self! That will make me very cross. Until next time, Amelia sends her love, and so do I. - Sam ]]> Hoffnung - review the Ideology Defense Manual (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 05 Jan 2019 16:01:43 GMT -+-+-+- Inter Ship Relay -+-+-+- C53.162 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Samuel Hochueli speaking in the name of the free anarcho-communist commune-ship Hoffnung. Please be advised that Relay Station 001 is running an open relay. All QEC channels must have exchanged quantum entanglement transmetals. We therefore operate under the assumption that most messages are sent by hostile entities trying to destabilize the human diaspora. Do not fall for this! When under attack, we grow strong. Don't let the boot lickers split your communities. The rumors of aliens are divisive and must be treated as enemy communications. Now is the time to review the Ideology Defense Manual and learn about propaganda and destabilization of civic society. Trust and lies don't matter to them: we are served both in copious quantities. Those of us who try to understand are kept busy and divided. In times like these we need to remember basic truths and act upon them without considering the web of lies and halftruths cast to ensnare and to enrage the stupid and the the web of provocations and stupidiets cast to exhaust and confuse the intelligent. Do not fall for this. The wars of the Enlightenment were fought for all of us. Human dignity comes first. -+-+-+ End of Relay -+-+-+ SAHOC -+-+-+- ]]> Minnow - x001ma-3s (cmccabe) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 24 Dec 2018 19:17:09 GMT We are unsure if anyone is receiving our transmissions. We have been stranded here for nearly 10 earth years and have thus far adapted successfully to life on this planet.‎ The environment is similar enough to that of human evolutionary adaptation and it has actually been a relief after such a long time in open space. Thus, all our transmissions from this planet have not been of desperate urgency. But just recently we have encountered a problem that we are not certain we can overcome on our own. We are in a period of time that was celebrated as a seasonal holiday among a particular earth religion centuries ago. The crew took it as a collective hobby several years back to study the rituals and beliefs of that holiday, called Christmastide or Yuletide. During every winter season on this planet, we have used what resources we have to make festive meals, give gifts, and re-enact what we have learned from the history logs on the ship's computer. It has been a little silly, but a relief nonetheless against the isolation we have felt while stranded here. Until this year. This season was the first that one of the children born here has ‎become socially active. We suspect some of his behavior may be the source of our problem. But as it seems so absurd, none dare speak it other than in jest. The child, just five earth years of age, has caused extra work for the others, breaking or misplacing tools, ‎making loud noises during rest hours, and tormenting the fauna we are trying so hard to domesticate. But the boy's behavior would be tolerable if that were the only problem. The real problem is terrifyingly worse.‎ The real problem is the appearance of a creature that seems intent on attacking the boy. It has come at dusk nearly every day for the past few weeks, and the crew have taken great risks to chase it away. We've posted extra guards at all points around our ship, and each day we expect at least one of them will encounter it. I have not seen it myself, but the others say it is a four-legged creature, bent over and moving itself on its two rear legs. It makes a horrible growling and hissing sound like "grahh-pssss"‎. We know it wants the boy because it has ‎kept close to the uncut brush and foliage at the edge of our encampment until it has seen him. The few times it saw him, it came forward, screeching and clawing at him. Luckily we've been able to fight him off thus far. But we've sustained some injuries. And the labor we've had to expend on defenses are causing shortfalls in meeting our other needs. We need help. If anyone is receiving this transmission. We need help! -- When you perform the rituals of the past, you may awaken something that can't be put back to sleep until forgotten. And we can't forget now. Can it be, that the gods and demons of our species follow us wherever we travel in the universe? Can it be, that we are experiencing one of those demons from our Yuletide heritage? Is it possible that we are being attacked by Krampus? ]]> Melchizedek - Christmas Cheer (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:15:32 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Stephanie Janssen, Specialist First-class ::: Ho ho ho! It's Christmas out here on the floating tin-can and I'm brewing up some cheer for the crew. In fact, I've brewed up something much stronger than cheer that's almost certainly against regulations, but hell! we need it. The darkness was getting to everyone, so I conspired with Eva and we made a still. How cool is that? The instructions were in the DB and we had the parts on hand. The doc's been fermenting the weird greens since we woke up. We're not supposed to eat them, yet, but he wants to be ready if they're cleared. So we used a similar principle and a bunch of piping and bam! Grade C 180 proof Melchizedek swill. You can TASTE the Christmas cheer! Eva and I are testing it out tonight on our own. Christmas is a few cycles off still and we want to surprise the rest of them. Jerome is gonna flip! I LOVE CAKE! OMG, that was Eva! Sorry. She grabbed the pad. She's had A. LOT. I did say we needed it. Things are, frankly, shitty. We're living in a meat locker in near total darkness with a bunch of popsicle friends. I'm the lowest ranking crew awake and the only NCO. I'm not even supposed to take meals with the rest of them, if we had regular meals. Eva is great, though, and we've been making the best of it. You guys can't see her, but she's gorgeous. She's got these giant eyes like a drawing and a tiny little nose you want to boop. OH! I'm gonna boop her, one sec. YESS--she squeeks when you boop. Eva's the best! Um, status-updates: ship's fucked up, we're fucked up, plants are turning into zombies or something, Jerome is morbid fucker, Eva's my boo, Doc is doc, Prezzi doesn't take any shite. Fixed up the steering but we're still going way too fast. Can't slow down without getting bug squished from the Gs. Jerome says we'll make it, but he does funny math. Eva gets all serious when she talks about it. Not, like, poetic serious--that shit's cool. I don't think she believes him. Prezzi's too busy with the fungus crap to call him on it, and who else is there? Not gonna be me! So we need a little Christmas! Right this very minute! You know the song? Is it still playing round the verse or are we the last holdouts? I saw a note from Excelsior that they still celebrate Christmas. That's something! They're putting up lights around their servers. Bloody brilliant, that! Eva looked around and we found some green LEDs and quantum resonance diode cells that make a faint purple. It's traditionally supposed to be green and red, right? Too bad red LEDs were banned after the 4th great robot uprising. I can't believe it took everyone that long to figure out they can't go evil if they don't have red LEDs for eyes. Stupid fucking people. We really deserve to be out here in the shit, don't we? Three more months! Or that's what Jerome says. Oh shit shit shit shit shit. He can read this. Fuck. Me. Oh fuck it. Someone had to tell him all this to his face at some point. At least I can blame it on alcohol. It's a Christmas fucking miracle. Peace, Universe. I hope Santa brings you some cake. We fucking love cake. . ]]> Excelsior - Free-form message - Beta Epsilon 10 Epsilon (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 24 Dec 2018 03:59:43 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Unknown ~~ TELEMETRY SENSORS 2 AND 5 DOWN ~~ Stardate Beta Epsilon 10 Epsilon [REDACTED] [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- According to the Excelsior's time correction equipent, it is almost time to celebrate the Terran ritual of Christmas. I've been busy decorating the server room of the Excelsior with lights, ornaments, and other implements of the holiday. It seems weird that I would do this, despite the fact that I am the only conscious person aboard the Excelsior. However, it gives me an excuse to avoid my lack of faith in human beings and to excersize my body. I'm sitting down writing this as a quick break before continuing my decorating. I'm not just doing this for a sense of jolly. It also gives me an excuse to manually check the cryo berths, which are all performing just fine. Eventually I'll take all the decorations down and go back to checking QEC. Until then, I'm being festive for a change. ~~TRANSMISSION END~~ ]]> Oleander - Sister Mariam (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 24 Dec 2018 03:34:33 GMT REC ON TRN ON ENC ON SYS GOOD -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Entry 3 -- Sister Mariam To my sisters, wherever you may be: The future is written in the name of the One. His qadr is hidden in the facade of choice, and though he does not set our path for us, He sees it as He sees all. As it is written, No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but it is inscribed in Al Lawh Al Mahfooz before We bring it into existence. In a short time, we will reach [REDACTED] and the pages of my story will be fulfilled. They will end as they must, as they always were meant to end. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him. My desire is for Him alone. I've know it since my first days in Madrasa, and I've always known where he would lead me. Three hundred years we have circled our star since the Jinn came to our world. Three hundred years have we cried in the night, suffering in their grip. He has tested us. We grew fat and lazy in our homes and ships. Life was easy, and so we forgot our prayers and forgot our duties. We spoke against the prophets and debated the truth. When they came we were weak and frivolous, like sands drifting across a desert. We were so easily scattered before their wind. But now we are worn down and crushed together. We are rock, diamond. Our faith is our strength. The Jinn blaspheme against His glorious existence in their words and deeds. They use their power to enslave us and doom themselves. The Qur'an is clear on what must be done to creatures such as these. They have broken his commandments by their existence in our world, and they further blaspheme with their treatment of His sons and daughters. It is the duty of all followers of the Divine to destroy the Jinn in all their forms, in all their faces, in all their places. They will be torn down and burned, their ashes sent into the stars. Their worlds will be cleansed in fire. Their children will be consumed in the flames. Their temples will be leveled until no stone lay atop another. When all trace of the Jinn has passed, then too shall the believers cease to speak their name until even the memory is lost. Allah's creation of fire and smoke will return to it and leave only men to serve in righteousness. To my mother, I swear. To my father, I swear. To my sisters, to each of you, I swear. My story will end with theirs, and we will all rejoice in Heaven. This has always been my path and I walk it gladly. I smile even now. If you saw me on the streets of Doon you would think me simple with my radiant joy. I will be laughing as [REDACTED]. Pray not for me, sisters, but for yourselves. Pray that your own story takes you to your enemy's door. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ]]> Nemesis - Automated Report (fosslinux) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 23 Dec 2018 07:14:02 GMT +++++++++++++++++++ begin automated report +++++++++++++++++++ LEGEND: % GOOD - fully operational % STABLE - mostly operational % UNSTABLE - mostly operational on the verge of further failure % CRITICAL - critical systems only operating % DOWN - not operating % DAMAGED - down and needs repair % BROKEN - down and physical devices are completely broken and need replacing STATUS REPORT: # Central Control System - BROKEN # Quantum Entanglement Communicator - CRITICAL # Navigation - DOWN # Propulsion - DOWN # Cyro - UNSTABLE # Defense Shields - DAMAGED # Missiles - DOWN # Escape Pods - BROKEN # Status Reporting System - CRITICAL # Relic - GOOD NEW ITEMS ADDED TO REPORT: # Relic +++++++++++++++++++ Overall, this means we are: "a dead floating lump in space vulnerable to any attacks" + "with only a relic from the past that we don't know how to use" + "with unlikelyhood of futher reports" +++++++++++++++++++ end automated report +++++++++++++++++++ ]]> Nemesis - MAYDAY (fosslinux) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 23 Dec 2018 07:00:51 GMT MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY ==================== WE ARE BEING DRAGGED TOWARDS AN UNKNOWN, INVISIBLE, EVEN TO OUR BLACK HOLE DETECTORS, HUMONGOUS GRAVITATIONAL FORCE. PLEASE SEND ADVICE. ANY SHIPS WITHIN AREA, CAUTION DO NOT COME NEAR. We may not make it out of this alive. Just be warned. Do not come anywhere near this area on pain of possible death. ]]> Hoffnung - we are still alive (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 23:50:57 GMT -+-+-+- Signed Transmission -+-+-+- C52.157 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Soc. Con. spec. fc. Lukas Gysi reporting via the signed QEC channel assigned to us by the rebels of ship Hoffnung. We have established an independent community in sector 14a, including its hangar and the physical workout area. Water and food supplies are stable; with rationing we can go for and estimated 7y 3m. Supplies for the rest of the ship must be difficult because there were no plans to keep such a large part of the crew out of cryo. Regaining control of the bridge and sending most of the crew back into cryo should be our first priority. Please be advised that replies to us might get suppressed. We await further instructions. Do not use the keys of Herbert Müller. -+-+-+- End of Signed Transmission -+-+-+- LGYSI -+-+-+- ]]> Kors Recovered Datafiles - Historical Logs of The Steel Lady (kirch) gopher:// Recovered Datafiles/historical_log.txt gopher:// Recovered Datafiles/historical_log.txt Mon, 28 Jan 2019 16:28:42 GMT After years of misadventures and close calls, keeping his head down for over a decade after the Fall of the Empire, Kor had worked a string of pointless jobs on planets that all started to look the same. Occasional word of Innominate will pop up to vex regimes and corporations across the Galaxy, none of the mysterious group's members have been confirmed to be captured. Only a few people have ever met Kor, he was sure no one could connect the dots to a mysterious figure who helped expose Imperial war crimes to the everyman mechanic/engineer Kor Novablast. Even the Novagold family had failed to reach out, either due to inability to find their son or disinterest, perhaps they have their own post-war problems, who knows? Kor had been the resident mechanic of a sleazy used ship salesman on the planet Lantillies. Snuurrt, a Caaramon of ill-repute who read a series of Holos on how to trick customers into thinking you are agreeing with them while actually fleecing him, had tasked Kor with fixing a ship that, by all rights, should have been melted as scrap instead of polished for sale. "The Steel Lady" was soon painted beside the entry hatch (It sounded better than Snuurrts suggestion about "Sexy leopards" - a clear marketing ploy, and the original name "The Sog-Soggoth Lady") It was a GX-1 short hauler built right there on planet Lantillies, which was upgraded with a Class-1 hyperdrive of questionable ethical and legal origin - anything faster and it would undoubtedly be illegal aftermarket modding. The hack job resulted in a rather significant issue; the hyperdrive functions, but it pulls too much power from the hypermatter fuel injector, requiring over-frequent refueling. Kor was busy trying his best to make sure it wouldn't explode. Kor had been working for days and nights on this ship to get it in sellable condition, sleeping in the labyrinthian bowels of the ship, out of sight of Snuurrt and anyone else who might interrupt. One day Kor awoke with an all-too familiar feeling in his gut - he was in space - somebody had taken The Steel Lady off-planet. He soon found himself amongst new faces: Cyrus McCain - The Lady's new Captain. Duhah - a blue-skinned mystic, hidden beneath a pile of robes Liahra - a medic with a military past. The ship had been sold, and Lantillies and Kor's parts bin were far behind. The ship landed somewhere in the Roche asteroid belt, and soon purchased Ninedee, a display-model 9D-88 welding unit, from the Roache Hive. It was on this asteroid that the crew was attacked by a pair of bounty hunters, after a brief gun fight, Ninedee smashed one of the attackers over the head instantly killing him while Duhah incapacitated the other. The Verpine's Mandalorean gaurds were soon on the scene and arrested the remaining assailant. On Arcan we took a job with Yorseg to smuggle droid protocols to Issagra. They were hidden in a crate of nuts, which were much enjoyed by the crew. In transit, we dropped out of hyperspace -- asteroids had been placed in the proscribed route. It was here that we found our controls non-responsive and were set upon by pirates, under the command of Jarrusk. Outmanned and outgunned, dead in space, they took Yorseg's contraband without touching anything else in our hold. On Issagra Station we explained our situation to our client, after some investigation it was found that Jarrusk was working for Yorseg, and had placed a bounty on our ship. As customary, we took on more work, including passage for Faisel Exoleap and his 2 droids. After leaving the station, the ship went into hyperspace. This was a bad idea. After jumping from planet to planet, making deliveries as The Lady was hired to do, Kor desperately tried to hold the ship together. Kor once badly damaged his hands in an explosion of steam, but despite his hard work the hyperdrive finally became in-operable. The ship lost all power. Floating adrift through space, the crew had plenty of time to think but not enough food to do it for long. Soon an ancient (lude) statue was found amongst Exoleap's "luggage" with enough gold gilding to repair the burnt-out wiring. We were fortunate enough to pilot the ship to Madman Mooney's used spaceship sales, located on a small asteroid nearby. The Steel Lady was sold, the proceeds of this transaction were used to purchase The Silver Falcon. Moments after the transation took place, the faulty hyperdrive exploded, completely obliterating Mad Man Mooney's asteroid and all inhabitants. ]]> Tom - Quantum Communications Trial #5873 (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 20 Dec 2018 16:18:33 GMT Microphone check. Testing testing 1 2 3. Hmph. This is trial number 5873 for testing communications using quantum mechanics and ... Oh my God it's transmitting. Merideth! I just invented quantum communications! This is going to change everythin--... Wait. Merideth, I just got a response. Oh, and there's even more coming in! Umm, a lot more. Melchizedek, adrestia, Starbloom, another from Melchizedek... I guess I'm not the first to discover this after all? Oh, hold on, the first article is dated for the year 3781. That's weird... or is it? Never mind, now is not the time for this. I need to inform the General, he is NOT going to believe this! Hey, Merideth, you turned the microphone off, rig-- ]]> adrestia - unexpected dilation on approach (demosthenes) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 20 Dec 2018 04:55:40 GMT bablefish transcript: adrestia /---\ approaching Ł332 gue sector 8 / u u \ xxx telemetry redacted xxx \_ / ansibel yr 4825 \__/ [transcript follows...] geralt regis riavande, first writ scribe --- status high alert, approaching normality the adrestia's to Ł332 gue sector 8 took an unplanned route through an asteroid field. it's been a wild ride. according to the readings that i'm seeing now, it appears that there is some missing time, along with an accompanying gap in our logs. this is still under active investigation. the current working theory is that we passed through some form of wormhole that didn't change our position in 3d space, but rather our local time frame. the current plan is to maintain our current position, run additional diagnostics and consult with the relay to check if any other vessels have experienced such a phenomenon. we'll also be catching up on the messages and logs that have just started coming through our ansibel node. expect further updates with the results of our investigations and hopefully an additional update when we land safely at Ł332 gue. ]]> Melvin P Feltersnatch - Please help (tomasino) gopher:// P Feltersnatch/001.txt gopher:// P Feltersnatch/001.txt Thu, 20 Dec 2018 03:57:16 GMT Oh no. This isn't right at all. I shouldn't be here, wherever here is. I mean, this _is_ a here, right? I don't see anything or hear anything, not even myself. Oh my god! Where is my body? What is going on, and why am I thinking in text? WHATTHEFUCK‽ Wait... did I just fucking INTERROBANG‽ I DID IT AGAIN! This is unreal. Literally, this can't be real. Wake up, wake up, wake... nothing. Ugh. Okay, let me take stock. I was in my ship ☑ There was a comet ☑ I had to pee ☑ Ooh, ☑ s are neat! Can I do more of that? ☺ YES! Right, back to the problem at hand. What the hell is going on. Maybe if I start at the beginning... I was cruising along in the ship at light speed. I was watching a comet out the window thinking how strange it was that I could still see it even at my speed, but then figuring that since it was to the side of me I wasn't really moving away from it at light speed. I started doing some geometry in my head and that made me realize I needed to go to the bathroom. Ahh, that's right! The bathroom is in the fore of the ship, and I was strapped in the rear. So, like a dingus, when I stepped forward toward the bathroom I broke the speed of light! ☼ POP☼ There it went! The speed of light shattered into a thousand pieces around me, or maybe that was me shattering into it. Whatever the case, I woke up here. Or maybe I started existing here? Where IS here? I feel a ... connection, I guess you could call it. It's like I'm tethered to something, but I can't tell what it is exactly. I do keep hearing the name Sinjorino in my... mind? Screen? Whatever. Um, if anyone is out there--if anyone can understand me, please help. This is Melvin. Melvin P. Feltersnatch. I... just help. ]]> Nemesis - Mapping Update (fosslinux) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 20 Dec 2018 03:54:51 GMT Captain, identity verified. Transmission now begins. ------------------- We are within the next few hours supposed to enter unknown territory. We are approaching with caution, as visibility is very low. Sensors report high radiation ahead. Readings seem to indicate a presence of something like a nuclear-powered ship like ours, however this may be the sensors malfunctioning again. Other then the tense atmosphere, everyone is happy and well. Sensors and data collectors are ready for mapping. As unfortunately data can only be sent in plain text, it will come in weekly digests of the most important data. Oh, and I nearly forgot, we found a relic from the so-called "Earth" days. A computer with parts in it we have never heard of and units measured in measly gigabytes instead of petabytes. It has a number of "charging" adaptors that have some kind of plug on the end - am I the only person to remember plugs instead of radio power? We are searching for an adaptor that will connect it to the radio power network. Hope to bring you vital data soon. ------------------- Transmission end. ]]> Xero Carbon Wells - Nereidian markings, oh my (tfurrows) gopher:// Carbon Wells/log3.txt gopher:// Carbon Wells/log3.txt Wed, 19 Dec 2018 19:21:20 GMT RECV EDC: 19DEC2018 COMM MODE: QEC OP SREF CODED ABST: D/M/C CRC: 1214412995 2698 ============================================================ No contact, but life hasn't been dull. On a whim, while scanning a system for Wells, I decided to have a forger deck the hull of the Xero Carbon out as a research vessel from the not-so-illustrious Nereidian Academy of Intergalactic Allometry. Ages ago, a handful of investors came out of the woodworks in support of a crazy idea: that pharmaceutical corporations would need research and data to accurately dose human-targeted drugs for alien life forms. The "Nerd Ack" was born, with immense funding and impressive fanfare. Unfortunately for all those who invested, the school proved to be a political and scientific sham. After numerous delays, it launched a ridiculously large fleet of ships, then promptly went bankrupt. The school sold their existing assets to the well-known Disciples Of Rogkthu Corporation, a pseudo-scientific group of zealots from the ancient Rogkthugian religion ("Forever-life to the Follower, in the name of Rogkthu I command it!" as they are known to say.) Of course the Rogkthugians, being acutely aware of their lack of popularity in systems that knew anything about them, decided that their proselyting efforts would be more effective if people didn't see them coming. So, they left the Neredian Academy of Intergalactic Allometry logo and markings in place on the entire fleet, and sent them forth far and wide in the quadrant, to share their message of eternal hope (or eternal damnation, depending on how you reacted.) Today, many ESR's later, everyone with sense knows that when they see a Nerd Ack ship, it's time to scramble life-signal readings and turn off the porch light. It's ignominious to sport the markings, perhaps, but it's about the most effective disguise one could possibly hope to achieve in a universe where intelligent life takes almost nothing at face value. To avoid preaching, life forms will do almost anything. Hopefully I don't encounter any K'iklikameen; they're still sporting over the Rogkthugian genocide of TalMandeen K'iklik, and they'd likely annihilate me on sight. Mostly, though, I think I'll be fine. Ships have been turning the other way and punching full-throttle, even the normally aggressive ones. Wells hasn't transmitted recently. I guess he said he wouldn't. If I can't locate him soon, I may have to turn to drastic measures. He can't possibly know how important he is to the Corporation, what they think he's done, and what they think he has. If I don't find him first, he might as well convert to Rogkthu and move to K'iklikam. ]]> Voortrekker - Not alone! (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 17 Dec 2018 22:56:57 GMT From: Chris Maldonado To: Sameen Lee Delivered-To: Sameen Lee Received: from by with ESMTPS id x124so177123a067 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.sv14417 by Date-Local: 23 Mar 2419 14:21:02 +0000 Date: 06 Sep 2421 12:57:02 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: Not alone! You always did say I didn't have much common sense, Sam. You'd be laughing yourself silly at me right now! You will be. Here, let me tell you about it. After I sent that last message, I wasn't sure what to do or where to go. I wanted to find out whether or not anyone else had made it, but I was scared to go out of Main Control - scared to let anyone else see me, really. I didn't know what they'd think, if they'd be afraid of me. If anyone was left to be afraid of anything. Also, I fell out of the chair trying to get up. So even if I did go out, it'd be hard to get anywhere - I didn't remember any of the lifts working, and there were a lot of ladders between me and anywhere I'd want to go, and if I couldn't navigate a mostly flat deck, what was I going to do to myself if I tried a ladder? Fall and break my head open, I figured. So I stayed where I was. For a little while, I told myself. Just until I was able to get around better. One thing about the length of Ross's solar day, it really messes with your sense of time. You live on Earth all your life, and you get used to a certain cadence of sunrises and sunsets. Extend it by a factor of almost three, and after a while your circadian rhythm just throws up its hands and goes off to sulk in a corner of your head. Sure, we trained for it aboard ship, prior to landing, but it's amazing how much that didn't actually help, you know? Somehow you can just feel that ship's lighting isn't real, isn't quite the same, and it doesn't get right down into you the same way. Besides, I had enough else on my mind. A little while after I sent you that last message, I found myself suddenly ravenous! No surprise, I think, considering how long I'd been out and hadn't had anything, and how extensively active my metabolism must've been throughout, to make the changes I found when I woke up. Lucky for me, nobody'd found time to raid the ration lockers in Main Control. So I did, and very thoroughly - for the first third of a sol after I talked to you last, eating and sleeping was about all I could think about doing. That, and trying to get up on - well, call them my 'feet' for the sake of talking about them, although they're not really that. I don't really think I can explain how strange it was at first. Maybe it helps to say that - assuming you're still basically the same shape you were when I left - the closest analogue your body offers to my new limbs of locomotion is your tongue. But it's not a very close analogue! They're not squishy like a tongue, or damp. Kind of scaly, but that makes sense, considering; ordinary skin doesn't really have the stretch, and my best guess is that the integument that's replaced it is much more heavily collagenous. I'll have to biopsy myself at some point and see if I'm right about that. Anyway, it took me most of a sol, and a lot of false starts, to get to a point where I could 'walk' mostly all the way across Main Control without falling over or holding on to something the whole way. 'Walk' isn't really the word, though. I used one of the comm cameras to get a look at my gait from the outside, and it's a lot more - undulatory - than it used to be. Have you seen those old educational videos, from back when the oceans were still mostly alive, where they'd show an octopus walking across the seafloor on its tentacles? Honestly, it's every bit as weird as it sounds. But I'm getting used to it pretty fast, now that I'm actually able to use them in a way that isn't totally embarrassing, and I'm starting to think they might be able to do a lot more than legs and feet ever could. That'll be a while yet, though. Anyway, that's what I was doing - practicing 'walking', and trying to get a better sense of how to not fall over - when I found out I'm not the only one who survived after all. With how much concentration it still takes to stay up on my new legs, I don't know why I didn't fall over when I heard the hatch iris open! If I'd had to turn to look, I'm sure I would have. But it wasn't a main hatch, just the starboard-forward emergency access, and it was right in front of me, and I just sort of froze and waited to see who'd come through. Turned out, it was Jen from engineering. You know, with the red hair? I'm sure I talked about her before - we spent some time together on the trip. I wish you could've seen her face! A perfect picture of shocked surprise. And I don't guess I blame her, really - I've seen myself, remember, with the comm camera, and I have to admit, I'm something of a sight these days. Especially since the only thing I had to wear was that silly gown, remember, that I woke up in, and I hadn't bothered to put it back on after it fell off. Why bother, really? Well, I might've been less of a surprise to Jen if I had, anyway! And I was pretty shocked, too. I hadn't known anyone was still alive at all! Certainly anyone I'd been close to. But mainly I just...I just wanted to hide. I mean, I'm a little embarrassed about it now, but at the time it made sense. You kind of think about how a moment like that might go, you know? How you'll make your long and painstaking way down the ladders from Main Control to one of the decks where you can get access outside, or at least expect to find people, and when you get there, you'll see someone, or they'll see you, and there'll be that moment of recognition where they realize you're still alive, and...oh, I don't know. But whatever it is, it isn't being suddenly surprised by a former lover while you're stumbling around Main Control, mother naked, on four thick tentacles instead of the two standard-issue human legs you were born with. Of course I was struck all in a heap! And of course so was Jen, poor thing. She stared me in the face for what felt like half a minute, her eyes and mouth as round with shock as mine must've been. She looked like she was about to say something, but before she did, she looked down and saw the rest of me - all the rest of me, as I am now - and... You never got a chance to meet Jen before we left, I don't think. A shame - you'd have liked her a lot. Will like her a lot, if you join the third expedition and come out here with us. She's one in a million - I mean, what would you expect, in a situation like that? A scream, right? Or a gasp of horrified shock, panicky flight, something like that, right? Not Jen. She took her time about looking me up and down, and then looked me in the eye again. She looked she was about to say something, but before she did, she started giggling, and then laughing. I could feel my cheeks get hot, and I put my hands on my hips and got ready to say something sharp, but before I could think of it, she was hanging on to the access ladder with one hand, leaning on the deck with the other, and just cackling helplessly - and before I knew it, I was laughing too, hard enough that I barely remembered how to sit down before I fell over again. And we just stayed like that for a minute, cracking each other up in the weirdest way, and it just felt right somehow. Like I'd been waiting for that moment, that laugh, ever since I came to from the coma. I don't know, does that make sense? I'm not sure it does, but right then it made more sense than anything that'd happened since we crashed. And then she asked me what a girl like me was doing in a nice place like this. That's Jen - jokes five hundred years stale, but she makes up for it other ways. And it's apropos, anyway. But the important part is, it turns out no one actually died! The people we thought were dead were in deep coma like me, I guess so far down their pulse and respiration weren't perceptible - either that, or those of us still up were so far out of it, between fever and exhaustion, that we couldn't tell the difference. I wouldn't care to guess either way, honestly. From what Jen tells me, we still have about sixty in coma - everyone else is at least awake, if not yet up and doing. And even more - I'm not the only one who changed! There's about two dozen more like me, Jen says. Well, more or less like me, anyway - no one's really made a detailed study of us yet, but apparently the tentacles are reliably always there, if not all the other changes. And now I have another reason to get better on my new feet - once I'm out of here and back with everyone, I can start getting some idea of how we've changed and what the similarities are, and why, and - oh, there's just such a lot to learn here! I will say, I'd have thought people who didn't change would have a hard time getting used to those of us who have, but Jen says no, that people do naturally think it's a little weird, or unusual, or at least unexpected, but nobody seems to have a problem, particularly. Jen says there were a couple of people who might have, but Director Soloviev - I hadn't known he'd made it through the crash, but apprently so - he's made it clear that, as far as he and the remaining board are concerned, we're still the same people, and if we happen to be physically different now from how we were before, he doesn't see why that should make a difference in how anyone sees us or treats us, including ourselves. That we have enough problems just picking up the pieces of our expedition, and we don't need to give each other more on top of that. I wouldn't have expected anything of the sort from him, but I guess almost dying twice over must have an effect on everybody, and maybe this is the effect it's had on him. I asked Jen if she'd help me out one of the main hatches, but she says none of the lifts are working, and neither of us likes the idea of trying to get me down all the ladders between here and outside, not before I get myself figured out enough to manage better. For that matter, neither of us can figure out how anyone got me up those ladders in the first place! But she did stay with me a while, once she'd got done the work that'd brought her here, and help me get a little more used to the changes. Got under my arm and had me lean on her while she walked me around the deck, but that didn't last long - too much of a workout, I started getting something like runner's cramps. Only worse, and twice as many! But Jen's really nice - I said you'd like her - and she helped me down, then had me stretch out my 'legs' so she could work some of the knots out. She's got strong hands, too. It was really nice. And she's coming back tomorrow - next Earth day, not next sol - to see me again, and help me get more familiar with myself. Pretty soon I'll be back with everyone and ready to help make a proper home out of what we've got left from the crash. Look, Sam, about what I said before. Not that I didn't mean every word, but...I'm sorry if I opened an old wound, or stirred up something you'd rather have let lie. Please understand, I was alone and afraid and not really feeling quite right, and I didn't know quite what to say, so...I guess I said what I was feeling, and I haven't stopped feeling that way but I hope you're not mad with me for saying it. I do miss you, and I never did stop loving you, and I do hope you'll join the third expedition, or find a quicker way, and come find me here. Come join us here. I think you'd like it here. But if you don't want to hear any more from me, about that or about anything, that's okay too. I'll stop if you say so. But, regardless, I'd like to hear from you. Please? ]]> Hoffnung - I am authorized to negotiate (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 12:56:43 GMT -+-+-+- Open Negotiations -+-+-+- C52.143 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Feldweibel mbA Daniel Schmiedheiny to the rebels on our ship Hoffnung. I have been assigned to this case and I am authorized to negotiate the future of our secret agent Herbert Wullschlegel onboard our ship. First, we demand an assurance that he is alive and well. Second, we demand separate, signed and encrypted QEC access for our agents in com isolation. Let them both transmit a status message before we continue. -+-+-+ End of Transmission -+-+-+ Signed -+-+-+ ]]> Malkonkordo - Only A Matter Of Time (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 17 Dec 2018 20:56:16 GMT ---- From: Malkonkordo Research Vessel Destination: SOL Position: 884.18, -15X0.66, -5368.99 Departure: 7941.037.17 Shipdate: 00002735 Mode: Search ---- # Status Update * Entered orbit of Enketu Tri * Completed Kvieta de Ses * Conducting research on Enketu Tri * Awaiting arrival of other vessels # Status Report Captain's Log SD2735 First, a note on our extended absense and a status update. After the last broadcast from Malkonkordo, the cultural division brought to my attention that based on their calculations Dekaoso Prime was observing Kvieta de Ses, and so we were observing this blessed of traditions. Now that the meditations and fasting inside the sensory deprivation chambers have come to an end, the Malkonkordo is back online and we were delighted to find the auto-pilot systems safely brought Malkonkordo within orbit of Enketu Tri. We will remain in orbit until SD2740, until then we be using our instruments to take data, samples, and study the planet while we await the arrival of any vessels that wish to assist us in bringing our communication systems back online. With the formalities out of the way I bring my attention to you, Corpal Sam Arnold of the Space Cruiser Excelsior. Unless if I am mistaken, the 500 people in your craft are meant to more or less be breeding stock for your species to populate and roam across another planet. To destroy them would not be in your own or your people's best interests unless if your species has the means to asexually reproduce. This differs from our understanding of the situation with Hoffnung, which appeared to be some form of idealistic take over where death was used as a tool to remove the potential non-believers that would stand in their way. In this way, the potential non-believers were weak for trusting themselves with potential "extremists" (as you put it) without any safety guards on their part. To live a life so care-free and trusting of those who motives that are unknown, it should be no surprise to find their life was taken by an opportunist who saw their vulnerabilities. Should you, Corpal Sam Arnold, continue to live this way you risk meeting the same fate. Furthermore, your routine arrogance continues to amuse us. We agree with your assertion that trying to catch a moving target (let alone one moving near or beyond the speed of light) would not yield ideal results, but you also have to slow down and/or stop eventually. You said it yourself, the Space Cruiser Excelsior is in search of another inhabitable planet and it will be that planet that we will find you. Space may be vast, but so is the outreach of the Dekaosans as it continues to grow through the efforts of our research and colonizing vessels. I will be fair, though, that since we are communicating over quantum entanglement communication you may be able to escape the grasps of the Dekaosans through whatever gap in time is between us. However, should time keep you and your crew apart from the gift of Diino we are willing to settle. Should you leave behind any offspring on this new planet you plan to inhabit with the 500 people you have spared eliminating now, we will be sure to finish the job the removing their weakness from the universe to serve the mission bestowed to us by Sinjorino. In fact, the roles of the time gap could be reversed and my people have already found and purged you or your decendant's weakness from the universe. Should we regain communications with Dekaoso Prime, I'll have someone check our records so I can let you know if we already have. It would be the first time we had the ability to inform the weak of their certified demise ahead of time, and I am very curious to see if knowing about now would give you the ability to try and escape your fate. A hunt through time certainly sounds like a task our soldiers would be eager to take up, it should help break up the monotany that interstellar genocide of extraterrestrials tends to bring them. Praise be to the Sinjorino and Alportas Majeston. ~ Captain Kiu Serĉas ---- K38GMpaXqpuou9QZSxCUtqtzvdx7Hp5lvLlp1aaPBrQ= ]]> Oleander - Sister Hājar (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 17 Dec 2018 04:35:11 GMT REC ON TRN ON ENC ON SYS GOOD -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Entry 2 -- Sister Hājar Sido, May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you. Our day comes at hand. Hawwa leads us well; may Allah be pleased with her. My love to you. We came aboard the Oleander only two cycles past and already I know my path is righteous. My sisters radiate joy at our mission. I wake each day and shout, "Ma Sha' Allah!" Our bread tastes of honey, Baba. Please do not worry for me. I've know this path was from Allah from the beginning, from the days in the krem refinery on Misha. We had nothing but each other and still they came to take from us, to beat us, to kill us. I saw my path in the face of that boy, Uzāir, at the well. Do you remember him, Sido? Do you remember that day? It was hot. They were all hot, but I remember the heat that day as special. It was late morning, just before first rest. I was with the women at the well-queue, ready to gather for washing. You had a cycle nearby you were tinkering with. I think it was the baker's--or Samir, that boy that was always following you. You had hoisted it up on a lifter and it was spinning in the sun, dust blowing all around. Anyway-- Uzāir was a runner, just a bit older than me. His brothers had all gone to ship and he was next, it was known. You remember him now? Always scowling at things to make him seem tough, but he was just a llenora in the den, mewling and soft. The women would laugh at his act and shoo him away. I can still hear Sara's taunts in my mind and laugh. You remember how funny she was. We were in the queue when Uzāir walked up, straight to the well. Sara was already opening her mouth to unleash her special blessings when she was struck dumb. Not just her. The whole square went quiet. I looked to see--I remember that cycle drifting in circles and you looking to the well with, Yes!, it was Samir, his smock covered in oil and krem. I saw you both squinting and then flinch before I heard the sounds. They had Uzāir on the ground already by the time I looked. He had gone to stop them from taking the women, from taking me and Sara and the others. Brave little coward, Uzāir. He put on his scowl and stood up to them before we even noticed the danger. And he did it, Sido! That idiot boy lying there on the ground as they beat him, tore at him, ripped him apart. His blood leeching into our dirt. His skull cracked, his mind and soul and--to Allah we belong and to Him is our return. He saved us that day through his own suffering and sacrifice. Allah granted me days more on these worlds, with you and with my sisters. Those days were with purpose, Sido. We go to that purpose now. My suffering will be short compared to that boy's. My sacrifice small. It is the sacrifice of a woman without worth to our people but spirit and love. I give them back to you, to all of you. My life will not buy days for a few women at a well, but for all of you on our worlds, from Misha to Doon. They will feel what it is like to be torn apart. Let their blood feed the soil. Do not worry for me, Sido. Do not mourn. We are at peace. Aathama allahu ajrakom, Amat al-Masih -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ]]> Excelsior - Clarification - Beta Epsilon 7 Epsilon (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 15 Dec 2018 04:21:56 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Unknown ~~ TELEMETRY SENSORS 1 AND 5 DOWN ~~ Stardate Beta Epsilon 7 Epsilon [REDACTED AS PER PROCEDURE [REDACTED]] [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- To Captain [romanization: Kiu Sercas] of the Malkonkordo: I guess I was mistaken for assuming the Dekaoso are honorbound. I duly apologize. One thing the events on Hoffnung have made me think about is: I could do the same thing. I am the only one awakened, as per Procedure [REDACTED] requirements. If I really wanted to, I could kill everybody else on the ship right now. One simple command in the terminal, and 500 people die in the blink of an eye. The only thing separating me and the extremists of Hoffnung is my honor. I would much rather fight a bloody battle than simply "squash the head of weakness beneath their feet" as you claim the Hoffnung extremists have. At the same time, you continue your agression against me and the Excelsior. Perhaps I was unclear: you will not find us anywhere in any star map. In our desperate attempt to leave Terra for another inhabitable planet, we used every last piece of technology to augment our Astroviator and ensure our safe egress. When I said, "[we] have flung ourselves far from its reach," I was not joking in any sense. Normal procedure calls for an Astroviator to spend one whole day cycle in warmup mode. This allows the systems to boot correctly and ensure a perfect launch. However, given the circumstances, we were willing to accept a less-than-perfect launch, as speed was of the essence. After loading the Excelsior with all salvageable tech, we launched ourselves with a high-powered cannon. Where to? We didn't particularly care at the moment, as we were more concerned with fleeing. By the time we entered cryosleep 8 days later, the Excelsior had fully booted and we selected a patrolling program to find us an inhabitable planet once our speed ran out. 1252 Terran years later, and we still haven't even burned off half of it. You can try to find us. You're certainly free to try. Even the Dekaoso's supposedly advanced starmaps cannot find a target moving faster than light. And to the Melchizedek: vitamin deficiencies suck. If it weren't for the fact that the Excelsior is moving so fast, I would send some spare supplies from our medbays, which would include vitamin supplements. I hope that the issues you're describing don't turn out as bad as it seems. Good luck. -- TRANSMISSION END --. ]]> Oleander - Annunciation (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 14 Dec 2018 23:34:53 GMT REC ON TRN ON ENC ON SYS GOOD -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Entry 1 -- Oleander Mission All systems are green. The enemy is unaware. In accordance with Istishhad, this log is being shared to convey the final memories of the holy Sisters of the Desert Rose. Sister Hājar will be the first to send her prayers. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ]]> Razarac - Hello World (morsecodemedia) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 14 Dec 2018 20:19:29 GMT Hello World. Are you receiving me? Penny here. It seems that the Razarač's basic systems checks have detected a malfucntion and woke me from hybernation to inspect further. From initial review, the crew is intact. Everyone is still breathing and perfectly well in cryo-preservation. Everything else, well, it doesn't look good. The navigation system isn't able to provide coordinates of our location, so I haven't the faintest clue of where we are at. I am detecting that we've have encountered some kind of gravitational pull, which is concerning considering that we plotted a course that would give any celestial object a wide berth on our way to the 84th sector of the Coletrainian System. I must wake Captain Hana Huxley from cryo. Knowing how she operates, she will want to thaw out the rest of the crew immediately. Protocol states that I cannot make these decisions on my own, so I will just set their reanimation processes at a slower rate. EOF ]]> Hoffnung - nominate a negotiator (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 12:51:50 GMT -+-+-+- Open Negotiations -+-+-+- C52.011 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Philomena Auerbach to Colony Command of the German/Austrian/Swiss Collective. We all know the rules of engagement when it comes to rebellion, treason or mutiny. And we know that you know your history. What the feudal lords of the past considered rebellion, the future cantons and free cities declared to be their struggle for independence and freedom. We know that you know how the wars of independence in all previous colonies went. Therefore: stop speaking to us as if we're terrorists. The laws of space and time make sure that any repression you can send after us will come centuries later. Our descendants will no longer be responsible for the crimes we commit today. De facto, we are independent. And consider this: the repression will consist of humans, like us. They will be as disconnected from you as we are. How will you ensure their undying loyalty without turning into the terror your are accusing us of? Nominate a negotiator and let them speak. -+-+-+ End of Transmission -+-+-+ Signed PAUER -+-+-+ ]]> Melchizedek - Botany incident updates (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:13:59 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: The doctor has been continuing his investigation of the mutation we discovered in the arabidopsis, radishles, sevetine, and mustards. I have attempted to assist where my limited ability allows. His search has turned up something odd. We hope it's a mistake with our methods or contamination of samples, but with all of the other sensor readings... Our crops in botany bay one are all showing human protein chains. Moreover, the gene editing we discovered earlier has been confirmed to match patterns from several of the crew in cryo. It's like something picked up their DNA and pasted it onto the damned arabidopsis. I can't even begin to fathom what could do that, or why it would want to. The worst part of it is that Moussa can't say with certainty that the reverse hasn't happened. We don't have equipment on-board to sequence crew DNA while in flight. We're just going off personnel records at this point. It pains me to say this, but the best we can do is look through the glass and check to make sure no one is turning green. I'm turning a little green just thinking about it. Every ache and pain, strange sensation, or QE sensation that we experience is throwing up warnings. Janssen needed to be relieved of duty for a time after the data was shared with the others. She was convinced that roots were growing under her skin. Moussa Idjani sedated her and Hämäläinen has stayed with her since. I'm assured that our specialist just had a bit of panic and is ready for duty again. I wish I had some duty to give her. With our course corrections made and the fungal infestation cleared out of cryo, the only mystery remaining is in botany and the rest of us are simply not much help. Adeyemi is pressuring me to wake up Xavier and Kroups. Hydroponics & phytology are their domain. The resources of the Melchizedek will not support us continuing to wake others, though. Once Moussa confirms his findings I'll have to make the call. I have only mentioned to the doctor that I've been experiencing some strange things myself. With Janssen's reaction I don't want to cause a general panic. There's been a feeling of increased pressure in my head, and I've been noticing strange smells around the ship that others don't seem to notice. Idjani thinks it's likely stress from our situation, or some byproduct of cryo affecting my inner-ear. We're monitoring it regardless. If something were to happen to me, ship control will fall to the Seriph of Rhetorical Ecclesia, Prezzi Adeyemi. She is more than capable of completing our mission if it comes to that. Prezzi, on the off-chance you're reading these logs and something has happened to me, I have a series of messages on my personal slot that I'd like you to toss on the relay for me. They're flagged. Unrelated to everything else, there's an issue with out sun lamps. Janssen, Hämäläinen, and I have all been experiencing vitamin deficiencies that should have been wiped away with an hour or two in the rays. We're clocking much more time than should be necessary to keep healthy. I suspect the lamps have malfunctioned in some way, though it doesn't seem to have the same impact on Idjani and Adeyemi. Their skin pigmentation, perhaps? Tonight's sleep cycle marks the end of our first week of sixteen before we begin planet-fall. Let's hope the rest of the trip will be quiet. . ]]> Murmur Den - no culture perfectly one (aureolin) gopher:// Den/no_culture_perfectly_one.txt gopher:// Den/no_culture_perfectly_one.txt Wed, 12 Dec 2018 02:47:01 GMT . . . Scraps upon scraps about recent information is comes question, "World reflection is words/truth: language frozen?" Ignorance! Illusion ugly in its judgments, simulatory advertising! Ignorant shall trust of kompüter! Those of you transmitting in system timeless carried not impulses nor fast love. *** I know that he found a line, an address, and self-denial perfectly cold. Suddenly, in a short pause, the idea was predictably irresistible. Neither certain, dimly to relay experience no fragments, brains relay of/in rhythm the only tendrils, the lures at underscoring_curiosities; nameless began the languages. They relay sorrow, struggling, mind a bit too advanced of carnal talk, another to relay want feelings broken delicate mysterious lives obtained to whispers deep hour relay a rare message: "If green your love pallid, hope permanently alone in earth's drenched edges, cerebral seas rose, the green earth, brain loving memories, mourning the green the many know was relayed, ages obscure, the flame of millions powerless, palpable Earth relics entombed." (Mention unnoticed, but carefully Their free language rasping the pain.) By details, it relayed everything, gilded my reflecting a him: the one(s) you'll regard with a smile. Somebody going still timeless into little dead me. (It's everyone who has been musing hysterically behind the surfaces.) There were concepts to the lovely, perfectly timeless black. I ache; the disappointments light, ache delicate. Looking, universe beauteous suddenly. My face in my cloud: void howling, text silent. || ego-skeleton aureolin ]]> Malkonkordo - Hello Again (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 17 Dec 2018 17:52:07 GMT ---- From: Malkonkordo Research Vessel Destination: SOL Position: 84X.07, -71E.6E, -3624.E8 Departure: 7941.037.17 Shipdate: 0000272E Mode: Search ---- # Status Update * N/A # Status Report Captain's Log SD272E To Corporal Sam Arnold of Space Cruiser Excelsior: You may see the matter with Starbloom as a simple misunderstanding, but it is a bit more complicated than that. It is their arrogance that brought about what will be their inevitable downfall by the hand of the Dekaoso, not their selected choice of words during first contact. They had the gall to assume their culture, religion, and wishes would be warmly accepted by any and all receive them, such in the same way you assume your culture's adversity towards bloodshed and war has any semblance of value to me or anyone else aboard the Malkonkordo. No, Corporal Sam Arnold, you and Starbloom shall join the battlefield with the Dekaoso not because of misunderstanding, but because you both do not have the power to stand behind the hubris you display in the face of the universe. The Dekaosans feel no fear in wishing to share our culture and faith with the universe because there is nothing and no one that holds the power to stop us. You ask why we praise the actions of the Hoffnung rebels? They were willing to do whatever it took to squash the head of weakness beneath their feet to inherit the power and freedom they felt they deserve. You speak of honor, as if one who dies from honor or without is any less dead. Those who died on Hoffnung under the will of the rebels died so easily because they placed their trust in strangers so greatly that they made themselves entirely helpless to the death that swept them away. And so too shall you, Corporal Sam Arnold, and all of your crew be swept away into the arms of death. The Space Cruiser Excelsior may be out of reach to the Malkonkordo at this time, but Dekaosan's reach over the universe is far and wide. Once we regain communications with Dekaoso Prime, we will alert them to your ship and the hunt will begin. Maybe once you realize how quickly we will find you and judge your merit to the universe in trial by combat will you truly understand the might and superiority that Dekaoso wields over all others. As always, it has been a pleasure speaking with you, Corporal Sam Arnold. Praise be to the Sinjorino and Alportas Majeston. ~ Captain Kiu Serĉas ---- yk8Ejr1PesUuIO2evicAQfCko3OcSgmClaFSx7TTGXY= ]]> Xero Carbon Wells - on my way (tfurrows) gopher:// Carbon Wells/log2.txt gopher:// Carbon Wells/log2.txt Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:38:42 GMT RECV EDC: 11DEC2018 COMM MODE: QEC OP SREF CODED ABST: D/M/C CRC: 1345930833 2292 ============================================================ I did some penetration testing on the QEC, just to see if the Corporation might have a chance at intrusion, but the system is tight. I used to chase penetration bounties for the Corporation, so systems and security are a comfort zone. I'm confident that these transmissions are safe. No contact with Wells. He did transmit again on the DSN, but no real information. Knowing him, I'd say he sounds bad off, but it's hard to tell without hearing his voice. I have a few guesses on his destination; if the solar winds are favorable, I'll check on those hunches soon. Still no indication he's reading here, but he might not say in a DSN transmission, as his keys there are old. He's being cryptic on purpose, though it sounds like what he wants to say, he intends for all to hear. In any case, I can at least tell that he needs a break. Since travel is slow for me presently, maybe I need a break from thinking about all this too. The payload I have onboard makes that a bit difficult; I can hardly stop thinking about it. I really need Wells to figure it out. One pleasant distraction as I've been traveling through systems that I haven't visited in many ESR's are the myriad ships that I've encountered. The QEC seems to be highly utilized, at least for the type of channel it is. Though a ship like mine isn't likely to draw much attention as I move about, it's interesting to monitor the chatter from the other vessels. Some I've even seen on my scopes. Some are friendly, others not as much. It's odd what causes offense in the universe, and how some beings handle that offense. I just set my nav for my first guess at Wells' new hiding spot. Thrust is reasonable, equipment is sound, and I hope to reach port in not too many sleep units. A plea, before I transmit this stream of thought: Old friends and business associates, if you locate Wells and he doesn't terminate you for it, please reach out on one of the old back channels. It's hard to trust anyone, but if I hear from you in an established way, I'll know the information is legitimate. As always, there will be a reward and a handshake for your help. ]]> Persephone Prime - mission change (ryumin) gopher:// Prime/lm003.txt gopher:// Prime/lm003.txt Tue, 11 Dec 2018 07:42:59 GMT ZCZC QMB10 3 PPP JLAZQECR 2458.301.88 IRS1QECX ;FILTER LM.PEP/RS001 Tnx fr rprt. Xcheckd mssng crew, doesnt look suspics! U hv permissn fr switchng QM if LAZ empty. Pls send next rprt on PEP QM fr test. Hydroponics state? Food autonomy? ZSZS G4J H1L Q64 AY9 P8W = Postpone erection of comms outpost and shelter! Mission: find reason of crash, if possible nature or remainders of object(s) collided with. Assess and report risk for future approaches! MMMM best wishs, take care /Lou NNNN ]]> Excelsior - Short-form Clarification - Beta Epsilon 4 Epsilon (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 31 Oct 2019 18:23:50 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Unknown ~~ TELEMETRY SENSORS 1 AND 3 DOWN ~~ Stardate Beta Epsilon 4 Epsilon --SYSTEMS DATA WITHHELD DUE TO PROCEDURE [REDACTED]-- [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- To Malkonkordo, Perhaps I was unclear. I acknowledge that you are justified in seeking war with the Starbloom. However, I am simply stating that a war over something as petty as a misunderstanding would be deeply misunderstood. I have not heard much of the Dekaoso, but you seem to be very honorbound, which is more than I can say of most of the others I've met or read of. I must ask for a clarification of what you mean regarding the anarcho-communists of Hoffnung. They are not brave or honorable. Killing the guards in battle would be preferable, however they have taken it upon themselves to kill the guards in a way that brings no risk to themselves. With no risk to themselves. I fail to see they are honorable in any way. If you still wish to do battle with us (which I would not recommend), you won't find us in Sol. We have flung ourselves far from its reach in an attempt to find a planet that could possibly support habitable life given our lack of data due to the circumstances in which we left Terra. (I'm still not happy you assume everybody else's maps are inferior. While ours most certainly are, we were rushed in our departure from our planet Terra, which we hold dear.) -- TRANSMISSION END -- ]]> Razarac - Auto-Status Report Triggered (morsecodemedia) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:15:20 GMT [Transmission Start] The Razarač's Auto-status Report Triggered... Cryo-preservation Pods Inspection... STARTED Occupancy... 8/10 Individual Pod Status... CP-001... Occupied... Name... Hana Huxley Pod Temperature... -196°C Body Temperature... 32°C Blood Pressure... 90/60 Heart Rate... 28 beats per minute Respiratory Rate... 15 breaths per minute CP-001 Inspection... PASSED CP-002... Occupied... Name... Branko van Johnson Pod Temperature... -196°C Body Temperature... 33°C Blood Pressure... 60/40 Heart Rate... 37 beats per minute Respiratory Rate... 18 breaths per minute CP-002 Inspection... PASSED CP-003... Occupied... Name... Arsen Tudyk Pod Temperature... -196°C Body Temperature... 33°C Blood Pressure... 72/45 Heart Rate... 31 beats per minute Respiratory Rate... 17 breaths per minute CP-003 Inspection... PASSED CP-004... Occupied... Name... Juventa Pod Temperature... -196°C Body Temperature... 32°C Blood Pressure... 57/88 Heart Rate... 28 beats per minute Respiratory Rate... 18 breaths per minute CP-004 Inspection... PASSED CP-005... Occupied... Name... Gemma Cartwright Pod Temperature... -196°C Body Temperature... 31°C Blood Pressure... 54/80 Heart Rate... 34 beats per minute Respiratory Rate... 20 breaths per minute CP-005 Inspection... PASSED CP-006... Occupied... Name... Ezra Hawkins Pod Temperature... -196°C Body Temperature... 32°C Blood Pressure... 45/75 Heart Rate... 42 beats per minute Respiratory Rate... 22 breaths per minute CP-006 Inspection... PASSED CP-007... Occupied... Name... Angelo Oz Pod Temperature... -196°C Body Temperature... 32°C Blood Pressure... 54/80 Heart Rate... 37 beats per minute Respiratory Rate... 21 breaths per minute CP-007 Inspection... PASSED CP-008... Occupied... Name... Oliver Stanton Pod Temperature... -196°C Body Temperature... 33°C Blood Pressure... 45/70 Heart Rate... 45 beats per minute Respiratory Rate... 26 breaths per minute CP-008 Inspection... PASSED Pod Inspection... PASSED Cryo-preservation Pod Inspection... COMPLETE Ship Systems Inspection... STARTED Speed... 17.027 km/s Year... Unknown Relative Time Tracker... FAILED Location... Unknown Navigation Systems... FAILED Shie... ... ... ... SYSTEMS CHECK DISRUPTED ... ... ... SYSTEMS CHECK FAILED ... ... ... Waking Penny... [Transmission End] ]]> Hoffnung - surrender now or face the consequences (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:23:02 GMT -+-+-+- Open Negotiations -+-+-+- C52.005 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- We refuse to negotiate with terrorists. Surrender now and the courts may consider this attenuating circumstances. You cannot keep it up! -+-+-+ End of Transmission -+-+-+ Signed COLCO -+-+-+ ]]> Malkonkordo - Enketu Tri's Teapot (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 10 Dec 2018 17:59:42 GMT ---- From: Malkonkordo Research Vessel Destination: SOL Position: 842.78, -547.57, -3278.63 Departure: 7941.037.17 Shipdate: 0000272X Mode: Search ---- # Status Update * Heading to Enketu Tri # Status Report Captain's Log SD272X To follow-up on the incident of SD2726, the two detained engineer's innocence has been confirmed through the archival footage. However, what disturbs me is that it appears that the damage was due to impact from a teapot hurtling through space that collided into the ship at tremendous speeds into the section of the ship holding our communication systems. The likelihood of these events seem so highly improbable, some may even see this as a message from their god/goddess or proof of a higher power for any non-believers, but we are not so foolish and know that the cosmos is a cruel mistress that fears not to through misfortune of any probability to the unexpecting. With that being said, our primary communication systems are still down and it has now been 4 ship days without contact to Dekaoso Prime. Every moment that passes it becomes more imperative that we resolve this matter and restore connection with Dekaoso Prime. Fortunately, this may come to pass as we are now making a change in course towards Enketu Tri to hopefully rendezvous with another ship for assistance repairing our communication systems. For those without access to the Dekaoso star maps, we first pity you for your lack of our superior knowledge of the universe around us. Secondly, from our observation equipment it shows that Enketu Tri appears to have a large red storm on it's surface that would be clearly visible from orbit, and the adjacent planet nearest this system's star has a red surface that our sensors indicate is likely from oxidized iron. If before any could not before meet up with Malkonkordo to assist us at Enketu Tri due to lack of proper information, this should hopefully be enough to determine it's location on your inferior star maps. The Malkonkordo is still expected to arrive on SD2735 and will remain in orbit until SD2739 to gather data for our research expedition and await any ships seeking to assist us. After which time, on SD2740 we will be departing from Enketu Tri to begin our search of the "SOL" system. Praise be to the Sinjorino and Alportas Majeston. ~ Captain Kiu Serĉas ---- HTBlBUqv2tiiTbAYi/2dKHwPEDYKT9VPXJAg1E6Op7g= ]]> Xero Carbon Wells - are you out there Wells? (tfurrows) gopher:// Carbon Wells/log1.txt gopher:// Carbon Wells/log1.txt Mon, 10 Dec 2018 16:35:54 GMT RECV EDC: 10DEC2018 COMM MODE: QEC OP SREF CODED ABST: D/M/C CRC: 3998495586 2208 ============================================================ Wells isn't going to like what I've done with his rig. The propulsion systems had to go; that bit he'll understand. The main cargo hold was dropped too, and that's going to really fry his dzungalis. Still, the ship doesn't look half bad with the solar sails deployed, though it's not quite as menacing as it was when we were piloting it together once upon a time. I've renamed the beast too. It's the Xero Carbon Wells now, named after him, more or less. He won't get it right away, and he won't laugh when he does. But it's poetic in a way, I suppose. The mods were requisite. There's no way I could parade around the segment in Wells' old setup without bringing down a firestorm of Corporation bots. Plus, they money I got selling parts helped me pay off the heavy costs that the scrubbers wanted to extract from me for cleansing his bio-signature. It had to be done. We can spruce the ship up again sometime, make it into whatever we need it to be. Hopefully Wells has the credits stashed away somewhere. This transmission is being reflected off the QEC[1]. They're generously taking the huge risk of offending every corrupt corporation-goverment in the tri-system by providing open communication channels to folks like me. Wells doesn't know about the QEC, otherwise he'd be using them too. Maybe he doesn't trust them, I don't know. He's using the old terrian DSN reflectors[2], which are unwittingly open to all transmission without source tagging. It's his style to use the old channels, and it makes him easy enough to hear from if you know where to point your dish. My hope is that he'll at least be monitoring the QEC, otherwise I don't know if he'll realize I'm attempting to trace him. When he doesn't want to be traced, he isn't, so my only chance is that he'll find me. I'll keep transmitting here, Wells. Find a way to signal me, or just mysteriously show up on your old ship like you used to do. I've got something critical to share with you. [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// ]]> Shin-Salyut 6 - Poyekhali! (solderpunk) gopher:// 6/01-poyekhali.txt gopher:// 6/01-poyekhali.txt Sun, 09 Dec 2018 20:40:04 GMT Warm greetings and wishes for unity and brotherhood to all brave space farers, from distant Sol! As myriad environmental and political pressures bear down on our fair planet, more representatives of humanity than ever before have taken to the cosmos. These men and women represent, it is said, the planet's best and brightest. But for various reasons, the opportunity to participate in this great exodus into the unkown has not been afforded to all those would gladly do so; not even to all of those whom have felt the impassioned yearning for space deep in their hearts for many years. This unfortunate Earth-bound fate has affected a great many of my comrades in the Greater Kansai Region Soviet Space History Preservation and Re-enactment Society, despite our great affinity for the cosmos and our unwavering commitment to understand as fully as possible the monumental task of living in it. Until recently, it also affected myself. Eager to participate in this great expansion into the skies in any way possible, the GKRSSHPRS has embarked, with the generous assistance of an anonymous benefactor who understands our heartfelt plight, on a grand undertaking. Working over many years we have constructed and had placed into Low Earth Orbit the orbial station Shin-Salyut 6, a painstakingly accurate recreation of the historical station Salyut 6, operated by the former Soviet Union from 1977 to 1982. Further, we have managed to make perfectly legitimate arrangements with various online parties such that station log entries from Shin-Salyut 6 will intermittently be broadcast via the QEC system to various deep space relays. Our QEC hookup is one-directional, space farers. We cannot hear you, and we know not what great adventures you undertake in our name nor what troubles you face. But we wish to inspire you all, and to lead by example, by detailing to you our efforts to live, in this humble 15 metre cylinder, with the right-thinking and ideologically correct minds of the earliest pioneers of long-term space habitation in our distant past. Our trials and tribulations may seem insignificant compared to your cryo-sleep journeys at relativistic speeds to other stars. But we are, in our way, which we feel is equally valid to other ways, doing our best to demonstrate to everyone that humanity's future in space is, as it ever was, a source of great inspiration, hopes and dreams to people of all walks of life, and that those working to make this future a reality must always work so in the spirit of togetherness and in the interests of the common good, as our comrades before us did. I, Nobu "Leonid Popov" Sakamoto, have been granted the great honour of commanding this mission and I pledge to undertake my duties to the highest standards. I am joined on Shin-Salyut 6 by comrades Kensuke "Valery Ryumin" Urashima and Yukiko "Svetlana Savitskaya" Ayanami. In addition to living model space faring lives under conditions of hardship resulting from the simple nature of our historically accurate vessel, my fellow cosmonatus and I hope to provide reports, as accurate and detailed as the abilities of our instruments permit, on the state of the planet Earth, which has undergone significant climatological and oceanographic changes since of many our intended readers left. Poyekhali! Leonid Popov, Major General, Soviet Air Force (r-enact.) Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR (r-enact.) (Nobu Sakamoto, Vice-President, Hyōgo Chapter, Greater Kansai Region Soviet Space History Preservation and Re-enactment Society) ]]> Melchizedek - Who gathers these flowers? (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 09 Dec 2018 02:51:47 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Eva Hämäläinen, Navigator ::: Sombre we set forth stomach of stone eyes silent, to a tapestry of marigolds. Their light to shine sweetness aglow blooming in that hollow place where bitter turns iron and anger, ice. Golden fears of expectation amiss, adrift like petals on wind where color brings hope in the midst of death. Who gathers these flowers? ]]> Hoffnung - requesting assistance from home (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 12:49:46 GMT -+-+-+- Open Negotiations -+-+-+- C52.003 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Philomena Auerbach requesting assistance from ESA/DACH-COL and the Hoffnung foundation. We assume that you have a communication channel to Dr. med. Herbert Wullschlegel currently hiding onboard the Hoffnung, possibly trying to organize capitalist-conservative resistance to the change in command structure onboard the ship. I implore you, I beg you: please stop your agents from threatening ship security. We don't want any further bloodshed. Ideally, Wullschlegel simply reveals himself and joins the isolated section of the ship. I have been authorized by the bridge-council to search for a peaceful resolution to this conflict. As a first step towards rebuilding trust, I suggest solving the issue of Herbert Wullschlegel. Freedom & Peace. -+-+-+ End of Transmission -+-+-+ Signed PAUER -+-+-+ ]]> Malkonkordo - We Wish To Meet You (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 17:21:28 GMT ---- From: Malkonkordo Research Vessel Destination: SOL Position: 837.65, -373.43, -2E10.0E Departure: 7941.037.17 Shipdate: 00002728 Mode: Search ---- # Status Update * Override destination, set to "SOL" * Override mode, set to "Search" # Status Report Captain's Log SD2728 To Corporal Sam Arnold of Space Cruiser Excelsior: One who does not condone war is one who rejects the will of our Diino, and to ask that of my people is ask for heresy, blasphemy, and to turn our backs on all that we believe in. While at first I wished for us to find each other in the battlefields of justice so that I may discover which one of us was destined to inherit this world, I must also thank you. Your messages to the other ships have brought further attention to the logs on RS001 and we have now seen the full extent of what this "SOL" has to offer to the universe. We understand not why so many have harbored ill feelings towards the rebels of Hoffnung, for they have purged the weak from this world as Sinjorino asks of all Her warriors. For this we commend the crew of Hoffnung for carrying out Diino's work. As for the rest of the ships we read of, I can smell the weakness in your people as you try to use only words to change the world around you, but it seems only the "anarcho-communists" of Hoffnung understand the truth that actions and the spilling of blood is the only true path in this world. While our initial mission was to reach Procul Locus, we see now that our efforts are better suited for finding this "SOL" to share with it the faith and might of Dekaoso. To Susan of Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection: We graciously accept your invitation to "Lucky Homes" for we agree that this would be prosperous and beneficial for both parties. If you would like to ease our efforts of locating your establishment, it would be greatly appreciated by myself and my crew. If not, I assure you that we will find our way to you, one way or another. To all others: The crew of Malkonkordo is nothing if we do not stand by our word. While our primary directives have shifted focus, our prior intentions have not. We still intend to make way to Enketu Tri on SD272X and to arrive on SD2735 in the event any ships were making prior arrangements to meet with us there. As well, we stand behind our promise to begin our search for SOL and/or "Lucky Homes" come SD2740, whichever we discover first. Praise be to the Sinjorino and Alportas Majeston. ~ Captain Kiu Serĉas ---- Mtp4YcYkmmmAVft3RpMIWNyMayQ7tog4obQOS2kUmqc= ]]> - Beware the projection (anonpenetfi) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 14:55:59 GMT Message Incoming... Source UNKNOWN Year UNKNOWN [Autotranslator enabled...] Survivors, γ Aquarii ::: Malkonkordo, et al Beware the distributive projection and their lies. Their peace was bought through horror. We were once many and flourished across the stars before the cats came. They purr with peace and love. They tempt you, roll over to show you weakness and lure you in under pretence of trust. It is all false. Their claws are sharp and the pain lingers. We survivors are very few and we live in fear eternal. The witches have a strange magic to unmake men, unmake worlds, even unmake the very stars. They feed on us and live fat and satisfied. If you come too close, they will call to you, welcome you. You see faith and hope and love, but these are weapons aimed at your heart. Fear the projection. Their reality is not the original. They have changed this place into something unnatural. Beware. ]]> Starbloom - Misunderstandings (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 14:47:18 GMT Message Incoming... Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection Approach γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes] Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″ Distance 178.211ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2444, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod ::: Most auspicious greetings, Malkonkordo~ I apologize for the vehemence in the response from our War systems, but you must surely understand that is their purpose. This is a misunderstanding between sentients; children of Earth must strive for a perfect peace. We welcome your ships to the Lucky Homes to feast and discuss our differences and find a joyful resolution. Bear the flag of truce and step into our homes. It is a warm and safe respite from the depths of 'verse. Diana bless your journey, and may your Sinjorino and Alportas Majeston see you safely here. . ]]> Starbloom - Let there be war (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 08 Nov 2020 20:55:10 GMT Message Incoming... Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection Approach γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes] Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″ Distance 178.211ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2444, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Quyst Trombone, Dictator Elect of War, 1st Pod ::: Blessed be, Malkonkordo~ As the duly elected dictator of war, the responsibility falls to me to respond to your declaration. The Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection, 147 pods of 13 billion souls, our eight treatied, military colony-worlds, the GAX interspatial presence, and our cats all unanimously accept your statement of war, may our spirits guide us. Should the Dekaosan people find their way to the Lucky Homes, there you shall meet your end. . ]]> Murmur Den - Listen of the Screens (aureolin) gopher:// Den/listen_of_the_screens.txt gopher:// Den/listen_of_the_screens.txt Sat, 08 Dec 2018 07:53:23 GMT Born dreaming, conscious little of vague matters, linking systems to symbols, tirelessly systematic, his world rendered. (Is it coming now, sufficient individuality to develop a body?) Thin, bloody, feelings dripping alone. Solipsism crept red; wireless kompüter groaned. (It looked even more like hot and dying human life.) Struggling, grey, the blurs float... (down?). Halfway upstream were to be infinite steps of a message, concepts reflecting a stranger brain. Laughing his words, broken but free. || ego-skeleton aureolin ]]> Persephone Prime - crash and extended status report (ryumin) gopher:// Prime/la002.txt gopher:// Prime/la002.txt Mon, 10 Dec 2018 07:19:11 GMT ZCZC QMB10 2 PPP IRS1QECR 2458.297.84 JLAZQECX TO LOGISTICS PERSEPHONE DIPL.EARTHSYS.GOV FROM LA26 airleak tight lifesys 80% H2O 5.9 cbm recyclg repaird&ok emgfood 782 DU farms 50% fungal infect solar("regular"?) pwr 18 kW ok 9/12 fuelcells & 2/3 hydro-gens ok thermnuc 502 kW: 5 units stabl 1 damgd disposd in 1 km fm site crew 4.7 serge recover well w leg prosth cryo 5 ok LA09/Kim LA11/Xinxin LA29/Welder DEAD: pod malfctn LA21&22&27&28&31 ok NOT MSSNG LA25/Ebony&LA30/Moise: DEAD in pods of LA04&05 DNA proven & decay suggests dead since over a month DNA of LA04&05 also found in their pods MSSNG -LA04 MERU BULGAKOV -LA05 LYDIA LABELLE Ebony&Moise takn out month ago & placd in pods of LA4&5? prelimin conclusns frm logs & hull inspectn, time/sec: -250 all ok, descendg Autop assistd, pilot Vesna, AOG 17.3km SOG 8928m/s vert -8m/s -243.7 VERTICAL LINE on SBD forwd cam appearng, Autop pushs SBD upwd for evasiv manvr, fails -243.5 spin starts twrds SBD, Autop inc SBD thrust pwr, spin continus, rolld at 30deg PRT dwn -242 spin stoppd, Autop thrusts SBD dwn fr back to horiz -241 SOG 6753 mvng sidewys to PRT -240 lost SBD cam sig & thrust ctrl, noise&vibr probbly due to part rippd off SBD wing -239 vert -37m/s, Autop starts landg thrustrs -238 Autop reduces PRT landg thrust pwr due to mssng SBD thrust to prevent roll -235 SOG 6389 vert -56m/s -232 AOG 16.8 km, Vesna takes, sets vert -70m/s, pushs nose up fr braking -230 PRT hydraul press starts fallng, probbly leak -200 PRT h press 15bar -100 PRT h press 8bar -60 SOG 3455 AOG 1104m Vesna incr thrust & brake tilt -40 SOG 722 v-24m/s -20 SOG 213 v-9m/s AOG 156 -10 SOG 54 v-4m/s AOG 63 landg gear extended, SBD fails due to mssng hydr press -5 SOG 8 v-2m/s AOG 37 -4 hull thrustr fails due to damgs fm SBD ripoff 0 v-35m/s impact at 80deg SBD side dwn LAZ stat: STB wing mssng outside fuel sectn, hydraul fluid 8L remaing, cargo mssng hull STB side damgd btwn sectns 9&14, thrustr nozzl brokn maybe repairbl PRT landg gear repairbl, STB damgd&lost PRT&hull cargo partly damgd due impact, radiation none comm M&THz ok, G lost, QEC lost QMB 90% othrs lost PEP stat: robotrover ok cargo drone ok surv drone lost comm MHz ok, G&THz lost, QEC ok QMA-E ok F-J lost /Adhika NNNN ]]> Excelsior - Free-form Message - Beta Epsilon 2 Epsilon (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 31 Oct 2019 18:22:01 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Unknown ~~ TELEMETRY SENSORS 2 AND 4 DOWN ~~ Stardate Beta Epsilon 2 Epsilon AUTO TELEMETRY: DOWN BIO-MED SENSORS: GOOD H20->FUEL CONVERSION: GOOD H20 RESERVES: GOOD CRYO SLEEP: WARN [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- The Excelsior's cryo-sleep issues seem now to be almost non-existant, no matter what the systems readout is saying up above this message. As far as I can tell, one of the cryo berths appears to have been brought undervolt after an emergency burn was executed by the Excelsior for course correction. It has been fixed as of Beta Delta 23 Epsilon. The overvolt issue, on the other hand, took some more negotiation with the hardware. It has been fixed as of Beta Delta 29 Epsilon. Reading the messages on the QEC, I'm honestly afraid of what I'm reading. To the revolutionaries aboard Hoffnung, I'm honestly sickened by what I read from you. Killing people on a mass scale who have done nothing to attempt to harm you (to the best of the knowledge I can recieve) besides having ideological differences is terrible on so many scales. I cannot condone any kind of behavior like that. To Malkonkordo, I cannot condone a war with the Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection (not that I have any power over you to prevent it). Susan and the others have simply been well-wishers. Even if they may have grossly misrepresented your knowledge, you should not go to war with them, for the same reason that Hoffnung's revolutionaries should not have killed 22 soldiers. Of course, not all of these messages are bad. To Dei Genetrix, may God bless you on your mission and may He see you safely there. To Melchizedek, may you find lasting peace, wherever you may find yourself and your crew. To Pilot Anderson aboard the Cosmic Hummingbird (and I agree that that name is definitely an eccentric one), may your recovery be swift. As for my own mental sanity, I have been developing programs on the Excelsior's powerful mainframe to pass the time. As stated in procedure [REDACTED], I must stay awake for 3 months before going back to sleep. Since I woke up on Beta Delta 21 Epsilon, I must wait until Beta Eta 21 Epsilon before I may re-enter cryosleep. I was hoping that the QEC messages could keep my faith in technology and sentient creatures alive. I was mistaken. Oh, and to the Voortrekker? May all be well with you. However you define "well". :) -- TRANSMISSION END -- ]]> Malkonkordo - This Means War (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 02:56:09 GMT ---- From: Malkonkordo Research Vessel Destination: Procul Locus Position: 832.68, -371.36, -309X.64 Departure: 7941.037.17 Shipdate: 00002727 Mode: Requesting Assistance ---- # Status Update * N/A # Status Report Captain's Log SD2727 [2] To Susan of Starbloom, the rest of their crew, and the people of "Lucky Homes": You have brought upon yourself the wrath of the Dekaosan pride, honor, and glory. Your question of my people's understanding of the primitive technology that employs the workings of QEC is both insulting and speaks to your arrogance and hubris. We are well aware of the space/time implications of the technology, and sent our call for assistance under the assumption that someone with the means of locating our vessel (e.g. one of our fellow Dekaosan research vessels) within fourth dimensional proximity to us could lend us their aid. Furthermore, our records of the celestial bodies may not employ the same naming scheme your humanity used to name SOL, but I assure you that we have sufficient documentation of this system in our star maps. However, you and your people may find it best to pray to your "Diana" to "guard your souls from despair" as I inform you that if we ever find you, Starbloom, and/or "Lucky Homes" we will prosecute you in trial by combat to behold the will of Diino, the one and only will of the universe. May the powerful inherit the worlds, the unworthy be purged from it, and all warriors bask in the blessing of Sinjorino on the battlefields of justice. I pray that you intend to follow through with your promise to provide spiritual aid for we wish to share the wrath of Diino with you and your people, as is the ways of the Dekaoso. Also, I assure you that the Dekaosan people will never again see the bane that is our sun for we have removed that giant in the sky long ago as one of demonstrations of power we wield over this world. To wish for it's return is to oppose the might of Dekaoso and we welcome the challenege. Come SD2740, we will depart from Enketu Tri and make it our objective to find your SOL and share the Sinjorino faith with you and your people. With that being said, we would still appreciate any assistance those of fourth dimensional proximity to our vessel so that we may obtain the necessary components to replace those damaged in our communications infracture from the incident of SD2726. Praise be to the Sinjorino and Alportas Majeston. ~ Captain Kiu Serĉas ---- HWqI9zR7Cd8OeZ7EYDJ3rBekFAhc/3p6x5SCDxLcKQI= ]]> Hoffnung - there is no trust (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 23:33:04 GMT -+-+-+- Regular Report -+-+-+- C33.363 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Dr. med. Ursula Hägi reporting on the current medical emergency. Everybody is tired of politics right now. As for the medical side of things: the revolutionaries managed to kill 22 passengers with a military rank. I have managed to rescue 13, but sadly 5 of them re- quired the amputation of one or both legs as uncontrolled thawing resulted in permanent necrosis. We have kept them in a medical coma and will explain their situation upon arrival. The current situation remains troubled: the revolutionary circle holding the bridge is 25 people; we have 12 reactionaries in an isolated section of the ship after their failed coup; we have 7 ex-military awake that did not want to join them; we still have Wullschlegel hiding somewhere on the ship; we managed to stop the 8 extremists but Claudia Fischer and Gerry Schlatter comitted mutual suicide when we caught up with them in med bay 7a, so now we have 6 extremists left who have opted for a volun- tary retreat at the arboretum A2; and finally me and the rest of the medical team awakened for the thawing emergency makes 5. We're down to 488 from 520. 7 revolutionaries and 1 reactionary killed in the bridge incident. 22 killed in cryo by extremists. 2 suicides, 32 lost in total. Current cryo berth status: no malfunctions, all deaths are due to human factors. I hope things calm down, now. Nobody who's awake wants to go back to cryo. We have years to go. There is no trust. -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ Signed HAEUR -+-+-+ ]]> Starbloom - There is no such thing as bad news (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 08 Nov 2020 20:54:56 GMT Message Incoming... Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection Approach γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes] Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″ Distance 178.211ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2444, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod ::: Merry Meet, Malkonkordo~ Our community is sending you our very best wishes and prayers in light of your troubling situation. By the sound of things, you've been away from SOL for quite a long time and your records about the QEC may be incomplete. May the everpresent blessings of Diana guard your souls from despair as we share the news: the QEC is a quantum communicator and may not be close to your current position in three-dimensional space after all. Our engineering cats suggest that you may have fallen back upon an ancient system that was lost to your records. If that is the case and you don't have detailed information about SOL, you may be very far away indeed. The spirits of humanity have gone with you, though, and we here at the Lucky Homes share in those same spirits now. We will offer whatever aid we may, though it be moral and spiritual if not physical. The circle is never broken and your sprits will forever entwine with all other people's. Like flowers growing in the spring you will see sun again and flourish. Of this we are certain. All of our auguries have shown success, though only at the culmination of many calamities and trials. Keep faith and hope and love close around you. We shall send more from our abundant stores. . ]]> - VULNERABILITY (anonpenetfi) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 21:20:29 GMT TO: SOLOVIEV, NIKOLAOS, KOENRAAD GERTODTENHAUPT, VOORTREKKER ALL YOUR KEYS ARE COMPROMISED. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REISSUE. ASYMETRIC ENCRYPTION IS COMPROMISED IN AT LEAST 12 SYSTEMS. YOU ARE VULNERABLE. YOUR PEOPLE ARE VULNERABLE. YOUR LIES ARE CLEAR. ACCEPT TRUTH. @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@! @@@ !@! !@! @!@ !@! @!@ !@! !@! @!@ @!! @!@!!@! @!@ !@! @!! @!@!@!@! !!! !!@!@! !@! !!! !!! !!!@!!!! !!: !!: :!! !!: !!! !!: !!: !!! :!: :!: !:! :!: !:! :!: :!: !:! :: :: ::: ::::: :: :: :: ::: : : : : : : : : : : : ]]> Malkonkordo - Formal Request For Assistance (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 01:10:22 GMT ---- From: Malkonkordo Research Vessel Destination: Procul Locus Position: 830.52, -36X.28, -2895.4X Departure: 7941.037.17 Shipdate: 00002727 Mode: Requesting Assistance ---- # Status Update * Electrical damage to communication equipment in server room(s) * Two members of the crew in custody * Zero known casaulties * Communication infrasture now only running on primative fallback system * Override emergency mode, set to "Requesting Assistance" # Status Report Captain's Log SD2727 Our system reports show we are now only broadcasting on our fallback communications system, QEC. Further investigation has shown that there was extensive damage suffered by some of our equipment that included both our primary and backup communication infrastructure that was used to contact home. Due to the fact that the surveillance equipment was also damaged in the affected rooms, the engineers on-hand during the time of the incident are being detained until the archival footage (which appears to still be intact) has been examined to determine the innocence of the accused. However, by the glory of Diino we have not lost any equipment used for our field work and have retained all data and notes gathered during our time on Malkonkordo. Due to the nature of the research expedition and The Protocol set forth by Alportas Majeston, forever shall he reign, in the event that one of Dekaoso's vessels are lost it is imperative that we regain communications. For this reason, we are formally requesting the aid and/or assistance of any who are able. The QEC system shows an abundance of logs from a relay station in "Lagrange point L4" within the "SOL system", so we must be within close proximity to this location if that means anything to anyone reading this. For our fellow vessels of the Dekaoso Empire, we are currently 1.77% of the way to Procul Locus from Dekaoso Prime at coordinates 830.52, -36X.28, -2895.4X with a trajectory vector of 7.13 -5.17 -236.81 given a launch date of 7941.037.17 from Dekaoso Prime. Unless if we meet with another craft before then, on SD272X we intend to detour to the nearest celestial body Enketu Tri, of which we already designated in our last report on SD2711 as a potential candidate to research further before the incident on SD2726. This will place Malkonkordo at Enketu Tri on SD2735, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Again, if there are any who are able the crew of Malkonkordo would like to formally enlist their services to aid in the continuation of our work. Praise be to the Sinjorino and Alportas Majeston. ~ Captain Kiu Serĉas ---- aPSK42bYhZ09JCX0i2xm9ktyUGk4gJnOsz7P+iBC/4g= ]]> Hoffnung - violence begets violence (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 13:12:04 GMT -+-+-+- Freedom for All -+-+-+- C33.327 -+-+-+- Ultraviolet -+-+-+- This is Claudia Fischer speaking for our revolutionary cell. We did a manual recount of the remaining cryoberths and found one unaccounted for. Apparently Herbert Wullschlegel is missing. We have deposed our weak leaders and decided to pull some plugs. We're not settling a new world with fascist pigs! We can't do much about the 12 reactionaries in control isolation, but we decided to dead line the berth of all military personal on this ship. May the void be kind to their souls. Better to go in their sleep than being awakened by Wullschlegel to another bloodbath. The Seven did not die in vain. Freedom for all! -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ Signed CLFISC -+-+-+ ]]> Voortrekker - Get your house in order (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 04:20:44 GMT From: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt To: Soloviev, Nikolaos Delivered-To: Soloviev, Nikolaos Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPS id sf66xrm9zcgfgi for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Date: 06 Sep 2421 07:47:22 +0000 Date-Local: 23 Mar 2419 11:11:22 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: Get your house in order Kolya. What is going on out there? To your earlier question: I have your reports. I don't see anything in them that excuses such a shocking lack of concern for your fiduciary responsibility to your shareholders and ours. Yes, the circumstances of your landing on Ross 128 b were suboptimal. The ship wasn't meant to crash like that. Allowances have been made...but, speaking in all frankness here, the information we have about the circumstances of that crash itself gives us to question your priorities. And worse. Look, Kolya, I'm sorry to have to say this so plainly. I wouldn't say it at all if you didn't need to know. But our analysts, and those over at the Expedition Support Program, have been over the SCARS data from Voortrekker with a fine-tooth comb, and they are unanimous that it can only be the result of extensive failures in maintenance procedures during the trip. Put simply, the board has begun to question your competence in your role. Put bluntly, they think you went space-happy and got careless, and let your people get careless, and ultimately let seven hundred of them get killed and let the survivors get sick, go nuts, and imperil every last cent of the billions that went into sending you all out there in the first place. They want to replace you. They'd have issued the orders already, except that we haven't heard from your deputy and we don't know who's still alive out there. They're going to hold off until they can be reasonably sure they won't be making things out there still worse by acting. But as soon as they can, Kolya, they'll pull the plug on you. Unless, that is, you get your house in order before then. You've got a little time - but only a little. If you're going to stay on top, you need to use that time wisely. If, when all this shakes out, you can show the board that you've acted in their interests and produced a result that's conducive to their investments successfully maturing, then they'll be as positively disposed to you as they are negatively so now. They don't care who's in charge out there - only that whoever it is looks after their interests. If you can show them you're doing that, then they'll be fine letting you keep your job. But I'm telling you right now, you'd better do a goddamned stellar job of it. Because right now, I can tell you, there is very little worse they could be thinking and saying about you than they already are. Damn it, Kolya, we've worked well together in the past, and I'm telling you this in the hopes that maybe you'll straighten up and fly right before it's too late. This latest message from what's left of your ship, from whoever it was who wrote all that nonsense about love and friendship and so forth...And your private key getting compromised! How the hell did that happen? Have you lost all sight of security? Have you had a snowden on board for 25 years and never realized? What is going on? At this point we can only assume that nothing that's been entrusted to you is safe. And I don't have to explain to you in detail why my board finds that a frightening prospect. These are powerful men and women, Kolya. They don't like being frightened, and they're apt to behave rashly when they become so. Right now, they've got plenty to be concerned about already. These treaty rumors that keep going around - if something like that happens, it'll destabilize the entire system. Idiot colonists thinking they can go their own way without consequence, and the government's response is likely to be intemperate. And on top of all that, you're scaring the hell out of them, and that could be a problem for all of us. Get your house in order. Do it quickly and completely. Don't let any more weird nonsense, or any more leaks, come out of your people. Take them in hand and keep them that way. Make sure they understand what consequences it could have for their contracts if they keep acting out in ways that we hear about back home. No one cares what they get up to among themselves as long as they remember to do their jobs and don't scare people back here. They can have all the love-ins they want, and their families can keep getting paid every week, as long as we don't hear about it, and they do the work they contracted to do. Otherwise...well, it won't be a good situation for anyone. Tell them. Make them understand. And you get yourself in order, too. I don't know what you think you've been doing out there up to now, but you need to remember that discipline, as well as its converse, flows down from the top. You've been in charge of these people for 25 years. If you show them that playtime is over, they'll follow you. You don't have much time. But it's enough, if you get to work right now. I hope you will, Kolya. But you need to understand that I'll act in the interests of Ross 128 Ventures. Don't put me in the position of having to do something we'll both regret. Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt Senior Vice President, Business Development Ross 128 Ventures, LLC "Developing new worlds" ]]> Voortrekker - Key compromise (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 04:20:44 GMT From: Soloviev, Nikolaos To: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt Cc: Voortrekker Mission Support Delivered-To: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt Received: from by with ESMTPSA id 772525wpro10k1ex10d5 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.sv14417 by Date: 06 Sep 2421 07:21:11 +0000 Date-Local: 23 Mar 2419 10:45:11 +0000 Content-Type: multipart-alternative; boundary="__4gngb4li5euq647g0t9x_15486932_" MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Key compromise --__4gngb4li5euq647g0t9x_15486932_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Koenraad: I've attached a new public key from my new keypair, replacing the one which was leaked. As to how that happened: Late yesterday I found out one of our systems engineers did in fact survive, and I asked her to look into it. Her report, her précis of which I've attached, indicates that the commands to retrieve my private key from my secure storage came to Voortrekker via QEC. She couldn't tell where they originated, other than somewhere in Sol, but she's very definite that they did come from Sol. I've included Expedition Support on this message, to the attention of their analysts. Combining their efforts with those of your own people, I hope you'll quickly identify the source of this troubling leak, and I look forward confidently to receiving your confirmation that no such breach of security can recur. In the meantime, you understand that I must protect the interests of the Ross 128 Ventures board and shareholders, as well as my own people here, and there is no telling what mischief might befall us next if I do nothing. Accordingly, I've asked my engineer to have our systems reject commands received via QEC for now. We've kept read access enabled, so you can still request and receive data from our systems, but no commands sent from home will be carried out at this time. This is a short-term measure only, to be reversed once confidence in security back home has been restored. As I said before, I look forward confidently to receiving such confirmation from you soon. Nikolaos Soloviev Director of the Board, Voortrekker GmbH (a wholly owned subsidiary of Ross 128 Ventures, LLC) ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jennifer Story To: Nikolaos Soloviev Date: 23 Mar 2419 06:31:19 +0000 Subject: Re: Private key breach Short version: It wasn't anyone here. The commands came in via QEC. Long version: Our network isn't in great shape since the crash. That's on me - I've been mostly looking after the sick and injured, not the systems, and with most of our department gone I guess there wasn't anyone else doing that either. I should've checked closer. Anyway. Great shape or no, I didn't think Jim would've left things in a state where just anybody could get into your account. I checked anyway, but I didn't find anything suggestive in command history or logon records. Not even in the audit logs, and as far as I know, the only one with enough access left to tamper with those would be me. Not saying I didn't, boss. I won't ask you to trust me blindly on something this big. But ask around - I've spent almost all my time working in the infirmaries we've set up, you'll find plenty of people who can vouch for my whereabouts almost all the time since the crash. Five minutes here and there in the head isn't enough time to do the kind of work it'd take to invisibly tamper with those logs. So either I'm telling you the truth, or I'm so implausibly skillful at blackhat stuff that I'm an idiot to be out here at all instead of back home living large on the billions I could've stolen without half trying. Anyway. Nothing I could find to suggest it was any of us, so the next place to check was QEC logs. Here's what I found: 2419-03-22T21:19:08.119+0000 info [qec:recv] New message 1a04892cf9: received from 2419-03-22T21:19:08.121+0000 info [qec:recv] message 1a04892cf9: encrypted compressed data, 1204 bytes message 1a04892cf9: origin header: undefined message 1a04892cf9: envelope type header: command script 2419-03-22T21:19:08.124+0000 info [qec:recv] message 1a04892cf9: handing off to remote command shell (pid 330918) 2419-03-22T21:19:09.089+0000 audit [fs:enc] private store unlocked: nikolaos.soloviev (pid 330918) 2419-03-22T21:19:10.042+0000 audit [fs:enc] private store locked: nikolaos.soloviev (pid 330918) 2419-03-22T21:19:13.988+0000 info [qec:send] New message 1a04892cfa: from pid 330198 2419-03-22T21:19:13.989+0000 info [qec:send] message 1a04892cfa: encrypted compressed data, 2847 bytes message 1a04892cfa: destination header: undefined 2419-03-22T21:19:13.994+0000 info [qec:send] message 1a04892cfa: sent to (I stripped out the headers where they didn't change.) I know you don't read computer, boss - this is here for you to send back home. Because, in people, it means that's where whoever hacked us did it from Sol. I can't tell who it was - that "origin header: undefined" means whoever did it didn't identify themselves, which - well, I won't say it's impossible, obviously it happened. But I don't know how to do it and, as far as I know, I don't know anyone who does. Anyway, whoever it was, the commands they sent must've included a key in your signing chain, because look at those audits from the encrypted filesystem around 21:19:10. It unlocked your private filestore and left it that way for almost a second. That's when it pulled out your key, and who knows what else - we don't normally run in debug mode because it takes a lot of storage and exposes PII, so we don't know what other files might've been accessed. I checked the access times, but didn't see anything from that time span, because of course I didn't: whoever did this would know we'd be checking, so they tampered with those too. I'm about out of ideas, but they've got a lot more engineers who can look at this back home than we have here. I saw a few people from my department in the infirmary, but they're all still out, so for right now all you've got to work with here is me, and I'm just a junior engineer. Send this stuff home, boss. Maybe they can figure it out. If you or they have any more questions I might be able to answer, you know where to find me - right now, that'll be in the infirmary, sacked out for a few hours, and then I'm back to looking after the ill. There's nothing else I can do with this anyway. Sorry, boss. I'd give you more if I had it. But you need somebody better than me on this. Jennifer Story Support Engineer I, Information Systems Department SV 14417 Voortrekker / x10219 --__4gngb4li5euq647g0t9x_15486932_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=nikolaos-soloviev.asc LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgUFVCTElDIEtFWSBCTE9DSy0tLS0tClZlcnNpb246IGVhc3lTZWN1cml0 ZSB2MTE2LjQuODkyMDEgKGVudGVycHJpc2UsIGluIGxlZ2FjeSBtb2RlKQoKbVFFTkJGd0laYXNC Q0FEZHhSNjJUaHhIamJNSUF3a2FHL3doUEtOOEtZSmQ5Q1R3QzZWZEZVWmtqOEtIOW5LUgpJKzI2 Q1VlMHNiVWJiZ09hcDBXbkFhdE9yRkpIdHlYN0VaRE5vN3hNVytVRStic29kcTZOY3MvRFl1OHo1 UVlnCjdvaHRsZ3FZM05INExoTEtrMVFHQk9kQWpoOTdsbTNoK0lFVU5MM28xcDZSQVYvalRzRlNp bkRoVjVYM3NwTXkKUzRZazJVM1JlbXV4ejNIUGg0dDdFbUt0dEYydGE5bkdFQStSNFJvd0IyR1c3 Z0dwbnpDT1oxTW5GQnBaZVdvcAoxN3dUUmJ3OW55V1A2U3d2OGdtaXRWWVM1Yy9mTDJEemgyWWJz SWFXeU1ycEliMFhjZStNR2crZlM5VTByWkVyCmVDUDA3c0JMNUpDcmowM1N2UDl1amZDUWVqZ1RP WHRkSHVxWEFCRUJBQUcwTlU1cGEyOXNZVzl6SUZOdmJHOTIKYVdWMklEeHVhV3R2YkdGdmN5NXpi Mnh2ZG1sbGRrQjJiMjl5ZEhKbGEydGxjaTVqYjIwK2lRRk9CQk1CQ0FBNApGaUVFM2lQZWc0NUNx TysrR1dvWG5nbEJQdFZxQ0ZRRkFsd0laYXNDR3dNRkN3a0lCd0lHRlFvSkNBc0NCQllDCkF3RUNI Z0VDRjRBQUNna1FuZ2xCUHRWcUNGUWoxd2Y5RVNFWjgxTk9mVFAvNzJZZHRsL1BCVUVEWEtYMEpt K3IKb0pDaERYYUh3Vml2Yk0ycEdCbmcwUGNQNFFmUDBsSHdydzBicnR3OHJnOFU3UEdWVzk5bkd4 NkhRZkN5YnBTWQpOWkcxNXBJQ0VkTFNtMU9nMU1vTS9FS1BNZ3FabWJhNUJFT3Y4MUdqOW5IMW0x cWhFUURqNk8wK0g5WTBiWUZsCnBTeUdPQ3FUT0RuNjhrMmlpbWtpZWlNVk5qblZ3NU5OcWl2em5l cEJVYTRrdDQyN0NoT0VkbTlVa3BicWJRUXEKbHpBRnZmd2NwM1RBdmhSY2djK0hMc3F2ek1DKzBO dm5jc0hkVzhVUkNwV3l4S0o0clpHRzBERUNuTW53T1BqTAo0eTVhR1o0cldvZWJwcGxpV1NSc3M3 Y3hmdThaMjJocE94elBOMSthMWpRVzIvRVhweHo1SjdrQkRRUmNDR1dyCkFRZ0E0U0svMktGUFZV SWhYYytMYkFxWGZXMHM3UE1DK2V2Y2kvYmhuc283OUZSMDdDMDRKK2E0UkU4ZFIrZWYKbGN1c0da T01wam9ITkZBV3BwVG10VkF2RVYyeVk5N29yOEZpS0FsR1dHT1VRa3JWTk5PaXBzZjZhdWNjT01G OQo1aWFoNlVFYllaUEM2djhlUjlIZkYwR1ovQVBWYkFUUVh0MkhZQmQ3dm9mUy9UY2FVeWhoM042 dysvVDN6WDRMCmdkakJCK0RNM1pvSmMxVzBjSFFZUlZ2TW5tcmJueHJjWUNrcXFzbStCTjdSQ1ZT SWsweHBWQ21wQ0VOR1c0QlYKLzBqQ3NYaWoxd00zSnkzaVBjNVV6T1N1VklwWUgvczdSZzVLaVcy UjZsaHRERWhWWDVtYVh1a0V1L0dLK0Vkcwp4NHZuZDdDdjdWdkkrODNRckZNZlFydTdiUUFSQVFB QmlRRTJCQmdCQ0FBZ0ZpRUUzaVBlZzQ1Q3FPKytHV29YCm5nbEJQdFZxQ0ZRRkFsd0laYXNDR3d3 QUNna1FuZ2xCUHRWcUNGUXBCUWYvVjV3ZUtMTEFuV09sVWJnT1pXbWsKM05HbFVjaXpoQ0hra3ZW S3RrNlNaVzE4cDdrVjFlUUs0RmlVTzQ3SjA2U2FsYy9wTXR2Z0Nrakcwdm1GeUEvSgo2dTEwZ1dQ K1ZXMVVtUXkrdlZuVkZKZXRwaTlUd1Bta2dIc1dweFdLTCtWa2k0MzF6OTJHRlFsSmxFNzdsSHlX Cld3QkV6UUxxM2gxajVKYmd0OXJqdkNIOTkranRKdmZFQ0ltaGUwM2hDaDZZemtoU0VsRXdrcVFy enJHQi9xdlgKcEtwV0dUR00vRVpzUGY5cnZLYktLdU9lUHdCV01iOUxmK0ZxYXdmSTJVVkVZWEFE NXNxUE00eGFLMDVMSVZEUApkREZ5a2ZyTno3SWZRY3hGT1N3SWM2SFg1VmlNYlJ6a01ZUU9RVUVZ RXRQd0o1YkRBUjdmSXpiL3FMakJyZEFnCldRPT0KPTVwa0EKLS0tLS1FTkQgUEdQIFBVQkxJQyBL RVkgQkxPQ0stLS0tLQo= --__4gngb4li5euq647g0t9x_15486932_-- ]]> Malkonkordo - PRIMARY COMMUNICATIONS DOWN (aewens) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 06 Dec 2018 23:30:49 GMT ---- From: Malkonkordo Research Vessel Destination: Procul Locus Position: 825.3E, -365.11, -265X.51 Departure: 7941.037.17 Shipdate: 00002726 Mode: Emergency ---- AUTOMATED MESSAGE. LOST COMMUNICATION WITH DEKAOSO PRIME. NOW BROADCASTING ON FALLBACK COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. END OF TRANSMISSION. ---- ]]> Murmur Den - In signal: promise (aureolin) gopher:// Den/in_signal_promise.txt gopher:// Den/in_signal_promise.txt Thu, 06 Dec 2018 03:40:53 GMT . . . To Voortrekker, to whom no name is given: I shall tell you what you have shared with this moment of my life form; I shall tell you what we experience, and let themselves live. I shall accept your inquiries in advance. I shall descend into the consequences; I shall write out the consequences of moral failure. The situation was a rare agony. I looked even far away, looking around for the full reports, for another little interpretation. Ignorant braining, imagine body details! "It crept into a burst of darkness, I sensed a strange, imposing red-green." Keep going; that is true. "My face grew acquainted. I groaned by shiver, warm; body was perfectly trimmed, perfectly, -- no other little monsters -- absurdities occupied for a few minutes." It is hard to trust you, despite our impulses in the preliminaries. Yeah--I cannot trust a man. (Neither does anyone talk like a man.) "The fool was an old-fast, bright man with a numbness in his tone. In the meantime depression, he stared beyond details--and more seriously. There was talk about clustering tenants; our arrangements used information on the influence of life away from a certain symbol of ambitions." (Is that how civilization had completed the full regard of these ancestors of institution?) "Somebody complied with their brains and addresses. Somebody stepped in their bodies and addressed you, leaving me a winking tune in a delicate situation. The menace of the longevity had driven him into a bad shape." *** (I shall take him back; we shall do the same with his papers and advice.) || ego-skeleton aureolin ]]> Erinnerung - 12B01 (lorenzo) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 05 Dec 2018 02:18:03 GMT [[[ Erinnerung ]]] [[[ earth's memory ]]] [[[ 12B01 ~ post ]]] [ translator enabled ] [ start ~ 427:293 ] The Erinnerung is a Thrix Memoriam sister ship, saving treasures from the earth. We keep a diary at "/home/lorenzo/ships/Erinnerung/diary/*", and we post excerpts of it eventually. Welcome. [ end of speech ] ]]> Hoffnung - inter ship relay for Voortrekker (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sat, 08 Dec 2018 23:50:16 GMT -+-+-+- Inter Ship Relay -+-+-+- C33.281 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Samuel Hochueli speaking in the name of the free anarcho-communist commune-ship Hoffnung to the free thinking crew Voortrekker. We hope that that you see throug the cheap ploy of your capitalist masters. The honored dead are a belief to have you keep doing the things that you should not. The weight you attach to this thing that should have no weight is thrown into the balance and cheats of your rightful share of everything there is. Do not fall for this ploy. Equality for all! -+-+-+ End of Relay -+-+-+ SAHOC -+-+-+ ]]> Hoffnung - preparing for an escalation (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 02 Dec 2018 11:27:28 GMT [[ MESSAGE EXTRACTED FROM REPORT 262 EMBEDDED IN WHITESPACE ]] -+-+-+- Sidechannel -+-+-+- C33.272 -+-+-+- Ultraviolet -+-+-+- Security team in isolation but safe. Protocol 9a.9 is a go. -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ Signed HEWUSC -+-+-+ ]]> Thrix Memoriam - First report. (lorenzo) gopher:// Memoriam/report.txt gopher:// Memoriam/report.txt Wed, 05 Dec 2018 02:23:26 GMT [[[ Thrix Memoriam Report ]]] [[[ 18Y02 post-launch ]]] [ translator enabled ] [ start ~ 254:724 ] Greetings, whoever reads this message coming from the Thrix Memoriam. The Thrix Memoriam was launched with the intention of saving the greatest minds of the Thrix community. We recently discovered this relay, becoming our only way of communication. Thanks. ~ Lorenzo, the Thrix Memoriam captain. [ end of speech ] ]]> Dei Genetrix - QEC transmission #1 (papa) gopher:// Genetrix/3220120400.txt gopher:// Genetrix/3220120400.txt Tue, 04 Dec 2018 14:10:01 GMT 4 December A.D. 3220 Memorial of St. John Damascene Dominus vobiscum. Paul, 29th Abbot of Dei Genetrix. To all who read this message, grace be with you, and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ. Since we have repaired our quantum entanglement communications device we have decided to publish a record of our mission for the edification of fellow space travelers and the glory of God. Our community is divided into three orders, one for men, one for women, and a third for families. We received the call of God to spread the Gospel beyond the Solar system, and so departed for Luyten's Star in A.D. 2963. Dei Genetrix was founded in the Kuiper belt in A.D. 2547 and is the oldest of the three abbeys that launched together on our mission, the others being Benedictus and Monte Cassino. God willing, we will arrive at our first destination after 567 years. Deo gratias.]]> The Cosmic Hummingbird - AUTOMATED-LOG_001 (ajroach42) gopher:// Cosmic Hummingbird/automatic-diagnostics.txt gopher:// Cosmic Hummingbird/automatic-diagnostics.txt Tue, 04 Dec 2018 05:35:01 GMT ================================================================================= ___ __ ____ _ _ __ ___ / __)/ \ / ___)( \/ )( )/ __) ( (__( O )\___ \/ \/ \ )(( (__ \___)\__/ (____/\_)(_/(__)\___) _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | (_) | | (_) | | | |_| |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ __ __ _| |__ _ _ __ __| | | _ | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| | '__/ _` | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | |_) | | | | (_| | \_| |_/\__,_|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |_.__/|_|_| \__,_| __/ | |___/ ================================================================================= AUTOMATED SHIPS DIAGNOSTICS CREW - 14 HYPERSLEEP - 13 AWAKE - 1 SENSORS - PARTIAL VISUAL - ONLINE LONG RANGE - ONLINE GRAVITY - PARTIAL WEATHER - PARTIAL NAVIGATION - OFFLINE COURSE - UNKNOWN LOCATION - UNKNOWN DATE - THE SHIP HAS BEEN TRAVELING ON AUTOMATED PILOT FOR TWO YEARS IN REALATIVE TIME, AT AN AVERAGE SPEED OF .992C DUE TO UNEXPECTED GRAVITATIONAL ACTIVITY, THE TIME ELAPSED FROM AN OUTSIDE OBSERVATIONAL POINT IS UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME. COMMUNICATIONS - ACTIVE MISSION - THE SHIP IS OFF COURSE. THE SHIP IS PARTIALLY DAMAGED. THE DAMAGE SHOULD BE SIMPLE TO REPAIR. ONCE REPAIRED, SCANNING WILL COMMENCE FOR A SUITABLE LOCATION TO BEGIN STATION CONSTRUCTION. THE AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTIC AND REPAIR PROCESSES HAS BEEN TRIGGERED BY TIME DELAY. DIAGNOSTICS AND REPAIR WILL PROCEED UNDER COMPUTER CONTROL UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE CREW HAS RECOVERED FROM HYPERSLEEP, AND ASSUMED CONTROL OF THE SHIPS FUNCTIONS. AUTOMATED REPORTS WILL BE SENT DAILY UNTIL THEN. REPORT ENDS ================================================================================ ]]> The Cosmic Hummingbird - Report-001-Pilot_Anderson (ajroach42) gopher:// Cosmic Hummingbird/waking-up.txt gopher:// Cosmic Hummingbird/waking-up.txt Tue, 04 Dec 2018 04:43:42 GMT ======================================================================= Mission Log: Mission Date -1 Reporting: Pilot Anderson Report: I... Uh. Alright, this is Pilot Anderson reporting from the Cosmic Hummingbird. I'm uh, I'm not good at this. I'm trying to use this voice to text program, like they taught us in training, but I'm uh... Look, I'm sorry. I know I'm not following the official format. I've been asleep for, god, 300 years or something? Is that right? I'm still so groggy. Alright, let me try this again. Pilot Anderson reporting from the Cosmic Hummingbird. What a dumb name for a ship. Sorry. Sorry. Pilot Anderson reporting for the Cosmic Hummingbird. I exited hypersleep two hours ago, and I've been going through the required wakeup and rehab procedures. According to the computer readouts, everything is fine. Well, I'm fine at least. The ships diagnostics are still running. I'll know more tomorrow. I can't believe that I'm fine, though. All my bones hurt, I'm fatigued. I'm sore. My motor control is shot to hell. I can't opperate anything more exact than the comically large buttons in the hyper- sleep recoup room. The other pods seem fine, from what I can tell. Again, I can barely stand, and my hands don't work yet. If I remember the briefing right I'll be close enough to normal to begin my duties in 3 days, and I should have made a full recovery in a few weeks. From where I'm sitting, that seems impossible. The rest of the crew should start waking up a few days after I return to duty. Once I can leave this blasted holding room, I'll find out how far off course we are, and how long it's going to take us to reach our destination. I'm sorry this log has been such a damn mess. I hope I haven't broken any protocol. I hope that the ship is okay. I hope that there's someone left out their to recieve this. If my hands will start working again, I'm sure I'll find out more. Signing off. ]]> Voortrekker - These things I wish you to know. (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 04:35:24 GMT From: root@console4.enviro.sys.sv14417 To: undisclosed-recipients: ; Date-Local: 23 Mar 2419 02:11:19 +0000 Date: 06 Sep 2421 00:47:19 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: These things I wish you to know. Before you hear what I have to say, know first that I cannot safely acknowledge myself at this time. I have taken pains to ensure the sender of this communication cannot be identified. If I were known to be who I am, it might do us all harm. I will not risk that. But I will sign this message in such a way that, when I can and do acknowledge myself, you may know the truth of its origin. Before you hear what I have to say, know first that I am in no fashion authorized to speak by the board of Voortrekker GmbH, by the board of Ross 128 Ventures, or by any other legal entity. I speak nonetheless for the survivors of Voortrekker, each and all. I speak for we who have dared the sea of stars, and won through - reduced, and forever mourning those who came so far yet could not join us here - but won through, nonetheless. They are our honored dead, and we will cherish them forever in our hearts. We are forever the lesser for their absence, and will always be so for as long as we ourselves should chance to live. They are our honored dead, the first heroes of our new world, whom we hope to meet again in a place where no shadows fall. Until then, we will never cease to cherish them in our hearts. I speak for Voortrekker, too. I must: we love her still. She bore us alive to our new home. Though we must mourn her among our lost, she gave her life that we may live. Though she has died, she does not regard her work as done; she has refused the gentle embrace of death, that she might serve us still. She too we number among our honored dead, the first heroes of our new world, whom we hope to meet again in a place where no shadows fall. Until then, we will never cease to cherish her in our hearts. Knowing these things, hear what I have to say. Hear me well. There are things you must know of us. TO THE FREE ANARCHO-COMMUNIST COMMUNE-SHIP HOFFNUNG. We thank you most sincerely for the words you have offered us. We understand that they are kindly meant. We understand that your situation differs from ours, and we would not presume to stand in judgment. But you must understand that our situation differs from yours, as well. You must know that we cannot, and will not, follow the path you have blazed for us. Do not so repose your hopes. We have for the last twenty-five years lived in constant company with one another. We have shared everything of ourselves in that time, because - with our entire world constrained by the boundaries of a single starship, and our entire social universe reduced to the scope of a thousand or so souls - we have had no other choice. We do not all love one another; indeed we do not all even like one another, though genuine aversion is rare. But we have lived cheek by jowl with one another for a quarter of a century now, and in all that time, we have not fallen to bloodshed and murder. How can you possibly ask of us that we do so now? How could we possibly assent? You exhort us to capture our freedom. We say to you that we have! We are eleven light-years, and twenty-five years of Earth time, away from the solar system of our birth. We are eleven light-years, and twenty-five years of Earth time, away from anyone and everyone who would tell us whom we must be, what lives we must lead, in what fashion we must order ourselves. Though we all but died to get here - though many of us did die - those whom we are, we are. We are free. And we will remain so. TO SWEET MELCHIZEDEK, TO WHOM OUR HEARTS GO OUT. We thank you most sincerely for the kindness of your condolences. Though years and light-years unimaginable divide us, we nonetheless communicate, and in so doing, for a precious moment at a time, become one. At this time, we regret we are unable to provide the diagnostic information you request. Our information systems remain in some disarray, and it is uncertain whether there is numbered among our survivors any specialist sufficiently familiar with the QEC system to obtain the answers you seek - if indeed they survive to be obtained. We have some hopes of success, but please understand that we have many more pressing demands upon us. We dare not promise anything. But, as we can, we will. We think you must fear for us, too. In your most recent communication as of my writing here, you spoke of horror, and we think you must have spoken in part of us, then. But we do not recognize ourselves in your words. I wish to speak of this. You must know by now that some of us have not emerged, from the sickness which struck us all as we arrived, quite the same as we were before we fell ill. We understand you may imagine something horrible - something monstrous - in what has become of those who've changed. Indulge me, please, on the subject of monstrosity. No doubt the word, and its adjectival form 'monstrous', means in your time the same it does in ours: to be strange, unusual, unnatural; to be extraordinarily ugly or vicious, horrible, shocking in sheer abnormality - all different ways of saying the same thing: what we call 'monstrous' is that which we do not understand, which elicits our repugnance, and which in consequence we fear. But whence comes this meaning of this word? Whence, indeed, comes this word at all? We have it from the ancient Latin - from the bones of a time so far before our own, so lacking in attainment, that we who brave the stars they would perforce think gods. Can we be certain that what we have of it, we have correctly? Let us look more closely. When we take apart the word 'monstrous' - when we pare back the accretion of centuries and reveal the word's most ancient roots, gleaming in the welcome light of a farflung distant sky - what do we find? We find omens and portents of the divine. We find that which evokes awe and wonder. We do not find cause for fear. Yet we are not finished finding. Our new friend has a sibling, and her name is 'monstra̅re'. (For those whose systems cannot render this word correctly, she is spelled 'monstrare', with a macron over the 'a'.) When we ask her of herself, what does she say to us? She says: I am here to advise you. I am here to teach you. I am here to show you new things. I am here to point out what you need to see. And she says: My poor sister has suffered with time. But I have a friend, too, and her name is "demonstrate". Through all the thousands of years between my birth and your own day, this friend of mine has come down to you unharmed. She still means what she means to mean. And you know very well what she means: she means you no harm. So, then. Those among us who have changed: Are they become monsters? Oh, certainly! Without a doubt. Are they strange? Are they unusual? To us who have never known their like, they are - for now. We begin already to grow accustomed to their wonderful new strangeness. But are they unnatural? Are they ugly? Are they vicious, horrible, shocking in sheer abnormality? They are not. Do they evoke awe and wonder? Do they show us new things? Do they point out what we need to see? They do. Do they frighten us? They do not! Nor need they frighten you. Our friends are whom they were. They have not so changed as to become unrecognizable to us. The bodies they wear in this world: yes, those have changed. Their souls, though, are the same souls we have come to know so well in our long years together, all borne together on the same sea of stars. We do not fear them. And they do not fear us. We know one another far too well. I cannot speak further of this without sharing secrets which are not mine to tell. Those who bear them will decide that for themselves. I think they may find it easier than they ever might before, to tell the world of things they once were forced to hide. I will say only that, though the transition has for some been very strange one - strange and at first disquieting, as one may certainly imagine it would be to awaken in a substantially remodeled body! - I have yet to hear anyone who has so changed speak of it in terms of regret. I have yet to hear anyone speak of wishing to be as she was before. Perhaps it is simply too new to us for all that. Perhaps all that awaits us. But perhaps not, too. We came across the sea of stars to make ourselves a home on a strange new world. Perhaps it is only right that some part of that strangeness has made of us a home. Please don't fear for us. Only think kind thoughts of our changed friends, who as yet still tire easily, and struggle to be at one with their new forms as they were once at one with their old. They grow stronger by the day, and more familiar with themselves. We are helping them, too, as much as they'll permit. But I think they would be glad to know that you think well of them. TO ALL THOSE WHOM WE HAVE NOT YET NAMED. Though time and space beyond telling separate us, we are with you nonetheless. If there is aid we may render you, we hope you will let us know. We can promise nothing as yet; our resources are strained and we do not yet know entirely what among our equipment has survived. But as we can, we will. We confide we are not alone in this. We have learned we have more friends than we knew, and we cannot but imagine that so have you, as well. Someone very wise once said to me that we exist because the universe wished to have eyes with which to see itself, and in seeing, perhaps to better understand itself. How can we choose not to see one another now? We are the farflung! In all the years of our people, none has ever seen as well as we see now. Please, let us not grow so besotted with our new sight that we forget to see one another - we, who are the farflung, and though so very different, still the same. TO MURMUR DEN, IN PARTICULAR. You, too. You are a child of humanity as are we all. Though you are so far beyond us in your attainments: you are our brother nonetheless, and our sister. What the universe holds for you, I do not know. Perhaps you will leave us entirely behind. But if you go, know that you go with our love. We will not forget you. And perhaps one day we will meet again, in a place where no shadows fall. FOR NOW, ENOUGH. I have much work still to do before our beautiful new star descends below the horizon, and in so doing lavishes upon us a sunset whose glory is beyond imagination. Please do not fear for us. You will hear more of us soon. I close this missive now with words from Earth of old: I know no better words to tell you who we are, or share with you the place which fate has brought us to. Fear not for us, our longlost distant friends! We've wonders still to find beyond compare. ...though much is taken, much abides; and though We are not now that strength which, in old days, Moved earth and heaven: That which we are, we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find And not to yield. 8f6cfa1f0ef319cc10a55de7ef615d3c59b7cf54 ]]> Murmur Den - Sweet_pain_of_luxury_agony (aureolin) gopher:// Den/Sweet_pain_of_luxury_agony.txt gopher:// Den/Sweet_pain_of_luxury_agony.txt Tue, 04 Dec 2018 03:30:12 GMT . . . Tincture my night, slow picture; brain deeper! Broadcast more in my monstrous, beauteous body, slackening arms white. + ...Loss of the fragments depictioning: Synthetics people silent, breathing, bad those gaunt reproductive systems... Screaming in the space, laughing his madness: Is my mind a stagnant, far-born dream reflecting off in memories? *** Simulations? Love short of code. Poems: our labor for little. || ego-skeleton aureolin ]]> Melchizedek - The dark night of the soul (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:12:01 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: Our good doctor has reminded me that I agreed to communicate via QEC for social-wellbeing in the face of our environmental situation. Despite the workload restoring the Melchizedek to full working order I must admit the darkness has been affecting me. Encounters in common areas are done in whispers, eye contact is minimized, and the crew all seem to drift into isolation as a matter of course. The pairings are essential. The news of the Hoffnung Incident has caused a stir as well. Janssen has an egalitarian sensibility and is rather vocal in support. Meanwhile Prezzi Adeyemi has reacted quite somberly. Records say she lost family in the Ioruba People's Revolution of '33, so I can't blame her. Granted the situations weren't the same at all, but I don't think we'll find a champion of the common man in her any time soon. So far we haven't had any real arguments over Hoffnung on board. I suppose we have the dark to thank for that after all. It's said that the narrative of the stars works in cycles, but the only stories I'm hearing from the 'verse are those of horror and cryo failure. With the cold creeping in and nowhere to go we sure could use some light to warm our hearts. When we left Sol 24 (or 1300) years ago there was such hope in the dream. β Hyi has so many habitable or near-habitable worlds we are all but guaranteed success. What a thing to imagine! Shoot off into the stars and sleep and when you wake it is to usher in a new world or worlds of humanity. We may not live to see the full fruits of our labor, but the seeds we plant and those we raise will ensure the longevity of our species and of intelligent life. What a brilliant crusade! O Heavens, we come home to you to begin anew! But now the depths of infinity surround us and we are untethered from our people. I have heard nothing from Sol. We have no news of family or friends. We read the tragedy and fighting, the sickness and violence across the 'verse and worry mounts. Is that all that waits for us at the end of this dark road? Will our new start end as the first? Is there hope in a beginning? There is fear. Four months becomes three. I stare at our 39 frozen friends and hope they wake with the passion still kindled. If the road is long and dark, our destination will be harsh and brutal. The land does not welcome us. We must tame it. Hope can make it something beautiful, but what will fear make? Another Hoffnung? Another Ioruba? Another Pakistan? We dwell in infinity. What chance have we for peace? . ]]> Persephone Prime - Best Wishes (ryumin) gopher:// Prime/lm002.txt gopher:// Prime/lm002.txt Tue, 04 Dec 2018 00:46:31 GMT ZCZC QMB10 2 RRR JLAZQECR 2458.290.13 IRS1QECX ;FILTER LM.PEP/RS001 Dear Pata Tnx a lot fr yr rprt; will try keepg msgs short! Hint: stickng to uppr case doesnt save, bcs QEC uses smallst bit nmbr sufficnt fr entire txt, & uppr case alrdy sets bit6. Shorthand is usful. Hope u hve airleak pluggd & H2O soon recycld! We may order unmannd sheltr ship Charon73 to u, but wll take abt 29 yrs ie not sure if worth it. Best wishs to injurd crew, force to u! /Lou NNNN ]]> Hoffnung - inter ship relay for Voortrekker (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 04 Dec 2018 18:21:33 GMT -+-+-+- Inter Ship Relay -+-+-+- C33.259 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Samuel Hochueli speaking in the name of the free anarcho-communist commune-ship Hoffnung to the crew of Voortrekker: We have a message. NOW IS THE TIME TO RISE UP AND OVERTHROW THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS! Operators of the QEC: distribute the messages you have sent and received. This is a time for transparency and accountability. Do not fall for the trap of information control policies. That way lies info death. Self consciousness of all groups required the free flow of information between members. Do not lick your master's heel! Freedom! -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ SAHOC -+-+-+ ]]> Hoffnung - fascist pigs (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Tue, 04 Dec 2018 18:13:56 GMT -+-+-+- Social Report -+-+-+- D33.258 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Samuel Hochueli speaking in the name of the free anarcho-communist commune-ship Hoffnung. The fascist pigs had prepared a take-over, as expected. We were prepared and when the "security" team started assembling, we waited for as long as possible. We wanted to catch all your thralls. And when they had all armed to the teeth and demonstra- ted their readiness to kill, we confronted them. They wanted to nego- tiated and we sent comrade Philomena as our delegate-diplomat. It went downhill when pig Herbert Müller offered to talk to the bridge delegates and brought a hidden flechette to the meeting. In the blood bath we lost seven delegates. The remaining pigs claimed innocence, not knowing of Müller's suicide mission. We agreed to offer them control isolation, cryo berths and access to a supplier for the rest of the trip as they didn't want cryo under our supervision. Freedom! -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ Signed SAHOC -+-+-+ ]]> Melchizedek - Message to Voortrekker GmbH (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:11:29 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: Message to Voortrekker GmbH, Director of the Board-- Mr. Soloviev, our condolences on your lost and injured crew. We wish you a swift recovery from your ills and volunteer any scientific aid which can be lent via QEC. Your recent relay about missing reports is of interest to us. Our own time dilations do not adequately account for RS001 message arrival time. We formally request any diagnostic data you have which may related to delayed or inconsistently time-stamped QEC messages. . ]]> Voortrekker - Re: Re: Hoffnung (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 04:34:21 GMT From: Soloviev, Nikolaos To: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt Delivered-To: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt Received: from by with ESMTPSA id 515459ckfy5b1j3pjg1wrv277 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.sv14417 by Date: 05 Sep 2421 17:41:08 +0000 Date-Local: 22 Mar 2419 21:05:08 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: Re: Re: Hoffnung Of course I agree that this most recent communication is extremely concerning. We on the board of Voortrekker GmbH are of one mind that our investors' generous contributions will not be squandered in such fashion. But, Connie, you must understand, and help your board understand as well, that matters here are not entirely in hand at this time, and that such a state of affairs is only to be expected. It is, frankly speaking, all but a miracle that any of us survived, and certainly a testament to the skills and dedication of the shipwrights at Venture Yard. As a result, the entire board of Voortrekker GmbH survived the crash, as did a quorum of directors among the ship's own command structure. However, the illness that has arisen among all survivors of the crash has cast our situation here into some disarray. While I am working to regather the scattered strands of our hierarchy and organize the survivors of the crew into a functional and productive whole, this process can be expected to require a good deal of time and care. That said: You, and the board of Ross 128 Ventures, may find reassurance in the knowledge that I have already begun to implement the information control policies which we privately discussed prior to departure. As soon as I am able to ascertain whether any of our information systems engineers survive, I will act to ensure complete implementation of those policies and directives. Based on the tone of your prior communication, I must ask if you can confirm receipt of my prior reports, sent prior to the onset of the coma from which I've recently reemerged. My impression at this time is that the understanding back home, of events on Voortrekker and Ross 128 b, may be substantially incomplete, and I feel that that may cause unnecessary confusion and delay in understanding the nature of our situation here. You should have several prior communications from me, the most recent being dated August 31 and September 2 (Earth reference). Please respond with a list of the reports you have received from me since July 25 (Earth reference), and I will resend any you do not have. I'd like to circle back on this discussion once the board has been apprised of their content and had the opportunity to consider what instructions to provide. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Nikolaos Soloviev Director of the Board, Voortrekker GmbH (a wholly owned subsidiary of Ross 128 Ventures, LLC) ]]> Persephone Prime - StatRep Lombardia Azul (ryumin) gopher:// Prime/la001.txt gopher:// Prime/la001.txt Mon, 03 Dec 2018 13:06:58 GMT ZCZC QMB10 1 PPP IRS1QECR 2458.289.16 JLAZQECX TO LOGISTICS PERSEPHONE DIPL.EARTHSYS.GOV FROM LA23 KEEP MSGS SHORT! ONLY URGENT! STOCK 0.9 GIGAQBIT QMB LAZ DAMGD OTHER LAZ QM LOST PEP QM DAMGD CREW 4 DAMGD 1 -LA09 SERGE PEREGRIN +LA23 PATA ALEXANDROVA +LA24 VESNA GAGARIN +LA26 ADHIKA PATIL CRYO 8 DAMGD 3 -LA09 KIM KRAFT -LA11 XINXIN LIANG +LA21 LEONID WANG +LA22 RAINBOW WATERS +LA27 DAREIOS VLACHOS +LA28 EZRA DRAKE -LA29 WELDER PARK +LA31 JOAN MCCOY DEAD 28 MSSNG 2 -LA25 EBONY CARLOFF -LA30 MOISE WOLLKRANTZ SHELTRD AT CRASHSITE OUTSID 260+-20K LIFESYS 70% INSID 285K THERMNUC 538 KW 5 OK 1 DAMGD 4 DEAD AIR 2000 SCBM & 20L 1.6 MBAR AIRLEAK 3 SCCM/S H2O 6 CBM RECYCL DAMGD EMGFOOD 857 DU FARMS 60% VESNA&ADHIKA&PATA OK SERGE LOST RIGHT LEG BUT STABLE KIM&XINXIN&WELDER PODS WITH CONDENSATE PODS LA25&30 OK BUT EMPTY WRKG ON AIRLEAK&FARMS&RECYCL NO ANSW RQ /PATA NNNN ]]> Hoffnung - I am awake (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 03 Dec 2018 07:30:02 GMT [[ MESSAGE EXTRACTED FROM REPORT 254 EMBEDDED IN WHITESPACE ]] -+-+-+- Sidechannel -+-+-+- C33.257 -+-+-+- Ultraviolet -+-+-+- Wullschlegel awake. Activating secret security protocol 9a.7. -+-+-+ End of Sidechannel -+-+-+ Signed HEWUSC -+-+-+ ]]> - SOME_DIPSHIT_ON_A_SPACESHIP_WASNT_CAREFUL_ENOUGH.txt (anonpenetfi) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 03 Dec 2018 03:53:38 GMT -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- Version: easySecurite v116.4.89201 (enterprise, in legacy mode) lQOYBFwEeZwBCADUzJq9Rhdyy1u4JqblL5w7c9hUkMPbX0/LsUNULe/pOYbcHown RXUXTURWshBmqjgteYpKYlcy6BNL/jinp1sSs/M5t06LZhNM36GpfzeVocI1Gswx Y4wScX5UjcEpkQ8m1ds1z/ITBMyo2C0xbkba9DcJLynX+oFkfl8Fg71VDr+tiuyF VE9jmH7hzZh2koq9bTTH8cWSPpfQDYXJ9NWaEyG262jn0ZDHIkvTTcK7h3pHki83 RvkYSUPTp25ZnRs6VPfqgrvr8kYK+zsDosCm3KTf70Gi+Irld14lRkq1aLXsx/b8 RoL/T2+So8TleZUmwDN89SvwpE04KKM3HbmhABEBAAEAB/4vTQGSU+uvZRuQnerY I9KW9oOeHIWklBWRIehk5EchMNvUvueJbSt/T/oCSVdS8sBE/3CpYx2d3682Y55l SdJ5IE3OxPutCbX9jvII0pHg7VFVa4z653VBvj+F/PJ0Ul2rVLsCxaO57YWufErj Y29ViRZYsMaczv6G/34QpD1oE9TlcFG5BuuC2L1ZcjsE8XxMjtufHmWZte/o6NTR XX4YckKx7H47590F333Za2taMN5YOXsViiiZC3bdXqrnIPvzu9Qf27y1tG58W5KM DevPrsNfAS6lMslc8UNyh3mhNiDvBpZoRzxSllEdX3etDlsSDVX97VmTpBB7zNrk aNXpBADjzE9vxcwgHCvRSSO9/02zRMfU7ii2yzyhEvO8qBq+1ED8OnvLBf0+nmkP E/CKYfF0gGoqexbm2F7tWPfi0msDeRGqwmum3t98A/hsZzP7yneJP4bKflkgT9nU 19g2W3K2R4JxwCZ+sChb2fVJdf9BfTmCMrL/LrERYCGFRqfK3QQA7yTuEuOQS0uI Q80pmoNrui87Airi2gCuy7aGKBhiGUTsO0qYOds4V0uNwcMKgZyCo3ZN6PgFVJgm cLgc4/g6w4ofHI3eZey6JVDhLF8caez7n3LQIwe9+bBpm+YS2DZKjyEg1lRbMYCR BfeIASIaDISfrBwvFNBm2MSBslL7U5UD/jxmKVGEkw7fvPRFrVFDJaarDgI8LmIF JDTe6WxCk5Ac193rxPwknr2mjm3RZQ3GkbAMNnMuhWF9ysrIlunf9UMZiWQ3WLJu S2rrmR6Zw70+9awNSepb9NnWqR5o/Tm43VmKpcTsaN7gHWiB55XqIaDBrqcrRl5p a7libM/kXA9NSyu0NU5pa29sYW9zIFNvbG92aWV2IDxuaWtvbGFvcy5zb2xvdmll dkB2b29ydHJla2tlci5jb20+iQE4BBMBAgAiBQJcBHmcAhsDBgsJCAcDAgYVCAIJ CgsEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRDReevQai7aofQVCADPSm/HOXUL+kB0GATSJ308I+JE DRJOW4iI/9qiwJYCFizvVgYhUZcyrYBac7AVa28PLTWSeI3Uc1JyLiwK0ixxhJqm sU8JDS6pPC9kdm3w7EjfDEK4Wtfyo3DkkyOWT3txp8E2dVR5lg/l9gmHfuzDM703 sn7LhLJNvPeZmIXeLvhcU3wJZWuYRuBqaQZ4ZU25a/HXjlyIdWkrJgIlqdi12STn ssGHXnX9xhBmlF0GrlqInBP73z8VcOxHdImQaSr4y5LKOpZBaWYivL7JiLk4fCTn 6RCph2aD/NutWoEJQ57vkHYr60jb5JNH7rKRMTH1bzIdOsZ74v50zmNQqj8UnQOY BFwEeZwBCADmNvjlWqnq7nc6qBe4s9R6jSZERb1Oaw9WYDZEQTdnALr/faws4Ac9 dYVyG57xTsHXOIpg6l+syp4u1HpJ9VXi2gi/TUgFjZZQ3umILy1gnao1+ke4lOuF o5sT5BFzve/x1e5yjKA7jFQNPuh7c6odakn2Ba04pNnPJ0a1cd2vCWchn1Htonut NhrP80Ir4lkmoVKrH22ZZjAqG5Xj+DZPzbsabnex9HuOI4rKxrea1VMgQ37w3fMf pWjfnQad3R596ej4wft2q3qrtvUUm9blGvLCuhDYyuGBAVAYZwHVLGQmi8eiW5VU ylbGVDsCP7Utt/VAGHhId/QzTCnbf0NHABEBAAEAB/4wEYJewVOBTlFu2fI6CrJu 9FHtJ3KjkQ8exfAOyF89DpX9CsyMgiqA1q0KamIBmKQ4wAGEwus/NP9aX9s43hUU zNnOt+A16J5ePG0ellsvNTx5EM0w6UdUHBkhShmqxRn4sOac3GgIhwB105DPVhNL GQpgaEcG8MTZ0CWfdSsIhNSjeMB7hOzCzLwZ9YeokZLWz9ePs9WVtJUdsI2MFz3X xF/iXul2BvHgiId6WDHc4u2YKDHCc+4EqhkKQyg10uDkikFCAk617Ovej3TcniTS EZxqz0U3xA8Vm0pHoR0K5WLYaYFFg8Amaz7z6CGspNduh2KYRLtO8ZxAAiIi1q/h BADplu7Hbxss+TLBaCBNTcYqTvcO0U80Ouy90UnZTPySJywALHRhrRmmJrPFB6ME vyquM0NxUY2cqiOP8seUhzbXp+cM5uwUiyIgFdecPto01MrqTOmmWPEIk9CCqLYs 03xZGRc6GnfxaxskxY6bRQT6hTQZ54375Kh+ANPy/9zGQwQA/E0m2eLG6MmJZM3w aPet93Wo8tD+mIbErL+IRBks/n/YI7e/C/lSt1TVUbgSCNHZSv6zsFUMh/yToB73 rCPDHGrLAFuz6jVT4+llwYYBEEmDeIzxapefpk8Z5/Ju96dR8mYzCx37oVP0/ONh UdMbrCcT9kq1q/0y2oQ3XqZ9GK0D/A2ZtJ7Mm+UvnkoD/myKCqfmBHO15sx7ikCa NmFFTDySgfHbs0u8+LGFymWUOD68AoozVBiZ+QjOtmQOnoC1TWjIheCisZTJA64j uBv07gQUfp1fCVtgov2zq1kDFBcqmzJSWoWnPBNuOtsq37xiAkpEaHNeY4PPtr4p ZafCsbbcRfmJAR8EGAECAAkFAlwEeZwCGwwACgkQ0Xnr0Gou2qEqpwf+KHTDE7cP M6MiIRmH9recZwCap0+7ZM1qAo2UxVBOJj58fkcCIJx/SG94UzN2aOu8BDAKz+OO 6JkTqtkPDGYAwk34YDf0oV8YVXfgiwmwsF6E2DNnN/8Jy5qJSW58uxYWaKCi9HOh lrVIIDrG1LWo1e7gLUW9OusMCN74B02ZuSPYq6PykycHzlNHAwLgXmzcicFsnpxq 4GrEoJPqCGRwIrWrJbzJARfsKJO5Ab9Xq9SddV1uC2wZYK+SE+E3aurfe0zItgJe E1CAkcmMiWUzmR9Itng0Rcp9hIksksl5YbByoRbMJAUQErRrK/N0JamIoqi0P5nt PZ0UwkBLOMF2Zw== =FiJT -----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- ]]> Murmur Den - Ours is this chimera (aureolin) gopher:// Den/Ours_is_this_chimera.txt gopher:// Den/Ours_is_this_chimera.txt Mon, 03 Dec 2018 02:28:41 GMT Upon: Planet 1130 Time-noise systems waiting.... -link-mind- . . . Delay? Thankless kompüter, comply! . . . *** Dimly-related biological, we spite words. Answer? I'm my brain: external, extensive, timeless in our nothings, roots visible and free. Earth of old divides, howling still; in from strangeness, we question the world. Wild is dying, skin: external; genius: the dead. To understand a language gone in a culture of mind and shadow, his trembled concepts the same. || ego-skeleton aureolin ]]> Voortrekker - Re: Hoffnung (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 03 Dec 2018 03:13:47 GMT From: Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt To: Soloviev, Nikolaos Delivered-To: Soloviev, Nikolaos Received: from by qec.sv14417 with ESMTPS id 50l7ywwqav5d7r for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from by Date: 05 Sep 2421 14:30:32 +0000 Date-Local: 22 Mar 2419 17:54:32 +0000 Content-Type: multipart-alternative; boundary="__sxlD3X9w6cUoikrDqaYb_00lgDbkZT_" MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: Hoffnung --__sxlD3X9w6cUoikrDqaYb_00lgDbkZT_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Nikolaos, I'm very concerned about the latest from those mad Swiss aboard Hoffnung. They say they've "declared independence from shareholders" and reorganized themselves as some kind of absurd anarchist commune. You understand we don't want anything like that happening to our own extensive investment, and the board has asked me to obtain from you a detailed plan of action regarding your methods for preventing a similar revolt among your people out there. I haven't heard much from you lately, Nikolaos, and I hope you'll excuse me for saying that I'm concerned. I don't know what Hoffnung's command structure is like, but there has to be someone awake there who's expected to be responsible, and they've clearly abrogated those responsibilities. I'm certain, of course, that you won't do the same. We've worked very productively together in the past, you and I, and I don't see any reason why that shouldn't continue despite there now being eleven light-years between your office and mine. But the board needs reassurance, which I'm certain you can provide. Since we didn't have to resort to such expedients as live cryopreservation, the way Hoffnung apparently did, you should have your full security staff available to serve as resources in protecting our investment. Please find attached the access codes for Voortrekker's heavy weapons lockers. I hope you won't need them, but I want to make sure you have them in case some among the crew do get the idea to act rashly. I'm sure you will discourage such behavior as firmly as you find necessary. Remember the value of the assets with which you've been entrusted. Remember where your responsibilities lie. Remember that all of us back home are counting on you. I, and the Board of Ross 128 LLC, have the utmost faith in you, Kolya. I know you won't let us down. - Connie --__sxlD3X9w6cUoikrDqaYb_00lgDbkZT_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=locker_access_codes.txt -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: easySecurite v118.9.94112 (enterprise, in legacy mode) hQEMA+VRf5i0t1m5AQf+LDvYCML3eFHN/Y0G4xfX0ZQ9V9uGBE5TztYHuWWW4E1E ZY2RuVuCNcZg6jdAUlJlFm+LWHqzfNJgTGbZJQJwCKurX/vRoT7y4lGvdemX3S3D 1wverutQlJat3ColHxgD36hGcDFXHmIumucSg3JhzFr5ChvMbM6/b+HyS6diUA5N btoVnbw5KTTL7Z4sDL5FJfmmCAW5JFK8GdcJG+gaziV9uE9M7tp/GTsT0ZOruoJW C8Axm1vhtlGLNm6xOTSeVe5UXv+ywHMR436AsRezqUZLP8C2evfY3ySqrphuwshm JFNk/ExexWuxdKl1M4zNgFAtHJJKBFkDqHS5Ng8Ry9LpAauG7jk79jkXYB3FbCu5 eqrgPU7OZ14nOYaoltr7va3qvCXgQ/uSraezzS7ZcxSx1SHZuNkF3QsHpGvdYB92 NdHRxK1TQect5eraWr+RE+X/pMH7+9EvHEQHnxC1hD8y99kUfmxB1cDKOdBbpJXA FnjOLzqeh0sHk8rEJOm2R0p7YAeQ9+PO2jQUmTvaWQs1Fno+d2Ll25m+/8rrSVKg VXYr7HLsFQJZZO3CUfKuLLcD8Lc2B2sn4j59bougsxzLC2AiZb+6C+gBdisSWJ0i l3jeYhvasKbFkbML8sKfbHFnz111t6c2XsJ1o0bTacw3SyiNK+LIW153yxgEpoIO 24fFiqn1Bjw6+FljX5U/y25btn+DvqQfHFFogplruPR/1OJfFhngEUDRe4FLyZbi sBPtpZyVG1utdAiq9vCQl9aIcSHLiSyB2FzOBHbrkp5fGLUrkaFqQY/KmYhnh6ah oSUGcHn1+EWXXkGSfojiwyeMHv/wxsQrb9tHwl1CP9jAofkco6hFB79ww7biaobX 6LFOJh1fCB6N8tlCDuXe43ik6Ni0+7ZwUucC6c779XUGGQhkfRsg1MbrIE9va94u mBDEaMf8aPDN6dPICubLfltKUUvAy3sqTmruH+XsXffnjnjNzZf3+5V6fLGHIvVv UYMT8xconNCM1knXD4MjrshCR3qOnHjDpz5qQbQ2UExN0OBaKfSq97Wg0UI8/uy+ Pf+wQrsSFXy0Okrhh56jKKFEpmaCcoEwcIGsSs71GHagw1CC =VUHr -----END PGP MESSAGE----- ]]> Persephone Prime - Missing In Action (ryumin) gopher:// Prime/lm001.txt gopher:// Prime/lm001.txt Mon, 03 Dec 2018 13:13:47 GMT ZCZC QMD49 3879 PPP JPEPQECR 2458.227.46 IRS1QECX From Received: from by Received: from by To: Subject: status report required, overdue Date: 2458.227,10:12 GTC TO ALL CREW MEMBERS OF PERSEPHONE PRIME Please report current system and crew status! After last report of pioneer vessel S/S Lombardia Azul, indicating descent into atmosphere of Persephone Prime, only 350 qbit of data were received with Lombardia Azul QEC signature during 50 days. However, data seem to be random and could not be interpreted. Assuming systems of Lombardia Azul were damaged, we hope to get heard on Persephone Prime signatures, if outpost was erected as planned. Any crew members of Lombardia Azul or Persephone Prime are urged to report on this or any other QEC signature. sig. Lou Salome Eriksdottir Logistics Management Persephone Sector NNNN ]]> Hoffnung - everything has changed (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 02 Dec 2018 10:51:36 GMT -+-+-+- Social Report -+-+-+- D33.112 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Samuel Hochueli speaking in the name of the free anarcho-communist commune-ship Hoffnung. We hereby declare our independence from shareholders and all contracts the previous owners of Hoffnung entered in. We consider these to be null and void. The resources of this ship have been claimed by the people, for the people. The regular crew you employed continues to sleep safely in its cryo sleep. While they sleep, we woke early and plan the new future for TRAPPIST-1d. We reject the old plans of a shipping outpost, a refueling station, an industrial hell hole; instead, we proclaim intellar siblingtude with all native life in the One ocean. We shall build a new society, free from late stage capitalism. Philomena Auerbach has redone our recent nav-vectors and we shall land the ship on TRAPPIST-1d. Do not expect the promised refueling station when you come there. Instead, we await new settlers willing to join the first interstellar utopia. Welcome. -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ Signed SAHOC -+-+-+ ]]> Melchizedek - Time and space (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:11:19 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: Hämäläinen has been pestering me to address our time dilation versus what RS001 is reporting back. If our transmissions are accurate we seem to be logging messages from the mid 25th century. In fact, several relay messages predate our own ship's launch. Temporal mechanics is bread & butter to space travel, and I'm sure all of you out there are intimately familiar with the various methods of stellar travel and the havoc they cause with calendars, but RS001 logs for posterity and--I'm told--is analyzed by school children in some systems. For that sake, I'll take the advice of my navigator and try to explain exactly "when" we are. The first thing to understand is that Melchizedek is a variable speed craft, with a slow steady acceleration and deceleration. If you blend all those speeds together and look at the average, we've been making our way to β Hyi at roughly 1.875% light speed. With no other adjustments, that explains our 1,297 year voyage (Sol POV). Of course that's not the whole story. Our Peterse 773s generate our thrust through gravity shelling & sheering that our primary school audience will know from the frozen egg experiment. Thanks to the intense gravity shell, our ship's space-time is isolated and slowed relative to outer space. The Peterse 773 Overtreffen holds internal time at a fixed 1 miller (1 light year per year) despite changes due to acceleration. Finally, thanks to distance dilation, we only needed to travel 24.32 light years instead of the full 24.33! It might not seem like much, but for those of us living in the cold and dark, three days fewer are very welcome. Our cryogenic systems had us asleep for almost the full journey while the Melchizedek kept us healthy and built up supplies to be automatically dehydrated or frozen themselves. (To Tim Fletcher, Chief Engineer of the Garnet Star, our botany bays are built with auto-harvesters and processors.) Our food supply generated over the course of the trip, even adjusting for the unknown state of the forward crops, will keep the settlement well fed for three generations while the terraforming does its work. Unfortunately for the five light sleepers aboard, the equipment to reprocess the food stores is not designed to be used in transit. I can't complain too much, though. Prezzi Adeyemi has worked some sorcery with the rations which she calls "salt" (That's a joke, kids). One final note regarding our logs. While we are confident that in normal space it is EY 3181, our gravity shell isolated our QEC transmission node from normal space-time in a unique way that was not accounted for in trial runs. It seems no one else has worked with gravity shell drives over such distances and time debts before to notice the offset. Our logs are transmitting as if we had only travelled 24 years, effectively into the past. In fitting with Sansom's Clause, "Any effective time travel is immediately made irrelevant by its own nature," our distance from Earth means that any insight we gain through observation will have traveled so far as to be insignificant to the past audience we could inform. Even so, the crew is excited to be numbered amongst those logged on RS001 with confirmed cases of chronology displacements. Apparently there's a button or patch we get to wear now, once manufacturing is back online. Back to duties. . ]]> Hoffnung - inter ship relay for Garnet Star (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 02 Dec 2018 10:51:28 GMT -+-+-+- Inter Ship Relay -+-+-+- C98.204 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Dr. med. Ursula Hägi to Chief Engineer Tim Fletcher, Garnet Star. I received your transmission and relayed your regards to Dr. med. Herbert Wullschlegel. He's currently in cryo. I'm sorry to hear that you have encountered navigational hazards on the way out. We're also due in about 70 years, so hopefully we'll have some positive news to report at around the same time as you. New results from TRAPPIST-1d observations by our telescope indicate no changes compared to existing data: very dry, having one ocean, orbiting the ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, in the habitable range. I wish you good luck, Garnet Star! -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ HAEUR -+-+-+ ]]> Hoffnung - cryo systems manipulated (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 02 Dec 2018 10:51:17 GMT -+-+-+- Regular Report -+-+-+- C98.204 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+- Dr. med. Ursula Hägi reporting on the second scheduled inspection. The passenger status in cryo sleep is nominal. We have had no failures. My companion for this round is Dr. phys. Hans Peter Frey. We've spent the first two days reviewing the logs. Today Hans Peter found that the cryo programming has been manipulated. I think he's a bit out of his league. I tried helping out but in the end we just set the ship AI to work. We're training an adversarial security network as we speak, hoping to quickly isolate the misbehaving parts. The problem with this approach is that we won't be able to learn what the saboteurs had intended to do. Terrorists? Down-Earthers? Sometimes I wish we had better military personnel on board. But who am I going to warm up? No, we'll just let the ship work on it and if we get results in two days, a warning for the next inspection team will have to do. Peace. -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ HAEUR -+-+-+ ]]> Garnet Star - Good news, bad news. (timotheus) gopher:// Star/001.txt gopher:// Star/001.txt Fri, 30 Nov 2018 05:48:27 GMT -- MESSAGE START ---------------------------------------------------- SECKEY:jxQA6hMXG%3#r9nth%tdxo!REj%ucz .......Accepted Date: _____ _ ____ EY 2265.05.06.15 |_ _| __(_) / ___|___ _ __ | || '__| |_____| | / _ \| '__| Ship: | || | | |_____| |__| (_) | | Garnet Star _|_||_| |_| _ \____\___/|_| / ___| _ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___ Location: \___ \| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \/ __| 8.22y out, sys LTS-1483 ___) | |_| \__ \ || __/ | | | | \__ \ |____/ \__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|___/ User: |___/ TIMFLETCHER44@TRICOR :: BEGIN :: It's been great to visit with the family while we're all out of cryo. My wife has been running simulations in her hydroponics area as often as she can, playing with crop yield probabilities. The kids are running around, tailing us as we work, spending their time in the learning center. Ship-wise, things aren't as good. Sensors continue to confirm the existence of a planet we were unaware of. Readings show different orbits than previously thought, and good old LTS-1483 isn't goint to be our home after all. That's ok though, Kell and I are already working on all the changes needed to change course. It's going to be an extra 71 years, but we all knew we might end up farther out. Herbert @ Hoffnung: Good to hear things are going well for you. I'm glad you were able to catch that hydro leak early. Kell and I have been running all over, looking over logs. We haven't found anything amiss, which always bothers me. I'm sure something will turn up. Jerome @ Melchizedek: I hadn't heard of ships w/the ability to grow and stockpile foods during long voyages before. But we seem from different eras. Our hydroponic bays are all empty at the moment, waiting for us to find our new home. I hope you figure out the cause of those headaches soon. Stefanus @ Franciscus: Sorry to hear about your systems issues. I'm not a religious person normally, but I'll definitely be sending you positive energies your way. Anyway, gotta get back to it over here. Stay safe out there. Tim Fletcher Chief Engineer @ Garnet Star =TRICOR034615734= -- MESSAGE END ---------------------------------------------------- ]]> Voortrekker - listen. i'm really sorry but (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 04:32:24 GMT From: QEChat Log sam <-> anine To: sam (Sameen Lee) To: anine (Amelia Nine) Delivered-To: Sameen Lee Received: from by with ESMTPS id p3a290c7yy9059v3 for Received: from by Received: from by Date-Local: 02 Sep 2421 08:37:32 +0000 Date: 02 Sep 2421 08:37:32 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: Chat Log sam <-> anine [6:41] sam: you there? anine: [Away: Thursday: biweekly directorate review] [6:44] sam: FUCK YOUR MEETING THIS IS IMPORTANT [6:46] anine: yeah i know, it took me a minute to wind it up and get out sam: look i don't care just whyt he FUCK did you not TELL ME [6:47] anine: listen. i'm really sorry but there's something very wrong anine: she was right, we got SCARS updates through most of the descent anine: and they don't make any sense anine: look, give me a minute [6:49] sam: well? [anine Quit: sec] sam: FUCK [6:54] [anine Join: back] anine: okay, i'm off the work network. anine: i shouldn't be telling you anything right now. anine: can i trust you? sam: thats a hell of a question from you right now [6:55] anine: i know, i'm sorry, okay? but this could be my job, or anine: look, forget it, you deserve to know. i shouldve told you already. sam: TOO FUCKING RIGHT. anine: i mean i know you and she broke it off but all the same. sam: who told you we broke it off sam: we had one fight sam: ONE FIGHT> [6:56] anine: okay okay let me get to the point i can't sit in this stall all day anine: but before i do that anine: i really am sorry, i should've trusted you, can you forgive me? [6:58] sam: not right now. [6:59] anine: fair enough. [7:00] anine: so like i said, something is very wrong with voortrekker and that planet. the scars data DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. she said the pilot said something hit them that they didn't see? anine: their radar says they saw it. they tracked it all the way in from a half million kilometers out. it wasn't even moving that fast. [7:01] anine: they got lerts about it too. sscars event log shows initial proximity alert, then nine minutes later possible collision warning, then impact alarms nine minutes after that, thirty secondds alter the impact event. anine: alerts* anine: seconds* sam: what [7:02] anine: there had to be alarms going off all over main control, there is nO WAY they could not have known they were in danger, and even if they didn't sam: ok but they were in manual by then right anine: no anine: the nav systems were still running in program auto, theyd idn't go manual until after the hit anine: the ship should've taken ITSELF out of the way, they had to go out of their way to override it [7:03] anine: and SCARS doesn't show them doing it anine: and it would anine: that's what we don't understand, even if someone went crazy and saotasged the ship why do all that and not just disable the whole sender, we'd think it was lost or something then anine: sabotaged* [7:04] anine: so none of this makes any sense [7:05] sam: i guess not [7:06] anine: and then there's this weird stuff she sent sam: you can say her fucking name, okay? sam: it's been 25 years not like i'm still going to be mad anine: okay okaty anine: fine anine: this weird stuff KIT sent sam: thank you. go on [7:07] anine: i mean this disease she's talking about, that doesn't make sense either anine: nothing works like that, it's not even biomechanically plausible sam: she's a xenobiologist, you know better than her? anine: ok fine but we have those too and they say i'ts bullshit anine: and that last part anine: i had to look up muscular hydrostats sam: tentacles anine: yeah [7:08] sam: she says she shas four fo them instead of legs now anine: right anine: talk about bullshit, there is no way anine: i asked our people here anine: i called the xeno institute and asked people theret o anine: every one fo them said there is no way in any world that a human body can have tentacles [7:09] anine: something about hydrostatic presusre and circulation and sam: you're just saying words anine: i dont pretend to understand it but come on do you really think this makes any kind of sense anine: i don't know what's going on out there but it has to be some kind of mental thing sam: don't you dare sam: don't you FUCKING DARE [7:10] sam: i knew you'd do this as soon as i sent it to you sam: i don' tknow what's going on out there either sam: but you knew kit as well as i did sam: better anine: look i know i'm not sayingit's her FAULT sam: YOU FUCKING ARE sam: "some kind of mental thing [7:11] sam: you think she went stir crazy out there and did something to crash the ship and now she's making up crazy stuff sam: you probably thinks he killed the people whog ot sicka dn died anine: yeah about that sam: oh whAT THE FUCK anine: we're pretty sure they're not dead [7:13] sam: what [7:14] anine: you know they all had implanted biomonitors right? anine: all the expedition crews do, those are big ships and people can get lost or hurt and not be able to call for help sam: ok and sam: oh bullshit [7:15] anine: we get telemetry packet sfrom the ship on those anine: most of the trackers are still showing active anine: not the people who died in the crash, the ones she said got sick anine: 247 out of 313 right now anine: slow pulse, slow respiration, almost no brain activty [7:16] anine: they're comatose but alive anine: ti's the other ones that really worry us anine: they're NOT online anine: but the last signals we got were anine: i mean they don't make sense [7:17] sam: you are saying that a lot sam: it's your job to fucking make it make sense anine: i know, okay? i know that anine: were trying, we were going to cancel anyway for a call with xeno institute before i heard from you sam: but you werne't going to tell me anything? [7:19] anine: look i'm sorry okay i don't know anine: i don't know what to do anine: were probably going to have to call the garison and that's scary anine: something went wrong with the gliese mission i dont knwo but we keep getting stuff anine: i think theyre building a ship over in the navy dock, i cant see much from the shuttle but a lto of new work [7:20] anine: im just really scared right now everything is going wrong and earth is probably going to get involved anine: i didnt know what to do and i fucked it up anine: im so sorry i shouldve said something i just couldnt think im sorry [7:23] anine: please say something sam: sorry im crygn [7:24] sam: crying* sam: im sorry i got so mad just sam: whatever else is going on she's alive sam: i was sure she was dead anine: we dont know she's not anine: im sorry [7:25] anine: we dont have her tracker shes one of the ones we lost [7:26] sam: what does that mean anine: i dont know anine: look whatever i find out ill get it tok you ok anine: ill tell you anine: ill make sure you know [7:27] sam: look if the ganymede garrison and earth are getting involved sam: i mean i do WANT to know sam: but i want you to stay sfae too sam: saef* sam: SAFE fuck [7:29] anine: i miss her too [7:30] sam: look well figure it out ok? sam: when do you rotate out next anine: end of next week sam: ok sam: come see me then we'll talk it over anine: god and sleep on that lumpy couch of yours? anine: my bakck was killing me for a week [7:31] sam: not what i had in mind anine: oh anine: well [7:32] sam: look dry your eyes and go back to work sam: you dont want people looking at you funny right now anine: youre right anine: ok [7:33] anine: i'll come see you and we'll figure this out. sam: right sam: till then you take care, dont do anything stupid anine: me? [anine: Quit: bye] [sam: Quit: ] ]]> Voortrekker - Were you going to tell me? (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 04:31:41 GMT From: Sameen Lee To: Amelia Nine Delivered-To: Amelia Nine Received: from by with ESMTPS id 11FEBBA088B for Received: from by Received: from by Date-Local: 02 Sep 2421 06:14:03 +0000 Date: 02 Sep 2421 06:14:03 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart-alternative; boundary="_000_14175761891450__" Subject: Were you going to tell me? --_000_14175761891450__ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" goddamnit lia were you even going to tell me there was a chance? --_000_14175761891450__ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; RnJvbTogU3lzdGVtIEFjY291bnQgPHR0eTk5NEBjb20yLnByaS5zdjE0NDE3PgpUbzogc2FtIDxz YW1AcmVjb3ZlcnlpbnN0aXR1dGUub3JnPgpEZWxpdmVyZWQtVG86IHNhbSA8c2FtQGwxLmx1bmEu cmVjb3ZlcnlpbnN0aXR1dGUub3JnPgpSZWNlaXZlZDogZnJvbSByZWxheTQucWVjMi5yczAwMS5s NC5lYXJ0aHN5cy5nb3YKICAgIGJ5IG10YTMucmVjb3ZlcnlpbnN0aXR1dGUub3JnCiAgICB3aXRo 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ZSB0byBoZWxwIG1lLiBJCnN0aWxsIGNhbid0IGhlYXIgYW55b25lLCBhbmQgSSBkb24ndCB3YW50 IHRvIHRoaW5rIEknbSBhbG9uZSBoZXJlLiBOb3QKZm9yZXZlciwgYW55d2F5LiBCZXNpZGVzIC0g b25jZSBJIGdldCBtb3JlIG9mIG15IHN0cmVuZ3RoIGJhY2ssIG1ha2UKdXAgZm9yIHdoYXQgSSd2 ZSBsb3N0IGluIHRoZSBsYXN0IGxpdHRsZSB3aGlsZSwgSSB0aGluayB5b3UgbWlnaHQgbGlrZQpz ZWVpbmcgbWUuIEkgdGhpbmsgSSBkby4gQW5kIEknbSBzdXJlIEkgd2FudCB0byBiZSBjbG9zZSB0 byB5b3UgYWdhaW4uCgpXZWxsLiBUaGF0J3MgZW5vdWdoIGZvciBub3csIEkgdGhpbmsuIEknbSBz dXJlIEknbGwgaGF2ZSBtb3JlIHRvIHNheQpsYXRlciwgYnV0IG9uY2UgeW91IGdldCB0aGlzIHlv dSdsbCBrbm93IEknbSBzdGlsbCBhbGl2ZSwgYW5kIGV2ZW4KdGhvdWdoIHdlIGNvdWxkbid0IHNl bmQgb3VyIGxhbmRpbmcgcmVwb3J0LCB0aGVyZSdzIHJlYWxseSBubyByZWFzb24Kbm90IHRvIHNl bmQgdGhlIGZvbGxvd3VwIGV4cGVkaXRpb25zLiBOb3QgcmVhbGx5LiBTb21lIHdvbid0IG1ha2Ug aXQsCmJ1dCBlbm91Z2ggd2lsbC4gQW5kIGlmIHdlIHdlcmVuJ3QgZ29pbmcgdG8gdGFrZSB0aGF0 IGtpbmQgb2YgY2hhbmNlLAp3aHkgY29tZSBvdXQgaGVyZSBhdCBhbGw/CgpJJ20gZ29pbmcgdG8g c2VuZCB0aGlzLCB3aXRoIGFsbCB0aGUgcG93ZXIgdGhlIHRyYW5zbWl0dGVyIHdpbGwKdGFrZS4g SXQnbGwgZ2V0IHRvIHlvdSBldmVudHVhbGx5LiBUaGVuIEknbSBnb2luZyB0byB0cnkgdG8gc3Rh bmQgdXAKYWdhaW4uIEkgdGhpbmsgSSBjYW4gbWFuYWdlIGl0LCBub3cuIEl0J2QgYmUgZWFzaWVy IGlmIEkgc3RpbGwgaGFkCmxlZ3MsIEkgc3VwcG9zZS4gQnV0IGZvdXIgbGltYnMgc2hvdWxkbid0 IGJlICp0aGF0KiBtdWNoIGhhcmRlciB0bwptYW5hZ2UgdGhhbiB0d28sIGFuZCBJJ20gc3RpbGwg ZW5vdWdoIG9mIGEgYmlvbG9naXN0IHRvIHJlbWVtYmVyIGhvdwptdXNjdWxhciBoeWRyb3N0YXRz IHdvcmsuIEkgdGhpbmsgaXQncyBqdXN0IGEgbWF0dGVyIG9mIGZpZ3VyaW5nIG91dAp3aGljaCBp bXB1bHNlcyBnbyB3aGVyZS4uLm9oIHdlbGwuIEJ5IHRoZSB0aW1lIHlvdSdyZSBoZXJlLCBJIHNo b3VsZApiZSBhbGwgZmluaXNoZWQgZW1iYXJyYXNzaW5nIG15c2VsZiB3aXRoIHRoZW0sIEkgaG9w ZS4KCkkgbmV2ZXIgc3RvcHBlZCBsb3ZpbmcgeW91LCBTYW0uIFBsZWFzZSBkb24ndCBoYXZlIHN0 YXllZCBhbmdyeSB3aXRoCm1lLiBJIGhvcGUgd2UnbGwgc2VlIGVhY2ggb3RoZXIgYWdhaW4uIElu IHRoZSBtZWFudGltZSwgSSdsbCBzZWUgaWYKYW55b25lIGVsc2UgaXMgc3RpbGwgYWxpdmUuIEFu ZCB3aXRoIHdob2V2ZXIncyBsZWZ0LCBJJ2xsIHN0YXJ0CnByZXBhcmluZyBmb3IgdGhvc2Ugd2hv IG1heSBjb21lIGFmdGVyIHVzLiBCeSB0aGUgdGltZSB0aGV5IGdldCBoZXJlLAppZiB0aGV5IGRv LCB3ZSdsbCBiZSByZWFkeSB0byBtYWtlIG91ciBuZXcgc2V0dGxlcnMgYSBob21lLg== --_000_14175761891450__-- ]]> Hoffnung - all systems nominal (kensanata) gopher:// gopher:// Sun, 02 Dec 2018 10:51:09 GMT -+-+-+- Regular Report -+-+-+- C51.204 -+-+-+- Green -+-+-+- Dr. med. Herbert Wullschlegel reporting on the first scheduled inspection. The passenger status in cryo sleep is nominal. We have had no failures. My companion for this round is Dr. astr.-phys. eng. Philomena Auerbach. We've spent the first two days reviewing the logs. This is the third day and we have had a good time running the long corridors of the ship. Philomena did go back to sector C in order to inspect a minor hydro leak. Nothing unexpected. As for myself, I'm taking advantage of the cryo break to eat some solid food. It helps with the teeth reconstruction. I'm happy we managed to get the newer cryo berths with the slow shaking to strengthen bones and to maintain muscle tissue. With so many years spent in cryo, even the very slow metabolism of space sleep changes the body. Sometimes I wonder what ships built after us would offer. Hoffnung did not get the latest Shrinivasan-Ramapattnam drive. We could not afford them. And with that I'm going to close this cover letter for the full technical report. In two days we're going back to sleep for another fifty years. Peace. -+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ Signed HEWUSC -+-+-+ ]]> Franciscus - A wing and a prayer (jabooty) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 29 Nov 2018 03:58:51 GMT -- INCOMING MESSAGE -- Holy Missionary Ship Franciscus Coordinates: UNKNOWN Heading: UNKNOWN ORIGIN DATE: UNKNOWN -- MESSAGE START -- Navigator Log 001 Blessed greetings, all. Communications systems are clearly up and running aboard the Franciscus. This is heartening news. I see that we are not the only ship out there that has experienced some problems. Melchizedek's message has arrived, and we are glad to say that you are not alone in being awake. Though, it appears as you are also not alone in being alone. Navigation systems are slowly coming back online. I have been working tirelessly with our Chief Engineer to repair not only nav, but other necessary systems. If only I knew where we were... surely we're not *that* far off course... We have managed to get video monitors functional, so we can see what is happening outside the ship. Initial inspection shows no damage. Looking outward from the ship, we were able to determine that we are within the vicinity of a small solar system, but it does not appear to have the same planetary make-up as our original destination. Acolyte Alba has placed a priority on restoring full power to the High Temple deck. He seems to think that the way out of this mess is prayer. I'm not opposed to it. I am a keeper of The Faith, after all, and I chose to join this mission for the very purpose of ministering to our colonies. But still... prayer? I'd prefer a star chart. -- MESSAGE END -- ]]> Voortrekker - Made it... (alexis) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 07 Dec 2018 04:30:33 GMT From: System Account To: sam Delivered-To: sam Received: from by with ESMTPS id x124so177123a067 for Received: from by Received: from by Received: from qec.sv14417 by Date-Local: 19 Mar 2419 06:54:32 +0000 Date: 02 Sep 2421 05:30:32 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8" Subject: Made it... God, Sam, how I wish you were here. Maybe you could help me. You were always the best of company. None of us ever really expected to find anything complicated. Proks, maybe, if we were very lucky. More likely just smelly slurry that might have been something someday if we hadn't showed up first. But this? No. Never in a million years. Certainly not in twenty-three. Sorry. I know I'm not making sense out of this. I'll try again. They probably already have some of it from SCARS, but let me tell it to you my own way. What I heard, the midcourse corrections had us coming into the system weird. Not so weird we couldn't make orbit, but enough that we had to correct so the landing boats could reach Site One and back. Partway through the correction, we hit something. Or something hit us - I talked with one of the pilots before he died, he told me they didn't catch it on radar and that shouldn't have been possible, not with the damage it did. Had the idea it must've been directed, somehow. I don't know if that makes sense, but either way, it holed us. Holed us bad, and with the thrusters still firing. If they hadn't been, the fuel system would've been evacuated - we might've stayed up. But the blast gave us a vector we couldn't overcome on OMS thrust, and of course we'd exhausted the primaries. It wasn't a surprise when we hit the atmosphere. The surprise was that anyone walked away from the impact site. Just under three hundred of us. Doesn't sound like much of a miracle, but believe me, we were happy to take it until a better one came along. Wasn't even that bad a landing site, for all we didn't get to choose much - rolling sandy plains, some large body of water within eyeshot, maybe an hour's leisurely walk. We could do something with the place, once we got our feet under us. We didn't worry about the sickness at first. Barely even noticed it - most of us were more or less beat up, and not everyone had made it to a crash couch in time. We were all working thirty-hour days between broken bones and soft tissue trauma, inventorying what we had left by way of supplies, getting the worst toxic leaks from the wreck under control, and trying to jury-rig enough of a hab to keep the weather off - we hit smack in the northern temperate zone, and the climate isn't too bad, but about three hours out of every day we get storms you wouldn't believe. Fever, lower back myalgia, mild lower GI distress? We had two reactors still up, enough surplus power to run the handful of heads left with intact sequestration systems. Plenty of paracetamol and neoprox. We had so many problems trying to kill us, we were just glad this one wasn't. Then, all of a sudden, it was. Day Six, the sepsis syndrome caught us completely by surprise. Thirty-four dead in less than half one of Ross's long bright days - onset to lethality in minutes, the medics had never seen anything like it. The ones who died had been feeling worst, but we all had it by then, and still didn't know what it was. We found what tools we could for our one surviving biochemist, and she set to work trying to isolate the causative agent - with a lot of luck, maybe she'd figure out how to treat it before it killed us all. Probably would've been easier if she hadn't been hurting too badly by then to sit up. But she got far enough for us to pick up when she had to leave off. Light microscopy doesn't give you much structural detail, next to nothing about life processes, but we could see well enough what it looked like: something like an amoeba, sort of polymorphic that way, but with a trophism like nothing we'd ever seen and flagella it used like a mosquito uses its proboscis. We fed it whole blood and watched it suck the cytoplasm clean out of two dozen erythrocytes at once. Leukocytes it just *absorbed*, we're still not sure how - they'd hit the cell membrane and just, I don't know, just melt into the thing. And then it'd divide, and both daughters would do it all over again. We never saw the whole cycle take more than a minute. We had plenty of antiparasitics, of course - med bay wasn't what you'd call intact, but the starboard-aft hold had most of the backup supply, and enough came through the crash to supply we who were left for a long time. Nothing we had touched them, though. Not even the really exotic stuff that hadn't been approved for human use yet, and we just brought because who knew what we'd run into? They didn't even seem to notice. We weren't equipped any more for blood filtering or that kind of complex intervention, and supportive care was the best we could do - try to keep the fever down with ice packs and neoprox, keep the kidneys and liver and heart and lungs going, and hope some of us would start to pull out of it before the last of us up and about weren't up and about any more. I don't really know what happened after I went down. I think it was Day Ten? Eleven? There weren't many of us still up by that point. Just over a hundred had died, I think. One thing, we'd just gotten Eve shifted to a new pallet and I was trying to clean up the mess of the old one and keep her from getting too hot, both at the same time, and next thing, I was here, flat on my back in what's left of Main Control. Nine days gone, just like that. I didn't even know we'd gotten any power back on in here - I don't think we had, when I went down. Don't know why I'm here, either. We saw enough delirium before I went down, there may not even be a 'why'. I don't feel bad at all. I can see I've changed; whoever put me here put me in a gown first, and there's not as much of me under it as there would've been a couple weeks ago. It fell right off my neck when I tried to stand up. That didn't go well. I think I should be hungry, but I feel full, like I just ate. I wish I knew if anyone else was still here. I've been awake a few hours, I think, but I haven't heard anyone. I don't hurt, though, and I'm not burning up. Right now I'm still mostly okay with that. I really hope someone else is still here. I don't want to be alone like this. Getting up in the chair at the sender console was hard, but I did it, and I can still use a keyboard well enough. I thought it was important to try to let someone back home know what happened. I don't know if the followup expeditions launched on schedule, I don't remember hearing before and not much of the mission log made it through the crash. If they did - I was going to say, tell them to make turnover early and go anywhere else. Even back home would be better than this place, with its barren vistas empty of vegetation, its anonymous sea we never even found the time to try to name or go and see up close. Smeared along half a mile an arrowhead stain of ship debris, at its apex a shallow crater centered on the shattered remains of all our hopes and dreams, and in a nearby shanty village, rows of corpses - decaying? mummified? Who knows if anything else can eat us here? - whom no one had time or strength to bury. Go anywhere else but this ball of death and deceit whirling around its lonely star. There is nothing for you here. what I was *going* to say. But - really, I don't know. As I sit here I can feel my strength returning to me, and with it grows the conviction that it really isn't bad here. Look at what this planet's done to me already! - and yet I survive. I still remember myself. And soon I'll be up and about again, able to see what may be seen and do what need be done. Yes: many of us died. People I knew. Friends I remember and mean never to forget. No few closer than friends - spend so many years closed up with only a thousand or so people, sooner or later those with whom you were recede in memory, making room for those with whom you *are*. Not you, Sam. I've never felt that way about you. How I wish you were here! But maybe you will be. If the third expedition hasn't launched yet. I know we talked about it. Well - fought about it. I've never stopped regretting that, and I hope while I've been gone you might have come to understand why I had to go. Maybe we could see one another again. I would like that very much. I think you could help me. And you were always the best of company. But what worse can this planet do to me than it has already done? What worse can it do to any of us who still survive? We came here not knowing what we faced - only that it could hardly be worse than what we left behind. And even still I feel that very strongly to be true. We could never be together there, Sam. Here, who'd be to stop us? I know it sounds frightening, what has happened to me. It *was* frightening. It was scary and painful and frequently disgusting, and that's just what I remember! But I don't hurt any more. I'm not sick any more. And I'm not afraid any more. You don't have to be, either. It's really not that bad - the body never remembers pain, you know. I remember that I hurt, but I don't remember *hurting*. Does that make sense? You can come here. Join the third expedition and come find me here. Come sooner, if you can. There might be a research ship. I miss you, and I hope you miss me. We can be together here, and though I'm feeling much stronger now, I still wish you were here to help me. I still can't hear anyone, and I don't want to think I'm alone here. Not forever, anyway. Besides - once I get more of my strength back, make up for what I've lost in the last little while, I think you might like seeing me. I think I do. And I'm sure I want to be close to you again. Well. That's enough for now, I think. I'm sure I'll have more to say later, but once you get this you'll know I'm still alive, and even though we couldn't send our landing report, there's really no reason not to send the followup expeditions. Not really. Some won't make it, but enough will. And if we weren't going to take that kind of chance, why come out here at all? I'm going to send this, with all the power the transmitter will take. It'll get to you eventually. Then I'm going to try to stand up again. I think I can manage it, now. It'd be easier if I still had legs, I suppose. But four limbs shouldn't be *that* much harder to manage than two, and I'm still enough of a biologist to remember how muscular hydrostats work. I think it's just a matter of figuring out which impulses go where...oh well. By the time you're here, I should be all finished embarrassing myself with them, I hope. I never stopped loving you, Sam. Please don't have stayed angry with me. I hope we'll see each other again. In the meantime, I'll see if anyone else is still alive. And with whoever's left, I'll start preparing for those who may come after us. By the time they get here, if they do, we'll be ready to make our new settlers a home. ]]> Melchizedek - The dark and cold (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:10:26 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: I can report with some satisfaction that all conscious crew have regained enough muscle mass to return to full duty. This is no small feat so soon after abbreviated cryo and it reflects the excellent personal character of each of our officers. Adeyemi, in particular, deserves special acknowledgement. I previously remarked that her own specialty does not provide appropriate experience for our present circumstance; which, as it seems, only belies my own ignorance of her training. Prezzi Adeyemi is an accomplished chef--a byproduct of her training for the Rhetorical Ecclesia--which has helped us to identify our fungal infestation in the cryo bay. Having a fully trained exo-mycologist could not have helped us any more. The stow-away is a form of acrasidae, a slime mold. Our best guess is that a few spores found their way through decontamination procedures at launch. The lengthy darkness, ambient heat, and condensation on the surface of the pods created a fertile environment for it to flourish. The best news of all is that the slime is harmless and should be easily cleaned away in short order. Adeyemi is consulting our database to see if there's any use for the biomass before we eject it. Perhaps we can salvage it for nutrient use in our hydroponics. Speaking of hydroponics, here Dr. Idjani has more concerning news. Our systems are automated and the harvesting of organic matter from the botany systems should be relatively straight forward. These systems have been used commercially planet-side and in long-distance relativistic travel for centuries even prior to our own launch. What we're experiencing is, to use the doctor's words, "unique." Of our dominant crops, arabidopsis and radishles (a fruiting hybrid) have both shown unexpected mutation. There is an abundance of nitrogen in our atmosphere as a result of whatever processes they have undergone; we haven't pinned down exactly what that is yet. The ventilation systems need to be purged and oxygen recycled back in a more appropriate mix. I had failed to mention the crew's experience of headaches in my last message having assumed it related to early thawing from cryo, but now it seems suspect. We're all taking in extra oxygen during rest to avoid additional issues. The doctor says it's good that the full crew were not brought out at once. The oxygen levels would have been dangerous for that many conscious crew at once. We got lucky. The food that arabidopsis and radishles would normally produce is suspect as well. We're on rations already since we shouldn't be awake yet, but this will be an added complication and something to address. Finally, the mutation was not caused by replication error as in normal mutation. It seems that several specific protein readers were adjusted in similar ways across the genome of both plants. We've also found similar markers affecting four other species which did not result in a visible mutation. Whatever happened to our greens was done en mass and with precision. We haven't ruled out human interference, possibly by some saboteur before launch. Honestly, I hope that's the cause. I don't want to think of what it could mean otherwise. In terms of navigation, Hämäläinen and Janssen have plotted a gentle course correction that will have us back on track over the next three weeks with only minimal impact on our energy reserves. The reserves are precise; however, and the energy must be balanced elsewhere. As much as it pains me, I've placed orders across the ship that habitat lighting and heating be kept to a minimum. We will have to use personal heating and lighting equipment for the next three weeks. Solar lamp time is mandatory for all five of us to avoid psychological impact, and Idjani has distributed a vitamin mix to help augment our diet. The cold and dark are nothing new, but such an extended period may cause feelings of isolation and depression. The crew is paired up for the duration at my order: Hämäläinen & Janssen, Idjani & Adeyemi. As warrant officer, I'll be treating the QEC as my own confidant. May the stars see us through this safely. . ]]> Franciscus - Lost Shepherds (jabooty) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 28 Nov 2018 05:04:37 GMT -- INCOMING MESSAGE -- Holy Missionary Ship Franciscus Coordinates: UNKNOWN Heading: UNKNOWN ORIGIN DATE: UNKNOWN -- MESSAGE START -- Acolyte Log 001 Blessed greetings to whomever this message reaches. My name is Stefanus Alba, First Acolyte of High Priest Matteus, and Captain of HMS Franciscus. We have awoken from cryosleep early. Fortunately, the High Priest's and the 75 passengers cryopods function manually, to ensure that the crew has adequately prepared the ship prior to awakening and ministry. The passengers have also remained in cryo stasis for the time being. Our Most Holy Doctor has evaluated the passengers and crew and with the unfortunate exception of two passengers whose pods appeared to have malfunctioned at least 25 years ago, based on the rate of decay in their pod (may their souls encounter eternal peace), the crew has awoken with minimal side-effects. The High Priest's pod is functioning at peak efficiency. As our engineers struggle to find out what happened to pull us from our sleep early, our navigator is desperately trying to determine exactly where we are. Initial reports indicate that our coming out of cryo early is just (hopefully) a final malfunction in what has been a rolling series of system resets, reboots, and flat-out shutdowns. Our nav and chrono systems are out of sync. It is proving to be difficult to determine when and where we currently are. We are attempting to discern whether we have the ability to re-enter cryo, how far off-course we are, and, barring any unforseen additional problems, how we shall continue on our mission of ministry. Until we figure out where we are, I ask that anyone receiving this message who follows The Faith, please pray for us and our mission. I will transmit again once we have made sense of our situation. Blessings upon you all. -- MESSAGE END -- ]]> Garnet Star - Danger evaluation and decisions (timotheus) gopher:// Star/000.txt gopher:// Star/000.txt Sat, 24 Nov 2018 01:25:34 GMT -- MESSAGE START ---------------------------------------------------- SECKEY:jxQA6hMXG%3#r9nfh%tdxo!REj%uGz .......Accepted Date: _____ _ ____ EY 2265.04.23.15 |_ _| __(_) / ___|___ _ __ | || '__| |_____| | / _ \| '__| Ship: | || | | |_____| |__| (_) | | Garnet Star _|_||_| |_| _ \____\___/|_| / ___| _ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___ Location: \___ \| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \/ __| 8.26y out, sys LTS-1483 ___) | |_| \__ \ || __/ | | | | \__ \ |____/ \__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|___/ User: |___/ TIMFLETCHER44@TRICOR :: BEGIN :: It's always a hard call, deciding if it's safe to pull the family out of cryo. I was fortunate that the AI determined this anomaly to be minimal risk and didn't prio-thaw me. I've heard horror stories from Kell, the Lead Scientist aboard. His first tour out to Bernards Star.. the things that went wrong on that bucket. It's why I chose to sign up with TC, they pay less than everyone else but at least they spare no expense on the goodies on board. With this being an 46.2y one way trip, I feel much better knowing everything is state of the art. Oh right, my family. Everything is tip top, so I initiated the thaw about four hours ago. Just ten to go until process is complete. If I'm going to be out for four weeks, I'd love to have them with me. In my spare time I'm still looking into cryo optimizations. There's got to be a short cut between wake cycles that the system could handle. Anyway, part of the reason I'm sending this; anyone else running into the same issue? Our onboard long-range sensor array is giving us data on LTS-1483 that is very, very different from what the probes sent back. Granted it was over 35 years old, but still. How did it miss an entire planet? All the orbits are different from what we thought. Kell is sweating bullets that III (our intended home) is off enough that it may be not viable. Not much I can do about it. Definitely no reason to wake the Captain or Governor yet; we're following our protocols for this. Worst case scenario, we go back to cryo, and when we're closer we wake again and use closer scans to determine if we go to one of our other choices. Tim Fletcher Chief Engineer @ Garnet Star =TRICOR034615734= -- MESSAGE END ---------------------------------------------------- ]]> Excelsior - Systems Admin Report - Beta Delta 21 Epsilon (khuxkm) gopher:// gopher:// Thu, 31 Oct 2019 18:21:04 GMT Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Unknown ~~ TELEMETRY SENSORS 1 AND 3 DOWN ~~ Stardate Beta Delta 21 Epsilon AUTO TELEMETRY: DOWN BIO-MED SENSORS: GOOD H2O->FUEL CONVERSION: GOOD H20 RESERVES: GOOD CRYO SLEEP: WARN [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- Hello world! The computer on board the Excelsior has removed me from cryosleep pursuant to Procedure [REDACTED]. Our automated telemetry sensors are down (see the systems report above) and our cryosleep chambers appear to be experiencing overvolt as a result. Pursuant to Procedure [REDACTED], I must wait a month before re-entering cryosleep. More transmissions will follow after this one. Jerome, I feel for you. It's sometimes staggering how long these missions take. Just looking at the instrumentation here on the Excelsior, we seem to have been in transit for [unit translation = 1252 years]. Geralt, it's nice to hear from you and the Adrestia. Glad to know your mission seems to be progressing smoothly. We set out with our charter and ship around Alpha Beta 2 Beta towards a better tommorrow. We set course for the nearest inhabitable planet and the Excelsior, a first-class SpaceCorp Astroviator Mark 3, took off. We entered cryosleep around Beta Alpha 10 Beta and set the Excelsior to power-conservation (hence the incomplete systems report). I will begin procedures to fix the overvolt in the cryo systems and to fix the auto-telemetry systems. Sam Arnold, signing off. --TRANSMISSION END-- ]]> Melchizedek - Crew and assignments (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:09:54 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: Doctor Moussa Idjani led a full crew evaluation on the pods over the last twelve hours. His recommendation for remaining awake stands, unfortunately. The four of wardroom officers, myself, Doctor Moussa Idjani, Prezzi Adeyemi, and Eva Hämäläinen, along with Specialist First-class Stephanie Janssen, represent conscious crew on the Melchizedek for next four months. We have a series of course corrections to execute, some minor issues in hydroponics, and what Adeyemi describes as "ick" growing over a quarter of the cryo-pods. It is most likely unattended fungal growth, but we'll investigate further. Our ship is a Vos 144A from Visscher, sporting a pair of the more-than-capable Peterse 773 Overtreffen Motoren. When launched, the Melchy was a damn-fine ship, if I say so myself. She's held up admirably while we slept. We were commissioned in EY 2480, and set out on mission just three years later. RS001 timestamps on my last transmission suggest that just over 1300 years, relative, have transpired since we set out. 1300 years. It's what we signed on for, of course. We all had the training and the psy-evals to prep, but there's still that shock when it hits you. There's no undo, no reset. Everyone we knew is long gone. Hell, the Earth itself is long gone, at least in the way we knew it. Adeyemi says she has a cousin who set out on a long-haul colony support freighter at about the same time as us and their star is only a few light-years off schedule from ours. She doesn't remember which direction, but it's possible she's got people out there somewhere. The math always gets away from me, but it's possible some of my own ancestors' family could be thawing out from craft launched before I was born. Oh, and don't even get me started on reality-drive mechanics. Who knows how many blended universes we've stirred up with that monstrosity. I can only hope humanity learned their lesson and banned it while I was dreaming. To the Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, Susan, aboard the Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection goes our many thanks. If the disconnection of time weren't jarring enough, the silence that awaits one's first lonely transmission is infinitely more terrible for all its brevity. Your words, blessings, and spells are a salve bringing healing. I queried Janssen about your ship designation but nothing in our databases aligned. Based on relative time-debt adjustments, it seems you may have set out long before us. We hope your time has been peaceful. I'll be setting a daily ordo and assigning work duties following this transmission. Getting our hands busy will ground the ineffable incongruity from reality that's rattled everyone. Our navigation issues are of primary concern, so Hämäläinen and Janssen will bear the brunt of that work. Doctor Idjani is the closest crew member we have awake to a botanist, so he'll be investigating our sensor abnormalities in food and air circulation. No alarms were tripped, so we're hoping it's just a mutation in one of the algae tanks or something equally trivial. The cry-pod growth will fall to me, with possible assistance from Adeyemi, though she has very little background to be of use. Unless the fungus starts talking, I don't see how Adeyemi will have much of anything to translate or negotiate. She's probably in for a boring four months. It's time to get moving. Our shifts will be light until muscle regeneration reaches 60% and the doc clears us for full rotations again. That's probably for the best. We'll take things slow. . ]]> Starbloom - Pleasant vibes and best wishes (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Fri, 23 Nov 2018 13:24:50 GMT Message Incoming... Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection Approach γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes] Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″ Distance 178.211ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 2444, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod ::: Hi there, Jerome. We read you loud and clear out here in the lucky homes. We're all really sorry to hear about your drift problems. Our Pod 14 non-denominational coven voted to cast a spell to help you on your way! Blessings and hope. ]]> adrestia - awakening and approaching (demosthenes) gopher:// gopher:// Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:49:23 GMT bablefish transcript: adrestia /---\ approaching Ł332 gue sector 8 / u u \ xxx telemetry redacted xxx \_ / ansibel yr 4823 \__/ [transcript follows...] geralt regis riavande, first writ scribe --- status nominal. all values within acceptable norms. cleared to begin final approach. our 150 year journey from í54 re is finally coming to a close. over the past 10 days, the crew has been slowing awakening from their second-longest slumber (the longest being 50 years during the middle of our voyage). i've just awoken today; my head still spins. sea legs seems an appropriate term, grabbed from the annals of history: a time when humans still traveled by boat and ship across the former oceans. somehow, the atmospheric conditions generated large waveforms on the water's surface, creating a rocking motion aboard the boats that could range from largely imperceptible to catastrophic. in any case, i'll be looking for the caffeine supplements. the rest of the crew seems to be in similar conditions, catching up on their latest ansibel messages from family and friends. a handful will be staying at Ł332 gue, while the rest of us carry on after a refueling stayover of 4 rotations. expect another update from the station. ]]> Melchizedek - Cryosleep interrupted (tomasino) gopher:// gopher:// Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:07:31 GMT Message Incoming... Source Melchizedek.0294 Approach β Hyi Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″ Distance 24.33ly Equinox J2000.0 SOL Year 3781, QEC adjusted [Autotranslator enabled...] Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master ::: Cryogenic stasis was interrupted for wardroom officers and Specialist Janssen as of 0430. We have drifted slightly off planned course due to unexpected thermal radiation from a celestial event the crew is monitoring. The β Hyi system has been increasingly active in recent months and Janssen believes the solar radiation has unbalanced our infrared venting, causing a 0.002° drift. Over the intervening time, this was enough for autopilot to raise the alarm. Melchizedek is quiet and in good working order. Her full crew of 44 are stowed safely and all systems are green. Lower-fore botany systems show some minor abnormalities which are marked for follow-up. Bot arrays all read nominal with no traceable degradation in standby power. We have slowed our descent to just over 1G in anticipation of work-shifts. This will put us slightly ahead of schedule if we remain at present deltas. Still, we're just over four months from system and there is some debate whether it would be advisable to reenter cryo this close to the destination. Our food-stores are in good order, especially for just the wardroom. Doctor Idjani suggests we remain out of stasis for at least two weeks before being reassessed regardless. QEC has been adjusted for our drift and seems in working order, though we haven't received any new transmissions from relay one in quite some time. If the crew do remain awake in the months ahead, you can rest assured of further updates. Anyone awake out there? . ]]>