#### BEGIN TRANSMISSION #################################### Four years since The Master passed and I assumed his place. Four years since The Sacrifice should have been made. Four years since I talked to another. It was, of course, only The Master I could talk with since I was offered up as The Sacrifice at age six (or maybe five?). Naturally, if we ever found ourselves within the earshot of the penitent we had to stay mum, but ever so often we would find ourselves in The Engine Room, The Hall of The Computer, or some other place to vile for the penitent to approach and on those happy occasions we could free ourselves of the bur- den of silence. And even though our newfound freedom lasted no more than an hour or so, it was enough to sustain us in high spirits for weeks after. It has been four years since The Master died. As a rule, it it would be no more than a month before the new Sacrifice is made. Woe is me! - it has been four years and the chance for having The Sacrifice is still as slim as ever. It has taken a great toll. I could feel my mind slowly slipping away and a devilish (and daring) plan started to develop. I started to think the unthinkable - I wanted to speak to The Outside. There are a few relics that survived The Purification. Cent- uries passed and the line of the masters kept them safe and their existence hidden. I don't know why they did it ( why I now do it); I don't think they knew themselves. (Could it be the relics are destined to serve a great purpose and deliver us from our endless suffering?) Among them there is OCC ( or OEC or QEC - what seems to be the marking of the name have faded almost entirely), or at least a part of it. Connected to The Computer it allows for messages to be sent (and it is said it allowed messages to be received!) to The Outside, to the void that envelops us. I have struggled from months with temptation to use it and ease my burden. Today I have succu- mbed. I have transgressed - there is no going back. Whether it works or not (whether I sinned in action that is), I have gravely sinned in though and speech... Or maybe I am blameless? Maybe the relic was destined to be used again? Maybe I'm an instrument of God's will?! Or maybe I'm looking to justify my action when no justification is to be found... Whatever is the case - there is no going back. I have transgressed. At least I feel as if a great burden has been lifted... #### END TRANSMISSION ######################################