cosmic-backup/gopher/Chi Delta 53/unstabl_ _onn__tion d_t__t_...

25 lines
642 B

.\" vim: ai:fo=wtq2:tw=72
.tr e_E_c_C_h_H_
.title unstable connection detected
Panic. I can't move; I can't see. Where am I?
A thought intrudes "you need to breathe." I am, aren't I?
Then I feel it. Rather, then I feel nothing. An uncaring warmth washes
over me. Now that I could feel.
The warmth leaves me. A bolt of lightning courses through me. My eyes
open suddenly. They scan the room.
Where am I?
I couldn't move my head. Pods lie ahead of me. Lights sputter in and out
of existence. My heart tries to keep up.
I could feel myself losing conciousness.
Then I see it: two Greek symbols. The despair hits me.
The world fades.