cosmic-backup/gopher/Ebb and Flows Non-Binary Ro.../pilot.txt

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Hello and welcome to; Ebb and Flow's Non-Binary Robotics Talk Show! Our
fans lovingly refer to it as Ebb and Flows Enbot Show!
On today's show our guest will be Flow, music by Ebb (me! haha), and
sponsored by Ebb and Flow's Non-Binary Robotics Outpost.
***soft piano playing in the background***
Are seeing the same pockets of space-time in your colony keeping you down? Have you
ever wanted to reach out and seize the firmament?
***upbeat piano, lead guitar squealing, drum solo***
Grasp the stars in your paw and fullfil the destiny of humankind today!
***Ebb's voice, if that really is there voice***
Haha! Good ol' firmament. So I am here with our first guest, welcome
***audience applause***
Wow! I can't believe you came all this way from the Alpha-Centauri
***what we can only surmise is Flow's voice***
Thank you Ebb! And it is a joy to be here. The trip from
Alpha-Centauri is not as bad as you'd think; it is a little long though.
***audience chuckles***
***Ebb's voice***
Haha! So, I know today is a big day for you.
***Flow's voice***
It sure is Ebb!
***audience cheers***
So it is! The grand opening of your non-binary robotics outpost!
***audience cheering louder***
Ah thank you Ebb, congrats on the opening of your non-binary robotics
outpost also!
***audience cheers and applause***
Calm down, calm down. We gotta hear what the enbot has to say folks!!
***audience chuckles***
So Flow, I believe everything happens for a reason.
Why did we end up here?
Timedragons dead, nothing left-
And it all seems so confusing.
Rift can't just disappear.
You had mentioned before the show, during rehearsal that you don't
believe this outpost was nudged into an extra dimension.
Yea that lil' bit o' extra, isn't as extra as you think!
I was on earth, and human at the time. There was lightening and fire
rainging from the sky above all the major cities on the planet.
***audience gasps, and someone starts crying***
Whoah whoah Flow! Hehe lighten the mood a little, eh?
Ahhh I forgot where I was! My bad, I will mind myself.
***audience chuckles***
So there I was, just a lonely a robotics engineer at the edge of the
earth. I began modifications after a while, and started to do so as a
service at the edge of the earth.
One day a ship from the ol' colony on the Moon. The earth, Moon!
***audience mumbles in agreement***
Ship came down in the expanse I was servicin'. They were lookin'for
surviors and started a convoy to escort folks to the Moon Colony. Some
folks wanted to go, and it left room for everyone who DID want to
leave the edge of the earth- their home; for something better.
***audience oohs and ahhs, snuffling and some sobbing***
I went with this convoy, and while at the Moon COlony I finessed my
craft of robotics.
***audience applause***
At some point on the Moon, I met Ebb.
***audience ooohs, claps***
You sure did, I was finely honning my cybernetics and AI craftship on
the Moon as well.
We started our non-binary robotics services a few moon cycles later.
**audience claps***
I recently was sent to Alpha Centauri to study the biomechanical craft
of organic degression. Commonly known as age regression or stasis.
***audience membles and applause***
It is no immortality, but it enlongates the enbots life expectancy.
This, and cybernetic implants, upgrades, downgrades, sidegrades, so on
and so on; increase the enbots life expectancy.
***audience roars in delight***
So Flow, what is your end goal with Ebb and Flows Non-binary Robotics
I would love the outpost to be a shining monument for the trade, and
commerce of robotics! So far the outpost has a sustainable solar-array
set up and terrarium input/output feed.
For those humanish, and demi-human folks out there, we should
elaborate on what this tech jaron means. Because I certainly don't!
***audience laughs***
Good point Ebb, the outpost has a small team of bioengineers, and
information technologists, that have worked together to terraform this
comet. Making it livable for the demi-humans, and non-humans who still
breathe organically.
**audience applause and cheering***
This team has also begun the process of setting up biodiverse gardens
to output crops with nurishment. This is for the non-humans among us who like
to consume organically!
***audience laughs***
There are sun-spots built already for the photosynthetic
***Flow is heard shifting around in chair, and quietly asks Ebb a
Is it demi-humans or non-humans speifically?
Let's ask the audience!
**audience mumbles and laughs***
Haha, ok ya'll, which phrasing should I use?
***shouting from audience***
***mixed demi-human and non-human as the response***
oh we got a tie it seems!
Alright folks, I'm using demi-humans.
***audience laughs***
The outpost already has enough infrastructure as it is to be both
habitable, and open for business!
***audience cheers and laughs***
Speaking of business, it's time we hear a word from our sponsors.
***upbeat music plays, it sounds vaguely like a rock band***
In the interstellar void and vaccum of space, many hidden secrets
await. Enjoy the waves and rip tides of a Neutron Star! Experience the
thrill of go-self racing through binary stars!
Relax at the many beaches who orbit around a black hole. Relax as you
sip your morphine cloud in the evening as you watch the black hole
stretch into infinity, another star.
The Port of Ebb and Flow's Non-binary Robotics Outpost is your first
stop in your interstellar getaway!
***quick voice***
Ebb and Flow's Non-binary Robotics is not responsible for the death,
injury, speghettification, time travel, nuclear fission, or otherwise
that may take place at the resort. Ebb and Flow's Non-binary Robotics
offers a 10% discount on cybernetics and robotic upgrades (or
downgrades) that are nessescary for the full experience of Ebb and
Flow's Non-Binary Robotics Retreat and Restort.
***advertisement ends***
And that was a word from our sponsors!